1 use crate::change::Change;
2 use crate::changestore::ChangeStore;
3 use crate::pristine::*;
4 use crate::record::{Algorithm, Builder};
5 use crate::working_copy::WorkingCopy;
6 use crate::*;
7 use chrono::*;
9 mod add_file;
10 mod change;
11 mod clone;
12 mod conflict;
13 mod diff;
14 mod file_conflicts;
15 mod filesystem;
16 mod missing_context;
17 mod partial;
18 mod performance;
19 mod rm_file;
20 mod rollback;
21 mod text;
22 mod unrecord;
record_all_change< T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static, R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + 'static, >( repo: &R, store: &P, txn: &ArcTxn<T>, channel: &ChannelRef<T>, prefix: &str, ) -> Result<(Hash, Change), anyhow::Error> where R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,24 fn record_all_change<
25     T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static,
26     R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
27     P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + 'static,
28 >(
29     repo: &R,
30     store: &P,
31     txn: &ArcTxn<T>,
32     channel: &ChannelRef<T>,
33     prefix: &str,
34 ) -> Result<(Hash, Change), anyhow::Error>
35 where
36     R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,
37 {
38     let mut state = Builder::new();
39     state.record(
40         txn.clone(),
41         Algorithm::default(),
42         channel.clone(),
43         repo,
44         store,
45         prefix,
46         1,
47     )?;
49     let rec = state.finish();
50     let changes = rec
51         .actions
52         .into_iter()
53         .map(|rec| rec.globalize(&*txn.read()).unwrap())
54         .collect();
55     let change0 = crate::change::Change::make_change(
56         &*txn.read(),
57         &channel.clone(),
58         changes,
59         std::mem::take(&mut *rec.contents.lock()),
60         crate::change::ChangeHeader {
61             message: "test".to_string(),
62             authors: vec![],
63             description: None,
64             // Beware of changing the following line: two changes
65             // doing the same thing will be equal. Sometimes we don't
66             // want that, as in tests::unrecord::unrecord_double.
67             timestamp: Utc::now(),
68         },
69         Vec::new(),
70     )
71     .unwrap();
72     let hash = store.save_change(&change0)?;
73     if log_enabled!(log::Level::Debug) {
74         change0
75             .write(store, Some(hash), true, &mut std::io::stderr())
76             .unwrap();
77     }
78     apply::apply_local_change(
79         &mut *txn.write(),
80         &channel,
81         &change0,
82         &hash,
83         &rec.updatables,
84     )?;
85     Ok((hash, change0))
86 }
record_all<T: MutTxnT, R: WorkingCopy, P: ChangeStore>( repo: &R, store: &P, txn: &ArcTxn<T>, channel: &ChannelRef<T>, prefix: &str, ) -> Result<Hash, anyhow::Error> where T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static, R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + 'static, R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,88 fn record_all<T: MutTxnT, R: WorkingCopy, P: ChangeStore>(
89     repo: &R,
90     store: &P,
91     txn: &ArcTxn<T>,
92     channel: &ChannelRef<T>,
93     prefix: &str,
94 ) -> Result<Hash, anyhow::Error>
95 where
96     T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static,
97     R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
98     P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + 'static,
99     R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,
100 {
101     let (hash, _) = record_all_change(repo, store, txn, channel, prefix)?;
102     Ok(hash)
103 }
record_all_output< T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static, R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, >( repo: &R, changes: P, txn: &ArcTxn<T>, channel: &ChannelRef<T>, prefix: &str, ) -> Result<Hash, anyhow::Error> where T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static, R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,105 fn record_all_output<
106     T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static,
107     R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
108     P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
109 >(
110     repo: &R,
111     changes: P,
112     txn: &ArcTxn<T>,
113     channel: &ChannelRef<T>,
114     prefix: &str,
115 ) -> Result<Hash, anyhow::Error>
116 where
117     T: MutTxnT + Send + Sync + 'static,
118     R: WorkingCopy + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
119     P: ChangeStore + Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,
120     R::Error: Send + Sync + 'static,
121 {
122     let hash = record_all(repo, &changes, txn, channel, prefix)?;
123     output::output_repository_no_pending(repo, &changes, txn, channel, "", true, None, 1, 0)
124         .unwrap();
125     Ok(hash)
126 }