1 // Created on: 1992-01-15
2 // Created by: GG
3 // Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
17 #ifndef _V3d_View_HeaderFile
18 #define _V3d_View_HeaderFile
20 #include <Aspect_Background.hxx>
21 #include <Aspect_FillMethod.hxx>
22 #include <Aspect_GradientBackground.hxx>
23 #include <Aspect_GradientFillMethod.hxx>
24 #include <Aspect_Handle.hxx>
25 #include <Aspect_RenderingContext.hxx>
26 #include <Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition.hxx>
28 #include <Bnd_Box.hxx>
30 #include <gp_Ax3.hxx>
31 #include <gp_Dir.hxx>
32 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
34 #include <Graphic3d_BufferType.hxx>
35 #include <Graphic3d_Camera.hxx>
36 #include <Graphic3d_ClipPlane.hxx>
37 #include <Graphic3d_CView.hxx>
38 #include <Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron.hxx>
39 #include <Graphic3d_RenderingParams.hxx>
40 #include <Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane.hxx>
41 #include <Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel.hxx>
42 #include <Graphic3d_Vertex.hxx>
44 #include <Image_PixMap.hxx>
46 #include <Standard_Transient.hxx>
48 #include <Quantity_TypeOfColor.hxx>
50 #include <Standard.hxx>
51 #include <Standard_Address.hxx>
52 #include <Standard_Boolean.hxx>
53 #include <Standard_CString.hxx>
54 #include <Standard_Integer.hxx>
55 #include <Standard_Real.hxx>
56 #include <Standard_Type.hxx>
58 #include <TColStd_Array2OfReal.hxx>
59 #include <TColStd_ListIteratorOfListOfTransient.hxx>
61 #include <V3d_ImageDumpOptions.hxx>
62 #include <V3d_Trihedron.hxx>
63 #include <V3d_TypeOfAxe.hxx>
65 #include <V3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel.hxx>
66 #include <V3d_TypeOfOrientation.hxx>
67 #include <V3d_TypeOfView.hxx>
68 #include <V3d_TypeOfVisualization.hxx>
69 #include <V3d_Viewer.hxx>
70 #include <V3d_ViewerPointer.hxx>
72 class Aspect_Grid;
73 class Aspect_Window;
74 class Graphic3d_Group;
75 class Graphic3d_Structure;
76 class Graphic3d_TextureEnv;
77 class Standard_MultiplyDefined;
78 class Standard_TypeMismatch;
79 class V3d_BadValue;
80 class V3d_UnMapped;
82 class V3d_View;
83 DEFINE_STANDARD_HANDLE(V3d_View, Standard_Transient)
85 //! Defines the application object VIEW for the
86 //! VIEWER application.
87 //! The methods of this class allow the editing
88 //! and inquiring the parameters linked to the view.
89 //! Provides a set of services common to all types of view.
90 //! Warning: The default parameters are defined by the class
91 //! Viewer (Example : SetDefaultViewSize()).
92 //! Certain methods are mouse oriented, and it is
93 //! necessary to know the difference between the start and
94 //! the continuation of this gesture in putting the method
95 //! into operation.
96 //! Example : Shifting the eye-view along the screen axes.
97 //!
98 //! View->Move(10.,20.,0.,True)     (Starting motion)
99 //! View->Move(15.,-5.,0.,False)    (Next motion)
100 class V3d_View : public Standard_Transient
101 {
103 public:
105   //! Initializes the view.
106   Standard_EXPORT V3d_View (const Handle(V3d_Viewer)& theViewer, const V3d_TypeOfView theType = V3d_ORTHOGRAPHIC);
108   //! Initializes the view by copying.
109   Standard_EXPORT V3d_View (const Handle(V3d_Viewer)& theViewer, const Handle(V3d_View)& theView);
111   //! Default destructor.
112   Standard_EXPORT virtual ~V3d_View();
114   //! Activates the view in the specified Window
115   //! If <aContext> is not NULL the graphic context is used
116   //! to draw something in this view.
117   //! Otherwise an internal graphic context is created.
118   //! Warning: The view is centered and resized to preserve
119   //! the height/width ratio of the window.
120   Standard_EXPORT void SetWindow (const Handle(Aspect_Window)& theWindow,
121                                   const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext = NULL);
123   Standard_EXPORT void SetMagnify (const Handle(Aspect_Window)& theWindow,
124                                    const Handle(V3d_View)& thePreviousView,
125                                    const Standard_Integer theX1,
126                                    const Standard_Integer theY1,
127                                    const Standard_Integer theX2,
128                                    const Standard_Integer theY2);
130   //! Destroys the view.
131   Standard_EXPORT void Remove() const;
133   //! Deprecated, Redraw() should be used instead.
134   Standard_EXPORT void Update() const;
136   //! Redisplays the view even if there has not
137   //! been any modification.
138   //! Must be called if the view is shown.
139   //! (Ex: DeIconification ) .
140   Standard_EXPORT virtual void Redraw() const;
142   //! Updates layer of immediate presentations.
143   Standard_EXPORT virtual void RedrawImmediate() const;
145   //! Invalidates view content but does not redraw it.
146   Standard_EXPORT void Invalidate() const;
148   //! Returns true if cached view content has been invalidated.
149   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsInvalidated() const;
151   //! Returns true if immediate layer content has been invalidated.
IsInvalidatedImmediate() const152   Standard_Boolean IsInvalidatedImmediate() const { return myIsInvalidatedImmediate; }
154   //! Invalidates view content within immediate layer but does not redraw it.
InvalidateImmediate()155   void InvalidateImmediate() { myIsInvalidatedImmediate = Standard_True; }
157   //! Must be called when the window supporting the
158   //! view changes size.
159   //! if the view is not mapped on a window.
160   //! Warning: The view is centered and resized to preserve
161   //! the height/width ratio of the window.
162   Standard_EXPORT void MustBeResized();
164   //! Must be called when the window supporting the
165   //! view is mapped or unmapped.
166   Standard_EXPORT void DoMapping();
168   //! Returns the status of the view regarding
169   //! the displayed structures inside
170   //! Returns True is The View is empty
171   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsEmpty() const;
173   //! Updates the lights of the view.
174   Standard_EXPORT void UpdateLights() const;
176   //! Sets the automatic z-fit mode and its parameters.
177   //! The auto z-fit has extra parameters which can controlled from application level
178   //! to ensure that the size of viewing volume will be sufficiently large to cover
179   //! the depth of unmanaged objects, for example, transformation persistent ones.
180   //! @param theScaleFactor [in] the scale factor for Z-range.
181   //! The range between Z-min, Z-max projection volume planes
182   //! evaluated by z fitting method will be scaled using this coefficient.
183   //! Program error exception is thrown if negative or zero value
184   //! is passed.
185   Standard_EXPORT void SetAutoZFitMode (const Standard_Boolean theIsOn, const Standard_Real theScaleFactor = 1.0);
187   //! returns TRUE if automatic z-fit mode is turned on.
AutoZFitMode() const188   Standard_Boolean AutoZFitMode() const { return myAutoZFitIsOn; }
190   //! returns scale factor parameter of automatic z-fit mode.
AutoZFitScaleFactor() const191   Standard_Real AutoZFitScaleFactor() const { return myAutoZFitScaleFactor; }
193   //! If automatic z-range fitting is turned on, adjusts Z-min and Z-max
194   //! projection volume planes with call to ZFitAll.
195   Standard_EXPORT void AutoZFit() const;
197   //! Change Z-min and Z-max planes of projection volume to match the
198   //! displayed objects.
199   Standard_EXPORT void ZFitAll (const Standard_Real theScaleFactor = 1.0) const;
201   //! Defines the background color of the view by the color definition type and the three corresponding values.
202   Standard_EXPORT void SetBackgroundColor (const Quantity_TypeOfColor theType,
203                                            const Standard_Real theV1,
204                                            const Standard_Real theV2,
205                                            const Standard_Real theV3);
207   //! Defines the background color of the view.
208   Standard_EXPORT void SetBackgroundColor (const Quantity_Color& theColor);
210   //! Defines the gradient background colors of the view by supplying the colors
211   //! and the fill method (horizontal by default).
212   Standard_EXPORT void SetBgGradientColors (const Quantity_Color& theColor1,
213                                             const Quantity_Color& theColor2,
214                                             const Aspect_GradientFillMethod theFillStyle = Aspect_GFM_HOR,
215                                             const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_False);
217   //! Defines the gradient background fill method of the view.
218   Standard_EXPORT void SetBgGradientStyle (const Aspect_GradientFillMethod theMethod = Aspect_GFM_HOR,
219                                            const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_False);
221   //! Defines the background texture of the view by supplying the texture image file name
222   //! and fill method (centered by default).
223   Standard_EXPORT void SetBackgroundImage (const Standard_CString theFileName,
224                                            const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle = Aspect_FM_CENTERED,
225                                            const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_False);
227   //! Defines the textured background fill method of the view.
228   Standard_EXPORT void SetBgImageStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle,
229                                         const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_False);
231   //! Sets environment cubemap as interactive background.
232   Standard_EXPORT void SetBackgroundCubeMap (const Handle(Graphic3d_CubeMap)& theCubeMap,
233                                              Standard_Boolean                 theToUpdate = Standard_False);
235   //! Definition of an axis from its origin and
236   //! its orientation .
237   //! This will be the current axis for rotations and movements.
238   //! Warning! raises BadValue from V3d if the vector normal is NULL. .
239   Standard_EXPORT void SetAxis (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z,
240                                 const Standard_Real Vx, const Standard_Real Vy, const Standard_Real Vz);
242   //! Defines the shading model for the visualization. Various models are available.
243   Standard_EXPORT void SetShadingModel (const Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel theShadingModel);
245   //! Sets the environment texture to use. No environment texture by default.
246   Standard_EXPORT void SetTextureEnv (const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureEnv)& theTexture);
248   //! Defines the visualization type in the view.
249   Standard_EXPORT void SetVisualization (const V3d_TypeOfVisualization theType);
251   //! Activates theLight in the view.
252   Standard_EXPORT void SetLightOn (const Handle(V3d_Light)& theLight);
254   //! Activates all the lights defined in this view.
255   Standard_EXPORT void SetLightOn();
257   //! Deactivate theLight in this view.
258   Standard_EXPORT void SetLightOff (const Handle(V3d_Light)& theLight);
260   //! Deactivate all the Lights defined in this view.
261   Standard_EXPORT void SetLightOff();
263   //! Returns TRUE when the light is active in this view.
264   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IsActiveLight (const Handle(V3d_Light)& theLight) const;
266   //! sets the immediate update mode and returns the previous one.
267   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean SetImmediateUpdate (const Standard_Boolean theImmediateUpdate);
269   //! Customization of the ZBUFFER Triedron.
270   //! XColor,YColor,ZColor - colors of axis
271   //! SizeRatio - ratio of decreasing of the trihedron size when its physical
272   //! position comes out of the view
273   //! AxisDiametr - diameter relatively to axis length
274   //! NbFacettes - number of facets of cylinders and cones
275   Standard_EXPORT void ZBufferTriedronSetup (const Quantity_Color& theXColor = Quantity_NOC_RED,
276                                              const Quantity_Color& theYColor = Quantity_NOC_GREEN,
277                                              const Quantity_Color& theZColor = Quantity_NOC_BLUE1,
278                                              const Standard_Real theSizeRatio = 0.8,
279                                              const Standard_Real theAxisDiametr = 0.05,
280                                              const Standard_Integer theNbFacettes = 12);
282   //! Display of the Triedron.
283   //! Initialize position, color and length of Triedron axes.
284   //! The scale is a percent of the window width.
285   Standard_EXPORT void TriedronDisplay (const Aspect_TypeOfTriedronPosition thePosition = Aspect_TOTP_CENTER,
286                                         const Quantity_Color& theColor = Quantity_NOC_WHITE,
287                                         const Standard_Real theScale = 0.02,
288                                         const V3d_TypeOfVisualization theMode = V3d_WIREFRAME);
290   //! Erases the Triedron.
291   Standard_EXPORT void TriedronErase();
293   //! Returns data of a graduated trihedron.
294   Standard_EXPORT const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron& GetGraduatedTrihedron() const;
296   //! Displays a graduated trihedron.
297   Standard_EXPORT void GraduatedTrihedronDisplay (const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron& theTrihedronData);
299   //! Erases a graduated trihedron from the view.
300   Standard_EXPORT void GraduatedTrihedronErase();
302   //! modify the Projection of the view perpendicularly to
303   //! the privileged plane of the viewer.
304   Standard_EXPORT void SetFront();
306   //! Rotates the eye about the coordinate system of
307   //! reference of the screen
308   //! for which the origin is the view point of the projection,
309   //! with a relative angular value in RADIANS with respect to
310   //! the initial position expressed by Start = Standard_True
311   //! Warning! raises BadValue from V3d
312   //! If the eye, the view point, or the high point are
313   //! aligned or confused.
314   Standard_EXPORT void Rotate (const Standard_Real Ax, const Standard_Real Ay, const Standard_Real Az, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
316   //! Rotates the eye about the coordinate system of
317   //! reference of the screen
318   //! for which the origin is Gravity point {X,Y,Z},
319   //! with a relative angular value in RADIANS with respect to
320   //! the initial position expressed by Start = Standard_True
321   //! If the eye, the view point, or the high point are
322   //! aligned or confused.
323   Standard_EXPORT void Rotate (const Standard_Real Ax, const Standard_Real Ay, const Standard_Real Az,
324                                const Standard_Real X,  const Standard_Real Y,  const Standard_Real Z,
325                                const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
327   //! Rotates the eye about one of the coordinate axes of
328   //! of the view for which the origin is the Gravity point{X,Y,Z}
329   //! with an relative angular value in RADIANS with
330   //! respect to the initial position expressed by
331   //! Start = Standard_True
332   Standard_EXPORT void Rotate (const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axe,
333                                const Standard_Real Angle,
334                                const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z,
335                                const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
337   //! Rotates the eye about one of the coordinate axes of
338   //! of the view for which the origin is the view point of the
339   //! projection with an relative angular value in RADIANS with
340   //! respect to the initial position expressed by
341   //! Start = Standard_True
342   Standard_EXPORT void Rotate (const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axe, const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
344   //! Rotates the eye around the current axis a relative
345   //! angular value in RADIANS with respect to the initial
346   //! position expressed by Start = Standard_True
347   Standard_EXPORT void Rotate (const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
349   //! Movement of the eye parallel to the coordinate system
350   //! of reference of the screen a distance relative to the
351   //! initial position expressed by Start = Standard_True.
352   Standard_EXPORT void Move (const Standard_Real Dx, const Standard_Real Dy, const Standard_Real Dz, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
354   //! Movement of the eye parallel to one of the axes of the
355   //! coordinate system of reference of the view a distance
356   //! relative to the initial position expressed by
357   //! Start = Standard_True.
358   Standard_EXPORT void Move (const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axe, const Standard_Real Length, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
360   //! Movement of the eye parllel to the current axis
361   //! a distance relative to the initial position
362   //! expressed by Start = Standard_True
363   Standard_EXPORT void Move (const Standard_Real Length, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
365   //! Movement of the ye and the view point parallel to the
366   //! frame of reference of the screen a distance relative
367   //! to the initial position expressed by
368   //! Start = Standard_True
369   Standard_EXPORT void Translate (const Standard_Real Dx, const Standard_Real Dy, const Standard_Real Dz, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
371   //! Movement of the eye and the view point parallel to one
372   //! of the axes of the fame of reference of the view a
373   //! distance relative to the initial position
374   //! expressed by Start = Standard_True
375   Standard_EXPORT void Translate (const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axe, const Standard_Real Length, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
377   //! Movement of the eye and view point parallel to
378   //! the current axis a distance relative to the initial
379   //! position expressed by Start = Standard_True
380   Standard_EXPORT void Translate (const Standard_Real Length, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
382   //! places the point of the view corresponding
383   //! at the pixel position x,y at the center of the window
384   //! and updates the view.
385   Standard_EXPORT void Place (const Standard_Integer theXp, const Standard_Integer theYp, const Standard_Real theZoomFactor = 1);
387   //! Rotation of the view point around the frame of reference
388   //! of the screen for which the origin is the eye of the
389   //! projection with a relative angular value in RADIANS
390   //! with respect to the initial position expressed by
391   //! Start = Standard_True
392   Standard_EXPORT void Turn (const Standard_Real Ax, const Standard_Real Ay, const Standard_Real Az, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
394   //! Rotation of the view point around one of the axes of the
395   //! frame of reference of the view for which the origin is
396   //! the eye of the projection with an angular value in
397   //! RADIANS relative to the initial position expressed by
398   //! Start = Standard_True
399   Standard_EXPORT void Turn (const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axe, const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
401   //! Rotation of the view point around the current axis an
402   //! angular value in RADIANS relative to the initial
403   //! position expressed by Start = Standard_True
404   Standard_EXPORT void Turn (const Standard_Real Angle, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
406   //! Defines the angular position of the high point of
407   //! the reference frame of the view with respect to the
408   //! Y screen axis with an absolute angular value in
409   //! RADIANS.
410   Standard_EXPORT void SetTwist (const Standard_Real Angle);
412   //! Defines the position of the eye..
413   Standard_EXPORT void SetEye (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z);
415   //! Defines the Depth of the eye from the view point
416   //! without update the projection .
417   Standard_EXPORT void SetDepth (const Standard_Real Depth);
419   //! Defines the orientation of the projection.
420   Standard_EXPORT void SetProj (const Standard_Real Vx, const Standard_Real Vy, const Standard_Real Vz);
422   //! Defines the orientation of the projection .
423   //! @param theOrientation camera direction
424   //! @param theIsYup       flag indicating Y-up (TRUE) or Z-up (FALSE) convention
425   Standard_EXPORT void SetProj (const V3d_TypeOfOrientation theOrientation,
426                                 const Standard_Boolean theIsYup = Standard_False);
428   //! Defines the position of the view point.
429   Standard_EXPORT void SetAt (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z);
431   //! Defines the orientation of the high point.
432   Standard_EXPORT void SetUp (const Standard_Real Vx, const Standard_Real Vy, const Standard_Real Vz);
434   //! Defines the orientation(SO) of the high point.
435   Standard_EXPORT void SetUp (const V3d_TypeOfOrientation Orientation);
437   //! Saves the current state of the orientation of the view
438   //! which will be the return state at ResetViewOrientation.
439   Standard_EXPORT void SetViewOrientationDefault();
441   //! Resets the orientation of the view.
442   //! Updates the view
443   Standard_EXPORT void ResetViewOrientation();
445   //! Translates the center of the view along "x" and "y" axes of
446   //! view projection. Can be used to perform interactive panning operation.
447   //! In that case the DXv, DXy parameters specify panning relative to the
448   //! point where the operation is started.
449   //! @param theDXv [in] the relative panning on "x" axis of view projection, in view space coordinates.
450   //! @param theDYv [in] the relative panning on "y" axis of view projection, in view space coordinates.
451   //! @param theZoomFactor [in] the zooming factor.
452   //! @param theToStart [in] pass TRUE when starting panning to remember view
453   //! state prior to panning for relative arguments. If panning is started,
454   //! passing {0, 0} for {theDXv, theDYv} will return view to initial state.
455   //! Performs update of view.
456   Standard_EXPORT void Panning (const Standard_Real theDXv, const Standard_Real theDYv, const Standard_Real theZoomFactor = 1, const Standard_Boolean theToStart = Standard_True);
458   //! Relocates center of screen to the point, determined by
459   //! {Xp, Yp} pixel coordinates relative to the bottom-left corner of
460   //! screen. To calculate pixel coordinates for any point from world
461   //! coordinate space, it can be projected using "Project".
462   //! @param theXp [in] the x coordinate.
463   //! @param theYp [in] the y coordinate.
464   Standard_EXPORT void SetCenter (const Standard_Integer theXp, const Standard_Integer theYp);
466   //! Defines the view projection size in its maximum dimension,
467   //! keeping the inital height/width ratio unchanged.
468   Standard_EXPORT void SetSize (const Standard_Real theSize);
470   //! Defines the Depth size of the view
471   //! Front Plane will be set to Size/2.
472   //! Back  Plane will be set to -Size/2.
473   //! Any Object located Above the Front Plane or
474   //! behind the Back Plane will be Clipped .
475   //! NOTE than the XY Size of the View is NOT modified .
476   Standard_EXPORT void SetZSize (const Standard_Real SetZSize);
478   //! Zooms the view by a factor relative to the initial
479   //! value expressed by Start = Standard_True
480   //! Updates the view.
481   Standard_EXPORT void SetZoom (const Standard_Real Coef, const Standard_Boolean Start = Standard_True);
483   //! Zooms the view by a factor relative to the value
484   //! initialised by SetViewMappingDefault().
485   //! Updates the view.
486   Standard_EXPORT void SetScale (const Standard_Real Coef);
488   //! Sets  anisotropic (axial)  scale  factors  <Sx>, <Sy>, <Sz>  for  view <me>.
489   //! Anisotropic  scaling  operation  is  performed  through  multiplying
490   //! the current view  orientation  matrix  by  a  scaling  matrix:
491   //! || Sx  0   0   0 ||
492   //! || 0   Sy  0   0 ||
493   //! || 0   0   Sz  0 ||
494   //! || 0   0   0   1 ||
495   //! Updates the view.
496   Standard_EXPORT void SetAxialScale (const Standard_Real Sx, const Standard_Real Sy, const Standard_Real Sz);
498   //! Adjust view parameters to fit the displayed scene, respecting height / width ratio.
499   //! The Z clipping range (depth range) is fitted if AutoZFit flag is TRUE.
500   //! Throws program error exception if margin coefficient is < 0 or >= 1.
501   //! Updates the view.
502   //! @param theMargin [in] the margin coefficient for view borders.
503   //! @param theToUpdate [in] flag to perform view update.
504   Standard_EXPORT void FitAll (const Standard_Real theMargin = 0.01, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_True);
506   //! Adjust view parameters to fit the displayed scene, respecting height / width ratio
507   //! according to the custom bounding box given.
508   //! Throws program error exception if margin coefficient is < 0 or >= 1.
509   //! Updates the view.
510   //! @param theBox [in] the custom bounding box to fit.
511   //! @param theMargin [in] the margin coefficient for view borders.
512   //! @param theToUpdate [in] flag to perform view update.
513   Standard_EXPORT void FitAll (const Bnd_Box& theBox, const Standard_Real theMargin = 0.01, const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_True);
515   //! Adjusts the viewing volume so as not to clip the displayed objects by front and back
516   //! and back clipping planes. Also sets depth value automatically depending on the
517   //! calculated Z size and Aspect parameter.
518   //! NOTE than the original XY size of the view is NOT modified .
519   Standard_EXPORT void DepthFitAll (const Standard_Real Aspect = 0.01, const Standard_Real Margin = 0.01);
521   //! Centers the defined projection window so that it occupies
522   //! the maximum space while respecting the initial
523   //! height/width ratio.
524   //! NOTE than the original Z size of the view is NOT modified .
525   Standard_EXPORT void FitAll (const Standard_Real theMinXv, const Standard_Real theMinYv, const Standard_Real theMaxXv, const Standard_Real theMaxYv);
527   //! Centers the defined PIXEL window so that it occupies
528   //! the maximum space while respecting the initial height/width ratio.
529   //! NOTE than the original Z size of the view is NOT modified.
530   //! @param theMinXp [in] pixel coordinates of minimal corner on x screen axis.
531   //! @param theMinYp [in] pixel coordinates of minimal corner on y screen axis.
532   //! @param theMaxXp [in] pixel coordinates of maximal corner on x screen axis.
533   //! @param theMaxYp [in] pixel coordinates of maximal corner on y screen axis.
534   Standard_EXPORT void WindowFit (const Standard_Integer theMinXp, const Standard_Integer theMinYp, const Standard_Integer theMaxXp, const Standard_Integer theMaxYp);
536   //! Saves the current view mapping. This will be the
537   //! state returned from ResetViewmapping.
538   Standard_EXPORT void SetViewMappingDefault();
540   //! Resets the centering of the view.
541   //! Updates the view
542   Standard_EXPORT void ResetViewMapping();
544   //! Resets the centering and the orientation of the view.
545   Standard_EXPORT void Reset (const Standard_Boolean theToUpdate = Standard_True);
547   //! Converts the PIXEL value
548   //! to a value in the projection plane.
549   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Convert (const Standard_Integer Vp) const;
551   //! Converts the point PIXEL into a point projected
552   //! in the reference frame of the projection plane.
553   Standard_EXPORT void Convert (const Standard_Integer Xp, const Standard_Integer Yp,
554                                 Standard_Real& Xv, Standard_Real& Yv) const;
556   //! Converts tha value of the projection plane into
557   //! a PIXEL value.
558   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer Convert (const Standard_Real Vv) const;
560   //! Converts the point defined in the reference frame
561   //! of the projection plane into a point PIXEL.
562   Standard_EXPORT void Convert (const Standard_Real Xv, const Standard_Real Yv,
563                                 Standard_Integer& Xp, Standard_Integer& Yp) const;
565   //! Converts the projected point into a point
566   //! in the reference frame of the view corresponding
567   //! to the intersection with the projection plane
568   //! of the eye/view point vector.
569   Standard_EXPORT void Convert (const Standard_Integer Xp, const Standard_Integer Yp,
570                                 Standard_Real& X, Standard_Real& Y, Standard_Real& Z) const;
572   //! Converts the projected point into a point
573   //! in the reference frame of the view corresponding
574   //! to the intersection with the projection plane
575   //! of the eye/view point vector and returns the
576   //! projection ray for further computations.
577   Standard_EXPORT void ConvertWithProj (const Standard_Integer Xp, const Standard_Integer Yp,
578                                         Standard_Real& X,  Standard_Real& Y,  Standard_Real& Z,
579                                         Standard_Real& Vx, Standard_Real& Vy, Standard_Real& Vz) const;
581   //! Converts the projected point into the nearest grid point
582   //! in the reference frame of the view corresponding
583   //! to the intersection with the projection plane
584   //! of the eye/view point vector and display the grid marker.
585   //! Warning: When the grid is not active the result is identical to the above Convert() method.
586   //! How to use:
587   //! 1) Enable the grid echo display
588   //! myViewer->SetGridEcho(Standard_True);
589   //! 2) When application receive a move event:
590   //! 2.1) Check if any object is detected
591   //! if( myInteractiveContext->MoveTo(x,y) == AIS_SOD_Nothing ) {
592   //! 2.2) Check if the grid is active
593   //! if( myViewer->Grid()->IsActive() ) {
594   //! 2.3) Display the grid echo and gets the grid point
595   //! myView->ConvertToGrid(x,y,X,Y,Z);
596   //! myView->Viewer()->ShowGridEcho (myView, Graphic3d_Vertex (X,Y,Z));
597   //! myView->RedrawImmediate();
598   //! 2.4) Else this is the standard case
599   //! } else myView->Convert(x,y,X,Y,Z);
600   Standard_EXPORT void ConvertToGrid (const Standard_Integer Xp, const Standard_Integer Yp,
601                                       Standard_Real& Xg, Standard_Real& Yg, Standard_Real& Zg) const;
603   //! Converts the point into the nearest grid point
604   //! and display the grid marker.
605   Standard_EXPORT void ConvertToGrid (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z,
606                                       Standard_Real& Xg, Standard_Real& Yg, Standard_Real& Zg) const;
608   //! Projects the point defined in the reference frame of
609   //! the view into the projected point in the associated window.
610   Standard_EXPORT void Convert (const Standard_Real X, const Standard_Real Y, const Standard_Real Z,
611                                 Standard_Integer& Xp, Standard_Integer& Yp) const;
613   //! Converts the point defined in the user space of
614   //! the view to the projection plane at the depth
615   //! relative to theZ.
616   Standard_EXPORT void Project (const Standard_Real theX,
617                                 const Standard_Real theY,
618                                 const Standard_Real theZ,
619                                 Standard_Real& theXp,
620                                 Standard_Real& theYp) const;
622   //! Converts the point defined in the user space of
623   //! the view to the projection plane at the depth
624   //! relative to theZ.
625   Standard_EXPORT void Project (const Standard_Real theX,
626                                 const Standard_Real theY,
627                                 const Standard_Real theZ,
628                                 Standard_Real& theXp,
629                                 Standard_Real& theYp,
630                                 Standard_Real& theZp) const;
632   //! Returns the Background color values of the view
633   //! depending of the color Type.
634   Standard_EXPORT void BackgroundColor (const Quantity_TypeOfColor Type, Standard_Real& V1, Standard_Real& V2, Standard_Real& V3) const;
636   //! Returns the Background color object of the view.
637   Standard_EXPORT Quantity_Color BackgroundColor() const;
639   //! Returns the gradient background colors of the view.
640   Standard_EXPORT void GradientBackgroundColors (Quantity_Color& theColor1, Quantity_Color& theColor2) const;
642   //! Returns the gradient background of the view.
643   Standard_EXPORT Aspect_GradientBackground GradientBackground() const;
645   //! Returns the current value of the zoom expressed with
646   //! respect to SetViewMappingDefault().
647   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Scale() const;
649   //! Returns the current values of the anisotropic (axial) scale factors.
650   Standard_EXPORT void AxialScale (Standard_Real& Sx, Standard_Real& Sy, Standard_Real& Sz) const;
652   //! Returns the height and width of the view.
653   Standard_EXPORT void Size (Standard_Real& Width, Standard_Real& Height) const;
655   //! Returns the Depth of the view .
656   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real ZSize() const;
658   //! Returns the position of the eye.
659   Standard_EXPORT void Eye (Standard_Real& X, Standard_Real& Y, Standard_Real& Z) const;
661   //! Returns the position of point which emanating the projections.
FocalReferencePoint(Standard_Real & X,Standard_Real & Y,Standard_Real & Z) const662   void FocalReferencePoint (Standard_Real& X, Standard_Real& Y, Standard_Real& Z) const { Eye (X,Y,Z); }
664   //! Returns the coordinate of the point (Xpix,Ypix)
665   //! in the view (XP,YP,ZP), and the projection vector of the
666   //! view passing by the point (for PerspectiveView).
667   Standard_EXPORT void ProjReferenceAxe (const Standard_Integer Xpix, const Standard_Integer Ypix,
668                                          Standard_Real& XP, Standard_Real& YP, Standard_Real& ZP,
669                                          Standard_Real& VX, Standard_Real& VY, Standard_Real& VZ) const;
671   //! Returns the Distance between the Eye and View Point.
672   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Depth() const;
674   //! Returns the projection vector.
675   Standard_EXPORT void Proj (Standard_Real& Vx, Standard_Real& Vy, Standard_Real& Vz) const;
677   //! Returns the position of the view point.
678   Standard_EXPORT void At (Standard_Real& X, Standard_Real& Y, Standard_Real& Z) const;
680   //! Returns the vector giving the position of the high point.
681   Standard_EXPORT void Up (Standard_Real& Vx, Standard_Real& Vy, Standard_Real& Vz) const;
683   //! Returns in RADIANS the orientation of the view around
684   //! the visual axis measured from the Y axis of the screen.
685   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Twist() const;
687   //! Returns the current shading model.
688   Standard_EXPORT Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel ShadingModel() const;
690   Standard_EXPORT Handle(Graphic3d_TextureEnv) TextureEnv() const;
692   //! Returns the current visualisation mode.
693   Standard_EXPORT V3d_TypeOfVisualization Visualization() const;
695   //! Returns True if One light more can be
696   //! activated in this View.
697   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IfMoreLights() const;
699   //! Return iterator for defined lights.
ActiveLightIterator() const700   V3d_ListOfLightIterator ActiveLightIterator() const { return V3d_ListOfLightIterator (myActiveLights); }
702   //! initializes an iteration on the active Lights.
InitActiveLights()703   void InitActiveLights() { myActiveLightsIterator.Initialize (myActiveLights); }
705   //! returns true if there are more active Light(s) to return.
MoreActiveLights() const706   Standard_Boolean MoreActiveLights() const { return myActiveLightsIterator.More(); }
708   //! Go to the next active Light (if there is not, ActiveLight will raise an exception)
NextActiveLights()709   void NextActiveLights() { myActiveLightsIterator.Next(); }
Handle(V3d_Light)711   const Handle(V3d_Light)& ActiveLight() const { return myActiveLightsIterator.Value(); }
713   //! Returns the MAX number of light associated to the view.
714   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer LightLimit() const;
716   //! Returns the viewer in which the view has been created.
Viewer() const717   Handle(V3d_Viewer) Viewer() const { return MyViewer; }
719   //! Returns True if MyView is associated with a window .
720   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean IfWindow() const;
722   //! Returns the Aspect Window associated with the view.
Handle(Aspect_Window)723   const Handle(Aspect_Window)& Window() const { return MyWindow; }
725   //! Returns the Type of the View
726   Standard_EXPORT V3d_TypeOfView Type() const;
728   //! Translates the center of the view along "x" and "y" axes of
729   //! view projection. Can be used to perform interactive panning operation.
730   //! In that case the DXp, DXp parameters specify panning relative to the
731   //! point where the operation is started.
732   //! @param theDXp [in] the relative panning on "x" axis of view projection, in pixels.
733   //! @param theDYp [in] the relative panning on "y" axis of view projection, in pixels.
734   //! @param theZoomFactor [in] the zooming factor.
735   //! @param theToStart [in] pass TRUE when starting panning to remember view
736   //! state prior to panning for relative arguments. Passing 0 for relative
737   //! panning parameter should return view panning to initial state.
738   //! Performs update of view.
739   Standard_EXPORT void Pan (const Standard_Integer theDXp, const Standard_Integer theDYp, const Standard_Real theZoomFactor = 1, const Standard_Boolean theToStart = Standard_True);
741   //! Zoom the view according to a zoom factor computed
742   //! from the distance between the 2 mouse position.
743   //! @param theXp1 [in] the x coordinate of first mouse position, in pixels.
744   //! @param theYp1 [in] the y coordinate of first mouse position, in pixels.
745   //! @param theXp2 [in] the x coordinate of second mouse position, in pixels.
746   //! @param theYp2 [in] the y coordinate of second mouse position, in pixels.
747   Standard_EXPORT void Zoom (const Standard_Integer theXp1, const Standard_Integer theYp1, const Standard_Integer theXp2, const Standard_Integer theYp2);
749   //! Defines starting point for ZoomAtPoint view operation.
750   //! @param theXp [in] the x mouse coordinate, in pixels.
751   //! @param theYp [in] the y mouse coordinate, in pixels.
752   Standard_EXPORT void StartZoomAtPoint (const Standard_Integer theXp, const Standard_Integer theYp);
754   //! Zooms the model at a pixel defined by the method StartZoomAtPoint().
755   Standard_EXPORT void ZoomAtPoint (const Standard_Integer theMouseStartX, const Standard_Integer theMouseStartY, const Standard_Integer theMouseEndX, const Standard_Integer theMouseEndY);
757   //! Performs  anisotropic scaling  of  <me>  view  along  the  given  <Axis>.
758   //! The  scale  factor  is  calculated on a basis of
759   //! the mouse pointer displacement <Dx,Dy>.
760   //! The  calculated  scale  factor  is  then  passed  to  SetAxialScale(Sx,  Sy,  Sz)  method.
761   Standard_EXPORT void AxialScale (const Standard_Integer Dx, const Standard_Integer Dy, const V3d_TypeOfAxe Axis);
763   //! Begin the rotation of the view around the screen axis
764   //! according to the mouse position <X,Y>.
765   //! Warning: Enable rotation around the Z screen axis when <zRotationThreshold>
766   //! factor is > 0 soon the distance from the start point and the center
767   //! of the view is > (medium viewSize * <zRotationThreshold> ).
768   //! Generally a value of 0.4 is usable to rotate around XY screen axis
769   //! inside the circular threshold area and to rotate around Z screen axis
770   //! outside this area.
771   Standard_EXPORT void StartRotation (const Standard_Integer X, const Standard_Integer Y, const Standard_Real zRotationThreshold = 0.0);
773   //! Continues the rotation of the view
774   //! with an angle computed from the last and new mouse position <X,Y>.
775   Standard_EXPORT void Rotation (const Standard_Integer X, const Standard_Integer Y);
777   //! Change View Plane Distance for Perspective Views
778   //! Warning! raises TypeMismatch from Standard if the view
779   //! is not a perspective view.
780   Standard_EXPORT void SetFocale (const Standard_Real Focale);
782   //! Returns the View Plane Distance for Perspective Views
783   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real Focale() const;
785   //! Returns the associated Graphic3d view.
Handle(Graphic3d_CView)786   const Handle(Graphic3d_CView)& View() const { return myView; }
788   //! Switches computed HLR mode in the view.
789   Standard_EXPORT void SetComputedMode (const Standard_Boolean theMode);
791   //! Returns the computed HLR mode state.
792   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ComputedMode() const;
794   //! idem than WindowFit
WindowFitAll(const Standard_Integer Xmin,const Standard_Integer Ymin,const Standard_Integer Xmax,const Standard_Integer Ymax)795   void WindowFitAll (const Standard_Integer Xmin, const Standard_Integer Ymin, const Standard_Integer Xmax, const Standard_Integer Ymax)
796   {
797     WindowFit (Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax);
798   }
800   //! Transform camera eye, center and scale to fit in the passed bounding box specified in WCS.
801   //! @param theCamera [in] the camera
802   //! @param theBox    [in] the bounding box
803   //! @param theMargin [in] the margin coefficient for view borders
804   //! @param theResolution [in] the minimum size of projection of bounding box in Xv or Yv direction when it considered to be a thin plane or point (without a volume);
805   //!                           in this case only the center of camera is adjusted
806   //! @param theToEnlargeIfLine [in] when TRUE - in cases when the whole bounding box projected into thin line going along Z-axis of screen,
807   //!                                the view plane is enlarged such thatwe see the whole line on rotation, otherwise only the center of camera is adjusted.
808   //! @return TRUE if the fit all operation can be done
809   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean FitMinMax (const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& theCamera,
810                                               const Bnd_Box& theBox,
811                                               const Standard_Real theMargin,
812                                               const Standard_Real theResolution = 0.0,
813                                               const Standard_Boolean theToEnlargeIfLine = Standard_True) const;
815   //! Defines or Updates the definition of the
816   //! grid in <me>
817   Standard_EXPORT void SetGrid (const gp_Ax3& aPlane, const Handle(Aspect_Grid)& aGrid);
819   //! Defines or Updates the activity of the
820   //! grid in <me>
821   Standard_EXPORT void SetGridActivity (const Standard_Boolean aFlag);
823   //! Dumps the full contents of the View into the image file. This is an alias for ToPixMap() with Image_AlienPixMap.
824   //! @param theFile destination image file (image format is determined by file extension like .png, .bmp, .jpg)
825   //! @param theBufferType buffer to dump
826   //! @return FALSE when the dump has failed
827   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean Dump (const Standard_CString theFile, const Graphic3d_BufferType& theBufferType = Graphic3d_BT_RGB);
829   //! Dumps the full contents of the view to a pixmap with specified parameters.
830   //! Internally this method calls Redraw() with an offscreen render buffer of requested target size (theWidth x theHeight),
831   //! so that there is no need resizing a window control for making a dump of different size.
832   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean ToPixMap (Image_PixMap&               theImage,
833                                              const V3d_ImageDumpOptions& theParams);
835   //! Dumps the full contents of the view to a pixmap.
836   //! Internally this method calls Redraw() with an offscreen render buffer of requested target size (theWidth x theHeight),
837   //! so that there is no need resizing a window control for making a dump of different size.
838   //! @param theImage          target image, will be re-allocated to match theWidth x theHeight
839   //! @param theWidth          target image width
840   //! @param theHeight         target image height
841   //! @param theBufferType     type of the view buffer to dump (color / depth)
842   //! @param theToAdjustAspect when true, active view aspect ratio will be overridden by (theWidth / theHeight)
843   //! @param theStereoOptions  how to dump stereographic camera
ToPixMap(Image_PixMap & theImage,const Standard_Integer theWidth,const Standard_Integer theHeight,const Graphic3d_BufferType & theBufferType=Graphic3d_BT_RGB,const Standard_Boolean theToAdjustAspect=Standard_True,const V3d_StereoDumpOptions theStereoOptions=V3d_SDO_MONO)844   Standard_Boolean ToPixMap (Image_PixMap& theImage,
845                              const Standard_Integer theWidth,
846                              const Standard_Integer theHeight,
847                              const Graphic3d_BufferType& theBufferType     = Graphic3d_BT_RGB,
848                              const Standard_Boolean      theToAdjustAspect = Standard_True,
849                              const V3d_StereoDumpOptions theStereoOptions  = V3d_SDO_MONO)
850   {
851     V3d_ImageDumpOptions aParams;
852     aParams.Width  = theWidth;
853     aParams.Height = theHeight;
854     aParams.BufferType = theBufferType;
855     aParams.StereoOptions  = theStereoOptions;
856     aParams.ToAdjustAspect = theToAdjustAspect;
857     return ToPixMap (theImage, aParams);
858   }
860   //! Manages display of the back faces
861   //! When <aModel> is TOBM_AUTOMATIC the object backfaces
862   //! are displayed only for surface objects and
863   //! never displayed for solid objects.
864   //! this was the previous mode.
865   //! <aModel> is TOBM_ALWAYS_DISPLAYED the object backfaces
866   //! are always displayed both for surfaces or solids.
867   //! <aModel> is TOBM_NEVER_DISPLAYED the object backfaces
868   //! are never displayed.
869   Standard_EXPORT void SetBackFacingModel (const V3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel theModel = V3d_TOBM_AUTOMATIC);
871   //! Returns current state of the back faces display
872   Standard_EXPORT V3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel BackFacingModel() const;
874   //! Adds clip plane to the view. The composition of clip planes truncates the
875   //! rendering space to convex volume. Number of supported clip planes can be consulted
876   //! by PlaneLimit method of associated Graphic3d_GraphicDriver.
877   //! Please be aware that the planes which exceed the limit are ignored during rendering.
878   //! @param thePlane [in] the clip plane to be added to view.
879   Standard_EXPORT virtual void AddClipPlane (const Handle(Graphic3d_ClipPlane)& thePlane);
881   //! Removes clip plane from the view.
882   //! @param thePlane [in] the clip plane to be removed from view.
883   Standard_EXPORT virtual void RemoveClipPlane (const Handle(Graphic3d_ClipPlane)& thePlane);
885   //! Sets sequence of clip planes to the view. The planes that have been set
886   //! before are removed from the view. The composition of clip planes
887   //! truncates the rendering space to convex volume. Number of supported
888   //! clip planes can be consulted by InquirePlaneLimit method of
889   //! Graphic3d_GraphicDriver. Please be aware that the planes that
890   //! exceed the limit are ignored during rendering.
891   //! @param thePlanes [in] the clip planes to set.
892   Standard_EXPORT void SetClipPlanes (const Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)& thePlanes);
894   Standard_DEPRECATED("This method is deprecated - overload taking Handle should be used instead")
SetClipPlanes(const Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane & thePlanes)895   void SetClipPlanes (const Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane& thePlanes)
896   {
897     Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane) aPlanes = new Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane (thePlanes);
898     SetClipPlanes (aPlanes);
899   }
901   //! Get clip planes.
902   //! @return sequence clip planes that have been set for the view
903   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)& ClipPlanes() const;
905   //! Returns the MAX number of clipping planes associated to the view.
906   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer PlaneLimit() const;
908   //! Change camera used by view.
909   Standard_EXPORT void SetCamera (const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& theCamera);
911   //! Returns camera object of the view.
912   //! @return: handle to camera object, or NULL if 3D view does not use
913   //! the camera approach.
914   Standard_EXPORT const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& Camera() const;
916   //! Return default camera.
Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)917   const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& DefaultCamera() const { return myDefaultCamera; }
919   //! Returns current rendering parameters and effect settings.
920   //! By default it returns default parameters of current viewer.
921   //! To define view-specific settings use method V3d_View::ChangeRenderingParams().
922   //! @sa V3d_Viewer::DefaultRenderingParams()
923   Standard_EXPORT const Graphic3d_RenderingParams& RenderingParams() const;
925   //! Returns reference to current rendering parameters and effect settings.
926   Standard_EXPORT Graphic3d_RenderingParams& ChangeRenderingParams();
928   //! @return flag value of objects culling mechanism
IsCullingEnabled() const929   Standard_Boolean IsCullingEnabled() const { return RenderingParams().FrustumCullingState == Graphic3d_RenderingParams::FrustumCulling_On; }
931   //! Turn on/off automatic culling of objects outside frustum (ON by default)
SetFrustumCulling(Standard_Boolean theMode)932   void SetFrustumCulling (Standard_Boolean theMode) { ChangeRenderingParams().FrustumCullingState = theMode ? Graphic3d_RenderingParams::FrustumCulling_On : Graphic3d_RenderingParams::FrustumCulling_Off; }
934   //! Fill in the dictionary with diagnostic info.
935   //! Should be called within rendering thread.
936   //!
937   //! This API should be used only for user output or for creating automated reports.
938   //! The format of returned information (e.g. key-value layout)
939   //! is NOT part of this API and can be changed at any time.
940   //! Thus application should not parse returned information to weed out specific parameters.
941   //! @param theDict  destination map for information
942   //! @param theFlags defines the information to be retrieved
943   Standard_EXPORT void DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict,
944                                               Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const;
946   //! Returns string with statistic performance info.
947   Standard_EXPORT TCollection_AsciiString StatisticInformation() const;
949   //! Fills in the dictionary with statistic performance info.
950   Standard_EXPORT void StatisticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict) const;
952   //! Returns the Objects number and the gravity center of ALL viewable points in the view
953   Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt GravityPoint() const;
955   DEFINE_STANDARD_RTTIEXT(V3d_View,Standard_Transient)
957 protected:
959   Standard_EXPORT void ImmediateUpdate() const;
961   //! Scales camera to fit the view frame of defined width and height
962   //! keeping the aspect. For orthogonal camera the method changes scale,
963   //! for perspective adjusts Eye location about the Center point.
964   //! @param theSizeXv [in] size of viewport frame on "x" axis.
965   //! @param theSizeYv [in] size of viewport frame on "y" axis.
966   Standard_EXPORT void Scale (const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& theCamera, const Standard_Real theSizeXv, const Standard_Real theSizeYv) const;
968   Standard_EXPORT void Translate (const Handle(Graphic3d_Camera)& theCamera, const Standard_Real theDXv, const Standard_Real theDYv) const;
970 private:
972   //! Modifies the aspect ratio of the camera when
973   //! the associated window is defined or resized.
974   Standard_EXPORT void SetRatio();
976   //! Determines the screen axes in the reference
977   //! framework of the view.
978   Standard_EXPORT static Standard_Boolean screenAxis (const gp_Dir& theVpn, const gp_Dir& theVup,
979                                                       gp_Vec& theXaxe, gp_Vec& theYaxe, gp_Vec& theZaxe);
981   //! Transforms the Vertex V according to the matrice Matrix .
982   Standard_EXPORT static gp_XYZ TrsPoint (const Graphic3d_Vertex& V, const TColStd_Array2OfReal& Matrix);
984   //! Returns the objects number and the projection window
985   //! of the objects contained in the view.
986   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer MinMax (Standard_Real& Umin, Standard_Real& Vmin, Standard_Real& Umax, Standard_Real& Vmax) const;
988   //! Returns the objects number and the box encompassing
989   //! the objects contained in the view
990   Standard_EXPORT Standard_Integer MinMax (Standard_Real& Xmin, Standard_Real& Ymin, Standard_Real& Zmin, Standard_Real& Xmax, Standard_Real& Ymax, Standard_Real& Zmax) const;
992   Standard_EXPORT void Init();
994   //! Returns a new vertex when the grid is activated.
995   Standard_EXPORT Graphic3d_Vertex Compute (const Graphic3d_Vertex& AVertex) const;
997 protected:
999   Standard_Real myOldMouseX;
1000   Standard_Real myOldMouseY;
1001   gp_Dir myCamStartOpUp;
1002   gp_Dir myCamStartOpDir;
1003   gp_Pnt myCamStartOpEye;
1004   Standard_Real myCamStartOpBnd[6];
1005   gp_Pnt myCamStartOpCenter;
1006   Handle(Graphic3d_Camera) myDefaultCamera;
1007   Handle(Graphic3d_CView) myView;
1008   Standard_Boolean myImmediateUpdate;
1009   mutable Standard_Boolean myIsInvalidatedImmediate;
1011 private:
1013   V3d_ViewerPointer MyViewer;
1014   V3d_ListOfLight myActiveLights;
1015   gp_Dir myDefaultViewAxis;
1016   gp_Pnt myDefaultViewPoint;
1017   Handle(Aspect_Window) MyWindow;
1018   V3d_ListOfLight::Iterator myActiveLightsIterator;
1019   Standard_Integer sx;
1020   Standard_Integer sy;
1021   Standard_Real rx;
1022   Standard_Real ry;
1023   gp_Pnt myRotateGravity;
1024   Standard_Boolean myComputedMode;
1025   Standard_Boolean SwitchSetFront;
1026   Standard_Boolean myZRotation;
1027   Standard_Integer MyZoomAtPointX;
1028   Standard_Integer MyZoomAtPointY;
1029   Handle(V3d_Trihedron) myTrihedron;
1030   Handle(Aspect_Grid) MyGrid;
1031   gp_Ax3 MyPlane;
1032   TColStd_Array2OfReal MyTrsf;
1033   Handle(Graphic3d_Structure) MyGridEchoStructure;
1034   Handle(Graphic3d_Group) MyGridEchoGroup;
1035   gp_Vec myXscreenAxis;
1036   gp_Vec myYscreenAxis;
1037   gp_Vec myZscreenAxis;
1038   gp_Dir myViewAxis;
1039   Graphic3d_Vertex myGravityReferencePoint;
1040   Standard_Boolean myAutoZFitIsOn;
1041   Standard_Real myAutoZFitScaleFactor;
1043 };
1045 #endif // _V3d_View_HeaderFile