1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Microsoft Research, Daan Leijen
3 This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
4 terms of the MIT license. A copy of the license can be found in the file
5 "LICENSE" at the root of this distribution.
6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 This implements a layer between the raw OS memory (VirtualAlloc/mmap/sbrk/..)
10 and the segment and huge object allocation by mimalloc. There may be multiple
11 implementations of this (one could be the identity going directly to the OS,
12 another could be a simple cache etc), but the current one uses large "regions".
13 In contrast to the rest of mimalloc, the "regions" are shared between threads and
14 need to be accessed using atomic operations.
15 We need this memory layer between the raw OS calls because of:
16 1. on `sbrk` like systems (like WebAssembly) we need our own memory maps in order
17    to reuse memory effectively.
18 2. It turns out that for large objects, between 1MiB and 32MiB (?), the cost of
19    an OS allocation/free is still (much) too expensive relative to the accesses
20    in that object :-( (`malloc-large` tests this). This means we need a cheaper
21    way to reuse memory.
22 3. This layer allows for NUMA aware allocation.
24 Possible issues:
25 - (2) can potentially be addressed too with a small cache per thread which is much
26   simpler. Generally though that requires shrinking of huge pages, and may overuse
27   memory per thread. (and is not compatible with `sbrk`).
28 - Since the current regions are per-process, we need atomic operations to
29   claim blocks which may be contended
30 - In the worst case, we need to search the whole region map (16KiB for 256GiB)
31   linearly. At what point will direct OS calls be faster? Is there a way to
32   do this better without adding too much complexity?
33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #include "mimalloc.h"
35 #include "mimalloc-internal.h"
36 #include "mimalloc-atomic.h"
38 #include <string.h>  // memset
40 #include "bitmap.h"
42 // Internal raw OS interface
43 size_t  _mi_os_large_page_size(void);
44 bool    _mi_os_protect(void* addr, size_t size);
45 bool    _mi_os_unprotect(void* addr, size_t size);
46 bool    _mi_os_commit(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
47 bool    _mi_os_decommit(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
48 bool    _mi_os_reset(void* p, size_t size, mi_stats_t* stats);
49 bool    _mi_os_unreset(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_stats_t* stats);
51 // arena.c
52 void    _mi_arena_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t memid, bool all_committed, mi_stats_t* stats);
53 void*   _mi_arena_alloc(size_t size, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
54 void*   _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld);
58 // Constants
59 #if (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==8)
60 #define MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE    (256 * MI_GiB)  // 64KiB for the region map
61 #elif (MI_INTPTR_SIZE==4)
62 #define MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE    (3 * MI_GiB)    // ~ KiB for the region map
63 #else
64 #error "define the maximum heap space allowed for regions on this platform"
65 #endif
70 #define MI_REGION_SIZE            (MI_SEGMENT_SIZE * MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS)    // 256MiB  (64MiB on 32 bits)
71 #define MI_REGION_MAX             (MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE / MI_REGION_SIZE)  // 1024  (48 on 32 bits)
72 #define MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_BLOCKS  (MI_REGION_MAX_BLOCKS/4)                    // 64MiB
75 // Region info
76 typedef union mi_region_info_u {
77   size_t value;
78   struct {
79     bool  valid;        // initialized?
80     bool  is_large:1;   // allocated in fixed large/huge OS pages
81     bool  is_pinned:1;  // pinned memory cannot be decommitted
82     short numa_node;    // the associated NUMA node (where -1 means no associated node)
83   } x;
84 } mi_region_info_t;
87 // A region owns a chunk of REGION_SIZE (256MiB) (virtual) memory with
88 // a bit map with one bit per MI_SEGMENT_SIZE (4MiB) block.
89 typedef struct mem_region_s {
90   _Atomic(size_t)           info;        // mi_region_info_t.value
91   _Atomic(void*)            start;       // start of the memory area
92   mi_bitmap_field_t         in_use;      // bit per in-use block
93   mi_bitmap_field_t         dirty;       // track if non-zero per block
94   mi_bitmap_field_t         commit;      // track if committed per block
95   mi_bitmap_field_t         reset;       // track if reset per block
96   _Atomic(size_t)           arena_memid; // if allocated from a (huge page) arena
97   size_t                    padding;     // round to 8 fields
98 } mem_region_t;
100 // The region map
101 static mem_region_t regions[MI_REGION_MAX];
103 // Allocated regions
104 static _Atomic(size_t) regions_count; // = 0;
107 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
108 Utility functions
109 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
111 // Blocks (of 4MiB) needed for the given size.
mi_region_block_count(size_t size)112 static size_t mi_region_block_count(size_t size) {
113   return _mi_divide_up(size, MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
114 }
116 /*
117 // Return a rounded commit/reset size such that we don't fragment large OS pages into small ones.
118 static size_t mi_good_commit_size(size_t size) {
119   if (size > (SIZE_MAX - _mi_os_large_page_size())) return size;
120   return _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_large_page_size());
121 }
122 */
124 // Return if a pointer points into a region reserved by us.
mi_is_in_heap_region(const void * p)125 bool mi_is_in_heap_region(const void* p) mi_attr_noexcept {
126   if (p==NULL) return false;
127   size_t count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions_count);
128   for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
129     uint8_t* start = (uint8_t*)mi_atomic_load_ptr_relaxed(uint8_t, &regions[i].start);
130     if (start != NULL && (uint8_t*)p >= start && (uint8_t*)p < start + MI_REGION_SIZE) return true;
131   }
132   return false;
133 }
mi_region_blocks_start(const mem_region_t * region,mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx)136 static void* mi_region_blocks_start(const mem_region_t* region, mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx) {
137   uint8_t* start = (uint8_t*)mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(uint8_t, &((mem_region_t*)region)->start);
138   mi_assert_internal(start != NULL);
139   return (start + (bit_idx * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE));
140 }
mi_memid_create(mem_region_t * region,mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx)142 static size_t mi_memid_create(mem_region_t* region, mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx) {
143   mi_assert_internal(bit_idx < MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
144   size_t idx = region - regions;
145   mi_assert_internal(&regions[idx] == region);
146   return (idx*MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS + bit_idx)<<1;
147 }
mi_memid_create_from_arena(size_t arena_memid)149 static size_t mi_memid_create_from_arena(size_t arena_memid) {
150   return (arena_memid << 1) | 1;
151 }
mi_memid_is_arena(size_t id,mem_region_t ** region,mi_bitmap_index_t * bit_idx,size_t * arena_memid)154 static bool mi_memid_is_arena(size_t id, mem_region_t** region, mi_bitmap_index_t* bit_idx, size_t* arena_memid) {
155   if ((id&1)==1) {
156     if (arena_memid != NULL) *arena_memid = (id>>1);
157     return true;
158   }
159   else {
160     size_t idx = (id >> 1) / MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS;
161     *bit_idx   = (mi_bitmap_index_t)(id>>1) % MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS;
162     *region    = &regions[idx];
163     return false;
164   }
165 }
168 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169   Allocate a region is allocated from the OS (or an arena)
170 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mi_region_try_alloc_os(size_t blocks,bool commit,bool allow_large,mem_region_t ** region,mi_bitmap_index_t * bit_idx,mi_os_tld_t * tld)172 static bool mi_region_try_alloc_os(size_t blocks, bool commit, bool allow_large, mem_region_t** region, mi_bitmap_index_t* bit_idx, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
173 {
174   // not out of regions yet?
175   if (mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions_count) >= MI_REGION_MAX - 1) return false;
177   // try to allocate a fresh region from the OS
178   bool region_commit = (commit && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_region_commit));
179   bool region_large = (commit && allow_large);
180   bool is_zero = false;
181   bool is_pinned = false;
182   size_t arena_memid = 0;
183   void* const start = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(MI_REGION_SIZE, MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN, &region_commit, &region_large, &is_pinned, &is_zero, &arena_memid, tld);
184   if (start == NULL) return false;
185   mi_assert_internal(!(region_large && !allow_large));
186   mi_assert_internal(!region_large || region_commit);
188   // claim a fresh slot
189   const size_t idx = mi_atomic_increment_acq_rel(&regions_count);
190   if (idx >= MI_REGION_MAX) {
191     mi_atomic_decrement_acq_rel(&regions_count);
192     _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, arena_memid, region_commit, tld->stats);
193     _mi_warning_message("maximum regions used: %zu GiB (perhaps recompile with a larger setting for MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE)", _mi_divide_up(MI_HEAP_REGION_MAX_SIZE, MI_GiB));
194     return false;
195   }
197   // allocated, initialize and claim the initial blocks
198   mem_region_t* r = &regions[idx];
199   r->arena_memid  = arena_memid;
200   mi_atomic_store_release(&r->in_use, (size_t)0);
201   mi_atomic_store_release(&r->dirty, (is_zero ? 0 : MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL));
202   mi_atomic_store_release(&r->commit, (region_commit ? MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL : 0));
203   mi_atomic_store_release(&r->reset, (size_t)0);
204   *bit_idx = 0;
205   _mi_bitmap_claim(&r->in_use, 1, blocks, *bit_idx, NULL);
206   mi_atomic_store_ptr_release(void,&r->start, start);
208   // and share it
209   mi_region_info_t info;
210   info.value = 0;                        // initialize the full union to zero
211   info.x.valid = true;
212   info.x.is_large = region_large;
213   info.x.is_pinned = is_pinned;
214   info.x.numa_node = (short)_mi_os_numa_node(tld);
215   mi_atomic_store_release(&r->info, info.value); // now make it available to others
216   *region = r;
217   return true;
218 }
220 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
221   Try to claim blocks in suitable regions
222 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
mi_region_is_suitable(const mem_region_t * region,int numa_node,bool allow_large)224 static bool mi_region_is_suitable(const mem_region_t* region, int numa_node, bool allow_large ) {
225   // initialized at all?
226   mi_region_info_t info;
227   info.value = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&((mem_region_t*)region)->info);
228   if (info.value==0) return false;
230   // numa correct
231   if (numa_node >= 0) {  // use negative numa node to always succeed
232     int rnode = info.x.numa_node;
233     if (rnode >= 0 && rnode != numa_node) return false;
234   }
236   // check allow-large
237   if (!allow_large && info.x.is_large) return false;
239   return true;
240 }
mi_region_try_claim(int numa_node,size_t blocks,bool allow_large,mem_region_t ** region,mi_bitmap_index_t * bit_idx,mi_os_tld_t * tld)243 static bool mi_region_try_claim(int numa_node, size_t blocks, bool allow_large, mem_region_t** region, mi_bitmap_index_t* bit_idx, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
244 {
245   // try all regions for a free slot
246   const size_t count = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions_count); // monotonic, so ok to be relaxed
247   size_t idx = tld->region_idx; // Or start at 0 to reuse low addresses? Starting at 0 seems to increase latency though
248   for (size_t visited = 0; visited < count; visited++, idx++) {
249     if (idx >= count) idx = 0;  // wrap around
250     mem_region_t* r = &regions[idx];
251     // if this region suits our demand (numa node matches, large OS page matches)
252     if (mi_region_is_suitable(r, numa_node, allow_large)) {
253       // then try to atomically claim a segment(s) in this region
254       if (_mi_bitmap_try_find_claim_field(&r->in_use, 0, blocks, bit_idx)) {
255         tld->region_idx = idx;    // remember the last found position
256         *region = r;
257         return true;
258       }
259     }
260   }
261   return false;
262 }
mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks,bool * commit,bool * large,bool * is_pinned,bool * is_zero,size_t * memid,mi_os_tld_t * tld)265 static void* mi_region_try_alloc(size_t blocks, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
266 {
267   mi_assert_internal(blocks <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
268   mem_region_t* region;
269   mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx;
270   const int numa_node = (_mi_os_numa_node_count() <= 1 ? -1 : _mi_os_numa_node(tld));
271   // try to claim in existing regions
272   if (!mi_region_try_claim(numa_node, blocks, *large, &region, &bit_idx, tld)) {
273     // otherwise try to allocate a fresh region and claim in there
274     if (!mi_region_try_alloc_os(blocks, *commit, *large, &region, &bit_idx, tld)) {
275       // out of regions or memory
276       return NULL;
277     }
278   }
280   // ------------------------------------------------
281   // found a region and claimed `blocks` at `bit_idx`, initialize them now
282   mi_assert_internal(region != NULL);
283   mi_assert_internal(_mi_bitmap_is_claimed(&region->in_use, 1, blocks, bit_idx));
285   mi_region_info_t info;
286   info.value = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&region->info);
287   uint8_t* start = (uint8_t*)mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(uint8_t,&region->start);
288   mi_assert_internal(!(info.x.is_large && !*large));
289   mi_assert_internal(start != NULL);
291   *is_zero   = _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->dirty, 1, blocks, bit_idx, NULL);
292   *large     = info.x.is_large;
293   *is_pinned = info.x.is_pinned;
294   *memid     = mi_memid_create(region, bit_idx);
295   void* p = start + (mi_bitmap_index_bit_in_field(bit_idx) * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE);
297   // commit
298   if (*commit) {
299     // ensure commit
300     bool any_uncommitted;
301     _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx, &any_uncommitted);
302     if (any_uncommitted) {
303       mi_assert_internal(!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned);
304       bool commit_zero = false;
305       if (!_mi_mem_commit(p, blocks * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE, &commit_zero, tld)) {
306         // failed to commit! unclaim and return
307         mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->in_use, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
308         return NULL;
309       }
310       if (commit_zero) *is_zero = true;
311     }
312   }
313   else {
314     // no need to commit, but check if already fully committed
315     *commit = _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
316   }
317   mi_assert_internal(!*commit || _mi_bitmap_is_claimed(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx));
319   // unreset reset blocks
320   if (_mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx)) {
321     // some blocks are still reset
322     mi_assert_internal(!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned);
323     mi_assert_internal(!mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit) || *commit || mi_option_get(mi_option_eager_commit_delay) > 0);
324     mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
325     if (*commit || !mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits)) { // only if needed
326       bool reset_zero = false;
327       _mi_mem_unreset(p, blocks * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE, &reset_zero, tld);
328       if (reset_zero) *is_zero = true;
329     }
330   }
331   mi_assert_internal(!_mi_bitmap_is_any_claimed(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx));
333   #if (MI_DEBUG>=2)
334   if (*commit) { ((uint8_t*)p)[0] = 0; }
335   #endif
337   // and return the allocation
338   mi_assert_internal(p != NULL);
339   return p;
340 }
343 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
344  Allocation
345 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
347 // Allocate `size` memory aligned at `alignment`. Return non NULL on success, with a given memory `id`.
348 // (`id` is abstract, but `id = idx*MI_REGION_MAP_BITS + bitidx`)
_mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size,size_t alignment,bool * commit,bool * large,bool * is_pinned,bool * is_zero,size_t * memid,mi_os_tld_t * tld)349 void* _mi_mem_alloc_aligned(size_t size, size_t alignment, bool* commit, bool* large, bool* is_pinned, bool* is_zero, size_t* memid, mi_os_tld_t* tld)
350 {
351   mi_assert_internal(memid != NULL && tld != NULL);
352   mi_assert_internal(size > 0);
353   *memid = 0;
354   *is_zero = false;
355   *is_pinned = false;
356   bool default_large = false;
357   if (large==NULL) large = &default_large;  // ensure `large != NULL`
358   if (size == 0) return NULL;
359   size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
361   // allocate from regions if possible
362   void* p = NULL;
363   size_t arena_memid;
364   const size_t blocks = mi_region_block_count(size);
365   if (blocks <= MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_BLOCKS && alignment <= MI_SEGMENT_ALIGN) {
366     p = mi_region_try_alloc(blocks, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, memid, tld);
367     if (p == NULL) {
368       _mi_warning_message("unable to allocate from region: size %zu\n", size);
369     }
370   }
371   if (p == NULL) {
372     // and otherwise fall back to the OS
373     p = _mi_arena_alloc_aligned(size, alignment, commit, large, is_pinned, is_zero, &arena_memid, tld);
374     *memid = mi_memid_create_from_arena(arena_memid);
375   }
377   if (p != NULL) {
378     mi_assert_internal((uintptr_t)p % alignment == 0);
379 #if (MI_DEBUG>=2)
380     if (*commit) { ((uint8_t*)p)[0] = 0; } // ensure the memory is committed
381 #endif
382   }
383   return p;
384 }
388 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
389 Free
390 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
392 // Free previously allocated memory with a given id.
_mi_mem_free(void * p,size_t size,size_t id,bool full_commit,bool any_reset,mi_os_tld_t * tld)393 void _mi_mem_free(void* p, size_t size, size_t id, bool full_commit, bool any_reset, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
394   mi_assert_internal(size > 0 && tld != NULL);
395   if (p==NULL) return;
396   if (size==0) return;
397   size = _mi_align_up(size, _mi_os_page_size());
399   size_t arena_memid = 0;
400   mi_bitmap_index_t bit_idx;
401   mem_region_t* region;
402   if (mi_memid_is_arena(id,&region,&bit_idx,&arena_memid)) {
403    // was a direct arena allocation, pass through
404     _mi_arena_free(p, size, arena_memid, full_commit, tld->stats);
405   }
406   else {
407     // allocated in a region
408     mi_assert_internal(size <= MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_SIZE); if (size > MI_REGION_MAX_OBJ_SIZE) return;
409     const size_t blocks = mi_region_block_count(size);
410     mi_assert_internal(blocks + bit_idx <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
411     mi_region_info_t info;
412     info.value = mi_atomic_load_acquire(&region->info);
413     mi_assert_internal(info.value != 0);
414     void* blocks_start = mi_region_blocks_start(region, bit_idx);
415     mi_assert_internal(blocks_start == p); // not a pointer in our area?
416     mi_assert_internal(bit_idx + blocks <= MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS);
417     if (blocks_start != p || bit_idx + blocks > MI_BITMAP_FIELD_BITS) return; // or `abort`?
419     // committed?
420     if (full_commit && (size % MI_SEGMENT_SIZE) == 0) {
421       _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->commit, 1, blocks, bit_idx, NULL);
422     }
424     if (any_reset) {
425       // set the is_reset bits if any pages were reset
426       _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx, NULL);
427     }
429     // reset the blocks to reduce the working set.
430     if (!info.x.is_large && !info.x.is_pinned && mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_segment_reset)
431        && (mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_eager_commit) ||
432            mi_option_is_enabled(mi_option_reset_decommits))) // cannot reset halfway committed segments, use only `option_page_reset` instead
433     {
434       bool any_unreset;
435       _mi_bitmap_claim(&region->reset, 1, blocks, bit_idx, &any_unreset);
436       if (any_unreset) {
437         _mi_abandoned_await_readers(); // ensure no more pending write (in case reset = decommit)
438         _mi_mem_reset(p, blocks * MI_SEGMENT_SIZE, tld);
439       }
440     }
442     // and unclaim
443     bool all_unclaimed = mi_bitmap_unclaim(&region->in_use, 1, blocks, bit_idx);
444     mi_assert_internal(all_unclaimed); MI_UNUSED(all_unclaimed);
445   }
446 }
449 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
450   collection
451 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
_mi_mem_collect(mi_os_tld_t * tld)452 void _mi_mem_collect(mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
453   // free every region that has no segments in use.
454   size_t rcount = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions_count);
455   for (size_t i = 0; i < rcount; i++) {
456     mem_region_t* region = &regions[i];
457     if (mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&region->info) != 0) {
458       // if no segments used, try to claim the whole region
459       size_t m = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&region->in_use);
460       while (m == 0 && !mi_atomic_cas_weak_release(&region->in_use, &m, MI_BITMAP_FIELD_FULL)) { /* nothing */ };
461       if (m == 0) {
462         // on success, free the whole region
463         uint8_t* start = (uint8_t*)mi_atomic_load_ptr_acquire(uint8_t,&regions[i].start);
464         size_t arena_memid = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions[i].arena_memid);
465         size_t commit = mi_atomic_load_relaxed(&regions[i].commit);
466         memset((void*)&regions[i], 0, sizeof(mem_region_t));  // cast to void* to avoid atomic warning
467         // and release the whole region
468         mi_atomic_store_release(&region->info, (size_t)0);
469         if (start != NULL) { // && !_mi_os_is_huge_reserved(start)) {
470           _mi_abandoned_await_readers(); // ensure no pending reads
471           _mi_arena_free(start, MI_REGION_SIZE, arena_memid, (~commit == 0), tld->stats);
472         }
473       }
474     }
475   }
476 }
479 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
480   Other
481 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
_mi_mem_reset(void * p,size_t size,mi_os_tld_t * tld)483 bool _mi_mem_reset(void* p, size_t size, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
484   return _mi_os_reset(p, size, tld->stats);
485 }
_mi_mem_unreset(void * p,size_t size,bool * is_zero,mi_os_tld_t * tld)487 bool _mi_mem_unreset(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
488   return _mi_os_unreset(p, size, is_zero, tld->stats);
489 }
_mi_mem_commit(void * p,size_t size,bool * is_zero,mi_os_tld_t * tld)491 bool _mi_mem_commit(void* p, size_t size, bool* is_zero, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
492   return _mi_os_commit(p, size, is_zero, tld->stats);
493 }
_mi_mem_decommit(void * p,size_t size,mi_os_tld_t * tld)495 bool _mi_mem_decommit(void* p, size_t size, mi_os_tld_t* tld) {
496   return _mi_os_decommit(p, size, tld->stats);
497 }
_mi_mem_protect(void * p,size_t size)499 bool _mi_mem_protect(void* p, size_t size) {
500   return _mi_os_protect(p, size);
501 }
_mi_mem_unprotect(void * p,size_t size)503 bool _mi_mem_unprotect(void* p, size_t size) {
504   return _mi_os_unprotect(p, size);
505 }