2Migrating from previous versions of APScheduler
5From v3.0 to v3.2
8Prior to v3.1, the scheduler inadvertently exposed the ability to fetch and manipulate jobs before
9the scheduler had been started. The scheduler now requires you to call ``scheduler.start()`` before
10attempting to access any of the jobs in the job stores. To ensure that no old jobs are mistakenly
11executed, you can start the scheduler in paused mode (``scheduler.start(paused=True)``) (introduced
12in v3.2) to avoid any premature job processing.
15From v2.x to v3.0
18The 3.0 series is API incompatible with previous releases due to a design overhaul.
20Scheduler changes
23* The concept of "standalone mode" is gone. For ``standalone=True``, use
24  :class:`~apscheduler.schedulers.blocking.BlockingScheduler` instead, and for
25  ``standalone=False``, use :class:`~apscheduler.schedulers.background.BackgroundScheduler`.
26  BackgroundScheduler matches the old default semantics.
27* Job defaults (like ``misfire_grace_time`` and ``coalesce``) must now be passed in a dictionary as
28  the ``job_defaults`` option to :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.configure`. When
29  supplying an ini-style configuration as the first argument, they will need a corresponding
30  ``job_defaults.`` prefix.
31* The configuration key prefix for job stores was changed from ``jobstore.`` to ``jobstores.`` to
32  match the dict-style configuration better.
33* The ``max_runs`` option has been dropped since the run counter could not be reliably preserved
34  when replacing a job with another one with the same ID. To make up for this, the ``end_date``
35  option was added to cron and interval triggers.
36* The old thread pool is gone, replaced by ``ThreadPoolExecutor``.
37  This means that the old ``threadpool`` options are no longer valid.
38  See :ref:`scheduler-config` on how to configure executors.
39* The trigger-specific scheduling methods have been removed entirely from the scheduler.
40  Use the generic :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.add_job` method or the
41  :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.scheduled_job` decorator instead.
42  The signatures of these methods were changed significantly.
43* The ``shutdown_threadpool`` and ``close_jobstores`` options have been removed from the
44  :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.shutdown` method.
45  Executors and job stores are now always shut down on scheduler shutdown.
46* :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.unschedule_job` and
47  :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.unschedule_func` have been replaced by
48  :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.remove_job`. You can also unschedule a job by
49  using the job handle returned from :meth:`~apscheduler.schedulers.base.BaseScheduler.add_job`.
51Job store changes
54The job store system was completely overhauled for both efficiency and forwards compatibility.
55Unfortunately, this means that the old data is not compatible with the new job stores.
56If you need to migrate existing data from APScheduler 2.x to 3.x, contact the APScheduler author.
58The Shelve job store had to be dropped because it could not support the new job store design.
59Use SQLAlchemyJobStore with SQLite instead.
61Trigger changes
64From 3.0 onwards, triggers now require a pytz timezone. This is normally provided by the scheduler,
65but if you were instantiating triggers manually before, then one must be supplied as the
66``timezone`` argument.
68The only other backwards incompatible change was that ``get_next_fire_time()`` takes two arguments
69now: the previous fire time and the current datetime.
72From v1.x to 2.0
75There have been some API changes since the 1.x series. This document
76explains the changes made to v2.0 that are incompatible with the v1.x API.
78API changes
81* The behavior of cron scheduling with regards to default values for omitted
82  fields has been made more intuitive -- omitted fields lower than the least
83  significant explicitly defined field will default to their minimum values
84  except for the week number and weekday fields
85* SchedulerShutdownError has been removed -- jobs are now added tentatively
86  and scheduled for real when/if the scheduler is restarted
87* Scheduler.is_job_active() has been removed -- use
88  ``job in scheduler.get_jobs()`` instead
89* dump_jobs() is now print_jobs() and prints directly to the given file or
90  sys.stdout if none is given
91* The ``repeat`` parameter was removed from
92  :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.add_interval_job` and
93  :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.interval_schedule` in favor of the
94  universal ``max_runs`` option
95* :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.unschedule_func` now raises a
96  KeyError if the given function is not scheduled
97* The semantics of :meth:`~apscheduler.scheduler.Scheduler.shutdown` have
98  changed -- the method no longer accepts a numeric argument, but two booleans
101Configuration changes
104* The scheduler can no longer be reconfigured while it's running