1Metadata-Version: 2.1
2Name: azure-mgmt-sql
3Version: 3.0.1
4Summary: Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Python
5Home-page: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python
6Author: Microsoft Corporation
7Author-email: azpysdkhelp@microsoft.com
8License: MIT License
9Description: # Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
11        This is the Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library.
12        This package has been tested with Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
13        For a more complete view of Azure libraries, see the [azure sdk python release](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/all).
16        # Usage
19        To learn how to use this package, see the [quickstart guide](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt)
23        For docs and references, see [Python SDK References](https://docs.microsoft.com/python/api/overview/azure/)
24        Code samples for this package can be found at [SQL Management](https://docs.microsoft.com/samples/browse/?languages=python&term=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing&terms=Getting%20started%20-%20Managing) on docs.microsoft.com.
25        Additional code samples for different Azure services are available at [Samples Repo](https://aka.ms/azsdk/python/mgmt/samples)
28        # Provide Feedback
30        If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, please file an issue in the
31        [Issues](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues)
32        section of the project.
35        ![Impressions](https://azure-sdk-impressions.azurewebsites.net/api/impressions/azure-sdk-for-python%2Fazure-mgmt-sql%2FREADME.png)
38        # Release History
40        ## 3.0.1 (2021-07-15)
42        **Bugfixes**
44          - Fix default setting for blob_auditing_policy_name
46        ## 3.0.0 (2021-06-18)
48        **Features**
50          - Model Server has a new parameter federated_client_id
51          - Model Server has a new parameter restrict_outbound_network_access
52          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter federated_client_id
53          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter restrict_outbound_network_access
54          - Model BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy has a new parameter diff_backup_interval_in_hours
56        **Breaking changes**
58          - Operation ReplicationLinksOperations.get has a new signature
60        ## 2.1.0 (2021-05-24)
62         - Add resource identity
64        ## 2.0.0 (2021-05-13)
66        **Features**
68          - Model LongTermRetentionBackup has a new parameter requested_backup_storage_redundancy
69          - Model LongTermRetentionBackup has a new parameter backup_storage_redundancy
70          - Model ManagedInstanceKey has a new parameter auto_rotation_enabled
71          - Model ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtector has a new parameter auto_rotation_enabled
72          - Model Database has a new parameter is_infra_encryption_enabled
73          - Model Database has a new parameter is_ledger_on
74          - Model Database has a new parameter secondary_type
75          - Model Database has a new parameter current_backup_storage_redundancy
76          - Model Database has a new parameter high_availability_replica_count
77          - Model Database has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
78          - Model Database has a new parameter requested_backup_storage_redundancy
79          - Model ReplicationLink has a new parameter link_type
80          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter primary_user_assigned_identity_id
81          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter administrators
82          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter identity
83          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter key_id
84          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter workspace_feature
85          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter is_infra_encryption_enabled
86          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter is_ledger_on
87          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter secondary_type
88          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter current_backup_storage_redundancy
89          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter high_availability_replica_count
90          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
91          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter requested_backup_storage_redundancy
92          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter primary_user_assigned_identity_id
93          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter administrators
94          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter key_id
95          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter zone_redundant
96          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
97          - Model ServerKey has a new parameter auto_rotation_enabled
98          - Model ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter is_devops_audit_enabled
99          - Model ServiceObjectiveCapability has a new parameter supported_maintenance_configurations
100          - Model EncryptionProtector has a new parameter auto_rotation_enabled
101          - Model FirewallRuleListResult has a new parameter next_link
102          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter primary_user_assigned_identity_id
103          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter administrators
104          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter identity
105          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter key_id
106          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
107          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter zone_redundant
108          - Model ElasticPoolUpdate has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
109          - Model SyncMember has a new parameter private_endpoint_name
110          - Model ElasticPool has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
111          - Model ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability has a new parameter supported_maintenance_configurations
112          - Model ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionBackup has a new parameter backup_storage_redundancy
113          - Model ServerSecurityAlertPolicy has a new parameter system_data
114          - Model ManagedInstanceEditionCapability has a new parameter supported_storage_capabilities
115          - Model ManagedInstanceEditionCapability has a new parameter zone_redundant
116          - Model ServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter is_devops_audit_enabled
117          - Model ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability has a new parameter supported_maintenance_configurations
118          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase has a new parameter backup_storage_redundancy
119          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase has a new parameter tags
120          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase has a new parameter sku
121          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase has a new parameter elastic_pool_id
122          - Model DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy has a new parameter creation_time
123          - Model DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy has a new parameter system_data
124          - Model SyncGroup has a new parameter conflict_logging_retention_in_days
125          - Model SyncGroup has a new parameter private_endpoint_name
126          - Model SyncGroup has a new parameter sku
127          - Model SyncGroup has a new parameter enable_conflict_logging
128          - Model VirtualClusterUpdate has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
129          - Model PrivateLinkResourceProperties has a new parameter required_zone_names
130          - Model VirtualCluster has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
131          - Model ManagedServerSecurityAlertPolicy has a new parameter system_data
132          - Model DatabaseUsage has a new parameter type
133          - Model DatabaseUsage has a new parameter id
134          - Model Server has a new parameter primary_user_assigned_identity_id
135          - Model Server has a new parameter key_id
136          - Model Server has a new parameter administrators
137          - Model Server has a new parameter workspace_feature
138          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter column_name
139          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter schema_name
140          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter managed_by
141          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter table_name
142          - Added operation VirtualClustersOperations.update_dns_servers
143          - Added operation ServersOperations.begin_import_database
144          - Added operation DatabasesOperations.list_inaccessible_by_server
145          - Added operation FirewallRulesOperations.replace
146          - Added operation ReplicationLinksOperations.list_by_server
147          - Added operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.update
148          - Added operation ManagedInstancesOperations.list_by_managed_instance
149          - Added operation ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.update
150          - Added operation LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.begin_update
151          - Added operation LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.begin_copy
152          - Added operation LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.begin_copy_by_resource_group
153          - Added operation LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.begin_update_by_resource_group
154          - Added operation group DatabaseSchemasOperations
155          - Added operation group DatabaseExtensionsOperations
156          - Added operation group ManagedInstancePrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations
157          - Added operation group DeletedServersOperations
158          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseTablesOperations
159          - Added operation group MaintenanceWindowOptionsOperations
160          - Added operation group DatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesOperations
161          - Added operation group ServerTrustGroupsOperations
162          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceAzureADOnlyAuthenticationsOperations
163          - Added operation group SqlAgentOperations
164          - Added operation group TimeZonesOperations
165          - Added operation group ManagedInstancePrivateLinkResourcesOperations
166          - Added operation group RecommendedSensitivityLabelsOperations
167          - Added operation group DatabaseTablesOperations
168          - Added operation group ServerAdvisorsOperations
169          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseSecurityEventsOperations
170          - Added operation group ServerOperationsOperations
171          - Added operation group DatabaseAdvisorsOperations
172          - Added operation group DatabaseColumnsOperations
173          - Added operation group DataWarehouseUserActivitiesOperations
174          - Added operation group OutboundFirewallRulesOperations
175          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseSchemasOperations
176          - Added operation group DatabaseRecommendedActionsOperations
177          - Added operation group LongTermRetentionPoliciesOperations
178          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseQueriesOperations
179          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseRecommendedSensitivityLabelsOperations
180          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseTransparentDataEncryptionOperations
181          - Added operation group ServerDevOpsAuditSettingsOperations
182          - Added operation group OperationsHealthOperations
183          - Added operation group LedgerDigestUploadsOperations
184          - Added operation group MaintenanceWindowsOperations
185          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseColumnsOperations
187        **Breaking changes**
189          - Operation RestorableDroppedDatabasesOperations.get has a new signature
190          - Operation ReplicationLinksOperations.get has a new signature
191          - Parameter old_server_dns_alias_id of model ServerDnsAliasAcquisition is now required
192          - Operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database has a new signature
193          - Operation ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database has a new signature
194          - Operation DatabasesOperations.begin_import_method has a new signature
195          - Operation DatabasesOperations.list_by_server has a new signature
196          - Operation ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.list_current_by_database has a new signature
197          - Operation ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.list_current_by_database has a new signature
198          - Operation ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database has a new signature
199          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.begin_create_or_update has a new signature
200          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.begin_delete has a new signature
201          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.get has a new signature
202          - Operation ManagedInstancesOperations.get has a new signature
203          - Operation ManagedInstancesOperations.list has a new signature
204          - Operation ManagedInstancesOperations.list_by_instance_pool has a new signature
205          - Operation ManagedInstancesOperations.list_by_resource_group has a new signature
206          - Operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.list_current_by_database has a new signature
207          - Operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.list_current_by_database has a new signature
208          - Operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database has a new signature
209          - Operation ServersOperations.get has a new signature
210          - Operation ServersOperations.list has a new signature
211          - Operation ServersOperations.list_by_resource_group has a new signature
212          - Model BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy no longer has parameter diff_backup_interval_in_hours
213          - Model Database no longer has parameter read_replica_count
214          - Model ReplicationLink no longer has parameter location
215          - Model DatabaseUpdate no longer has parameter read_replica_count
216          - Model FirewallRule no longer has parameter kind
217          - Model FirewallRule no longer has parameter location
218          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase no longer has parameter service_level_objective
219          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase no longer has parameter edition
220          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabase no longer has parameter elastic_pool_name
221          - Model DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy no longer has parameter use_server_default
222          - Model DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy no longer has parameter kind
223          - Model DatabaseSecurityAlertPolicy no longer has parameter location
224          - Model DatabaseUsage no longer has parameter resource_name
225          - Model DatabaseUsage no longer has parameter next_reset_time
226          - Removed operation DatabasesOperations.begin_create_import_operation
227          - Model DatabaseUsageListResult has a new signature
228          - Model RestorableDroppedDatabaseListResult has a new signature
229          - Removed operation group RecommendedElasticPoolsOperations
230          - Removed operation group BackupLongTermRetentionPoliciesOperations
231          - Removed operation group DatabaseThreatDetectionPoliciesOperations
232          - Removed operation group ServiceTierAdvisorsOperations
234        ## 1.0.0 (2020-11-24)
236        - GA release
238        ## 1.0.0b1 (2020-10-13)
240        This is beta preview version.
242        This version uses a next-generation code generator that introduces important breaking changes, but also important new features (like unified authentication and async programming).
244        **General breaking changes**
246        - Credential system has been completly revamped:
248          - `azure.common.credentials` or `msrestazure.azure_active_directory` instances are no longer supported, use the `azure-identity` classes instead: https://pypi.org/project/azure-identity/
249          - `credentials` parameter has been renamed `credential`
251        - The `config` attribute no longer exists on a client, configuration should be passed as kwarg. Example: `MyClient(credential, subscription_id, enable_logging=True)`. For a complete set of
252          supported options, see the [parameters accept in init documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
253        - You can't import a `version` module anymore, use `__version__` instead
254        - Operations that used to return a `msrest.polling.LROPoller` now returns a `azure.core.polling.LROPoller` and are prefixed with `begin_`.
255        - Exceptions tree have been simplified and most exceptions are now `azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError` (`CloudError` has been removed).
256        - Most of the operation kwarg have changed. Some of the most noticeable:
258          - `raw` has been removed. Equivalent feature can be found using `cls`, a callback that will give access to internal HTTP response for advanced user
259          - For a complete set of
260          supported options, see the [parameters accept in Request documentation of azure-core](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/core/azure-core/CLIENT_LIBRARY_DEVELOPER.md#available-policies)
262        **General new features**
264        - Type annotations support using `typing`. SDKs are mypy ready.
265        - This client has now stable and official support for async. Check the `aio` namespace of your package to find the async client.
266        - This client now support natively tracing library like OpenCensus or OpenTelemetry. See this [tracing quickstart](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/core/azure-core-tracing-opentelemetry) for an overview.
268        ## 0.21.0 (2020-09-03)
270        **Features**
272          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter storage_account_type
273          - Model Database has a new parameter storage_account_type
274          - Model BackupShortTermRetentionPolicy has a new parameter diff_backup_interval_in_hours
275          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter storage_account_type
276          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter provisioning_state
277          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter storage_account_type
278          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter provisioning_state
279          - Added operation DatabasesOperations.list_inaccessible_by_server
280          - Added operation ServersOperations.import_database
281          - Added operation group ImportExportOperations
282          - Added operation group ServerAzureADOnlyAuthenticationsOperations
283          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceAzureADOnlyAuthenticationsOperations
285        **Breaking changes**
287          - Operation BackupShortTermRetentionPoliciesOperations.create_or_update has a new signature
288          - Operation BackupShortTermRetentionPoliciesOperations.update has a new signature
289          - Removed operation DatabasesOperations.import_method
290          - Removed operation DatabasesOperations.create_import_operation
291          - Removed operation ServerAzureADAdministratorsOperations.disable_azure_ad_only_authentication
293        ## 0.20.0 (2020-06-22)
295        **Features**
297          - Model ManagedDatabase has a new parameter last_backup_name
298          - Model ManagedDatabase has a new parameter auto_complete_restore
299          - Model ManagedDatabaseUpdate has a new parameter last_backup_name
300          - Model ManagedDatabaseUpdate has a new parameter auto_complete_restore
301          - Model ManagedInstanceOperation has a new parameter operation_parameters
302          - Model ManagedInstanceOperation has a new parameter operation_steps
304        ## 0.19.0 (2020-06-22)
306        **Features**
308          - Model SyncGroup has a new parameter use_private_link_connection
309          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
310          - Model SyncMember has a new parameter use_private_link_connection
311          - Model SyncMember has a new parameter sync_member_azure_database_resource_id
312          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter maintenance_configuration_id
313          - Added operation ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations.list_by_database
314          - Added operation ManagedInstancesOperations.failover
315          - Added operation ReplicationLinksOperations.unlink
316          - Added operation ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations.list_by_server
318        # 0.18.0 (2020-03-23)
320        **Features**
322          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceOperations
324        # 0.17.0 (2020-03-02)
326        **Features**
328          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter minimal_tls_version
329          - Model ServerAzureADAdministrator has a new parameter azure_ad_only_authentication
330          - Model ManagedDatabase has a new parameter long_term_retention_backup_resource_id
331          - Model ManagedDatabaseUpdate has a new parameter long_term_retention_backup_resource_id
332          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter rank
333          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
334          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter minimal_tls_version
335          - Model ServerUpdate has a new parameter public_network_access
336          - Model Server has a new parameter private_endpoint_connections
337          - Model Server has a new parameter minimal_tls_version
338          - Model Server has a new parameter public_network_access
339          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter minimal_tls_version
340          - Added operation ServerAzureADAdministratorsOperations.disable_azure_ad_only_authentication
341          - Added operation ManagedDatabasesOperations.list_inaccessible_by_instance
342          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceLongTermRetentionPoliciesOperations
343          - Added operation group LongTermRetentionManagedInstanceBackupsOperations
345        ## 0.16.0 (2019-12-17)
347        **Features**
349          - Model ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
350            queue_delay_ms
351          - Model EditionCapability has a new parameter read_scale
352          - Model EditionCapability has a new parameter
353            supported_storage_capabilities
354          - Model ServiceObjectiveCapability has a new parameter compute_model
355          - Model ServiceObjectiveCapability has a new parameter
356            supported_auto_pause_delay
357          - Model ServiceObjectiveCapability has a new parameter zone_redundant
358          - Model ServiceObjectiveCapability has a new parameter
359            supported_min_capacities
360          - Model ManagedInstanceVersionCapability has a new parameter
361            supported_instance_pool_editions
362          - Model DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
363            queue_delay_ms
364          - Model ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
365            queue_delay_ms
366          - Model ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability has a new parameter
367            supported_storage_sizes
368          - Model ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability has a new parameter
369            instance_pool_supported
370          - Model ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability has a new parameter
371            standalone_supported
372          - Model ManagedInstanceVcoresCapability has a new parameter
373            included_max_size
374          - Model ServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter queue_delay_ms
375          - Model ElasticPoolPerformanceLevelCapability has a new parameter
376            zone_redundant
377          - Added operation group WorkloadGroupsOperations
378          - Added operation group WorkloadClassifiersOperations
380        **Breaking changes**
382          - Operation ServerAzureADAdministratorsOperations.create_or_update
383            has a new signature
384          - Model ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability no longer has parameter
385            supported_storage_sizes
386          - Model ManagedInstanceFamilyCapability no longer has parameter
387            included_max_size
389        ## 0.15.0 (2019-11-12)
391        **Breaking changes**
393          - Operation DatabasesOperations.failover has a new signature
394          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.get has a new
395            signature
396          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.delete has a new
397            signature
398          - Operation ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations.create_or_update
399            has a new signature
401        ## 0.14.0 (2019-10-04)
403        **Features**
405          - Added operation
406            ServerBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations.list_by_server
407          - Added operation ManagedDatabasesOperations.complete_restore
408          - Added operation
409            DatabaseBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations.list_by_database
410          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseRestoreDetailsOperations
412        ## 0.13.0 (2019-09-03)
414        **Features**
416          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter
417            source_managed_instance_id
418          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter instance_pool_id
419          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter
420            restore_point_in_time
421          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter
422            managed_instance_create_mode
423          - Model SensitivityLabel has a new parameter is_disabled
424          - Model Database has a new parameter paused_date
425          - Model Database has a new parameter read_replica_count
426          - Model Database has a new parameter resumed_date
427          - Model Database has a new parameter auto_pause_delay
428          - Model Database has a new parameter min_capacity
429          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter
430            source_managed_instance_id
431          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter instance_pool_id
432          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter restore_point_in_time
433          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter
434            managed_instance_create_mode
435          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter paused_date
436          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter read_replica_count
437          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter resumed_date
438          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter auto_pause_delay
439          - Model DatabaseUpdate has a new parameter min_capacity
440          - Added operation
441            ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorsOperations.revalidate
442          - Added operation
443            ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.enable_recommendation
444          - Added operation
445            ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.disable_recommendation
446          - Added operation ElasticPoolsOperations.failover
447          - Added operation ManagedInstancesOperations.list_by_instance_pool
448          - Added operation DatabasesOperations.failover
449          - Added operation
450            LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.get_by_resource_group
451          - Added operation
452            LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.list_by_resource_group_server
453          - Added operation
454            LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.delete_by_resource_group
455          - Added operation
456            LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.list_by_resource_group_location
457          - Added operation
458            LongTermRetentionBackupsOperations.list_by_resource_group_database
459          - Added operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.enable_recommendation
460          - Added operation SensitivityLabelsOperations.disable_recommendation
461          - Added operation EncryptionProtectorsOperations.revalidate
462          - Added operation group InstancePoolsOperations
463          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceAdministratorsOperations
464          - Added operation group UsagesOperations
465          - Added operation group PrivateLinkResourcesOperations
466          - Added operation group PrivateEndpointConnectionsOperations
468        **Breaking changes**
470          - Operation
471            ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database
472            has a new signature
473          - Operation
474            SensitivityLabelsOperations.list_recommended_by_database has a
475            new signature
476          - Operation EncryptionProtectorsOperations.create_or_update has a
477            new signature
479        **General breaking changes**
481        This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
482        introduce breaking changes if from some import. In summary, some modules
483        were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed
484        several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be
485        used in the first place.
487          - SqlManagementClient cannot be imported from
488            `azure.mgmt.sql.sql_management_client` anymore (import from
489            `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement` works like before)
490          - SqlManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved from
491            `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement.sql_management_client` to
492            `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement`
493          - A model `MyClass` from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported
494            anymore using `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement.models.my_class` (import
495            from `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement.models` works like before)
496          - An operation class `MyClassOperations` from an `operations`
497            sub-module cannot be imported anymore using
498            `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement.operations.my_class_operations`
499            (import from `azure.mgmt.sqlmanagement.operations` works like
500            before)
502        Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default.
503        You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or
504        use no more than one client per process.
506        ## 0.12.0 (2019-03-28)
508        **Features**
510          - Model ManagedDatabase has a new parameter recoverable_database_id
511          - Model ManagedDatabase has a new parameter
512            restorable_dropped_database_id
513          - Model ServerSecurityAlertPolicy has a new parameter creation_time
514          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter
515            public_data_endpoint_enabled
516          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter proxy_override
517          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter timezone_id
518          - Model ManagedDatabaseUpdate has a new parameter
519            recoverable_database_id
520          - Model ManagedDatabaseUpdate has a new parameter
521            restorable_dropped_database_id
522          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter
523            public_data_endpoint_enabled
524          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter proxy_override
525          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter timezone_id
526          - Added operation group ManagedServerSecurityAlertPoliciesOperations
527          - Added operation group VirtualClustersOperations
528          - Added operation group
529            ManagedRestorableDroppedDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPoliciesOperations
530          - Added operation group RestorableDroppedManagedDatabasesOperations
531          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseSensitivityLabelsOperations
532          - Added operation group RecoverableManagedDatabasesOperations
533          - Added operation group ServerVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations
534          - Added operation group
535            ManagedInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations
536          - Added operation group ManagedDatabaseSecurityAlertPoliciesOperations
537          - Added operation group SensitivityLabelsOperations
539        ## 0.11.0 (2018-11-08)
541        **Features**
543          - Model ServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
544            is_azure_monitor_target_enabled
545          - Model ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
546            is_azure_monitor_target_enabled
547          - Model DatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
548            is_azure_monitor_target_enabled
549          - Model ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPolicy has a new parameter
550            is_azure_monitor_target_enabled
551          - Added operation
552            DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations.list_by_database
553          - Added operation
554            ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations.list_by_database
555          - Added operation group
556            ManagedBackupShortTermRetentionPoliciesOperations
558        ## 0.10.0 (2018-10-18)
560        **Features**
562          - Model DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessment has a new parameter
563            storage_account_access_key
564          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter dns_zone_partner
565          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter collation
566          - Model ManagedInstanceUpdate has a new parameter dns_zone
567          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter dns_zone_partner
568          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter collation
569          - Model ManagedInstance has a new parameter dns_zone
570          - Added operation
571            BackupShortTermRetentionPoliciesOperations.list_by_database
572          - Added operation group
573            ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentsOperations
574          - Added operation group ExtendedDatabaseBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
575          - Added operation group TdeCertificatesOperations
576          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceKeysOperations
577          - Added operation group ServerBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
578          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceEncryptionProtectorsOperations
579          - Added operation group ExtendedServerBlobAuditingPoliciesOperations
580          - Added operation group ServerSecurityAlertPoliciesOperations
581          - Added operation group
582            ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentScansOperations
583          - Added operation group ManagedInstanceTdeCertificatesOperations
584          - Added operation group
585            ManagedDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesOperations
587        **Breaking changes**
589          - Operation
590            DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesOperations.delete has a
591            new signature
592          - Operation DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesOperations.get
593            has a new signature
594          - Operation
595            DatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselinesOperations.create_or_update
596            has a new signature
598        **Note**
600          - azure-mgmt-nspkg is not installed anymore on Python 3 (PEP420-based
601            namespace package)
603        ## 0.9.1 (2018-05-24)
605        **Features**
607          - Managed instances, databases, and failover groups
608          - Vulnerability assessments
609          - Backup short term retention policies
610          - Elastic Jobs
612        ## 0.9.0 (2018-04-25)
614        **General Breaking changes**
616        This version uses a next-generation code generator that *might*
617        introduce breaking changes.
619          - Model signatures now use only keyword-argument syntax. All
620            positional arguments must be re-written as keyword-arguments. To
621            keep auto-completion in most cases, models are now generated for
622            Python 2 and Python 3. Python 3 uses the "*" syntax for
623            keyword-only arguments.
624          - Enum types now use the "str" mixin (class AzureEnum(str, Enum)) to
625            improve the behavior when unrecognized enum values are encountered.
626            While this is not a breaking change, the distinctions are important,
627            and are documented here:
628            <https://docs.python.org/3/library/enum.html#others> At a glance:
629              - "is" should not be used at all.
630              - "format" will return the string value, where "%s" string
631                formatting will return `NameOfEnum.stringvalue`. Format syntax
632                should be prefered.
633          - New Long Running Operation:
634              - Return type changes from
635                `msrestazure.azure_operation.AzureOperationPoller` to
636                `msrest.polling.LROPoller`. External API is the same.
637              - Return type is now **always** a `msrest.polling.LROPoller`,
638                regardless of the optional parameters used.
639              - The behavior has changed when using `raw=True`. Instead of
640                returning the initial call result as `ClientRawResponse`,
641                without polling, now this returns an LROPoller. After polling,
642                the final resource will be returned as a `ClientRawResponse`.
643              - New `polling` parameter. The default behavior is
644                `Polling=True` which will poll using ARM algorithm. When
645                `Polling=False`, the response of the initial call will be
646                returned without polling.
647              - `polling` parameter accepts instances of subclasses of
648                `msrest.polling.PollingMethod`.
649              - `add_done_callback` will no longer raise if called after
650                polling is finished, but will instead execute the callback right
651                away.
653        **SQL Breaking changes**
655          -   - Database and ElasticPool now use Sku property for scale and
656                tier-related properties. We have made this change in order to
657                allow future support of autoscale, and to allow for new
658                vCore-based editions.
660                  - Database.sku has replaced
661                    Database.requested_service_objective_name and
662                    Database.edition. Database scale can be set by setting
663                    Sku.name to the requested service objective name (e.g. S0,
664                    P1, or GP_Gen4_1), or by setting Sku.name to the sku name
665                    (e.g. Standard, Premium, or GP_Gen4) and set Sku.capacity
666                    to the scale measured in DTU or vCores.
667                  - Database.current_sku has replaced
668                    Database.service_level_objetive.
669                  - Database.current_service_objective_id and
670                    Database.requested_service_objective_id have been
671                    removed.
672                  - ElasticPool.sku has replaced ElasticPool.dtu. Elastic pool
673                    scale can be set by setting Sku.name to the requested sku
674                    name (e.g. StandardPool, PremiumPool, or GP_Gen4) and
675                    setting Sku.capacity to the scale measured in DTU or vCores.
676                  - ElasticPool.per_database_settings has replaced
677                    ElasticPool.database_dtu_min and
678                    ElasticPool.database_dtu_max.
680          - Database.max_size_bytes is now an integer instead of string.
682          - LocationCapabilities tree has been changed in order to support
683            capabilities of new vCore-based database and elastic pool editions.
685        **Features**
687          - Added support for List and Cancel operation on Azure database and
688            elastic pool REST API
689          - Added Long Term Retention V2 commands, including getting backups,
690            deleting backups, setting the V2 policies, and getting the V2
691            policies
692              - Removed support for managing Vaults used for Long Term Retention
693                V1
694              - Changed BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy class, removing the Long
695                Term Retention V1 properties and adding the Long Term Retention
696                V2 properties
697              - Removed BackupLongTermRetentionPolicyState
699        ## 0.8.6 (2018-03-22)
701        **Features**
703          - Added support for List and Cancel operation on Azure database and
704            elastic pool REST API
705          - Added support for Auto-tuning REST API
707        ## 0.8.5 (2018-01-18)
709        **Features**
711          - Added support for renaming databases
712          - Added missing database editions and service objectives
713          - Added ability to list long term retention vaults & policies
715        ## 0.8.4 (2017-11-14)
717        **Features**
719          - Added support for subscription usages
721        ## 0.8.3 (2017-10-24)
723        **Features**
725          - Added support for database zone redundant property
726          - Added support for server dns aliases
728        ## 0.8.2 (2017-10-18)
730        **Features**
732          - Added support for state and migration flag properties for SQL Vnet
733            rules
735        ## 0.8.1 (2017-10-04)
737        **Features**
739          - Add database.cancel operation
740          - Add database.list_by_database
742        ## 0.8.0 (2017-09-07)
744        **Disclaimer**
746        We were using a slightly unorthodox convention for some operation ids.
747        Some resource operations were "nested" inside others, e.g. blob auditing
748        policies was nested inside databases as in
749        client.databases.get_blob_auditing_policies(..) instead of the
750        flattened ARM standard
751        client.database_blob_auditing_policies.get(...).
753        This convention has lead to some inconsistencies, makes some APIs
754        difficult to find, and is at odds with future APIs. For example if we
755        wanted to implement listing db audit policies by server, continuing the
756        current convention would be
757        client.databases.list_blob_auditing_policies_by_server(..) which
758        makes much less sense than the ARM standard which would
759        beclient.database_blob_auditing_policies.list_by_server(...)`.
761        In order to resolve this and provide a good path moving forward, we have
762        renamed the inconsistent operations to follow the ARM standard. This is
763        an unfortunate breaking change, but it's best to do now while the SDK is
764        still in preview and since most of these operations were only recently
765        added.
767        **Breaking changes**
769          - client.database.get_backup_long_term_retention_policy ->
770            client.backup_long_term_retention_policies.get
771          - client.database.create_or_update_backup_long_term_retention_policy
772            ->
773            client.backup_long_term_retention_policies.create_or_update
774          - client.servers.create_backup_long_term_retention_vault ->
775            client.backup_long_term_retention_vaults.create_or_update
776          - client.servers.get_backup_long_term_retention_vault ->
777            client.backup_long_term_retention_vaults.get
778          - client.database.list_restore_points ->
779            client.restore_points.list_by_database
780          - client.servers.create_or_update_connection_policy ->
781            client.server_connection_policies.create_or_update
782          - client.servers.get_connection_policy ->
783            client.server_connection_policies.get
784          - client.databases.create_or_update_data_masking_policy ->
785            client.data_masking_policies.create_or_update
786          - client.databases.get_data_masking_policy ->
787            client.data_masking_policies.get
788          - client.databases.create_or_update_data_masking_rule ->
789            client.data_masking_rules.create_or_update
790          - client.databases.get_data_masking_rule ->
791            client.data_masking_rules.get
792          - client.databases.list_data_masking_rules ->
793            client.data_masking_rules.list_by_database
794          - client.databases.get_threat_detection_policy ->
795            client.database_threat_detection_policies.get
796          - client.databases.create_or_update_threat_detection_policy ->
797            client.database_threat_detection_policies.create_or_update
798          - client.databases.create_or_update_geo_backup_policy ->
799            client.geo_backup_policies.create_or_update
800          - client.databases.get_geo_backup_policy ->
801            client.geo_backup_policies.get
802          - client.databases.list_geo_backup_policies ->
803            client.geo_backup_policies.list_by_database
804          - client.databases.delete_replication_link ->
805            client.replication_links.delete
806          - client.databases.get_replication_link ->
807            client.replication_links.get
808          - client.databases.failover_replication_link ->
809            client.replication_links.failover
810          - client.databases.failover_replication_link_allow_data_loss ->
811            client.replication_links.failover_allow_data_loss
812          - client.databases.list_replication_links ->
813            client.replication_links.list_by_database
814          - client.server_azure_ad_administrators.list ->
815            client.server_azure_ad_administrators.list_by_server
816          - client.servers.get_service_objective ->
817            client.service_objectives.get
818          - client.servers.list_service_objectives ->
819            client.service_objectives.list_by_server
820          - client.elastic_pools.list_activity ->
821            client.elastic_pool_activities.list_by_elastic_pool
822          - client.elastic_pools.list_database_activity ->
823            client.elastic_pool_database_activities.list_by_elastic_pool
824          - client.elastic_pools.get_database ->
825            client.databases.get_by_elastic_pool
826          - client.elastic_pools.list_databases ->
827            client.databases.list_by_elastic_pool
828          - client.recommended_elastic_pools.get_databases ->
829            client.databases.get_by_recommended_elastic_pool
830          - client.recommended_elastic_pools.list_databases ->
831            client.databases.list_by_recommended_elastic_pool
832          - client.databases.get_service_tier_advisor ->
833            client.service_tier_advisors.get
834          - client.databases.list_service_tier_advisors ->
835            client.service_tier_advisors.list_by_database
836          - client.databases.create_or_update_transparent_data_encryption_configuration
837            -> client.transparent_data_encryptions.create_or_update
838          - client.databases.get_transparent_data_encryption_configuration
839            -> client.transparent_data_encryptions.get
840          - client.databases.list_transparent_data_encryption_activity ->
841            client.transparent_data_encryption_activities.list_by_configuration
842          - client.servers.list_usages ->
843            client.server_usages.list_by_server
844          - client.databases.list_usages ->
845            client.database_usages.list_by_database
846          - client.databases.get_blob_auditing_policy ->
847            client.database_blob_auditing_policies.get
848          - client.databases.create_or_update_blob_auditing_policy ->
849            client.database_blob_auditing_policies.create_or_update
850          - client.servers.list_encryption_protectors, ->
851            client.encryption_protectors.list_by_server
852          - client.servers.get_encryption_protector ->
853            client.encryption_protectors.get
854          - client.servers.create_or_update_encryption_protector ->
855            client.encryption_protectors.create_or_update
856          - Database blob auditing policy state is required
857          - Failover group resource now has required properties defined
859        **Features**
861          - Add SQL DB, server, and pool PATCH operations
862          - client.operations.list now returnes a full list of operations and
863            not a limited subset (2014-04-01 to 2015-05-01-preview)
865        **Fixed bugs**
867          - Fixed KeyError in server_azure_ad_administrators_operations.get
869        ## 0.7.1 (2017-06-30)
871          - Added support for server connection policies
872          - Fixed error in
873            databases_operations.create_or_update_threat_detection_policy
875        ## 0.7.0 (2017-06-28)
877        **Features**
879          - Backup/Restore related: RecoverableDatabase,
880            RestorableDroppedDatabase, BackupLongTermRetentionVault,
881            BackupLongTermRetentionPolicy, and GeoBackupPolicy
882          - Data Masking rules and policies
883          - Server communication links
885        **Breaking changes**
887          - Renamed enum RestorePointTypes to RestorePointType
888          - Renamed VnetFirewallRule and related operations to
889            VirtualNetworkRule
891        ## 0.6.0 (2017-06-13)
893          - Updated Servers api version from 2014-04-01 to 2015-05-01-preview,
894            which is SDK compatible and includes support for server managed
895            identity
896          - Added support for server keys and encryption protectors
897          - Added support for check server name availability
898          - Added support for virtual network firewall rules
899          - Updated server azure ad admin from swagger
900          - Minor nonfunctional updates to database blob auditing
901          - Breaking changes DatabaseMetrics and ServerMetrics renamed to
902            DatabaseUsage and ServerUsage. These were misleadingly named because
903            metrics is a different API.
904          - Added database metrics and elastic pool metrics
906        ## 0.5.3 (2017-06-01)
908          - Update minimal dependency to msrestazure 0.4.8
910        ## 0.5.2 (2017-05-31)
912        **Features**
914          - Added support for server active directory administrator, failover
915            groups, and virtual network rules
916          - Minor changes to database auditing support
918        ## 0.5.1 (2017-04-28)
920        **Bugfixes**
922          - Fix return exception in import/export
924        ## 0.5.0 (2017-04-19)
926        **Breaking changes**
928          - `SqlManagementClient.list_operations` is now
929            `SqlManagementClient.operations.list`
931        **New features**
933          - Added elastic pool capabilities to capabilities API.
935        **Notes**
937          - This wheel package is now built with the azure wheel extension
939        ## 0.4.0 (2017-03-22)
941        Capabilities and security policy features.
943        Also renamed several types and operations for improved clarify and
944        consistency.
946        Additions:
948          - BlobAuditingPolicy APIs (e.g.
949            databases.create_or_update_blob_auditing_policy)
950          - ThreatDetectionPolicy APIs (e.g.
951            databases.create_or_update_threat_detection_policy)
952          - databases.list_by_server now supports $expand parameter
953          - Capabilities APIs (e.g. capabilities.list_by_location)
955        Classes and enums renamed:
957          - ServerFirewallRule -> FirewallRule
958          - DatabaseEditions -> DatabaseEdition
959          - ElasticPoolEditions -> ElasticPoolEdition
960          - ImportRequestParameters -> ImportRequest
961          - ExportRequestParameters -> ExportRequest
962          - ImportExportOperationResponse -> ImportExportResponse
963          - OperationMode -> ImportOperationMode
964          - TransparentDataEncryptionStates -> TransparentDataEncryptionStatus
966        Classes removed:
968          - Unused types: UpgradeHint, Schema, Table, Column
970        Operations renamed:
972          - servers.get_by_resource_group -> servers.get
973          - servers.create_or_update_firewall_rule ->
974            firewall_rules.create_or_update, and similar for get, list, and
975            delete
976          - databases.import -> databases.create_import_operation
977          - servers.import -> databases.import
978          - databases.pause_data_warehouse -> databases.pause
979          - databases.resume_data_warehouse -> databases.resume
980          - recommended_elastic_pools.list ->
981            recommended_elastic_pools.list_by_server
983        Operations removed:
985          - Removed ImportExport operation results APIs since these are handled
986            automatically by Azure async pattern.
988        ## 0.3.3 (2017-03-14)
990          - Add database blob auditing and threat detection operations
992        ## 0.3.2 (2017-03-08)
994          - Add import/export operations
995          - Expanded documentation of create modes
997        ## 0.3.1 (2017-03-01)
999          - Added ‘filter’ param to list databases
1001        ## 0.3.0 (2017-02-27)
1003        **Breaking changes**
1005          - Enums:
1006              - createMode renamed to CreateMode
1007              - Added ReadScale, SampleName, ServerState
1008          - Added missing Database properties (failover_group_id,
1009            restore_point_in_time, read_scale, sample_name)
1010          - Added missing ElasticPoolActivity properties ([requested](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/sql/azure-mgmt-sql)*)
1011          - Added missing ReplicationLink properties (is_termination_allowed,
1012            replication_mode)
1013          - Added missing Server properties ([external_administrator](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/sql/azure-mgmt-sql)*,
1014            state)
1015          - Added operations APIs
1016          - Removed unused Database.upgrade_hint property
1017          - Removed unused RecommendedDatabaseProperties class
1018          - Renamed incorrect RecommendedElasticPool.databases_property to
1019            databases
1020          - Made firewall rule start/end ip address required
1021          - Added missing kind property to many resources
1022          - Many doc clarifications
1024        ## 0.2.0 (2016-12-12)
1026        **Breaking changes**
1028          - Parameters re-ordering (list_database_activity)
1029          - Flatten create_or_update_firewall_rule from "parameters" to
1030            "start_ip_address" and "end_ip_address"
1032        ## 0.1.0 (2016-11-02)
1034          - Initial Release
1036Platform: UNKNOWN
1037Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
1038Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
1039Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
1040Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
1041Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
1042Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
1043Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
1044Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
1045Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
1046Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
1047Description-Content-Type: text/markdown