1# coding=utf-8
2# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
3# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
5# Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
6# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
9from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
10from six import with_metaclass
12class _CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta(EnumMeta):
13    def __getitem__(self, name):
14        return super().__getitem__(name.upper())
16    def __getattr__(cls, name):
17        """Return the enum member matching `name`
18        We use __getattr__ instead of descriptors or inserting into the enum
19        class' __dict__ in order to support `name` and `value` being both
20        properties for enum members (which live in the class' __dict__) and
21        enum members themselves.
22        """
23        try:
24            return cls._member_map_[name.upper()]
25        except KeyError:
26            raise AttributeError(name)
29class AccessLevel(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
31    NONE = "None"
32    READ = "Read"
33    WRITE = "Write"
35class DiskCreateOption(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
36    """This enumerates the possible sources of a disk's creation.
37    """
39    #: Create an empty data disk of a size given by diskSizeGB.
40    EMPTY = "Empty"
41    #: Disk will be attached to a VM.
42    ATTACH = "Attach"
43    #: Create a new disk from a platform image specified by the given imageReference or
44    #: galleryImageReference.
45    FROM_IMAGE = "FromImage"
46    #: Create a disk by importing from a blob specified by a sourceUri in a storage account specified
47    #: by storageAccountId.
48    IMPORT_ENUM = "Import"
49    #: Create a new disk or snapshot by copying from a disk or snapshot specified by the given
50    #: sourceResourceId.
51    COPY = "Copy"
52    #: Create a new disk by copying from a backup recovery point.
53    RESTORE = "Restore"
54    #: Create a new disk by obtaining a write token and using it to directly upload the contents of
55    #: the disk.
56    UPLOAD = "Upload"
58class DiskEncryptionSetIdentityType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
59    """The type of Managed Identity used by the DiskEncryptionSet. Only SystemAssigned is supported.
60    """
62    SYSTEM_ASSIGNED = "SystemAssigned"
64class DiskState(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
65    """The state of the disk.
66    """
68    #: The disk is not being used and can be attached to a VM.
69    UNATTACHED = "Unattached"
70    #: The disk is currently mounted to a running VM.
71    ATTACHED = "Attached"
72    #: The disk is mounted to a stopped-deallocated VM.
73    RESERVED = "Reserved"
74    #: The disk currently has an Active SAS Uri associated with it.
75    ACTIVE_SAS = "ActiveSAS"
76    #: A disk is ready to be created by upload by requesting a write token.
77    READY_TO_UPLOAD = "ReadyToUpload"
78    #: A disk is created for upload and a write token has been issued for uploading to it.
79    ACTIVE_UPLOAD = "ActiveUpload"
81class DiskStorageAccountTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
82    """The sku name.
83    """
85    #: Standard HDD locally redundant storage. Best for backup, non-critical, and infrequent access.
86    STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS"
87    #: Premium SSD locally redundant storage. Best for production and performance sensitive workloads.
88    PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS"
89    #: Standard SSD locally redundant storage. Best for web servers, lightly used enterprise
90    #: applications and dev/test.
91    STANDARD_SSD_LRS = "StandardSSD_LRS"
92    #: Ultra SSD locally redundant storage. Best for IO-intensive workloads such as SAP HANA, top tier
93    #: databases (for example, SQL, Oracle), and other transaction-heavy workloads.
94    ULTRA_SSD_LRS = "UltraSSD_LRS"
96class EncryptionType(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
97    """The type of key used to encrypt the data of the disk.
98    """
100    #: Disk is encrypted with XStore managed key at rest. It is the default encryption type.
101    ENCRYPTION_AT_REST_WITH_PLATFORM_KEY = "EncryptionAtRestWithPlatformKey"
102    #: Disk is encrypted with Customer managed key at rest.
103    ENCRYPTION_AT_REST_WITH_CUSTOMER_KEY = "EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey"
105class HyperVGeneration(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
106    """The hypervisor generation of the Virtual Machine. Applicable to OS disks only.
107    """
109    V1 = "V1"
110    V2 = "V2"
112class OperatingSystemTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
113    """The Operating System type.
114    """
116    WINDOWS = "Windows"
117    LINUX = "Linux"
119class SnapshotStorageAccountTypes(with_metaclass(_CaseInsensitiveEnumMeta, str, Enum)):
120    """The sku name.
121    """
123    #: Standard HDD locally redundant storage.
124    STANDARD_LRS = "Standard_LRS"
125    #: Premium SSD locally redundant storage.
126    PREMIUM_LRS = "Premium_LRS"
127    #: Standard zone redundant storage.
128    STANDARD_ZRS = "Standard_ZRS"