1 /* Linear_Expression_Interface class declaration.
2    Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it>
3    Copyright (C) 2010-2016 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
5 This file is part of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL).
7 The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9 Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10 option) any later version.
12 The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
15 for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library
22 site: http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ . */
24 #ifndef PPL_Linear_Expression_Interface_defs_hh
25 #define PPL_Linear_Expression_Interface_defs_hh 1
27 #include "Linear_Expression_Interface_types.hh"
28 #include "Coefficient_defs.hh"
29 #include "Variable_types.hh"
30 #include "Variables_Set_types.hh"
31 #include "Dense_Row_types.hh"
32 #include "Sparse_Row_types.hh"
33 #include <vector>
34 #include <set>
35 #include <cstddef>
38 //! A linear expression.
39 /*! \ingroup PPL_CXX_interface
40   An object of a class implementing Linear_Expression_Interface
41   represents a linear expression
42   \f[
43     \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i x_i + b
44   \f]
45   where \f$n\f$ is the dimension of the vector space,
46   each \f$a_i\f$ is the integer coefficient
47   of the \f$i\f$-th variable \f$x_i\f$
48   and \f$b\f$ is the integer for the inhomogeneous term.
49 */
51 class Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Expression_Interface {
52 public:
53   virtual ~Linear_Expression_Interface();
55   virtual bool OK() const = 0;
57   //! Returns the current representation of this linear expression.
58   virtual Representation representation() const = 0;
60   //! An interface for const iterators on the expression (homogeneous)
61   //! coefficients that are nonzero.
62   /*!
63     These iterators are invalidated by operations that modify the expression.
64   */
65   class const_iterator_interface {
66   public:
67     typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
68     typedef const Coefficient value_type;
69     typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
70     typedef value_type* pointer;
71     typedef Coefficient_traits::const_reference reference;
73     //! Returns a copy of *this.
74     //! This returns a pointer to dynamic-allocated memory. The caller has the
75     //! duty to free the memory when it's not needed anymore.
76     virtual const_iterator_interface* clone() const = 0;
78     virtual ~const_iterator_interface();
80     //! Navigates to the next nonzero coefficient.
81     //! Note that this method does *not* return a reference, to increase
82     //! efficiency since it's virtual.
83     virtual void operator++() = 0;
85     //! Navigates to the previous nonzero coefficient.
86     //! Note that this method does *not* return a reference, to increase
87     //! efficiency since it's virtual.
88     virtual void operator--() = 0;
90     //! Returns the current element.
91     virtual reference operator*() const = 0;
93     //! Returns the variable of the coefficient pointed to by \c *this.
94     /*!
95       \returns the variable of the coefficient pointed to by \c *this.
96     */
97     virtual Variable variable() const = 0;
99     //! Compares \p *this with x .
100     /*!
101       \param x
102       The %iterator that will be compared with *this.
103     */
104     virtual bool operator==(const const_iterator_interface& x) const = 0;
105   };
107   //! This returns a pointer to dynamic-allocated memory. The caller has the
108   //! duty to free the memory when it's not needed anymore.
109   virtual const_iterator_interface* begin() const = 0;
111   //! This returns a pointer to dynamic-allocated memory. The caller has the
112   //! duty to free the memory when it's not needed anymore.
113   virtual const_iterator_interface* end() const = 0;
115   //! This returns a pointer to dynamic-allocated memory. The caller has the
116   //! duty to free the memory when it's not needed anymore.
117   //! Returns (a pointer to) an iterator that points to the first nonzero
118   //! coefficient of a variable greater than or equal to v, or at end if no
119   //! such coefficient exists.
120   virtual const_iterator_interface* lower_bound(Variable v) const = 0;
122   //! Returns the dimension of the vector space enclosing \p *this.
123   virtual dimension_type space_dimension() const = 0;
125   //! Sets the dimension of the vector space enclosing \p *this to \p n .
126   virtual void set_space_dimension(dimension_type n) = 0;
128   //! Returns the coefficient of \p v in \p *this.
129   virtual Coefficient_traits::const_reference
130   coefficient(Variable v) const = 0;
132   //! Sets the coefficient of \p v in \p *this to \p n.
133   virtual void
134   set_coefficient(Variable v, Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
136   //! Returns the inhomogeneous term of \p *this.
137   virtual Coefficient_traits::const_reference inhomogeneous_term() const = 0;
139   //! Sets the inhomogeneous term of \p *this to \p n.
140   virtual void
141   set_inhomogeneous_term(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
143   //! Linearly combines \p *this with \p y so that the coefficient of \p v
144   //! is 0.
145   /*!
146     \param y
147     The expression that will be combined with \p *this object;
149     \param v
150     The variable whose coefficient has to become \f$0\f$.
152     Computes a linear combination of \p *this and \p y having
153     the coefficient of variable \p v equal to \f$0\f$. Then it assigns
154     the resulting expression to \p *this.
156     \p *this and \p y must have the same space dimension.
157   */
158   virtual void
159   linear_combine(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y, Variable v) = 0;
161   //! Equivalent to <CODE>*this = *this * c1 + y * c2</CODE>, but assumes that
162   //! \p *this and \p y have the same space dimension.
163   virtual void linear_combine(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
164                               Coefficient_traits::const_reference c1,
165                               Coefficient_traits::const_reference c2) = 0;
167   //! Equivalent to <CODE>*this = *this * c1 + y * c2</CODE>.
168   //! c1 and c2 may be 0.
169   virtual void linear_combine_lax(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
170                                   Coefficient_traits::const_reference c1,
171                                   Coefficient_traits::const_reference c2) = 0;
173   //! Swaps the coefficients of the variables \p v1 and \p v2 .
174   virtual void swap_space_dimensions(Variable v1, Variable v2) = 0;
176   //! Removes all the specified dimensions from the expression.
177   /*!
178     The space dimension of the variable with the highest space
179     dimension in \p vars must be at most the space dimension
180     of \p this.
181   */
182   virtual void remove_space_dimensions(const Variables_Set& vars) = 0;
184   //! Shift by \p n positions the coefficients of variables, starting from
185   //! the coefficient of \p v. This increases the space dimension by \p n.
186   virtual void shift_space_dimensions(Variable v, dimension_type n) = 0;
188   //! Permutes the space dimensions of the expression.
189   /*!
190     \param cycle
191     A vector representing a cycle of the permutation according to which the
192     space dimensions must be rearranged.
194     The \p cycle vector represents a cycle of a permutation of space
195     dimensions.
196     For example, the permutation
197     \f$ \{ x_1 \mapsto x_2, x_2 \mapsto x_3, x_3 \mapsto x_1 \}\f$ can be
198     represented by the vector containing \f$ x_1, x_2, x_3 \f$.
199   */
200   virtual void
201   permute_space_dimensions(const std::vector<Variable>& cycle) = 0;
203   //! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p *this is \f$0\f$.
204   virtual bool is_zero() const = 0;
206   /*! \brief
207     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if all the homogeneous
208     terms of \p *this are \f$0\f$.
209   */
210   virtual bool all_homogeneous_terms_are_zero() const = 0;
212   /*! \brief
213     Returns a lower bound to the total size in bytes of the memory
214     occupied by \p *this.
215   */
216   virtual memory_size_type total_memory_in_bytes() const = 0;
218   //! Returns the size in bytes of the memory managed by \p *this.
219   virtual memory_size_type external_memory_in_bytes() const = 0;
221   //! Writes to \p s an ASCII representation of \p *this.
222   virtual void ascii_dump(std::ostream& s) const = 0;
224   /*! \brief
225     Loads from \p s an ASCII representation (as produced by
226     ascii_dump(std::ostream&) const) and sets \p *this accordingly.
227     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if successful, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
228   */
229   virtual bool ascii_load(std::istream& s) = 0;
231   //! Returns \p true if *this is equal to \p x.
232   //! Note that (*this == x) has a completely different meaning.
233   virtual bool is_equal_to(const Linear_Expression_Interface& x) const = 0;
235   //! Normalizes the modulo of the coefficients and of the inhomogeneous term
236   //! so that they are mutually prime.
237   /*!
238     Computes the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) among the coefficients
239     and the inhomogeneous term and normalizes them by the GCD itself.
240   */
241   virtual void normalize() = 0;
243   //! Ensures that the first nonzero homogeneous coefficient is positive,
244   //! by negating the row if necessary.
245   virtual void sign_normalize() = 0;
247   /*! \brief
248     Negates the elements from index \p first (included)
249     to index \p last (excluded).
250   */
251   virtual void negate(dimension_type first, dimension_type last) = 0;
253   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
254   operator+=(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
255   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
256   operator-=(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
258   //! The basic comparison function.
259   /*! \relates Linear_Expression_Interface
261     \returns -1 or -2 if x is less than y, 0 if they are equal and 1 or 2 is y
262             is greater. The absolute value of the result is 1 if the difference
263             is only in the inhomogeneous terms, 2 otherwise
265     The order is a lexicographic. It starts comparing the variables'
266     coefficient, starting from Variable(0), and at the end it compares
267     the inhomogeneous terms.
268   */
269   virtual int compare(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y) const = 0;
271   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
272   operator+=(const Linear_Expression_Interface& e2) = 0;
273   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
274   operator+=(const Variable v) = 0;
275   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
276   operator-=(const Linear_Expression_Interface& e2) = 0;
277   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
278   operator-=(const Variable v) = 0;
279   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
280   operator*=(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
281   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
282   operator/=(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
284   virtual void negate() = 0;
286   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
287   add_mul_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Variable v) = 0;
289   virtual Linear_Expression_Interface&
290   sub_mul_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n, const Variable v) = 0;
292   virtual void add_mul_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference factor,
293                               const Linear_Expression_Interface& e2) = 0;
295   virtual void sub_mul_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference factor,
296                               const Linear_Expression_Interface& e2) = 0;
298   virtual void print(std::ostream& s) const = 0;
300   /*! \brief
301     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if the coefficient of each variable in
302     \p vars[i] is \f$0\f$.
303   */
304   virtual bool all_zeroes(const Variables_Set& vars) const = 0;
306   //! Returns true if there is a variable in [first,last) whose coefficient
307   //! is nonzero in both *this and x.
308   virtual bool have_a_common_variable(const Linear_Expression_Interface& x,
309                                       Variable first, Variable last) const = 0;
311   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
312   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
313   // Linear_Expression.
314   //! Returns the i-th coefficient.
315   virtual Coefficient_traits::const_reference get(dimension_type i) const = 0;
317   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
318   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
319   // Linear_Expression.
320   //! Sets the i-th coefficient to n.
321   virtual void set(dimension_type i, Coefficient_traits::const_reference n) = 0;
323   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
324   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
325   // Linear_Expression.
326   /*! \brief
327     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if (*this)[i] is \f$0\f$, for each i in
328     [start, end).
329   */
330   virtual bool all_zeroes(dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
332   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
333   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
334   // Linear_Expression.
335   /*! \brief
336     Returns the number of zero coefficient in [start, end).
337   */
338   virtual dimension_type
339   num_zeroes(dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
341   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
342   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
343   // Linear_Expression.
344   /*! \brief
345     Returns the gcd of the nonzero coefficients in [start,end). If all the
346     coefficients in this range are 0 returns 0.
347   */
348   virtual Coefficient gcd(dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
350   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
351   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
352   // Linear_Expression.
353   virtual void exact_div_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference c,
354                                 dimension_type start, dimension_type end) = 0;
356   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
357   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
358   // Linear_Expression.
359   //! Equivalent to <CODE>(*this)[i] *= n</CODE>, for each i in [start, end).
360   virtual void mul_assign(Coefficient_traits::const_reference n,
361                           dimension_type start, dimension_type end) = 0;
363   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
364   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
365   // Linear_Expression.
366   //! Linearly combines \p *this with \p y so that the coefficient of \p v
367   //! is 0.
368   /*!
369     \param y
370     The expression that will be combined with \p *this object;
372     \param i
373     The index of the coefficient that has to become \f$0\f$.
375     Computes a linear combination of \p *this and \p y having
376     the i-th coefficient equal to \f$0\f$. Then it assigns
377     the resulting expression to \p *this.
379     \p *this and \p y must have the same space dimension.
380   */
381   virtual void
382   linear_combine(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y, dimension_type i) = 0;
384   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
385   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
386   // Linear_Expression.
387   //! Equivalent to <CODE>(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] * c1 + y[i] * c2</CODE>,
388   //! for each i in [start, end).
389   virtual void linear_combine(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
390                               Coefficient_traits::const_reference c1,
391                               Coefficient_traits::const_reference c2,
392                               dimension_type start, dimension_type end) = 0;
394   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
395   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
396   // Linear_Expression.
397   //! Equivalent to <CODE>(*this)[i] = (*this)[i] * c1 + y[i] * c2</CODE>,
398   //! for each i in [start, end). c1 and c2 may be zero.
399   virtual void linear_combine_lax(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
400                                   Coefficient_traits::const_reference c1,
401                                   Coefficient_traits::const_reference c2,
402                                   dimension_type start, dimension_type end) = 0;
404   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
405   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
406   // Linear_Expression.
407   //! Returns the index of the last nonzero element, or 0 if there are no
408   //! nonzero elements.
409   virtual dimension_type last_nonzero() const = 0;
411   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
412   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
413   // Linear_Expression.
414   //! Returns the index of the last nonzero element in [first,last), or last
415   //! if there are no nonzero elements.
416   virtual dimension_type
417   last_nonzero(dimension_type first, dimension_type last) const = 0;
419   //! Returns the index of the first nonzero element, or \p last if there are no
420   //! nonzero elements, considering only elements in [first,last).
421   virtual dimension_type
422   first_nonzero(dimension_type first, dimension_type last) const = 0;
424   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
425   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
426   // Linear_Expression.
427   /*! \brief
428     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if each coefficient in [start,end) is *not* in
429     \f$0\f$, disregarding coefficients of variables in \p vars.
430   */
431   virtual bool
432   all_zeroes_except(const Variables_Set& vars,
433                     dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
435   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
436   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
437   // Linear_Expression.
438   //! Sets results to the sum of (*this)[i]*y[i], for each i in [start,end).
439   virtual void
440   scalar_product_assign(Coefficient& result,
441                         const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
442                         dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
444   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
445   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
446   // Linear_Expression.
447   //! Computes the sign of the sum of (*this)[i]*y[i],
448   //! for each i in [start,end).
449   virtual int
450   scalar_product_sign(const Linear_Expression_Interface& y,
451                       dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
453   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
454   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
455   // Linear_Expression.
456   //! Removes from the set x all the indexes of nonzero elements of *this.
457   virtual void
458   has_a_free_dimension_helper(std::set<dimension_type>& x) const = 0;
460   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
461   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
462   // Linear_Expression.
463   //! Returns \p true if (*this)[i] is equal to x[i], for each i in [start,end).
464   virtual bool is_equal_to(const Linear_Expression_Interface& x,
465                            dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
467   // NOTE: This method is public, but it's not exposed in Linear_Expression,
468   // so that it can be used internally in the PPL, by friends of
469   // Linear_Expression.
470   //! Returns \p true if (*this)[i]*c1 is equal to x[i]*c2, for each i in
471   //! [start,end).
472   virtual bool is_equal_to(const Linear_Expression_Interface& x,
473                            Coefficient_traits::const_reference c1,
474                            Coefficient_traits::const_reference c2,
475                            dimension_type start, dimension_type end) const = 0;
477   // NOTE: This method is public, but it is not exposed in
478   // Linear_Expression, so that it can be used internally in the PPL,
479   // by friends of Linear_Expression.
480   //! Sets \p r to a copy of the row that implements \p *this.
481   virtual void get_row(Dense_Row& r) const = 0;
483   // NOTE: This method is public, but it is not exposed in
484   // Linear_Expression, so that it can be used internally in the PPL,
485   // by friends of Linear_Expression.
486   //! Sets \p r to a copy of the row that implements \p *this.
487   virtual void get_row(Sparse_Row& r) const = 0;
488 };
490 #endif // !defined(PPL_Linear_Expression_Interface_defs_hh)