1"""An Application for launching a kernel"""
3# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
4# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
6import atexit
7import os
8import sys
9import errno
10import signal
11import traceback
12import logging
14import tornado
15from tornado import ioloop
17import zmq
18from zmq.eventloop import ioloop as zmq_ioloop
19from zmq.eventloop.zmqstream import ZMQStream
21from IPython.core.application import (
22    BaseIPythonApplication, base_flags, base_aliases, catch_config_error
24from IPython.core.profiledir import ProfileDir
25from IPython.core.shellapp import (
26    InteractiveShellApp, shell_flags, shell_aliases
28from ipython_genutils.path import filefind, ensure_dir_exists
29from traitlets import (
30    Any, Instance, Dict, Unicode, Integer, Bool, DottedObjectName, Type, default
32from ipython_genutils.importstring import import_item
33from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_runtime_dir
34from jupyter_client import write_connection_file
35from jupyter_client.connect import ConnectionFileMixin
37# local imports
38from .iostream import IOPubThread
39from .heartbeat import Heartbeat
40from .ipkernel import IPythonKernel
41from .parentpoller import ParentPollerUnix, ParentPollerWindows
42from jupyter_client.session import (
43    Session, session_flags, session_aliases,
45from .zmqshell import ZMQInteractiveShell
48# Flags and Aliases
51kernel_aliases = dict(base_aliases)
53    'ip' : 'IPKernelApp.ip',
54    'hb' : 'IPKernelApp.hb_port',
55    'shell' : 'IPKernelApp.shell_port',
56    'iopub' : 'IPKernelApp.iopub_port',
57    'stdin' : 'IPKernelApp.stdin_port',
58    'control' : 'IPKernelApp.control_port',
59    'f' : 'IPKernelApp.connection_file',
60    'transport': 'IPKernelApp.transport',
63kernel_flags = dict(base_flags)
65    'no-stdout' : (
66            {'IPKernelApp' : {'no_stdout' : True}},
67            "redirect stdout to the null device"),
68    'no-stderr' : (
69            {'IPKernelApp' : {'no_stderr' : True}},
70            "redirect stderr to the null device"),
71    'pylab' : (
72        {'IPKernelApp' : {'pylab' : 'auto'}},
73        """Pre-load matplotlib and numpy for interactive use with
74        the default matplotlib backend."""),
75    'trio-loop' : (
76        {'InteractiveShell' : {'trio_loop' : False}},
77        'Enable Trio as main event loop.'
78    ),
81# inherit flags&aliases for any IPython shell apps
85# inherit flags&aliases for Sessions
89_ctrl_c_message = """\
90NOTE: When using the `ipython kernel` entry point, Ctrl-C will not work.
92To exit, you will have to explicitly quit this process, by either sending
93"quit" from a client, or using Ctrl-\\ in UNIX-like environments.
95To read more about this, see https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/2049
100# Application class for starting an IPython Kernel
103class IPKernelApp(BaseIPythonApplication, InteractiveShellApp,
104        ConnectionFileMixin):
105    name='ipython-kernel'
106    aliases = Dict(kernel_aliases)
107    flags = Dict(kernel_flags)
108    classes = [IPythonKernel, ZMQInteractiveShell, ProfileDir, Session]
109    # the kernel class, as an importstring
110    kernel_class = Type('ipykernel.ipkernel.IPythonKernel',
111                        klass='ipykernel.kernelbase.Kernel',
112    help="""The Kernel subclass to be used.
114    This should allow easy re-use of the IPKernelApp entry point
115    to configure and launch kernels other than IPython's own.
116    """).tag(config=True)
117    kernel = Any()
118    poller = Any() # don't restrict this even though current pollers are all Threads
119    heartbeat = Instance(Heartbeat, allow_none=True)
121    context = Any()
122    shell_socket = Any()
123    control_socket = Any()
124    stdin_socket = Any()
125    iopub_socket = Any()
126    iopub_thread = Any()
128    ports = Dict()
130    subcommands = {
131        'install': (
132            'ipykernel.kernelspec.InstallIPythonKernelSpecApp',
133            'Install the IPython kernel'
134        ),
135    }
137    # connection info:
138    connection_dir = Unicode()
140    @default('connection_dir')
141    def _default_connection_dir(self):
142        return jupyter_runtime_dir()
144    @property
145    def abs_connection_file(self):
146        if os.path.basename(self.connection_file) == self.connection_file:
147            return os.path.join(self.connection_dir, self.connection_file)
148        else:
149            return self.connection_file
151    # streams, etc.
152    no_stdout = Bool(False, help="redirect stdout to the null device").tag(config=True)
153    no_stderr = Bool(False, help="redirect stderr to the null device").tag(config=True)
154    trio_loop = Bool(False, help="Set main event loop.").tag(config=True)
155    quiet = Bool(True, help="Only send stdout/stderr to output stream").tag(config=True)
156    outstream_class = DottedObjectName('ipykernel.iostream.OutStream',
157        help="The importstring for the OutStream factory").tag(config=True)
158    displayhook_class = DottedObjectName('ipykernel.displayhook.ZMQDisplayHook',
159        help="The importstring for the DisplayHook factory").tag(config=True)
161    # polling
162    parent_handle = Integer(int(os.environ.get('JPY_PARENT_PID') or 0),
163        help="""kill this process if its parent dies.  On Windows, the argument
164        specifies the HANDLE of the parent process, otherwise it is simply boolean.
165        """).tag(config=True)
166    interrupt = Integer(int(os.environ.get('JPY_INTERRUPT_EVENT') or 0),
167        help="""ONLY USED ON WINDOWS
168        Interrupt this process when the parent is signaled.
169        """).tag(config=True)
171    def init_crash_handler(self):
172        sys.excepthook = self.excepthook
174    def excepthook(self, etype, evalue, tb):
175        # write uncaught traceback to 'real' stderr, not zmq-forwarder
176        traceback.print_exception(etype, evalue, tb, file=sys.__stderr__)
178    def init_poller(self):
179        if sys.platform == 'win32':
180            if self.interrupt or self.parent_handle:
181                self.poller = ParentPollerWindows(self.interrupt, self.parent_handle)
182        elif self.parent_handle and self.parent_handle != 1:
183            # PID 1 (init) is special and will never go away,
184            # only be reassigned.
185            # Parent polling doesn't work if ppid == 1 to start with.
186            self.poller = ParentPollerUnix()
188    def _try_bind_socket(self, s, port):
189        iface = '%s://%s' % (self.transport, self.ip)
190        if self.transport == 'tcp':
191            if port <= 0:
192                port = s.bind_to_random_port(iface)
193            else:
194                s.bind("tcp://%s:%i" % (self.ip, port))
195        elif self.transport == 'ipc':
196            if port <= 0:
197                port = 1
198                path = "%s-%i" % (self.ip, port)
199                while os.path.exists(path):
200                    port = port + 1
201                    path = "%s-%i" % (self.ip, port)
202            else:
203                path = "%s-%i" % (self.ip, port)
204            s.bind("ipc://%s" % path)
205        return port
207    def _bind_socket(self, s, port):
208        try:
209            win_in_use = errno.WSAEADDRINUSE
210        except AttributeError:
211            win_in_use = None
213        # Try up to 100 times to bind a port when in conflict to avoid
214        # infinite attempts in bad setups
215        max_attempts = 1 if port else 100
216        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
217            try:
218                return self._try_bind_socket(s, port)
219            except zmq.ZMQError as ze:
220                # Raise if we have any error not related to socket binding
221                if ze.errno != errno.EADDRINUSE and ze.errno != win_in_use:
222                    raise
223                if attempt == max_attempts - 1:
224                    raise
226    def write_connection_file(self):
227        """write connection info to JSON file"""
228        cf = self.abs_connection_file
229        self.log.debug("Writing connection file: %s", cf)
230        write_connection_file(cf, ip=self.ip, key=self.session.key, transport=self.transport,
231        shell_port=self.shell_port, stdin_port=self.stdin_port, hb_port=self.hb_port,
232        iopub_port=self.iopub_port, control_port=self.control_port)
234    def cleanup_connection_file(self):
235        cf = self.abs_connection_file
236        self.log.debug("Cleaning up connection file: %s", cf)
237        try:
238            os.remove(cf)
239        except (IOError, OSError):
240            pass
242        self.cleanup_ipc_files()
244    def init_connection_file(self):
245        if not self.connection_file:
246            self.connection_file = "kernel-%s.json"%os.getpid()
247        try:
248            self.connection_file = filefind(self.connection_file, ['.', self.connection_dir])
249        except IOError:
250            self.log.debug("Connection file not found: %s", self.connection_file)
251            # This means I own it, and I'll create it in this directory:
252            ensure_dir_exists(os.path.dirname(self.abs_connection_file), 0o700)
253            # Also, I will clean it up:
254            atexit.register(self.cleanup_connection_file)
255            return
256        try:
257            self.load_connection_file()
258        except Exception:
259            self.log.error("Failed to load connection file: %r", self.connection_file, exc_info=True)
260            self.exit(1)
262    def init_sockets(self):
263        # Create a context, a session, and the kernel sockets.
264        self.log.info("Starting the kernel at pid: %i", os.getpid())
265        assert self.context is None, "init_sockets cannot be called twice!"
266        self.context = context = zmq.Context()
267        atexit.register(self.close)
269        self.shell_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
270        self.shell_socket.linger = 1000
271        self.shell_port = self._bind_socket(self.shell_socket, self.shell_port)
272        self.log.debug("shell ROUTER Channel on port: %i" % self.shell_port)
274        self.stdin_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
275        self.stdin_socket.linger = 1000
276        self.stdin_port = self._bind_socket(self.stdin_socket, self.stdin_port)
277        self.log.debug("stdin ROUTER Channel on port: %i" % self.stdin_port)
279        self.control_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
280        self.control_socket.linger = 1000
281        self.control_port = self._bind_socket(self.control_socket, self.control_port)
282        self.log.debug("control ROUTER Channel on port: %i" % self.control_port)
284        if hasattr(zmq, 'ROUTER_HANDOVER'):
285            # set router-handover to workaround zeromq reconnect problems
286            # in certain rare circumstances
287            # see ipython/ipykernel#270 and zeromq/libzmq#2892
288            self.shell_socket.router_handover = \
289                self.control_socket.router_handover = \
290                self.stdin_socket.router_handover = 1
292        self.init_iopub(context)
294    def init_iopub(self, context):
295        self.iopub_socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB)
296        self.iopub_socket.linger = 1000
297        self.iopub_port = self._bind_socket(self.iopub_socket, self.iopub_port)
298        self.log.debug("iopub PUB Channel on port: %i" % self.iopub_port)
299        self.configure_tornado_logger()
300        self.iopub_thread = IOPubThread(self.iopub_socket, pipe=True)
301        self.iopub_thread.start()
302        # backward-compat: wrap iopub socket API in background thread
303        self.iopub_socket = self.iopub_thread.background_socket
305    def init_heartbeat(self):
306        """start the heart beating"""
307        # heartbeat doesn't share context, because it mustn't be blocked
308        # by the GIL, which is accessed by libzmq when freeing zero-copy messages
309        hb_ctx = zmq.Context()
310        self.heartbeat = Heartbeat(hb_ctx, (self.transport, self.ip, self.hb_port))
311        self.hb_port = self.heartbeat.port
312        self.log.debug("Heartbeat REP Channel on port: %i" % self.hb_port)
313        self.heartbeat.start()
315    def close(self):
316        """Close zmq sockets in an orderly fashion"""
317        # un-capture IO before we start closing channels
318        self.reset_io()
319        self.log.info("Cleaning up sockets")
320        if self.heartbeat:
321            self.log.debug("Closing heartbeat channel")
322            self.heartbeat.context.term()
323        if self.iopub_thread:
324            self.log.debug("Closing iopub channel")
325            self.iopub_thread.stop()
326            self.iopub_thread.close()
327        for channel in ('shell', 'control', 'stdin'):
328            self.log.debug("Closing %s channel", channel)
329            socket = getattr(self, channel + "_socket", None)
330            if socket and not socket.closed:
331                socket.close()
332        self.log.debug("Terminating zmq context")
333        self.context.term()
334        self.log.debug("Terminated zmq context")
336    def log_connection_info(self):
337        """display connection info, and store ports"""
338        basename = os.path.basename(self.connection_file)
339        if basename == self.connection_file or \
340            os.path.dirname(self.connection_file) == self.connection_dir:
341            # use shortname
342            tail = basename
343        else:
344            tail = self.connection_file
345        lines = [
346            "To connect another client to this kernel, use:",
347            "    --existing %s" % tail,
348        ]
349        # log connection info
350        # info-level, so often not shown.
351        # frontends should use the %connect_info magic
352        # to see the connection info
353        for line in lines:
354            self.log.info(line)
355        # also raw print to the terminal if no parent_handle (`ipython kernel`)
356        # unless log-level is CRITICAL (--quiet)
357        if not self.parent_handle and self.log_level < logging.CRITICAL:
358            print(_ctrl_c_message, file=sys.__stdout__)
359            for line in lines:
360                print(line, file=sys.__stdout__)
362        self.ports = dict(shell=self.shell_port, iopub=self.iopub_port,
363                                stdin=self.stdin_port, hb=self.hb_port,
364                                control=self.control_port)
366    def init_blackhole(self):
367        """redirects stdout/stderr to devnull if necessary"""
368        if self.no_stdout or self.no_stderr:
369            blackhole = open(os.devnull, 'w')
370            if self.no_stdout:
371                sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ = blackhole
372            if self.no_stderr:
373                sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__ = blackhole
375    def init_io(self):
376        """Redirect input streams and set a display hook."""
377        if self.outstream_class:
378            outstream_factory = import_item(str(self.outstream_class))
379            if sys.stdout is not None:
380                sys.stdout.flush()
382            e_stdout = None if self.quiet else sys.__stdout__
383            e_stderr = None if self.quiet else sys.__stderr__
385            sys.stdout = outstream_factory(self.session, self.iopub_thread,
386                                           'stdout',
387                                           echo=e_stdout)
388            if sys.stderr is not None:
389                sys.stderr.flush()
390            sys.stderr = outstream_factory(self.session, self.iopub_thread,
391                                           'stderr',
392                                           echo=e_stderr)
393        if self.displayhook_class:
394            displayhook_factory = import_item(str(self.displayhook_class))
395            self.displayhook = displayhook_factory(self.session, self.iopub_socket)
396            sys.displayhook = self.displayhook
398        self.patch_io()
400    def reset_io(self):
401        """restore original io
403        restores state after init_io
404        """
405        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
406        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
407        sys.displayhook = sys.__displayhook__
409    def patch_io(self):
410        """Patch important libraries that can't handle sys.stdout forwarding"""
411        try:
412            import faulthandler
413        except ImportError:
414            pass
415        else:
416            # Warning: this is a monkeypatch of `faulthandler.enable`, watch for possible
417            # updates to the upstream API and update accordingly (up-to-date as of Python 3.5):
418            # https://docs.python.org/3/library/faulthandler.html#faulthandler.enable
420            # change default file to __stderr__ from forwarded stderr
421            faulthandler_enable = faulthandler.enable
422            def enable(file=sys.__stderr__, all_threads=True, **kwargs):
423                return faulthandler_enable(file=file, all_threads=all_threads, **kwargs)
425            faulthandler.enable = enable
427            if hasattr(faulthandler, 'register'):
428                faulthandler_register = faulthandler.register
429                def register(signum, file=sys.__stderr__, all_threads=True, chain=False, **kwargs):
430                    return faulthandler_register(signum, file=file, all_threads=all_threads,
431                                                 chain=chain, **kwargs)
432                faulthandler.register = register
434    def init_signal(self):
435        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
437    def init_kernel(self):
438        """Create the Kernel object itself"""
439        shell_stream = ZMQStream(self.shell_socket)
440        control_stream = ZMQStream(self.control_socket)
442        kernel_factory = self.kernel_class.instance
444        kernel = kernel_factory(parent=self, session=self.session,
445                                control_stream=control_stream,
446                                shell_streams=[shell_stream, control_stream],
447                                iopub_thread=self.iopub_thread,
448                                iopub_socket=self.iopub_socket,
449                                stdin_socket=self.stdin_socket,
450                                log=self.log,
451                                profile_dir=self.profile_dir,
452                                user_ns=self.user_ns,
453        )
454        kernel.record_ports({
455            name + '_port': port for name, port in self.ports.items()
456        })
457        self.kernel = kernel
459        # Allow the displayhook to get the execution count
460        self.displayhook.get_execution_count = lambda: kernel.execution_count
462    def init_gui_pylab(self):
463        """Enable GUI event loop integration, taking pylab into account."""
465        # Register inline backend as default
466        # this is higher priority than matplotlibrc,
467        # but lower priority than anything else (mpl.use() for instance).
468        # This only affects matplotlib >= 1.5
469        if not os.environ.get('MPLBACKEND'):
470            os.environ['MPLBACKEND'] = 'module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline'
472        # Provide a wrapper for :meth:`InteractiveShellApp.init_gui_pylab`
473        # to ensure that any exception is printed straight to stderr.
474        # Normally _showtraceback associates the reply with an execution,
475        # which means frontends will never draw it, as this exception
476        # is not associated with any execute request.
478        shell = self.shell
479        _showtraceback = shell._showtraceback
480        try:
481            # replace error-sending traceback with stderr
482            def print_tb(etype, evalue, stb):
483                print ("GUI event loop or pylab initialization failed",
484                       file=sys.stderr)
485                print (shell.InteractiveTB.stb2text(stb), file=sys.stderr)
486            shell._showtraceback = print_tb
487            InteractiveShellApp.init_gui_pylab(self)
488        finally:
489            shell._showtraceback = _showtraceback
491    def init_shell(self):
492        self.shell = getattr(self.kernel, 'shell', None)
493        if self.shell:
494            self.shell.configurables.append(self)
496    def configure_tornado_logger(self):
497        """ Configure the tornado logging.Logger.
499            Must set up the tornado logger or else tornado will call
500            basicConfig for the root logger which makes the root logger
501            go to the real sys.stderr instead of the capture streams.
502            This function mimics the setup of logging.basicConfig.
503        """
504        logger = logging.getLogger('tornado')
505        handler = logging.StreamHandler()
506        formatter = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT)
507        handler.setFormatter(formatter)
508        logger.addHandler(handler)
510    def _init_asyncio_patch(self):
511        """set default asyncio policy to be compatible with tornado
513        Tornado 6 (at least) is not compatible with the default
514        asyncio implementation on Windows
516        Pick the older SelectorEventLoopPolicy on Windows
517        if the known-incompatible default policy is in use.
519        do this as early as possible to make it a low priority and overrideable
521        ref: https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/issues/2608
523        FIXME: if/when tornado supports the defaults in asyncio,
524               remove and bump tornado requirement for py38
525        """
526        if sys.platform.startswith("win") and sys.version_info >= (3, 8) and tornado.version_info < (6, 1):
527            import asyncio
528            try:
529                from asyncio import (
530                    WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy,
531                    WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy,
532                )
533            except ImportError:
534                pass
535                # not affected
536            else:
537                if type(asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()) is WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy:
538                    # WindowsProactorEventLoopPolicy is not compatible with tornado 6
539                    # fallback to the pre-3.8 default of Selector
540                    asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy())
542    def init_pdb(self):
543        """Replace pdb with IPython's version that is interruptible.
545        With the non-interruptible version, stopping pdb() locks up the kernel in a
546        non-recoverable state.
547        """
548        import pdb
549        from IPython.core import debugger
550        if hasattr(debugger, "InterruptiblePdb"):
551            # Only available in newer IPython releases:
552            debugger.Pdb = debugger.InterruptiblePdb
553            pdb.Pdb = debugger.Pdb
554            pdb.set_trace = debugger.set_trace
556    @catch_config_error
557    def initialize(self, argv=None):
558        self._init_asyncio_patch()
559        super(IPKernelApp, self).initialize(argv)
560        if self.subapp is not None:
561            return
563        self.init_pdb()
564        self.init_blackhole()
565        self.init_connection_file()
566        self.init_poller()
567        self.init_sockets()
568        self.init_heartbeat()
569        # writing/displaying connection info must be *after* init_sockets/heartbeat
570        self.write_connection_file()
571        # Log connection info after writing connection file, so that the connection
572        # file is definitely available at the time someone reads the log.
573        self.log_connection_info()
574        self.init_io()
575        try:
576            self.init_signal()
577        except:
578            # Catch exception when initializing signal fails, eg when running the
579            # kernel on a separate thread
580            if self.log_level < logging.CRITICAL:
581                self.log.error("Unable to initialize signal:", exc_info=True)
582        self.init_kernel()
583        # shell init steps
584        self.init_path()
585        self.init_shell()
586        if self.shell:
587            self.init_gui_pylab()
588            self.init_extensions()
589            self.init_code()
590        # flush stdout/stderr, so that anything written to these streams during
591        # initialization do not get associated with the first execution request
592        sys.stdout.flush()
593        sys.stderr.flush()
595    def start(self):
596        if self.subapp is not None:
597            return self.subapp.start()
598        if self.poller is not None:
599            self.poller.start()
600        self.kernel.start()
601        self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current()
602        if self.trio_loop:
603            from ipykernel.trio_runner import TrioRunner
604            tr = TrioRunner()
605            tr.initialize(self.kernel, self.io_loop)
606            try:
607                tr.run()
608            except KeyboardInterrupt:
609                pass
610        else:
611            try:
612                self.io_loop.start()
613            except KeyboardInterrupt:
614                pass
617launch_new_instance = IPKernelApp.launch_instance
620def main():
621    """Run an IPKernel as an application"""
622    app = IPKernelApp.instance()
623    app.initialize()
624    app.start()
627if __name__ == '__main__':
628    main()