1from moto.core import ACCOUNT_ID
2from moto.core.responses import BaseResponse
3from .models import elastictranscoder_backends
4import json
5import re
8class ElasticTranscoderResponse(BaseResponse):
9    SERVICE_NAME = "elastictranscoder"
11    @property
12    def elastictranscoder_backend(self):
13        return elastictranscoder_backends[self.region]
15    def pipelines(self, request, full_url, headers):
16        self.setup_class(request, full_url, headers)
17        if request.method == "POST":
18            return self.create_pipeline()
19        elif request.method == "GET":
20            return self.list_pipelines()
21        else:
22            return self.update_pipeline()
24    def individual_pipeline(self, request, full_url, headers):
25        self.setup_class(request, full_url, headers)
26        if request.method == "GET":
27            return self.read_pipeline()
28        elif request.method == "DELETE":
29            return self.delete_pipeline()
30        else:
31            return self.update_pipeline()
33    def create_pipeline(self):
34        name = self._get_param("Name")
35        input_bucket = self._get_param("InputBucket")
36        output_bucket = self._get_param("OutputBucket")
37        role = self._get_param("Role")
38        aws_kms_key_arn = self._get_param("AwsKmsKeyArn")
39        notifications = self._get_param("Notifications")
40        content_config = self._get_param("ContentConfig")
41        thumbnail_config = self._get_param("ThumbnailConfig")
42        if not role:
43            return self.err("Role cannot be blank")
44        if not re.match("^arn:aws:iam::[0-9]+:role/.+", role):
45            return self.err("Role ARN is invalid: {}".format(role))
46        if not output_bucket and not content_config:
47            return self.err(
48                "[OutputBucket and ContentConfig:Bucket are not allowed to both be null.]"
49            )
50        if output_bucket and content_config:
51            return self.err("[OutputBucket and ContentConfig are mutually exclusive.]")
52        if content_config and not thumbnail_config:
53            return self.err(
54                "[ThumbnailConfig:Bucket is not allowed to be null if ContentConfig is specified.]"
55            )
56        pipeline, warnings = self.elastictranscoder_backend.create_pipeline(
57            name=name,
58            input_bucket=input_bucket,
59            output_bucket=output_bucket,
60            role=role,
61            aws_kms_key_arn=aws_kms_key_arn,
62            notifications=notifications,
63            content_config=content_config,
64            thumbnail_config=thumbnail_config,
65        )
66        return (
67            201,
68            {"status": 201},
69            json.dumps({"Pipeline": pipeline.to_dict(), "Warnings": warnings}),
70        )
72    def list_pipelines(self):
73        return (
74            200,
75            {},
76            json.dumps({"Pipelines": self.elastictranscoder_backend.list_pipelines()}),
77        )
79    def validate_pipeline_id(self, pipeline_id):
80        r = "^\\d{13}-\\w{6}$"
81        if not re.match(r, pipeline_id):
82            msg = "1 validation error detected: Value '{}' at 'id' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: {}".format(
83                pipeline_id, r
84            )
85            return self.err(msg)
86        try:
87            self.elastictranscoder_backend.read_pipeline(pipeline_id)
88            return None
89        except KeyError:
90            msg = "The specified pipeline was not found: account={}, pipelineId={}.".format(
91                ACCOUNT_ID, pipeline_id
92            )
93            return (
94                404,
95                {"status": 404, "x-amzn-ErrorType": "ResourceNotFoundException"},
96                json.dumps({"message": msg}),
97            )
99    def read_pipeline(self):
100        _id = self.path.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
101        err = self.validate_pipeline_id(_id)
102        if err:
103            return err
104        pipeline = self.elastictranscoder_backend.read_pipeline(_id)
105        return 200, {}, json.dumps({"Pipeline": pipeline.to_dict()})
107    def update_pipeline(self):
108        _id = self.path.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
109        name = self._get_param("Name")
110        input_bucket = self._get_param("InputBucket")
111        role = self._get_param("Role")
112        aws_kms_key_arn = self._get_param("AwsKmsKeyArn")
113        notifications = self._get_param("Notifications")
114        content_config = self._get_param("ContentConfig")
115        thumbnail_config = self._get_param("ThumbnailConfig")
116        err = self.validate_pipeline_id(_id)
117        if err:
118            return err
119        pipeline, warnings = self.elastictranscoder_backend.update_pipeline(
120            id=_id,
121            name=name,
122            input_bucket=input_bucket,
123            role=role,
124            aws_kms_key_arn=aws_kms_key_arn,
125            notifications=notifications,
126            content_config=content_config,
127            thumbnail_config=thumbnail_config,
128        )
130        return (
131            200,
132            {},
133            json.dumps({"Pipeline": pipeline.to_dict(), "Warnings": warnings}),
134        )
136    def delete_pipeline(self):
137        _id = self.path.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
138        self.elastictranscoder_backend.delete_pipeline(pipeline_id=_id)
139        return 200, {}, "{}"
141    def err(self, msg):
142        return (
143            400,
144            {"status": 400, "x-amzn-ErrorType": "ValidationException"},
145            json.dumps({"message": msg}),
146        )