1<refentry id="{@id}">
2 <refnamediv>
3  <refname>@name</refname>
4  <refpurpose>Specify an alias to use for a procedural page or global variable in displayed documentation and linking</refpurpose>
5 </refnamediv>
6 <refsynopsisdiv>
7  <refsynopsisdivinfo>
8   <author>
9    Gregory Beaver
10    <authorblurb>Tag Documentation written by {@link mailto:cellog@php.net cellog@php.net}</authorblurb>
11   </author>
12   <copyright>Copyright 2002, Gregory Beaver</copyright>
13   <releaseinfo>phpDocumentor 1.1+</releaseinfo>
14  </refsynopsisdivinfo>
15  <cmdsynopsis>
16    <command>@name</command>
17    <arg choice="req">
18     <option>$globalvariablename</option>
19    </arg>
20   </cmdsynopsis>
21 </refsynopsisdiv>
22 <refsect1 id="{@id description}">
23  <title>Description</title>
24  <para>phpDocumentor recognizes the @name tag in global variable DocBlocks (in conjunction with {@tutorial tags.global.pkg}), and uses it to rename a global variable for documentation to make it more readable.  A global variable name MUST begin with a dollar sign ($) or phpDocumentor will ignore the tag and raise an error.</para>
25 </refsect1>
26 <refsect1 id="{@id example}">
27  <title>Example</title>
28  <para>Here's an examples:</para>
29  <para>
30   <programlisting role="php">
31   <![CDATA[
33 * Now, when @global is used in a function, it will link to $baz
34 * @name $baz
35 * @global array $GLOBALS['baz']
36 */
37$GLOBALS['baz'] = array('foo','bar');
40 * @global array used for stuff
41 */
42function mine()
44    global $baz;
46   ]]>
47   </programlisting>
48  </para>
49 </refsect1>