1Running Q-Chem job 1 of 1
2                  Welcome to Q-Chem
3     A Quantum Leap Into The Future Of Chemistry
6 Q-Chem 5.2, Q-Chem, Inc., Pleasanton, CA (2019)
8 Yihan Shao,  Zhengting Gan,  E. Epifanovsky,  A. T. B. Gilbert,  M. Wormit,
9 J. Kussmann,  A. W. Lange,  A. Behn,  Jia Deng,  Xintian Feng,  D. Ghosh,
10 M. Goldey,  P. R. Horn,  L. D. Jacobson,  I. Kaliman,  T. Kus,  A. Landau,
11 Jie Liu,  E. I. Proynov,  R. M. Richard,  R. P. Steele,  E. J. Sundstrom,
12 H. L. Woodcock III,  P. M. Zimmerman,  D. Zuev,  B. Alam,  B. Albrecht,
13 E. Alguire,  S. A. Baeppler,  D. Barton,  Z. Benda,  Y. A. Bernard,
14 E. J. Berquist,  K. B. Bravaya,  H. Burton,  K. Carter-Fenk,  D. Casanova,
15 Chun-Min Chang,  Yunqing Chen,  A. Chien,  K. D. Closser,  M. P. Coons,
16 S. Coriani,  S. Dasgupta,  A. L. Dempwolff,  M. Diedenhofen,  Hainam Do,
17 R. G. Edgar,  Po-Tung Fang,  S. Faraji,  S. Fatehi,  Qingguo Feng,
18 J. Fosso-Tande,  J. Gayvert,  Qinghui Ge,  A. Ghysels,  G. Gidofalvi,
19 J. Gomes,  J. Gonthier,  A. Gunina,  D. Hait,  M. W. D. Hanson-Heine,
20 P. H. P. Harbach,  A. W. Hauser,  M. F. Herbst,  J. E. Herr,
21 E. G. Hohenstein,  Z. C. Holden,  Kerwin Hui,  B. C. Huynh,  T.-C. Jagau,
22 Hyunjun Ji,  B. Kaduk,  K. Khistyaev,  Jaehoon Kim,  P. Klunzinger,  K. Koh,
23 D. Kosenkov,  L. Koulias,  T. Kowalczyk,  C. M. Krauter,  A. Kunitsa,
24 Ka Un Lao,  A. Laurent,  K. V. Lawler,  Joonho Lee,  D. Lefrancois,
25 S. Lehtola,  D. S. Levine,  Yi-Pei Li,  You-Sheng Lin,  Fenglai Liu,
26 Kuan-Yu Liu,  E. Livshits,  M. Loipersberger,  A. Luenser,  P. Manohar,
27 E. Mansoor,  S. F. Manzer,  Shan-Ping Mao,  Yuezhi Mao,  N. Mardirossian,
28 A. V. Marenich,  T. Markovich,  L. A. Martinez-Martinez,  S. A. Maurer,
29 N. J. Mayhall,  S. C. McKenzie,  J.-M. Mewes,  P. Morgante,  A. F. Morrison,
30 J. W. Mullinax,  K. Nanda,  T. S. Nguyen-Beck,  R. Olivares-Amaya,
31 J. A. Parkhill,  S. K. Paul,  Zheng Pei,  T. M. Perrine,  F. Plasser,
32 P. Pokhilko,  S. Prager,  A. Prociuk,  E. Ramos,  B. Rana,  D. R. Rehn,
33 F. Rob,  M. Scheurer,  M. Schneider,  N. Sergueev,  S. M. Sharada,
34 S. Sharma,  D. W. Small,  T. Stauch,  C. J. Stein,  T. Stein,  Yu-Chuan Su,
35 S. P. Veccham,  A. J. W. Thom,  A. Tkatchenko,  T. Tsuchimochi,
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37 M. de Wergifosse,  T. A. Wesolowski,  A. White,  J. Witte,  A. Yamada,
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42 A. T. Bell,  N. A. Besley,  Jeng-Da Chai,  A. E. DePrince, III,
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44 Chao-Ping Hsu,  Yousung Jung,  Jing Kong,  D. S. Lambrecht,  WanZhen Liang,
45 C. Ochsenfeld,  V. A. Rassolov,  L. V. Slipchenko,  J. E. Subotnik,
46 T. Van Voorhis,  J. M. Herbert,  A. I. Krylov,  P. M. W. Gill,  M. Head-Gordon
48 Contributors to earlier versions of Q-Chem not listed above:
49 R. D. Adamson,  B. Austin,  J. Baker,  G. J. O. Beran,  K. Brandhorst,
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53 A. Golubeva-Zadorozhnaya,  S. R. Gwaltney,  G. Hawkins,  A. Heyden,
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55 R. Z. Khaliullin,  P. P. Korambath,  W. Kurlancheek,  A. M. Lee,  M. S. Lee,
56 S. V. Levchenko,  Ching Yeh Lin,  D. Liotard,  R. C. Lochan,  I. Lotan,
57 P. E. Maslen,  N. Nair,  D. P. O'Neill,  D. Neuhauser,  E. Neuscamman,
58 C. M. Oana,  R. Olson,  B. Peters,  R. Peverati,  P. A. Pieniazek,
59 Y. M. Rhee,  J. Ritchie,  M. A. Rohrdanz,  E. Rosta,  N. J. Russ,
60 H. F. Schaefer III,  N. E. Schultz,  N. Shenvi,  A. C. Simmonett,  A. Sodt,
61 D. Stuck,  K. S. Thanthiriwatte,  V. Vanovschi,  Tao Wang,  A. Warshel,
62 C. F. Williams,  Q. Wu,  X. Xu,  W. Zhang
64 Please cite Q-Chem as follows:
65 Y. Shao et al., Mol. Phys. 113, 184-215 (2015)
66 DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2014.952696
68 Q-Chem 5.2.2 for Windows
70 Parts of Q-Chem use Armadillo 8.300.2 (Tropical Shenanigans).
71 http://arma.sourceforge.net/
73 Q-Chem begins on Tue Jul 21 11:54:29 2020
75Host: $HOST
78     Scratch files written to C:/Users/ppzrt1/AppData/Local/Temp/qchem14466///
79 Nov2619 D:\jenkins\workspace\build_RNUM -1
80Requested ECP is GEN
81NAlpha2: 120
82NElect   120
83Mult     1
85Checking the input file for inconsistencies... 	...done.
88User input:
92 MoOCl4, single point, with pseudopotentials, RB3LYP/{LanL2MB/6-31G(d)}
96 method = b3lyp
97 basis = gen
98 ecp = gen
99 unrestricted = false
100 scf_guess = gwh
101 scf_algorithm = diis_gdm
102 scf_convergence = 9
103 thresh = 14
104 max_scf_cycles = 200
105 print_general_basis = true
106 iprint = 100
107 gui=2
112 -2 1
113Mo     0.000325    -0.000325     0.051810
114 O     0.000206    -0.000206     1.741504
115Cl     1.711727    -1.711727    -0.659846
116Cl    -1.710992    -1.711738    -0.660079
117Cl    -1.711004     1.711004    -0.660311
118Cl     1.711738     1.710992    -0.660079
122 O
123 6-31g(d)
124 ****
125 Mo
126 lanl2dz
127 ****
128 Cl
129 lanl2dz
130 ****
134 Mo
135 lanl2dz
136 ****
137 Cl
138 lanl2dz
139 ****
142 ----------------------------------------------------------------
143             Standard Nuclear Orientation (Angstroms)
144    I     Atom           X                Y                Z
145 ----------------------------------------------------------------
146    1      Mo     -0.0000056728     0.2956854500    -0.0000000000
147    2      O      -0.0000013631     1.9853794584    -0.0000000000
148    3      Cl     -2.4202245156    -0.4162054311    -0.0000000007
149    4      Cl     -0.0000044669    -0.4162035532    -2.4202355932
150    5      Cl      2.4202481073    -0.4162006722     0.0000000007
151    6      Cl     -0.0000044682    -0.4162035532     2.4202355932
152 ----------------------------------------------------------------
153 Molecular Point Group                 Cs    NOp =  2
154 Nuclear Repulsion Energy =         193.08466374 hartrees
155 There are       26 alpha and       26 beta electrons
156 Requested basis set is non-standard
157Basis set in general basis input format:
160Mo   0
161S    3    1.000000
162   2.36100000E+00   -9.12176000E-01
163   1.30900000E+00    1.14774530E+00
164   4.50000000E-01    6.09710900E-01
165S    4    1.000000
166   2.36100000E+00    8.13925900E-01
167   1.30900000E+00   -1.13600840E+00
168   4.50000000E-01   -1.16115920E+00
169   1.68100000E-01    1.00647860E+00
170S    1    1.000000
171   4.23000000E-02    1.00000000E+00
172P    3    1.000000
173   4.89500000E+00   -9.08258000E-02
174   1.04400000E+00    7.04289900E-01
175   3.87700000E-01    3.97317900E-01
176P    2    1.000000
177   4.99500000E-01   -1.08194500E-01
178   7.80000000E-02    1.03680930E+00
179P    1    1.000000
180   2.47000000E-02    1.00000000E+00
181D    3    1.000000
182   2.99300000E+00    5.27063000E-02
183   1.06300000E+00    5.00390700E-01
184   3.72100000E-01    5.79402400E-01
185D    1    1.000000
186   1.17800000E-01    1.00000000E+00
188O    0
189S    6    1.000000
190   5.48467170E+03    1.83110000E-03
191   8.25234950E+02    1.39501000E-02
192   1.88046960E+02    6.84451000E-02
193   5.29645000E+01    2.32714300E-01
194   1.68975700E+01    4.70193000E-01
195   5.79963530E+00    3.58520900E-01
196SP   3    1.000000
197   1.55396160E+01   -1.10777500E-01   7.08743000E-02
198   3.59993360E+00   -1.48026300E-01   3.39752800E-01
199   1.01376180E+00    1.13076700E+00   7.27158600E-01
200SP   1    1.000000
201   2.70005800E-01    1.00000000E+00   1.00000000E+00
202D    1    1.000000
203   8.00000000E-01    1.00000000E+00
205Cl   0
206S    2    1.000000
207   2.23100000E+00   -4.90058900E-01
208   4.72000000E-01    1.25426840E+00
209S    1    1.000000
210   1.63100000E-01    1.00000000E+00
211P    2    1.000000
212   6.29600000E+00   -6.35641000E-02
213   6.33300000E-01    1.01413550E+00
214P    1    1.000000
215   1.81900000E-01    1.00000000E+00
217Cl   0
218S    2    1.000000
219   2.23100000E+00   -4.90058900E-01
220   4.72000000E-01    1.25426840E+00
221S    1    1.000000
222   1.63100000E-01    1.00000000E+00
223P    2    1.000000
224   6.29600000E+00   -6.35641000E-02
225   6.33300000E-01    1.01413550E+00
226P    1    1.000000
227   1.81900000E-01    1.00000000E+00
229Cl   0
230S    2    1.000000
231   2.23100000E+00   -4.90058900E-01
232   4.72000000E-01    1.25426840E+00
233S    1    1.000000
234   1.63100000E-01    1.00000000E+00
235P    2    1.000000
236   6.29600000E+00   -6.35641000E-02
237   6.33300000E-01    1.01413550E+00
238P    1    1.000000
239   1.81900000E-01    1.00000000E+00
241Cl   0
242S    2    1.000000
243   2.23100000E+00   -4.90058900E-01
244   4.72000000E-01    1.25426840E+00
245S    1    1.000000
246   1.63100000E-01    1.00000000E+00
247P    2    1.000000
248   6.29600000E+00   -6.35641000E-02
249   6.33300000E-01    1.01413550E+00
250P    1    1.000000
251   1.81900000E-01    1.00000000E+00
255 There are 28 shells and 68 basis functions
256 Number of Cartesian basis functions =     71
257 Maximum angular momentum            =      2
258 Maximum degree of contraction       =      6
259 Maximum number of momentum cases    =      2
260 --------------------------------------------------------------------
261 Atom   I     L     Exponents     Normalized Contraction Coefficients
262 --------------------------------------------------------------------
263   1    1     0    2.361000E+00  -1.238257E+00
264                   1.309000E+00   1.001061E+00
265                   4.500000E-01   2.387500E-01
266        2     0    2.361000E+00   1.104885E+00
267                   1.309000E+00  -9.908236E-01
268                   4.500000E-01  -4.546856E-01
269                   1.681000E-01   1.883174E-01
270        3     0    4.230000E-02   6.647607E-02
271        4     1    4.895000E+00  -9.426277E-01
272                   1.044000E+00   1.059418E+00
273                   3.877000E-01   1.732599E-01
274        5     1    4.995000E-01  -6.476116E-02
275                   7.800000E-02   6.091963E-02
276        6     1    2.470000E-02   1.395762E-02
277        7     2    2.993000E+00   5.908248E-01
278                   1.063000E+00   9.165410E-01
279                   3.721000E-01   1.690613E-01
280        8     2    1.178000E-01   3.898645E-02
281   2    9     0    5.484672E+03   8.317352E-01
282                   8.252350E+02   1.530807E+00
283                   1.880470E+02   2.477149E+00
284                   5.296450E+01   3.256280E+00
285                   1.689757E+01   2.792894E+00
286                   5.799635E+00   9.549377E-01
287       10    0-1   1.553962E+01  -6.179337E-01  3.116946E+00
288                   3.599934E+00  -2.757210E-01  2.401437E+00
289                   1.013762E+00   8.142076E-01  1.054361E+00
290       11    0-1   2.700058E-01   2.669561E-01  2.774319E-01
291       12     2    8.000000E-01   1.113825E+00
292   3   13     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
293                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
294       14     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
295       15     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
296                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
297       16     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
298   4   17     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
299                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
300       18     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
301       19     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
302                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
303       20     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
304   5   21     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
305                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
306       22     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
307       23     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
308                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
309       24     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
310   6   25     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
311                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
312       26     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
313       27     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
314                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
315       28     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
316 --------------------------------------------------------------------
318 Total QAlloc Memory Limit   2000 MB
319 Mega-Array Size       188 MB
320 MEM_STATIC part       192 MB
322                       Distance Matrix (Angstroms)
323             Mo(  1)   O (  2)   Cl(  3)   Cl(  4)   Cl(  5)
324   O (  2)  1.689694
325   Cl(  3)  2.522746  3.409559
326   Cl(  4)  2.522762  3.409566  3.422719
327   Cl(  5)  2.522778  3.409574  4.840473  3.422742
328   Cl(  6)  2.522762  3.409566  3.422719  4.840471  3.422742
330 The following effective core potentials will be applied
331 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
332 Atom     Valence      Angular     Power    Exponents   Coefficients
333         Electrons     Momentum     of R
334 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
335 Mo          14         F and up
336                                     0     537.966781     -0.046949
337                                     1     147.898294    -20.208008
338                                     2      45.735890   -106.211630
339                                     2      13.291147    -41.810737
340                                     2       4.705996     -4.205410
341                         S-F
342                                     0     110.299176      2.806372
343                                     1      23.201465     44.516201
344                                     2       5.353013     82.778523
345                         P-F
346                                     0      63.290140      4.942088
347                                     1      23.331530     25.860498
348                                     2      24.675942    132.470874
349                                     2       4.649304     57.314979
350                         D-F
351                                     0     104.483998      3.005459
352                                     1      66.230724     26.363785
353                                     2      39.128318    183.384920
354                                     2      13.116444     98.445307
355                                     2       3.628026     22.490138
356 Cl          7         D and up
357                                     1      94.813000    -10.000000
358                                     2     165.644000     66.272917
359                                     2      30.831700    -28.968595
360                                     2      10.584100    -12.866337
361                                     2       3.770400     -1.710217
362                         S-D
363                                     0     128.839100      3.000000
364                                     1     120.378600     12.852851
365                                     2      63.562200    275.672398
366                                     2      18.069500    115.677712
367                                     2       3.814200     35.060609
368                         P-D
369                                     0     216.526300      5.000000
370                                     1      46.572300      7.479486
371                                     2     147.468500    613.032000
372                                     2      48.986900    280.800685
373                                     2      13.209600    107.878824
374                                     2       3.183100     15.343956
375 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
376 A cutoff of  1.0D-14 yielded    406 shell pairs
377 There are      2421 function pairs (      2646 Cartesian)
378 Requested basis set is non-standard
379 Compound shells will be simplified
380 There are 30 shells and 68 basis functions
381 Number of Cartesian basis functions =     71
382 Maximum angular momentum            =      2
383 Maximum degree of contraction       =      6
384 Maximum number of momentum cases    =      1
385 --------------------------------------------------------------------
386 Atom   I     L     Exponents     Normalized Contraction Coefficients
387 --------------------------------------------------------------------
388   1    1     0    2.361000E+00  -1.238257E+00
389                   1.309000E+00   1.001061E+00
390                   4.500000E-01   2.387500E-01
391        2     0    2.361000E+00   1.104885E+00
392                   1.309000E+00  -9.908236E-01
393                   4.500000E-01  -4.546856E-01
394                   1.681000E-01   1.883174E-01
395        3     0    4.230000E-02   6.647607E-02
396        4     1    4.895000E+00  -9.426277E-01
397                   1.044000E+00   1.059418E+00
398                   3.877000E-01   1.732599E-01
399        5     1    4.995000E-01  -6.476116E-02
400                   7.800000E-02   6.091963E-02
401        6     1    2.470000E-02   1.395762E-02
402        7     2    2.993000E+00   5.908248E-01
403                   1.063000E+00   9.165410E-01
404                   3.721000E-01   1.690613E-01
405        8     2    1.178000E-01   3.898645E-02
406   2    9     0    5.484672E+03   8.317352E-01
407                   8.252350E+02   1.530807E+00
408                   1.880470E+02   2.477149E+00
409                   5.296450E+01   3.256280E+00
410                   1.689757E+01   2.792894E+00
411                   5.799635E+00   9.549377E-01
412       10     0    1.553962E+01  -6.179337E-01
413                   3.599934E+00  -2.757210E-01
414                   1.013762E+00   8.142076E-01
415       11     1    1.553962E+01   3.116946E+00
416                   3.599934E+00   2.401437E+00
417                   1.013762E+00   1.054361E+00
418       12     0    2.700058E-01   2.669561E-01
419       13     1    2.700058E-01   2.774319E-01
420       14     2    8.000000E-01   1.113825E+00
421   3   15     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
422                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
423       16     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
424       17     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
425                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
426       18     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
427   4   19     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
428                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
429       20     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
430       21     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
431                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
432       22     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
433   5   23     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
434                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
435       24     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
436       25     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
437                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
438       26     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
439   6   27     0    2.231000E+00  -6.375776E-01
440                   4.720000E-01   5.090461E-01
441       28     0    1.631000E-01   1.829155E-01
442       29     1    6.296000E+00  -9.036138E-01
443                   6.333000E-01   8.166725E-01
444       30     1    1.819000E-01   1.693289E-01
445 --------------------------------------------------------------------
446 The following effective core potentials will be applied
447 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
448 Atom     Valence      Angular     Power    Exponents   Coefficients
449         Electrons     Momentum     of R
450 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
451 Mo          14         F and up
452                                     0     537.966781     -0.046949
453                                     1     147.898294    -20.208008
454                                     2      45.735890   -106.211630
455                                     2      13.291147    -41.810737
456                                     2       4.705996     -4.205410
457                         S-F
458                                     0     110.299176      2.806372
459                                     1      23.201465     44.516201
460                                     2       5.353013     82.778523
461                         P-F
462                                     0      63.290140      4.942088
463                                     1      23.331530     25.860498
464                                     2      24.675942    132.470874
465                                     2       4.649304     57.314979
466                         D-F
467                                     0     104.483998      3.005459
468                                     1      66.230724     26.363785
469                                     2      39.128318    183.384920
470                                     2      13.116444     98.445307
471                                     2       3.628026     22.490138
472 Cl          7         D and up
473                                     1      94.813000    -10.000000
474                                     2     165.644000     66.272917
475                                     2      30.831700    -28.968595
476                                     2      10.584100    -12.866337
477                                     2       3.770400     -1.710217
478                         S-D
479                                     0     128.839100      3.000000
480                                     1     120.378600     12.852851
481                                     2      63.562200    275.672398
482                                     2      18.069500    115.677712
483                                     2       3.814200     35.060609
484                         P-D
485                                     0     216.526300      5.000000
486                                     1      46.572300      7.479486
487                                     2     147.468500    613.032000
488                                     2      48.986900    280.800685
489                                     2      13.209600    107.878824
490                                     2       3.183100     15.343956
491 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
492 A cutoff of  1.0D-14 yielded    465 shell pairs
493 There are      2415 function pairs (      2640 Cartesian)
494 Using a fitted effective core potential
495 Smallest overlap matrix eigenvalue = 1.55E-02
497 Scale SEOQF with 1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01/1.000000e-01
499 Standard Electronic Orientation quadrupole field applied
500 Nucleus-field energy     =    -0.0000000032 hartrees
501 Constructing guess Fock matrix from core Hamiltonian
502 Applying Wolfsberg-Helmholtz approximation
504 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
505  General SCF calculation program by
506  Eric Jon Sundstrom, Paul Horn, Yuezhi Mao, Dmitri Zuev, Alec White,
507  David Stuck, Shaama M.S., Shane Yost, Joonho Lee, David Small,
508  Daniel Levine, Susi Lehtola, Hugh Burton, Evgeny Epifanovsky,
509  Bang C. Huynh
510 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
511 Exchange:     0.2000 Hartree-Fock + 0.0800 Slater + 0.7200 B88
512 Correlation:  0.1900 VWN1RPA + 0.8100 LYP
513 Using SG-1 standard quadrature grid
514 A restricted SCF calculation will be
515 performed using DIIS, GDM
516 SCF converges when RMS gradient is below 1.0e-09
517 ---------------------------------------
518  Cycle       Energy         DIIS error
519 ---------------------------------------
520    1    -190.4876949332      1.37e-01
521    2    -172.1183025712      1.38e-01
522    3    -187.3040544054      1.21e-01
523    4    -199.8186032560      5.86e-02
524    5    -191.3725632272      9.49e-02
525    6    -201.8296842261      4.00e-02
526    7    -202.1026098678      3.54e-02
527    8    -201.9625930115      3.72e-02
528    9    -201.9770271406      3.70e-02
529   10    -202.3662753250      2.63e-02
530   11    -202.6003528086      1.95e-02
531   12    -202.7470395730      1.00e-02
532   13    -202.7849787454      6.06e-03  Done DIIS. Switching to GDM
533 ---------------------------------------
534  Cycle       Energy        RMS Gradient
535 ---------------------------------------
536    1    -202.7849787454      1.60e-01   Descent step
537    2    -202.3422023030      7.46e-01  Line search: overstep
538    3    -202.8011825717      7.23e-02   Normal BFGS step
539    4    -202.8030042528      4.67e-02   Normal BFGS step
540    5    -202.8061499789      2.42e-02   Normal BFGS step
541    6    -202.8067871904      6.25e-03   Normal BFGS step
542    7    -202.8068705472      1.86e-03   Normal BFGS step
543    8    -202.8068864268      1.33e-03   Normal BFGS step
544    9    -202.8068886991      1.05e-04   Normal BFGS step
545   10    -202.8068888165      7.53e-05   Normal BFGS step
546   11    -202.8068888307      1.63e-05   Normal BFGS step
547   12    -202.8068888311      4.50e-06   Normal BFGS step
548   13    -202.8068888312      2.31e-06   Normal BFGS step
549   14    -202.8068888312      4.01e-07   Normal BFGS step
550   15    -202.8068888312      5.98e-08   Normal BFGS step
551   16    -202.8068888312      8.50e-08   Normal BFGS step
552   17    -202.8068888312      1.94e-08   Normal BFGS step
553   18    -202.8068888312      1.19e-08   Normal BFGS step
554   19    -202.8068888312      3.38e-09   Normal BFGS step
555   20    -202.8068888312      1.49e-09   Normal BFGS step
556   21    -202.8068888312      3.31e-10  Convergence criterion met
557 ---------------------------------------
558 SCF time:   CPU 14.88s  wall 15.00s
559 SCF   energy in the final basis set =     -202.8068888312
560 Total energy in the final basis set =     -202.8068888312
562 --------------------------------------------------------------
563             Orbital Energies (a.u.) and Symmetries
564 --------------------------------------------------------------
566 Alpha MOs, Restricted
567 -- Occupied --
568-18.887  -2.222  -1.289  -1.225  -1.225  -0.623  -0.449  -0.437
569  1 A'    2 A'    3 A'    1 A"    4 A'    5 A'    6 A'    2 A"
570 -0.437  -0.435  -0.107  -0.086  -0.086  -0.046  -0.032  -0.023
571  7 A'    8 A'    9 A'    3 A"   10 A'   11 A'   12 A'    4 A"
572 -0.016  -0.016   0.000   0.017   0.017   0.025   0.029   0.029
573  5 A"   13 A'   14 A'    6 A"   15 A'   16 A'   17 A'    7 A"
574  0.047   0.119
575  8 A"    9 A"
576 -- Virtual --
577  0.235   0.235   0.262   0.264   0.277   0.278   0.278   0.338
578 10 A"   18 A'   19 A'   20 A'   21 A'   11 A"   22 A'   23 A'
579  0.496   0.524   0.524   0.679   0.688   0.688   0.706   0.736
580 24 A'   12 A"   25 A'   13 A"   14 A"   26 A'   27 A'   28 A'
581  0.942   0.988   1.036   1.036   1.062   1.069   1.078   1.078
582 29 A'   15 A"   16 A"   30 A'   31 A'   32 A'   17 A"   33 A'
583  1.143   1.152   1.152   1.159   1.255   1.372   1.372   1.687
584 34 A'   18 A"   35 A'   19 A"   36 A'   20 A"   37 A'   38 A'
585  2.084   2.095   2.095   2.119   2.216   5.301   7.537   8.970
586 21 A"   22 A"   39 A'   40 A'   41 A'   42 A'   43 A'   44 A'
587  8.971  10.161
588 23 A"   45 A'
590 Beta MOs, Restricted
591 -- Occupied --
592-18.887  -2.222  -1.289  -1.225  -1.225  -0.623  -0.449  -0.437
593  1 A'    2 A'    3 A'    1 A"    4 A'    5 A'    6 A'    2 A"
594 -0.437  -0.435  -0.107  -0.086  -0.086  -0.046  -0.032  -0.023
595  7 A'    8 A'    9 A'    3 A"   10 A'   11 A'   12 A'    4 A"
596 -0.016  -0.016   0.000   0.017   0.017   0.025   0.029   0.029
597  5 A"   13 A'   14 A'    6 A"   15 A'   16 A'   17 A'    7 A"
598  0.047   0.119
599  8 A"    9 A"
600 -- Virtual --
601  0.235   0.235   0.262   0.264   0.277   0.278   0.278   0.338
602 10 A"   18 A'   19 A'   20 A'   21 A'   11 A"   22 A'   23 A'
603  0.496   0.524   0.524   0.679   0.688   0.688   0.706   0.736
604 24 A'   12 A"   25 A'   13 A"   14 A"   26 A'   27 A'   28 A'
605  0.942   0.988   1.036   1.036   1.062   1.069   1.078   1.078
606 29 A'   15 A"   16 A"   30 A'   31 A'   32 A'   17 A"   33 A'
607  1.143   1.152   1.152   1.159   1.255   1.372   1.372   1.687
608 34 A'   18 A"   35 A'   19 A"   36 A'   20 A"   37 A'   38 A'
609  2.084   2.095   2.095   2.119   2.216   5.301   7.537   8.970
610 21 A"   22 A"   39 A'   40 A'   41 A'   42 A'   43 A'   44 A'
611  8.971  10.161
612 23 A"   45 A'
613 --------------------------------------------------------------
615          Ground-State Mulliken Net Atomic Charges
617     Atom                 Charge (a.u.)
618  ----------------------------------------
619      1 Mo                    0.422851
620      2 O                    -0.509738
621      3 Cl                   -0.478274
622      4 Cl                   -0.478278
623      5 Cl                   -0.478283
624      6 Cl                   -0.478278
625  ----------------------------------------
626  Sum of atomic charges =    -2.000000
628 -----------------------------------------------------------------
629                    Cartesian Multipole Moments
630 -----------------------------------------------------------------
631    Charge (ESU x 10^10)
632                -9.6064
633    Dipole Moment (Debye)
634         X      -0.0001      Y       1.2988      Z      -0.0000
635       Tot       1.2988
636    Quadrupole Moments (Debye-Ang)
637        XX    -114.5148     XY       0.0000     YY     -88.9858
638        XZ      -0.0000     YZ      -0.0000     ZZ    -114.5148
639    Octopole Moments (Debye-Ang^2)
640       XXX      -0.0019    XXY      17.9804    XYY      -0.0001
641       YYY      -1.1000    XXZ      -0.0000    XYZ       0.0000
642       YYZ       0.0000    XZZ       0.0000    YZZ      17.9804
643       ZZZ      -0.0000
644    Hexadecapole Moments (Debye-Ang^3)
645      XXXX   -1237.2183   XXXY       0.0004   XXYY    -233.0374
646      XYYY       0.0001   YYYY    -342.7928   XXXZ      -0.0000
647      XXYZ       0.0000   XYYZ      -0.0000   YYYZ      -0.0000
648      XXZZ    -354.9395   XYZZ      -0.0001   YYZZ    -233.0373
649      XZZZ       0.0000   YZZZ      -0.0000   ZZZZ   -1237.2174
650 -----------------------------------------------------------------
651Archival summary:
654 Total job time:  15.67s(wall), 15.09s(cpu)
655 Tue Jul 21 11:54:45 2020
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658        *                                                           *
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660        *                                                           *
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