1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3    babel.messages.frontend
4    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
6    Frontends for the message extraction functionality.
8    :copyright: (c) 2013-2021 by the Babel Team.
9    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
11from __future__ import print_function
13import logging
14import optparse
15import os
16import re
17import shutil
18import sys
19import tempfile
20from collections import OrderedDict
21from datetime import datetime
22from locale import getpreferredencoding
24from babel import __version__ as VERSION
25from babel import Locale, localedata
26from babel._compat import StringIO, string_types, text_type, PY2
27from babel.core import UnknownLocaleError
28from babel.messages.catalog import Catalog
29from babel.messages.extract import DEFAULT_KEYWORDS, DEFAULT_MAPPING, check_and_call_extract_file, extract_from_dir
30from babel.messages.mofile import write_mo
31from babel.messages.pofile import read_po, write_po
32from babel.util import LOCALTZ
33from distutils import log as distutils_log
34from distutils.cmd import Command as _Command
35from distutils.errors import DistutilsOptionError, DistutilsSetupError
38    from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
39except ImportError:
40    from configparser import RawConfigParser
43po_file_read_mode = ('rU' if PY2 else 'r')
46def listify_value(arg, split=None):
47    """
48    Make a list out of an argument.
50    Values from `distutils` argument parsing are always single strings;
51    values from `optparse` parsing may be lists of strings that may need
52    to be further split.
54    No matter the input, this function returns a flat list of whitespace-trimmed
55    strings, with `None` values filtered out.
57    >>> listify_value("foo bar")
58    ['foo', 'bar']
59    >>> listify_value(["foo bar"])
60    ['foo', 'bar']
61    >>> listify_value([["foo"], "bar"])
62    ['foo', 'bar']
63    >>> listify_value([["foo"], ["bar", None, "foo"]])
64    ['foo', 'bar', 'foo']
65    >>> listify_value("foo, bar, quux", ",")
66    ['foo', 'bar', 'quux']
68    :param arg: A string or a list of strings
69    :param split: The argument to pass to `str.split()`.
70    :return:
71    """
72    out = []
74    if not isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
75        arg = [arg]
77    for val in arg:
78        if val is None:
79            continue
80        if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
81            out.extend(listify_value(val, split=split))
82            continue
83        out.extend(s.strip() for s in text_type(val).split(split))
84    assert all(isinstance(val, string_types) for val in out)
85    return out
88class Command(_Command):
89    # This class is a small shim between Distutils commands and
90    # optparse option parsing in the frontend command line.
92    #: Option name to be input as `args` on the script command line.
93    as_args = None
95    #: Options which allow multiple values.
96    #: This is used by the `optparse` transmogrification code.
97    multiple_value_options = ()
99    #: Options which are booleans.
100    #: This is used by the `optparse` transmogrification code.
101    # (This is actually used by distutils code too, but is never
102    # declared in the base class.)
103    boolean_options = ()
105    #: Option aliases, to retain standalone command compatibility.
106    #: Distutils does not support option aliases, but optparse does.
107    #: This maps the distutils argument name to an iterable of aliases
108    #: that are usable with optparse.
109    option_aliases = {}
111    #: Choices for options that needed to be restricted to specific
112    #: list of choices.
113    option_choices = {}
115    #: Log object. To allow replacement in the script command line runner.
116    log = distutils_log
118    def __init__(self, dist=None):
119        # A less strict version of distutils' `__init__`.
120        self.distribution = dist
121        self.initialize_options()
122        self._dry_run = None
123        self.verbose = False
124        self.force = None
125        self.help = 0
126        self.finalized = 0
129class compile_catalog(Command):
130    """Catalog compilation command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
132    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
133    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
134    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
136        from babel.messages.frontend import compile_catalog
138        setup(
139            ...
140            cmdclass = {'compile_catalog': compile_catalog}
141        )
143    .. versionadded:: 0.9
144    """
146    description = 'compile message catalogs to binary MO files'
147    user_options = [
148        ('domain=', 'D',
149         "domains of PO files (space separated list, default 'messages')"),
150        ('directory=', 'd',
151         'path to base directory containing the catalogs'),
152        ('input-file=', 'i',
153         'name of the input file'),
154        ('output-file=', 'o',
155         "name of the output file (default "
156         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.mo')"),
157        ('locale=', 'l',
158         'locale of the catalog to compile'),
159        ('use-fuzzy', 'f',
160         'also include fuzzy translations'),
161        ('statistics', None,
162         'print statistics about translations')
163    ]
164    boolean_options = ['use-fuzzy', 'statistics']
166    def initialize_options(self):
167        self.domain = 'messages'
168        self.directory = None
169        self.input_file = None
170        self.output_file = None
171        self.locale = None
172        self.use_fuzzy = False
173        self.statistics = False
175    def finalize_options(self):
176        self.domain = listify_value(self.domain)
177        if not self.input_file and not self.directory:
178            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify either the input file '
179                                       'or the base directory')
180        if not self.output_file and not self.directory:
181            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify either the output file '
182                                       'or the base directory')
184    def run(self):
185        n_errors = 0
186        for domain in self.domain:
187            for catalog, errors in self._run_domain(domain).items():
188                n_errors += len(errors)
189        if n_errors:
190            self.log.error('%d errors encountered.' % n_errors)
191        return (1 if n_errors else 0)
193    def _run_domain(self, domain):
194        po_files = []
195        mo_files = []
197        if not self.input_file:
198            if self.locale:
199                po_files.append((self.locale,
200                                 os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
201                                              'LC_MESSAGES',
202                                              domain + '.po')))
203                mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
204                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
205                                             domain + '.mo'))
206            else:
207                for locale in os.listdir(self.directory):
208                    po_file = os.path.join(self.directory, locale,
209                                           'LC_MESSAGES', domain + '.po')
210                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
211                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
212                        mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, locale,
213                                                     'LC_MESSAGES',
214                                                     domain + '.mo'))
215        else:
216            po_files.append((self.locale, self.input_file))
217            if self.output_file:
218                mo_files.append(self.output_file)
219            else:
220                mo_files.append(os.path.join(self.directory, self.locale,
221                                             'LC_MESSAGES',
222                                             domain + '.mo'))
224        if not po_files:
225            raise DistutilsOptionError('no message catalogs found')
227        catalogs_and_errors = {}
229        for idx, (locale, po_file) in enumerate(po_files):
230            mo_file = mo_files[idx]
231            with open(po_file, 'rb') as infile:
232                catalog = read_po(infile, locale)
234            if self.statistics:
235                translated = 0
236                for message in list(catalog)[1:]:
237                    if message.string:
238                        translated += 1
239                percentage = 0
240                if len(catalog):
241                    percentage = translated * 100 // len(catalog)
242                self.log.info(
243                    '%d of %d messages (%d%%) translated in %s',
244                    translated, len(catalog), percentage, po_file
245                )
247            if catalog.fuzzy and not self.use_fuzzy:
248                self.log.info('catalog %s is marked as fuzzy, skipping', po_file)
249                continue
251            catalogs_and_errors[catalog] = catalog_errors = list(catalog.check())
252            for message, errors in catalog_errors:
253                for error in errors:
254                    self.log.error(
255                        'error: %s:%d: %s', po_file, message.lineno, error
256                    )
258            self.log.info('compiling catalog %s to %s', po_file, mo_file)
260            with open(mo_file, 'wb') as outfile:
261                write_mo(outfile, catalog, use_fuzzy=self.use_fuzzy)
263        return catalogs_and_errors
266class extract_messages(Command):
267    """Message extraction command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
269    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
270    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
271    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
273        from babel.messages.frontend import extract_messages
275        setup(
276            ...
277            cmdclass = {'extract_messages': extract_messages}
278        )
279    """
281    description = 'extract localizable strings from the project code'
282    user_options = [
283        ('charset=', None,
284         'charset to use in the output file (default "utf-8")'),
285        ('keywords=', 'k',
286         'space-separated list of keywords to look for in addition to the '
287         'defaults (may be repeated multiple times)'),
288        ('no-default-keywords', None,
289         'do not include the default keywords'),
290        ('mapping-file=', 'F',
291         'path to the mapping configuration file'),
292        ('no-location', None,
293         'do not include location comments with filename and line number'),
294        ('add-location=', None,
295         'location lines format. If it is not given or "full", it generates '
296         'the lines with both file name and line number. If it is "file", '
297         'the line number part is omitted. If it is "never", it completely '
298         'suppresses the lines (same as --no-location).'),
299        ('omit-header', None,
300         'do not include msgid "" entry in header'),
301        ('output-file=', 'o',
302         'name of the output file'),
303        ('width=', 'w',
304         'set output line width (default 76)'),
305        ('no-wrap', None,
306         'do not break long message lines, longer than the output line width, '
307         'into several lines'),
308        ('sort-output', None,
309         'generate sorted output (default False)'),
310        ('sort-by-file', None,
311         'sort output by file location (default False)'),
312        ('msgid-bugs-address=', None,
313         'set report address for msgid'),
314        ('copyright-holder=', None,
315         'set copyright holder in output'),
316        ('project=', None,
317         'set project name in output'),
318        ('version=', None,
319         'set project version in output'),
320        ('add-comments=', 'c',
321         'place comment block with TAG (or those preceding keyword lines) in '
322         'output file. Separate multiple TAGs with commas(,)'),  # TODO: Support repetition of this argument
323        ('strip-comments', 's',
324         'strip the comment TAGs from the comments.'),
325        ('input-paths=', None,
326         'files or directories that should be scanned for messages. Separate multiple '
327         'files or directories with commas(,)'),  # TODO: Support repetition of this argument
328        ('input-dirs=', None,  # TODO (3.x): Remove me.
329         'alias for input-paths (does allow files as well as directories).'),
330    ]
331    boolean_options = [
332        'no-default-keywords', 'no-location', 'omit-header', 'no-wrap',
333        'sort-output', 'sort-by-file', 'strip-comments'
334    ]
335    as_args = 'input-paths'
336    multiple_value_options = ('add-comments', 'keywords')
337    option_aliases = {
338        'keywords': ('--keyword',),
339        'mapping-file': ('--mapping',),
340        'output-file': ('--output',),
341        'strip-comments': ('--strip-comment-tags',),
342    }
343    option_choices = {
344        'add-location': ('full', 'file', 'never',),
345    }
347    def initialize_options(self):
348        self.charset = 'utf-8'
349        self.keywords = None
350        self.no_default_keywords = False
351        self.mapping_file = None
352        self.no_location = False
353        self.add_location = None
354        self.omit_header = False
355        self.output_file = None
356        self.input_dirs = None
357        self.input_paths = None
358        self.width = None
359        self.no_wrap = False
360        self.sort_output = False
361        self.sort_by_file = False
362        self.msgid_bugs_address = None
363        self.copyright_holder = None
364        self.project = None
365        self.version = None
366        self.add_comments = None
367        self.strip_comments = False
368        self.include_lineno = True
370    def finalize_options(self):
371        if self.input_dirs:
372            if not self.input_paths:
373                self.input_paths = self.input_dirs
374            else:
375                raise DistutilsOptionError(
376                    'input-dirs and input-paths are mutually exclusive'
377                )
379        if self.no_default_keywords:
380            keywords = {}
381        else:
382            keywords = DEFAULT_KEYWORDS.copy()
384        keywords.update(parse_keywords(listify_value(self.keywords)))
386        self.keywords = keywords
388        if not self.keywords:
389            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify new keywords if you '
390                                       'disable the default ones')
392        if not self.output_file:
393            raise DistutilsOptionError('no output file specified')
394        if self.no_wrap and self.width:
395            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--no-wrap' and '--width' are mutually "
396                                       "exclusive")
397        if not self.no_wrap and not self.width:
398            self.width = 76
399        elif self.width is not None:
400            self.width = int(self.width)
402        if self.sort_output and self.sort_by_file:
403            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--sort-output' and '--sort-by-file' "
404                                       "are mutually exclusive")
406        if self.input_paths:
407            if isinstance(self.input_paths, string_types):
408                self.input_paths = re.split(r',\s*', self.input_paths)
409        elif self.distribution is not None:
410            self.input_paths = dict.fromkeys([
411                k.split('.', 1)[0]
412                for k in (self.distribution.packages or ())
413            ]).keys()
414        else:
415            self.input_paths = []
417        if not self.input_paths:
418            raise DistutilsOptionError("no input files or directories specified")
420        for path in self.input_paths:
421            if not os.path.exists(path):
422                raise DistutilsOptionError("Input path: %s does not exist" % path)
424        self.add_comments = listify_value(self.add_comments or (), ",")
426        if self.distribution:
427            if not self.project:
428                self.project = self.distribution.get_name()
429            if not self.version:
430                self.version = self.distribution.get_version()
432        if self.add_location == 'never':
433            self.no_location = True
434        elif self.add_location == 'file':
435            self.include_lineno = False
437    def run(self):
438        mappings = self._get_mappings()
439        with open(self.output_file, 'wb') as outfile:
440            catalog = Catalog(project=self.project,
441                              version=self.version,
442                              msgid_bugs_address=self.msgid_bugs_address,
443                              copyright_holder=self.copyright_holder,
444                              charset=self.charset)
446            for path, method_map, options_map in mappings:
447                def callback(filename, method, options):
448                    if method == 'ignore':
449                        return
451                    # If we explicitly provide a full filepath, just use that.
452                    # Otherwise, path will be the directory path and filename
453                    # is the relative path from that dir to the file.
454                    # So we can join those to get the full filepath.
455                    if os.path.isfile(path):
456                        filepath = path
457                    else:
458                        filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, filename))
460                    optstr = ''
461                    if options:
462                        optstr = ' (%s)' % ', '.join(['%s="%s"' % (k, v) for
463                                                      k, v in options.items()])
464                    self.log.info('extracting messages from %s%s', filepath, optstr)
466                if os.path.isfile(path):
467                    current_dir = os.getcwd()
468                    extracted = check_and_call_extract_file(
469                        path, method_map, options_map,
470                        callback, self.keywords, self.add_comments,
471                        self.strip_comments, current_dir
472                    )
473                else:
474                    extracted = extract_from_dir(
475                        path, method_map, options_map,
476                        keywords=self.keywords,
477                        comment_tags=self.add_comments,
478                        callback=callback,
479                        strip_comment_tags=self.strip_comments
480                    )
481                for filename, lineno, message, comments, context in extracted:
482                    if os.path.isfile(path):
483                        filepath = filename  # already normalized
484                    else:
485                        filepath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, filename))
487                    catalog.add(message, None, [(filepath, lineno)],
488                                auto_comments=comments, context=context)
490            self.log.info('writing PO template file to %s', self.output_file)
491            write_po(outfile, catalog, width=self.width,
492                     no_location=self.no_location,
493                     omit_header=self.omit_header,
494                     sort_output=self.sort_output,
495                     sort_by_file=self.sort_by_file,
496                     include_lineno=self.include_lineno)
498    def _get_mappings(self):
499        mappings = []
501        if self.mapping_file:
502            with open(self.mapping_file, po_file_read_mode) as fileobj:
503                method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(fileobj)
504            for path in self.input_paths:
505                mappings.append((path, method_map, options_map))
507        elif getattr(self.distribution, 'message_extractors', None):
508            message_extractors = self.distribution.message_extractors
509            for path, mapping in message_extractors.items():
510                if isinstance(mapping, string_types):
511                    method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(StringIO(mapping))
512                else:
513                    method_map, options_map = [], {}
514                    for pattern, method, options in mapping:
515                        method_map.append((pattern, method))
516                        options_map[pattern] = options or {}
517                mappings.append((path, method_map, options_map))
519        else:
520            for path in self.input_paths:
521                mappings.append((path, DEFAULT_MAPPING, {}))
523        return mappings
526def check_message_extractors(dist, name, value):
527    """Validate the ``message_extractors`` keyword argument to ``setup()``.
529    :param dist: the distutils/setuptools ``Distribution`` object
530    :param name: the name of the keyword argument (should always be
531                 "message_extractors")
532    :param value: the value of the keyword argument
533    :raise `DistutilsSetupError`: if the value is not valid
534    """
535    assert name == 'message_extractors'
536    if not isinstance(value, dict):
537        raise DistutilsSetupError('the value of the "message_extractors" '
538                                  'parameter must be a dictionary')
541class init_catalog(Command):
542    """New catalog initialization command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
544    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
545    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
546    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
548        from babel.messages.frontend import init_catalog
550        setup(
551            ...
552            cmdclass = {'init_catalog': init_catalog}
553        )
554    """
556    description = 'create a new catalog based on a POT file'
557    user_options = [
558        ('domain=', 'D',
559         "domain of PO file (default 'messages')"),
560        ('input-file=', 'i',
561         'name of the input file'),
562        ('output-dir=', 'd',
563         'path to output directory'),
564        ('output-file=', 'o',
565         "name of the output file (default "
566         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.po')"),
567        ('locale=', 'l',
568         'locale for the new localized catalog'),
569        ('width=', 'w',
570         'set output line width (default 76)'),
571        ('no-wrap', None,
572         'do not break long message lines, longer than the output line width, '
573         'into several lines'),
574    ]
575    boolean_options = ['no-wrap']
577    def initialize_options(self):
578        self.output_dir = None
579        self.output_file = None
580        self.input_file = None
581        self.locale = None
582        self.domain = 'messages'
583        self.no_wrap = False
584        self.width = None
586    def finalize_options(self):
587        if not self.input_file:
588            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the input file')
590        if not self.locale:
591            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must provide a locale for the '
592                                       'new catalog')
593        try:
594            self._locale = Locale.parse(self.locale)
595        except UnknownLocaleError as e:
596            raise DistutilsOptionError(e)
598        if not self.output_file and not self.output_dir:
599            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the output directory')
600        if not self.output_file:
601            self.output_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.locale,
602                                            'LC_MESSAGES', self.domain + '.po')
604        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.output_file)):
605            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.output_file))
606        if self.no_wrap and self.width:
607            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--no-wrap' and '--width' are mutually "
608                                       "exclusive")
609        if not self.no_wrap and not self.width:
610            self.width = 76
611        elif self.width is not None:
612            self.width = int(self.width)
614    def run(self):
615        self.log.info(
616            'creating catalog %s based on %s', self.output_file, self.input_file
617        )
619        with open(self.input_file, 'rb') as infile:
620            # Although reading from the catalog template, read_po must be fed
621            # the locale in order to correctly calculate plurals
622            catalog = read_po(infile, locale=self.locale)
624        catalog.locale = self._locale
625        catalog.revision_date = datetime.now(LOCALTZ)
626        catalog.fuzzy = False
628        with open(self.output_file, 'wb') as outfile:
629            write_po(outfile, catalog, width=self.width)
632class update_catalog(Command):
633    """Catalog merging command for use in ``setup.py`` scripts.
635    If correctly installed, this command is available to Setuptools-using
636    setup scripts automatically. For projects using plain old ``distutils``,
637    the command needs to be registered explicitly in ``setup.py``::
639        from babel.messages.frontend import update_catalog
641        setup(
642            ...
643            cmdclass = {'update_catalog': update_catalog}
644        )
646    .. versionadded:: 0.9
647    """
649    description = 'update message catalogs from a POT file'
650    user_options = [
651        ('domain=', 'D',
652         "domain of PO file (default 'messages')"),
653        ('input-file=', 'i',
654         'name of the input file'),
655        ('output-dir=', 'd',
656         'path to base directory containing the catalogs'),
657        ('output-file=', 'o',
658         "name of the output file (default "
659         "'<output_dir>/<locale>/LC_MESSAGES/<domain>.po')"),
660        ('omit-header', None,
661         "do not include msgid "" entry in header"),
662        ('locale=', 'l',
663         'locale of the catalog to compile'),
664        ('width=', 'w',
665         'set output line width (default 76)'),
666        ('no-wrap', None,
667         'do not break long message lines, longer than the output line width, '
668         'into several lines'),
669        ('ignore-obsolete=', None,
670         'whether to omit obsolete messages from the output'),
671        ('no-fuzzy-matching', 'N',
672         'do not use fuzzy matching'),
673        ('update-header-comment', None,
674         'update target header comment'),
675        ('previous', None,
676         'keep previous msgids of translated messages'),
677    ]
678    boolean_options = [
679        'omit-header', 'no-wrap', 'ignore-obsolete', 'no-fuzzy-matching',
680        'previous', 'update-header-comment',
681    ]
683    def initialize_options(self):
684        self.domain = 'messages'
685        self.input_file = None
686        self.output_dir = None
687        self.output_file = None
688        self.omit_header = False
689        self.locale = None
690        self.width = None
691        self.no_wrap = False
692        self.ignore_obsolete = False
693        self.no_fuzzy_matching = False
694        self.update_header_comment = False
695        self.previous = False
697    def finalize_options(self):
698        if not self.input_file:
699            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the input file')
700        if not self.output_file and not self.output_dir:
701            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the output file or '
702                                       'directory')
703        if self.output_file and not self.locale:
704            raise DistutilsOptionError('you must specify the locale')
705        if self.no_wrap and self.width:
706            raise DistutilsOptionError("'--no-wrap' and '--width' are mutually "
707                                       "exclusive")
708        if not self.no_wrap and not self.width:
709            self.width = 76
710        elif self.width is not None:
711            self.width = int(self.width)
712        if self.no_fuzzy_matching and self.previous:
713            self.previous = False
715    def run(self):
716        po_files = []
717        if not self.output_file:
718            if self.locale:
719                po_files.append((self.locale,
720                                 os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.locale,
721                                              'LC_MESSAGES',
722                                              self.domain + '.po')))
723            else:
724                for locale in os.listdir(self.output_dir):
725                    po_file = os.path.join(self.output_dir, locale,
726                                           'LC_MESSAGES',
727                                           self.domain + '.po')
728                    if os.path.exists(po_file):
729                        po_files.append((locale, po_file))
730        else:
731            po_files.append((self.locale, self.output_file))
733        if not po_files:
734            raise DistutilsOptionError('no message catalogs found')
736        domain = self.domain
737        if not domain:
738            domain = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.input_file))[0]
740        with open(self.input_file, 'rb') as infile:
741            template = read_po(infile)
743        for locale, filename in po_files:
744            self.log.info('updating catalog %s based on %s', filename, self.input_file)
745            with open(filename, 'rb') as infile:
746                catalog = read_po(infile, locale=locale, domain=domain)
748            catalog.update(
749                template, self.no_fuzzy_matching,
750                update_header_comment=self.update_header_comment
751            )
753            tmpname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
754                                   tempfile.gettempprefix() +
755                                   os.path.basename(filename))
756            try:
757                with open(tmpname, 'wb') as tmpfile:
758                    write_po(tmpfile, catalog,
759                             omit_header=self.omit_header,
760                             ignore_obsolete=self.ignore_obsolete,
761                             include_previous=self.previous, width=self.width)
762            except:
763                os.remove(tmpname)
764                raise
766            try:
767                os.rename(tmpname, filename)
768            except OSError:
769                # We're probably on Windows, which doesn't support atomic
770                # renames, at least not through Python
771                # If the error is in fact due to a permissions problem, that
772                # same error is going to be raised from one of the following
773                # operations
774                os.remove(filename)
775                shutil.copy(tmpname, filename)
776                os.remove(tmpname)
779class CommandLineInterface(object):
780    """Command-line interface.
782    This class provides a simple command-line interface to the message
783    extraction and PO file generation functionality.
784    """
786    usage = '%%prog %s [options] %s'
787    version = '%%prog %s' % VERSION
788    commands = {
789        'compile': 'compile message catalogs to MO files',
790        'extract': 'extract messages from source files and generate a POT file',
791        'init': 'create new message catalogs from a POT file',
792        'update': 'update existing message catalogs from a POT file'
793    }
795    command_classes = {
796        'compile': compile_catalog,
797        'extract': extract_messages,
798        'init': init_catalog,
799        'update': update_catalog,
800    }
802    log = None  # Replaced on instance level
804    def run(self, argv=None):
805        """Main entry point of the command-line interface.
807        :param argv: list of arguments passed on the command-line
808        """
810        if argv is None:
811            argv = sys.argv
813        self.parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=self.usage % ('command', '[args]'),
814                                            version=self.version)
815        self.parser.disable_interspersed_args()
816        self.parser.print_help = self._help
817        self.parser.add_option('--list-locales', dest='list_locales',
818                               action='store_true',
819                               help="print all known locales and exit")
820        self.parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_const',
821                               dest='loglevel', const=logging.DEBUG,
822                               help='print as much as possible')
823        self.parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_const',
824                               dest='loglevel', const=logging.ERROR,
825                               help='print as little as possible')
826        self.parser.set_defaults(list_locales=False, loglevel=logging.INFO)
828        options, args = self.parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
830        self._configure_logging(options.loglevel)
831        if options.list_locales:
832            identifiers = localedata.locale_identifiers()
833            longest = max([len(identifier) for identifier in identifiers])
834            identifiers.sort()
835            format = u'%%-%ds %%s' % (longest + 1)
836            for identifier in identifiers:
837                locale = Locale.parse(identifier)
838                output = format % (identifier, locale.english_name)
839                print(output.encode(sys.stdout.encoding or
840                                    getpreferredencoding() or
841                                    'ascii', 'replace'))
842            return 0
844        if not args:
845            self.parser.error('no valid command or option passed. '
846                              'Try the -h/--help option for more information.')
848        cmdname = args[0]
849        if cmdname not in self.commands:
850            self.parser.error('unknown command "%s"' % cmdname)
852        cmdinst = self._configure_command(cmdname, args[1:])
853        return cmdinst.run()
855    def _configure_logging(self, loglevel):
856        self.log = logging.getLogger('babel')
857        self.log.setLevel(loglevel)
858        # Don't add a new handler for every instance initialization (#227), this
859        # would cause duplicated output when the CommandLineInterface as an
860        # normal Python class.
861        if self.log.handlers:
862            handler = self.log.handlers[0]
863        else:
864            handler = logging.StreamHandler()
865            self.log.addHandler(handler)
866        handler.setLevel(loglevel)
867        formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
868        handler.setFormatter(formatter)
870    def _help(self):
871        print(self.parser.format_help())
872        print("commands:")
873        longest = max([len(command) for command in self.commands])
874        format = "  %%-%ds %%s" % max(8, longest + 1)
875        commands = sorted(self.commands.items())
876        for name, description in commands:
877            print(format % (name, description))
879    def _configure_command(self, cmdname, argv):
880        """
881        :type cmdname: str
882        :type argv: list[str]
883        """
884        cmdclass = self.command_classes[cmdname]
885        cmdinst = cmdclass()
886        if self.log:
887            cmdinst.log = self.log  # Use our logger, not distutils'.
888        assert isinstance(cmdinst, Command)
889        cmdinst.initialize_options()
891        parser = optparse.OptionParser(
892            usage=self.usage % (cmdname, ''),
893            description=self.commands[cmdname]
894        )
895        as_args = getattr(cmdclass, "as_args", ())
896        for long, short, help in cmdclass.user_options:
897            name = long.strip("=")
898            default = getattr(cmdinst, name.replace('-', '_'))
899            strs = ["--%s" % name]
900            if short:
901                strs.append("-%s" % short)
902            strs.extend(cmdclass.option_aliases.get(name, ()))
903            choices = cmdclass.option_choices.get(name, None)
904            if name == as_args:
905                parser.usage += "<%s>" % name
906            elif name in cmdclass.boolean_options:
907                parser.add_option(*strs, action="store_true", help=help)
908            elif name in cmdclass.multiple_value_options:
909                parser.add_option(*strs, action="append", help=help, choices=choices)
910            else:
911                parser.add_option(*strs, help=help, default=default, choices=choices)
912        options, args = parser.parse_args(argv)
914        if as_args:
915            setattr(options, as_args.replace('-', '_'), args)
917        for key, value in vars(options).items():
918            setattr(cmdinst, key, value)
920        try:
921            cmdinst.ensure_finalized()
922        except DistutilsOptionError as err:
923            parser.error(str(err))
925        return cmdinst
928def main():
929    return CommandLineInterface().run(sys.argv)
932def parse_mapping(fileobj, filename=None):
933    """Parse an extraction method mapping from a file-like object.
935    >>> buf = StringIO('''
936    ... [extractors]
937    ... custom = mypackage.module:myfunc
938    ...
939    ... # Python source files
940    ... [python: **.py]
941    ...
942    ... # Genshi templates
943    ... [genshi: **/templates/**.html]
944    ... include_attrs =
945    ... [genshi: **/templates/**.txt]
946    ... template_class = genshi.template:TextTemplate
947    ... encoding = latin-1
948    ...
949    ... # Some custom extractor
950    ... [custom: **/custom/*.*]
951    ... ''')
953    >>> method_map, options_map = parse_mapping(buf)
954    >>> len(method_map)
955    4
957    >>> method_map[0]
958    ('**.py', 'python')
959    >>> options_map['**.py']
960    {}
961    >>> method_map[1]
962    ('**/templates/**.html', 'genshi')
963    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.html']['include_attrs']
964    ''
965    >>> method_map[2]
966    ('**/templates/**.txt', 'genshi')
967    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.txt']['template_class']
968    'genshi.template:TextTemplate'
969    >>> options_map['**/templates/**.txt']['encoding']
970    'latin-1'
972    >>> method_map[3]
973    ('**/custom/*.*', 'mypackage.module:myfunc')
974    >>> options_map['**/custom/*.*']
975    {}
977    :param fileobj: a readable file-like object containing the configuration
978                    text to parse
979    :see: `extract_from_directory`
980    """
981    extractors = {}
982    method_map = []
983    options_map = {}
985    parser = RawConfigParser()
986    parser._sections = OrderedDict(parser._sections)  # We need ordered sections
988    if PY2:
989        parser.readfp(fileobj, filename)
990    else:
991        parser.read_file(fileobj, filename)
993    for section in parser.sections():
994        if section == 'extractors':
995            extractors = dict(parser.items(section))
996        else:
997            method, pattern = [part.strip() for part in section.split(':', 1)]
998            method_map.append((pattern, method))
999            options_map[pattern] = dict(parser.items(section))
1001    if extractors:
1002        for idx, (pattern, method) in enumerate(method_map):
1003            if method in extractors:
1004                method = extractors[method]
1005            method_map[idx] = (pattern, method)
1007    return method_map, options_map
1010def parse_keywords(strings=[]):
1011    """Parse keywords specifications from the given list of strings.
1013    >>> kw = sorted(parse_keywords(['_', 'dgettext:2', 'dngettext:2,3', 'pgettext:1c,2']).items())
1014    >>> for keyword, indices in kw:
1015    ...     print((keyword, indices))
1016    ('_', None)
1017    ('dgettext', (2,))
1018    ('dngettext', (2, 3))
1019    ('pgettext', ((1, 'c'), 2))
1020    """
1021    keywords = {}
1022    for string in strings:
1023        if ':' in string:
1024            funcname, indices = string.split(':')
1025        else:
1026            funcname, indices = string, None
1027        if funcname not in keywords:
1028            if indices:
1029                inds = []
1030                for x in indices.split(','):
1031                    if x[-1] == 'c':
1032                        inds.append((int(x[:-1]), 'c'))
1033                    else:
1034                        inds.append(int(x))
1035                indices = tuple(inds)
1036            keywords[funcname] = indices
1037    return keywords
1040if __name__ == '__main__':
1041    main()