1#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
2#  not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
3#  a copy of the License at
5#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
9#  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10#  License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
11#  under the License.
13"""Application base class.
16import itertools
17import shlex
18import sys
20import cmd2
23class InteractiveApp(cmd2.Cmd):
24    """Provides "interactive mode" features.
26    Refer to the cmd2_ and cmd_ documentation for details
27    about subclassing and configuring this class.
29    .. _cmd2: https://cmd2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
30    .. _cmd: http://docs.python.org/library/cmd.html
32    :param parent_app: The calling application (expected to be derived
33                       from :class:`cliff.main.App`).
34    :param command_manager: A :class:`cliff.commandmanager.CommandManager`
35                            instance.
36    :param stdin: Standard input stream
37    :param stdout: Standard output stream
38    """
40    use_rawinput = True
41    doc_header = "Shell commands (type help <topic>):"
42    app_cmd_header = "Application commands (type help <topic>):"
44    def __init__(self, parent_app, command_manager, stdin, stdout,
45                 errexit=False):
46        self.parent_app = parent_app
47        if not hasattr(sys.stdin, 'isatty') or sys.stdin.isatty():
48            self.prompt = '(%s) ' % parent_app.NAME
49        else:
50            # batch/pipe mode
51            self.prompt = ''
52        self.command_manager = command_manager
53        self.errexit = errexit
54        cmd2.Cmd.__init__(self, 'tab', stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout)
56    def _split_line(self, line):
57        try:
58            return shlex.split(line.parsed.raw)
59        except AttributeError:
60            # cmd2 >= 0.9.1 gives us a Statement not a PyParsing parse
61            # result.
62            parts = shlex.split(line)
63            if getattr(line, 'command', None):
64                parts.insert(0, line.command)
65            return parts
67    def default(self, line):
68        # Tie in the default command processor to
69        # dispatch commands known to the command manager.
70        # We send the message through our parent app,
71        # since it already has the logic for executing
72        # the subcommand.
73        line_parts = self._split_line(line)
74        ret = self.parent_app.run_subcommand(line_parts)
75        if self.errexit:
76            # Only provide this if errexit is enabled,
77            # otherise keep old behaviour
78            return ret
80    def completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
81        """Tab-completion for command prefix without completer delimiter.
83        This method returns cmd style and cliff style commands matching
84        provided command prefix (text).
85        """
86        completions = cmd2.Cmd.completenames(self, text, line, begidx, endidx)
87        completions += self._complete_prefix(text)
88        return completions
90    def completedefault(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
91        """Default tab-completion for command prefix with completer delimiter.
93        This method filters only cliff style commands matching provided
94        command prefix (line) as cmd2 style commands cannot contain spaces.
95        This method returns text + missing command part of matching commands.
96        This method does not handle options in cmd2/cliff style commands, you
97        must define complete_$method to handle them.
98        """
99        return [x[begidx:] for x in self._complete_prefix(line)]
101    def _complete_prefix(self, prefix):
102        """Returns cliff style commands with a specific prefix."""
103        if not prefix:
104            return [n for n, v in self.command_manager]
105        return [n for n, v in self.command_manager if n.startswith(prefix)]
107    def help_help(self):
108        # Use the command manager to get instructions for "help"
109        self.default('help help')
111    def do_help(self, arg):
112        if arg:
113            # Check if the arg is a builtin command or something
114            # coming from the command manager
115            arg_parts = shlex.split(arg)
116            method_name = '_'.join(
117                itertools.chain(
118                    ['do'],
119                    itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not x.startswith('-'),
120                                        arg_parts)
121                )
122            )
123            # Have the command manager version of the help
124            # command produce the help text since cmd and
125            # cmd2 do not provide help for "help"
126            if hasattr(self, method_name):
127                return cmd2.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
128            # Dispatch to the underlying help command,
129            # which knows how to provide help for extension
130            # commands.
131            try:
132                # NOTE(coreycb): This try path can be removed once
133                # requirements.txt has cmd2 >= 0.7.3.
134                parsed = self.parsed
135            except AttributeError:
136                try:
137                    parsed = self.parser_manager.parsed
138                except AttributeError:
139                    # cmd2 >= 0.9.1 does not have a parser manager
140                    parsed = lambda x: x  # noqa
141            self.default(parsed('help ' + arg))
142        else:
143            cmd2.Cmd.do_help(self, arg)
144            cmd_names = sorted([n for n, v in self.command_manager])
145            self.print_topics(self.app_cmd_header, cmd_names, 15, 80)
146        return
148    # Create exit alias to quit the interactive shell.
149    do_exit = cmd2.Cmd.do_quit
151    def get_names(self):
152        # Override the base class version to filter out
153        # things that look like they should be hidden
154        # from the user.
155        return [n
156                for n in cmd2.Cmd.get_names(self)
157                if not n.startswith('do__')
158                ]
160    def precmd(self, statement):
161        """Hook method executed just before the command is executed by
162        :meth:`~cmd2.Cmd.onecmd` and after adding it to history.
164        :param statement: subclass of str which also contains the parsed input
165        :return: a potentially modified version of the input Statement object
166        """
167        # NOTE(mordred): The above docstring is copied in from cmd2 because
168        # current cmd2 has a docstring that sphinx finds if we don't override
169        # it, and it breaks sphinx.
171        # Pre-process the parsed command in case it looks like one of
172        # our subcommands, since cmd2 does not handle multi-part
173        # command names by default.
174        line_parts = self._split_line(statement)
175        try:
176            the_cmd = self.command_manager.find_command(line_parts)
177            cmd_factory, cmd_name, sub_argv = the_cmd
178        except ValueError:
179            # Not a plugin command
180            pass
181        else:
182            if hasattr(statement, 'parsed'):
183                # Older cmd2 uses PyParsing
184                statement.parsed.command = cmd_name
185                statement.parsed.args = ' '.join(sub_argv)
186            else:
187                # cmd2 >= 0.9.1 uses shlex and gives us a Statement.
188                statement = cmd2.Statement(
189                    ' '.join(sub_argv),
190                    raw=statement.raw,
191                    command=cmd_name,
192                    arg_list=sub_argv,
193                    multiline_command=statement.multiline_command,
194                    terminator=statement.terminator,
195                    suffix=statement.suffix,
196                    pipe_to=statement.pipe_to,
197                    output=statement.output,
198                    output_to=statement.output_to,
199                )
200        return statement
202    def cmdloop(self):
203        # We don't want the cmd2 cmdloop() behaviour, just call the old one
204        # directly.  In part this is because cmd2.cmdloop() doe not return
205        # anything useful and we want to have a useful exit code.
206        return self._cmdloop()