1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
2 //
3 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
4 //
5 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
7 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
8 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
9 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
10 //
11 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
12 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
14 #ifndef _Graphic3d_CLight_HeaderFile
15 #define _Graphic3d_CLight_HeaderFile
17 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
18 #include <Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource.hxx>
19 #include <Graphic3d_Vec.hxx>
20 #include <NCollection_List.hxx>
21 #include <TCollection_AsciiString.hxx>
22 #include <Quantity_ColorRGBA.hxx>
24 //! Generic light source definition.
25 //! This class defines arbitrary light source - see Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource enumeration.
26 //! Some parameters are applicable only to particular light type;
27 //! calling methods unrelated to current type will throw an exception.
28 class Graphic3d_CLight : public Standard_Transient
29 {
30   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(Graphic3d_CLight, Standard_Transient)
31 public:
33   //! Empty constructor, which should be followed by light source properties configuration.
34   Standard_EXPORT Graphic3d_CLight (Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource theType);
36   //! Returns the Type of the Light, cannot be changed after object construction.
Type() const37   Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource Type() const { return myType; }
39   //! Returns light source name; empty string by default.
Name() const40   const TCollection_AsciiString& Name() const { return myName; }
42   //! Sets light source name.
SetName(const TCollection_AsciiString & theName)43   void SetName (const TCollection_AsciiString& theName) { myName = theName; }
45   //! Returns the color of the light source; WHITE by default.
Color() const46   const Quantity_Color& Color() const { return myColor.GetRGB(); }
48   //! Defines the color of a light source by giving the basic color.
49   Standard_EXPORT void SetColor (const Quantity_Color& theColor);
51   //! Check that the light source is turned on; TRUE by default.
52   //! This flag affects all occurrences of light sources, where it was registered and activated;
53   //! so that it is possible defining an active light in View which is actually in disabled state.
IsEnabled() const54   Standard_Boolean IsEnabled() const { return myIsEnabled; }
56   //! Change enabled state of the light state.
57   //! This call does not remove or deactivate light source in Views/Viewers;
58   //! instead it turns it OFF so that it just have no effect.
59   Standard_EXPORT void SetEnabled (Standard_Boolean theIsOn);
61   //! Returns true if the light is a headlight; FALSE by default.
62   //! Headlight flag means that light position/direction are defined not in a World coordinate system, but relative to the camera orientation.
IsHeadlight() const63   Standard_Boolean IsHeadlight() const { return myIsHeadlight; }
65   //! Alias for IsHeadlight().
Headlight() const66   Standard_Boolean Headlight() const { return myIsHeadlight; }
68   //! Setup headlight flag.
69   Standard_EXPORT void SetHeadlight (Standard_Boolean theValue);
71 //! @name positional/spot light properties
72 public:
74   //! Returns location of positional/spot light; (0, 0, 0) by default.
Position() const75   const gp_Pnt& Position() const { return myPosition; }
77   //! Setup location of positional/spot light.
78   Standard_EXPORT void SetPosition (const gp_Pnt& thePosition);
80   //! Returns location of positional/spot light.
Position(Standard_Real & theX,Standard_Real & theY,Standard_Real & theZ) const81   void Position (Standard_Real& theX,
82                  Standard_Real& theY,
83                  Standard_Real& theZ) const
84   {
85     theX = myPosition.X();
86     theY = myPosition.Y();
87     theZ = myPosition.Z();
88   }
90   //! Setup location of positional/spot light.
SetPosition(Standard_Real theX,Standard_Real theY,Standard_Real theZ)91   void SetPosition (Standard_Real theX, Standard_Real theY, Standard_Real theZ) { SetPosition (gp_Pnt (theX, theY, theZ)); }
93   //! Returns constant attenuation factor of positional/spot light source; 1.0f by default.
94   //! Distance attenuation factors of reducing positional/spot light intensity depending on the distance from its position:
95   //! @code
96   //!   float anAttenuation = 1.0 / (ConstAttenuation() + LinearAttenuation() * theDistance + QuadraticAttenuation() * theDistance * theDistance);
97   //! @endcode
ConstAttenuation() const98   Standard_ShortReal ConstAttenuation()  const { return myParams.x(); }
100   //! Returns linear attenuation factor of positional/spot light source; 0.0 by default.
101   //! Distance attenuation factors of reducing positional/spot light intensity depending on the distance from its position:
102   //! @code
103   //!   float anAttenuation = 1.0 / (ConstAttenuation() + LinearAttenuation() * theDistance + QuadraticAttenuation() * theDistance * theDistance);
104   //! @endcode
LinearAttenuation() const105   Standard_ShortReal LinearAttenuation() const { return myParams.y(); }
107   //! Returns the attenuation factors.
Attenuation(Standard_Real & theConstAttenuation,Standard_Real & theLinearAttenuation) const108   void Attenuation (Standard_Real& theConstAttenuation,
109                     Standard_Real& theLinearAttenuation) const
110   {
111     theConstAttenuation  = ConstAttenuation();
112     theLinearAttenuation = LinearAttenuation();
113   }
115   //! Defines the coefficients of attenuation; values should be >= 0.0 and their summ should not be equal to 0.
116   Standard_EXPORT void SetAttenuation (Standard_ShortReal theConstAttenuation,
117                                        Standard_ShortReal theLinearAttenuation);
119 //! @name directional/spot light additional properties
120 public:
122   //! Returns direction of directional/spot light.
Direction() const123   gp_Dir Direction() const { return gp_Dir (myDirection.x(), myDirection.y(), myDirection.z()); }
125   //! Sets direction of directional/spot light.
126   Standard_EXPORT void SetDirection (const gp_Dir& theDir);
128   //! Returns the theVx, theVy, theVz direction of the light source.
Direction(Standard_Real & theVx,Standard_Real & theVy,Standard_Real & theVz) const129   void Direction (Standard_Real& theVx,
130                   Standard_Real& theVy,
131                   Standard_Real& theVz) const
132   {
133     theVx = myDirection.x();
134     theVy = myDirection.y();
135     theVz = myDirection.z();
136   }
138   //! Sets direction of directional/spot light.
SetDirection(Standard_Real theVx,Standard_Real theVy,Standard_Real theVz)139   void SetDirection (Standard_Real theVx, Standard_Real theVy, Standard_Real theVz) { SetDirection (gp_Dir (theVx, theVy, theVz)); }
141 //! @name spotlight additional definition parameters
142 public:
144   //! Returns an angle in radians of the cone created by the spot; 30 degrees by default.
Angle() const145   Standard_ShortReal Angle() const { return myParams.z(); }
147   //! Angle in radians of the cone created by the spot, should be within range (0.0, M_PI).
148   Standard_EXPORT void SetAngle (Standard_ShortReal theAngle);
150   //! Returns intensity distribution of the spot light, within [0.0, 1.0] range; 1.0 by default.
151   //! This coefficient should be converted into spotlight exponent within [0.0, 128.0] range:
152   //! @code
153   //!   float aSpotExponent = Concentration() * 128.0;
154   //!   anAttenuation *= pow (aCosA, aSpotExponent);"
155   //! @endcode
156   //! The concentration factor determines the dispersion of the light on the surface, the default value (1.0) corresponds to a minimum of dispersion.
Concentration() const157   Standard_ShortReal Concentration() const { return myParams.w(); }
159   //! Defines the coefficient of concentration; value should be within range [0.0, 1.0].
160   Standard_EXPORT void SetConcentration (Standard_ShortReal theConcentration);
162 //! @name Ray-Tracing / Path-Tracing light properties
163 public:
165   //! Returns the intensity of light source; 1.0 by default.
Intensity() const166   Standard_ShortReal Intensity() const { return myIntensity; }
168   //! Modifies the intensity of light source, which should be > 0.0.
169   Standard_EXPORT void SetIntensity (Standard_ShortReal theValue);
171   //! Returns the smoothness of light source (either smoothing angle for directional light or smoothing radius in case of positional light); 0.0 by default.
Smoothness() const172   Standard_ShortReal Smoothness() const { return mySmoothness; }
174   //! Modifies the smoothing radius of positional/spot light; should be >= 0.0.
175   Standard_EXPORT void SetSmoothRadius (Standard_ShortReal theValue);
177   //! Modifies the smoothing angle (in radians) of directional light source; should be within range [0.0, M_PI/2].
178   Standard_EXPORT void SetSmoothAngle (Standard_ShortReal theValue);
180 //! @name low-level access methods
181 public:
183   //! @return light resource identifier string
GetId() const184   const TCollection_AsciiString& GetId() const { return myId; }
186   //! Packed light parameters.
PackedParams() const187   const Graphic3d_Vec4& PackedParams() const { return myParams; }
189   //! Returns the color of the light source with dummy Alpha component, which should be ignored.
PackedColor() const190   const Graphic3d_Vec4& PackedColor() const { return myColor; }
192   //! Returns direction of directional/spot light.
PackedDirection() const193   const Graphic3d_Vec4& PackedDirection() const { return myDirection; }
195   //! @return modification counter
Revision() const196   Standard_Size Revision() const { return myRevision; }
198 private:
200   //! Access positional/spot light constant attenuation coefficient from packed vector.
changeConstAttenuation()201   Standard_ShortReal& changeConstAttenuation()  { return myParams.x(); }
203   //! Access positional/spot light linear attenuation coefficient from packed vector.
changeLinearAttenuation()204   Standard_ShortReal& changeLinearAttenuation() { return myParams.y(); }
206   //! Access spotlight angle parameter from packed vector.
changeAngle()207   Standard_ShortReal& changeAngle()             { return myParams.z();  }
209   //! Access spotlight concentration parameter from packed vector.
changeConcentration()210   Standard_ShortReal& changeConcentration()     { return myParams.w();  }
212 private:
214   //! Generate unique object id.
215   void makeId();
217   //! Update modification counter.
updateRevisionIf(bool theIsModified)218   void updateRevisionIf (bool theIsModified)
219   {
220     if (theIsModified)
221     {
222       ++myRevision;
223     }
224   }
226 private:
228   Graphic3d_CLight (const Graphic3d_CLight& );
229   Graphic3d_CLight& operator= (const Graphic3d_CLight& );
231 protected:
233   TCollection_AsciiString           myId;          //!< resource id
234   TCollection_AsciiString           myName;        //!< user given name
235   gp_Pnt                            myPosition;    //!< light position
236   Quantity_ColorRGBA                myColor;       //!< light color
237   Graphic3d_Vec4                    myDirection;   //!< direction of directional/spot light
238   Graphic3d_Vec4                    myParams;      //!< packed light parameters
239   Standard_ShortReal                mySmoothness;  //!< radius for point light or cone angle for directional light
240   Standard_ShortReal                myIntensity;   //!< intensity multiplier for light
241   const Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource myType;        //!< Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource enumeration
242   Standard_Size                     myRevision;    //!< modification counter
243   Standard_Boolean                  myIsHeadlight; //!< flag to mark head light
244   Standard_Boolean                  myIsEnabled;   //!< enabled state
246 };
248 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(Graphic3d_CLight, Standard_Transient)
250 #endif // Graphic3d_CLight_HeaderFile