1#!/usr/bin/env python
6This module defines the most basic filesystem abstraction, the FS class.
7Instances of FS represent a filesystem containing files and directories
8that can be queried and manipulated.  To implement a new kind of filesystem,
9start by sublcassing the base FS class.
11For more information regarding implementing a working PyFilesystem interface, see :ref:`implementers`.
15from __future__ import with_statement
17__all__ = ['DummyLock',
18           'silence_fserrors',
19           'NullFile',
20           'synchronize',
21           'FS',
22           'flags_to_mode',
23           'NoDefaultMeta']
25import os
26import os.path
27import shutil
28import fnmatch
29import datetime
30import time
31import errno
33    import threading
34except ImportError:
35    import dummy_threading as threading
37from fs.path import *
38from fs.errors import *
39from fs.local_functools import wraps
41import six
42from six import b
45class DummyLock(object):
46    """A dummy lock object that doesn't do anything.
48    This is used as a placeholder when locking is disabled.  We can't
49    directly use the Lock class from the dummy_threading module, since
50    it attempts to sanity-check the sequence of acquire/release calls
51    in a way that breaks when real threading is available.
53    """
55    def acquire(self, blocking=1):
56        """Acquiring a DummyLock always succeeds."""
57        return 1
59    def release(self):
60        """Releasing a DummyLock always succeeds."""
61        pass
63    def __enter__(self):
64        return self
66    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
67        pass
70def silence_fserrors(f, *args, **kwargs):
71    """Perform a function call and return ``None`` if an :class:`fs.errors.FSError` is thrown
73    :param f: Function to call
74    :param args: Parameters to f
75    :param kwargs: Keyword parameters to f
77    """
78    try:
79        return f(*args, **kwargs)
80    except FSError:
81        return None
84class NoDefaultMeta(object):
85    """A singleton used to signify that there is no default for getmeta"""
86    pass
89class NullFile(object):
90    """A NullFile is a file object that has no functionality.
92    Null files are returned by the :meth:`fs.base.FS.safeopen` method in FS objects when the
93    file doesn't exist. This can simplify code by negating the need to check
94    if a file exists, or handling exceptions.
96    """
97    def __init__(self):
98        self.closed = False
100    def __iter__(self):
101        return self
103    def __enter__(self):
104        return self
106    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
107        self.closed = True
109    def flush(self):
110        pass
112    def next(self):
113        raise StopIteration
115    def readline(self, *args, **kwargs):
116        return b("")
118    def close(self):
119        self.closed = True
121    def read(self, size=None):
122        return b("")
124    def seek(self, *args, **kwargs):
125        pass
127    def tell(self):
128        return 0
130    def truncate(self, *args, **kwargs):
131        return 0
133    def write(self, data):
134        pass
136    def writelines(self, *args, **kwargs):
137        pass
140def synchronize(func):
141    """Decorator to synchronize a method on self._lock."""
142    @wraps(func)
143    def acquire_lock(self, *args, **kwargs):
144        self._lock.acquire()
145        try:
146            return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
147        finally:
148            self._lock.release()
149    return acquire_lock
152class FS(object):
153    """The base class for Filesystem abstraction objects.
154    An instance of a class derived from FS is an abstraction on some kind of filesystem, such as the OS filesystem or a zip file.
156    """
158    _meta = {}
160    def __init__(self, thread_synchronize=True):
161        """The base class for Filesystem objects.
163        :param thread_synconize: If True, a lock object will be created for the object, otherwise a dummy lock will be used.
164        :type thread_synchronize: bool
166        """
168        self.closed = False
169        super(FS, self).__init__()
170        self.thread_synchronize = thread_synchronize
171        if thread_synchronize:
172            self._lock = threading.RLock()
173        else:
174            self._lock = DummyLock()
176    def __del__(self):
177        if not getattr(self, 'closed', True):
178            try:
179                self.close()
180            except:
181                pass
183    def __enter__(self):
184        return self
186    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
187        self.close()
189    def cachehint(self, enabled):
190        """Recommends the use of caching. Implementations are free to use or
191            ignore this value.
193        :param enabled: If True the implementation is permitted to aggressively cache directory
194            structure / file information. Caching such information can speed up many operations,
195            particularly for network based filesystems. The downside of caching is that
196            changes made to directories or files outside of this interface may not be picked up immediately.
198        """
199        pass
200    # Deprecating cache_hint in favour of no underscore version, for consistency
201    cache_hint = cachehint
203    def close(self):
204        """Close the filesystem. This will perform any shutdown related
205        operations required. This method will be called automatically when
206        the filesystem object is garbage collected, but it is good practice
207        to call it explicitly so that any attached resourced are freed when they
208        are no longer required.
210        """
211        self.closed = True
213    def __getstate__(self):
214        #  Locks can't be pickled, so instead we just indicate the
215        #  type of lock that should be there.  None == no lock,
216        #  True == a proper lock, False == a dummy lock.
217        state = self.__dict__.copy()
218        lock = state.get("_lock", None)
219        if lock is not None:
220            if isinstance(lock, threading._RLock):
221                state["_lock"] = True
222            else:
223                state["_lock"] = False
224        return state
226    def __setstate__(self, state):
227        self.__dict__.update(state)
228        lock = state.get("_lock")
229        if lock is not None:
230            if lock:
231                self._lock = threading.RLock()
232            else:
233                self._lock = DummyLock()
235    def getmeta(self, meta_name, default=NoDefaultMeta):
236        """Retrieve a meta value associated with an FS object.
238        Meta values are a way for an FS implementation to report potentially
239        useful information associated with the file system.
241        A meta key is a lower case string with no spaces. Meta keys may also
242        be grouped in namespaces in a dotted notation, e.g. 'atomic.namespaces'.
243        FS implementations aren't obliged to return any meta values, but the
244        following are common:
246         * *read_only* True if the file system cannot be modified
247         * *thread_safe* True if the implementation is thread safe
248         * *network* True if the file system requires network access
249         * *unicode_paths* True if the file system supports unicode paths
250         * *case_insensitive_paths* True if the file system ignores the case of paths
251         * *atomic.makedir* True if making a directory is an atomic operation
252         * *atomic.rename* True if rename is an atomic operation, (and not implemented as a copy followed by a delete)
253         * *atomic.setcontents* True if the implementation supports setting the contents of a file as an atomic operation (without opening a file)
254         * *free_space* The free space (in bytes) available on the file system
255         * *total_space* The total space (in bytes) available on the file system
256         * *virtual* True if the filesystem defers to other filesystems
257         * *invalid_path_chars* A string containing characters that may not be used in paths
259        FS implementations may expose non-generic meta data through a self-named namespace. e.g. ``"somefs.some_meta"``
261        Since no meta value is guaranteed to exist, it is advisable to always supply a
262        default value to ``getmeta``.
264        :param meta_name: The name of the meta value to retrieve
265        :param default: An option default to return, if the meta value isn't present
266        :raises `fs.errors.NoMetaError`: If specified meta value is not present, and there is no default
268        """
269        if meta_name not in self._meta:
270            if default is not NoDefaultMeta:
271                return default
272            raise NoMetaError(meta_name=meta_name)
273        return self._meta[meta_name]
275    def hasmeta(self, meta_name):
276        """Check that a meta value is supported
278        :param meta_name: The name of a meta value to check
279        :rtype: bool
281        """
282        try:
283            self.getmeta(meta_name)
284        except NoMetaError:
285            return False
286        return True
288    def validatepath(self, path):
289        """Validate an fs path, throws an :class:`~fs.errors.InvalidPathError` exception if validation fails.
291        A path is invalid if it fails to map to a path on the underlaying filesystem. The default
292        implementation checks for the presence of any of the characters in the meta value 'invalid_path_chars',
293        but implementations may have other requirements for paths.
295        :param path: an fs path to validatepath
296        :raises `fs.errors.InvalidPathError`: if `path` does not map on to a valid path on this filesystem
298        """
299        invalid_chars = self.getmeta('invalid_path_chars', default=None)
300        if invalid_chars:
301            re_invalid_chars = getattr(self, '_re_invalid_chars', None)
302            if re_invalid_chars is None:
303                self._re_invalid_chars = re_invalid_chars = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(c) for c in invalid_chars), re.UNICODE)
304            if re_invalid_chars.search(path):
305                raise InvalidCharsInPathError(path)
307    def isvalidpath(self, path):
308        """Check if a path is valid on this filesystem
310        :param path: an fs path
312        """
313        try:
314            self.validatepath(path)
315        except InvalidPathError:
316            return False
317        else:
318            return True
320    def getsyspath(self, path, allow_none=False):
321        """Returns the system path (a path recognized by the OS) if one is present.
323        If the path does not map to a system path (and `allow_none` is False)
324        then a NoSysPathError exception is thrown.  Otherwise, the system
325        path will be returned as a unicode string.
327        :param path: a path within the filesystem
328        :param allow_none: if True, this method will return None when there is no system path,
329            rather than raising NoSysPathError
330        :type allow_none: bool
331        :raises `fs.errors.NoSysPathError`: if the path does not map on to a system path, and allow_none is set to False (default)
332        :rtype: unicode
334        """
335        if not allow_none:
336            raise NoSysPathError(path=path)
337        return None
339    def hassyspath(self, path):
340        """Check if the path maps to a system path (a path recognized by the OS).
342        :param path: path to check
343        :returns: True if `path` maps to a system path
344        :rtype: bool
346        """
347        return self.getsyspath(path, allow_none=True) is not None
349    def getpathurl(self, path, allow_none=False):
350        """Returns a url that corresponds to the given path, if one exists.
352        If the path does not have an equivalent URL form (and allow_none is False)
353        then a :class:`~fs.errors.NoPathURLError` exception is thrown. Otherwise the URL will be
354        returns as an unicode string.
356        :param path: a path within the filesystem
357        :param allow_none: if true, this method can return None if there is no
358            URL form of the given path
359        :type allow_none: bool
360        :raises `fs.errors.NoPathURLError`: If no URL form exists, and allow_none is False (the default)
361        :rtype: unicode
363        """
364        if not allow_none:
365            raise NoPathURLError(path=path)
366        return None
368    def haspathurl(self, path):
369        """Check if the path has an equivalent URL form
371        :param path: path to check
372        :returns: True if `path` has a URL form
373        :rtype: bool
375        """
376        return self.getpathurl(path, allow_none=True) is not None
378    def open(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs):
379        """Open a the given path as a file-like object.
381        :param path: a path to file that should be opened
382        :type path: string
383        :param mode: mode of file to open, identical to the mode string used
384            in 'file' and 'open' builtins
385        :type mode: string
386        :param kwargs: additional (optional) keyword parameters that may
387            be required to open the file
388        :type kwargs: dict
390        :rtype: a file-like object
392        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate directory is missing
393        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if an intermediate directory is an file
394        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path is not found
396        """
397        raise UnsupportedError("open file")
399    def safeopen(self, path, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, line_buffering=False, **kwargs):
400        """Like :py:meth:`~fs.base.FS.open`, but returns a
401        :py:class:`~fs.base.NullFile` if the file could not be opened.
403        A ``NullFile`` is a dummy file which has all the methods of a file-like object,
404        but contains no data.
406        :param path: a path to file that should be opened
407        :type path: string
408        :param mode: mode of file to open, identical to the mode string used
409            in 'file' and 'open' builtins
410        :type mode: string
411        :param kwargs: additional (optional) keyword parameters that may
412            be required to open the file
413        :type kwargs: dict
415        :rtype: a file-like object
417        """
418        try:
419            f = self.open(path, mode=mode, buffering=buffering, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline, line_buffering=line_buffering, **kwargs)
420        except ResourceNotFoundError:
421            return NullFile()
422        return f
424    def exists(self, path):
425        """Check if a path references a valid resource.
427        :param path: A path in the filesystem
428        :type path: string
430        :rtype: bool
432        """
433        return self.isfile(path) or self.isdir(path)
435    def isdir(self, path):
436        """Check if a path references a directory.
438        :param path: a path in the filesystem
439        :type path: string
441        :rtype: bool
443        """
444        raise UnsupportedError("check for directory")
446    def isfile(self, path):
447        """Check if a path references a file.
449        :param path: a path in the filesystem
450        :type path: string
452        :rtype: bool
454        """
455        raise UnsupportedError("check for file")
457    def __iter__(self):
458        """ Iterates over paths returned by :py:meth:`~fs.base.listdir` method with default params. """
459        for f in self.listdir():
460            yield f
462    def listdir(self,
463                path="./",
464                wildcard=None,
465                full=False,
466                absolute=False,
467                dirs_only=False,
468                files_only=False):
469        """Lists the the files and directories under a given path.
471        The directory contents are returned as a list of unicode paths.
473        :param path: root of the path to list
474        :type path: string
475        :param wildcard: Only returns paths that match this wildcard
476        :type wildcard: string containing a wildcard, or a callable that accepts a path and returns a boolean
477        :param full: returns full paths (relative to the root)
478        :type full: bool
479        :param absolute: returns absolute paths (paths beginning with /)
480        :type absolute: bool
481        :param dirs_only: if True, only return directories
482        :type dirs_only: bool
483        :param files_only: if True, only return files
484        :type files_only: bool
486        :rtype: iterable of paths
488        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate directory is missing
489        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path exists, but is not a directory
490        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path is not found
492        """
493        raise UnsupportedError("list directory")
495    def listdirinfo(self,
496                    path="./",
497                    wildcard=None,
498                    full=False,
499                    absolute=False,
500                    dirs_only=False,
501                    files_only=False):
502        """Retrieves a list of paths and path info under a given path.
504        This method behaves like listdir() but instead of just returning
505        the name of each item in the directory, it returns a tuple of the
506        name and the info dict as returned by getinfo.
508        This method may be more efficient than calling
509        :py:meth:`~fs.base.FS.getinfo` on each individual item returned by :py:meth:`~fs.base.FS.listdir`, particularly
510        for network based filesystems.
512        :param path: root of the path to list
513        :param wildcard: filter paths that match this wildcard
514        :param dirs_only: only retrieve directories
515        :type dirs_only: bool
516        :param files_only: only retrieve files
517        :type files_only: bool
519        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: If the path is not found
520        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: If the path exists, but is not a directory
522        """
523        path = normpath(path)
525        def getinfo(p):
526            try:
527                if full or absolute:
528                    return self.getinfo(p)
529                else:
530                    return self.getinfo(pathjoin(path, p))
531            except FSError:
532                return {}
534        return [(p, getinfo(p))
535                for p in self.listdir(path,
536                                      wildcard=wildcard,
537                                      full=full,
538                                      absolute=absolute,
539                                      dirs_only=dirs_only,
540                                      files_only=files_only)]
542    def _listdir_helper(self,
543                        path,
544                        entries,
545                        wildcard=None,
546                        full=False,
547                        absolute=False,
548                        dirs_only=False,
549                        files_only=False):
550        """A helper method called by listdir method that applies filtering.
552        Given the path to a directory and a list of the names of entries within
553        that directory, this method applies the semantics of the listdir()
554        keyword arguments. An appropriately modified and filtered list of
555        directory entries is returned.
557        """
558        path = normpath(path)
559        if dirs_only and files_only:
560            raise ValueError("dirs_only and files_only can not both be True")
562        if wildcard is not None:
563            if not callable(wildcard):
564                wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(wildcard))
565                wildcard = lambda fn: bool(wildcard_re.match(fn))
566            entries = [p for p in entries if wildcard(p)]
568        if dirs_only:
569            isdir = self.isdir
570            entries = [p for p in entries if isdir(pathcombine(path, p))]
571        elif files_only:
572            isfile = self.isfile
573            entries = [p for p in entries if isfile(pathcombine(path, p))]
575        if full:
576            entries = [pathcombine(path, p) for p in entries]
577        elif absolute:
578            path = abspath(path)
579            entries = [(pathcombine(path, p)) for p in entries]
581        return entries
583    def ilistdir(self,
584                 path="./",
585                 wildcard=None,
586                 full=False,
587                 absolute=False,
588                 dirs_only=False,
589                 files_only=False):
590        """Generator yielding the files and directories under a given path.
592        This method behaves identically to :py:meth:`fs.base.FS.listdir` but returns an generator
593        instead of a list.  Depending on the filesystem this may be more
594        efficient than calling :py:meth:`fs.base.FS.listdir` and iterating over the resulting list.
596        """
597        return iter(self.listdir(path,
598                                 wildcard=wildcard,
599                                 full=full,
600                                 absolute=absolute,
601                                 dirs_only=dirs_only,
602                                 files_only=files_only))
604    def ilistdirinfo(self,
605                     path="./",
606                     wildcard=None,
607                     full=False,
608                     absolute=False,
609                     dirs_only=False,
610                     files_only=False):
611        """Generator yielding paths and path info under a given path.
613        This method behaves identically to :py:meth:`~fs.base.listdirinfo` but returns an generator
614        instead of a list.  Depending on the filesystem this may be more
615        efficient than calling :py:meth:`~fs.base.listdirinfo` and iterating over the resulting
616        list.
618        """
619        return iter(self.listdirinfo(path,
620                                     wildcard,
621                                     full,
622                                     absolute,
623                                     dirs_only,
624                                     files_only))
626    def makedir(self, path, recursive=False, allow_recreate=False):
627        """Make a directory on the filesystem.
629        :param path: path of directory
630        :type path: string
631        :param recursive: if True, any intermediate directories will also be created
632        :type recursive: bool
633        :param allow_recreate: if True, re-creating a directory wont be an error
634        :type allow_create: bool
636        :raises `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: if the path is already a directory, and allow_recreate is False
637        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if a containing directory is missing and recursive is False
638        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if a path is an existing file
639        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path is not found
641        """
642        raise UnsupportedError("make directory")
644    def remove(self, path):
645        """Remove a file from the filesystem.
647        :param path: Path of the resource to remove
648        :type path: string
650        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate directory is missing
651        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is a directory
652        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path does not exist
654        """
655        raise UnsupportedError("remove resource")
657    def removedir(self, path, recursive=False, force=False):
658        """Remove a directory from the filesystem
660        :param path: path of the directory to remove
661        :type path: string
662        :param recursive: if True, empty parent directories will be removed
663        :type recursive: bool
664        :param force: if True, any directory contents will be removed
665        :type force: bool
667        :raises `fs.errors.DirectoryNotEmptyError`: if the directory is not empty and force is False
668        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate directory is missing
669        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is not a directory
670        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path does not exist
672        """
673        raise UnsupportedError("remove directory")
675    def rename(self, src, dst):
676        """Renames a file or directory
678        :param src: path to rename
679        :type src: string
680        :param dst: new name
681        :type dst: string
683        :raises ParentDirectoryMissingError: if a containing directory is missing
684        :raises ResourceInvalidError: if the path or a parent path is not a
685            directory or src is a parent of dst or one of src or dst is a dir
686            and the other don't
687        :raises ResourceNotFoundError: if the src path does not exist
689        """
690        raise UnsupportedError("rename resource")
692    @convert_os_errors
693    def settimes(self, path, accessed_time=None, modified_time=None):
694        """Set the accessed time and modified time of a file
696        :param path: path to a file
697        :type path: string
698        :param accessed_time: the datetime the file was accessed (defaults to current time)
699        :type accessed_time: datetime
700        :param modified_time: the datetime the file was modified (defaults to current time)
701        :type modified_time: datetime
703        """
705        with self._lock:
706            sys_path = self.getsyspath(path, allow_none=True)
707            if sys_path is not None:
708                now = datetime.datetime.now()
709                if accessed_time is None:
710                    accessed_time = now
711                if modified_time is None:
712                    modified_time = now
713                accessed_time = int(time.mktime(accessed_time.timetuple()))
714                modified_time = int(time.mktime(modified_time.timetuple()))
715                os.utime(sys_path, (accessed_time, modified_time))
716                return True
717            else:
718                raise UnsupportedError("settimes")
720    def getinfo(self, path):
721        """Returns information for a path as a dictionary. The exact content of
722        this dictionary will vary depending on the implementation, but will
723        likely include a few common values. The following values will be found
724        in info dictionaries for most implementations:
726         * "size" - Number of bytes used to store the file or directory
727         * "created_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource was created
728         * "accessed_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource was last accessed
729         * "modified_time" - A datetime object containing the time the resource was modified
731        :param path: a path to retrieve information for
732        :type path: string
734        :rtype: dict
736        :raises `fs.errors.ParentDirectoryMissingError`: if an intermediate directory is missing
737        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceInvalidError`: if the path is not a directory
738        :raises `fs.errors.ResourceNotFoundError`: if the path does not exist
740        """
741        raise UnsupportedError("get resource info")
743    def getinfokeys(self, path, *keys):
744        """Get specified keys from info dict, as returned from `getinfo`. The returned dictionary may
745        not contain all the keys that were asked for, if they aren't available.
747        This method allows a filesystem to potentially provide a faster way of retrieving these info values if you
748        are only interested in a subset of them.
750        :param path: a path to retrieve information for
751        :param keys: the info keys you would like to retrieve
753        :rtype: dict
755        """
756        info = self.getinfo(path)
757        return dict((k, info[k]) for k in keys if k in info)
759    def desc(self, path):
760        """Returns short descriptive text regarding a path. Intended mainly as
761        a debugging aid.
763        :param path: A path to describe
764        :rtype: str
766        """
767        #if not self.exists(path):
768        #    return ''
769        try:
770            sys_path = self.getsyspath(path)
771        except NoSysPathError:
772            return "No description available"
773        return sys_path
775    def getcontents(self, path, mode='rb', encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None):
776        """Returns the contents of a file as a string.
778        :param path: A path of file to read
779        :param mode: Mode to open file with (should be 'rb' for binary or 't' for text)
780        :param encoding: Encoding to use when reading contents in text mode
781        :param errors: Unicode errors parameter if text mode is use
782        :param newline: Newlines parameter for text mode decoding
783        :rtype: str
784        :returns: file contents
786        """
787        if 'r' not in mode:
788            raise ValueError("mode must contain 'r' to be readable")
789        f = None
790        try:
791            f = self.open(path, mode=mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, newline=newline)
792            contents = f.read()
793            return contents
794        finally:
795            if f is not None:
796                f.close()
798    def _setcontents(self,
799                     path,
800                     data,
801                     encoding=None,
802                     errors=None,
803                     chunk_size=1024 * 64,
804                     progress_callback=None,
805                     finished_callback=None):
806        """Does the work of setcontents. Factored out, so that `setcontents_async` can use it"""
807        if progress_callback is None:
808            progress_callback = lambda bytes_written: None
809        if finished_callback is None:
810            finished_callback = lambda: None
812        if not data:
813            progress_callback(0)
814            self.createfile(path, wipe=True)
815            finished_callback()
816            return 0
818        bytes_written = 0
819        progress_callback(0)
821        if hasattr(data, 'read'):
822            read = data.read
823            chunk = read(chunk_size)
824            if isinstance(chunk, six.text_type):
825                f = self.open(path, 'wt', encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
826            else:
827                f = self.open(path, 'wb')
828            write = f.write
829            try:
830                while chunk:
831                    write(chunk)
832                    bytes_written += len(chunk)
833                    progress_callback(bytes_written)
834                    chunk = read(chunk_size)
835            finally:
836                f.close()
837        else:
838            if isinstance(data, six.text_type):
839                with self.open(path, 'wt', encoding=encoding, errors=errors) as f:
840                    f.write(data)
841                    bytes_written += len(data)
842            else:
843                with self.open(path, 'wb') as f:
844                    f.write(data)
845                    bytes_written += len(data)
846            progress_callback(bytes_written)
848        finished_callback()
849        return bytes_written
851    def setcontents(self, path, data=b'', encoding=None, errors=None, chunk_size=1024 * 64):
852        """A convenience method to create a new file from a string or file-like object
854        :param path: a path of the file to create
855        :param data: a string or bytes object containing the contents for the new file
856        :param encoding: if `data` is a file open in text mode, or a text string, then use this `encoding` to write to the destination file
857        :param errors: if `data` is a file open in text mode or a text string, then use `errors` when opening the destination file
858        :param chunk_size: Number of bytes to read in a chunk, if the implementation has to resort to a read / copy loop
860        """
861        return self._setcontents(path, data, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, chunk_size=1024 * 64)
863    def setcontents_async(self,
864                          path,
865                          data,
866                          encoding=None,
867                          errors=None,
868                          chunk_size=1024 * 64,
869                          progress_callback=None,
870                          finished_callback=None,
871                          error_callback=None):
872        """Create a new file from a string or file-like object asynchronously
874        This method returns a ``threading.Event`` object. Call the ``wait`` method on the event object
875        to block until all data has been written, or simply ignore it.
877        :param path: a path of the file to create
878        :param data: a string or a file-like object containing the contents for the new file
879        :param encoding: if `data` is a file open in text mode, or a text string, then use this `encoding` to write to the destination file
880        :param errors: if `data` is a file open in text mode or a text string, then use `errors` when opening the destination file
881        :param chunk_size: Number of bytes to read and write in a chunk
882        :param progress_callback: A function that is called periodically
883            with the number of bytes written.
884        :param finished_callback: A function that is called when all data has been written
885        :param error_callback: A function that is called with an exception
886            object if any error occurs during the copy process.
887        :returns: An event object that is set when the copy is complete, call
888            the `wait` method of this object to block until the data is written
890        """
892        finished_event = threading.Event()
894        def do_setcontents():
895            try:
896                self._setcontents(path,
897                                  data,
898                                  encoding=encoding,
899                                  errors=errors,
900                                  chunk_size=1024 * 64,
901                                  progress_callback=progress_callback,
902                                  finished_callback=finished_callback)
903            except Exception, e:
904                if error_callback is not None:
905                    error_callback(e)
906            finally:
907                finished_event.set()
909        threading.Thread(target=do_setcontents).start()
910        return finished_event
912    def createfile(self, path, wipe=False):
913        """Creates an empty file if it doesn't exist
915        :param path: path to the file to create
916        :param wipe: if True, the contents of the file will be erased
918        """
919        with self._lock:
920            if not wipe and self.isfile(path):
921                return
922            f = None
923            try:
924                f = self.open(path, 'wb')
925            finally:
926                if f is not None:
927                    f.close()
929    def opendir(self, path):
930        """Opens a directory and returns a FS object representing its contents.
932        :param path: path to directory to open
933        :type path: string
935        :return: the opened dir
936        :rtype: an FS object
938        """
940        from fs.wrapfs.subfs import SubFS
941        if not self.exists(path):
942            raise ResourceNotFoundError(path)
943        if not self.isdir(path):
944            raise ResourceInvalidError("path should reference a directory")
945        return SubFS(self, path)
947    def walk(self,
948             path="/",
949             wildcard=None,
950             dir_wildcard=None,
951             search="breadth",
952             ignore_errors=False):
953        """Walks a directory tree and yields the root path and contents.
954        Yields a tuple of the path of each directory and a list of its file
955        contents.
957        :param path: root path to start walking
958        :type path: string
959        :param wildcard: if given, only return files that match this wildcard
960        :type wildcard: a string containing a wildcard (e.g. `*.txt`) or a callable that takes the file path and returns a boolean
961        :param dir_wildcard: if given, only walk directories that match the wildcard
962        :type dir_wildcard: a string containing a wildcard (e.g. `*.txt`) or a callable that takes the directory name and returns a boolean
963        :param search: a string identifying the method used to walk the directories. There are two such methods:
965             * ``"breadth"`` yields paths in the top directories first
966             * ``"depth"`` yields the deepest paths first
968        :param ignore_errors: ignore any errors reading the directory
969        :type ignore_errors: bool
971        :rtype: iterator of (current_path, paths)
973        """
975        path = normpath(path)
977        if not self.exists(path):
978            raise ResourceNotFoundError(path)
980        def listdir(path, *args, **kwargs):
981            if ignore_errors:
982                try:
983                    return self.listdir(path, *args, **kwargs)
984                except:
985                    return []
986            else:
987                return self.listdir(path, *args, **kwargs)
989        if wildcard is None:
990            wildcard = lambda f: True
991        elif not callable(wildcard):
992            wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(wildcard))
993            wildcard = lambda fn: bool(wildcard_re.match(fn))
995        if dir_wildcard is None:
996            dir_wildcard = lambda f: True
997        elif not callable(dir_wildcard):
998            dir_wildcard_re = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(dir_wildcard))
999            dir_wildcard = lambda fn: bool(dir_wildcard_re.match(fn))
1001        if search == "breadth":
1002            dirs = [path]
1003            dirs_append = dirs.append
1004            dirs_pop = dirs.pop
1005            isdir = self.isdir
1006            while dirs:
1007                current_path = dirs_pop()
1008                paths = []
1009                paths_append = paths.append
1010                try:
1011                    for filename in listdir(current_path, dirs_only=True):
1012                        path = pathcombine(current_path, filename)
1013                        if dir_wildcard(path):
1014                            dirs_append(path)
1015                    for filename in listdir(current_path, files_only=True):
1016                        path = pathcombine(current_path, filename)
1017                        if wildcard(filename):
1018                            paths_append(filename)
1019                except ResourceNotFoundError:
1020                    # Could happen if another thread / process deletes something whilst we are walking
1021                    pass
1023                yield (current_path, paths)
1025        elif search == "depth":
1027            def recurse(recurse_path):
1028                try:
1029                    for path in listdir(recurse_path, wildcard=dir_wildcard, full=True, dirs_only=True):
1030                        for p in recurse(path):
1031                            yield p
1032                except ResourceNotFoundError:
1033                    # Could happen if another thread / process deletes something whilst we are walking
1034                    pass
1035                yield (recurse_path, listdir(recurse_path, wildcard=wildcard, files_only=True))
1037            for p in recurse(path):
1038                yield p
1040        else:
1041            raise ValueError("Search should be 'breadth' or 'depth'")
1043    def walkfiles(self,
1044                  path="/",
1045                  wildcard=None,
1046                  dir_wildcard=None,
1047                  search="breadth",
1048                  ignore_errors=False):
1049        """Like the 'walk' method, but just yields file paths.
1051        :param path: root path to start walking
1052        :type path: string
1053        :param wildcard: if given, only return files that match this wildcard
1054        :type wildcard: A string containing a wildcard (e.g. `*.txt`) or a callable that takes the file path and returns a boolean
1055        :param dir_wildcard: if given, only walk directories that match the wildcard
1056        :type dir_wildcard: A string containing a wildcard (e.g. `*.txt`) or a callable that takes the directory name and returns a boolean
1057        :param search: a string identifying the method used to walk the directories. There are two such methods:
1059             * ``"breadth"`` yields paths in the top directories first
1060             * ``"depth"`` yields the deepest paths first
1062        :param ignore_errors: ignore any errors reading the directory
1063        :type ignore_errors: bool
1065        :rtype: iterator of file paths
1067        """
1068        for path, files in self.walk(normpath(path), wildcard=wildcard, dir_wildcard=dir_wildcard, search=search, ignore_errors=ignore_errors):
1069            for f in files:
1070                yield pathcombine(path, f)
1072    def walkdirs(self,
1073                 path="/",
1074                 wildcard=None,
1075                 search="breadth",
1076                 ignore_errors=False):
1077        """Like the 'walk' method but yields directories.
1079        :param path: root path to start walking
1080        :type path: string
1081        :param wildcard: if given, only return directories that match this wildcard
1082        :type wildcard: A string containing a wildcard (e.g. `*.txt`) or a callable that takes the directory name and returns a boolean
1083        :param search: a string identifying the method used to walk the directories. There are two such methods:
1085             * ``"breadth"`` yields paths in the top directories first
1086             * ``"depth"`` yields the deepest paths first
1088        :param ignore_errors: ignore any errors reading the directory
1089        :type ignore_errors: bool
1091        :rtype: iterator of dir paths
1093        """
1094        for p, _files in self.walk(path, dir_wildcard=wildcard, search=search, ignore_errors=ignore_errors):
1095            yield p
1097    def getsize(self, path):
1098        """Returns the size (in bytes) of a resource.
1100        :param path: a path to the resource
1101        :type path: string
1103        :returns: the size of the file
1104        :rtype: integer
1106        """
1107        info = self.getinfo(path)
1108        size = info.get('size', None)
1109        if size is None:
1110            raise OperationFailedError("get size of resource", path)
1111        return size
1113    def copy(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=1024 * 64):
1114        """Copies a file from src to dst.
1116        :param src: the source path
1117        :type src: string
1118        :param dst: the destination path
1119        :type dst: string
1120        :param overwrite: if True, then an existing file at the destination may
1121            be overwritten; If False then DestinationExistsError
1122            will be raised.
1123        :type overwrite: bool
1124        :param chunk_size: size of chunks to use if a simple copy is required
1125            (defaults to 64K).
1126        :type chunk_size: bool
1128        """
1129        with self._lock:
1130            if not self.isfile(src):
1131                if self.isdir(src):
1132                    raise ResourceInvalidError(src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")
1133                raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
1134            if not overwrite and self.exists(dst):
1135                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)
1137            src_syspath = self.getsyspath(src, allow_none=True)
1138            dst_syspath = self.getsyspath(dst, allow_none=True)
1140            if src_syspath is not None and dst_syspath is not None:
1141                self._shutil_copyfile(src_syspath, dst_syspath)
1142            else:
1143                src_file = None
1144                try:
1145                    src_file = self.open(src, "rb")
1146                    self.setcontents(dst, src_file, chunk_size=chunk_size)
1147                except ResourceNotFoundError:
1148                    if self.exists(src) and not self.exists(dirname(dst)):
1149                        raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst)
1150                finally:
1151                    if src_file is not None:
1152                        src_file.close()
1154    @classmethod
1155    @convert_os_errors
1156    def _shutil_copyfile(cls, src_syspath, dst_syspath):
1157        try:
1158            shutil.copyfile(src_syspath, dst_syspath)
1159        except IOError, e:
1160            #  shutil reports ENOENT when a parent directory is missing
1161            if getattr(e, "errno", None) == errno.ENOENT:
1162                if not os.path.exists(dirname(dst_syspath)):
1163                    raise ParentDirectoryMissingError(dst_syspath)
1164            raise
1166    @classmethod
1167    @convert_os_errors
1168    def _shutil_movefile(cls, src_syspath, dst_syspath):
1169        shutil.move(src_syspath, dst_syspath)
1172    def move(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, chunk_size=16384):
1173        """moves a file from one location to another.
1175        :param src: source path
1176        :type src: string
1177        :param dst: destination path
1178        :type dst: string
1179        :param overwrite: When True the destination will be overwritten (if it exists),
1180            otherwise a DestinationExistsError will be thrown
1181        :type overwrite: bool
1182        :param chunk_size: Size of chunks to use when copying, if a simple copy
1183            is required
1184        :type chunk_size: integer
1186        :raise `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: if destination exists and `overwrite` is False
1188        """
1190        with self._lock:
1191            src_syspath = self.getsyspath(src, allow_none=True)
1192            dst_syspath = self.getsyspath(dst, allow_none=True)
1194            #  Try to do an os-level rename if possible.
1195            #  Otherwise, fall back to copy-and-remove.
1196            if src_syspath is not None and dst_syspath is not None:
1197                if not os.path.isfile(src_syspath):
1198                    if os.path.isdir(src_syspath):
1199                        raise ResourceInvalidError(src, msg="Source is not a file: %(path)s")
1200                    raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
1201                if not overwrite and os.path.exists(dst_syspath):
1202                    raise DestinationExistsError(dst)
1203                try:
1204                    os.rename(src_syspath, dst_syspath)
1205                    return
1206                except OSError:
1207                    pass
1208            self.copy(src, dst, overwrite=overwrite, chunk_size=chunk_size)
1209            self.remove(src)
1211    def movedir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=16384):
1212        """moves a directory from one location to another.
1214        :param src: source directory path
1215        :type src: string
1216        :param dst: destination directory path
1217        :type dst: string
1218        :param overwrite: if True then any existing files in the destination
1219            directory will be overwritten
1220        :type overwrite: bool
1221        :param ignore_errors: if True then this method will ignore FSError
1222            exceptions when moving files
1223        :type ignore_errors: bool
1224        :param chunk_size: size of chunks to use when copying, if a simple copy
1225            is required
1226        :type chunk_size: integer
1228        :raise `fs.errors.DestinationExistsError`: if destination exists and `overwrite` is False
1230        """
1231        with self._lock:
1232            if not self.isdir(src):
1233                if self.isfile(src):
1234                    raise ResourceInvalidError(src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")
1235                raise ResourceNotFoundError(src)
1236            if not overwrite and self.exists(dst):
1237                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)
1239            src_syspath = self.getsyspath(src, allow_none=True)
1240            dst_syspath = self.getsyspath(dst, allow_none=True)
1242            if src_syspath is not None and dst_syspath is not None:
1243                try:
1244                    os.rename(src_syspath, dst_syspath)
1245                    return
1246                except OSError:
1247                    pass
1249            def movefile_noerrors(src, dst, **kwargs):
1250                try:
1251                    return self.move(src, dst, **kwargs)
1252                except FSError:
1253                    return
1254            if ignore_errors:
1255                movefile = movefile_noerrors
1256            else:
1257                movefile = self.move
1259            src = abspath(src)
1260            dst = abspath(dst)
1262            if dst:
1263                self.makedir(dst, allow_recreate=overwrite)
1265            for dirname, filenames in self.walk(src, search="depth"):
1267                dst_dirname = relpath(frombase(src, abspath(dirname)))
1268                dst_dirpath = pathjoin(dst, dst_dirname)
1269                self.makedir(dst_dirpath, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True)
1271                for filename in filenames:
1273                    src_filename = pathjoin(dirname, filename)
1274                    dst_filename = pathjoin(dst_dirpath, filename)
1275                    movefile(src_filename, dst_filename, overwrite=overwrite, chunk_size=chunk_size)
1277                self.removedir(dirname)
1279    def copydir(self, src, dst, overwrite=False, ignore_errors=False, chunk_size=16384):
1280        """copies a directory from one location to another.
1282        :param src: source directory path
1283        :type src: string
1284        :param dst: destination directory path
1285        :type dst: string
1286        :param overwrite: if True then any existing files in the destination
1287            directory will be overwritten
1288        :type overwrite: bool
1289        :param ignore_errors: if True, exceptions when copying will be ignored
1290        :type ignore_errors: bool
1291        :param chunk_size: size of chunks to use when copying, if a simple copy
1292            is required (defaults to 16K)
1294        """
1295        with self._lock:
1296            if not self.isdir(src):
1297                raise ResourceInvalidError(src, msg="Source is not a directory: %(path)s")
1299            def copyfile_noerrors(src, dst, **kwargs):
1300                try:
1301                    return self.copy(src, dst, **kwargs)
1302                except FSError:
1303                    return
1304            if ignore_errors:
1305                copyfile = copyfile_noerrors
1306            else:
1307                copyfile = self.copy
1309            src = abspath(src)
1310            dst = abspath(dst)
1312            if not overwrite and self.exists(dst):
1313                raise DestinationExistsError(dst)
1315            if dst:
1316                self.makedir(dst, allow_recreate=True)
1318            for dirname, filenames in self.walk(src):
1319                dst_dirname = relpath(frombase(src, abspath(dirname)))
1320                dst_dirpath = pathjoin(dst, dst_dirname)
1321                self.makedir(dst_dirpath, allow_recreate=True, recursive=True)
1322                for filename in filenames:
1323                    src_filename = pathjoin(dirname, filename)
1324                    dst_filename = pathjoin(dst_dirpath, filename)
1325                    copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename, overwrite=overwrite, chunk_size=chunk_size)
1327    def isdirempty(self, path):
1328        """Check if a directory is empty (contains no files or sub-directories)
1330        :param path: a directory path
1332        :rtype: bool
1334        """
1335        with self._lock:
1336            path = normpath(path)
1337            iter_dir = iter(self.ilistdir(path))
1338            try:
1339                next(iter_dir)
1340            except StopIteration:
1341                return True
1342            return False
1344    def makeopendir(self, path, recursive=False):
1345        """makes a directory (if it doesn't exist) and returns an FS object for
1346        the newly created directory.
1348        :param path: path to the new directory
1349        :param recursive: if True any intermediate directories will be created
1351        :return: the opened dir
1352        :rtype: an FS object
1354        """
1355        with self._lock:
1356            self.makedir(path, allow_recreate=True, recursive=recursive)
1357            dir_fs = self.opendir(path)
1358            return dir_fs
1360    def printtree(self, max_levels=5):
1361        """Prints a tree structure of the FS object to the console
1363        :param max_levels: The maximum sub-directories to display, defaults to
1364            5. Set to None for no limit
1366        """
1367        from fs.utils import print_fs
1368        print_fs(self, max_levels=max_levels)
1369    tree = printtree
1371    def browse(self, hide_dotfiles=False):
1372        """Displays the FS tree in a graphical window (requires wxPython)
1374        :param hide_dotfiles: If True, files and folders that begin with a dot will be hidden
1376        """
1377        from fs.browsewin import browse
1378        browse(self, hide_dotfiles)
1380    def getmmap(self, path, read_only=False, copy=False):
1381        """Returns a mmap object for this path.
1383        See http://docs.python.org/library/mmap.html for more details on the mmap module.
1385        :param path: A path on this filesystem
1386        :param read_only: If True, the mmap may not be modified
1387        :param copy: If False then changes wont be written back to the file
1388        :raises `fs.errors.NoMMapError`: Only paths that have a syspath can be opened as a mmap
1390        """
1391        syspath = self.getsyspath(path, allow_none=True)
1392        if syspath is None:
1393            raise NoMMapError(path)
1395        try:
1396            import mmap
1397        except ImportError:
1398            raise NoMMapError(msg="mmap not supported")
1400        if read_only:
1401            f = open(syspath, 'rb')
1402            access = mmap.ACCESS_READ
1403        else:
1404            if copy:
1405                f = open(syspath, 'rb')
1406                access = mmap.ACCESS_COPY
1407            else:
1408                f = open(syspath, 'r+b')
1409                access = mmap.ACCESS_WRITE
1411        m = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=access)
1412        return m
1415def flags_to_mode(flags, binary=True):
1416    """Convert an os.O_* flag bitmask into an FS mode string."""
1417    if flags & os.O_WRONLY:
1418        if flags & os.O_TRUNC:
1419            mode = "w"
1420        elif flags & os.O_APPEND:
1421            mode = "a"
1422        else:
1423            mode = "r+"
1424    elif flags & os.O_RDWR:
1425        if flags & os.O_TRUNC:
1426            mode = "w+"
1427        elif flags & os.O_APPEND:
1428            mode = "a+"
1429        else:
1430            mode = "r+"
1431    else:
1432        mode = "r"
1433    if flags & os.O_EXCL:
1434        mode += "x"
1435    if binary:
1436        mode += 'b'
1437    else:
1438        mode += 't'
1439    return mode