1# Lint as: python3
2"""Crowd objects/human controllers module."""
4import abc
5import collections
6from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union, Sequence, Text
8from absl import logging
9import dataclasses
10import gin
11import numpy as np
12#import rvo2
14from pybullet_envs.minitaur.envs_v2.sensors import base_position_sensor
15from pybullet_envs.minitaur.envs_v2.sensors import sensor as generic_sensor
16from pybullet_envs.minitaur.robots import autonomous_object
17from pybullet_envs.minitaur.robots import object_controller
24class MovingObjectRecord:
25  position_key: Text
26  agent_id: int
27  radius: float
28  last_position: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
32def sample_start_target_position(scene,
33                                 start=None,
34                                 start_circles=None,
35                                 target_circles=None,
36                                 num_sampling_retries=1,
37                                 min_wall_distance=0.0,
38                                 min_goal_euclidean_distance=0.0,
39                                 max_goal_euclidean_distance=np.Inf,
40                                 min_path_clearance=None):
41  """Sample valid start and target position reachable from start.
43  Args:
44    scene: a SceneBase instance implementing get_random_valid_position function.
45    start: a 2-tuple (x, y) of start position. If specified, no start is
46      sampled.
47    start_circles: a list of circle specification. Each circle is specified as
48      a tuple ((x, y), r) of a center (x, y) and radius r. If specified, start
49      position is sampled from within one of the start_circles.
50    target_circles: same as start_circle. If specified, target positions is
51      sampled from within one of the start_circles.
52    num_sampling_retries: a positive int, number of attempts to sample a
53      start, target pair.
54    min_wall_distance: a float, the minimum distance to a wall.
55    min_goal_euclidean_distance: a positive float, the minimum distance between
56      start and target.
57    max_goal_euclidean_distance: a positive float, the maximum distance between
58      start and target.
59    min_path_clearance: float, clearance of shortest path to walls.
61  Returns:
62    A 4 tuple (start, target, shortest_path, is_valid). start and target are
63    start and target positions, shortest_path is a list of 2-tuples specifying
64    the shortest path from start to target, is_valid is bool specifying whether
65    the start, target pair is valid. If min_path_clearance is not specified,
66    then shortest_path is None.
67  """
68  if not hasattr(scene, "get_random_valid_position"):
69    raise ValueError(
70        "Incompatible scene {}. Expected to have `get_random_valid_position` "
71        "method.".format(scene))
73  def _print_counters(counters):
74    for name, value in counters.items():
75      logging.info("  %s: %d", name, value)
77  sampling_counters = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0)
78  for _ in range(num_sampling_retries):
79    if start is None:
80      start_pos = scene.get_random_valid_position(
81          min_wall_distance, inclusion_circles=start_circles)
82    else:
83      if start_circles is not None:
84        raise ValueError("At most one of the arguments start and start_circles "
85                         "can be not None.")
86      start_pos = start
87    target_pos = scene.get_random_valid_position(
88        min_wall_distance, inclusion_circles=target_circles)
89    sampling_counters["attempts"] += 1
91    euclidean_distance = np.linalg.norm(target_pos - start_pos)
92    if euclidean_distance < min_goal_euclidean_distance:
93      sampling_counters["min_euclidean"] += 1
94      continue
95    if euclidean_distance > max_goal_euclidean_distance:
96      sampling_counters["max_euclidean"] += 1
97      continue
99    # Skip the path computation is no path clearance is provided.
100    if min_path_clearance is None:
101      logging.info("Valid goal with no minimum path clearance checking.")
102      _print_counters(sampling_counters)
103      return start_pos, target_pos, None, True
105    # Check the goal clearance along the shortest path
106    if not hasattr(scene, "find_shortest_path"):
107      raise ValueError(
108          f"scene %s missing find_shortest_path method {scene}")
110    # This is a slow process.
111    shortest_path = scene.find_shortest_path(
112        start_pos[:2], target_pos[:2], min_path_clearance)
113    # No path exists between current robot position and goal satisfying the
114    # clearance.
115    if shortest_path is None:
116      sampling_counters["path_clearance"] += 1
117      continue
119    logging.info("Valid start/target with path clearance checking.")
120    _print_counters(sampling_counters)
121    return start_pos, target_pos, shortest_path, True
123  logging.info("No valid start/target found.")
124  _print_counters(sampling_counters)
125  return start_pos, target_pos, None, False
128class CrowdController(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
129  """Crowd controller interface."""
131  def __init__(self, names: Iterable[Text],
132               position_key_formatter="%s" + POSITION_SENSOR_POSTFIX):
133    """Constructor.
135    Args:
136      names: Name of instance (dynamic object or human).
137      position_key_formatter: Formatter to convert name to position sensor name.
138    """
139    self._names = list(names)
140    self._position_key_formatter = position_key_formatter
141    self._num_instance = len(self._names)
143    self._current_time = 0
145  def _validate_instance_id(self, instance_id):
146    if not 0 <= instance_id < self._num_instance:
147      raise ValueError(
148          f"instance_id must be an integer in [0, {self.num_instance}), "
149          f"got {instance_id}.")
151  @property
152  def num_instance(self):
153    """Returns the number of crowd instances."""
154    return self._num_instance
156  def instance_name(self, instance_id: int) -> Text:
157    """Returns the name of instance."""
158    self._validate_instance_id(instance_id)
159    return self._names[instance_id]
161  def instance_controller(
162      self, instance_id: int) -> object_controller.ControllerBase:
163    """Returns the individual controller of certain instance."""
164    self._validate_instance_id(instance_id)
165    return _IndividualController(self, instance_id)
167  def instance_get_action(
168      self, instance_id: int, time_sec: float,
169      observations: Dict[Text, Any]) -> object_controller.ControllerOutput:
170    """Returns action of specific instance given observation.
172    This method is for _IndividualController.
174    Args:
175      instance_id: Identifier of an object in the crowd.
176      time_sec: Time since simulation reset in seconds. If time < 0, returns
177        initial values and ignores observations.
178      observations: A dict of all observations.
180    Returns:
181      Position, orientation and an extra info dict for robot joints, human
182        skeletal pose, etc.
183    """
184    if time_sec < 0:
185      self._recalculate_actions(object_controller.INIT_TIME, {})
186      self._current_time = object_controller.INIT_TIME
187    elif time_sec > self._current_time:
188      self._current_time = time_sec
189      self._recalculate_actions(self._current_time, observations)
191    self._validate_instance_id(instance_id)
193    return self._get_action_of_instance(instance_id)
195  @abc.abstractmethod
196  def _recalculate_actions(
197      self, time_sec: float, observations: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
198    """Calculates crowd command for all instances in crowd."""
199    raise NotImplementedError(
200        "_recalculate_actions() should be implemented by subclass.")
202  @abc.abstractmethod
203  def _get_action_of_instance(
204      self, instance_id: int) -> object_controller.ControllerOutput:
205    """Returns calculated actions of specific instance."""
206    raise NotImplementedError(
207        "_get_action_of_instance() should be implemented by subclass.")
209  def set_scene(self, scene) -> None:
210    """Sets the scene for crowd controller to obtain scene information."""
211    del scene
214class _IndividualController(object_controller.ControllerBase):
215  """A utility class that wraps crowd controller in ControllerBase interface."""
217  def __init__(self, crowd_controller: CrowdController, instance_id: int):
218    """Constructor.
220    Args:
221      crowd_controller: The controller of crowd to which this instance belong.
222      instance_id: Identifier of a crowd instance.
223    """
224    self._instance_id = instance_id
225    self._crowd_controller = crowd_controller
227  def get_action(
228      self, time_sec: float,
229      observations: Dict[Text, Any]) -> object_controller.ControllerOutput:
230    """Returns position, orientation and pose based on time and observations.
232    Args:
233      time_sec: Time since simulation reset in seconds. If time < 0, returns
234        initial values and ignores observations.
235      observations: A dict of all observations.
237    Returns:
238      Position, orientation and an extra info dict for robot joints, human
239        skeletal pose, etc.
240    """
241    return self._crowd_controller.instance_get_action(
242        self._instance_id, time_sec, observations)
246class StationaryController(CrowdController):
247  """A crowd controller that places crowd objects at fixed positions."""
249  def __init__(
250      self, positions: Sequence[Sequence[float]],
251      orientations: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[float]]] = None, **kwargs):
252    """Constructor.
254    Args:
255      positions: Fixed positions (3D points) of crowd instances.
256      orientations: Fixed orientations in quaternion of crowd instances.
257      **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass on to base class.
258    """
259    super().__init__(**kwargs)
261    if orientations is None:
262      orientations = np.array(((0, 0, 0, 1),) * self.num_instance)
264    if not len(positions) == len(orientations) == self.num_instance:
265      raise ValueError(
266          f"positions and orientations should all have the same length "
267          f"{self.num_instance}. Got len(positions) = {len(positions)}, "
268          f"len(orientations) = {len(orientations)}.")
270    self._positions = positions
271    self._orientations = orientations
273  def _recalculate_actions(
274      self, time_sec: float, observations: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
275    """Calculates crowd command for all instances in crowd."""
276    del time_sec
277    del observations
279  def _get_action_of_instance(
280      self, instance_id: int) -> object_controller.ControllerOutput:
281    """Returns calculated actions of specific instance."""
282    self._validate_instance_id(instance_id)
283    return self._positions[instance_id], self._orientations[instance_id], {}
287class OrcaController(CrowdController):
288  """A crowd controller that controls crowd instances using ORCA algorithm.
290  Crowd instance will be initialized at a specified start position and move
291  towards specified target position in a linear path while avoid collision with
292  each other.
293  """
297  _DEFAULT_RADIUS_M = 0.5
302  def __init__(
303      self,
304      timestep: float,
305      start_positions: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[float]]] = None,
306      target_positions: Optional[Sequence[Sequence[float]]] = None,
307      use_position_generator: Optional[bool] = False,
308      group_sizes: Sequence[int] = None,
309      radius: float = _DEFAULT_RADIUS_M,
310      max_speed_mps: float = _DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED_MPS,
311      time_horizon_sec: float = _DEFAULT_TIME_HORIZON_SEC,
312      obstacle_time_horizon_sec: float = _DEFAULT_OBSTACLE_TIME_HORIZON_SEC,
313      neighbor_distance_m: float = _DEFAULT_NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE_M,
314      max_neighbors: int = _DEFAULT_MAX_NEIGHBORS,
315      workaround_erp_issue: bool = True,
316      moving_objects_pos_key: Sequence[Text] = (),
317      moving_objects_radius: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = _DEFAULT_RADIUS_M,
318      endless_trajectory: bool = True,
319      **kwargs):
320    """Constructor.
322    Args:
323      timestep: Timestep of simulation.
324      start_positions: A list of position (x, y, z) for crowd instances as
325        their starting position.
326      target_positions: A list of position (x, y, z) for crowd instances as
327        their target position.
328      use_position_generator: a boolean, if True than the start and end
329        positions are sampled. start_positions and target_positions must be None
330      group_sizes: If set, then crowd is split in groups randomly, whose sizes
331        are picked in random from this group_size list. In this way, the
332        crowd simulator sumulaters clusters of objects moving around.
333      radius: Radius of crowd instances.
334      max_speed_mps: Maximum crowd instance speed.
335      time_horizon_sec: Time horizon in second.
336      obstacle_time_horizon_sec: Time horizon for static obstacle in second.
337      neighbor_distance_m: Neighbor distance in meters. Instances closer than
338        this distance are considered neighbors.
339      max_neighbors: Max number of neighbors.
340      workaround_erp_issue: There is an issue with pybullet constraint that the
341        constraint is solved only 20% per timestep. Need to amplify position
342        delta by 5x to workaround this issue.
343      moving_objects_pos_key: Position observation key of moving objects not
344        controlled by the ORCA controller.
345      moving_objects_radius: Radius of moving objects. Should be a float, which
346        applies to all moving objects, or a sequence of float, which should be
347        of the same length as moving_objects_pos_key.
348      endless_trajectory: Only valid if use_position_generator is True. Agent
349        returns to starting point after reaching goal to achieve endless motion.
350      **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass on to base class.
351    """
352    super().__init__(**kwargs)
354    assert ((start_positions is not None and target_positions is not None) or
355            use_position_generator)
356    if not use_position_generator:
357      if not len(start_positions) == len(target_positions) == self.num_instance:
358        raise ValueError(
359            f"start_positions and target_positions should both have length "
360            f"equals {self.num_instance}: "
361            f"len(start_positions) = {len(start_positions)}, "
362            f"len(target_positions) = {len(target_positions)}.")
364    self._timestep = timestep
365    self._radius = radius
366    self._max_speed_mps = max_speed_mps
367    self._time_horizon_sec = time_horizon_sec
368    self._obstacle_time_horizon_sec = obstacle_time_horizon_sec
369    self._neighbor_distance_m = neighbor_distance_m
370    self._max_neighbors = max_neighbors
371    self._use_position_generator = use_position_generator
372    self._endless_trajectory = endless_trajectory
373    self._scene = None
374    if isinstance(moving_objects_radius, float):
375      moving_objects_radius = [
376          moving_objects_radius] * len(moving_objects_pos_key)
377    if len(moving_objects_radius) != len(moving_objects_pos_key):
378      raise ValueError(
379          "moving_objects_radius should be either a float or a sequence of "
380          "float with the same length as moving_objects_pos_key.")
381    self._moving_objects = [
382        MovingObjectRecord(position_key=key, agent_id=-1, radius=radius)
383        for key, radius in zip(moving_objects_pos_key, moving_objects_radius)]
385    self._paths = None
386    self._path_indices = None
387    if self._use_position_generator:
388      self._start_positions = None
389      self._target_positions = None
390    else:
391      self._start_positions = np.array(start_positions, dtype=np.float64)
392      self._target_positions = np.array(target_positions, dtype=np.float64)
393    # A guard against multiple initializations. See recalculate_actions below.
394    self._already_initialized = False
395    self._group_sizes = [1] if group_sizes is None else group_sizes
397    # The following variables are initialized in _recalculate_actions()
398    self._current_positions = None
399    self._command_positions = None
400    self._command_orientations = None
402    #self._orca = rvo2.PyRVOSimulator(
403    #    self._timestep,  # timestep
404    #    self._neighbor_distance_m,  # neighborDist
405    #    self._max_neighbors,  # maxNeighbors
406    #    self._time_horizon_sec,  # timeHorizon
407    #    self._obstacle_time_horizon_sec,  # timeHorizonObst
408    #    self._radius,  # radius
409    #    self._max_speed_mps  # maxSpeed
410    #)
411    for i in range(self.num_instance):
412      if self._use_position_generator:
413        start_position = (0, 0)
414      else:
415        start_position = self._start_positions[i, :2]
416      agent_id = self._orca.addAgent(
417          tuple(start_position),
418          self._neighbor_distance_m,  # neighborDist
419          self._max_neighbors,  # maxNeighbors
420          self._time_horizon_sec,  # timeHorizon
421          self._obstacle_time_horizon_sec,  # timeHorizonObst
422          self._radius,  # radius
423          self._max_speed_mps,  # maxSpeed
424          (0.0, 0.0))  # velocity
425      assert agent_id == i
427    for obj in self._moving_objects:
428      obj.agent_id = self._orca.addAgent(
429          (0.0, 0.0),  # position (will adjust after simulation starts)
430          self._neighbor_distance_m,  # neighborDist
431          self._max_neighbors,  # maxNeighbors
432          self._timestep,  # timeHorizon
433          self._timestep,  # timeHorizonObst
434          obj.radius,  # radius
435          self._max_speed_mps,  # maxSpeed
436          (0.0, 0.0))  # velocity
438    self._workaround_erp_issue = workaround_erp_issue
440  def _subsample_path(self, path, subsample_step=1.0):
441    subsampled_path = [path[0]]
442    traveled_dist = 0.0
443    for i, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(path[:-1], path[1:])):
444      traveled_dist += np.sqrt(
445          np.square(s[0] - t[0]) + np.square(s[1] - t[1]))
446      if traveled_dist > subsample_step or i >= len(path) - 2:
447        subsampled_path.append(t)
448        traveled_dist = 0.0
449    return subsampled_path
451  def _generate_start_target_positions(self):
452    """Generates start and target positions using goal generartors."""
453    assert self._scene is not None
454    self._start_positions = np.zeros((self.num_instance, 3), dtype=np.float64)
455    self._target_positions = np.zeros((self.num_instance, 3), dtype=np.float64)
457    self._paths = []
458    self._path_indices = []
459    start_circles, target_circles = None, None
460    group_radius = 1.0
461    current_group_size = np.random.choice(self._group_sizes)
462    index_in_current_group = 0
463    for i in range(self._num_instance):
464      start_pos, target_pos, path, is_valid = sample_start_target_position(
465          self._scene,
466          start_circles=start_circles,
467          target_circles=target_circles)
468      if index_in_current_group == current_group_size - 1:
469        start_circles, target_circles = None, None
470        index_in_current_group = 0
471        current_group_size = np.random.choice(self._group_sizes)
472      else:
473        if start_circles is None:
474          start_circles = [(start_pos[:2], group_radius)]
475          target_circles = [(target_pos[:2], group_radius)]
476        else:
477          start_circles += [(start_pos[:2], group_radius)]
478          target_circles += [(target_pos[:2], group_radius)]
479        index_in_current_group += 1
480      if not is_valid:
481        raise ValueError("No valid start/target positions.")
482      self._start_positions[i, :] = start_pos
483      self._target_positions[i, :] = target_pos
485      subsampled_path = self._subsample_path(path)
486      self._paths.append(np.array(subsampled_path, dtype=np.float32))
487      self._path_indices.append(0)
489  def _recalculate_actions(
490      self, time_sec: float, observations: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
491    """Calculates crowd command for all crowd instances."""
492    if self._use_position_generator:
493      if (time_sec == object_controller.INIT_TIME and
494          self._start_positions is None and
495          not self._already_initialized):
496        self._generate_start_target_positions()
497        # Initialize only once per initial time even if recalculate actions
498        # is called multiple times.
499        self._already_initialized = True
500    if time_sec == object_controller.INIT_TIME:
501      # Resets orca simulator.
502      for i in range(len(self._names)):
503        self._orca.setAgentPosition(i, tuple(self._start_positions[i, :2]))
505      self._command_positions = self._start_positions.copy()
506      self._current_positions = self._start_positions.copy()
507      self._command_orientations = np.repeat(
508          ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),), len(self._names), axis=0)
509      self._last_target_recalculation_sec = time_sec
510      return
511    else:
512      # The moment we step beyond initial time, we can initialize again.
513      self._already_initialized = False
515    if self._use_position_generator:
516      for i in range(self._num_instance):
517        dist = np.linalg.norm(
518            self._current_positions[i, :] - self._target_positions[i, :])
519        if dist < 2.0:
520          _, target_pos, path, is_valid = sample_start_target_position(
521              self._scene, self._current_positions[i, :])
522          if is_valid:
523            self._target_positions[i, :] = target_pos
524            subsampled_path = self._subsample_path(path)
525            self._paths.append(np.array(subsampled_path, dtype=np.float32))
526            self._path_indices.append(0)
528    # Sets agent position and preferred velocity based on target.
529    for i, agent_name in enumerate(self._names):
530      position = observations[self._position_key_formatter % agent_name]
531      self._orca.setAgentPosition(
532          i, tuple(position[:2]))  # ORCA uses 2D position.
533      self._current_positions[i, :2] = position[:2]
535      if self._paths is not None:
536        # Find closest point on the path from start to target, which (1) hasn't
537        # been covered already; (2) is at least max_coverage_distance away from
538        # current position.
539        distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(
540            self._paths[i] - position[:2]), axis=1))
541        max_coverage_distance = 1.0
542        index = self._path_indices[i]
543        while True:
544          if index >= len(self._paths[i]) - 1:
545            if self._endless_trajectory:
546              self._paths[i] = self._paths[i][::-1]
547              distances = distances[::-1]
548              index = 0
549            break
550          elif distances[index] > max_coverage_distance:
551            break
552          else:
553            index += 1
554        self._path_indices[i] = index
555        target_position = self._paths[i][index, :]
556      else:
557        target_position = self._target_positions[i][:2]
559      goal_vector = target_position - position[:2]
560      goal_vector_norm = np.linalg.norm(goal_vector) + np.finfo(np.float32).eps
561      goal_unit_vector = goal_vector / goal_vector_norm
563      kv = 1
564      velocity = min(kv * goal_vector_norm,
565                     self._DEFAULT_MAX_SPEED_MPS) * goal_unit_vector
566      self._orca.setAgentPrefVelocity(i, tuple(velocity))
568    for obj in self._moving_objects:
569      position = observations[obj.position_key]
570      self._orca.setAgentPosition(obj.agent_id, tuple(position[:2]))
571      if obj.last_position is None:
572        self._orca.setAgentPrefVelocity(obj.agent_id, (0.0, 0.0))
573      else:
574        velocity = (position - obj.last_position) / self._timestep
575        self._orca.setAgentPrefVelocity(obj.agent_id, tuple(velocity[:2]))
576      obj.last_position = position.copy()
578    # Advances orca simulator.
579    self._orca.doStep()
581    # Retrieve agent position and save in buffer.
582    for i in range(len(self._names)):
583      x, y = self._orca.getAgentPosition(i)
584      self._command_positions[i, :2] = (x, y)
586      yaw = np.arctan2(y - self._current_positions[i, 1],
587                       x - self._current_positions[i, 0])
588      self._command_orientations[i] = (0, 0, np.sin(yaw / 2), np.cos(yaw / 2))
590  def _get_action_of_instance(
591      self, instance_id) -> object_controller.ControllerOutput:
592    """Returns calculated actions of specific instance."""
594    if self._command_positions is None:
595      raise RuntimeError(
596          "Attempted to get action of instance before _recalculate_actions().")
598    self._validate_instance_id(instance_id)
600    if self._workaround_erp_issue:
601      k_erp = 1 / 0.2
602      delta_position = (
603          self._command_positions[instance_id] -
604          self._current_positions[instance_id])
605      command_position = (
606          self._current_positions[instance_id] + k_erp * delta_position)
607    else:
608      command_position = self._command_positions[instance_id].copy()
609    return command_position, self._command_orientations[instance_id], {}
611  def set_scene(self, scene) -> None:
612    """Sets the scene for crowd controller to obtain scene information."""
613    try:
614      polygons = scene.vectorized_map
615      for polygon in polygons:
616        self._orca.addObstacle([tuple(point) for point in polygon])
617      self._orca.processObstacles()
618      self._scene = scene
619    except NotImplementedError:
620      logging.exception("Scene does not implement vectorized_map property. "
621                        "Crowd agent cannot avoid static obstacles.")
625def uniform_object_factory(
626    instance_id: int,
627    object_factory: Callable[..., autonomous_object.AutonomousObject],
628    *args, **kwargs) -> autonomous_object.AutonomousObject:
629  """A wrapper that removes instance_id in default crowd object factory."""
630  del instance_id
631  return object_factory(*args, **kwargs)
635def random_object_factory(
636    instance_id: int,
637    object_factories: Iterable[
638        Callable[..., autonomous_object.AutonomousObject]],
639    *args, **kwargs) -> autonomous_object.AutonomousObject:
640  """A wrapper that removes instance_id in default crowd object factory."""
641  del instance_id
642  object_factory = np.random.choice(object_factories)
643  return object_factory(*args, **kwargs)
647def sensor_factory(instance_id: int, sensor: Callable[...,
648                                                      generic_sensor.Sensor],
649                   *args, **kwargs) -> generic_sensor.Sensor:
650  del instance_id
651  return sensor(*args, **kwargs)
655class CrowdBuilder(object):
656  """A helper class to construct a crowd."""
658  def __init__(
659      self,
660      num_instance: int,
661      crowd_controller_factory: Callable[..., CrowdController],
662      object_factory: Callable[..., autonomous_object.AutonomousObject],
663      sensor_factories: Iterable[Callable[..., generic_sensor.Sensor]] = None):
664    """Constructor.
666    Args:
667      num_instance: Number of autonomous objects in the crowd.
668      crowd_controller_factory: A callable that returns a crowd controller
669        object.
670      object_factory: Callable that returns an autonomous object.
671      sensor_factories: list of sensor callables.
672    """
673    self._objects = []
674    crowd_id_prefix = "crowd"
675    names = [crowd_id_prefix + "_%d" % i for i in range(num_instance)]
677    self._controller = crowd_controller_factory(names=names)
679    for i in range(num_instance):
680      position_sensor = base_position_sensor.BasePositionSensor(
681          name=names[i] + POSITION_SENSOR_POSTFIX)
683      # Add additional per agent sensors (e.g. camera, occupancy, etc.).
684      add_sensors = []
685      if sensor_factories:
686        for s in sensor_factories:
687          add_sensors.append(
688              sensor_factory(
689                  instance_id=i, sensor=s, name=names[i] + "_" + s.__name__))
691      an_object = object_factory(
692          instance_id=i,
693          sensors=(position_sensor,) + tuple(add_sensors),
694          controller=self._controller.instance_controller(i))
696      self._objects.append(an_object)
698  @property
699  def crowd_objects(self) -> List[autonomous_object.AutonomousObject]:
700    """Returns list of AutonomousObjects in the crowd."""
701    return self._objects
703  @property
704  def crowd_controller(self) -> CrowdController:
705    """Returns the crowd controller."""
706    return self._controller