1 // ancestors.rs
2 //
3 // Copyright 2018 Georges Racinet <gracinet@anybox.fr>
4 //
5 // This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
6 // GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
8 //! Rust versions of generic DAG ancestors algorithms for Mercurial
10 use super::{Graph, GraphError, Revision, NULL_REVISION};
11 use crate::dagops;
12 use std::cmp::max;
13 use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashSet};
15 /// Iterator over the ancestors of a given list of revisions
16 /// This is a generic type, defined and implemented for any Graph, so that
17 /// it's easy to
18 ///
19 /// - unit test in pure Rust
20 /// - bind to main Mercurial code, potentially in several ways and have these
21 ///   bindings evolve over time
22 pub struct AncestorsIterator<G: Graph> {
23     graph: G,
24     visit: BinaryHeap<Revision>,
25     seen: HashSet<Revision>,
26     stoprev: Revision,
27 }
29 /// Lazy ancestors set, backed by AncestorsIterator
30 pub struct LazyAncestors<G: Graph + Clone> {
31     graph: G,
32     containsiter: AncestorsIterator<G>,
33     initrevs: Vec<Revision>,
34     stoprev: Revision,
35     inclusive: bool,
36 }
38 pub struct MissingAncestors<G: Graph> {
39     graph: G,
40     bases: HashSet<Revision>,
41     max_base: Revision,
42 }
44 impl<G: Graph> AncestorsIterator<G> {
45     /// Constructor.
46     ///
47     /// if `inclusive` is true, then the init revisions are emitted in
48     /// particular, otherwise iteration starts from their parents.
new( graph: G, initrevs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>, stoprev: Revision, inclusive: bool, ) -> Result<Self, GraphError>49     pub fn new(
50         graph: G,
51         initrevs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>,
52         stoprev: Revision,
53         inclusive: bool,
54     ) -> Result<Self, GraphError> {
55         let filtered_initrevs = initrevs.into_iter().filter(|&r| r >= stoprev);
56         if inclusive {
57             let visit: BinaryHeap<Revision> = filtered_initrevs.collect();
58             let seen = visit.iter().cloned().collect();
59             return Ok(AncestorsIterator {
60                 visit,
61                 seen,
62                 stoprev,
63                 graph,
64             });
65         }
66         let mut this = AncestorsIterator {
67             visit: BinaryHeap::new(),
68             seen: HashSet::new(),
69             stoprev,
70             graph,
71         };
72         this.seen.insert(NULL_REVISION);
73         for rev in filtered_initrevs {
74             for parent in this.graph.parents(rev)?.iter().cloned() {
75                 this.conditionally_push_rev(parent);
76             }
77         }
78         Ok(this)
79     }
81     #[inline]
conditionally_push_rev(&mut self, rev: Revision)82     fn conditionally_push_rev(&mut self, rev: Revision) {
83         if self.stoprev <= rev && self.seen.insert(rev) {
84             self.visit.push(rev);
85         }
86     }
88     /// Consumes partially the iterator to tell if the given target
89     /// revision
90     /// is in the ancestors it emits.
91     /// This is meant for iterators actually dedicated to that kind of
92     /// purpose
contains(&mut self, target: Revision) -> Result<bool, GraphError>93     pub fn contains(&mut self, target: Revision) -> Result<bool, GraphError> {
94         if self.seen.contains(&target) && target != NULL_REVISION {
95             return Ok(true);
96         }
97         for item in self {
98             let rev = item?;
99             if rev == target {
100                 return Ok(true);
101             }
102             if rev < target {
103                 return Ok(false);
104             }
105         }
106         Ok(false)
107     }
peek(&self) -> Option<Revision>109     pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<Revision> {
110         self.visit.peek().cloned()
111     }
113     /// Tell if the iterator is about an empty set
114     ///
115     /// The result does not depend whether the iterator has been consumed
116     /// or not.
117     /// This is mostly meant for iterators backing a lazy ancestors set
is_empty(&self) -> bool118     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
119         if self.visit.len() > 0 {
120             return false;
121         }
122         if self.seen.len() > 1 {
123             return false;
124         }
125         // at this point, the seen set is at most a singleton.
126         // If not `self.inclusive`, it's still possible that it has only
127         // the null revision
128         self.seen.is_empty() || self.seen.contains(&NULL_REVISION)
129     }
130 }
132 /// Main implementation for the iterator
133 ///
134 /// The algorithm is the same as in `_lazyancestorsiter()` from `ancestors.py`
135 /// with a few non crucial differences:
136 ///
137 /// - there's no filtering of invalid parent revisions. Actually, it should be
138 ///   consistent and more efficient to filter them from the end caller.
139 /// - we don't have the optimization for adjacent revisions (i.e., the case
140 ///   where `p1 == rev - 1`), because it amounts to update the first element of
141 ///   the heap without sifting, which Rust's BinaryHeap doesn't let us do.
142 /// - we save a few pushes by comparing with `stoprev` before pushing
143 impl<G: Graph> Iterator for AncestorsIterator<G> {
144     type Item = Result<Revision, GraphError>;
next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>146     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
147         let current = match self.visit.peek() {
148             None => {
149                 return None;
150             }
151             Some(c) => *c,
152         };
153         let [p1, p2] = match self.graph.parents(current) {
154             Ok(ps) => ps,
155             Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)),
156         };
157         if p1 < self.stoprev || !self.seen.insert(p1) {
158             self.visit.pop();
159         } else {
160             *(self.visit.peek_mut().unwrap()) = p1;
161         };
163         self.conditionally_push_rev(p2);
164         Some(Ok(current))
165     }
166 }
168 impl<G: Graph + Clone> LazyAncestors<G> {
new( graph: G, initrevs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>, stoprev: Revision, inclusive: bool, ) -> Result<Self, GraphError>169     pub fn new(
170         graph: G,
171         initrevs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>,
172         stoprev: Revision,
173         inclusive: bool,
174     ) -> Result<Self, GraphError> {
175         let v: Vec<Revision> = initrevs.into_iter().collect();
176         Ok(LazyAncestors {
177             graph: graph.clone(),
178             containsiter: AncestorsIterator::new(
179                 graph,
180                 v.iter().cloned(),
181                 stoprev,
182                 inclusive,
183             )?,
184             initrevs: v,
185             stoprev,
186             inclusive,
187         })
188     }
contains(&mut self, rev: Revision) -> Result<bool, GraphError>190     pub fn contains(&mut self, rev: Revision) -> Result<bool, GraphError> {
191         self.containsiter.contains(rev)
192     }
is_empty(&self) -> bool194     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
195         self.containsiter.is_empty()
196     }
iter(&self) -> AncestorsIterator<G>198     pub fn iter(&self) -> AncestorsIterator<G> {
199         // the arguments being the same as for self.containsiter, we know
200         // for sure that AncestorsIterator constructor can't fail
201         AncestorsIterator::new(
202             self.graph.clone(),
203             self.initrevs.iter().cloned(),
204             self.stoprev,
205             self.inclusive,
206         )
207         .unwrap()
208     }
209 }
211 impl<G: Graph> MissingAncestors<G> {
new(graph: G, bases: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>) -> Self212     pub fn new(graph: G, bases: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>) -> Self {
213         let mut created = MissingAncestors {
214             graph,
215             bases: HashSet::new(),
216             max_base: NULL_REVISION,
217         };
218         created.add_bases(bases);
219         created
220     }
has_bases(&self) -> bool222     pub fn has_bases(&self) -> bool {
223         !self.bases.is_empty()
224     }
226     /// Return a reference to current bases.
227     ///
228     /// This is useful in unit tests, but also setdiscovery.py does
229     /// read the bases attribute of a ancestor.missingancestors instance.
get_bases<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a HashSet<Revision>230     pub fn get_bases<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a HashSet<Revision> {
231         &self.bases
232     }
234     /// Computes the relative heads of current bases.
235     ///
236     /// The object is still usable after this.
bases_heads(&self) -> Result<HashSet<Revision>, GraphError>237     pub fn bases_heads(&self) -> Result<HashSet<Revision>, GraphError> {
238         dagops::heads(&self.graph, self.bases.iter())
239     }
241     /// Consumes the object and returns the relative heads of its bases.
into_bases_heads( mut self, ) -> Result<HashSet<Revision>, GraphError>242     pub fn into_bases_heads(
243         mut self,
244     ) -> Result<HashSet<Revision>, GraphError> {
245         dagops::retain_heads(&self.graph, &mut self.bases)?;
246         Ok(self.bases)
247     }
249     /// Add some revisions to `self.bases`
250     ///
251     /// Takes care of keeping `self.max_base` up to date.
add_bases( &mut self, new_bases: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>, )252     pub fn add_bases(
253         &mut self,
254         new_bases: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>,
255     ) {
256         let mut max_base = self.max_base;
257         self.bases.extend(
258             new_bases
259                 .into_iter()
260                 .filter(|&rev| rev != NULL_REVISION)
261                 .map(|r| {
262                     if r > max_base {
263                         max_base = r;
264                     }
265                     r
266                 }),
267         );
268         self.max_base = max_base;
269     }
271     /// Remove all ancestors of self.bases from the revs set (in place)
remove_ancestors_from( &mut self, revs: &mut HashSet<Revision>, ) -> Result<(), GraphError>272     pub fn remove_ancestors_from(
273         &mut self,
274         revs: &mut HashSet<Revision>,
275     ) -> Result<(), GraphError> {
276         revs.retain(|r| !self.bases.contains(r));
277         // the null revision is always an ancestor. Logically speaking
278         // it's debatable in case bases is empty, but the Python
279         // implementation always adds NULL_REVISION to bases, making it
280         // unconditionnally true.
281         revs.remove(&NULL_REVISION);
282         if revs.is_empty() {
283             return Ok(());
284         }
285         // anything in revs > start is definitely not an ancestor of bases
286         // revs <= start need to be investigated
287         if self.max_base == NULL_REVISION {
288             return Ok(());
289         }
291         // whatever happens, we'll keep at least keepcount of them
292         // knowing this gives us a earlier stop condition than
293         // going all the way to the root
294         let keepcount = revs.iter().filter(|r| **r > self.max_base).count();
296         let mut curr = self.max_base;
297         while curr != NULL_REVISION && revs.len() > keepcount {
298             if self.bases.contains(&curr) {
299                 revs.remove(&curr);
300                 self.add_parents(curr)?;
301             }
302             curr -= 1;
303         }
304         Ok(())
305     }
307     /// Add the parents of `rev` to `self.bases`
308     ///
309     /// This has no effect on `self.max_base`
310     #[inline]
add_parents(&mut self, rev: Revision) -> Result<(), GraphError>311     fn add_parents(&mut self, rev: Revision) -> Result<(), GraphError> {
312         if rev == NULL_REVISION {
313             return Ok(());
314         }
315         for p in self.graph.parents(rev)?.iter().cloned() {
316             // No need to bother the set with inserting NULL_REVISION over and
317             // over
318             if p != NULL_REVISION {
319                 self.bases.insert(p);
320             }
321         }
322         Ok(())
323     }
325     /// Return all the ancestors of revs that are not ancestors of self.bases
326     ///
327     /// This may include elements from revs.
328     ///
329     /// Equivalent to the revset (::revs - ::self.bases). Revs are returned in
330     /// revision number order, which is a topological order.
missing_ancestors( &mut self, revs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>, ) -> Result<Vec<Revision>, GraphError>331     pub fn missing_ancestors(
332         &mut self,
333         revs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Revision>,
334     ) -> Result<Vec<Revision>, GraphError> {
335         // just for convenience and comparison with Python version
336         let bases_visit = &mut self.bases;
337         let mut revs: HashSet<Revision> = revs
338             .into_iter()
339             .filter(|r| !bases_visit.contains(r))
340             .collect();
341         let revs_visit = &mut revs;
342         let mut both_visit: HashSet<Revision> =
343             revs_visit.intersection(&bases_visit).cloned().collect();
344         if revs_visit.is_empty() {
345             return Ok(Vec::new());
346         }
347         let max_revs = revs_visit.iter().cloned().max().unwrap();
348         let start = max(self.max_base, max_revs);
350         // TODO heuristics for with_capacity()?
351         let mut missing: Vec<Revision> = Vec::new();
352         for curr in (0..=start).rev() {
353             if revs_visit.is_empty() {
354                 break;
355             }
356             if both_visit.remove(&curr) {
357                 // curr's parents might have made it into revs_visit through
358                 // another path
359                 for p in self.graph.parents(curr)?.iter().cloned() {
360                     if p == NULL_REVISION {
361                         continue;
362                     }
363                     revs_visit.remove(&p);
364                     bases_visit.insert(p);
365                     both_visit.insert(p);
366                 }
367             } else if revs_visit.remove(&curr) {
368                 missing.push(curr);
369                 for p in self.graph.parents(curr)?.iter().cloned() {
370                     if p == NULL_REVISION {
371                         continue;
372                     }
373                     if bases_visit.contains(&p) {
374                         // p is already known to be an ancestor of revs_visit
375                         revs_visit.remove(&p);
376                         both_visit.insert(p);
377                     } else if both_visit.contains(&p) {
378                         // p should have been in bases_visit
379                         revs_visit.remove(&p);
380                         bases_visit.insert(p);
381                     } else {
382                         // visit later
383                         revs_visit.insert(p);
384                     }
385                 }
386             } else if bases_visit.contains(&curr) {
387                 for p in self.graph.parents(curr)?.iter().cloned() {
388                     if p == NULL_REVISION {
389                         continue;
390                     }
391                     if revs_visit.remove(&p) || both_visit.contains(&p) {
392                         // p is an ancestor of bases_visit, and is implicitly
393                         // in revs_visit, which means p is ::revs & ::bases.
394                         bases_visit.insert(p);
395                         both_visit.insert(p);
396                     } else {
397                         bases_visit.insert(p);
398                     }
399                 }
400             }
401         }
402         missing.reverse();
403         Ok(missing)
404     }
405 }
407 #[cfg(test)]
408 mod tests {
410     use super::*;
411     use crate::testing::{SampleGraph, VecGraph};
412     use std::iter::FromIterator;
list_ancestors<G: Graph>( graph: G, initrevs: Vec<Revision>, stoprev: Revision, inclusive: bool, ) -> Vec<Revision>414     fn list_ancestors<G: Graph>(
415         graph: G,
416         initrevs: Vec<Revision>,
417         stoprev: Revision,
418         inclusive: bool,
419     ) -> Vec<Revision> {
420         AncestorsIterator::new(graph, initrevs, stoprev, inclusive)
421             .unwrap()
422             .map(|res| res.unwrap())
423             .collect()
424     }
426     #[test]
427     /// Same tests as test-ancestor.py, without membership
428     /// (see also test-ancestor.py.out)
test_list_ancestor()429     fn test_list_ancestor() {
430         assert_eq!(list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![], 0, false), vec![]);
431         assert_eq!(
432             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 0, false),
433             vec![8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
434         );
435         assert_eq!(
436             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![1, 3], 0, false),
437             vec![1, 0]
438         );
439         assert_eq!(
440             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 0, true),
441             vec![13, 11, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
442         );
443         assert_eq!(
444             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 6, false),
445             vec![8, 7]
446         );
447         assert_eq!(
448             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 6, true),
449             vec![13, 11, 8, 7]
450         );
451         assert_eq!(
452             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 11, true),
453             vec![13, 11]
454         );
455         assert_eq!(
456             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 12, true),
457             vec![13]
458         );
459         assert_eq!(
460             list_ancestors(SampleGraph, vec![10, 1], 0, true),
461             vec![10, 5, 4, 2, 1, 0]
462         );
463     }
465     #[test]
466     /// Corner case that's not directly in test-ancestors.py, but
467     /// that happens quite often, as demonstrated by running the whole
468     /// suite.
469     /// For instance, run tests/test-obsolete-checkheads.t
test_nullrev_input()470     fn test_nullrev_input() {
471         let mut iter =
472             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![-1], 0, false).unwrap();
473         assert_eq!(iter.next(), None)
474     }
476     #[test]
test_contains()477     fn test_contains() {
478         let mut lazy =
479             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![10, 1], 0, true).unwrap();
480         assert!(lazy.contains(1).unwrap());
481         assert!(!lazy.contains(3).unwrap());
483         let mut lazy =
484             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![0], 0, false).unwrap();
485         assert!(!lazy.contains(NULL_REVISION).unwrap());
486     }
488     #[test]
test_peek()489     fn test_peek() {
490         let mut iter =
491             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![10], 0, true).unwrap();
492         // peek() gives us the next value
493         assert_eq!(iter.peek(), Some(10));
494         // but it's not been consumed
495         assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Ok(10)));
496         // and iteration resumes normally
497         assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Ok(5)));
499         // let's drain the iterator to test peek() at the end
500         while iter.next().is_some() {}
501         assert_eq!(iter.peek(), None);
502     }
504     #[test]
test_empty()505     fn test_empty() {
506         let mut iter =
507             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![10], 0, true).unwrap();
508         assert!(!iter.is_empty());
509         while iter.next().is_some() {}
510         assert!(!iter.is_empty());
512         let iter =
513             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![], 0, true).unwrap();
514         assert!(iter.is_empty());
516         // case where iter.seen == {NULL_REVISION}
517         let iter =
518             AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![0], 0, false).unwrap();
519         assert!(iter.is_empty());
520     }
522     /// A corrupted Graph, supporting error handling tests
523     #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
524     struct Corrupted;
526     impl Graph for Corrupted {
parents(&self, rev: Revision) -> Result<[Revision; 2], GraphError>527         fn parents(&self, rev: Revision) -> Result<[Revision; 2], GraphError> {
528             match rev {
529                 1 => Ok([0, -1]),
530                 r => Err(GraphError::ParentOutOfRange(r)),
531             }
532         }
533     }
535     #[test]
test_initrev_out_of_range()536     fn test_initrev_out_of_range() {
537         // inclusive=false looks up initrev's parents right away
538         match AncestorsIterator::new(SampleGraph, vec![25], 0, false) {
539             Ok(_) => panic!("Should have been ParentOutOfRange"),
540             Err(e) => assert_eq!(e, GraphError::ParentOutOfRange(25)),
541         }
542     }
544     #[test]
test_next_out_of_range()545     fn test_next_out_of_range() {
546         // inclusive=false looks up initrev's parents right away
547         let mut iter =
548             AncestorsIterator::new(Corrupted, vec![1], 0, false).unwrap();
549         assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Err(GraphError::ParentOutOfRange(0))));
550     }
552     #[test]
test_lazy_iter_contains()553     fn test_lazy_iter_contains() {
554         let mut lazy =
555             LazyAncestors::new(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 0, false).unwrap();
557         let revs: Vec<Revision> = lazy.iter().map(|r| r.unwrap()).collect();
558         // compare with iterator tests on the same initial revisions
559         assert_eq!(revs, vec![8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]);
561         // contains() results are correct, unaffected by the fact that
562         // we consumed entirely an iterator out of lazy
563         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(2), Ok(true));
564         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(9), Ok(false));
565     }
567     #[test]
test_lazy_contains_iter()568     fn test_lazy_contains_iter() {
569         let mut lazy =
570             LazyAncestors::new(SampleGraph, vec![11, 13], 0, false).unwrap(); // reminder: [8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
572         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(2), Ok(true));
573         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(6), Ok(false));
575         // after consumption of 2 by the inner iterator, results stay
576         // consistent
577         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(2), Ok(true));
578         assert_eq!(lazy.contains(5), Ok(false));
580         // iter() still gives us a fresh iterator
581         let revs: Vec<Revision> = lazy.iter().map(|r| r.unwrap()).collect();
582         assert_eq!(revs, vec![8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]);
583     }
585     #[test]
586     /// Test constructor, add/get bases and heads
test_missing_bases() -> Result<(), GraphError>587     fn test_missing_bases() -> Result<(), GraphError> {
588         let mut missing_ancestors =
589             MissingAncestors::new(SampleGraph, [5, 3, 1, 3].iter().cloned());
590         let mut as_vec: Vec<Revision> =
591             missing_ancestors.get_bases().iter().cloned().collect();
592         as_vec.sort();
593         assert_eq!(as_vec, [1, 3, 5]);
594         assert_eq!(missing_ancestors.max_base, 5);
596         missing_ancestors.add_bases([3, 7, 8].iter().cloned());
597         as_vec = missing_ancestors.get_bases().iter().cloned().collect();
598         as_vec.sort();
599         assert_eq!(as_vec, [1, 3, 5, 7, 8]);
600         assert_eq!(missing_ancestors.max_base, 8);
602         as_vec = missing_ancestors.bases_heads()?.iter().cloned().collect();
603         as_vec.sort();
604         assert_eq!(as_vec, [3, 5, 7, 8]);
605         Ok(())
606     }
assert_missing_remove( bases: &[Revision], revs: &[Revision], expected: &[Revision], )608     fn assert_missing_remove(
609         bases: &[Revision],
610         revs: &[Revision],
611         expected: &[Revision],
612     ) {
613         let mut missing_ancestors =
614             MissingAncestors::new(SampleGraph, bases.iter().cloned());
615         let mut revset: HashSet<Revision> = revs.iter().cloned().collect();
616         missing_ancestors
617             .remove_ancestors_from(&mut revset)
618             .unwrap();
619         let mut as_vec: Vec<Revision> = revset.into_iter().collect();
620         as_vec.sort();
621         assert_eq!(as_vec.as_slice(), expected);
622     }
624     #[test]
test_missing_remove()625     fn test_missing_remove() {
626         assert_missing_remove(
627             &[1, 2, 3, 4, 7],
628             Vec::from_iter(1..10).as_slice(),
629             &[5, 6, 8, 9],
630         );
631         assert_missing_remove(&[10], &[11, 12, 13, 14], &[11, 12, 13, 14]);
632         assert_missing_remove(&[7], &[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], &[3, 5]);
633     }
assert_missing_ancestors( bases: &[Revision], revs: &[Revision], expected: &[Revision], )635     fn assert_missing_ancestors(
636         bases: &[Revision],
637         revs: &[Revision],
638         expected: &[Revision],
639     ) {
640         let mut missing_ancestors =
641             MissingAncestors::new(SampleGraph, bases.iter().cloned());
642         let missing = missing_ancestors
643             .missing_ancestors(revs.iter().cloned())
644             .unwrap();
645         assert_eq!(missing.as_slice(), expected);
646     }
648     #[test]
test_missing_ancestors()649     fn test_missing_ancestors() {
650         // examples taken from test-ancestors.py by having it run
651         // on the same graph (both naive and fast Python algs)
652         assert_missing_ancestors(&[10], &[11], &[3, 7, 11]);
653         assert_missing_ancestors(&[11], &[10], &[5, 10]);
654         assert_missing_ancestors(&[7], &[9, 11], &[3, 6, 9, 11]);
655     }
657     /// An interesting case found by a random generator similar to
658     /// the one in test-ancestor.py. An early version of Rust MissingAncestors
659     /// failed this, yet none of the integration tests of the whole suite
660     /// catched it.
661     #[test]
test_remove_ancestors_from_case1()662     fn test_remove_ancestors_from_case1() {
663         let graph: VecGraph = vec![
665             [0, NULL_REVISION],
666             [1, 0],
667             [2, 1],
668             [3, NULL_REVISION],
669             [4, NULL_REVISION],
670             [5, 1],
671             [2, NULL_REVISION],
672             [7, NULL_REVISION],
673             [8, NULL_REVISION],
674             [9, NULL_REVISION],
675             [10, 1],
676             [3, NULL_REVISION],
677             [12, NULL_REVISION],
678             [13, NULL_REVISION],
679             [14, NULL_REVISION],
680             [4, NULL_REVISION],
681             [16, NULL_REVISION],
682             [17, NULL_REVISION],
683             [18, NULL_REVISION],
684             [19, 11],
685             [20, NULL_REVISION],
686             [21, NULL_REVISION],
687             [22, NULL_REVISION],
688             [23, NULL_REVISION],
689             [2, NULL_REVISION],
690             [3, NULL_REVISION],
691             [26, 24],
692             [27, NULL_REVISION],
693             [28, NULL_REVISION],
694             [12, NULL_REVISION],
695             [1, NULL_REVISION],
696             [1, 9],
697             [32, NULL_REVISION],
698             [33, NULL_REVISION],
699             [34, 31],
700             [35, NULL_REVISION],
701             [36, 26],
702             [37, NULL_REVISION],
703             [38, NULL_REVISION],
704             [39, NULL_REVISION],
705             [40, NULL_REVISION],
706             [41, NULL_REVISION],
707             [42, 26],
708             [0, NULL_REVISION],
709             [44, NULL_REVISION],
710             [45, 4],
711             [40, NULL_REVISION],
712             [47, NULL_REVISION],
713             [36, 0],
714             [49, NULL_REVISION],
716             [51, NULL_REVISION],
717             [52, NULL_REVISION],
718             [53, NULL_REVISION],
719             [14, NULL_REVISION],
720             [55, NULL_REVISION],
721             [15, NULL_REVISION],
722             [23, NULL_REVISION],
723             [58, NULL_REVISION],
724             [59, NULL_REVISION],
725             [2, NULL_REVISION],
726             [61, 59],
727             [62, NULL_REVISION],
728             [63, NULL_REVISION],
730             [65, NULL_REVISION],
731             [66, NULL_REVISION],
732             [67, NULL_REVISION],
733             [68, NULL_REVISION],
734             [37, 28],
735             [69, 25],
736             [71, NULL_REVISION],
737             [72, NULL_REVISION],
738             [50, 2],
739             [74, NULL_REVISION],
740             [12, NULL_REVISION],
741             [18, NULL_REVISION],
742             [77, NULL_REVISION],
743             [78, NULL_REVISION],
744             [79, NULL_REVISION],
745             [43, 33],
746             [81, NULL_REVISION],
747             [82, NULL_REVISION],
748             [83, NULL_REVISION],
749             [84, 45],
750             [85, NULL_REVISION],
751             [86, NULL_REVISION],
753             [88, NULL_REVISION],
755             [76, 83],
756             [44, NULL_REVISION],
757             [92, NULL_REVISION],
758             [93, NULL_REVISION],
759             [9, NULL_REVISION],
760             [95, 67],
761             [96, NULL_REVISION],
762             [97, NULL_REVISION],
764         ];
765         let problem_rev = 28 as Revision;
766         let problem_base = 70 as Revision;
767         // making the problem obvious: problem_rev is a parent of problem_base
768         assert_eq!(graph.parents(problem_base).unwrap()[1], problem_rev);
770         let mut missing_ancestors: MissingAncestors<VecGraph> =
771             MissingAncestors::new(
772                 graph,
773                 [60, 26, 70, 3, 96, 19, 98, 49, 97, 47, 1, 6]
774                     .iter()
775                     .cloned(),
776             );
777         assert!(missing_ancestors.bases.contains(&problem_base));
779         let mut revs: HashSet<Revision> =
780             [4, 12, 41, 28, 68, 38, 1, 30, 56, 44]
781                 .iter()
782                 .cloned()
783                 .collect();
784         missing_ancestors.remove_ancestors_from(&mut revs).unwrap();
785         assert!(!revs.contains(&problem_rev));
786     }
787 }