1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.10.9" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>HTML_Common2</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <extends>HTML_Common</extends>
6 <summary>Abstract base class for HTML classes (PHP5 port of HTML_Common package).</summary>
7 <description>HTML_Common2 package provides methods for HTML code display and attributes handling.
8* Provides methods to set, remove, merge HTML attributes.
9* Handles global document options (charset, linebreak and indentation characters).
10* Provides methods to handle indentation and HTML comments (useful in subclasses).</description>
11 <lead>
12  <name>Alexey Borzov</name>
13  <user>avb</user>
14  <email>avb@php.net</email>
15  <active>yes</active>
16 </lead>
17 <lead>
18  <name>Klaus Guenther</name>
19  <user>thesaur</user>
20  <email>thesaur@php.net</email>
21  <active>no</active>
22 </lead>
23 <date>2021-04-25</date>
24 <time>13:32:03</time>
25 <version>
26  <release>2.2.0</release>
27  <api>2.1.0</api>
28 </version>
29 <stability>
30  <release>stable</release>
31  <api>stable</api>
32 </stability>
33 <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
34 <notes>
35* Minimum required PHP version is now 5.4
36* Added constants for predefined global option names
37* Fixed composer autoloading to prevent errors on classmap generation,
38  see https://github.com/pear/HTML_QuickForm2/issues/4
39 </notes>
40 <contents>
41  <dir name="/">
42   <file md5sum="d0b731cd523409d8f1831cb7e4ed90a7" name="tests/HTML_Common2_Test.php" role="test">
43    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
44   </file>
45   <file md5sum="f58cf65aa2dcde4f3cbceccc093286b6" name="tests/AllTests.php" role="test" />
46   <file baseinstalldir="/" md5sum="8f162e244b0bffd8f1d89df7bff7d803" name="HTML/Common2.php" role="php">
47    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
48   </file>
49  </dir>
50 </contents>
51 <dependencies>
52  <required>
53   <php>
54    <min>5.4.0</min>
55   </php>
56   <pearinstaller>
57    <min>1.10.0</min>
58   </pearinstaller>
59  </required>
60 </dependencies>
61 <phprelease>
62  <filelist>
63   <install as="HTML_Common2_Test.php" name="tests/HTML_Common2_Test.php" />
64   <install as="AllTests.php" name="tests/AllTests.php" />
65  </filelist>
66 </phprelease>
67 <changelog>
68  <release>
69   <date>2019-04-07</date>
70   <version>
71    <release>2.1.2</release>
72    <api>2.1.0</api>
73   </version>
74   <stability>
75    <release>stable</release>
76    <api>stable</api>
77   </stability>
78   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
79   <notes>
80Minor updates to tests setup, no code changes
82Removed include-path from composer.json, use autoloading when installing with composer
83   </notes>
84  </release>
85  <release>
86   <date>2014-06-18</date>
87   <version>
88    <release>2.1.1</release>
89    <api>2.1.0</api>
90   </version>
91   <stability>
92    <release>stable</release>
93    <api>stable</api>
94   </stability>
95   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
96   <notes>
97Minor updates to PHPDoc and tests setup, no code changes
98   </notes>
99  </release>
100  <release>
101   <date>2012-04-08</date>
102   <version>
103    <release>2.1.0</release>
104    <api>2.1.0</api>
105   </version>
106   <stability>
107    <release>stable</release>
108    <api>stable</api>
109   </stability>
110   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
111   <notes>
112* HTML_Common2 now implements ArrayAccess, allowing more intuitive attribute
113  handling similar to that of SimpleXML extension
114* Unit tests properly run under recent PHPUnit versions and from SVN checkout
115* Coding standards fixes
116   </notes>
117  </release>
118  <release>
119   <date>2010-10-20</date>
120   <version>
121    <release>2.0.0</release>
122    <api>2.0.0</api>
123   </version>
124   <stability>
125    <release>stable</release>
126    <api>stable</api>
127   </stability>
128   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
129   <notes>
130* Due to addition of end-user docs to PEAR manual, the package is now
131  declared stable
132* Added array type hinting to removeAttributeArray() and getAttributesString()
133  methods
134* Packaging fix: tests now install without redundant subdirectory, to
135  @test_dir@/HTML_Common2 rather than to @test_dir@/HTML_Common2/tests
136   </notes>
137  </release>
138  <release>
139   <version>
140    <release>2.0.0RC1</release>
141    <api>2.0.0RC1</api>
142   </version>
143   <stability>
144    <release>beta</release>
145    <api>beta</api>
146   </stability>
147   <date>2009-09-27</date>
148   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
149   <notes>
150* HTML_Common2::getOption() now returns an array of all options if no option
151  name is given (see request #11209), setOption() can accept an array of options
152* Implemented hasClass() / addClass() / removeClass() methods for working with
153  element&apos;s CSS classes (see request #10191).
154* Packaging fixes: added AllTests.php, updated PEAR installer dependency
155   </notes>
156  </release>
157  <release>
158   <version>
159    <release>2.0.0beta1</release>
160    <api>2.0.0beta1</api>
161   </version>
162   <stability>
163    <release>beta</release>
164    <api>beta</api>
165   </stability>
166   <date>2007-05-04</date>
167   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
168   <notes>
169* Use phpunit/PHPUnit rather than pear/PHPUnit2 for unit testing needs
170* &quot;Fluent interfaces&quot;: all methods that didn&apos;t return anything now
171  return $this. The following methods are affected: mergeAttributes(),
172  removeAttribute(), setAttribute(), setAttributes(), setComment() and
173  setIndentLevel().
174   </notes>
175  </release>
176  <release>
177   <version>
178    <release>0.3.0</release>
179    <api>0.3.0</api>
180   </version>
181   <stability>
182    <release>alpha</release>
183    <api>alpha</api>
184   </stability>
185   <date>2006-10-16</date>
186   <license uri="https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause">BSD License</license>
187   <notes>
188Radical changes to API are not expected after this release, you may use the
189package for development.
192* Renamed &apos;encoding&apos; option to &apos;charset&apos;, as htmlspecialchars() parameter is named
193* Removed toHtml() and display() methods, __toString() is now declared abstract
194* Attribute values are always converted to strings
195* Minor performance tweaks
196* Switched to BSD license and package.xml 2.0
197   </notes>
198  </release>
199  <release>
200   <version>
201    <release>0.2.0</release>
202    <api>0.2.0</api>
203   </version>
204   <stability>
205    <release>devel</release>
206    <api>devel</api>
207   </stability>
208   <date>2006-07-03</date>
209   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
210   <notes>
211* $attributes array is now protected rather than private (and thus renamed
212  from $_attributes)
213* parseAttributes() was renamed to prepareAttributes(), string parsing logic
214  was extracted into the new parseAttributes() method
215* Added magic __toString() method as an alias for toHtml(), deprecated
216  display(): it is now possible to print an instance of HTML_Common2 subclass
217  by simply using the &apos;echo $object;&apos;
218* It is now possible to watch some attributes for changes, this can be used to
219  - Make attributes read-only (like &apos;type&apos; attribute of &lt;input /&gt; tag)
220  - Do some custom processing (update the element&apos;s value if its name changes)
221   </notes>
222  </release>
223  <release>
224   <version>
225    <release>0.1.0</release>
226    <api>0.1.0</api>
227   </version>
228   <stability>
229    <release>devel</release>
230    <api>devel</api>
231   </stability>
232   <date>2004-10-27</date>
233   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
234   <notes>
235First release of a new major version.
236   </notes>
237  </release>
238 </changelog>