1import json
3import pytest
5from marshmallow.fields import Field, DateTime, Dict, String, Nested, List, TimeDelta
6from marshmallow import Schema
8from apispec import APISpec
9from apispec.ext.marshmallow import MarshmallowPlugin
10from apispec.ext.marshmallow import common
11from apispec.exceptions import APISpecError
12from .schemas import (
13    PetSchema,
14    SampleSchema,
15    AnalysisSchema,
16    RunSchema,
17    SelfReferencingSchema,
18    OrderedSchema,
19    PatternedObjectSchema,
20    DefaultValuesSchema,
21    AnalysisWithListSchema,
24from .utils import (
25    get_schemas,
26    get_parameters,
27    get_responses,
28    get_headers,
29    get_paths,
30    build_ref,
34class TestDefinitionHelper:
35    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
36    def test_can_use_schema_as_definition(self, spec, schema):
37        spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=schema)
38        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
39        props = definitions["Pet"]["properties"]
41        assert props["id"]["type"] == "integer"
42        assert props["name"]["type"] == "string"
44    def test_schema_helper_without_schema(self, spec):
45        spec.components.schema("Pet", {"properties": {"key": {"type": "integer"}}})
46        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
47        assert definitions["Pet"]["properties"] == {"key": {"type": "integer"}}
49    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [AnalysisSchema, AnalysisSchema()])
50    def test_resolve_schema_dict_auto_reference(self, schema):
51        def resolver(schema):
52            schema_cls = common.resolve_schema_cls(schema)
53            return schema_cls.__name__
55        spec = APISpec(
56            title="Test auto-reference",
57            version="0.1",
58            openapi_version="2.0",
59            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
60        )
61        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
62            get_schemas(spec)
64        spec.components.schema("analysis", schema=schema)
65        spec.path(
66            "/test",
67            operations={
68                "get": {
69                    "responses": {
70                        "200": {"schema": build_ref(spec, "schema", "analysis")}
71                    }
72                }
73            },
74        )
75        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
76        assert 3 == len(definitions)
78        assert "analysis" in definitions
79        assert "SampleSchema" in definitions
80        assert "RunSchema" in definitions
82    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
83        "schema", [AnalysisWithListSchema, AnalysisWithListSchema()]
84    )
85    def test_resolve_schema_dict_auto_reference_in_list(self, schema):
86        def resolver(schema):
87            schema_cls = common.resolve_schema_cls(schema)
88            return schema_cls.__name__
90        spec = APISpec(
91            title="Test auto-reference",
92            version="0.1",
93            openapi_version="2.0",
94            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
95        )
96        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
97            get_schemas(spec)
99        spec.components.schema("analysis", schema=schema)
100        spec.path(
101            "/test",
102            operations={
103                "get": {
104                    "responses": {
105                        "200": {"schema": build_ref(spec, "schema", "analysis")}
106                    }
107                }
108            },
109        )
110        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
111        assert 3 == len(definitions)
113        assert "analysis" in definitions
114        assert "SampleSchema" in definitions
115        assert "RunSchema" in definitions
117    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [AnalysisSchema, AnalysisSchema()])
118    def test_resolve_schema_dict_auto_reference_return_none(self, schema):
119        def resolver(schema):
120            return None
122        spec = APISpec(
123            title="Test auto-reference",
124            version="0.1",
125            openapi_version="2.0",
126            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
127        )
128        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
129            get_schemas(spec)
131        with pytest.raises(
132            APISpecError, match="Name resolver returned None for schema"
133        ):
134            spec.components.schema("analysis", schema=schema)
136    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [AnalysisSchema, AnalysisSchema()])
137    def test_warning_when_schema_added_twice(self, spec, schema):
138        spec.components.schema("Analysis", schema=schema)
139        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="has already been added to the spec"):
140            spec.components.schema("DuplicateAnalysis", schema=schema)
142    def test_schema_instances_with_different_modifiers_added(self, spec):
143        class MultiModifierSchema(Schema):
144            pet_unmodified = Nested(PetSchema)
145            pet_exclude = Nested(PetSchema, exclude=("name",))
147        spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema())
148        spec.components.schema("Pet_Exclude", schema=PetSchema(exclude=("name",)))
150        spec.components.schema("MultiModifierSchema", schema=MultiModifierSchema)
152        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
153        pet_unmodified_ref = definitions["MultiModifierSchema"]["properties"][
154            "pet_unmodified"
155        ]
156        assert pet_unmodified_ref == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
158        pet_exclude = definitions["MultiModifierSchema"]["properties"]["pet_exclude"]
159        assert pet_exclude == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet_Exclude")
161    def test_schema_instance_with_different_modifers_custom_resolver(self):
162        class MultiModifierSchema(Schema):
163            pet_unmodified = Nested(PetSchema)
164            pet_exclude = Nested(PetSchema(partial=True))
166        def resolver(schema):
167            schema_instance = common.resolve_schema_instance(schema)
168            prefix = "Partial-" if schema_instance.partial else ""
169            schema_cls = common.resolve_schema_cls(schema)
170            name = prefix + schema_cls.__name__
171            if name.endswith("Schema"):
172                return name[:-6] or name
173            return name
175        spec = APISpec(
176            title="Test Custom Resolver for Partial",
177            version="0.1",
178            openapi_version="2.0",
179            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
180        )
182        with pytest.warns(None) as record:
183            spec.components.schema("NameClashSchema", schema=MultiModifierSchema)
185        assert len(record) == 0
187    def test_schema_with_clashing_names(self, spec):
188        class Pet(PetSchema):
189            another_field = String()
191        class NameClashSchema(Schema):
192            pet_1 = Nested(PetSchema)
193            pet_2 = Nested(Pet)
195        with pytest.warns(
196            UserWarning, match="Multiple schemas resolved to the name Pet"
197        ):
198            spec.components.schema("NameClashSchema", schema=NameClashSchema)
200        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
202        assert "Pet" in definitions
203        assert "Pet1" in definitions
205    def test_resolve_nested_schema_many_true_resolver_return_none(self):
206        def resolver(schema):
207            return None
209        class PetFamilySchema(Schema):
210            pets_1 = Nested(PetSchema, many=True)
211            pets_2 = List(Nested(PetSchema))
213        spec = APISpec(
214            title="Test auto-reference",
215            version="0.1",
216            openapi_version="2.0",
217            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
218        )
220        spec.components.schema("PetFamily", schema=PetFamilySchema)
221        props = get_schemas(spec)["PetFamily"]["properties"]
222        pets_1 = props["pets_1"]
223        pets_2 = props["pets_2"]
224        assert pets_1["type"] == pets_2["type"] == "array"
227class TestComponentParameterHelper:
228    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
229    def test_can_use_schema_in_parameter(self, spec, schema):
230        param = {"schema": schema}
231        spec.components.parameter("Pet", "body", param)
232        parameter = get_parameters(spec)["Pet"]
233        assert parameter["in"] == "body"
234        reference = parameter["schema"]
235        assert reference == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
237        resolved_schema = spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
238        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
239        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["password"]["type"] == "string"
240        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["id"]["type"] == "integer"
242    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
243    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
244    def test_can_use_schema_in_parameter_with_content(self, spec, schema):
245        param = {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": schema}}}
246        spec.components.parameter("Pet", "body", param)
247        parameter = get_parameters(spec)["Pet"]
248        assert parameter["in"] == "body"
249        reference = parameter["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
250        assert reference == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
252        resolved_schema = spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
253        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
254        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["password"]["type"] == "string"
255        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["id"]["type"] == "integer"
258class TestComponentResponseHelper:
259    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
260    def test_can_use_schema_in_response(self, spec, schema):
261        if spec.openapi_version.major < 3:
262            resp = {"schema": schema}
263        else:
264            resp = {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": schema}}}
265        spec.components.response("GetPetOk", resp)
266        response = get_responses(spec)["GetPetOk"]
267        if spec.openapi_version.major < 3:
268            reference = response["schema"]
269        else:
270            reference = response["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
271        assert reference == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
273        resolved_schema = spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
274        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["id"]["type"] == "integer"
275        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
276        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["password"]["type"] == "string"
278    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
279    def test_can_use_schema_in_response_header(self, spec, schema):
280        resp = {"headers": {"PetHeader": {"schema": schema}}}
281        spec.components.response("GetPetOk", resp)
282        response = get_responses(spec)["GetPetOk"]
283        reference = response["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]
284        assert reference == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
286        resolved_schema = spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
287        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["id"]["type"] == "integer"
288        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
289        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["password"]["type"] == "string"
291    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
292    def test_content_without_schema(self, spec):
293        resp = {"content": {"application/json": {"example": {"name": "Example"}}}}
294        spec.components.response("GetPetOk", resp)
295        response = get_responses(spec)["GetPetOk"]
296        assert response == resp
299class TestComponentHeaderHelper:
300    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
301    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema", [PetSchema, PetSchema()])
302    def test_can_use_schema_in_header(self, spec, schema):
303        param = {"schema": schema}
304        spec.components.header("Pet", param)
305        header = get_headers(spec)["Pet"]
306        reference = header["schema"]
307        assert reference == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
309        resolved_schema = spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
310        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["name"]["type"] == "string"
311        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["password"]["type"] == "string"
312        assert resolved_schema["properties"]["id"]["type"] == "integer"
315class TestCustomField:
316    def test_can_use_custom_field_decorator(self, spec_fixture):
317        @spec_fixture.marshmallow_plugin.map_to_openapi_type(DateTime)
318        class CustomNameA(Field):
319            pass
321        @spec_fixture.marshmallow_plugin.map_to_openapi_type("integer", "int32")
322        class CustomNameB(Field):
323            pass
325        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
327            @spec_fixture.marshmallow_plugin.map_to_openapi_type("integer")
328            class BadCustomField(Field):
329                pass
331        class CustomPetASchema(PetSchema):
332            name = CustomNameA()
334        class CustomPetBSchema(PetSchema):
335            name = CustomNameB()
337        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
338        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("CustomPetA", schema=CustomPetASchema)
339        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("CustomPetB", schema=CustomPetBSchema)
341        props_0 = get_schemas(spec_fixture.spec)["Pet"]["properties"]
342        props_a = get_schemas(spec_fixture.spec)["CustomPetA"]["properties"]
343        props_b = get_schemas(spec_fixture.spec)["CustomPetB"]["properties"]
345        assert props_0["name"]["type"] == "string"
346        assert "format" not in props_0["name"]
348        assert props_a["name"]["type"] == "string"
349        assert props_a["name"]["format"] == "date-time"
351        assert props_b["name"]["type"] == "integer"
352        assert props_b["name"]["format"] == "int32"
355def get_nested_schema(schema, field_name):
356    try:
357        return schema._declared_fields[field_name]._schema
358    except AttributeError:
359        return schema._declared_fields[field_name]._Nested__schema
362class TestOperationHelper:
363    @pytest.fixture
364    def make_pet_callback_spec(self, spec_fixture):
365        def _make_pet_spec(operations):
366            spec_fixture.spec.path(
367                path="/pet",
368                operations={
369                    "post": {"callbacks": {"petEvent": {"petCallbackUrl": operations}}}
370                },
371            )
372            return spec_fixture
374        return _make_pet_spec
376    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
377        "pet_schema",
378        (PetSchema, PetSchema(), PetSchema(many=True), "tests.schemas.PetSchema"),
379    )
380    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
381    def test_schema_v2(self, spec_fixture, pet_schema):
382        spec_fixture.spec.path(
383            path="/pet",
384            operations={
385                "get": {
386                    "responses": {
387                        200: {
388                            "schema": pet_schema,
389                            "description": "successful operation",
390                            "headers": {"PetHeader": {"schema": pet_schema}},
391                        }
392                    }
393                }
394            },
395        )
396        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
397        if isinstance(pet_schema, Schema) and pet_schema.many is True:
398            assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"]["type"] == "array"
399            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["schema"]["items"]
400            assert (
401                get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]["type"]
402                == "array"
403            )
404            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"][
405                "schema"
406            ]["items"]
407        else:
408            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["schema"]
409            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]
410        assert schema_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
411        assert header_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
412        assert len(spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas) == 1
413        resolved_schema = spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
414        assert resolved_schema == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2jsonschema(PetSchema)
415        assert get["responses"]["200"]["description"] == "successful operation"
417    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
418        "pet_schema",
419        (PetSchema, PetSchema(), PetSchema(many=True), "tests.schemas.PetSchema"),
420    )
421    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
422    def test_schema_v3(self, spec_fixture, pet_schema):
423        spec_fixture.spec.path(
424            path="/pet",
425            operations={
426                "get": {
427                    "responses": {
428                        200: {
429                            "content": {"application/json": {"schema": pet_schema}},
430                            "description": "successful operation",
431                            "headers": {"PetHeader": {"schema": pet_schema}},
432                        }
433                    }
434                }
435            },
436        )
437        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
438        if isinstance(pet_schema, Schema) and pet_schema.many is True:
439            assert (
440                get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]["type"]
441                == "array"
442            )
443            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
444                "schema"
445            ]["items"]
446            assert (
447                get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]["type"]
448                == "array"
449            )
450            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"][
451                "schema"
452            ]["items"]
453        else:
454            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
455                "schema"
456            ]
457            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]
459        assert schema_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
460        assert header_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
461        assert len(spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas) == 1
462        resolved_schema = spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
463        assert resolved_schema == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2jsonschema(PetSchema)
464        assert get["responses"]["200"]["description"] == "successful operation"
466    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
467        "pet_schema",
468        (PetSchema, PetSchema(), PetSchema(many=True), "tests.schemas.PetSchema"),
469    )
470    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
471    def test_callback_schema_v3(self, make_pet_callback_spec, pet_schema):
472        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
473            {
474                "get": {
475                    "responses": {
476                        "200": {
477                            "content": {"application/json": {"schema": pet_schema}},
478                            "description": "successful operation",
479                            "headers": {"PetHeader": {"schema": pet_schema}},
480                        }
481                    }
482                }
483            }
484        )
485        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
486        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
487        get = c["get"]
488        if isinstance(pet_schema, Schema) and pet_schema.many is True:
489            assert (
490                get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]["type"]
491                == "array"
492            )
493            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
494                "schema"
495            ]["items"]
496            assert (
497                get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]["type"]
498                == "array"
499            )
500            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"][
501                "schema"
502            ]["items"]
503        else:
504            schema_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
505                "schema"
506            ]
507            header_reference = get["responses"]["200"]["headers"]["PetHeader"]["schema"]
509        assert schema_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
510        assert header_reference == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
511        assert len(spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas) == 1
512        resolved_schema = spec_fixture.spec.components.schemas["Pet"]
513        assert resolved_schema == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2jsonschema(PetSchema)
514        assert get["responses"]["200"]["description"] == "successful operation"
516    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
517    def test_schema_expand_parameters_v2(self, spec_fixture):
518        spec_fixture.spec.path(
519            path="/pet",
520            operations={
521                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
522                "post": {
523                    "parameters": [
524                        {
525                            "in": "body",
526                            "description": "a pet schema",
527                            "required": True,
528                            "name": "pet",
529                            "schema": PetSchema,
530                        }
531                    ]
532                },
533            },
534        )
535        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
536        get = p["get"]
537        assert get["parameters"] == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2parameters(
538            PetSchema(), location="query"
539        )
540        post = p["post"]
541        assert post["parameters"] == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2parameters(
542            PetSchema,
543            location="body",
544            required=True,
545            name="pet",
546            description="a pet schema",
547        )
549    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
550    def test_schema_expand_parameters_v3(self, spec_fixture):
551        spec_fixture.spec.path(
552            path="/pet",
553            operations={
554                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
555                "post": {
556                    "requestBody": {
557                        "description": "a pet schema",
558                        "required": True,
559                        "content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}},
560                    }
561                },
562            },
563        )
564        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
565        get = p["get"]
566        assert get["parameters"] == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2parameters(
567            PetSchema(), location="query"
568        )
569        for parameter in get["parameters"]:
570            description = parameter.get("description", False)
571            assert description
572            name = parameter["name"]
573            assert description == PetSchema.description[name]
574        post = p["post"]
575        post_schema = spec_fixture.marshmallow_plugin.resolver.resolve_schema_dict(
576            PetSchema
577        )
578        assert (
579            post["requestBody"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == post_schema
580        )
581        assert post["requestBody"]["description"] == "a pet schema"
582        assert post["requestBody"]["required"]
584    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
585    def test_callback_schema_expand_parameters_v3(self, make_pet_callback_spec):
586        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
587            {
588                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
589                "post": {
590                    "requestBody": {
591                        "description": "a pet schema",
592                        "required": True,
593                        "content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}},
594                    }
595                },
596            }
597        )
598        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
599        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
600        get = c["get"]
601        assert get["parameters"] == spec_fixture.openapi.schema2parameters(
602            PetSchema(), location="query"
603        )
604        for parameter in get["parameters"]:
605            description = parameter.get("description", False)
606            assert description
607            name = parameter["name"]
608            assert description == PetSchema.description[name]
609        post = c["post"]
610        post_schema = spec_fixture.marshmallow_plugin.resolver.resolve_schema_dict(
611            PetSchema
612        )
613        assert (
614            post["requestBody"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == post_schema
615        )
616        assert post["requestBody"]["description"] == "a pet schema"
617        assert post["requestBody"]["required"]
619    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
620    def test_schema_uses_ref_if_available_v2(self, spec_fixture):
621        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
622        spec_fixture.spec.path(
623            path="/pet", operations={"get": {"responses": {200: {"schema": PetSchema}}}}
624        )
625        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
626        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == build_ref(
627            spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"
628        )
630    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
631    def test_schema_uses_ref_if_available_v3(self, spec_fixture):
632        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
633        spec_fixture.spec.path(
634            path="/pet",
635            operations={
636                "get": {
637                    "responses": {
638                        200: {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}}
639                    }
640                }
641            },
642        )
643        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
644        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
645            "schema"
646        ] == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
648    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
649    def test_callback_schema_uses_ref_if_available_v3(self, make_pet_callback_spec):
650        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
651            {
652                "get": {
653                    "responses": {
654                        "200": {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}}
655                    }
656                }
657            }
658        )
659        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
660        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
661        get = c["get"]
662        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
663            "schema"
664        ] == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
666    def test_schema_uses_ref_if_available_name_resolver_returns_none_v2(self):
667        def resolver(schema):
668            return None
670        spec = APISpec(
671            title="Test auto-reference",
672            version="0.1",
673            openapi_version="2.0",
674            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
675        )
676        spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
677        spec.path(
678            path="/pet", operations={"get": {"responses": {200: {"schema": PetSchema}}}}
679        )
680        get = get_paths(spec)["/pet"]["get"]
681        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
683    def test_schema_uses_ref_if_available_name_resolver_returns_none_v3(self):
684        def resolver(schema):
685            return None
687        spec = APISpec(
688            title="Test auto-reference",
689            version="0.1",
690            openapi_version="3.0.0",
691            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
692        )
693        spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
694        spec.path(
695            path="/pet",
696            operations={
697                "get": {
698                    "responses": {
699                        200: {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}}
700                    }
701                }
702            },
703        )
704        get = get_paths(spec)["/pet"]["get"]
705        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
706            "schema"
707        ] == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
709    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
710    def test_schema_resolver_allof_v2(self, spec_fixture):
711        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
712        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Sample", schema=SampleSchema)
713        spec_fixture.spec.path(
714            path="/pet",
715            operations={
716                "get": {
717                    "responses": {200: {"schema": {"allOf": [PetSchema, SampleSchema]}}}
718                }
719            },
720        )
721        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
722        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == {
723            "allOf": [
724                build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
725                build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Sample"),
726            ]
727        }
729    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
730    @pytest.mark.parametrize("combinator", ["oneOf", "anyOf", "allOf"])
731    def test_schema_resolver_oneof_anyof_allof_v3(self, spec_fixture, combinator):
732        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
733        spec_fixture.spec.path(
734            path="/pet",
735            operations={
736                "get": {
737                    "responses": {
738                        200: {
739                            "content": {
740                                "application/json": {
741                                    "schema": {combinator: [PetSchema, SampleSchema]}
742                                }
743                            }
744                        }
745                    }
746                }
747            },
748        )
749        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
750        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == {
751            combinator: [
752                build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
753                build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Sample"),
754            ]
755        }
757    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
758    def test_schema_resolver_not_v2(self, spec_fixture):
759        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
760        spec_fixture.spec.path(
761            path="/pet",
762            operations={"get": {"responses": {200: {"schema": {"not": PetSchema}}}}},
763        )
764        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
765        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == {
766            "not": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
767        }
769    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
770    def test_schema_resolver_not_v3(self, spec_fixture):
771        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
772        spec_fixture.spec.path(
773            path="/pet",
774            operations={
775                "get": {
776                    "responses": {
777                        200: {
778                            "content": {
779                                "application/json": {"schema": {"not": PetSchema}}
780                            }
781                        }
782                    }
783                }
784            },
785        )
786        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
787        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == {
788            "not": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
789        }
791    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
792        "pet_schema",
793        (PetSchema, PetSchema(), "tests.schemas.PetSchema"),
794    )
795    def test_schema_name_resolver_returns_none_v2(self, pet_schema):
796        def resolver(schema):
797            return None
799        spec = APISpec(
800            title="Test resolver returns None",
801            version="0.1",
802            openapi_version="2.0",
803            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
804        )
805        spec.path(
806            path="/pet",
807            operations={"get": {"responses": {200: {"schema": pet_schema}}}},
808        )
809        get = get_paths(spec)["/pet"]["get"]
810        assert "properties" in get["responses"]["200"]["schema"]
812    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
813        "pet_schema",
814        (PetSchema, PetSchema(), "tests.schemas.PetSchema"),
815    )
816    def test_schema_name_resolver_returns_none_v3(self, pet_schema):
817        def resolver(schema):
818            return None
820        spec = APISpec(
821            title="Test resolver returns None",
822            version="0.1",
823            openapi_version="3.0.0",
824            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
825        )
826        spec.path(
827            path="/pet",
828            operations={
829                "get": {
830                    "responses": {
831                        200: {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": pet_schema}}}
832                    }
833                }
834            },
835        )
836        get = get_paths(spec)["/pet"]["get"]
837        assert (
838            "properties"
839            in get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
840        )
842    def test_callback_schema_uses_ref_if_available_name_resolver_returns_none_v3(self):
843        def resolver(schema):
844            return None
846        spec = APISpec(
847            title="Test auto-reference",
848            version="0.1",
849            openapi_version="3.0.0",
850            plugins=(MarshmallowPlugin(schema_name_resolver=resolver),),
851        )
852        spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
853        spec.path(
854            path="/pet",
855            operations={
856                "post": {
857                    "callbacks": {
858                        "petEvent": {
859                            "petCallbackUrl": {
860                                "get": {
861                                    "responses": {
862                                        "200": {
863                                            "content": {
864                                                "application/json": {
865                                                    "schema": PetSchema
866                                                }
867                                            }
868                                        }
869                                    }
870                                }
871                            }
872                        }
873                    }
874                }
875            },
876        )
877        p = get_paths(spec)["/pet"]
878        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
879        get = c["get"]
880        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
881            "schema"
882        ] == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet")
884    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
885    def test_schema_uses_ref_in_parameters_and_request_body_if_available_v2(
886        self, spec_fixture
887    ):
888        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
889        spec_fixture.spec.path(
890            path="/pet",
891            operations={
892                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
893                "post": {"parameters": [{"in": "body", "schema": PetSchema}]},
894            },
895        )
896        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
897        assert "schema" not in p["get"]["parameters"][0]
898        post = p["post"]
899        assert len(post["parameters"]) == 1
900        assert post["parameters"][0]["schema"] == build_ref(
901            spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"
902        )
904    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
905    def test_schema_uses_ref_in_parameters_and_request_body_if_available_v3(
906        self, spec_fixture
907    ):
908        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
909        spec_fixture.spec.path(
910            path="/pet",
911            operations={
912                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
913                "post": {
914                    "requestBody": {
915                        "content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}
916                    }
917                },
918            },
919        )
920        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
921        assert "schema" in p["get"]["parameters"][0]
922        post = p["post"]
923        schema_ref = post["requestBody"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
924        assert schema_ref == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
926    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
927    def test_callback_schema_uses_ref_in_parameters_and_request_body_if_available_v3(
928        self, make_pet_callback_spec
929    ):
930        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
931            {
932                "get": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "schema": PetSchema}]},
933                "post": {
934                    "requestBody": {
935                        "content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}
936                    }
937                },
938            }
939        )
940        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
941        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
942        assert "schema" in c["get"]["parameters"][0]
943        post = c["post"]
944        schema_ref = post["requestBody"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
945        assert schema_ref == build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet")
947    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
948    def test_schema_array_uses_ref_if_available_v2(self, spec_fixture):
949        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
950        spec_fixture.spec.path(
951            path="/pet",
952            operations={
953                "get": {
954                    "parameters": [
955                        {
956                            "name": "petSchema",
957                            "in": "body",
958                            "schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema},
959                        }
960                    ],
961                    "responses": {
962                        200: {"schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema}}
963                    },
964                }
965            },
966        )
967        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
968        assert len(get["parameters"]) == 1
969        resolved_schema = {
970            "type": "array",
971            "items": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
972        }
973        assert get["parameters"][0]["schema"] == resolved_schema
974        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == resolved_schema
976    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
977    def test_schema_array_uses_ref_if_available_v3(self, spec_fixture):
978        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
979        spec_fixture.spec.path(
980            path="/pet",
981            operations={
982                "get": {
983                    "parameters": [
984                        {
985                            "name": "Pet",
986                            "in": "query",
987                            "content": {
988                                "application/json": {
989                                    "schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema}
990                                }
991                            },
992                        }
993                    ],
994                    "responses": {
995                        200: {
996                            "content": {
997                                "application/json": {
998                                    "schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema}
999                                }
1000                            }
1001                        }
1002                    },
1003                }
1004            },
1005        )
1006        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]["get"]
1007        assert len(get["parameters"]) == 1
1008        resolved_schema = {
1009            "type": "array",
1010            "items": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1011        }
1012        request_schema = get["parameters"][0]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
1013        assert request_schema == resolved_schema
1014        response_schema = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
1015            "schema"
1016        ]
1017        assert response_schema == resolved_schema
1019    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
1020    def test_callback_schema_array_uses_ref_if_available_v3(
1021        self, make_pet_callback_spec
1022    ):
1023        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
1024            {
1025                "get": {
1026                    "parameters": [
1027                        {
1028                            "name": "Pet",
1029                            "in": "query",
1030                            "content": {
1031                                "application/json": {
1032                                    "schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema}
1033                                }
1034                            },
1035                        }
1036                    ],
1037                    "responses": {
1038                        "200": {
1039                            "content": {
1040                                "application/json": {
1041                                    "schema": {"type": "array", "items": PetSchema}
1042                                }
1043                            }
1044                        }
1045                    },
1046                }
1047            }
1048        )
1049        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
1050        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
1051        get = c["get"]
1052        assert len(get["parameters"]) == 1
1053        resolved_schema = {
1054            "type": "array",
1055            "items": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1056        }
1057        request_schema = get["parameters"][0]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
1058        assert request_schema == resolved_schema
1059        response_schema = get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"][
1060            "schema"
1061        ]
1062        assert response_schema == resolved_schema
1064    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("2.0",), indirect=True)
1065    def test_schema_partially_v2(self, spec_fixture):
1066        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
1067        spec_fixture.spec.path(
1068            path="/parents",
1069            operations={
1070                "get": {
1071                    "responses": {
1072                        200: {
1073                            "schema": {
1074                                "type": "object",
1075                                "properties": {
1076                                    "mother": PetSchema,
1077                                    "father": PetSchema,
1078                                },
1079                            }
1080                        }
1081                    }
1082                }
1083            },
1084        )
1085        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/parents"]["get"]
1086        assert get["responses"]["200"]["schema"] == {
1087            "type": "object",
1088            "properties": {
1089                "mother": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1090                "father": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1091            },
1092        }
1094    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
1095    def test_schema_partially_v3(self, spec_fixture):
1096        spec_fixture.spec.components.schema("Pet", schema=PetSchema)
1097        spec_fixture.spec.path(
1098            path="/parents",
1099            operations={
1100                "get": {
1101                    "responses": {
1102                        200: {
1103                            "content": {
1104                                "application/json": {
1105                                    "schema": {
1106                                        "type": "object",
1107                                        "properties": {
1108                                            "mother": PetSchema,
1109                                            "father": PetSchema,
1110                                        },
1111                                    }
1112                                }
1113                            }
1114                        }
1115                    }
1116                }
1117            },
1118        )
1119        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/parents"]["get"]
1120        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == {
1121            "type": "object",
1122            "properties": {
1123                "mother": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1124                "father": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1125            },
1126        }
1128    @pytest.mark.parametrize("spec_fixture", ("3.0.0",), indirect=True)
1129    def test_callback_schema_partially_v3(self, make_pet_callback_spec):
1130        spec_fixture = make_pet_callback_spec(
1131            {
1132                "get": {
1133                    "responses": {
1134                        "200": {
1135                            "content": {
1136                                "application/json": {
1137                                    "schema": {
1138                                        "type": "object",
1139                                        "properties": {
1140                                            "mother": PetSchema,
1141                                            "father": PetSchema,
1142                                        },
1143                                    }
1144                                }
1145                            }
1146                        }
1147                    }
1148                }
1149            }
1150        )
1151        p = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/pet"]
1152        c = p["post"]["callbacks"]["petEvent"]["petCallbackUrl"]
1153        get = c["get"]
1154        assert get["responses"]["200"]["content"]["application/json"]["schema"] == {
1155            "type": "object",
1156            "properties": {
1157                "mother": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1158                "father": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1159            },
1160        }
1162    def test_parameter_reference(self, spec_fixture):
1163        if spec_fixture.spec.openapi_version.major < 3:
1164            param = {"schema": PetSchema}
1165        else:
1166            param = {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}}
1167        spec_fixture.spec.components.parameter("Pet", "body", param)
1168        spec_fixture.spec.path(
1169            path="/parents", operations={"get": {"parameters": ["Pet"]}}
1170        )
1171        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/parents"]["get"]
1172        assert get["parameters"] == [build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "parameter", "Pet")]
1174    def test_response_reference(self, spec_fixture):
1175        if spec_fixture.spec.openapi_version.major < 3:
1176            resp = {"schema": PetSchema}
1177        else:
1178            resp = {"content": {"application/json": {"schema": PetSchema}}}
1179        spec_fixture.spec.components.response("Pet", resp)
1180        spec_fixture.spec.path(
1181            path="/parents", operations={"get": {"responses": {"200": "Pet"}}}
1182        )
1183        get = get_paths(spec_fixture.spec)["/parents"]["get"]
1184        assert get["responses"] == {
1185            "200": build_ref(spec_fixture.spec, "response", "Pet")
1186        }
1188    def test_schema_global_state_untouched_2json(self, spec_fixture):
1189        assert get_nested_schema(RunSchema, "sample") is None
1190        data = spec_fixture.openapi.schema2jsonschema(RunSchema)
1191        json.dumps(data)
1192        assert get_nested_schema(RunSchema, "sample") is None
1194    def test_schema_global_state_untouched_2parameters(self, spec_fixture):
1195        assert get_nested_schema(RunSchema, "sample") is None
1196        data = spec_fixture.openapi.schema2parameters(RunSchema, location="json")
1197        json.dumps(data)
1198        assert get_nested_schema(RunSchema, "sample") is None
1200    def test_resolve_schema_dict_ref_as_string(self, spec):
1201        """Test schema ref passed as string"""
1202        # The case tested here is a reference passed as string, not a
1203        # marshmallow Schema passed by name as string. We want to ensure the
1204        # MarshmallowPlugin does not interfere with the feature interpreting
1205        # strings as references. Therefore, we use a specific name to ensure
1206        # there is no Schema with that name in the marshmallow registry from
1207        # somewhere else in the tests.
1208        # e.g. PetSchema is in the registry already so it wouldn't work.
1209        schema = {"schema": "SomeSpecificPetSchema"}
1210        if spec.openapi_version.major >= 3:
1211            schema = {"content": {"application/json": schema}}
1212        spec.path("/pet/{petId}", operations={"get": {"responses": {"200": schema}}})
1213        resp = get_paths(spec)["/pet/{petId}"]["get"]["responses"]["200"]
1214        if spec.openapi_version.major < 3:
1215            schema = resp["schema"]
1216        else:
1217            schema = resp["content"]["application/json"]["schema"]
1218        assert schema == build_ref(spec, "schema", "SomeSpecificPetSchema")
1221class TestCircularReference:
1222    def test_circular_referencing_schemas(self, spec):
1223        spec.components.schema("Analysis", schema=AnalysisSchema)
1224        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
1225        ref = definitions["Analysis"]["properties"]["sample"]
1226        assert ref == build_ref(spec, "schema", "Sample")
1229# Regression tests for issue #55
1230class TestSelfReference:
1231    def test_self_referencing_field_single(self, spec):
1232        spec.components.schema("SelfReference", schema=SelfReferencingSchema)
1233        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
1234        ref = definitions["SelfReference"]["properties"]["single"]
1235        assert ref == build_ref(spec, "schema", "SelfReference")
1237    def test_self_referencing_field_many(self, spec):
1238        spec.components.schema("SelfReference", schema=SelfReferencingSchema)
1239        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
1240        result = definitions["SelfReference"]["properties"]["many"]
1241        assert result == {
1242            "type": "array",
1243            "items": build_ref(spec, "schema", "SelfReference"),
1244        }
1247class TestOrderedSchema:
1248    def test_ordered_schema(self, spec):
1249        spec.components.schema("Ordered", schema=OrderedSchema)
1250        result = get_schemas(spec)["Ordered"]["properties"]
1251        assert list(result.keys()) == ["field1", "field2", "field3", "field4", "field5"]
1254class TestFieldWithCustomProps:
1255    def test_field_with_custom_props(self, spec):
1256        spec.components.schema("PatternedObject", schema=PatternedObjectSchema)
1257        result = get_schemas(spec)["PatternedObject"]["properties"]["count"]
1258        assert "x-count" in result
1259        assert result["x-count"] == 1
1261    def test_field_with_custom_props_passed_as_snake_case(self, spec):
1262        spec.components.schema("PatternedObject", schema=PatternedObjectSchema)
1263        result = get_schemas(spec)["PatternedObject"]["properties"]["count2"]
1264        assert "x-count2" in result
1265        assert result["x-count2"] == 2
1268class TestSchemaWithDefaultValues:
1269    def test_schema_with_default_values(self, spec):
1270        spec.components.schema("DefaultValuesSchema", schema=DefaultValuesSchema)
1271        definitions = get_schemas(spec)
1272        props = definitions["DefaultValuesSchema"]["properties"]
1273        assert props["number_auto_default"]["default"] == 12
1274        assert props["number_manual_default"]["default"] == 42
1275        assert "default" not in props["string_callable_default"]
1276        assert props["string_manual_default"]["default"] == "Manual"
1277        assert "default" not in props["numbers"]
1280class TestDictValues:
1281    def test_dict_values_resolve_to_additional_properties(self, spec):
1282        class SchemaWithDict(Schema):
1283            dict_field = Dict(values=String())
1285        spec.components.schema("SchemaWithDict", schema=SchemaWithDict)
1286        result = get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithDict"]["properties"]["dict_field"]
1287        assert result == {"type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"type": "string"}}
1289    def test_dict_with_empty_values_field(self, spec):
1290        class SchemaWithDict(Schema):
1291            dict_field = Dict()
1293        spec.components.schema("SchemaWithDict", schema=SchemaWithDict)
1294        result = get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithDict"]["properties"]["dict_field"]
1295        assert result == {"type": "object"}
1297    def test_dict_with_nested(self, spec):
1298        class SchemaWithDict(Schema):
1299            dict_field = Dict(values=Nested(PetSchema))
1301        spec.components.schema("SchemaWithDict", schema=SchemaWithDict)
1303        assert len(get_schemas(spec)) == 2
1305        result = get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithDict"]["properties"]["dict_field"]
1306        assert result == {
1307            "additionalProperties": build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet"),
1308            "type": "object",
1309        }
1312class TestList:
1313    def test_list_with_nested(self, spec):
1314        class SchemaWithList(Schema):
1315            list_field = List(Nested(PetSchema))
1317        spec.components.schema("SchemaWithList", schema=SchemaWithList)
1319        assert len(get_schemas(spec)) == 2
1321        result = get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithList"]["properties"]["list_field"]
1322        assert result == {"items": build_ref(spec, "schema", "Pet"), "type": "array"}
1325class TestTimeDelta:
1326    def test_timedelta_x_unit(self, spec):
1327        class SchemaWithTimeDelta(Schema):
1328            sec = TimeDelta("seconds")
1329            day = TimeDelta("days")
1331        spec.components.schema("SchemaWithTimeDelta", schema=SchemaWithTimeDelta)
1333        assert (
1334            get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithTimeDelta"]["properties"]["sec"]["x-unit"]
1335            == "seconds"
1336        )
1337        assert (
1338            get_schemas(spec)["SchemaWithTimeDelta"]["properties"]["day"]["x-unit"]
1339            == "days"
1340        )