1# Copyright 2004-2005 Elemental Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
2# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
4# Modifications:
5# Copyright David Halter and Contributors
6# Modifications are dual-licensed: MIT and PSF.
7# 99% of the code is different from pgen2, now.
9# A fork of `parso.pgen2.generator`.
10# https://github.com/davidhalter/parso/blob/master/parso/pgen2/generator.py
12# The following changes were made:
13# - Type stubs were directly applied.
14# pyre-unsafe
17This module defines the data structures used to represent a grammar.
19Specifying grammars in pgen is possible with this grammar::
21    grammar: (NEWLINE | rule)* ENDMARKER
22    rule: NAME ':' rhs NEWLINE
23    rhs: items ('|' items)*
24    items: item+
25    item: '[' rhs ']' | atom ['+' | '*']
26    atom: '(' rhs ')' | NAME | STRING
28This grammar is self-referencing.
30This parser generator (pgen2) was created by Guido Rossum and used for lib2to3.
31Most of the code has been refactored to make it more Pythonic. Since this was a
32"copy" of the CPython Parser parser "pgen", there was some work needed to make
33it more readable. It should also be slightly faster than the original pgen2,
34because we made some optimizations.
37from ast import literal_eval
38from typing import Any, Generic, Mapping, Sequence, Set, TypeVar, Union
40from libcst._parser.parso.pgen2.grammar_parser import GrammarParser, NFAState
42_TokenTypeT = TypeVar("_TokenTypeT")
45class DFAPlan:
46    """
47    Plans are used for the parser to create stack nodes and do the proper
48    DFA state transitions.
49    """
51    def __init__(
52        self, next_dfa: "DFAState", dfa_pushes: Sequence["DFAState"] = []
53    ) -> None:
54        self.next_dfa = next_dfa
55        self.dfa_pushes = dfa_pushes
57    def __repr__(self) -> str:
58        return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.next_dfa, self.dfa_pushes)
61class DFAState(Generic[_TokenTypeT]):
62    """
63    The DFAState object is the core class for pretty much anything. DFAState
64    are the vertices of an ordered graph while arcs and transitions are the
65    edges.
67    Arcs are the initial edges, where most DFAStates are not connected and
68    transitions are then calculated to connect the DFA state machines that have
69    different nonterminals.
70    """
72    def __init__(self, from_rule: str, nfa_set: Set[NFAState], final: NFAState) -> None:
73        self.from_rule = from_rule
74        self.nfa_set = nfa_set
75        self.arcs: Mapping[
76            str, DFAState
77        ] = {}  # map from terminals/nonterminals to DFAState
78        # In an intermediary step we set these nonterminal arcs (which has the
79        # same structure as arcs). These don't contain terminals anymore.
80        self.nonterminal_arcs: Mapping[str, DFAState] = {}
82        # Transitions are basically the only thing that  the parser is using
83        # with is_final. Everyting else is purely here to create a parser.
84        self.transitions: Mapping[Union[_TokenTypeT, ReservedString], DFAPlan] = {}
85        self.is_final = final in nfa_set
87    def add_arc(self, next_, label):
88        assert isinstance(label, str)
89        assert label not in self.arcs
90        assert isinstance(next_, DFAState)
91        self.arcs[label] = next_
93    def unifystate(self, old, new):
94        for label, next_ in self.arcs.items():
95            if next_ is old:
96                self.arcs[label] = new
98    def __eq__(self, other):
99        # Equality test -- ignore the nfa_set instance variable
100        assert isinstance(other, DFAState)
101        if self.is_final != other.is_final:
102            return False
103        # Can't just return self.arcs == other.arcs, because that
104        # would invoke this method recursively, with cycles...
105        if len(self.arcs) != len(other.arcs):
106            return False
107        for label, next_ in self.arcs.items():
108            if next_ is not other.arcs.get(label):
109                return False
110        return True
112    def __repr__(self) -> str:
113        return "<%s: %s is_final=%s>" % (
114            self.__class__.__name__,
115            self.from_rule,
116            self.is_final,
117        )
120class ReservedString:
121    """
122    Most grammars will have certain keywords and operators that are mentioned
123    in the grammar as strings (e.g. "if") and not token types (e.g. NUMBER).
124    This class basically is the former.
125    """
127    def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
128        self.value = value
130    def __repr__(self) -> str:
131        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.value)
134class Grammar(Generic[_TokenTypeT]):
135    """
136    Once initialized, this class supplies the grammar tables for the
137    parsing engine implemented by parse.py.  The parsing engine
138    accesses the instance variables directly.
140    The only important part in this parsers are dfas and transitions between
141    dfas.
142    """
144    def __init__(
145        self,
146        start_nonterminal: str,
147        rule_to_dfas: Mapping[str, Sequence[DFAState[_TokenTypeT]]],
148        reserved_syntax_strings: Mapping[str, ReservedString],
149    ) -> None:
150        self.nonterminal_to_dfas = rule_to_dfas
151        self.reserved_syntax_strings = reserved_syntax_strings
152        self.start_nonterminal = start_nonterminal
155def _simplify_dfas(dfas):
156    """
157    This is not theoretically optimal, but works well enough.
158    Algorithm: repeatedly look for two states that have the same
159    set of arcs (same labels pointing to the same nodes) and
160    unify them, until things stop changing.
162    dfas is a list of DFAState instances
163    """
164    changes = True
165    while changes:
166        changes = False
167        for i, state_i in enumerate(dfas):
168            for j in range(i + 1, len(dfas)):
169                state_j = dfas[j]
170                if state_i == state_j:
171                    # print "  unify", i, j
172                    del dfas[j]
173                    for state in dfas:
174                        state.unifystate(state_j, state_i)
175                    changes = True
176                    break
179def _make_dfas(start, finish):
180    """
181    Uses the powerset construction algorithm to create DFA states from sets of
182    NFA states.
184    Also does state reduction if some states are not needed.
185    """
186    # To turn an NFA into a DFA, we define the states of the DFA
187    # to correspond to *sets* of states of the NFA.  Then do some
188    # state reduction.
189    assert isinstance(start, NFAState)
190    assert isinstance(finish, NFAState)
192    def addclosure(nfa_state, base_nfa_set):
193        assert isinstance(nfa_state, NFAState)
194        if nfa_state in base_nfa_set:
195            return
196        base_nfa_set.add(nfa_state)
197        for nfa_arc in nfa_state.arcs:
198            if nfa_arc.nonterminal_or_string is None:
199                addclosure(nfa_arc.next, base_nfa_set)
201    base_nfa_set = set()
202    addclosure(start, base_nfa_set)
203    states = [DFAState(start.from_rule, base_nfa_set, finish)]
204    for state in states:  # NB states grows while we're iterating
205        arcs = {}
206        # Find state transitions and store them in arcs.
207        for nfa_state in state.nfa_set:
208            for nfa_arc in nfa_state.arcs:
209                if nfa_arc.nonterminal_or_string is not None:
210                    nfa_set = arcs.setdefault(nfa_arc.nonterminal_or_string, set())
211                    addclosure(nfa_arc.next, nfa_set)
213        # Now create the dfa's with no None's in arcs anymore. All Nones have
214        # been eliminated and state transitions (arcs) are properly defined, we
215        # just need to create the dfa's.
216        for nonterminal_or_string, nfa_set in arcs.items():
217            for nested_state in states:
218                if nested_state.nfa_set == nfa_set:
219                    # The DFA state already exists for this rule.
220                    break
221            else:
222                nested_state = DFAState(start.from_rule, nfa_set, finish)
223                states.append(nested_state)
225            state.add_arc(nested_state, nonterminal_or_string)
226    return states  # List of DFAState instances; first one is start
229def generate_grammar(bnf_grammar: str, token_namespace: Any) -> Grammar[Any]:
230    """
231    ``bnf_text`` is a grammar in extended BNF (using * for repetition, + for
232    at-least-once repetition, [] for optional parts, | for alternatives and ()
233    for grouping).
235    It's not EBNF according to ISO/IEC 14977. It's a dialect Python uses in its
236    own parser.
237    """
238    rule_to_dfas = {}
239    start_nonterminal = None
240    for nfa_a, nfa_z in GrammarParser(bnf_grammar).parse():
241        dfas = _make_dfas(nfa_a, nfa_z)
242        _simplify_dfas(dfas)
243        rule_to_dfas[nfa_a.from_rule] = dfas
245        if start_nonterminal is None:
246            start_nonterminal = nfa_a.from_rule
248    reserved_strings = {}
249    for nonterminal, dfas in rule_to_dfas.items():
250        for dfa_state in dfas:
251            for terminal_or_nonterminal, next_dfa in dfa_state.arcs.items():
252                if terminal_or_nonterminal in rule_to_dfas:
253                    dfa_state.nonterminal_arcs[terminal_or_nonterminal] = next_dfa
254                else:
255                    transition = _make_transition(
256                        token_namespace, reserved_strings, terminal_or_nonterminal
257                    )
258                    dfa_state.transitions[transition] = DFAPlan(next_dfa)
260    _calculate_tree_traversal(rule_to_dfas)
261    if start_nonterminal is None:
262        raise Exception("could not find starting nonterminal!")
263    return Grammar(start_nonterminal, rule_to_dfas, reserved_strings)
266def _make_transition(token_namespace, reserved_syntax_strings, label):
267    """
268    Creates a reserved string ("if", "for", "*", ...) or returns the token type
269    (NUMBER, STRING, ...) for a given grammar terminal.
270    """
271    if label[0].isalpha():
272        # A named token (e.g. NAME, NUMBER, STRING)
273        return getattr(token_namespace, label)
274    else:
275        # Either a keyword or an operator
276        assert label[0] in ('"', "'"), label
277        assert not label.startswith('"""') and not label.startswith("'''")
278        value = literal_eval(label)
279        try:
280            return reserved_syntax_strings[value]
281        except KeyError:
282            r = reserved_syntax_strings[value] = ReservedString(value)
283            return r
286def _calculate_tree_traversal(nonterminal_to_dfas):
287    """
288    By this point we know how dfas can move around within a stack node, but we
289    don't know how we can add a new stack node (nonterminal transitions).
290    """
291    # Map from grammar rule (nonterminal) name to a set of tokens.
292    first_plans = {}
294    nonterminals = list(nonterminal_to_dfas.keys())
295    nonterminals.sort()
296    for nonterminal in nonterminals:
297        if nonterminal not in first_plans:
298            _calculate_first_plans(nonterminal_to_dfas, first_plans, nonterminal)
300    # Now that we have calculated the first terminals, we are sure that
301    # there is no left recursion.
303    for dfas in nonterminal_to_dfas.values():
304        for dfa_state in dfas:
305            transitions = dfa_state.transitions
306            for nonterminal, next_dfa in dfa_state.nonterminal_arcs.items():
307                for transition, pushes in first_plans[nonterminal].items():
308                    if transition in transitions:
309                        prev_plan = transitions[transition]
310                        # Make sure these are sorted so that error messages are
311                        # at least deterministic
312                        choices = sorted(
313                            [
314                                (
315                                    prev_plan.dfa_pushes[0].from_rule
316                                    if prev_plan.dfa_pushes
317                                    else prev_plan.next_dfa.from_rule
318                                ),
319                                (pushes[0].from_rule if pushes else next_dfa.from_rule),
320                            ]
321                        )
322                        raise ValueError(
323                            (
324                                "Rule %s is ambiguous; given a %s token, we "
325                                + "can't determine if we should evaluate %s or %s."
326                            )
327                            % ((dfa_state.from_rule, transition) + tuple(choices))
328                        )
329                    transitions[transition] = DFAPlan(next_dfa, pushes)
332def _calculate_first_plans(nonterminal_to_dfas, first_plans, nonterminal):
333    """
334    Calculates the first plan in the first_plans dictionary for every given
335    nonterminal. This is going to be used to know when to create stack nodes.
336    """
337    dfas = nonterminal_to_dfas[nonterminal]
338    new_first_plans = {}
339    first_plans[nonterminal] = None  # dummy to detect left recursion
340    # We only need to check the first dfa. All the following ones are not
341    # interesting to find first terminals.
342    state = dfas[0]
343    for transition, next_ in state.transitions.items():
344        # It's a string. We have finally found a possible first token.
345        new_first_plans[transition] = [next_.next_dfa]
347    for nonterminal2, next_ in state.nonterminal_arcs.items():
348        # It's a nonterminal and we have either a left recursion issue
349        # in the grammar or we have to recurse.
350        try:
351            first_plans2 = first_plans[nonterminal2]
352        except KeyError:
353            first_plans2 = _calculate_first_plans(
354                nonterminal_to_dfas, first_plans, nonterminal2
355            )
356        else:
357            if first_plans2 is None:
358                raise ValueError("left recursion for rule %r" % nonterminal)
360        for t, pushes in first_plans2.items():
361            new_first_plans[t] = [next_] + pushes
363    first_plans[nonterminal] = new_first_plans
364    return new_first_plans