1 #include <string.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <unistd.h>
5 #ifndef PI
6 #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751
7 #endif
9 #define	MAXWID	8.5	/* default limits max picture to 8.5 x 11; */
10 #define	MAXHT	11	/* change to taste without peril */
12 #define	dprintf	if(dbg)printf
14 extern	char	errbuf[1000];
16 #undef	sprintf	/* Snow Leopard */
18 #define	ERROR	sprintf(errbuf,
19 #define	FATAL	), yyerror(errbuf), exit(1)
20 #define	WARNING	), yyerror(errbuf)
22 #define	DEFAULT	0
24 #define	HEAD1	1
25 #define	HEAD2	2
26 #define	HEAD12	(HEAD1+HEAD2)
27 #define	INVIS	4
28 #define	CW_ARC	8	/* clockwise arc */
29 #define	DOTBIT	16	/* line styles */
30 #define	DASHBIT	32
31 #define	FILLBIT	64	/* gray-fill on boxes, etc. */
33 #define	CENTER	01	/* text attributes */
34 #define	LJUST	02
35 #define	RJUST	04
36 #define	ABOVE	010
37 #define	BELOW	020
38 #define	SPREAD	040
40 #define	SCALE	1.0	/* default scale: units/inch */
41 #define	WID	0.75	/* default width for boxes and ellipses */
42 #define	WID2	0.375
43 #define	HT	0.5	/* default height and line length */
44 #define	HT2	(HT/2)
45 #define	HT5	(HT/5)
46 #define	HT10	(HT/10)
48 /* these have to be like so, so that we can write */
49 /* things like R & V, etc. */
50 #define	H	0
51 #define	V	1
52 #define	R_DIR	0
53 #define	U_DIR	1
54 #define	L_DIR	2
55 #define	D_DIR	3
56 #define	ishor(n)	(((n) & V) == 0)
57 #define	isvert(n)	(((n) & V) != 0)
58 #define	isright(n)	((n) == R_DIR)
59 #define	isleft(n)	((n) == L_DIR)
60 #define	isdown(n)	((n) == D_DIR)
61 #define	isup(n)		((n) == U_DIR)
63 typedef	float	ofloat;	/* for o_val[] in obj;  could be double */
65 typedef struct obj {	/* stores various things in variable length */
66 	int	o_type;
67 	int	o_count;	/* number of things */
68 	int	o_nobj;		/* index in objlist */
69 	int	o_mode;		/* hor or vert */
70 	float	o_x;		/* coord of "center" */
71 	float	o_y;
72 	int	o_nt1;		/* 1st index in text[] for this object */
73 	int	o_nt2;		/* 2nd; difference is #text strings */
74 	int	o_attr;		/* HEAD, CW, INVIS, etc., go here */
75 	int	o_size;		/* linesize */
76 	int	o_nhead;	/* arrowhead style */
77 	struct symtab *o_symtab; /* symtab for [...] */
78 	float	o_ddval;	/* value of dot/dash expression */
79 	float	o_fillval;	/* gray scale value */
80 	ofloat	o_val[1];	/* actually this will be > 1 in general */
81 				/* type is not always FLOAT!!!! */
82 } obj;
84 typedef union {		/* the yacc stack type */
85 	int	i;
86 	char	*p;
87 	obj	*o;
88 	double	f;
89 	struct symtab *st;
92 extern	YYSTYPE	yylval, yyval;
94 struct symtab {
95 	char	*s_name;
96 	int	s_type;
97 	YYSTYPE	s_val;
98 	struct symtab *s_next;
99 };
101 typedef struct {	/* attribute of an object */
102 	int	a_type;
103 	int	a_sub;
104 	YYSTYPE	a_val;
105 } Attr;
107 typedef struct {
108 	int	t_type;		/* CENTER, LJUST, etc. */
109 	char	t_op;		/* optional sign for size changes */
110 	char	t_size;		/* size, abs or rel */
111 	char	*t_val;
112 } Text;
114 #define	String	01
115 #define	Macro	02
116 #define	File	04
117 #define	Char	010
118 #define	Thru	020
119 #define	Free	040
121 typedef struct {	/* input source */
122 	int	type;	/* Macro, String, File */
123 	char	*sp;	/* if String or Macro */
124 } Src;
126 extern	Src	src[], *srcp;	/* input source stack */
128 typedef struct {
129 	FILE	*fin;
130 	char	*fname;
131 	int	lineno;
132 } Infile;
134 extern	Infile	infile[], *curfile;
136 #define	MAXARGS	20
137 typedef struct {	/* argument stack */
138 	char	*argstk[MAXARGS];	/* pointers to args */
139 	char	*argval;	/* points to space containing args */
140 } Arg;
142 extern	int	dbg;
143 extern	obj	**objlist;
144 extern	int	nobj, nobjlist;
145 extern	Attr	*attr;
146 extern	int	nattr, nattrlist;
147 extern	Text	*text;
148 extern	int	ntextlist;
149 extern	int	ntext;
150 extern	int	ntext1;
151 extern	double	curx, cury;
152 extern	int	hvmode;
153 extern	int	codegen;
154 extern	int	PEseen;
155 extern	double	deltx, delty;
156 extern	int	lineno;
157 extern	int	synerr;
159 extern	double	xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
161 struct pushstack {
162 	double	p_x;
163 	double	p_y;
164 	int	p_hvmode;
165 	double	p_xmin;
166 	double	p_ymin;
167 	double	p_xmax;
168 	double	p_ymax;
169 	struct symtab *p_symtab;
170 };
171 extern	struct pushstack stack[];
172 extern	int	nstack;
173 extern	int	cw;
176 #define	Log10(x) errcheck(log10(x), "log")
177 #define	Exp(x)	errcheck(exp(x), "exp")
178 #define	Sqrt(x)	errcheck(sqrt(x), "sqrt")
181 char*		addnewline(char *p)	/* add newline to end of p */;
182 obj*		addpos(obj *p, obj *q);
183 void		addtattr(int sub)		/* add text attrib to existing item */;
184 void		arc(double xc, double yc, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)	/* draw arc with center xc,yc */;
185 void		arc_extreme(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double xc, double yc);
186 obj*		arcgen(int type)	/* handles circular and (eventually) elliptical arcs */;
187 void		arrow(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double w, double h, double ang, int nhead) 	/* draw arrow (without shaft) */ /* head wid w, len h, rotated ang */ /* and drawn with nhead lines */;
188 int		baldelim(int c, char *s)	/* replace c by balancing entry in s */;
189 void		blockadj(obj *p)	/* adjust coords in block starting at p */;
190 obj*		blockgen(obj *p, obj *q)	/* handles [...] */;
191 obj*		boxgen(void);
192 void		checkscale(char *s)	/* if s is "scale", adjust default variables */;
193 obj*		circgen(int type);
194 void		copy(void)	/* begin input from file, etc. */;
195 void		copydef(struct symtab *p)	/* remember macro symtab ptr */;
196 void		copyfile(char *s)	/* remember file to start reading from */;
197 struct symtab*	copythru(char *s)	/* collect the macro name or body for thru */;
198 void		copyuntil(char *s)	/* string that terminates a thru */;
199 int		curdir(void)	/* convert current dir (hvmode) to RIGHT, LEFT, etc. */;
200 void		definition(char *s)	/* collect definition for s and install */ /* definitions picked up lexically */;
201 char*		delimstr(char *s)	/* get body of X ... X */ 	/* message if too big */;
202 void		do_thru(void)	/* read one line, make into a macro expansion */;
203 void		dodef(struct symtab *stp)	/* collect args and switch input to defn */;
204 void		dot(void);
205 void		dotbox(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int ddtype, double ddval)	/* dotted or dashed box */;
206 void		dotext(obj *p)	/* print text strings of p in proper vertical spacing */;
207 void		dotline(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int ddtype, double ddval);
208 void		dotline(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, int ddtype, double ddval) /* dotted line */;
209 void		ellipse(double x, double y, double r1, double r2);
210 void		endfor(void)	/* end one iteration of for loop */;
211 void		eprint(void)	/* try to print context around error */;
212 double		errcheck(double x, char *s);
213 void		exprsave(double f);
214 void		extreme(double x, double y)	/* record max and min x and y values */;
215 void		fillend(void);
216 void		fillstart(double v)	/* only choose black, light grey (.75), or white, for now */;
217 obj*		fixpos(obj *p, double x, double y);
218 void		forloop(char *, double, double, int, double, char *)	/* set up a for loop */;
219 void		fpecatch(int arg);
220 void		freedef(char *s)	/* free definition for string s */;
221 void		freesymtab(struct symtab *p)	/* free space used by symtab at p */;
222 int		getarg(char *p)	/* pick up single argument, store in p, return length */;
223 YYSTYPE		getblk(obj *p, char *s)	/* find union type for s in p */;
224 double		getblkvar(obj *p, char *s)	/* find variable s2 in block p */;
225 obj*		getblock(obj *p, char *s)	/* find variable s in block p */;
226 double		getcomp(obj *p, int t)	/* return component of a position */;
227 void		getdata(void);
228 obj*		getfirst(int n, int t)	/* find n-th occurrence of type t */;
229 double		getfval(char *s)	/* return float value of variable s */;
230 obj*		gethere(void)	/* make a place for curx,cury */;
231 obj*		getlast(int n, int t)	/* find n-th previous occurrence of type t */;
232 obj*		getpos(obj *p, int corner)	/* find position of point */;
233 YYSTYPE		getvar(char *s)	/* return value of variable s (usually pointer) */;
234 char *		grow(char *ptr, char *name, int num, int size)	/* make array bigger */;
235 char*		ifstat(double expr, char *thenpart, char *elsepart);
236 int		input(void);
237 void		label(char *s, int t, int nh)	/* text s of type t nh half-lines up */;
238 obj*		leftthing(int c)	/* called for {... or [... */ 		/* really ought to be separate functions */;
239 obj*		linegen(int type);
240 struct symtab*	lookup(char *s)	/* find s in symtab */;
241 int		main(int argc, char **argv);
242 void		makeattr(int type, int sub, YYSTYPE val)	/* add attribute type and val */;
243 obj*		makebetween(double f, obj *p1, obj* p2)	/* make position between p1 and p2 */;
244 void		makefattr(int type, int sub, double f)	/* double attr */;
245 void		makeiattr(int type, int i)	/* int attr */;
246 obj*		makenode(int type, int n);
247 void		makeoattr(int type, obj *o)	/* obj* attr */;
248 obj*		makepos(double x, double y)	/* make a position cell */;
249 void		maketattr(int sub, char *p)	/* text attribute: takes two */;
250 struct symtab*	makevar(char *s, int t, YYSTYPE v)	/* make variable named s in table */ 	/* assumes s is static or from tostring */;
251 void		makevattr(char *p)	/* varname attribute */;
252 obj*		movegen(void);
253 int		nextchar(void);
254 void		nextfor(void)	/* do one iteration of a for loop */;
255 void		pbstr(char *s);
256 void		popsrc(void)	/* restore an old one */;
257 void		print(void);
258 void		printexpr(double f)	/* print expression for debugging */;
259 void		printlf(int line, char *name);
260 void		printpos(obj *p)	/* print position for debugging */;
261 void		pushsrc(int type, char *ptr)	/* new input source */;
262 int		quadrant(double x, double y);
263 void		reset(void);
264 void		resetvar(void)	/* reset variables listed */;
265 obj*		rightthing(obj *p, int c)	/* called for ... ] or ... } */;
266 void		savetext(int t, char *s)	/* record text elements for current object */;
267 void		setdefaults(void)	/* set default sizes for variables like boxht */;
268 int		setdir(int n)	/* set direction (hvmode) from LEFT, RIGHT, etc. */;
269 void		setfval(char *s, double f)	/* set variable s to f */;
270 void		shell_exec(void)	/* do it */;
271 void		shell_init(void)	/* set up to interpret a shell command */;
272 void		shell_text(char *s)	/* add string to command being collected */;
273 void		space(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)	/* set limits of page */;
274 void		spline(double x, double y, double/*sic*/ n, float *p, int dashed, double ddval);
275 char*		sprintgen(char *fmt);
276 obj*		subpos(obj *p, obj *q);
277 obj*		textgen(void);
278 char*		tostring(char *s);
279 void		troff(char *s);
280 obj*		troffgen(char *s)	/* save away a string of troff commands */;
281 void		undefine(char *s)	/* undefine macro */;
282 int		unput(int c);
283 int		whatpos(obj *p, int corner, double *px, double *py)	/* what is the position (no side effect) */;
284 void		yyerror(char *s);
285 int		yyparse(void);
287 #include "tex.h"