1# This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can
2# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
3# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
5# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
6# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
7# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
8# details.
10# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
11# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
12# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
14# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
16import base64
17import json
18import os
19import random
20import re
21import shlex
22import string
23import sys
24import time
26from twisted.cred import credentials
27from twisted.internet import defer
28from twisted.internet import protocol
29from twisted.internet import reactor
30from twisted.internet import task
31from twisted.internet import utils
32from twisted.python import log
33from twisted.python import runtime
34from twisted.python.procutils import which
35from twisted.spread import pb
37from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS
38from buildbot.process.results import Results
39from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode
40from buildbot.util import now
41from buildbot.util import unicode2bytes
42from buildbot.util.eventual import fireEventually
45class SourceStamp:
47    def __init__(self, branch, revision, patch, repository=''):
48        self.branch = branch
49        self.revision = revision
50        self.patch = patch
51        self.repository = repository
54def output(*msg):
55    print(' '.join([str(m)for m in msg]))
58class SourceStampExtractor:
60    def __init__(self, treetop, branch, repository):
61        self.treetop = treetop
62        self.repository = repository
63        self.branch = branch
64        exes = which(self.vcexe)
65        if not exes:
66            output("Could not find executable '{}'.".format(self.vcexe))
67            sys.exit(1)
68        self.exe = exes[0]
70    def dovc(self, cmd):
71        """This accepts the arguments of a command, without the actual
72        command itself."""
73        env = os.environ.copy()
74        env['LC_ALL'] = "C"
75        d = utils.getProcessOutputAndValue(self.exe, cmd, env=env,
76                                           path=self.treetop)
77        d.addCallback(self._didvc, cmd)
78        return d
80    def _didvc(self, res, cmd):
81        (stdout, stderr, code) = res
82        # 'bzr diff' sets rc=1 if there were any differences.
83        # cvs does something similar, so don't bother requiring rc=0.
84        return stdout
86    def get(self):
87        """Return a Deferred that fires with a SourceStamp instance."""
88        d = self.getBaseRevision()
89        d.addCallback(self.getPatch)
90        d.addCallback(self.done)
91        return d
93    def readPatch(self, diff, patchlevel):
94        if not diff:
95            diff = None
96        self.patch = (patchlevel, diff)
98    def done(self, res):
99        if not self.repository:
100            self.repository = self.treetop
101        # TODO: figure out the branch and project too
102        ss = SourceStamp(bytes2unicode(self.branch), self.baserev, self.patch,
103                         repository=self.repository)
104        return ss
107class CVSExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
108    patchlevel = 0
109    vcexe = "cvs"
111    def getBaseRevision(self):
112        # this depends upon our local clock and the repository's clock being
113        # reasonably synchronized with each other. We express everything in
114        # UTC because the '%z' format specifier for strftime doesn't always
115        # work.
116        self.baserev = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S +0000",
117                                     time.gmtime(now()))
118        return defer.succeed(None)
120    def getPatch(self, res):
121        # the -q tells CVS to not announce each directory as it works
122        if self.branch is not None:
123            # 'cvs diff' won't take both -r and -D at the same time (it
124            # ignores the -r). As best I can tell, there is no way to make
125            # cvs give you a diff relative to a timestamp on the non-trunk
126            # branch. A bare 'cvs diff' will tell you about the changes
127            # relative to your checked-out versions, but I know of no way to
128            # find out what those checked-out versions are.
129            output("Sorry, CVS 'try' builds don't work with branches")
130            sys.exit(1)
131        args = ['-q', 'diff', '-u', '-D', self.baserev]
132        d = self.dovc(args)
133        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
134        return d
137class SVNExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
138    patchlevel = 0
139    vcexe = "svn"
141    def getBaseRevision(self):
142        d = self.dovc(["status", "-u"])
143        d.addCallback(self.parseStatus)
144        return d
146    def parseStatus(self, res):
147        # svn shows the base revision for each file that has been modified or
148        # which needs an update. You can update each file to a different
149        # version, so each file is displayed with its individual base
150        # revision. It also shows the repository-wide latest revision number
151        # on the last line ("Status against revision: \d+").
153        # for our purposes, we use the latest revision number as the "base"
154        # revision, and get a diff against that. This means we will get
155        # reverse-diffs for local files that need updating, but the resulting
156        # tree will still be correct. The only weirdness is that the baserev
157        # that we emit may be different than the version of the tree that we
158        # first checked out.
160        # to do this differently would probably involve scanning the revision
161        # numbers to find the max (or perhaps the min) revision, and then
162        # using that as a base.
164        for line in res.split(b"\n"):
165            m = re.search(br'^Status against revision:\s+(\d+)', line)
166            if m:
167                self.baserev = m.group(1)
168                return
169        output(
170            b"Could not find 'Status against revision' in SVN output: " + res)
171        sys.exit(1)
173    def getPatch(self, res):
174        d = self.dovc(["diff", "-r{}".format(self.baserev)])
175        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
176        return d
179class BzrExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
180    patchlevel = 0
181    vcexe = "bzr"
183    def getBaseRevision(self):
184        d = self.dovc(["revision-info", "-rsubmit:"])
185        d.addCallback(self.get_revision_number)
186        return d
188    def get_revision_number(self, out):
189        revno, revid = out.split()
190        self.baserev = 'revid:' + revid
191        return
193    def getPatch(self, res):
194        d = self.dovc(["diff", "-r{}..".format(self.baserev)])
195        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
196        return d
199class MercurialExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
200    patchlevel = 1
201    vcexe = "hg"
203    def _didvc(self, res, cmd):
204        (stdout, stderr, code) = res
206        if code:
207            cs = ' '.join(['hg'] + cmd)
208            if stderr:
209                stderr = '\n' + stderr.rstrip()
210            raise RuntimeError("{} returned {} {}".format(cs, code, stderr))
212        return stdout
214    @defer.inlineCallbacks
215    def getBaseRevision(self):
216        upstream = ""
217        if self.repository:
218            upstream = "r'{}'".format(self.repository)
219        output = ''
220        try:
221            output = yield self.dovc(["log", "--template", "{node}\\n", "-r",
222                                      "max(::. - outgoing({}))".format(upstream)])
223        except RuntimeError:
224            # outgoing() will abort if no default-push/default path is
225            # configured
226            if upstream:
227                raise
228            # fall back to current working directory parent
229            output = yield self.dovc(["log", "--template", "{node}\\n", "-r", "p1()"])
230        m = re.search(br'^(\w+)', output)
231        if not m:
232            raise RuntimeError(
233                "Revision {!r} is not in the right format".format(output))
234        self.baserev = m.group(0)
236    def getPatch(self, res):
237        d = self.dovc(["diff", "-r", self.baserev])
238        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
239        return d
242class PerforceExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
243    patchlevel = 0
244    vcexe = "p4"
246    def getBaseRevision(self):
247        d = self.dovc(["changes", "-m1", "..."])
248        d.addCallback(self.parseStatus)
249        return d
251    def parseStatus(self, res):
252        #
253        # extract the base change number
254        #
255        m = re.search(br'Change (\d+)', res)
256        if m:
257            self.baserev = m.group(1)
258            return
260        output(b"Could not find change number in output: " + res)
261        sys.exit(1)
263    def readPatch(self, res, patchlevel):
264        #
265        # extract the actual patch from "res"
266        #
267        if not self.branch:
268            output("you must specify a branch")
269            sys.exit(1)
270        mpatch = ""
271        found = False
272        for line in res.split("\n"):
273            m = re.search('==== //depot/' + self.branch
274                          + r'/([\w/\.\d\-_]+)#(\d+) -', line)
275            if m:
276                mpatch += "--- {}#{}\n".format(m.group(1), m.group(2))
277                mpatch += "+++ {}\n".format(m.group(1))
278                found = True
279            else:
280                mpatch += line
281                mpatch += "\n"
282        if not found:
283            output(b"could not parse patch file")
284            sys.exit(1)
285        self.patch = (patchlevel, unicode2bytes(mpatch))
287    def getPatch(self, res):
288        d = self.dovc(["diff"])
289        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
290        return d
293class DarcsExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
294    patchlevel = 1
295    vcexe = "darcs"
297    def getBaseRevision(self):
298        d = self.dovc(["changes", "--context"])
299        d.addCallback(self.parseStatus)
300        return d
302    def parseStatus(self, res):
303        self.baserev = res              # the whole context file
305    def getPatch(self, res):
306        d = self.dovc(["diff", "-u"])
307        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
308        return d
311class GitExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
312    patchlevel = 1
313    vcexe = "git"
314    config = None
316    def getBaseRevision(self):
317        # If a branch is specified, parse out the rev it points to
318        # and extract the local name.
319        if self.branch:
320            d = self.dovc(["rev-parse", self.branch])
321            d.addCallback(self.override_baserev)
322            d.addCallback(self.extractLocalBranch)
323            return d
324        d = self.dovc(["branch", "--no-color", "-v", "--no-abbrev"])
325        d.addCallback(self.parseStatus)
326        return d
328    # remove remote-prefix from self.branch (assumes format <prefix>/<branch>)
329    # this uses "git remote" to retrieve all configured remote names
330    def extractLocalBranch(self, res):
331        if '/' in self.branch:
332            d = self.dovc(["remote"])
333            d.addCallback(self.fixBranch)
334            return d
335        return None
337    # strip remote prefix from self.branch
338    def fixBranch(self, remotes):
339        for l in bytes2unicode(remotes).split("\n"):
340            r = l.strip()
341            if r and self.branch.startswith(r + "/"):
342                self.branch = self.branch[len(r) + 1:]
343                break
345    def readConfig(self):
346        if self.config:
347            return defer.succeed(self.config)
348        d = self.dovc(["config", "-l"])
349        d.addCallback(self.parseConfig)
350        return d
352    def parseConfig(self, res):
353        self.config = {}
354        for l in res.split(b"\n"):
355            if l.strip():
356                parts = l.strip().split(b"=", 2)
357                if len(parts) < 2:
358                    parts.append('true')
359                self.config[parts[0]] = parts[1]
360        return self.config
362    def parseTrackingBranch(self, res):
363        # If we're tracking a remote, consider that the base.
364        remote = self.config.get(b"branch." + self.branch + b".remote")
365        ref = self.config.get(b"branch." + self.branch + b".merge")
366        if remote and ref:
367            remote_branch = ref.split(b"/", 2)[-1]
368            baserev = remote + b"/" + remote_branch
369        else:
370            baserev = b"master"
372        d = self.dovc(["rev-parse", baserev])
373        d.addCallback(self.override_baserev)
374        return d
376    def override_baserev(self, res):
377        self.baserev = bytes2unicode(res).strip()
379    def parseStatus(self, res):
380        # The current branch is marked by '*' at the start of the
381        # line, followed by the branch name and the SHA1.
382        #
383        # Branch names may contain pretty much anything but whitespace.
384        m = re.search(br'^\* (\S+)\s+([0-9a-f]{40})', res, re.MULTILINE)
385        if m:
386            self.baserev = m.group(2)
387            self.branch = m.group(1)
388            d = self.readConfig()
389            d.addCallback(self.parseTrackingBranch)
390            return d
391        output(b"Could not find current GIT branch: " + res)
392        sys.exit(1)
394    def getPatch(self, res):
395        d = self.dovc(["diff", "--src-prefix=a/", "--dst-prefix=b/",
396                       "--no-textconv", "--no-ext-diff", self.baserev])
397        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
398        return d
401class MonotoneExtractor(SourceStampExtractor):
402    patchlevel = 0
403    vcexe = "mtn"
405    def getBaseRevision(self):
406        d = self.dovc(["automate", "get_base_revision_id"])
407        d.addCallback(self.parseStatus)
408        return d
410    def parseStatus(self, output):
411        hash = output.strip()
412        if len(hash) != 40:
413            self.baserev = None
414        self.baserev = hash
416    def getPatch(self, res):
417        d = self.dovc(["diff"])
418        d.addCallback(self.readPatch, self.patchlevel)
419        return d
422def getSourceStamp(vctype, treetop, branch=None, repository=None):
423    if vctype == "cvs":
424        cls = CVSExtractor
425    elif vctype == "svn":
426        cls = SVNExtractor
427    elif vctype == "bzr":
428        cls = BzrExtractor
429    elif vctype == "hg":
430        cls = MercurialExtractor
431    elif vctype == "p4":
432        cls = PerforceExtractor
433    elif vctype == "darcs":
434        cls = DarcsExtractor
435    elif vctype == "git":
436        cls = GitExtractor
437    elif vctype == "mtn":
438        cls = MonotoneExtractor
439    elif vctype == "none":
440        return defer.succeed(SourceStamp("", "", (1, ""), ""))
441    else:
442        output("unknown vctype '{}'".format(vctype))
443        sys.exit(1)
444    return cls(treetop, branch, repository).get()
447def ns(s):
448    return "{}:{},".format(len(s), s)
451def createJobfile(jobid, branch, baserev, patch_level, patch_body, repository,
452                  project, who, comment, builderNames, properties):
453    # Determine job file version from provided arguments
454    try:
455        bytes2unicode(patch_body)
456        version = 5
457    except UnicodeDecodeError:
458        version = 6
460    job = ""
461    job += ns(str(version))
462    job_dict = {
463        'jobid': jobid,
464        'branch': branch,
465        'baserev': str(baserev),
466        'patch_level': patch_level,
467        'repository': repository,
468        'project': project,
469        'who': who,
470        'comment': comment,
471        'builderNames': builderNames,
472        'properties': properties,
473    }
474    if version > 5:
475        job_dict['patch_body_base64'] = bytes2unicode(base64.b64encode(patch_body))
476    else:
477        job_dict['patch_body'] = bytes2unicode(patch_body)
479    job += ns(json.dumps(job_dict))
480    return job
483def getTopdir(topfile, start=None):
484    """walk upwards from the current directory until we find this topfile"""
485    if not start:
486        start = os.getcwd()
487    here = start
488    toomany = 20
489    while toomany > 0:
490        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(here, topfile)):
491            return here
492        next = os.path.dirname(here)
493        if next == here:
494            break                       # we've hit the root
495        here = next
496        toomany -= 1
497    output("Unable to find topfile '{}' anywhere "
498           "from {} upwards".format(topfile, start))
499    sys.exit(1)
502class RemoteTryPP(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
504    def __init__(self, job):
505        self.job = job
506        self.d = defer.Deferred()
508    def connectionMade(self):
509        self.transport.write(unicode2bytes(self.job))
510        self.transport.closeStdin()
512    def outReceived(self, data):
513        sys.stdout.write(bytes2unicode(data))
515    def errReceived(self, data):
516        sys.stderr.write(bytes2unicode(data))
518    def processEnded(self, status_object):
519        sig = status_object.value.signal
520        rc = status_object.value.exitCode
521        if sig is not None or rc != 0:
522            self.d.errback(RuntimeError("remote 'buildbot tryserver' failed"
523                                        ": sig={}, rc={}".format(sig, rc)))
524            return
525        self.d.callback((sig, rc))
528class FakeBuildSetStatus:
529    def callRemote(self, name):
530        if name == "getBuildRequests":
531            return defer.succeed([])
532        raise NotImplementedError()
535class Try(pb.Referenceable):
536    buildsetStatus = None
537    quiet = False
538    printloop = False
540    def __init__(self, config):
541        self.config = config
542        self.connect = self.getopt('connect')
543        if self.connect not in ['ssh', 'pb']:
544            output("you must specify a connect style: ssh or pb")
545            sys.exit(1)
546        self.builderNames = self.getopt('builders')
547        self.project = self.getopt('project', '')
548        self.who = self.getopt('who')
549        self.comment = self.getopt('comment')
551    def getopt(self, config_name, default=None):
552        value = self.config.get(config_name)
553        if value is None or value == []:
554            value = default
555        return value
557    def createJob(self):
558        # returns a Deferred which fires when the job parameters have been
559        # created
561        # generate a random (unique) string. It would make sense to add a
562        # hostname and process ID here, but a) I suspect that would cause
563        # windows portability problems, and b) really this is good enough
564        self.bsid = "{}-{}".format(time.time(), random.randint(0, 1000000))
566        # common options
567        branch = self.getopt("branch")
569        difffile = self.config.get("diff")
570        if difffile:
571            baserev = self.config.get("baserev")
572            if difffile == "-":
573                diff = sys.stdin.read()
574            else:
575                with open(difffile, "rb") as f:
576                    diff = f.read()
577            if not diff:
578                diff = None
579            patch = (self.config['patchlevel'], diff)
580            ss = SourceStamp(
581                branch, baserev, patch, repository=self.getopt("repository"))
582            d = defer.succeed(ss)
583        else:
584            vc = self.getopt("vc")
585            if vc in ("cvs", "svn"):
586                # we need to find the tree-top
587                topdir = self.getopt("topdir")
588                if topdir:
589                    treedir = os.path.expanduser(topdir)
590                else:
591                    topfile = self.getopt("topfile")
592                    if topfile:
593                        treedir = getTopdir(topfile)
594                    else:
595                        output("Must specify topdir or topfile.")
596                        sys.exit(1)
597            else:
598                treedir = os.getcwd()
599            d = getSourceStamp(vc, treedir, branch, self.getopt("repository"))
600        d.addCallback(self._createJob_1)
601        return d
603    def _createJob_1(self, ss):
604        self.sourcestamp = ss
605        patchlevel, diff = ss.patch
606        if diff is None:
607            raise RuntimeError("There is no patch to try, diff is empty.")
609        if self.connect == "ssh":
610            revspec = ss.revision
611            if revspec is None:
612                revspec = ""
613            self.jobfile = createJobfile(
614                self.bsid, ss.branch or "", revspec, patchlevel, diff,
615                ss.repository, self.project, self.who, self.comment,
616                self.builderNames, self.config.get('properties', {}))
618    def fakeDeliverJob(self):
619        # Display the job to be delivered, but don't perform delivery.
620        ss = self.sourcestamp
621        output("Job:\n\tRepository: {}\n\tProject: {}\n\tBranch: {}\n\t"
622               "Revision: {}\n\tBuilders: {}\n{}".format(
623               ss.repository, self.project, ss.branch,
624               ss.revision,
625               self.builderNames,
626               ss.patch[1]))
627        self.buildsetStatus = FakeBuildSetStatus()
628        d = defer.Deferred()
629        d.callback(True)
630        return d
632    def deliver_job_ssh(self):
633        tryhost = self.getopt("host")
634        tryport = self.getopt("port")
635        tryuser = self.getopt("username")
636        trydir = self.getopt("jobdir")
637        buildbotbin = self.getopt("buildbotbin")
638        ssh_command = self.getopt("ssh")
639        if not ssh_command:
640            ssh_commands = which("ssh")
641            if not ssh_commands:
642                raise RuntimeError("couldn't find ssh executable, make sure "
643                                   "it is available in the PATH")
645            argv = [ssh_commands[0]]
646        else:
647            # Split the string on whitespace to allow passing options in
648            # ssh command too, but preserving whitespace inside quotes to
649            # allow using paths with spaces in them which is common under
650            # Windows. And because Windows uses backslashes in paths, we
651            # can't just use shlex.split there as it would interpret them
652            # specially, so do it by hand.
653            if runtime.platformType == 'win32':
654                # Note that regex here matches the arguments, not the
655                # separators, as it's simpler to do it like this. And then we
656                # just need to get all of them together using the slice and
657                # also remove the quotes from those that were quoted.
658                argv = [string.strip(a, '"') for a in
659                        re.split(r'''([^" ]+|"[^"]+")''', ssh_command)[1::2]]
660            else:
661                # Do use standard tokenization logic under POSIX.
662                argv = shlex.split(ssh_command)
664        if tryuser:
665            argv += ["-l", tryuser]
667        if tryport:
668            argv += ["-p", tryport]
670        argv += [tryhost, buildbotbin, "tryserver", "--jobdir", trydir]
671        pp = RemoteTryPP(self.jobfile)
672        reactor.spawnProcess(pp, argv[0], argv, os.environ)
673        d = pp.d
674        return d
676    @defer.inlineCallbacks
677    def deliver_job_pb(self):
678        user = self.getopt("username")
679        passwd = self.getopt("passwd")
680        master = self.getopt("master")
681        tryhost, tryport = master.split(":")
682        tryport = int(tryport)
683        f = pb.PBClientFactory()
684        d = f.login(credentials.UsernamePassword(unicode2bytes(user), unicode2bytes(passwd)))
685        reactor.connectTCP(tryhost, tryport, f)
686        remote = yield d
688        ss = self.sourcestamp
689        output("Delivering job; comment=", self.comment)
691        self.buildsetStatus = \
692            yield remote.callRemote("try", ss.branch, ss.revision, ss.patch, ss.repository,
693                                    self.project, self.builderNames, self.who, self.comment,
694                                    self.config.get('properties', {}))
696    def deliverJob(self):
697        # returns a Deferred that fires when the job has been delivered
698        if self.connect == "ssh":
699            return self.deliver_job_ssh()
700        if self.connect == "pb":
701            return self.deliver_job_pb()
702        raise RuntimeError("unknown connecttype '{}', "
703                           "should be 'ssh' or 'pb'".format(self.connect))
705    def getStatus(self):
706        # returns a Deferred that fires when the builds have finished, and
707        # may emit status messages while we wait
708        wait = bool(self.getopt("wait"))
709        if not wait:
710            output("not waiting for builds to finish")
711        elif self.connect == "ssh":
712            output("waiting for builds with ssh is not supported")
713        else:
714            self.running = defer.Deferred()
715            if not self.buildsetStatus:
716                output("try scheduler on the master does not have the builder configured")
717                return None
719            self._getStatus_1()  # note that we don't wait for the returned Deferred
720            if bool(self.config.get("dryrun")):
721                self.statusDone()
722            return self.running
723        return None
725    @defer.inlineCallbacks
726    def _getStatus_1(self):
727        # gather the set of BuildRequests
728        brs = yield self.buildsetStatus.callRemote("getBuildRequests")
730        self.builderNames = []
731        self.buildRequests = {}
733        # self.builds holds the current BuildStatus object for each one
734        self.builds = {}
736        # self.outstanding holds the list of builderNames which haven't
737        # finished yet
738        self.outstanding = []
740        # self.results holds the list of build results. It holds a tuple of
741        # (result, text)
742        self.results = {}
744        # self.currentStep holds the name of the Step that each build is
745        # currently running
746        self.currentStep = {}
748        # self.ETA holds the expected finishing time (absolute time since
749        # epoch)
750        self.ETA = {}
752        for n, br in brs:
753            self.builderNames.append(n)
754            self.buildRequests[n] = br
755            self.builds[n] = None
756            self.outstanding.append(n)
757            self.results[n] = [None, None]
758            self.currentStep[n] = None
759            self.ETA[n] = None
760            # get new Builds for this buildrequest. We follow each one until
761            # it finishes or is interrupted.
762            br.callRemote("subscribe", self)
764        # now that those queries are in transit, we can start the
765        # display-status-every-30-seconds loop
766        if not self.getopt("quiet"):
767            self.printloop = task.LoopingCall(self.printStatus)
768            self.printloop.start(3, now=False)
770    # these methods are invoked by the status objects we've subscribed to
772    def remote_newbuild(self, bs, builderName):
773        if self.builds[builderName]:
774            self.builds[builderName].callRemote("unsubscribe", self)
775        self.builds[builderName] = bs
776        bs.callRemote("subscribe", self, 20)
777        d = bs.callRemote("waitUntilFinished")
778        d.addCallback(self._build_finished, builderName)
780    def remote_stepStarted(self, buildername, build, stepname, step):
781        self.currentStep[buildername] = stepname
783    def remote_stepFinished(self, buildername, build, stepname, step, results):
784        pass
786    def remote_buildETAUpdate(self, buildername, build, eta):
787        self.ETA[buildername] = now() + eta
789    @defer.inlineCallbacks
790    def _build_finished(self, bs, builderName):
791        # we need to collect status from the newly-finished build. We don't
792        # remove the build from self.outstanding until we've collected
793        # everything we want.
794        self.builds[builderName] = None
795        self.ETA[builderName] = None
796        self.currentStep[builderName] = "finished"
798        self.results[builderName][0] = yield bs.callRemote("getResults")
799        self.results[builderName][1] = yield bs.callRemote("getText")
801        self.outstanding.remove(builderName)
802        if not self.outstanding:
803            self.statusDone()
805    def printStatus(self):
806        try:
807            names = sorted(self.buildRequests.keys())
808            for n in names:
809                if n not in self.outstanding:
810                    # the build is finished, and we have results
811                    code, text = self.results[n]
812                    t = Results[code]
813                    if text:
814                        t += " ({})".format(" ".join(text))
815                elif self.builds[n]:
816                    t = self.currentStep[n] or "building"
817                    if self.ETA[n]:
818                        t += " [ETA {}s]".format(self.ETA[n] - now())
819                else:
820                    t = "no build"
821                self.announce("{}: {}".format(n, t))
822            self.announce("")
823        except Exception:
824            log.err(None, "printing status")
826    def statusDone(self):
827        if self.printloop:
828            self.printloop.stop()
829            self.printloop = None
830        output("All Builds Complete")
831        # TODO: include a URL for all failing builds
832        names = sorted(self.buildRequests.keys())
833        happy = True
834        for n in names:
835            code, text = self.results[n]
836            t = "{}: {}".format(n, Results[code])
837            if text:
838                t += " ({})".format(" ".join(text))
839            output(t)
840            if code != SUCCESS:
841                happy = False
843        if happy:
844            self.exitcode = 0
845        else:
846            self.exitcode = 1
847        self.running.callback(self.exitcode)
849    @defer.inlineCallbacks
850    def getAvailableBuilderNames(self):
851        # This logs into the master using the PB protocol to
852        # get the names of the configured builders that can
853        # be used for the --builder argument
854        if self.connect == "pb":
855            user = self.getopt("username")
856            passwd = self.getopt("passwd")
857            master = self.getopt("master")
858            tryhost, tryport = master.split(":")
859            tryport = int(tryport)
860            f = pb.PBClientFactory()
861            d = f.login(credentials.UsernamePassword(unicode2bytes(user), unicode2bytes(passwd)))
862            reactor.connectTCP(tryhost, tryport, f)
863            remote = yield d
864            buildernames = yield remote.callRemote("getAvailableBuilderNames")
866            output("The following builders are available for the try scheduler: ")
867            for buildername in buildernames:
868                output(buildername)
870            yield remote.broker.transport.loseConnection()
871            return
872        if self.connect == "ssh":
873            output("Cannot get available builders over ssh.")
874            sys.exit(1)
875        raise RuntimeError(
876            "unknown connecttype '{}', should be 'pb'".format(self.connect))
878    def announce(self, message):
879        if not self.quiet:
880            output(message)
882    @defer.inlineCallbacks
883    def run_impl(self):
884        output("using '{}' connect method".format(self.connect))
885        self.exitcode = 0
887        # we can't do spawnProcess until we're inside reactor.run(), so force asynchronous execution
888        yield fireEventually(None)
890        try:
891            if bool(self.config.get("get-builder-names")):
892                yield self.getAvailableBuilderNames()
893            else:
894                yield self.createJob()
895                yield self.announce("job created")
896                if bool(self.config.get("dryrun")):
897                    yield self.fakeDeliverJob()
898                else:
899                    yield self.deliverJob()
900                yield self.announce("job has been delivered")
901                yield self.getStatus()
903            if not bool(self.config.get("dryrun")):
904                yield self.cleanup()
905        except SystemExit as e:
906            self.exitcode = e.code
907        except Exception as e:
908            log.err(e)
909            raise
911    def run(self):
912        d = self.run_impl()
913        d.addCallback(lambda res: reactor.stop())
915        reactor.run()
916        sys.exit(self.exitcode)
918    def trapSystemExit(self, why):
919        why.trap(SystemExit)
920        self.exitcode = why.value.code
922    def cleanup(self, res=None):
923        if self.buildsetStatus:
924            self.buildsetStatus.broker.transport.loseConnection()