1before: |
2  global_table = "_G"
3  this_module  = "std.tree"
5  Tree = require "std.tree"
7specify std.tree:
8- before:
9    prototype = (require "std.object").prototype
10    t = {foo="foo", fnord={branch={bar="bar", baz="baz"}}, quux="quux"}
11    tr = Tree (t)
13- context when required:
14  - context by name:
15    - it does not touch the global table:
16        expect (show_apis {added_to=global_table, by=this_module}).
17          to_equal {}
19  - context via the std module:
20    - it does not touch the global table:
21        expect (show_apis {added_to=global_table, by="std"}).
22          to_equal {}
24- describe construction:
25  - it constructs a new tree:
26      tr = Tree {}
27      expect (tr).not_to_be (Tree)
28      expect (prototype (tr)).to_be "Tree"
29  - it turns a table argument into a tree:
30      expect (prototype (Tree (t))).to_be "Tree"
31  - it does not turn table argument values into sub-Trees:
32      expect (prototype (tr["fnord"])).to_be "table"
33  - it understands branched nodes:
34      expect (tr).to_equal (Tree (t))
35      expect (tr[{"fnord"}]).to_equal (t.fnord)
36      expect (tr[{"fnord", "branch", "bar"}]).to_equal (t.fnord.branch.bar)
37  - it serves as a prototype for new instances:
38      obj = tr {}
39      expect (prototype (obj)).to_be "Tree"
40      expect (obj).to_equal (tr)
41      expect (getmetatable (obj)).to_be (getmetatable (tr))
44- describe clone:
45  - before:
46      subject = { k1 = {"v1"}, k2 = {"v2"}, k3 = {"v3"} }
47      f       = Tree.clone
48  - it does not just return the subject:
49      expect (f (subject)).not_to_be (subject)
50  - it does copy the subject:
51      expect (f (subject)).to_equal (subject)
52  - it makes a deep copy:
53      expect (f (subject).k1).not_to_be (subject.k1)
54  - it does not perturb the original subject:
55      target = { k1 = subject.k1, k2 = subject.k2, k3 = subject.k3 }
56      copy   = f (subject)
57      expect (subject).to_equal (target)
58      expect (subject).to_be (subject)
59  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
60      expect (f ()).to_raise ("table expected")
61      expect (f "foo").to_raise ("table expected")
64- describe ileaves:
65  - before:
66      f = Tree.ileaves
67      l = {}
68  - it iterates over array part of a table argument:
69      for v in f {"first", "second", "3rd"} do l[1+#l]=v end
70      expect (l).to_equal {"first", "second", "3rd"}
71  - it iterates over array parts of nested table argument:
72      for v in f {{"one", {"two"}, {{"three"}, "four"}}, "five"} do
73        l[1+#l]=v
74      end
75      expect (l).to_equal {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
76  - it skips hash part of a table argument:
77      for v in f {"first", "second"; third = "2rd"} do l[1+#l]=v end
78      expect (l).to_equal {"first", "second"}
79  - it skips hash parts of nested table argument:
80      for v in f {{"one", {two=2}, {{"three"}, four=4}}, foo="bar", "five"} do
81        l[1+#l]=v
82      end
83      expect (l).to_equal {"one", "three", "five"}
84  - it works on trees too:
85      for v in f (Tree {Tree {"one",
86                                Tree {two=2},
87                                Tree {Tree {"three"}, four=4}
88                               },
89                         foo="bar", "five"})
90      do
91        l[1+#l]=v
92      end
93      expect (l).to_equal {"one", "three", "five"}
94  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
95      expect (f ()).to_raise ("table expected")
96      expect (f "string").to_raise ("table expected")
99- describe inodes:
100  - before: |
101      f = Tree.inodes
102      local tostring = (require "std.string").tostring
104      function traverse (subject)
105        l = {}
106        for ty, p, n in f (subject) do
107           l[1+#l]={ty, Tree.clone (p), n}
108        end
109        return l
110      end
111  - it iterates over array part of a table argument: |
112      subject = {"first", "second", "3rd"}
113      expect (traverse (subject)).
114        to_equal {{"branch", {},  subject},                   -- {
115                  {"leaf",   {1}, subject[1]},                --  first,
116                  {"leaf",   {2}, subject[2]},                --  second,
117                  {"leaf",   {3}, subject[3]},                --  3rd,
118                  {"join",   {},  subject}}                   -- }
119  - it iterates over array parts of nested table argument: |
120      subject = {{"one", {"two"}, {{"three"}, "four"}}, "five"}
121      expect (traverse (subject)).
122        to_equal {{"branch", {},        subject},             -- {
123                  {"branch", {1},       subject[1]},          --  {
124                  {"leaf",   {1,1},     subject[1][1]},       --   one,
125                  {"branch", {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   {
126                  {"leaf",   {1,2,1},   subject[1][2][1]},    --    two,
127                  {"join",   {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   },
128                  {"branch", {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   {
129                  {"branch", {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    {
130                  {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1}, subject[1][3][1][1]}, --     three,
131                  {"join",   {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    },
132                  {"leaf",   {1,3,2},   subject[1][3][2]},    --    four,
133                  {"join",   {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   },
134                  {"join",   {1},       subject[1]},          --  },
135                  {"leaf",   {2},       subject[2]},          --  five,
136                  {"join",   {},        subject}}             -- }
137  - it skips hash part of a table argument: |
138      subject = {"first", "second"; third = "3rd"}
139      expect (traverse (subject)).
140        to_equal {{"branch", {},  subject},                   -- {
141                  {"leaf",   {1}, subject[1]},                --  first,
142                  {"leaf",   {2}, subject[2]},                --  second,
143                  {"join",   {},  subject}}                   -- }
144  - it skips hash parts of nested table argument: |
145      subject = {{"one", {two=2}, {{"three"}, four=4}}, foo="bar", "five"}
146      expect (traverse (subject)).
147        to_equal {{"branch", {},        subject},             -- {
148                  {"branch", {1},       subject[1]},          --  {
149                  {"leaf",   {1,1},     subject[1][1]},       --   one,
150                  {"branch", {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   {
151                  {"join",   {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   },
152                  {"branch", {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   {
153                  {"branch", {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    {
154                  {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1}, subject[1][3][1][1]}, --     three,
155                  {"join",   {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    },
156                  {"join",   {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   },
157                  {"join",   {1},       subject[1]},          --  },
158                  {"leaf",   {2},       subject[2]},          --  five,
159                  {"join",   {},        subject}}             -- }
160  - it works on trees too: |
161      subject = Tree {Tree {"one",
162                              Tree {two=2},
163                              Tree {Tree {"three"}, four=4}},
164                              foo="bar",
165                              "five"}
166      expect (traverse (subject)).
167        to_equal {{"branch", {},        subject},             -- {
168                  {"branch", {1},       subject[1]},          --  {
169                  {"leaf",   {1,1},     subject[1][1]},       --   one,
170                  {"branch", {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   {
171                  {"join",   {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   },
172                  {"branch", {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   {
173                  {"branch", {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    {
174                  {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1}, subject[1][3][1][1]}, --     three,
175                  {"join",   {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    },
176                  {"join",   {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   },
177                  {"join",   {1},       subject[1]},          --  },
178                  {"leaf",   {2},       subject[2]},          --  five,
179                  {"join",   {},        subject}}             -- }
180  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
181      expect (f ()).to_raise ("table expected")
182      expect (f "string").to_raise ("table expected")
185- describe leaves:
186  - before:
187      f = Tree.leaves
188      l = {}
189  - it iterates over elements of a table argument:
190      for v in f {"first", "second", "3rd"} do l[1+#l]=v end
191      expect (l).to_equal {"first", "second", "3rd"}
192  - it iterates over elements of a nested table argument:
193      for v in f {{"one", {"two"}, {{"three"}, "four"}}, "five"} do
194        l[1+#l]=v
195      end
196      expect (l).to_equal {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}
197  - it includes the hash part of a table argument:
198      for v in f {"first", "second"; third = "3rd"} do l[1+#l]=v end
199      expect (l).to_equal {"first", "second", "3rd"}
200  - it includes hash parts of a nested table argument:
201      for v in f {{"one", {two=2}, {{"three"}, four=4}}, foo="bar", "five"} do
202        l[1+#l]=v
203      end
204      expect (l).to_contain.
205        a_permutation_of {"one", 2, "three", 4, "bar", "five"}
206  - it works on trees too:
207      for v in f (Tree {Tree {"one",
208                                Tree {two=2},
209                                Tree {Tree {"three"}, four=4}
210                               },
211                         foo="bar", "five"})
212      do
213        l[1+#l]=v
214      end
215      expect (l).to_contain.
216        a_permutation_of {"one", 2, "three", 4, "bar", "five"}
217  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
218      expect (f ()).to_raise ("table expected")
219      expect (f "string").to_raise ("table expected")
222- describe merge:
223  - before: |
224      f  = Tree.merge
226      -- Additional merge keys which are moderately unusual
227      t1 = Tree { k1 = "v1", k2 = "if", k3 = Tree {"?"} }
228      t2 = Tree { ["if"] = true, [{"?"}] = false, _ = "underscore", k3 = "v2" }
230      target = Tree.clone (t1)
231      for ty, p, n in Tree.nodes (t2) do
232        if ty == "leaf" then target[p] = n end
233      end
234  - it does not create a whole new table:
235      expect (f (t1, t2)).to_be (t1)
236  - it does not change t1 when t2 is empty:
237      expect (f (t1, Tree {})).to_be (t1)
238  - it copies t2 when t1 is empty: |
239      expect (f (Tree {}, t1)).to_copy (t1)
240  - it merges keys from t2 into t1: |
241      expect (f (t1, t2)).to_equal (target)
242  - it gives precedence to values from t2:
243      original = Tree.clone (t1)
244      m = f (t1, t2)      -- Merge is destructive, do it once only.
245      expect (m.k3).to_be (t2.k3)
246      expect (m.k3).not_to_be (original.k3)
247  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
248      expect (f (nil, {})).to_raise ("table expected")
249      expect (f ({}, nil)).to_raise ("table expected")
252- describe nodes:
253  - before:
254      f = Tree.nodes
256      function traverse (subject)
257        l = {}
258        for ty, p, n in f (subject) do l[1+#l]={ty, Tree.clone (p), n} end
259        return l
260      end
261  - it iterates over the elements of a table argument: |
262      subject = {"first", "second", "3rd"}
263      expect (traverse (subject)).
264        to_equal {{"branch", {},  subject},                   -- {
265                  {"leaf",   {1}, subject[1]},                --  first,
266                  {"leaf",   {2}, subject[2]},                --  second,
267                  {"leaf",   {3}, subject[3]},                --  3rd,
268                  {"join",   {},  subject}}                   -- }
269  - it iterates over the elements of nested a table argument: |
270      subject = {{"one", {"two"}, {{"three"}, "four"}}, "five"}
271      expect (traverse (subject)).
272        to_equal {{"branch", {},        subject},             -- {
273                  {"branch", {1},       subject[1]},          --  {
274                  {"leaf",   {1,1},     subject[1][1]},       --   one,
275                  {"branch", {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   {
276                  {"leaf",   {1,2,1},   subject[1][2][1]},    --    two,
277                  {"join",   {1,2},     subject[1][2]},       --   },
278                  {"branch", {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   {
279                  {"branch", {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    {
280                  {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1}, subject[1][3][1][1]}, --     three,
281                  {"join",   {1,3,1},   subject[1][3][1]},    --    },
282                  {"leaf",   {1,3,2},   subject[1][3][2]},    --    four,
283                  {"join",   {1,3},     subject[1][3]},       --   },
284                  {"join",   {1},       subject[1]},          --  },
285                  {"leaf",   {2},       subject[2]},          --  five,
286                  {"join",   {},        subject}}             -- }
287  - it includes the hash part of a table argument: |
288      -- like `pairs`, `nodes` can visit elements in any order, so we cannot
289      -- guarantee the array part is always visited before the hash part, or
290      -- even that the array elements are visited in order!
291      subject = {"first", "second"; third = "3rd"}
292      expect (traverse (subject)).to_contain.
293        a_permutation_of {{"branch", {},        subject},             -- {
294                          {"leaf",   {1},       subject[1]},          --  first,
295                          {"leaf",   {2},       subject[2]},          --  second,
296                          {"leaf",   {"third"}, subject["third"]},    --  3rd
297                          {"join",   {},        subject}}             -- }
298  - it includes hash parts of a nested table argument: |
299      -- like `pairs`, `nodes` can visit elements in any order, so we cannot
300      -- guarantee the array part is always visited before the hash part, or
301      -- even that the array elements are visited in order!
302      subject = {{"one", {two=2}, {{"three"}, four=4}}, foo="bar", "five"}
303      expect (traverse (subject)).to_contain.
304        a_permutation_of {{"branch", {},           subject},               -- {
305                          {"branch", {1},          subject[1]},            --  {
306                          {"leaf",   {1,1},        subject[1][1]},         --   one,
307                          {"branch", {1,2},        subject[1][2]},         --   {
308                          {"leaf",   {1,2,"two"},  subject[1][2]["two"]},  --     2,
309                          {"join",   {1,2},        subject[1][2]},         --   },
310                          {"branch", {1,3},        subject[1][3]},         --   {
311                          {"branch", {1,3,1},      subject[1][3][1]},      --    {
312                          {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1},    subject[1][3][1][1]},   --     three,
313                          {"join",   {1,3,1},      subject[1][3][1]},      --    },
314                          {"leaf",   {1,3,"four"}, subject[1][3]["four"]}, --    4,
315                          {"join",   {1,3},        subject[1][3]},         --   },
316                          {"join",   {1},          subject[1]},            --  },
317                          {"leaf",   {2},          subject[2]},            --  five,
318                          {"leaf",   {"foo"},      subject["foo"]},        --  bar,
319                          {"join",   {},           subject}}               -- }
320  - it works on trees too: |
321      -- like `pairs`, `nodes` can visit elements in any order, so we cannot
322      -- guarantee the array part is always visited before the hash part, or
323      -- even that the array elements are visited in order!
324      subject = Tree {Tree {"one",
325                              Tree {two=2},
326                              Tree {Tree {"three"}, four=4}},
327                              foo="bar",
328                              "five"}
329      expect (traverse (subject)).to_contain.
330        a_permutation_of {{"branch", {},           subject},               -- {
331                          {"branch", {1},          subject[1]},            --  {
332                          {"leaf",   {1,1},        subject[1][1]},         --   one,
333                          {"branch", {1,2},        subject[1][2]},         --   {
334                          {"leaf",   {1,2,"two"},  subject[1][2]["two"]},  --     2,
335                          {"join",   {1,2},        subject[1][2]},         --   },
336                          {"branch", {1,3},        subject[1][3]},         --   {
337                          {"branch", {1,3,1},      subject[1][3][1]},      --    {
338                          {"leaf",   {1,3,1,1},    subject[1][3][1][1]},   --     three,
339                          {"join",   {1,3,1},      subject[1][3][1]},      --    },
340                          {"leaf",   {1,3,"four"}, subject[1][3]["four"]}, --    4,
341                          {"join",   {1,3},        subject[1][3]},         --   },
342                          {"join",   {1},          subject[1]},            --  },
343                          {"leaf",   {2},          subject[2]},            --  five,
344                          {"leaf",   {"foo"},      subject["foo"]},        --  bar,
345                          {"join",   {},           subject}}               -- }
346  - it generates path key-lists that are valid __index arguments: |
347      subject = Tree {"first", Tree {"second"}, "3rd"}
348      expect (traverse (subject)).
349        to_equal {{"branch", {},    subject[{}]},    -- {
350                  {"leaf",   {1},   subject[{1}]},   --  first,
351                  {"branch", {2},   subject[{2}]},   --  {
352                  {"leaf",   {2,1}, subject[{2,1}]}, --   second
353                  {"join",   {2},   subject[{2}]},   --  }
354                  {"leaf",   {3},   subject[{3}]},   --  3rd,
355                  {"join",   {},    subject[{}]}}    -- }
356  - it diagnoses non-table arguments:
357      expect (f ()).to_raise ("table expected")
358      expect (f "string").to_raise ("table expected")
361- describe __index:
362  - it returns nil for a missing key:
363      expect (tr["no such key"]).to_be (nil)
364  - it returns nil for missing single element key lists:
365      expect (tr[{"no such key"}]).to_be (nil)
366  - it returns nil for missing multi-element key lists:
367      expect (tr[{"fnord", "foo"}]).to_be (nil)
368      expect (tr[{"no", "such", "key"}]).to_be (nil)
369  - it returns a value for the given key:
370      expect (tr["foo"]).to_be "foo"
371      expect (tr["quux"]).to_be "quux"
372  - it returns tree root for empty key list:
373      expect (tr[{}]).to_be (tr)
374  - it returns values for single element key lists:
375      expect (tr[{"foo"}]).to_be "foo"
376      expect (tr[{"quux"}]).to_be "quux"
377  - it returns values for multi-element key lists:
378      expect (tr[{"fnord", "branch", "bar"}]).to_be "bar"
379      expect (tr[{"fnord", "branch", "baz"}]).to_be "baz"
382- describe __newindex:
383  - before:
384      tr = Tree {}
385  - it stores values for simple keys:
386      tr["foo"] = "foo"
387      expect (tr).to_equal (Tree {foo="foo"})
388  - it stores values for single element key lists:
389      tr[{"foo"}] = "foo"
390      expect (tr).to_equal (Tree {foo="foo"})
391  - it stores values for multi-element key lists:
392      tr[{"foo", "bar"}] = "baz"
393      expect (tr).to_equal (Tree {foo=Tree {bar="baz"}})
394  - it separates branches for diverging key lists:
395      tr[{"foo", "branch", "bar"}] = "leaf1"
396      tr[{"foo", "branch", "baz"}] = "leaf2"
397      expect (tr).to_equal (Tree {foo=Tree {branch=Tree {bar="leaf1", baz="leaf2"}}})
399- describe __tostring:
400  - it returns a string:
401      expect (prototype (tostring (tr))).to_be "string"
402  - it shows the type name:
403      expect (tostring (tr)).to_contain "Tree"
404  - it shows the contents in order: |
405      tr = Tree {foo   = "foo",
406                 fnord = Tree {branch = Tree {bar="bar", baz="baz"}},
407                 quux  = "quux"}
408      expect (tostring (tr)).
409        to_contain 'fnord=Tree {branch=Tree {bar=bar, baz=baz}}, foo=foo, quux=quux'