1 /* Linear_Form class declaration.
2    Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Roberto Bagnara <bagnara@cs.unipr.it>
3    Copyright (C) 2010-2016 BUGSENG srl (http://bugseng.com)
5 This file is part of the Parma Polyhedra Library (PPL).
7 The PPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9 Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
10 option) any later version.
12 The PPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
15 for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19 Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 For the most up-to-date information see the Parma Polyhedra Library
22 site: http://bugseng.com/products/ppl/ . */
24 #ifndef PPL_Linear_Form_defs_hh
25 #define PPL_Linear_Form_defs_hh 1
27 #include "Linear_Form_types.hh"
28 #include "Linear_Expression_types.hh"
29 #include "Variable_defs.hh"
30 #include "Box_types.hh"
31 #include "Float_defs.hh"
32 #include <vector>
34 namespace Parma_Polyhedra_Library {
36 //! Swaps \p x with \p y.
37 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
38 template <typename C>
39 void swap(Linear_Form<C>& x, Linear_Form<C>& y);
41 // Put them in the namespace here to declare them friend later.
43 //! Returns the linear form \p f1 + \p f2.
44 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
45 template <typename C>
46 Linear_Form<C>
47 operator+(const Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
49 //! Returns the linear form \p v + \p f.
50 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
51 template <typename C>
52 Linear_Form<C>
53 operator+(Variable v, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
55 //! Returns the linear form \p f + \p v.
56 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
57 template <typename C>
58 Linear_Form<C>
59 operator+(const Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
61 //! Returns the linear form \p n + \p f.
62 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
63 template <typename C>
64 Linear_Form<C>
65 operator+(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
67 //! Returns the linear form \p f + \p n.
68 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
69 template <typename C>
70 Linear_Form<C>
71 operator+(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
73 //! Returns the linear form \p f.
74 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
75 template <typename C>
76 Linear_Form<C>
77 operator+(const Linear_Form<C>& f);
79 //! Returns the linear form - \p f.
80 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
81 template <typename C>
82 Linear_Form<C>
83 operator-(const Linear_Form<C>& f);
85 //! Returns the linear form \p f1 - \p f2.
86 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
87 template <typename C>
88 Linear_Form<C>
89 operator-(const Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
91 //! Returns the linear form \p v - \p f.
92 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
93 template <typename C>
94 Linear_Form<C>
95 operator-(Variable v, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
97 //! Returns the linear form \p f - \p v.
98 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
99 template <typename C>
100 Linear_Form<C>
101 operator-(const Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
103 //! Returns the linear form \p n - \p f.
104 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
105 template <typename C>
106 Linear_Form<C>
107 operator-(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
109 //! Returns the linear form \p f - \p n.
110 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
111 template <typename C>
112 Linear_Form<C>
113 operator-(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
115 //! Returns the linear form \p n * \p f.
116 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
117 template <typename C>
118 Linear_Form<C>
119 operator*(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
121 //! Returns the linear form \p f * \p n.
122 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
123 template <typename C>
124 Linear_Form<C>
125 operator*(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
127 //! Returns the linear form \p f1 + \p f2 and assigns it to \p e1.
128 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
129 template <typename C>
130 Linear_Form<C>&
131 operator+=(Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
133 //! Returns the linear form \p f + \p v and assigns it to \p f.
134 /*! \relates Linear_Form
135   \exception std::length_error
136   Thrown if the space dimension of \p v exceeds
137   <CODE>Linear_Form::max_space_dimension()</CODE>.
138  */
139 template <typename C>
140 Linear_Form<C>&
141 operator+=(Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
143 //! Returns the linear form \p f + \p n and assigns it to \p f.
144 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
145 template <typename C>
146 Linear_Form<C>&
147 operator+=(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
149 //! Returns the linear form \p f1 - \p f2 and assigns it to \p f1.
150 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
151 template <typename C>
152 Linear_Form<C>&
153 operator-=(Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
155 //! Returns the linear form \p f - \p v and assigns it to \p f.
156 /*! \relates Linear_Form
157   \exception std::length_error
158   Thrown if the space dimension of \p v exceeds
159   <CODE>Linear_Form::max_space_dimension()</CODE>.
160  */
161 template <typename C>
162 Linear_Form<C>&
163 operator-=(Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
165 //! Returns the linear form \p f - \p n and assigns it to \p f.
166 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
167 template <typename C>
168 Linear_Form<C>&
169 operator-=(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
171 //! Returns the linear form \p n * \p f and assigns it to \p f.
172 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
173 template <typename C>
174 Linear_Form<C>&
175 operator*=(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
177 //! Returns the linear form \p f / \p n and assigns it to \p f.
178 /*!
179    \relates Linear_Form
180    Performs the division of a linear form by a scalar. It is up to the user to
181    ensure that division by 0 is not performed.
182 */
183 template <typename C>
184 Linear_Form<C>&
185 operator/=(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
187 //! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p x and \p y are equal.
188 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
189 template <typename C>
190 bool
191 operator==(const Linear_Form<C>& x, const Linear_Form<C>& y);
193 //! Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if and only if \p x and \p y are different.
194 /*! \relates Linear_Form */
195 template <typename C>
196 bool
197 operator!=(const Linear_Form<C>& x, const Linear_Form<C>& y);
199 namespace IO_Operators {
201 //! Output operator.
202 /*! \relates Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Form */
203 template <typename C>
204 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
206 } // namespace IO_Operators
208 } // namespace Parma_Polyhedra_Library
210 //! A linear form with interval coefficients.
211 /*! \ingroup PPL_CXX_interface
212   An object of the class Linear_Form represents the interval linear form
213   \f[
214     \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i x_i + b
215   \f]
216   where \f$n\f$ is the dimension of the vector space,
217   each \f$a_i\f$ is the coefficient
218   of the \f$i\f$-th variable \f$x_i\f$
219   and \f$b\f$ is the inhomogeneous term.
220   The coefficients and the inhomogeneous term of the linear form
221   have the template parameter \p C as their type. \p C must be the
222   type of an Interval.
224   \par How to build a linear form.
225   A full set of functions is defined in order to provide a convenient
226   interface for building complex linear forms starting from simpler ones
227   and from objects of the classes Variable and \p C. Available operators
228   include binary addition and subtraction, as well as multiplication and
229   division by a coefficient.
230   The space dimension of a linear form is defined as
231   the highest variable dimension among variables that have a nonzero
232   coefficient in the linear form, or zero if no such variable exists.
233   The space dimension for each variable \f$x_i\f$ is given by \f$i + 1\f$.
235   \par Example
236   Given the type \p T of an Interval with floating point coefficients (though
237   any integral type may also be used), the following code builds the interval
238   linear form \f$lf = x_5 - x_2 + 1\f$ with space dimension 6:
239   \code
240   Variable x5(5);
241   Variable x2(2);
242   T x5_coefficient;
243   x5_coefficient.lower() = 2.0;
244   x5_coefficient.upper() = 3.0;
245   T inhomogeneous_term;
246   inhomogeneous_term.lower() = 4.0;
247   inhomogeneous_term.upper() = 8.0;
248   Linear_Form<T> lf(x2);
249   lf = -lf;
250   lf += Linear_Form<T>(x2);
251   Linear_Form<T> lf_x5(x5);
252   lf_x5 *= x5_coefficient;
253   lf += lf_x5;
254   \endcode
255   Note that \c lf_x5 is created with space dimension 6, while \c lf is
256   created with space dimension 0 and then extended first to space
257   dimension 2 when \c x2 is subtracted and finally to space dimension
258   6 when \c lf_x5 is added.
259 */
260 template <typename C>
261 class Parma_Polyhedra_Library::Linear_Form {
262 public:
263   //! Default constructor: returns a copy of Linear_Form::zero().
264   Linear_Form();
266   //! Ordinary copy constructor.
267   Linear_Form(const Linear_Form& f);
269   //! Destructor.
270   ~Linear_Form();
272   //! Builds the linear form corresponding to the inhomogeneous term \p n.
273   explicit Linear_Form(const C& n);
275   //! Builds the linear form corresponding to the variable \p v.
276   /*!
277     \exception std::length_error
278     Thrown if the space dimension of \p v exceeds
279     <CODE>Linear_Form::max_space_dimension()</CODE>.
280   */
281   Linear_Form(Variable v);
283   //! Builds a linear form approximating the linear expression \p e.
284   Linear_Form(const Linear_Expression& e);
286   //! Returns the maximum space dimension a Linear_Form can handle.
287   static dimension_type max_space_dimension();
289   //! Returns the dimension of the vector space enclosing \p *this.
290   dimension_type space_dimension() const;
292   //! Returns the coefficient of \p v in \p *this.
293   const C& coefficient(Variable v) const;
295   //! Returns the inhomogeneous term of \p *this.
296   const C& inhomogeneous_term() const;
298   //! Negates all the coefficients of \p *this.
299   void negate();
301   /*! \brief
302     Returns a lower bound to the total size in bytes of the memory
303     occupied by \p *this.
304   */
305   memory_size_type total_memory_in_bytes() const;
307   //! Returns the size in bytes of the memory managed by \p *this.
308   memory_size_type external_memory_in_bytes() const;
312   /*! \brief
313     Loads from \p s an ASCII representation (as produced by
314     ascii_dump(std::ostream&) const) and sets \p *this accordingly.
315     Returns <CODE>true</CODE> if successful, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise.
316   */
317   bool ascii_load(std::istream& s);
319   //! Checks if all the invariants are satisfied.
320   bool OK() const;
322   //! Swaps \p *this with \p y.
323   void m_swap(Linear_Form& y);
325   // Floating point analysis related methods.
327   /*! \brief
328     Verifies if the linear form overflows.
330     \return
331     Returns <CODE>false</CODE> if all coefficients in \p lf are bounded,
332     <CODE>true</CODE> otherwise.
334     \p T must be the type of possibly unbounded quantities.
335   */
336   bool overflows() const;
338   /*! \brief
339     Computes the relative error associated to floating point computations
340     that operate on a quantity that is overapproximated by \p *this.
342     \param analyzed_format The floating point format used by the analyzed
343     program.
344     \param result Becomes the linear form corresponding to the relative
345     error committed.
347     This method makes <CODE>result</CODE> become a linear form
348     obtained by evaluating the function \f$\varepsilon_{\mathbf{f}}(l)\f$
349     on the linear form. This function is defined as:
350     \f[
351     \varepsilon_{\mathbf{f}}\left([a, b]+\sum_{v \in \cV}[a_{v}, b_{v}]v\right)
352     \defeq
353     (\textrm{max}(|a|, |b|) \amifp [-\beta^{-\textrm{p}}, \beta^{-\textrm{p}}])
354     +
355     \sum_{v \in \cV}(\textrm{max}(|a_{v}|,|b_{v}|)
356     \amifp
357     [-\beta^{-\textrm{p}}, \beta^{-\textrm{p}}])v
358     \f]
359     where p is the fraction size in bits for the format \f$\mathbf{f}\f$ and
360     \f$\beta\f$ the base.
362     The result is undefined if \p T is not the type of an interval with
363     floating point boundaries.
364   */
365   void relative_error(Floating_Point_Format analyzed_format,
366                       Linear_Form& result) const;
368   /*! \brief
369     Makes \p result become an interval that overapproximates all the
370     possible values of \p *this.
372     \param oracle The FP_Oracle to be queried.
373     \param result The linear form that will store the result.
375     \return <CODE>true</CODE> if the operation was successful,
376     <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise (the possibility of failure
377     depends on the oracle's implementation).
379     \par Template type parameters
381     - The class template parameter \p Target specifies the implementation
382     of Concrete_Expression to be used.
384     This method makes <CODE>result</CODE> become
385     \f$\iota(lf)\rho^{\#}\f$, that is an interval defined as:
386     \f[
387     \iota\left(i + \sum_{v \in \cV}i_{v}v\right)\rho^{\#}
388     \defeq
389     i \asifp \left(\bigoplus_{v \in \cV}{}^{\#}i_{v} \amifp
390     \rho^{\#}(v)\right)
391     \f]
392     where \f$\rho^{\#}(v)\f$ is an interval (provided by the oracle)
393     that correctly approximates the value of \f$v\f$.
395     The result is undefined if \p C is not the type of an interval with
396     floating point boundaries.
397   */
398   template <typename Target>
399   bool intervalize(const FP_Oracle<Target,C>& oracle, C& result) const;
401 private:
402   //! The generic coefficient equal to the singleton zero.
403   static C zero;
405   //! Type of the container vector.
406   typedef std::vector<C> vec_type;
408   //! The container vector.
409   vec_type vec;
411   //! Implementation sizing constructor.
412   /*!
413     The bool parameter is just to avoid problems with
414     the constructor Linear_Form(const C& n).
415   */
416   Linear_Form(dimension_type sz, bool);
418   /*! \brief
419     Builds the linear form corresponding to the difference of
420     \p v and \p w.
422     \exception std::length_error
423     Thrown if the space dimension of \p v or the one of \p w exceed
424     <CODE>Linear_Form::max_space_dimension()</CODE>.
425   */
426   Linear_Form(Variable v, Variable w);
428   //! Gives the number of generic coefficients currently in use.
429   dimension_type size() const;
431   //! Extends the vector of \p *this to size \p sz.
432   void extend(dimension_type sz);
434   //! Returns a reference to \p vec[i].
435   C& operator[](dimension_type i);
437   //! Returns a const reference to \p vec[i].
438   const C& operator[](dimension_type i) const;
440   friend Linear_Form<C>
441   operator+<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
442   friend Linear_Form<C>
443   operator+<C>(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
444   friend Linear_Form<C>
445   operator+<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
446   friend Linear_Form<C>
447   operator+<C>(Variable v, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
449   friend Linear_Form<C>
450   operator-<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f);
452   friend Linear_Form<C>
453   operator-<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
454   friend Linear_Form<C>
455   operator-<C>(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
456   friend Linear_Form<C>
457   operator-<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
458   friend Linear_Form<C>
459   operator-<C>(Variable v, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
460   friend Linear_Form<C>
461   operator-<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
463   friend Linear_Form<C>
464   operator*<C>(const C& n, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
465   friend Linear_Form<C>
466   operator*<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
468   friend Linear_Form<C>&
469   operator+=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
470   friend Linear_Form<C>&
471   operator+=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
472   friend Linear_Form<C>&
473   operator+=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
475   friend Linear_Form<C>&
476   operator-=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f1, const Linear_Form<C>& f2);
477   friend Linear_Form<C>&
478   operator-=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, Variable v);
479   friend Linear_Form<C>&
480   operator-=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
482   friend Linear_Form<C>&
483   operator*=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
485   friend Linear_Form<C>&
486   operator/=<C>(Linear_Form<C>& f, const C& n);
488   friend bool
489   operator==<C>(const Linear_Form<C>& x, const Linear_Form<C>& y);
491   friend std::ostream&
492   Parma_Polyhedra_Library::IO_Operators
493   ::operator<<<C>(std::ostream& s, const Linear_Form<C>& f);
494 };
496 #include "Linear_Form_inlines.hh"
497 // Linear_Form_templates.hh is not included here on purpose.
499 #endif // !defined(PPL_Linear_Form_defs_hh)