1"""The :class:`Schema` class, including its metaclass and options (class Meta)."""
2from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
3from collections.abc import Mapping
4from functools import lru_cache
5import datetime as dt
6import uuid
7import decimal
8import copy
9import inspect
10import json
11import typing
12import warnings
14from marshmallow import base, fields as ma_fields, class_registry, types
15from marshmallow.error_store import ErrorStore
16from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError, StringNotCollectionError
17from marshmallow.orderedset import OrderedSet
18from marshmallow.decorators import (
19    POST_DUMP,
20    POST_LOAD,
21    PRE_DUMP,
22    PRE_LOAD,
26from marshmallow.utils import (
27    RAISE,
28    EXCLUDE,
29    INCLUDE,
30    missing,
31    set_value,
32    get_value,
33    is_collection,
34    is_instance_or_subclass,
36from marshmallow.warnings import RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning
38_T = typing.TypeVar("_T")
41def _get_fields(attrs, ordered=False):
42    """Get fields from a class. If ordered=True, fields will sorted by creation index.
44    :param attrs: Mapping of class attributes
45    :param bool ordered: Sort fields by creation index
46    """
47    fields = [
48        (field_name, field_value)
49        for field_name, field_value in attrs.items()
50        if is_instance_or_subclass(field_value, base.FieldABC)
51    ]
52    if ordered:
53        fields.sort(key=lambda pair: pair[1]._creation_index)
54    return fields
57# This function allows Schemas to inherit from non-Schema classes and ensures
58#   inheritance according to the MRO
59def _get_fields_by_mro(klass, ordered=False):
60    """Collect fields from a class, following its method resolution order. The
61    class itself is excluded from the search; only its parents are checked. Get
62    fields from ``_declared_fields`` if available, else use ``__dict__``.
64    :param type klass: Class whose fields to retrieve
65    """
66    mro = inspect.getmro(klass)
67    # Loop over mro in reverse to maintain correct order of fields
68    return sum(
69        (
70            _get_fields(
71                getattr(base, "_declared_fields", base.__dict__),
72                ordered=ordered,
73            )
74            for base in mro[:0:-1]
75        ),
76        [],
77    )
80class SchemaMeta(type):
81    """Metaclass for the Schema class. Binds the declared fields to
82    a ``_declared_fields`` attribute, which is a dictionary mapping attribute
83    names to field objects. Also sets the ``opts`` class attribute, which is
84    the Schema class's ``class Meta`` options.
85    """
87    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
88        meta = attrs.get("Meta")
89        ordered = getattr(meta, "ordered", False)
90        if not ordered:
91            # Inherit 'ordered' option
92            # Warning: We loop through bases instead of MRO because we don't
93            # yet have access to the class object
94            # (i.e. can't call super before we have fields)
95            for base_ in bases:
96                if hasattr(base_, "Meta") and hasattr(base_.Meta, "ordered"):
97                    ordered = base_.Meta.ordered
98                    break
99            else:
100                ordered = False
101        cls_fields = _get_fields(attrs, ordered=ordered)
102        # Remove fields from list of class attributes to avoid shadowing
103        # Schema attributes/methods in case of name conflict
104        for field_name, _ in cls_fields:
105            del attrs[field_name]
106        klass = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
107        inherited_fields = _get_fields_by_mro(klass, ordered=ordered)
109        meta = klass.Meta
110        # Set klass.opts in __new__ rather than __init__ so that it is accessible in
111        # get_declared_fields
112        klass.opts = klass.OPTIONS_CLASS(meta, ordered=ordered)
113        # Add fields specified in the `include` class Meta option
114        cls_fields += list(klass.opts.include.items())
116        dict_cls = OrderedDict if ordered else dict
117        # Assign _declared_fields on class
118        klass._declared_fields = mcs.get_declared_fields(
119            klass=klass,
120            cls_fields=cls_fields,
121            inherited_fields=inherited_fields,
122            dict_cls=dict_cls,
123        )
124        return klass
126    @classmethod
127    def get_declared_fields(
128        mcs,
129        klass: type,
130        cls_fields: typing.List,
131        inherited_fields: typing.List,
132        dict_cls: type,
133    ):
134        """Returns a dictionary of field_name => `Field` pairs declared on the class.
135        This is exposed mainly so that plugins can add additional fields, e.g. fields
136        computed from class Meta options.
138        :param klass: The class object.
139        :param cls_fields: The fields declared on the class, including those added
140            by the ``include`` class Meta option.
141        :param inherited_fields: Inherited fields.
142        :param dict_class: Either `dict` or `OrderedDict`, depending on the whether
143            the user specified `ordered=True`.
144        """
145        return dict_cls(inherited_fields + cls_fields)
147    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
148        super().__init__(name, bases, attrs)
149        if name and cls.opts.register:
150            class_registry.register(name, cls)
151        cls._hooks = cls.resolve_hooks()
153    def resolve_hooks(cls) -> typing.Dict[types.Tag, typing.List[str]]:
154        """Add in the decorated processors
156        By doing this after constructing the class, we let standard inheritance
157        do all the hard work.
158        """
159        mro = inspect.getmro(cls)
161        hooks = defaultdict(list)  # type: typing.Dict[types.Tag, typing.List[str]]
163        for attr_name in dir(cls):
164            # Need to look up the actual descriptor, not whatever might be
165            # bound to the class. This needs to come from the __dict__ of the
166            # declaring class.
167            for parent in mro:
168                try:
169                    attr = parent.__dict__[attr_name]
170                except KeyError:
171                    continue
172                else:
173                    break
174            else:
175                # In case we didn't find the attribute and didn't break above.
176                # We should never hit this - it's just here for completeness
177                # to exclude the possibility of attr being undefined.
178                continue
180            try:
181                hook_config = attr.__marshmallow_hook__
182            except AttributeError:
183                pass
184            else:
185                for key in hook_config.keys():
186                    # Use name here so we can get the bound method later, in
187                    # case the processor was a descriptor or something.
188                    hooks[key].append(attr_name)
190        return hooks
193class SchemaOpts:
194    """class Meta options for the :class:`Schema`. Defines defaults."""
196    def __init__(self, meta, ordered: bool = False):
197        self.fields = getattr(meta, "fields", ())
198        if not isinstance(self.fields, (list, tuple)):
199            raise ValueError("`fields` option must be a list or tuple.")
200        self.additional = getattr(meta, "additional", ())
201        if not isinstance(self.additional, (list, tuple)):
202            raise ValueError("`additional` option must be a list or tuple.")
203        if self.fields and self.additional:
204            raise ValueError(
205                "Cannot set both `fields` and `additional` options"
206                " for the same Schema."
207            )
208        self.exclude = getattr(meta, "exclude", ())
209        if not isinstance(self.exclude, (list, tuple)):
210            raise ValueError("`exclude` must be a list or tuple.")
211        self.dateformat = getattr(meta, "dateformat", None)
212        self.datetimeformat = getattr(meta, "datetimeformat", None)
213        self.timeformat = getattr(meta, "timeformat", None)
214        if hasattr(meta, "json_module"):
215            warnings.warn(
216                "The json_module class Meta option is deprecated. Use render_module instead.",
217                RemovedInMarshmallow4Warning,
218            )
219            render_module = getattr(meta, "json_module", json)
220        else:
221            render_module = json
222        self.render_module = getattr(meta, "render_module", render_module)
223        self.ordered = getattr(meta, "ordered", ordered)
224        self.index_errors = getattr(meta, "index_errors", True)
225        self.include = getattr(meta, "include", {})
226        self.load_only = getattr(meta, "load_only", ())
227        self.dump_only = getattr(meta, "dump_only", ())
228        self.unknown = getattr(meta, "unknown", RAISE)
229        self.register = getattr(meta, "register", True)
232class Schema(base.SchemaABC, metaclass=SchemaMeta):
233    """Base schema class with which to define custom schemas.
235    Example usage:
237    .. code-block:: python
239        import datetime as dt
240        from dataclasses import dataclass
242        from marshmallow import Schema, fields
245        @dataclass
246        class Album:
247            title: str
248            release_date: dt.date
251        class AlbumSchema(Schema):
252            title = fields.Str()
253            release_date = fields.Date()
256        album = Album("Beggars Banquet", dt.date(1968, 12, 6))
257        schema = AlbumSchema()
258        data = schema.dump(album)
259        data  # {'release_date': '1968-12-06', 'title': 'Beggars Banquet'}
261    :param only: Whitelist of the declared fields to select when
262        instantiating the Schema. If None, all fields are used. Nested fields
263        can be represented with dot delimiters.
264    :param exclude: Blacklist of the declared fields to exclude
265        when instantiating the Schema. If a field appears in both `only` and
266        `exclude`, it is not used. Nested fields can be represented with dot
267        delimiters.
268    :param many: Should be set to `True` if ``obj`` is a collection
269        so that the object will be serialized to a list.
270    :param context: Optional context passed to :class:`fields.Method` and
271        :class:`fields.Function` fields.
272    :param load_only: Fields to skip during serialization (write-only fields)
273    :param dump_only: Fields to skip during deserialization (read-only fields)
274    :param partial: Whether to ignore missing fields and not require
275        any fields declared. Propagates down to ``Nested`` fields as well. If
276        its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable
277        will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.
278    :param unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
279        fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
281    .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0
282        `prefix` parameter removed.
284    .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0
285        `__validators__`, `__preprocessors__`, and `__data_handlers__` are removed in favor of
286        `marshmallow.decorators.validates_schema`,
287        `marshmallow.decorators.pre_load` and `marshmallow.decorators.post_dump`.
288        `__accessor__` and `__error_handler__` are deprecated. Implement the
289        `handle_error` and `get_attribute` methods instead.
290    """
292    TYPE_MAPPING = {
293        str: ma_fields.String,
294        bytes: ma_fields.String,
295        dt.datetime: ma_fields.DateTime,
296        float: ma_fields.Float,
297        bool: ma_fields.Boolean,
298        tuple: ma_fields.Raw,
299        list: ma_fields.Raw,
300        set: ma_fields.Raw,
301        int: ma_fields.Integer,
302        uuid.UUID: ma_fields.UUID,
303        dt.time: ma_fields.Time,
304        dt.date: ma_fields.Date,
305        dt.timedelta: ma_fields.TimeDelta,
306        decimal.Decimal: ma_fields.Decimal,
307    }  # type: typing.Dict[type, typing.Type[ma_fields.Field]]
308    #: Overrides for default schema-level error messages
309    error_messages = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, str]
311    _default_error_messages = {
312        "type": "Invalid input type.",
313        "unknown": "Unknown field.",
314    }  # type: typing.Dict[str, str]
316    OPTIONS_CLASS = SchemaOpts  # type: type
318    # These get set by SchemaMeta
319    opts = None  # type: SchemaOpts
320    _declared_fields = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]
321    _hooks = {}  # type: typing.Dict[types.Tag, typing.List[str]]
323    class Meta:
324        """Options object for a Schema.
326        Example usage: ::
328            class Meta:
329                fields = ("id", "email", "date_created")
330                exclude = ("password", "secret_attribute")
332        Available options:
334        - ``fields``: Tuple or list of fields to include in the serialized result.
335        - ``additional``: Tuple or list of fields to include *in addition* to the
336            explicitly declared fields. ``additional`` and ``fields`` are
337            mutually-exclusive options.
338        - ``include``: Dictionary of additional fields to include in the schema. It is
339            usually better to define fields as class variables, but you may need to
340            use this option, e.g., if your fields are Python keywords. May be an
341            `OrderedDict`.
342        - ``exclude``: Tuple or list of fields to exclude in the serialized result.
343            Nested fields can be represented with dot delimiters.
344        - ``dateformat``: Default format for `Date <fields.Date>` fields.
345        - ``datetimeformat``: Default format for `DateTime <fields.DateTime>` fields.
346        - ``timeformat``: Default format for `Time <fields.Time>` fields.
347        - ``render_module``: Module to use for `loads <Schema.loads>` and `dumps <Schema.dumps>`.
348            Defaults to `json` from the standard library.
349        - ``ordered``: If `True`, order serialization output according to the
350            order in which fields were declared. Output of `Schema.dump` will be a
351            `collections.OrderedDict`.
352        - ``index_errors``: If `True`, errors dictionaries will include the index
353            of invalid items in a collection.
354        - ``load_only``: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from serialized results.
355        - ``dump_only``: Tuple or list of fields to exclude from deserialization
356        - ``unknown``: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
357            fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
358        - ``register``: Whether to register the `Schema` with marshmallow's internal
359            class registry. Must be `True` if you intend to refer to this `Schema`
360            by class name in `Nested` fields. Only set this to `False` when memory
361            usage is critical. Defaults to `True`.
362        """
364    def __init__(
365        self,
366        *,
367        only: typing.Optional[types.StrSequenceOrSet] = None,
368        exclude: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (),
369        many: bool = False,
370        context: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None,
371        load_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (),
372        dump_only: types.StrSequenceOrSet = (),
373        partial: typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet] = False,
374        unknown: typing.Optional[str] = None,
375    ):
376        # Raise error if only or exclude is passed as string, not list of strings
377        if only is not None and not is_collection(only):
378            raise StringNotCollectionError('"only" should be a list of strings')
379        if not is_collection(exclude):
380            raise StringNotCollectionError('"exclude" should be a list of strings')
381        # copy declared fields from metaclass
382        self.declared_fields = copy.deepcopy(self._declared_fields)
383        self.many = many
384        self.only = only
385        self.exclude = set(self.opts.exclude) | set(exclude)
386        self.ordered = self.opts.ordered
387        self.load_only = set(load_only) or set(self.opts.load_only)
388        self.dump_only = set(dump_only) or set(self.opts.dump_only)
389        self.partial = partial
390        self.unknown = unknown or self.opts.unknown
391        self.context = context or {}
392        self._normalize_nested_options()
393        #: Dictionary mapping field_names -> :class:`Field` objects
394        self.fields = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]
395        self.load_fields = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]
396        self.dump_fields = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, ma_fields.Field]
397        self._init_fields()
398        messages = {}
399        messages.update(self._default_error_messages)
400        for cls in reversed(self.__class__.__mro__):
401            messages.update(getattr(cls, "error_messages", {}))
402        messages.update(self.error_messages or {})
403        self.error_messages = messages
405    def __repr__(self) -> str:
406        return "<{ClassName}(many={self.many})>".format(
407            ClassName=self.__class__.__name__, self=self
408        )
410    @property
411    def dict_class(self) -> type:
412        return OrderedDict if self.ordered else dict
414    @property
415    def set_class(self) -> type:
416        return OrderedSet if self.ordered else set
418    @classmethod
419    def from_dict(
420        cls,
421        fields: typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[ma_fields.Field, type]],
422        *,
423        name: str = "GeneratedSchema",
424    ) -> type:
425        """Generate a `Schema` class given a dictionary of fields.
427        .. code-block:: python
429            from marshmallow import Schema, fields
431            PersonSchema = Schema.from_dict({"name": fields.Str()})
432            print(PersonSchema().load({"name": "David"}))  # => {'name': 'David'}
434        Generated schemas are not added to the class registry and therefore cannot
435        be referred to by name in `Nested` fields.
437        :param dict fields: Dictionary mapping field names to field instances.
438        :param str name: Optional name for the class, which will appear in
439            the ``repr`` for the class.
441        .. versionadded:: 3.0.0
442        """
443        attrs = fields.copy()
444        attrs["Meta"] = type(
445            "GeneratedMeta", (getattr(cls, "Meta", object),), {"register": False}
446        )
447        schema_cls = type(name, (cls,), attrs)
448        return schema_cls
450    ##### Override-able methods #####
452    def handle_error(
453        self, error: ValidationError, data: typing.Any, *, many: bool, **kwargs
454    ):
455        """Custom error handler function for the schema.
457        :param error: The `ValidationError` raised during (de)serialization.
458        :param data: The original input data.
459        :param many: Value of ``many`` on dump or load.
460        :param partial: Value of ``partial`` on load.
462        .. versionadded:: 2.0.0
464        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0rc9
465            Receives `many` and `partial` (on deserialization) as keyword arguments.
466        """
467        pass
469    def get_attribute(self, obj: typing.Any, attr: str, default: typing.Any):
470        """Defines how to pull values from an object to serialize.
472        .. versionadded:: 2.0.0
474        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0a1
475            Changed position of ``obj`` and ``attr``.
476        """
477        return get_value(obj, attr, default)
479    ##### Serialization/Deserialization API #####
481    @staticmethod
482    def _call_and_store(getter_func, data, *, field_name, error_store, index=None):
483        """Call ``getter_func`` with ``data`` as its argument, and store any `ValidationErrors`.
485        :param callable getter_func: Function for getting the serialized/deserialized
486            value from ``data``.
487        :param data: The data passed to ``getter_func``.
488        :param str field_name: Field name.
489        :param int index: Index of the item being validated, if validating a collection,
490            otherwise `None`.
491        """
492        try:
493            value = getter_func(data)
494        except ValidationError as error:
495            error_store.store_error(error.messages, field_name, index=index)
496            # When a Nested field fails validation, the marshalled data is stored
497            # on the ValidationError's valid_data attribute
498            return error.valid_data or missing
499        return value
501    def _serialize(
502        self, obj: typing.Union[_T, typing.Iterable[_T]], *, many: bool = False
503    ):
504        """Serialize ``obj``.
506        :param obj: The object(s) to serialize.
507        :param bool many: `True` if ``data`` should be serialized as a collection.
508        :return: A dictionary of the serialized data
510        .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0
511            Renamed from ``marshal``.
512        """
513        if many and obj is not None:
514            return [
515                self._serialize(d, many=False)
516                for d in typing.cast(typing.Iterable[_T], obj)
517            ]
518        ret = self.dict_class()
519        for attr_name, field_obj in self.dump_fields.items():
520            value = field_obj.serialize(attr_name, obj, accessor=self.get_attribute)
521            if value is missing:
522                continue
523            key = field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else attr_name
524            ret[key] = value
525        return ret
527    def dump(self, obj: typing.Any, *, many: typing.Optional[bool] = None):
528        """Serialize an object to native Python data types according to this
529        Schema's fields.
531        :param obj: The object to serialize.
532        :param many: Whether to serialize `obj` as a collection. If `None`, the value
533            for `self.many` is used.
534        :return: Serialized data
536        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
537        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0b7
538            This method returns the serialized data rather than a ``(data, errors)`` duple.
539            A :exc:`ValidationError <marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError>` is raised
540            if ``obj`` is invalid.
541        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0rc9
542            Validation no longer occurs upon serialization.
543        """
544        many = self.many if many is None else bool(many)
545        if self._has_processors(PRE_DUMP):
546            processed_obj = self._invoke_dump_processors(
547                PRE_DUMP, obj, many=many, original_data=obj
548            )
549        else:
550            processed_obj = obj
552        result = self._serialize(processed_obj, many=many)
554        if self._has_processors(POST_DUMP):
555            result = self._invoke_dump_processors(
556                POST_DUMP, result, many=many, original_data=obj
557            )
559        return result
561    def dumps(
562        self, obj: typing.Any, *args, many: typing.Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs
563    ):
564        """Same as :meth:`dump`, except return a JSON-encoded string.
566        :param obj: The object to serialize.
567        :param many: Whether to serialize `obj` as a collection. If `None`, the value
568            for `self.many` is used.
569        :return: A ``json`` string
571        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
572        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0b7
573            This method returns the serialized data rather than a ``(data, errors)`` duple.
574            A :exc:`ValidationError <marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError>` is raised
575            if ``obj`` is invalid.
576        """
577        serialized = self.dump(obj, many=many)
578        return self.opts.render_module.dumps(serialized, *args, **kwargs)
580    def _deserialize(
581        self,
582        data: typing.Union[
583            typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
584            typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]],
585        ],
586        *,
587        error_store: ErrorStore,
588        many: bool = False,
589        partial=False,
590        unknown=RAISE,
591        index=None,
592    ) -> typing.Union[_T, typing.List[_T]]:
593        """Deserialize ``data``.
595        :param dict data: The data to deserialize.
596        :param ErrorStore error_store: Structure to store errors.
597        :param bool many: `True` if ``data`` should be deserialized as a collection.
598        :param bool|tuple partial: Whether to ignore missing fields and not require
599            any fields declared. Propagates down to ``Nested`` fields as well. If
600            its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable
601            will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.
602        :param unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
603            fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
604        :param int index: Index of the item being serialized (for storing errors) if
605            serializing a collection, otherwise `None`.
606        :return: A dictionary of the deserialized data.
607        """
608        index_errors = self.opts.index_errors
609        index = index if index_errors else None
610        if many:
611            if not is_collection(data):
612                error_store.store_error([self.error_messages["type"]], index=index)
613                ret_l = []  # type: typing.List[_T]
614            else:
615                ret_l = [
616                    typing.cast(
617                        _T,
618                        self._deserialize(
619                            typing.cast(typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any], d),
620                            error_store=error_store,
621                            many=False,
622                            partial=partial,
623                            unknown=unknown,
624                            index=idx,
625                        ),
626                    )
627                    for idx, d in enumerate(data)
628                ]
629            return ret_l
630        ret_d = self.dict_class()
631        # Check data is a dict
632        if not isinstance(data, Mapping):
633            error_store.store_error([self.error_messages["type"]], index=index)
634        else:
635            partial_is_collection = is_collection(partial)
636            for attr_name, field_obj in self.load_fields.items():
637                field_name = (
638                    field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else attr_name
639                )
640                raw_value = data.get(field_name, missing)
641                if raw_value is missing:
642                    # Ignore missing field if we're allowed to.
643                    if partial is True or (
644                        partial_is_collection and attr_name in partial
645                    ):
646                        continue
647                d_kwargs = {}
648                # Allow partial loading of nested schemas.
649                if partial_is_collection:
650                    prefix = field_name + "."
651                    len_prefix = len(prefix)
652                    sub_partial = [
653                        f[len_prefix:] for f in partial if f.startswith(prefix)
654                    ]
655                    d_kwargs["partial"] = sub_partial
656                else:
657                    d_kwargs["partial"] = partial
658                getter = lambda val: field_obj.deserialize(
659                    val, field_name, data, **d_kwargs
660                )
661                value = self._call_and_store(
662                    getter_func=getter,
663                    data=raw_value,
664                    field_name=field_name,
665                    error_store=error_store,
666                    index=index,
667                )
668                if value is not missing:
669                    key = field_obj.attribute or attr_name
670                    set_value(ret_d, key, value)
671            if unknown != EXCLUDE:
672                fields = {
673                    field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else field_name
674                    for field_name, field_obj in self.load_fields.items()
675                }
676                for key in set(data) - fields:
677                    value = data[key]
678                    if unknown == INCLUDE:
679                        ret_d[key] = value
680                    elif unknown == RAISE:
681                        error_store.store_error(
682                            [self.error_messages["unknown"]],
683                            key,
684                            (index if index_errors else None),
685                        )
686        return ret_d
688    def load(
689        self,
690        data: typing.Union[
691            typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
692            typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]],
693        ],
694        *,
695        many: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
696        partial: typing.Optional[typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet]] = None,
697        unknown: typing.Optional[str] = None,
698    ):
699        """Deserialize a data structure to an object defined by this Schema's fields.
701        :param data: The data to deserialize.
702        :param many: Whether to deserialize `data` as a collection. If `None`, the
703            value for `self.many` is used.
704        :param partial: Whether to ignore missing fields and not require
705            any fields declared. Propagates down to ``Nested`` fields as well. If
706            its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable
707            will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.
708        :param unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
709            fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
710            If `None`, the value for `self.unknown` is used.
711        :return: Deserialized data
713        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
714        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0b7
715            This method returns the deserialized data rather than a ``(data, errors)`` duple.
716            A :exc:`ValidationError <marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError>` is raised
717            if invalid data are passed.
718        """
719        return self._do_load(
720            data, many=many, partial=partial, unknown=unknown, postprocess=True
721        )
723    def loads(
724        self,
725        json_data: str,
726        *,
727        many: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
728        partial: typing.Optional[typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet]] = None,
729        unknown: typing.Optional[str] = None,
730        **kwargs,
731    ):
732        """Same as :meth:`load`, except it takes a JSON string as input.
734        :param json_data: A JSON string of the data to deserialize.
735        :param many: Whether to deserialize `obj` as a collection. If `None`, the
736            value for `self.many` is used.
737        :param partial: Whether to ignore missing fields and not require
738            any fields declared. Propagates down to ``Nested`` fields as well. If
739            its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable
740            will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.
741        :param unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
742            fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
743            If `None`, the value for `self.unknown` is used.
744        :return: Deserialized data
746        .. versionadded:: 1.0.0
747        .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0b7
748            This method returns the deserialized data rather than a ``(data, errors)`` duple.
749            A :exc:`ValidationError <marshmallow.exceptions.ValidationError>` is raised
750            if invalid data are passed.
751        """
752        data = self.opts.render_module.loads(json_data, **kwargs)
753        return self.load(data, many=many, partial=partial, unknown=unknown)
755    def _run_validator(
756        self,
757        validator_func,
758        output,
759        *,
760        original_data,
761        error_store,
762        many,
763        partial,
764        pass_original,
765        index=None,
766    ):
767        try:
768            if pass_original:  # Pass original, raw data (before unmarshalling)
769                validator_func(output, original_data, partial=partial, many=many)
770            else:
771                validator_func(output, partial=partial, many=many)
772        except ValidationError as err:
773            error_store.store_error(err.messages, err.field_name, index=index)
775    def validate(
776        self,
777        data: typing.Union[
778            typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
779            typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]],
780        ],
781        *,
782        many: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
783        partial: typing.Optional[typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet]] = None,
784    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]]:
785        """Validate `data` against the schema, returning a dictionary of
786        validation errors.
788        :param data: The data to validate.
789        :param many: Whether to validate `data` as a collection. If `None`, the
790            value for `self.many` is used.
791        :param partial: Whether to ignore missing fields and not require
792            any fields declared. Propagates down to ``Nested`` fields as well. If
793            its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable
794            will be ignored. Use dot delimiters to specify nested fields.
795        :return: A dictionary of validation errors.
797        .. versionadded:: 1.1.0
798        """
799        try:
800            self._do_load(data, many=many, partial=partial, postprocess=False)
801        except ValidationError as exc:
802            return typing.cast(typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]], exc.messages)
803        return {}
805    ##### Private Helpers #####
807    def _do_load(
808        self,
809        data: typing.Union[
810            typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any],
811            typing.Iterable[typing.Mapping[str, typing.Any]],
812        ],
813        *,
814        many: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
815        partial: typing.Optional[typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet]] = None,
816        unknown: typing.Optional[str] = None,
817        postprocess: bool = True,
818    ):
819        """Deserialize `data`, returning the deserialized result.
820        This method is private API.
822        :param data: The data to deserialize.
823        :param many: Whether to deserialize `data` as a collection. If `None`, the
824            value for `self.many` is used.
825        :param partial: Whether to validate required fields. If its
826            value is an iterable, only fields listed in that iterable will be
827            ignored will be allowed missing. If `True`, all fields will be allowed missing.
828            If `None`, the value for `self.partial` is used.
829        :param unknown: Whether to exclude, include, or raise an error for unknown
830            fields in the data. Use `EXCLUDE`, `INCLUDE` or `RAISE`.
831            If `None`, the value for `self.unknown` is used.
832        :param postprocess: Whether to run post_load methods..
833        :return: Deserialized data
834        """
835        error_store = ErrorStore()
836        errors = {}  # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]]
837        many = self.many if many is None else bool(many)
838        unknown = unknown or self.unknown
839        if partial is None:
840            partial = self.partial
841        # Run preprocessors
842        if self._has_processors(PRE_LOAD):
843            try:
844                processed_data = self._invoke_load_processors(
845                    PRE_LOAD, data, many=many, original_data=data, partial=partial
846                )
847            except ValidationError as err:
848                errors = err.normalized_messages()
849                result = (
850                    None
851                )  # type: typing.Optional[typing.Union[typing.List, typing.Dict]]
852        else:
853            processed_data = data
854        if not errors:
855            # Deserialize data
856            result = self._deserialize(
857                processed_data,
858                error_store=error_store,
859                many=many,
860                partial=partial,
861                unknown=unknown,
862            )
863            # Run field-level validation
864            self._invoke_field_validators(
865                error_store=error_store, data=result, many=many
866            )
867            # Run schema-level validation
868            if self._has_processors(VALIDATES_SCHEMA):
869                field_errors = bool(error_store.errors)
870                self._invoke_schema_validators(
871                    error_store=error_store,
872                    pass_many=True,
873                    data=result,
874                    original_data=data,
875                    many=many,
876                    partial=partial,
877                    field_errors=field_errors,
878                )
879                self._invoke_schema_validators(
880                    error_store=error_store,
881                    pass_many=False,
882                    data=result,
883                    original_data=data,
884                    many=many,
885                    partial=partial,
886                    field_errors=field_errors,
887                )
888            errors = error_store.errors
889            # Run post processors
890            if not errors and postprocess and self._has_processors(POST_LOAD):
891                try:
892                    result = self._invoke_load_processors(
893                        POST_LOAD,
894                        result,
895                        many=many,
896                        original_data=data,
897                        partial=partial,
898                    )
899                except ValidationError as err:
900                    errors = err.normalized_messages()
901        if errors:
902            exc = ValidationError(errors, data=data, valid_data=result)
903            self.handle_error(exc, data, many=many, partial=partial)
904            raise exc
906        return result
908    def _normalize_nested_options(self) -> None:
909        """Apply then flatten nested schema options.
910        This method is private API.
911        """
912        if self.only is not None:
913            # Apply the only option to nested fields.
914            self.__apply_nested_option("only", self.only, "intersection")
915            # Remove the child field names from the only option.
916            self.only = self.set_class([field.split(".", 1)[0] for field in self.only])
917        if self.exclude:
918            # Apply the exclude option to nested fields.
919            self.__apply_nested_option("exclude", self.exclude, "union")
920            # Remove the parent field names from the exclude option.
921            self.exclude = self.set_class(
922                [field for field in self.exclude if "." not in field]
923            )
925    def __apply_nested_option(self, option_name, field_names, set_operation) -> None:
926        """Apply nested options to nested fields"""
927        # Split nested field names on the first dot.
928        nested_fields = [name.split(".", 1) for name in field_names if "." in name]
929        # Partition the nested field names by parent field.
930        nested_options = defaultdict(list)  # type: defaultdict
931        for parent, nested_names in nested_fields:
932            nested_options[parent].append(nested_names)
933        # Apply the nested field options.
934        for key, options in iter(nested_options.items()):
935            new_options = self.set_class(options)
936            original_options = getattr(self.declared_fields[key], option_name, ())
937            if original_options:
938                if set_operation == "union":
939                    new_options |= self.set_class(original_options)
940                if set_operation == "intersection":
941                    new_options &= self.set_class(original_options)
942            setattr(self.declared_fields[key], option_name, new_options)
944    def _init_fields(self) -> None:
945        """Update self.fields, self.load_fields, and self.dump_fields based on schema options.
946        This method is private API.
947        """
948        if self.opts.fields:
949            available_field_names = self.set_class(self.opts.fields)
950        else:
951            available_field_names = self.set_class(self.declared_fields.keys())
952            if self.opts.additional:
953                available_field_names |= self.set_class(self.opts.additional)
955        invalid_fields = self.set_class()
957        if self.only is not None:
958            # Return only fields specified in only option
959            field_names = self.set_class(self.only)
961            invalid_fields |= field_names - available_field_names
962        else:
963            field_names = available_field_names
965        # If "exclude" option or param is specified, remove those fields.
966        if self.exclude:
967            # Note that this isn't available_field_names, since we want to
968            # apply "only" for the actual calculation.
969            field_names = field_names - self.exclude
970            invalid_fields |= self.exclude - available_field_names
972        if invalid_fields:
973            message = f"Invalid fields for {self}: {invalid_fields}."
974            raise ValueError(message)
976        fields_dict = self.dict_class()
977        for field_name in field_names:
978            field_obj = self.declared_fields.get(field_name, ma_fields.Inferred())
979            self._bind_field(field_name, field_obj)
980            fields_dict[field_name] = field_obj
982        load_fields, dump_fields = self.dict_class(), self.dict_class()
983        for field_name, field_obj in fields_dict.items():
984            if not field_obj.dump_only:
985                load_fields[field_name] = field_obj
986            if not field_obj.load_only:
987                dump_fields[field_name] = field_obj
989        dump_data_keys = [
990            field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else name
991            for name, field_obj in dump_fields.items()
992        ]
993        if len(dump_data_keys) != len(set(dump_data_keys)):
994            data_keys_duplicates = {
995                x for x in dump_data_keys if dump_data_keys.count(x) > 1
996            }
997            raise ValueError(
998                "The data_key argument for one or more fields collides "
999                "with another field's name or data_key argument. "
1000                "Check the following field names and "
1001                "data_key arguments: {}".format(list(data_keys_duplicates))
1002            )
1003        load_attributes = [obj.attribute or name for name, obj in load_fields.items()]
1004        if len(load_attributes) != len(set(load_attributes)):
1005            attributes_duplicates = {
1006                x for x in load_attributes if load_attributes.count(x) > 1
1007            }
1008            raise ValueError(
1009                "The attribute argument for one or more fields collides "
1010                "with another field's name or attribute argument. "
1011                "Check the following field names and "
1012                "attribute arguments: {}".format(list(attributes_duplicates))
1013            )
1015        self.fields = fields_dict
1016        self.dump_fields = dump_fields
1017        self.load_fields = load_fields
1019    def on_bind_field(self, field_name: str, field_obj: ma_fields.Field) -> None:
1020        """Hook to modify a field when it is bound to the `Schema`.
1022        No-op by default.
1023        """
1024        return None
1026    def _bind_field(self, field_name: str, field_obj: ma_fields.Field) -> None:
1027        """Bind field to the schema, setting any necessary attributes on the
1028        field (e.g. parent and name).
1030        Also set field load_only and dump_only values if field_name was
1031        specified in ``class Meta``.
1032        """
1033        if field_name in self.load_only:
1034            field_obj.load_only = True
1035        if field_name in self.dump_only:
1036            field_obj.dump_only = True
1037        try:
1038            field_obj._bind_to_schema(field_name, self)
1039        except TypeError as error:
1040            # Field declared as a class, not an instance. Ignore type checking because
1041            # we handle unsupported arg types, i.e. this is dead code from
1042            # the type checker's perspective.
1043            if isinstance(field_obj, type) and issubclass(field_obj, base.FieldABC):
1044                msg = (
1045                    'Field for "{}" must be declared as a '
1046                    "Field instance, not a class. "
1047                    'Did you mean "fields.{}()"?'.format(field_name, field_obj.__name__)
1048                )
1049                raise TypeError(msg) from error
1050            raise error
1051        self.on_bind_field(field_name, field_obj)
1053    @lru_cache(maxsize=8)
1054    def _has_processors(self, tag) -> bool:
1055        return bool(self._hooks[(tag, True)] or self._hooks[(tag, False)])
1057    def _invoke_dump_processors(
1058        self, tag: str, data, *, many: bool, original_data=None
1059    ):
1060        # The pass_many post-dump processors may do things like add an envelope, so
1061        # invoke those after invoking the non-pass_many processors which will expect
1062        # to get a list of items.
1063        data = self._invoke_processors(
1064            tag, pass_many=False, data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data
1065        )
1066        data = self._invoke_processors(
1067            tag, pass_many=True, data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data
1068        )
1069        return data
1071    def _invoke_load_processors(
1072        self,
1073        tag: str,
1074        data,
1075        *,
1076        many: bool,
1077        original_data,
1078        partial: typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet],
1079    ):
1080        # This has to invert the order of the dump processors, so run the pass_many
1081        # processors first.
1082        data = self._invoke_processors(
1083            tag,
1084            pass_many=True,
1085            data=data,
1086            many=many,
1087            original_data=original_data,
1088            partial=partial,
1089        )
1090        data = self._invoke_processors(
1091            tag,
1092            pass_many=False,
1093            data=data,
1094            many=many,
1095            original_data=original_data,
1096            partial=partial,
1097        )
1098        return data
1100    def _invoke_field_validators(self, *, error_store: ErrorStore, data, many: bool):
1101        for attr_name in self._hooks[VALIDATES]:
1102            validator = getattr(self, attr_name)
1103            validator_kwargs = validator.__marshmallow_hook__[VALIDATES]
1104            field_name = validator_kwargs["field_name"]
1106            try:
1107                field_obj = self.fields[field_name]
1108            except KeyError as error:
1109                if field_name in self.declared_fields:
1110                    continue
1111                raise ValueError(f'"{field_name}" field does not exist.') from error
1113            data_key = (
1114                field_obj.data_key if field_obj.data_key is not None else field_name
1115            )
1116            if many:
1117                for idx, item in enumerate(data):
1118                    try:
1119                        value = item[field_obj.attribute or field_name]
1120                    except KeyError:
1121                        pass
1122                    else:
1123                        validated_value = self._call_and_store(
1124                            getter_func=validator,
1125                            data=value,
1126                            field_name=data_key,
1127                            error_store=error_store,
1128                            index=(idx if self.opts.index_errors else None),
1129                        )
1130                        if validated_value is missing:
1131                            data[idx].pop(field_name, None)
1132            else:
1133                try:
1134                    value = data[field_obj.attribute or field_name]
1135                except KeyError:
1136                    pass
1137                else:
1138                    validated_value = self._call_and_store(
1139                        getter_func=validator,
1140                        data=value,
1141                        field_name=data_key,
1142                        error_store=error_store,
1143                    )
1144                    if validated_value is missing:
1145                        data.pop(field_name, None)
1147    def _invoke_schema_validators(
1148        self,
1149        *,
1150        error_store: ErrorStore,
1151        pass_many: bool,
1152        data,
1153        original_data,
1154        many: bool,
1155        partial: typing.Union[bool, types.StrSequenceOrSet],
1156        field_errors: bool = False,
1157    ):
1158        for attr_name in self._hooks[(VALIDATES_SCHEMA, pass_many)]:
1159            validator = getattr(self, attr_name)
1160            validator_kwargs = validator.__marshmallow_hook__[
1161                (VALIDATES_SCHEMA, pass_many)
1162            ]
1163            if field_errors and validator_kwargs["skip_on_field_errors"]:
1164                continue
1165            pass_original = validator_kwargs.get("pass_original", False)
1167            if many and not pass_many:
1168                for idx, (item, orig) in enumerate(zip(data, original_data)):
1169                    self._run_validator(
1170                        validator,
1171                        item,
1172                        original_data=orig,
1173                        error_store=error_store,
1174                        many=many,
1175                        partial=partial,
1176                        index=idx,
1177                        pass_original=pass_original,
1178                    )
1179            else:
1180                self._run_validator(
1181                    validator,
1182                    data,
1183                    original_data=original_data,
1184                    error_store=error_store,
1185                    many=many,
1186                    pass_original=pass_original,
1187                    partial=partial,
1188                )
1190    def _invoke_processors(
1191        self,
1192        tag: str,
1193        *,
1194        pass_many: bool,
1195        data,
1196        many: bool,
1197        original_data=None,
1198        **kwargs,
1199    ):
1200        key = (tag, pass_many)
1201        for attr_name in self._hooks[key]:
1202            # This will be a bound method.
1203            processor = getattr(self, attr_name)
1205            processor_kwargs = processor.__marshmallow_hook__[key]
1206            pass_original = processor_kwargs.get("pass_original", False)
1208            if many and not pass_many:
1209                if pass_original:
1210                    data = [
1211                        processor(item, original, many=many, **kwargs)
1212                        for item, original in zip(data, original_data)
1213                    ]
1214                else:
1215                    data = [processor(item, many=many, **kwargs) for item in data]
1216            else:
1217                if pass_original:
1218                    data = processor(data, original_data, many=many, **kwargs)
1219                else:
1220                    data = processor(data, many=many, **kwargs)
1221        return data
1224BaseSchema = Schema  # for backwards compatibility