1# coding: utf-8
4    API Specification
6    # Introduction Welcome to gridscales API documentation.  A REST API is a programming interface that allows you to access and send data directly to our systems using HTTPS requests, without the need to use a web GUI. All the functionality you are already familiar with in your control panel is accessible through the API, including expert methods that are only available through the API. Allowing you to script any actions you require, regardless of their complexity.  First we will start with a general overview about how the API works, followed by an extensive list of each endpoint, describing them in great detail.  ## Requests  For security, gridscale requires all API requests are made through the HTTPS protocol so that traffic is encrypted. The following table displays the different type of requests that the interface responds to, depending on the action you require.  | Method | Description | | --- | --- | | GET | A simple search of information. The response is a JSON object. Requests using GET are always read-only. | | POST | Adds new objects and object relations. The POST request must contain all the required parameters in the form of a JSON object. | | PATCH | Changes an object or an object relation. The parameters in PATCH requests are usually optional, so only the changed parameters must be specified in a JSON object. | | DELETE | Deletes an object or object relation. The object is deleted if it exists. | | OPTIONS | Get an extensive list of the servers support methods and characteristics. We will not give example OPTION requests on each endpoint, as they are extensive and self-descriptive. |  <aside class=\"notice\"> The methods PATCH and DELETE are idempotent - that is, a request with identical parameters can be sent several times, and it doesn't change the result. </aside>  ## Status Codes  | HTTP Status | `Message` | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | 200 | `OK` | The request has been successfully processed and the result of the request is transmitted in the response. | | 202 | `Accepted` | The request has been accepted, but will run at a later date. Meaning we can not guarantee the success of the request. You should poll the request to be notified once the resource has been provisioned - see the requests endpoint on how to poll. | | 204 | `No Content` | The request was successful, but the answer deliberately contains no data. | | 400 | `Bad Request` | The request message was built incorrectly. | | 401 | `Unauthorised` | The request can not be performed without a valid authentication. X-Auth UserId or X-Auth token HTTP header is not set or the userID / token is invalid. | | 402 | `Payment Required` | Action can not be executed - not provided any or invalid payment methods. | | 403 | `Forbidden` | The request was not carried out due to lack of authorization of the user or because an impossible action was requested. | | 404 | `Not Found` | The requested resource was not found. Will also be used if you do a resource exists, but the user does not have permission for it. | | 405 | `Method Not Allowed` | The request may be made only with other HTTP methods (eg GET rather than POST). | | 409 | `Conflict` | The request was made under false assumptions. For example, a user can not be created twice with the same email. | | 415 | `Unsupported Media Type` | The contents of the request have been submitted with an invalid media type. All POST or PATCH requests must have \"Content-Type : application / json\" as a header, and send a JSON object as a payload. | | 416 | `Requested Range Not Satisfiable` | The request could not be fulfilled. It is possible that a resource limit was reached or an IPv4 address pool is exhausted. | | 424 | `Failed Dependency` | The request could not be performed because the object is in the wrong status. | | 429 | `Too Many Requests` | The request has been rejected because rate limits have been exceeded. |  <aside class=\"success\"> Status 200-204 indicates that the request has been accepted and is processed. </aside> <aside class=\"notice\"> Status 400-429 indicates that there was a problem with the request that originated on the client. You will find more information about the problem in the body of 4xx response. </aside> <aside class=\"warning\"> A status 500 means that there was a server-side problem and your request can not be processed now. </aside>  ## Request Headers  | Header | Description | | --- | --- | | Content-Type | Always \"application/json\". | | X-Auth-userId | The user UUID. This can be found in the panel under \"API\" and will never change ( even after the change of user e-mail). | | X-Auth-Token | Is generated from the API hash and must be sent with all API requests. Both the token and its permissions can be configured in the panel.|  ## Response Headers  | Header | Description | | --- | --- | | Content-Type | Always \"application/json\". | | X-Time-Provisioning | The time taken to process the request (in ms). | | X-Api-Identity | The currently active Provisioning API version. Useful when reporting bugs to us. | | X-Request-Id  | The unique identifier of the request, be sure to include it when referring to a request. | | RateLimit-Limit | The number of requests that can be made per minute. | | RateLimit-Remaining | The number of requests that still remain before you hit your request limit. | | RateLimit-Reset | A [Unix timestamp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_time) in milliseconds of when the rate limit will reset, or the time at which a request no longer will return 429 - Too Many Requests. |  ## Timestamp Format  All timestamps follow <a href=\"https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601\" target=\"_blank_\">ISO 8601</a> and issued in <a href=\"https://www.timeanddate.de/zeitzonen/utc-gmt\" target=\"_blank_\">UTC</a>  ## CORS  ### Cross Origin Resource Sharing  To allow API access from other domains that supports the API CORS (Cross Origin Resource Sharing). See: enable-cors.org/ .  This allows direct use the API in the browser running a JavaScript web control panel.  All this is done in the background by the browser. The following HTTP headers are set by the API:  Header | Parameter | Description --- | --- | --- Access-Control-Allow-Methods   | GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS | Contains all available methods that may be used for queries. Access-Control-Allow-Credentials | true | Is set to \"true\". Allows the browser to send the authentication data via X-Auth HTTP header. Access-Control-Allow-Headers | Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, X-Auth-UserId, X-Auth-Token, X-Exec-Time, X-API-Version, X-Api-Client | The HTTP headers available for requests. Access-Control-Allow-Origin | * | The domain sent by the browser as a source of demand. Access-Control-Expose-Headers | X-Exec-Time, X-Api-Version | The HTTP headers that can be used by a browser application.  ## Rate Limits  The number of requests that can be made through our API is currently limited to 210 requests per 60 seconds. The current state of rate limiting is returned within the response headers of each request. The relevant response headers are  - RateLimit-Limit - RateLimit-Remaining - RateLimit-Reset  See the Response Headers section for details.  As long as the `RateLimit-Remaining` count is above zero, you will be able to make further requests. As soon as the `RateLimit-Remaining` header value is zero, subsequent requests will return the 429 status code. This will stay until the timestamp given in `RateLimit-Reset` has been reached.  ### Example rate limiting response  ```shell HTTP/1.0 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS Content-Length: 66 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2019 11:11:33 GMT RateLimit-Limit: 210 RateLimit-Remaining: 0 RateLimit-Reset: 1573468299256  {     \"id\": \"too_many_requests\",     \"message\": \"API Rate limit exceeded.\" } ```  It is important to understand how rate limits are reset in order to use the API efficiently. Rate limits are reset for all counted requests at once. This means that that once the timestamp `RateLimit-Remaining` has arrived all counted request are reset and you can again start sending requests to the API.  This allows for short burst of traffic. The downside is once you have hit the request limit no more requests are allowed until the rate limit duration is reset.  ## Object Relations Relationships describe resource objects (storages, networks, IPs, etc.) that are connected to a server. These relationships are treated like objects themselves and can have properties specific to this relation.  One example would be, that the MAC address of a private network connected to a server (Server-to-Network relation) can be found as property of the relation itself - the relation is the _network interface_ in the server.  Another example is storage, where the SCSI LUN is also part of the Server-to-Storage relation object.  This information is especially interesting if some kind of network boot is used on the servers, where the properties of the server need to be known beforehand.  ## Deleted Objects Objects that are deleted are no longer visible on their *regular* endpoints. For historical reasons these objects are still available read-only on a special endpoint named /deleted. If objects have been deleted but have not yet been billed in the current period, the yet-to-be-billed price is still shown.  <!-- #strip_js --> ## Node.js Library  We have a JavaScript library for you to use our API with ease.  <a href=\"https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gridscale/api\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"https://badge.fury.io/js/%40gridscale%2Fapi.svg\" alt=\"npm badge\"></a>  <aside class=\"success\"> We want to make it even easier for you to manage your Infrastructure via our API - so feel free to contact us with any ideas, or languages you would like to see included. </aside>  Requests with our Node.js lib return a little differently. Everything is the same except it allows you to add URL parameters to customize your requests.  To get started <a href=\"https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gridscale/api\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> .  <!-- #strip_js_end -->  <!-- #strip_go --> ## Golang Library We also have a Golang library for Gophers.  Requests with our Golang lib return a little differently. Everything is the same except it allows you to add URL parameters to customize your requests.  To get started <a href=\"https://github.com/gridscale/gsclient-go\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> .  <!-- #strip_go_end -->  <!-- #strip_python --> ## Python Library  We have a Python library, that optionally also simplifies handling of asynchronous requests by mimicking synchronous blocking behaviour.  To get started <a href=\"https://pypi.org/project/gs-api-client/\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a> .  <!-- #strip_python_end -->  # Authentication  In order to use the API, the User-UUID and an API_Token are required. Both are available via the web GUI which can be found here on <a href=\"https://my.gridscale.io/APIs/\" target=\"_blank\">Your Account</a>  <aside class=\"success\"> If you are logged in, your UUID and Token will be pulled dynamically from your account, so you can copy request examples straight into your code. </aside>  The User-UUID remains the same, even if the users email address is changed. The API_Token is a randomly generated hash that allows read/write access.  ## API_Token  <table class=\"security-details\"><tbody><tr><th> Security scheme type: </th><td> API Key </td></tr><tr><th> header parameter name:</th><td> X-Auth-Token </td></tr></tbody></table>  ## User_UUID  <table class=\"security-details\"><tbody><tr><th> Security scheme type: </th><td> API Key </td></tr><tr><th> header parameter name:</th><td> X-Auth-UserId </td></tr></tbody></table>  ## Examples  <!-- #strip_js --> > Node.js ``` // to get started // read the docs @ https://www.npmjs.com/package/@gs_js_auth/api var gs_js_auth = require('@gs_js_auth/api').gs_js_auth; var client = new gs_js_auth.Client(\"##API_TOKEN##\",\"##USER_UUID##\"); ``` <!-- #strip_js_end -->  <!-- #strip_go --> > Golang ``` // to get started // read the docs @ https://github.com/gridscale/gsclient-go config := gsclient.NewConfiguration(   \"https://api.gridscale.io\",   \"##USER_UUID##\",   \"##API_TOKEN##\",   false, //set debug mode ) client := gsclient.NewClient(config) ``` <!-- #strip_go_end -->  > Shell Authentication Headers ```   -H \"X-Auth-UserId: ##USER_UUID##\" \\   -H \"X-Auth-Token: ##API_TOKEN##\" \\ ```  > Setting Authentication in your Environment variables ``` export API_TOKEN=\"##API_TOKEN##\" USER_UUID=\"##USER_UUID##\" ```  <aside class=\"notice\"> You must replace <code>USER_UUID</code> and <code>API_Token</code> with your personal UUID and API key respectively. </aside>   # noqa: E501
8    OpenAPI spec version: 1.0.16
10    Generated by: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git
14import pprint
15import re  # noqa: F401
17import six
19from gs_api_client.swagger.models.paas_security_zone_relation import PaasSecurityZoneRelation  # noqa: F401,E501
22class PaasSecurityZone(object):
23    """NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
25    Do not edit the class manually.
26    """
28    """
29    Attributes:
30      swagger_types (dict): The key is attribute name
31                            and the value is attribute type.
32      attribute_map (dict): The key is attribute name
33                            and the value is json key in definition.
34    """
35    swagger_types = {
36        'location_country': 'str',
37        'relations': 'PaasSecurityZoneRelation',
38        'create_time': 'datetime',
39        'location_iata': 'str',
40        'object_uuid': 'str',
41        'labels': 'list[str]',
42        'location_name': 'str',
43        'status': 'str',
44        'location_uuid': 'str',
45        'change_time': 'datetime',
46        'name': 'str'
47    }
49    attribute_map = {
50        'location_country': 'location_country',
51        'relations': 'relations',
52        'create_time': 'create_time',
53        'location_iata': 'location_iata',
54        'object_uuid': 'object_uuid',
55        'labels': 'labels',
56        'location_name': 'location_name',
57        'status': 'status',
58        'location_uuid': 'location_uuid',
59        'change_time': 'change_time',
60        'name': 'name'
61    }
63    def __init__(self, location_country=None, relations=None, create_time=None, location_iata=None, object_uuid=None, labels=None, location_name=None, status=None, location_uuid=None, change_time=None, name=None):  # noqa: E501
64        """PaasSecurityZone - a model defined in Swagger"""  # noqa: E501
66        self._location_country = None
67        self._relations = None
68        self._create_time = None
69        self._location_iata = None
70        self._object_uuid = None
71        self._labels = None
72        self._location_name = None
73        self._status = None
74        self._location_uuid = None
75        self._change_time = None
76        self._name = None
77        self.discriminator = None
79        if location_country is not None:
80            self.location_country = location_country
81        if relations is not None:
82            self.relations = relations
83        if create_time is not None:
84            self.create_time = create_time
85        if location_iata is not None:
86            self.location_iata = location_iata
87        if object_uuid is not None:
88            self.object_uuid = object_uuid
89        if labels is not None:
90            self.labels = labels
91        if location_name is not None:
92            self.location_name = location_name
93        if status is not None:
94            self.status = status
95        if location_uuid is not None:
96            self.location_uuid = location_uuid
97        if change_time is not None:
98            self.change_time = change_time
99        if name is not None:
100            self.name = name
102    @property
103    def location_country(self):
104        """Gets the location_country of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
106        The human-readable name of the location. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
108        :return: The location_country of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
109        :rtype: str
110        """
111        return self._location_country
113    @location_country.setter
114    def location_country(self, location_country):
115        """Sets the location_country of this PaasSecurityZone.
117        The human-readable name of the location. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
119        :param location_country: The location_country of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
120        :type: str
121        """
123        self._location_country = location_country
125    @property
126    def relations(self):
127        """Gets the relations of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
130        :return: The relations of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
131        :rtype: PaasSecurityZoneRelation
132        """
133        return self._relations
135    @relations.setter
136    def relations(self, relations):
137        """Sets the relations of this PaasSecurityZone.
140        :param relations: The relations of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
141        :type: PaasSecurityZoneRelation
142        """
144        self._relations = relations
146    @property
147    def create_time(self):
148        """Gets the create_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
150        Defines the date and time the object was initially created.  # noqa: E501
152        :return: The create_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
153        :rtype: datetime
154        """
155        return self._create_time
157    @create_time.setter
158    def create_time(self, create_time):
159        """Sets the create_time of this PaasSecurityZone.
161        Defines the date and time the object was initially created.  # noqa: E501
163        :param create_time: The create_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
164        :type: datetime
165        """
167        self._create_time = create_time
169    @property
170    def location_iata(self):
171        """Gets the location_iata of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
173        Uses IATA airport code, which works as a location identifier.  # noqa: E501
175        :return: The location_iata of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
176        :rtype: str
177        """
178        return self._location_iata
180    @location_iata.setter
181    def location_iata(self, location_iata):
182        """Sets the location_iata of this PaasSecurityZone.
184        Uses IATA airport code, which works as a location identifier.  # noqa: E501
186        :param location_iata: The location_iata of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
187        :type: str
188        """
190        self._location_iata = location_iata
192    @property
193    def object_uuid(self):
194        """Gets the object_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
196        The UUID of an object is always unique, and refers to a specific object.  # noqa: E501
198        :return: The object_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
199        :rtype: str
200        """
201        return self._object_uuid
203    @object_uuid.setter
204    def object_uuid(self, object_uuid):
205        """Sets the object_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.
207        The UUID of an object is always unique, and refers to a specific object.  # noqa: E501
209        :param object_uuid: The object_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
210        :type: str
211        """
213        self._object_uuid = object_uuid
215    @property
216    def labels(self):
217        """Gets the labels of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
219        List of labels.  # noqa: E501
221        :return: The labels of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
222        :rtype: list[str]
223        """
224        return self._labels
226    @labels.setter
227    def labels(self, labels):
228        """Sets the labels of this PaasSecurityZone.
230        List of labels.  # noqa: E501
232        :param labels: The labels of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
233        :type: list[str]
234        """
236        self._labels = labels
238    @property
239    def location_name(self):
240        """Gets the location_name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
242        The human-readable name of the location. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
244        :return: The location_name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
245        :rtype: str
246        """
247        return self._location_name
249    @location_name.setter
250    def location_name(self, location_name):
251        """Sets the location_name of this PaasSecurityZone.
253        The human-readable name of the location. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
255        :param location_name: The location_name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
256        :type: str
257        """
259        self._location_name = location_name
261    @property
262    def status(self):
263        """Gets the status of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
265        Status indicates the status of the object.  # noqa: E501
267        :return: The status of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
268        :rtype: str
269        """
270        return self._status
272    @status.setter
273    def status(self, status):
274        """Sets the status of this PaasSecurityZone.
276        Status indicates the status of the object.  # noqa: E501
278        :param status: The status of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
279        :type: str
280        """
282        self._status = status
284    @property
285    def location_uuid(self):
286        """Gets the location_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
288        Helps to identify which data-center an object belongs to.  # noqa: E501
290        :return: The location_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
291        :rtype: str
292        """
293        return self._location_uuid
295    @location_uuid.setter
296    def location_uuid(self, location_uuid):
297        """Sets the location_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.
299        Helps to identify which data-center an object belongs to.  # noqa: E501
301        :param location_uuid: The location_uuid of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
302        :type: str
303        """
305        self._location_uuid = location_uuid
307    @property
308    def change_time(self):
309        """Gets the change_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
311        Defines the date and time of the last object change.  # noqa: E501
313        :return: The change_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
314        :rtype: datetime
315        """
316        return self._change_time
318    @change_time.setter
319    def change_time(self, change_time):
320        """Sets the change_time of this PaasSecurityZone.
322        Defines the date and time of the last object change.  # noqa: E501
324        :param change_time: The change_time of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
325        :type: datetime
326        """
328        self._change_time = change_time
330    @property
331    def name(self):
332        """Gets the name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
334        The human-readable name of the object. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
336        :return: The name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
337        :rtype: str
338        """
339        return self._name
341    @name.setter
342    def name(self, name):
343        """Sets the name of this PaasSecurityZone.
345        The human-readable name of the object. It supports the full UTF-8 charset, with a maximum of 64 characters.  # noqa: E501
347        :param name: The name of this PaasSecurityZone.  # noqa: E501
348        :type: str
349        """
351        self._name = name
353    def to_dict(self):
354        """Returns the model properties as a dict"""
355        result = {}
357        for attr, _ in six.iteritems(self.swagger_types):
358            value = getattr(self, attr)
359            if isinstance(value, list):
360                result[attr] = list(map(
361                    lambda x: x.to_dict() if hasattr(x, "to_dict") else x,
362                    value
363                ))
364            elif hasattr(value, "to_dict"):
365                result[attr] = value.to_dict()
366            elif isinstance(value, dict):
367                result[attr] = dict(map(
368                    lambda item: (item[0], item[1].to_dict())
369                    if hasattr(item[1], "to_dict") else item,
370                    value.items()
371                ))
372            else:
373                result[attr] = value
374        if issubclass(PaasSecurityZone, dict):
375            for key, value in self.items():
376                result[key] = value
378        return result
380    def to_str(self):
381        """Returns the string representation of the model"""
382        return pprint.pformat(self.to_dict())
384    def __repr__(self):
385        """For `print` and `pprint`"""
386        return self.to_str()
388    def __eq__(self, other):
389        """Returns true if both objects are equal"""
390        if not isinstance(other, PaasSecurityZone):
391            return False
393        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
395    def __ne__(self, other):
396        """Returns true if both objects are not equal"""
397        return not self == other