2Type inference base on CPA.
3The algorithm guarantees monotonic growth of type-sets for each variable.
6    1. seed initial types
7    2. build constraints
8    3. propagate constraints
9    4. unify types
11Constraint propagation is precise and does not regret (no backtracing).
12Constraints push types forward following the dataflow.
16import logging
17import operator
18import contextlib
19import itertools
20from pprint import pprint
21from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
22from functools import reduce
24from numba.core import types, utils, typing, ir, config
25from numba.core.typing.templates import Signature
26from numba.core.errors import (TypingError, UntypedAttributeError,
27                               new_error_context, termcolor, UnsupportedError,
28                               ForceLiteralArg, CompilerError)
29from numba.core.funcdesc import qualifying_prefix
31_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
34class NOTSET:
35    pass
38# terminal color markup
39_termcolor = termcolor()
42class TypeVar(object):
43    def __init__(self, context, var):
44        self.context = context
45        self.var = var
46        self.type = None
47        self.locked = False
48        # Stores source location of first definition
49        self.define_loc = None
50        # Qualifiers
51        self.literal_value = NOTSET
53    def add_type(self, tp, loc):
54        assert isinstance(tp, types.Type), type(tp)
56        if self.locked:
57            if tp != self.type:
58                if self.context.can_convert(tp, self.type) is None:
59                    msg = ("No conversion from %s to %s for '%s', "
60                           "defined at %s")
61                    raise TypingError(msg % (tp, self.type, self.var,
62                                             self.define_loc),
63                                      loc=loc)
64        else:
65            if self.type is not None:
66                unified = self.context.unify_pairs(self.type, tp)
67                if unified is None:
68                    msg = "Cannot unify %s and %s for '%s', defined at %s"
69                    raise TypingError(msg % (self.type, tp, self.var,
70                                             self.define_loc),
71                                      loc=self.define_loc)
72            else:
73                # First time definition
74                unified = tp
75                self.define_loc = loc
77            self.type = unified
79        return self.type
81    def lock(self, tp, loc, literal_value=NOTSET):
82        assert isinstance(tp, types.Type), type(tp)
84        if self.locked:
85            msg = ("Invalid reassignment of a type-variable detected, type "
86                   "variables are locked according to the user provided "
87                   "function signature or from an ir.Const node. This is a "
88                   "bug! Type={}. {}").format(tp, self.type)
89            raise CompilerError(msg, loc)
91        # If there is already a type, ensure we can convert it to the
92        # locked type.
93        if (self.type is not None and
94                self.context.can_convert(self.type, tp) is None):
95            raise TypingError("No conversion from %s to %s for "
96                              "'%s'" % (tp, self.type, self.var), loc=loc)
98        self.type = tp
99        self.locked = True
100        if self.define_loc is None:
101            self.define_loc = loc
102        self.literal_value = literal_value
104    def union(self, other, loc):
105        if other.type is not None:
106            self.add_type(other.type, loc=loc)
108        return self.type
110    def __repr__(self):
111        return '%s := %s' % (self.var, self.type or "<undecided>")
113    @property
114    def defined(self):
115        return self.type is not None
117    def get(self):
118        return (self.type,) if self.type is not None else ()
120    def getone(self):
121        if self.type is None:
122            raise TypingError("Undecided type {}".format(self))
123        return self.type
125    def __len__(self):
126        return 1 if self.type is not None else 0
129class ConstraintNetwork(object):
130    """
131    TODO: It is possible to optimize constraint propagation to consider only
132          dirty type variables.
133    """
135    def __init__(self):
136        self.constraints = []
138    def append(self, constraint):
139        self.constraints.append(constraint)
141    def propagate(self, typeinfer):
142        """
143        Execute all constraints.  Errors are caught and returned as a list.
144        This allows progressing even though some constraints may fail
145        due to lack of information
146        (e.g. imprecise types such as List(undefined)).
147        """
148        errors = []
149        for constraint in self.constraints:
150            loc = constraint.loc
151            with typeinfer.warnings.catch_warnings(filename=loc.filename,
152                                                   lineno=loc.line):
153                try:
154                    constraint(typeinfer)
155                except ForceLiteralArg as e:
156                    errors.append(e)
157                except TypingError as e:
158                    _logger.debug("captured error", exc_info=e)
159                    new_exc = TypingError(
160                        str(e), loc=constraint.loc,
161                        highlighting=False,
162                    )
163                    errors.append(utils.chain_exception(new_exc, e))
164                except Exception as e:
165                    _logger.debug("captured error", exc_info=e)
166                    msg = ("Internal error at {con}.\n"
167                           "{err}\nEnable logging at debug level for details.")
168                    new_exc = TypingError(
169                        msg.format(con=constraint, err=str(e)),
170                        loc=constraint.loc,
171                        highlighting=False,
172                    )
173                    errors.append(utils.chain_exception(new_exc, e))
174        return errors
177class Propagate(object):
178    """
179    A simple constraint for direct propagation of types for assignments.
180    """
182    def __init__(self, dst, src, loc):
183        self.dst = dst
184        self.src = src
185        self.loc = loc
187    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
188        with new_error_context("typing of assignment at {0}", self.loc,
189                               loc=self.loc):
190            typeinfer.copy_type(self.src, self.dst, loc=self.loc)
191            # If `dst` is refined, notify us
192            typeinfer.refine_map[self.dst] = self
194    def refine(self, typeinfer, target_type):
195        # Do not back-propagate to locked variables (e.g. constants)
196        assert target_type.is_precise()
197        typeinfer.add_type(self.src, target_type, unless_locked=True,
198                           loc=self.loc)
201class ArgConstraint(object):
203    def __init__(self, dst, src, loc):
204        self.dst = dst
205        self.src = src
206        self.loc = loc
208    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
209        with new_error_context("typing of argument at {0}", self.loc):
210            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
211            src = typevars[self.src]
212            if not src.defined:
213                return
214            ty = src.getone()
215            if isinstance(ty, types.Omitted):
216                ty = typeinfer.context.resolve_value_type_prefer_literal(
217                    ty.value,
218                )
219            if not ty.is_precise():
220                raise TypingError('non-precise type {}'.format(ty))
221            typeinfer.add_type(self.dst, ty, loc=self.loc)
224class BuildTupleConstraint(object):
225    def __init__(self, target, items, loc):
226        self.target = target
227        self.items = items
228        self.loc = loc
230    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
231        with new_error_context("typing of tuple at {0}", self.loc):
232            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
233            tsets = [typevars[i.name].get() for i in self.items]
234            for vals in itertools.product(*tsets):
235                if vals and all(vals[0] == v for v in vals):
236                    tup = types.UniTuple(dtype=vals[0], count=len(vals))
237                else:
238                    # empty tuples fall here as well
239                    tup = types.Tuple(vals)
240                assert tup.is_precise()
241                typeinfer.add_type(self.target, tup, loc=self.loc)
244class _BuildContainerConstraint(object):
246    def __init__(self, target, items, loc):
247        self.target = target
248        self.items = items
249        self.loc = loc
251    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
252        with new_error_context("typing of {0} at {1}",
253                               self.container_type, self.loc):
254            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
255            tsets = [typevars[i.name].get() for i in self.items]
256            if not tsets:
257                typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
258                                   self.container_type(types.undefined),
259                                   loc=self.loc)
260            else:
261                for typs in itertools.product(*tsets):
262                    unified = typeinfer.context.unify_types(*typs)
263                    if unified is not None:
264                        typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
265                                           self.container_type(unified),
266                                           loc=self.loc)
269class BuildListConstraint(_BuildContainerConstraint):
271    def __init__(self, target, items, loc):
272        self.target = target
273        self.items = items
274        self.loc = loc
276    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
277        with new_error_context("typing of {0} at {1}",
278                               types.List, self.loc):
279            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
280            tsets = [typevars[i.name].get() for i in self.items]
281            if not tsets:
282                typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
283                                   types.List(types.undefined),
284                                   loc=self.loc)
285            else:
286                for typs in itertools.product(*tsets):
287                    unified = typeinfer.context.unify_types(*typs)
288                    if unified is not None:
289                        # pull out literals if available
290                        islit = [isinstance(x, types.Literal) for x in typs]
291                        iv = None
292                        if all(islit):
293                            iv = [x.literal_value for x in typs]
294                        typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
295                                           types.List(unified,
296                                                      initial_value=iv),
297                                           loc=self.loc)
298                    else:
299                        typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
300                                           types.LiteralList(typs),
301                                           loc=self.loc)
304class BuildSetConstraint(_BuildContainerConstraint):
305    container_type = types.Set
308class BuildMapConstraint(object):
310    def __init__(self, target, items, special_value, value_indexes, loc):
311        self.target = target
312        self.items = items
313        self.special_value = special_value
314        self.value_indexes = value_indexes
315        self.loc = loc
317    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
319        with new_error_context("typing of dict at {0}", self.loc):
320            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
322            # figure out what sort of dict is being dealt with
323            tsets = [(typevars[k.name].getone(), typevars[v.name].getone())
324                     for k, v in self.items]
326            if not tsets:
327                typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
328                                   types.DictType(types.undefined,
329                                                  types.undefined,
330                                                  self.special_value),
331                                   loc=self.loc)
332            else:
333                # all the info is known about the dict, if its
334                # str keys -> random heterogeneous values treat as literalstrkey
335                ktys = [x[0] for x in tsets]
336                vtys = [x[1] for x in tsets]
337                strkey = all([isinstance(x, types.StringLiteral) for x in ktys])
338                literalvty = all([isinstance(x, types.Literal) for x in vtys])
339                vt0 = types.unliteral(vtys[0])
340                # homogeneous values comes in the form of being able to cast
341                # all the other values in the ctor to the type of the first
343                def check(other):
344                    return typeinfer.context.can_convert(other, vt0) is not None
345                homogeneous = all([check(types.unliteral(x)) for x in vtys])
346                # Special cases:
347                # Single key:value in ctor, key is str, value is an otherwise
348                # illegal container type, e.g. LiteralStrKeyDict or
349                # List, there's no way to put this into a typed.Dict, so make it
350                # a LiteralStrKeyDict, same goes for LiteralList.
351                if len(vtys) == 1:
352                    valty = vtys[0]
353                    if isinstance(valty, (types.LiteralStrKeyDict,
354                                          types.List,
355                                          types.LiteralList)):
356                        homogeneous = False
358                if strkey and not homogeneous:
359                    resolved_dict = {x: y for x, y in zip(ktys, vtys)}
360                    ty = types.LiteralStrKeyDict(resolved_dict,
361                                                 self.value_indexes)
362                    typeinfer.add_type(self.target, ty, loc=self.loc)
363                else:
364                    init_value = self.special_value if literalvty else None
365                    key_type, value_type = tsets[0]
366                    typeinfer.add_type(self.target,
367                                       types.DictType(key_type,
368                                                      value_type,
369                                                      init_value),
370                                       loc=self.loc)
373class ExhaustIterConstraint(object):
374    def __init__(self, target, count, iterator, loc):
375        self.target = target
376        self.count = count
377        self.iterator = iterator
378        self.loc = loc
380    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
381        with new_error_context("typing of exhaust iter at {0}", self.loc):
382            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
383            for tp in typevars[self.iterator.name].get():
384                # unpack optional
385                tp = tp.type if isinstance(tp, types.Optional) else tp
386                if isinstance(tp, types.BaseTuple):
387                    if len(tp) == self.count:
388                        assert tp.is_precise()
389                        typeinfer.add_type(self.target, tp, loc=self.loc)
390                        break
391                    else:
392                        raise ValueError("wrong tuple length for %r: "
393                                         "expected %d, got %d"
394                                         % (self.iterator.name, self.count,
395                                            len(tp)))
396                elif isinstance(tp, types.IterableType):
397                    tup = types.UniTuple(dtype=tp.iterator_type.yield_type,
398                                         count=self.count)
399                    assert tup.is_precise()
400                    typeinfer.add_type(self.target, tup, loc=self.loc)
401                    break
402                else:
403                    raise TypingError("failed to unpack {}".format(tp),
404                                      loc=self.loc)
407class PairFirstConstraint(object):
408    def __init__(self, target, pair, loc):
409        self.target = target
410        self.pair = pair
411        self.loc = loc
413    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
414        with new_error_context("typing of pair-first at {0}", self.loc):
415            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
416            for tp in typevars[self.pair.name].get():
417                if not isinstance(tp, types.Pair):
418                    # XXX is this an error?
419                    continue
420                assert (isinstance(tp.first_type, types.UndefinedFunctionType)
421                        or tp.first_type.is_precise())
422                typeinfer.add_type(self.target, tp.first_type, loc=self.loc)
425class PairSecondConstraint(object):
426    def __init__(self, target, pair, loc):
427        self.target = target
428        self.pair = pair
429        self.loc = loc
431    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
432        with new_error_context("typing of pair-second at {0}", self.loc):
433            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
434            for tp in typevars[self.pair.name].get():
435                if not isinstance(tp, types.Pair):
436                    # XXX is this an error?
437                    continue
438                assert tp.second_type.is_precise()
439                typeinfer.add_type(self.target, tp.second_type, loc=self.loc)
442class StaticGetItemConstraint(object):
443    def __init__(self, target, value, index, index_var, loc):
444        self.target = target
445        self.value = value
446        self.index = index
447        if index_var is not None:
448            self.fallback = IntrinsicCallConstraint(target, operator.getitem,
449                                                    (value, index_var), {},
450                                                    None, loc)
451        else:
452            self.fallback = None
453        self.loc = loc
455    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
456        with new_error_context("typing of static-get-item at {0}", self.loc):
457            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
458            for ty in typevars[self.value.name].get():
459                sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_static_getitem(
460                    value=ty, index=self.index,
461                )
463                if sig is not None:
464                    itemty = sig.return_type
465                    # if the itemty is not precise, let it through, unification
466                    # will catch it and produce a better error message
467                    typeinfer.add_type(self.target, itemty, loc=self.loc)
468                elif self.fallback is not None:
469                    self.fallback(typeinfer)
471    def get_call_signature(self):
472        # The signature is only needed for the fallback case in lowering
473        return self.fallback and self.fallback.get_call_signature()
476class TypedGetItemConstraint(object):
477    def __init__(self, target, value, dtype, index, loc):
478        self.target = target
479        self.value = value
480        self.dtype = dtype
481        self.index = index
482        self.loc = loc
484    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
485        with new_error_context("typing of typed-get-item at {0}", self.loc):
486            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
487            idx_ty = typevars[self.index.name].get()
488            ty = typevars[self.value.name].get()
489            self.signature = Signature(self.dtype, ty + idx_ty, None)
490            typeinfer.add_type(self.target, self.dtype, loc=self.loc)
492    def get_call_signature(self):
493        return self.signature
496def fold_arg_vars(typevars, args, vararg, kws):
497    """
498    Fold and resolve the argument variables of a function call.
499    """
500    # Fetch all argument types, bail if any is unknown
501    n_pos_args = len(args)
502    kwds = [kw for (kw, var) in kws]
503    argtypes = [typevars[a.name] for a in args]
504    argtypes += [typevars[var.name] for (kw, var) in kws]
505    if vararg is not None:
506        argtypes.append(typevars[vararg.name])
508    if not all(a.defined for a in argtypes):
509        return
511    args = tuple(a.getone() for a in argtypes)
513    pos_args = args[:n_pos_args]
514    if vararg is not None:
515        errmsg = "*args in function call should be a tuple, got %s"
516        # Handle constant literal used for `*args`
517        if isinstance(args[-1], types.Literal):
518            const_val = args[-1].literal_value
519            # Is the constant value a tuple?
520            if not isinstance(const_val, tuple):
521                raise TypeError(errmsg % (args[-1],))
522            # Append the elements in the const tuple to the positional args
523            pos_args += const_val
524        # Handle non-constant
525        elif not isinstance(args[-1], types.BaseTuple):
526            # Unsuitable for *args
527            # (Python is more lenient and accepts all iterables)
528            raise TypeError(errmsg % (args[-1],))
529        else:
530            # Append the elements in the tuple to the positional args
531            pos_args += args[-1].types
532        # Drop the last arg
533        args = args[:-1]
534    kw_args = dict(zip(kwds, args[n_pos_args:]))
535    return pos_args, kw_args
538def _is_array_not_precise(arrty):
539    """Check type is array and it is not precise
540    """
541    return isinstance(arrty, types.Array) and not arrty.is_precise()
544class CallConstraint(object):
545    """Constraint for calling functions.
546    Perform case analysis foreach combinations of argument types.
547    """
548    signature = None
550    def __init__(self, target, func, args, kws, vararg, loc):
551        self.target = target
552        self.func = func
553        self.args = args
554        self.kws = kws or {}
555        self.vararg = vararg
556        self.loc = loc
558    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
559        msg = "typing of call at {0}\n".format(self.loc)
560        with new_error_context(msg):
561            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
562            with new_error_context(
563                    "resolving caller type: {}".format(self.func)):
564                fnty = typevars[self.func].getone()
565            with new_error_context("resolving callee type: {0}", fnty):
566                self.resolve(typeinfer, typevars, fnty)
568    def resolve(self, typeinfer, typevars, fnty):
569        assert fnty
570        context = typeinfer.context
572        r = fold_arg_vars(typevars, self.args, self.vararg, self.kws)
573        if r is None:
574            # Cannot resolve call type until all argument types are known
575            return
576        pos_args, kw_args = r
578        # Check argument to be precise
579        for a in itertools.chain(pos_args, kw_args.values()):
580            # Forbids imprecise type except array of undefined dtype
581            if not a.is_precise() and not isinstance(a, types.Array):
582                return
584        # Resolve call type
585        try:
586            sig = typeinfer.resolve_call(fnty, pos_args, kw_args)
587        except ForceLiteralArg as e:
588            # Adjust for bound methods
589            folding_args = ((fnty.this,) + tuple(self.args)
590                            if isinstance(fnty, types.BoundFunction)
591                            else self.args)
592            folded = e.fold_arguments(folding_args, self.kws)
593            requested = set()
594            unsatisified = set()
595            for idx in e.requested_args:
596                maybe_arg = typeinfer.func_ir.get_definition(folded[idx])
597                if isinstance(maybe_arg, ir.Arg):
598                    requested.add(maybe_arg.index)
599                else:
600                    unsatisified.add(idx)
601            if unsatisified:
602                raise TypingError("Cannot request literal type.", loc=self.loc)
603            elif requested:
604                raise ForceLiteralArg(requested, loc=self.loc)
605        if sig is None:
606            # Note: duplicated error checking.
607            #       See types.BaseFunction.get_call_type
608            # Arguments are invalid => explain why
609            headtemp = "Invalid use of {0} with parameters ({1})"
610            args = [str(a) for a in pos_args]
611            args += ["%s=%s" % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(kw_args.items())]
612            head = headtemp.format(fnty, ', '.join(map(str, args)))
613            desc = context.explain_function_type(fnty)
614            msg = '\n'.join([head, desc])
615            raise TypingError(msg)
617        typeinfer.add_type(self.target, sig.return_type, loc=self.loc)
619        # If the function is a bound function and its receiver type
620        # was refined, propagate it.
621        if (isinstance(fnty, types.BoundFunction)
622                and sig.recvr is not None
623                and sig.recvr != fnty.this):
624            refined_this = context.unify_pairs(sig.recvr, fnty.this)
625            if (refined_this is None and
626                    fnty.this.is_precise() and
627                    sig.recvr.is_precise()):
628                msg = "Cannot refine type {} to {}".format(
629                    sig.recvr, fnty.this,
630                )
631                raise TypingError(msg, loc=self.loc)
632            if refined_this is not None and refined_this.is_precise():
633                refined_fnty = fnty.copy(this=refined_this)
634                typeinfer.propagate_refined_type(self.func, refined_fnty)
636        # If the return type is imprecise but can be unified with the
637        # target variable's inferred type, use the latter.
638        # Useful for code such as::
639        #    s = set()
640        #    s.add(1)
641        # (the set() call must be typed as int64(), not undefined())
642        if not sig.return_type.is_precise():
643            target = typevars[self.target]
644            if target.defined:
645                targetty = target.getone()
646                if context.unify_pairs(targetty, sig.return_type) == targetty:
647                    sig = sig.replace(return_type=targetty)
649        self.signature = sig
650        self._add_refine_map(typeinfer, typevars, sig)
652    def _add_refine_map(self, typeinfer, typevars, sig):
653        """Add this expression to the refine_map base on the type of target_type
654        """
655        target_type = typevars[self.target].getone()
656        # Array
657        if (isinstance(target_type, types.Array)
658                and isinstance(sig.return_type.dtype, types.Undefined)):
659            typeinfer.refine_map[self.target] = self
660        # DictType
661        if (isinstance(target_type, types.DictType) and
662                not target_type.is_precise()):
663            typeinfer.refine_map[self.target] = self
665    def refine(self, typeinfer, updated_type):
666        # Is getitem?
667        if self.func == operator.getitem:
668            aryty = typeinfer.typevars[self.args[0].name].getone()
669            # is array not precise?
670            if _is_array_not_precise(aryty):
671                # allow refinement of dtype
672                assert updated_type.is_precise()
673                newtype = aryty.copy(dtype=updated_type.dtype)
674                typeinfer.add_type(self.args[0].name, newtype, loc=self.loc)
675        else:
676            m = 'no type refinement implemented for function {} updating to {}'
677            raise TypingError(m.format(self.func, updated_type))
679    def get_call_signature(self):
680        return self.signature
683class IntrinsicCallConstraint(CallConstraint):
684    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
685        with new_error_context("typing of intrinsic-call at {0}", self.loc):
686            fnty = self.func
687            if fnty in utils.OPERATORS_TO_BUILTINS:
688                fnty = typeinfer.resolve_value_type(None, fnty)
689            self.resolve(typeinfer, typeinfer.typevars, fnty=fnty)
692class GetAttrConstraint(object):
693    def __init__(self, target, attr, value, loc, inst):
694        self.target = target
695        self.attr = attr
696        self.value = value
697        self.loc = loc
698        self.inst = inst
700    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
701        with new_error_context("typing of get attribute at {0}", self.loc):
702            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
703            valtys = typevars[self.value.name].get()
704            for ty in valtys:
705                attrty = typeinfer.context.resolve_getattr(ty, self.attr)
706                if attrty is None:
707                    raise UntypedAttributeError(ty, self.attr,
708                                                loc=self.inst.loc)
709                else:
710                    assert attrty.is_precise()
711                    typeinfer.add_type(self.target, attrty, loc=self.loc)
712            typeinfer.refine_map[self.target] = self
714    def refine(self, typeinfer, target_type):
715        if isinstance(target_type, types.BoundFunction):
716            recvr = target_type.this
717            assert recvr.is_precise()
718            typeinfer.add_type(self.value.name, recvr, loc=self.loc)
719            source_constraint = typeinfer.refine_map.get(self.value.name)
720            if source_constraint is not None:
721                source_constraint.refine(typeinfer, recvr)
723    def __repr__(self):
724        return 'resolving type of attribute "{attr}" of "{value}"'.format(
725            value=self.value, attr=self.attr)
728class SetItemRefinement(object):
729    """A mixin class to provide the common refinement logic in setitem
730    and static setitem.
731    """
733    def _refine_target_type(self, typeinfer, targetty, idxty, valty, sig):
734        """Refine the target-type given the known index type and value type.
735        """
736        # For array setitem, refine imprecise array dtype
737        if _is_array_not_precise(targetty):
738            typeinfer.add_type(self.target.name, sig.args[0], loc=self.loc)
739        # For Dict setitem
740        if isinstance(targetty, types.DictType):
741            if not targetty.is_precise():
742                refined = targetty.refine(idxty, valty)
743                typeinfer.add_type(
744                    self.target.name, refined,
745                    loc=self.loc,
746                )
747            elif isinstance(targetty, types.LiteralStrKeyDict):
748                typeinfer.add_type(
749                    self.target.name, types.DictType(idxty, valty),
750                    loc=self.loc,
751                )
754class SetItemConstraint(SetItemRefinement):
755    def __init__(self, target, index, value, loc):
756        self.target = target
757        self.index = index
758        self.value = value
759        self.loc = loc
761    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
762        with new_error_context("typing of setitem at {0}", self.loc):
763            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
764            if not all(typevars[var.name].defined
765                       for var in (self.target, self.index, self.value)):
766                return
767            targetty = typevars[self.target.name].getone()
768            idxty = typevars[self.index.name].getone()
769            valty = typevars[self.value.name].getone()
771            sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_setitem(targetty, idxty, valty)
772            if sig is None:
773                raise TypingError("Cannot resolve setitem: %s[%s] = %s" %
774                                  (targetty, idxty, valty), loc=self.loc)
776            self.signature = sig
777            self._refine_target_type(typeinfer, targetty, idxty, valty, sig)
779    def get_call_signature(self):
780        return self.signature
783class StaticSetItemConstraint(SetItemRefinement):
784    def __init__(self, target, index, index_var, value, loc):
785        self.target = target
786        self.index = index
787        self.index_var = index_var
788        self.value = value
789        self.loc = loc
791    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
792        with new_error_context("typing of staticsetitem at {0}", self.loc):
793            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
794            if not all(typevars[var.name].defined
795                       for var in (self.target, self.index_var, self.value)):
796                return
797            targetty = typevars[self.target.name].getone()
798            idxty = typevars[self.index_var.name].getone()
799            valty = typevars[self.value.name].getone()
801            sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_static_setitem(targetty,
802                                                           self.index, valty)
803            if sig is None:
804                sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_setitem(targetty, idxty, valty)
805            if sig is None:
806                raise TypingError("Cannot resolve setitem: %s[%r] = %s" %
807                                  (targetty, self.index, valty), loc=self.loc)
808            self.signature = sig
809            self._refine_target_type(typeinfer, targetty, idxty, valty, sig)
811    def get_call_signature(self):
812        return self.signature
815class DelItemConstraint(object):
816    def __init__(self, target, index, loc):
817        self.target = target
818        self.index = index
819        self.loc = loc
821    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
822        with new_error_context("typing of delitem at {0}", self.loc):
823            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
824            if not all(typevars[var.name].defined
825                       for var in (self.target, self.index)):
826                return
827            targetty = typevars[self.target.name].getone()
828            idxty = typevars[self.index.name].getone()
830            sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_delitem(targetty, idxty)
831            if sig is None:
832                raise TypingError("Cannot resolve delitem: %s[%s]" %
833                                  (targetty, idxty), loc=self.loc)
834            self.signature = sig
836    def get_call_signature(self):
837        return self.signature
840class SetAttrConstraint(object):
841    def __init__(self, target, attr, value, loc):
842        self.target = target
843        self.attr = attr
844        self.value = value
845        self.loc = loc
847    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
848        with new_error_context("typing of set attribute {0!r} at {1}",
849                               self.attr, self.loc):
850            typevars = typeinfer.typevars
851            if not all(typevars[var.name].defined
852                       for var in (self.target, self.value)):
853                return
854            targetty = typevars[self.target.name].getone()
855            valty = typevars[self.value.name].getone()
856            sig = typeinfer.context.resolve_setattr(targetty, self.attr,
857                                                    valty)
858            if sig is None:
859                raise TypingError("Cannot resolve setattr: (%s).%s = %s" %
860                                  (targetty, self.attr, valty),
861                                  loc=self.loc)
862            self.signature = sig
864    def get_call_signature(self):
865        return self.signature
868class PrintConstraint(object):
869    def __init__(self, args, vararg, loc):
870        self.args = args
871        self.vararg = vararg
872        self.loc = loc
874    def __call__(self, typeinfer):
875        typevars = typeinfer.typevars
877        r = fold_arg_vars(typevars, self.args, self.vararg, {})
878        if r is None:
879            # Cannot resolve call type until all argument types are known
880            return
881        pos_args, kw_args = r
883        fnty = typeinfer.context.resolve_value_type(print)
884        assert fnty is not None
885        sig = typeinfer.resolve_call(fnty, pos_args, kw_args)
886        self.signature = sig
888    def get_call_signature(self):
889        return self.signature
892class TypeVarMap(dict):
893    def set_context(self, context):
894        self.context = context
896    def __getitem__(self, name):
897        if name not in self:
898            self[name] = TypeVar(self.context, name)
899        return super(TypeVarMap, self).__getitem__(name)
901    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
902        assert isinstance(name, str)
903        if name in self:
904            raise KeyError("Cannot redefine typevar %s" % name)
905        else:
906            super(TypeVarMap, self).__setitem__(name, value)
909# A temporary mapping of {function name: dispatcher object}
910_temporary_dispatcher_map = {}
911# A temporary mapping of {function name: dispatcher object reference count}
912# Reference: https://github.com/numba/numba/issues/3658
913_temporary_dispatcher_map_ref_count = defaultdict(int)
917def register_dispatcher(disp):
918    """
919    Register a Dispatcher for inference while it is not yet stored
920    as global or closure variable (e.g. during execution of the @jit()
921    call).  This allows resolution of recursive calls with eager
922    compilation.
923    """
924    assert callable(disp)
925    assert callable(disp.py_func)
926    name = disp.py_func.__name__
927    _temporary_dispatcher_map[name] = disp
928    _temporary_dispatcher_map_ref_count[name] += 1
929    try:
930        yield
931    finally:
932        _temporary_dispatcher_map_ref_count[name] -= 1
933        if not _temporary_dispatcher_map_ref_count[name]:
934            del _temporary_dispatcher_map[name]
937typeinfer_extensions = {}
940class TypeInferer(object):
941    """
942    Operates on block that shares the same ir.Scope.
943    """
945    def __init__(self, context, func_ir, warnings):
946        self.context = context
947        # sort based on label, ensure iteration order!
948        self.blocks = OrderedDict()
949        for k in sorted(func_ir.blocks.keys()):
950            self.blocks[k] = func_ir.blocks[k]
951        self.generator_info = func_ir.generator_info
952        self.func_id = func_ir.func_id
953        self.func_ir = func_ir
955        self.typevars = TypeVarMap()
956        self.typevars.set_context(context)
957        self.constraints = ConstraintNetwork()
958        self.warnings = warnings
960        # { index: mangled name }
961        self.arg_names = {}
962        # self.return_type = None
963        # Set of assumed immutable globals
964        self.assumed_immutables = set()
965        # Track all calls and associated constraints
966        self.calls = []
967        # The inference result of the above calls
968        self.calltypes = utils.UniqueDict()
969        # Target var -> constraint with refine hook
970        self.refine_map = {}
972        if config.DEBUG or config.DEBUG_TYPEINFER:
973            self.debug = TypeInferDebug(self)
974        else:
975            self.debug = NullDebug()
977        self._skip_recursion = False
979    def copy(self, skip_recursion=False):
980        clone = TypeInferer(self.context, self.func_ir, self.warnings)
981        clone.arg_names = self.arg_names.copy()
982        clone._skip_recursion = skip_recursion
984        for k, v in self.typevars.items():
985            if not v.locked and v.defined:
986                clone.typevars[k].add_type(v.getone(), loc=v.define_loc)
988        return clone
990    def _mangle_arg_name(self, name):
991        # Disambiguise argument name
992        return "arg.%s" % (name,)
994    def _get_return_vars(self):
995        rets = []
996        for blk in utils.itervalues(self.blocks):
997            inst = blk.terminator
998            if isinstance(inst, ir.Return):
999                rets.append(inst.value)
1000        return rets
1002    def get_argument_types(self):
1003        return [self.typevars[k].getone() for k in self.arg_names.values()]
1005    def seed_argument(self, name, index, typ):
1006        name = self._mangle_arg_name(name)
1007        self.seed_type(name, typ)
1008        self.arg_names[index] = name
1010    def seed_type(self, name, typ):
1011        """All arguments should be seeded.
1012        """
1013        self.lock_type(name, typ, loc=None)
1015    def seed_return(self, typ):
1016        """Seeding of return value is optional.
1017        """
1018        for var in self._get_return_vars():
1019            self.lock_type(var.name, typ, loc=None)
1021    def build_constraint(self):
1022        for blk in utils.itervalues(self.blocks):
1023            for inst in blk.body:
1024                self.constrain_statement(inst)
1026    def return_types_from_partial(self):
1027        """
1028        Resume type inference partially to deduce the return type.
1029        Note: No side-effect to `self`.
1031        Returns the inferred return type or None if it cannot deduce the return
1032        type.
1033        """
1034        # Clone the typeinferer and disable typing recursive calls
1035        cloned = self.copy(skip_recursion=True)
1036        # rebuild constraint network
1037        cloned.build_constraint()
1038        # propagate without raising
1039        cloned.propagate(raise_errors=False)
1040        # get return types
1041        rettypes = set()
1042        for retvar in cloned._get_return_vars():
1043            if retvar.name in cloned.typevars:
1044                typevar = cloned.typevars[retvar.name]
1045                if typevar and typevar.defined:
1046                    rettypes.add(types.unliteral(typevar.getone()))
1047        if not rettypes:
1048            return
1049        # unify return types
1050        return cloned._unify_return_types(rettypes)
1052    def propagate(self, raise_errors=True):
1053        newtoken = self.get_state_token()
1054        oldtoken = None
1055        # Since the number of types are finite, the typesets will eventually
1056        # stop growing.
1058        while newtoken != oldtoken:
1059            self.debug.propagate_started()
1060            oldtoken = newtoken
1061            # Errors can appear when the type set is incomplete; only
1062            # raise them when there is no progress anymore.
1063            errors = self.constraints.propagate(self)
1064            newtoken = self.get_state_token()
1065            self.debug.propagate_finished()
1066        if errors:
1067            if raise_errors:
1068                force_lit_args = [e for e in errors
1069                                  if isinstance(e, ForceLiteralArg)]
1070                if not force_lit_args:
1071                    raise errors[0]
1072                else:
1073                    raise reduce(operator.or_, force_lit_args)
1074            else:
1075                return errors
1077    def add_type(self, var, tp, loc, unless_locked=False):
1078        assert isinstance(var, str), type(var)
1079        tv = self.typevars[var]
1080        if unless_locked and tv.locked:
1081            return
1082        oldty = tv.type
1083        unified = tv.add_type(tp, loc=loc)
1084        if unified != oldty:
1085            self.propagate_refined_type(var, unified)
1087    def add_calltype(self, inst, signature):
1088        assert signature is not None
1089        self.calltypes[inst] = signature
1091    def copy_type(self, src_var, dest_var, loc):
1092        self.typevars[dest_var].union(self.typevars[src_var], loc=loc)
1094    def lock_type(self, var, tp, loc, literal_value=NOTSET):
1095        tv = self.typevars[var]
1096        tv.lock(tp, loc=loc, literal_value=literal_value)
1098    def propagate_refined_type(self, updated_var, updated_type):
1099        source_constraint = self.refine_map.get(updated_var)
1100        if source_constraint is not None:
1101            source_constraint.refine(self, updated_type)
1103    def unify(self, raise_errors=True):
1104        """
1105        Run the final unification pass over all inferred types, and
1106        catch imprecise types.
1107        """
1108        typdict = utils.UniqueDict()
1110        def find_offender(name, exhaustive=False):
1111            # finds the offending variable definition by name
1112            # if exhaustive is set it will try and trace through temporary
1113            # variables to find a concrete offending definition.
1114            offender = None
1115            for block in self.func_ir.blocks.values():
1116                offender = block.find_variable_assignment(name)
1117                if offender is not None:
1118                    if not exhaustive:
1119                        break
1120                    try:  # simple assignment
1121                        hasattr(offender.value, 'name')
1122                        offender_value = offender.value.name
1123                    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
1124                        break
1125                    orig_offender = offender
1126                    if offender_value.startswith('$'):
1127                        offender = find_offender(offender_value,
1128                                                 exhaustive=exhaustive)
1129                        if offender is None:
1130                            offender = orig_offender
1131                    break
1132            return offender
1134        def diagnose_imprecision(offender):
1135            # helper for diagnosing imprecise types
1137            list_msg = """\n
1138For Numba to be able to compile a list, the list must have a known and
1139precise type that can be inferred from the other variables. Whilst sometimes
1140the type of empty lists can be inferred, this is not always the case, see this
1141documentation for help:
1145            if offender is not None:
1146                # This block deals with imprecise lists
1147                if hasattr(offender, 'value'):
1148                    if hasattr(offender.value, 'op'):
1149                        # might be `foo = []`
1150                        if offender.value.op == 'build_list':
1151                            return list_msg
1152                        # or might be `foo = list()`
1153                        elif offender.value.op == 'call':
1154                            try:  # assignment involving a call
1155                                call_name = offender.value.func.name
1156                                # find the offender based on the call name
1157                                offender = find_offender(call_name)
1158                                if isinstance(offender.value, ir.Global):
1159                                    if offender.value.name == 'list':
1160                                        return list_msg
1161                            except (AttributeError, KeyError):
1162                                pass
1163            return ""  # no help possible
1165        def check_var(name):
1166            tv = self.typevars[name]
1167            if not tv.defined:
1168                if raise_errors:
1169                    offender = find_offender(name)
1170                    val = getattr(offender, 'value', 'unknown operation')
1171                    loc = getattr(offender, 'loc', ir.unknown_loc)
1172                    msg = ("Type of variable '%s' cannot be determined, "
1173                           "operation: %s, location: %s")
1174                    raise TypingError(msg % (var, val, loc), loc)
1175                else:
1176                    typdict[var] = types.unknown
1177                    return
1178            tp = tv.getone()
1180            if isinstance(tp, types.UndefinedFunctionType):
1181                tp = tp.get_precise()
1183            if not tp.is_precise():
1184                offender = find_offender(name, exhaustive=True)
1185                msg = ("Cannot infer the type of variable '%s'%s, "
1186                       "have imprecise type: %s. %s")
1187                istmp = " (temporary variable)" if var.startswith('$') else ""
1188                loc = getattr(offender, 'loc', ir.unknown_loc)
1189                # is this an untyped list? try and provide help
1190                extra_msg = diagnose_imprecision(offender)
1191                if raise_errors:
1192                    raise TypingError(msg % (var, istmp, tp, extra_msg), loc)
1193                else:
1194                    typdict[var] = types.unknown
1195                    return
1196            else:  # type is precise, hold it
1197                typdict[var] = tp
1199        # For better error display, check first user-visible vars, then
1200        # temporaries
1201        temps = set(k for k in self.typevars if not k[0].isalpha())
1202        others = set(self.typevars) - temps
1203        for var in sorted(others):
1204            check_var(var)
1205        for var in sorted(temps):
1206            check_var(var)
1208        try:
1209            retty = self.get_return_type(typdict)
1210        except Exception as e:
1211            # partial type inference may raise e.g. attribute error if a
1212            # constraint has no computable signature, ignore this as needed
1213            if raise_errors:
1214                raise e
1215            else:
1216                retty = None
1218        try:
1219            fntys = self.get_function_types(typdict)
1220        except Exception as e:
1221            # partial type inference may raise e.g. attribute error if a
1222            # constraint has no computable signature, ignore this as needed
1223            if raise_errors:
1224                raise e
1225            else:
1226                fntys = None
1228        if self.generator_info:
1229            retty = self.get_generator_type(typdict, retty,
1230                                            raise_errors=raise_errors)
1232        self.debug.unify_finished(typdict, retty, fntys)
1234        return typdict, retty, fntys
1236    def get_generator_type(self, typdict, retty, raise_errors=True):
1237        gi = self.generator_info
1238        arg_types = [None] * len(self.arg_names)
1239        for index, name in self.arg_names.items():
1240            arg_types[index] = typdict[name]
1242        state_types = None
1243        try:
1244            state_types = [typdict[var_name] for var_name in gi.state_vars]
1245        except KeyError:
1246            msg = "Cannot type generator: state variable types cannot be found"
1247            if raise_errors:
1248                raise TypingError(msg)
1249            state_types = [types.unknown for _ in gi.state_vars]
1251        yield_types = None
1252        try:
1253            yield_types = [typdict[y.inst.value.name]
1254                           for y in gi.get_yield_points()]
1255        except KeyError:
1256            msg = "Cannot type generator: yield type cannot be found"
1257            if raise_errors:
1258                raise TypingError(msg)
1259        if not yield_types:
1260            msg = "Cannot type generator: it does not yield any value"
1261            if raise_errors:
1262                raise TypingError(msg)
1263            yield_types = [types.unknown for _ in gi.get_yield_points()]
1265        if not yield_types or all(yield_types) == types.unknown:
1266            # unknown yield, probably partial type inference, escape
1267            return types.Generator(self.func_id.func, types.unknown, arg_types,
1268                                   state_types, has_finalizer=True)
1270        yield_type = self.context.unify_types(*yield_types)
1271        if yield_type is None or isinstance(yield_type, types.Optional):
1272            msg = "Cannot type generator: cannot unify yielded types %s"
1273            yp_highlights = []
1274            for y in gi.get_yield_points():
1275                msg = (_termcolor.errmsg("Yield of: IR '%s', type '%s', "
1276                                         "location: %s"))
1277                yp_highlights.append(msg % (str(y.inst),
1278                                            typdict[y.inst.value.name],
1279                                            y.inst.loc.strformat()))
1281            explain_ty = set()
1282            for ty in yield_types:
1283                if isinstance(ty, types.Optional):
1284                    explain_ty.add(ty.type)
1285                    explain_ty.add(types.NoneType('none'))
1286                else:
1287                    explain_ty.add(ty)
1288            if raise_errors:
1289                raise TypingError("Can't unify yield type from the "
1290                                  "following types: %s"
1291                                  % ", ".join(sorted(map(str, explain_ty))) +
1292                                  "\n\n" + "\n".join(yp_highlights))
1294        return types.Generator(self.func_id.func, yield_type, arg_types,
1295                               state_types, has_finalizer=True)
1297    def get_function_types(self, typemap):
1298        """
1299        Fill and return the calltypes map.
1300        """
1301        # XXX why can't this be done on the fly?
1302        calltypes = self.calltypes
1303        for call, constraint in self.calls:
1304            calltypes[call] = constraint.get_call_signature()
1305        return calltypes
1307    def _unify_return_types(self, rettypes):
1308        if rettypes:
1309            unified = self.context.unify_types(*rettypes)
1310            if isinstance(unified, types.FunctionType):
1311                # unified is allowed to be UndefinedFunctionType
1312                # instance (that is imprecise).
1313                return unified
1314            if unified is None or not unified.is_precise():
1315                def check_type(atype):
1316                    lst = []
1317                    for k, v in self.typevars.items():
1318                        if atype == v.type:
1319                            lst.append(k)
1320                    returns = {}
1321                    for x in reversed(lst):
1322                        for block in self.func_ir.blocks.values():
1323                            for instr in block.find_insts(ir.Return):
1324                                value = instr.value
1325                                if isinstance(value, ir.Var):
1326                                    name = value.name
1327                                else:
1328                                    pass
1329                                if x == name:
1330                                    returns[x] = instr
1331                                    break
1333                    interped = ""
1334                    for name, offender in returns.items():
1335                        loc = getattr(offender, 'loc', ir.unknown_loc)
1336                        msg = ("Return of: IR name '%s', type '%s', "
1337                               "location: %s")
1338                        interped = msg % (name, atype, loc.strformat())
1339                    return interped
1341                problem_str = []
1342                for xtype in rettypes:
1343                    problem_str.append(_termcolor.errmsg(check_type(xtype)))
1345                raise TypingError("Can't unify return type from the "
1346                                  "following types: %s"
1347                                  % ", ".join(sorted(map(str, rettypes))) +
1348                                  "\n" + "\n".join(problem_str))
1349            return unified
1350        else:
1351            # Function without a successful return path
1352            return types.none
1354    def get_return_type(self, typemap):
1355        rettypes = set()
1356        for var in self._get_return_vars():
1357            rettypes.add(typemap[var.name])
1358        return self._unify_return_types(rettypes)
1360    def get_state_token(self):
1361        """The algorithm is monotonic.  It can only grow or "refine" the
1362        typevar map.
1363        """
1364        return [tv.type for name, tv in sorted(self.typevars.items())]
1366    def constrain_statement(self, inst):
1367        if isinstance(inst, ir.Assign):
1368            self.typeof_assign(inst)
1369        elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetItem):
1370            self.typeof_setitem(inst)
1371        elif isinstance(inst, ir.StaticSetItem):
1372            self.typeof_static_setitem(inst)
1373        elif isinstance(inst, ir.DelItem):
1374            self.typeof_delitem(inst)
1375        elif isinstance(inst, ir.SetAttr):
1376            self.typeof_setattr(inst)
1377        elif isinstance(inst, ir.Print):
1378            self.typeof_print(inst)
1379        elif isinstance(inst, ir.StoreMap):
1380            self.typeof_storemap(inst)
1381        elif isinstance(inst, (ir.Jump, ir.Branch, ir.Return, ir.Del)):
1382            pass
1383        elif isinstance(inst, (ir.StaticRaise, ir.StaticTryRaise)):
1384            pass
1385        elif type(inst) in typeinfer_extensions:
1386            # let external calls handle stmt if type matches
1387            f = typeinfer_extensions[type(inst)]
1388            f(inst, self)
1389        else:
1390            msg = "Unsupported constraint encountered: %s" % inst
1391            raise UnsupportedError(msg, loc=inst.loc)
1393    def typeof_setitem(self, inst):
1394        constraint = SetItemConstraint(target=inst.target, index=inst.index,
1395                                       value=inst.value, loc=inst.loc)
1396        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1397        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1399    def typeof_storemap(self, inst):
1400        constraint = SetItemConstraint(target=inst.dct, index=inst.key,
1401                                       value=inst.value, loc=inst.loc)
1402        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1403        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1405    def typeof_static_setitem(self, inst):
1406        constraint = StaticSetItemConstraint(target=inst.target,
1407                                             index=inst.index,
1408                                             index_var=inst.index_var,
1409                                             value=inst.value, loc=inst.loc)
1410        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1411        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1413    def typeof_delitem(self, inst):
1414        constraint = DelItemConstraint(target=inst.target, index=inst.index,
1415                                       loc=inst.loc)
1416        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1417        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1419    def typeof_setattr(self, inst):
1420        constraint = SetAttrConstraint(target=inst.target, attr=inst.attr,
1421                                       value=inst.value, loc=inst.loc)
1422        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1423        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1425    def typeof_print(self, inst):
1426        constraint = PrintConstraint(args=inst.args, vararg=inst.vararg,
1427                                     loc=inst.loc)
1428        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1429        self.calls.append((inst, constraint))
1431    def typeof_assign(self, inst):
1432        value = inst.value
1433        if isinstance(value, ir.Const):
1434            self.typeof_const(inst, inst.target, value.value)
1435        elif isinstance(value, ir.Var):
1436            self.constraints.append(Propagate(dst=inst.target.name,
1437                                              src=value.name, loc=inst.loc))
1438        elif isinstance(value, (ir.Global, ir.FreeVar)):
1439            self.typeof_global(inst, inst.target, value)
1440        elif isinstance(value, ir.Arg):
1441            self.typeof_arg(inst, inst.target, value)
1442        elif isinstance(value, ir.Expr):
1443            self.typeof_expr(inst, inst.target, value)
1444        elif isinstance(value, ir.Yield):
1445            self.typeof_yield(inst, inst.target, value)
1446        else:
1447            msg = ("Unsupported assignment encountered: %s %s" %
1448                   (type(value), str(value)))
1449            raise UnsupportedError(msg, loc=inst.loc)
1451    def resolve_value_type(self, inst, val):
1452        """
1453        Resolve the type of a simple Python value, such as can be
1454        represented by literals.
1455        """
1456        try:
1457            return self.context.resolve_value_type(val)
1458        except ValueError as e:
1459            msg = str(e)
1460        raise TypingError(msg, loc=inst.loc)
1462    def typeof_arg(self, inst, target, arg):
1463        src_name = self._mangle_arg_name(arg.name)
1464        self.constraints.append(ArgConstraint(dst=target.name,
1465                                              src=src_name,
1466                                              loc=inst.loc))
1468    def typeof_const(self, inst, target, const):
1469        ty = self.resolve_value_type(inst, const)
1470        if inst.value.use_literal_type:
1471            lit = types.maybe_literal(value=const)
1472        else:
1473            lit = None
1474        self.add_type(target.name, lit or ty, loc=inst.loc)
1476    def typeof_yield(self, inst, target, yield_):
1477        # Sending values into generators isn't supported.
1478        self.add_type(target.name, types.none, loc=inst.loc)
1480    def sentry_modified_builtin(self, inst, gvar):
1481        """
1482        Ensure that builtins are not modified.
1483        """
1484        if (gvar.name in ('range', 'xrange') and
1485                gvar.value not in utils.RANGE_ITER_OBJECTS):
1486            bad = True
1487        elif gvar.name == 'slice' and gvar.value is not slice:
1488            bad = True
1489        elif gvar.name == 'len' and gvar.value is not len:
1490            bad = True
1491        else:
1492            bad = False
1494        if bad:
1495            raise TypingError("Modified builtin '%s'" % gvar.name,
1496                              loc=inst.loc)
1498    def resolve_call(self, fnty, pos_args, kw_args):
1499        """
1500        Resolve a call to a given function type.  A signature is returned.
1501        """
1502        if isinstance(fnty, types.FunctionType):
1503            return fnty.get_call_type(self, pos_args, kw_args)
1504        if isinstance(fnty, types.RecursiveCall) and not self._skip_recursion:
1505            # Recursive call
1506            disp = fnty.dispatcher_type.dispatcher
1507            pysig, args = disp.fold_argument_types(pos_args, kw_args)
1509            frame = self.context.callstack.match(disp.py_func, args)
1511            # If the signature is not being compiled
1512            if frame is None:
1513                sig = self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty.dispatcher_type,
1514                                                         pos_args, kw_args)
1515                fndesc = disp.overloads[args].fndesc
1516                fnty.overloads[args] = qualifying_prefix(fndesc.modname,
1517                                                         fndesc.unique_name)
1518                return sig
1520            fnid = frame.func_id
1521            fnty.overloads[args] = qualifying_prefix(fnid.modname,
1522                                                     fnid.unique_name)
1523            # Resume propagation in parent frame
1524            return_type = frame.typeinfer.return_types_from_partial()
1525            # No known return type
1526            if return_type is None:
1527                raise TypingError("cannot type infer runaway recursion")
1529            sig = typing.signature(return_type, *args)
1530            sig = sig.replace(pysig=pysig)
1531            # Keep track of unique return_type
1532            frame.add_return_type(return_type)
1533            return sig
1534        else:
1535            # Normal non-recursive call
1536            return self.context.resolve_function_type(fnty, pos_args, kw_args)
1538    def typeof_global(self, inst, target, gvar):
1539        try:
1540            typ = self.resolve_value_type(inst, gvar.value)
1541        except TypingError as e:
1542            if (gvar.name == self.func_id.func_name
1543                    and gvar.name in _temporary_dispatcher_map):
1544                # Self-recursion case where the dispatcher is not (yet?) known
1545                # as a global variable
1546                typ = types.Dispatcher(_temporary_dispatcher_map[gvar.name])
1547            else:
1548                from numba.misc import special
1550                nm = gvar.name
1551                # check if the problem is actually a name error
1552                func_glbls = self.func_id.func.__globals__
1553                if (nm not in func_glbls.keys() and
1554                        nm not in special.__all__ and
1555                        nm not in __builtins__.keys() and
1556                        nm not in self.func_id.code.co_freevars):
1557                    errstr = "NameError: name '%s' is not defined"
1558                    msg = _termcolor.errmsg(errstr % nm)
1559                    e.patch_message(msg)
1560                    raise
1561                else:
1562                    msg = _termcolor.errmsg("Untyped global name '%s':" % nm)
1563                msg += " %s"  # interps the actual error
1565                # if the untyped global is a numba internal function then add
1566                # to the error message asking if it's been imported.
1568                if nm in special.__all__:
1569                    tmp = ("\n'%s' looks like a Numba internal function, has "
1570                           "it been imported (i.e. 'from numba import %s')?\n" %
1571                           (nm, nm))
1572                    msg += _termcolor.errmsg(tmp)
1573                e.patch_message(msg % e)
1574                raise
1576        if isinstance(typ, types.Dispatcher) and typ.dispatcher.is_compiling:
1577            # Recursive call
1578            callstack = self.context.callstack
1579            callframe = callstack.findfirst(typ.dispatcher.py_func)
1580            if callframe is not None:
1581                typ = types.RecursiveCall(typ)
1582            else:
1583                raise NotImplementedError(
1584                    "call to %s: unsupported recursion"
1585                    % typ.dispatcher)
1587        if isinstance(typ, types.Array):
1588            # Global array in nopython mode is constant
1589            typ = typ.copy(readonly=True)
1591        if isinstance(typ, types.BaseAnonymousTuple):
1592            # if it's a tuple of literal types, swap the type for the more
1593            # specific literal version
1594            literaled = [types.maybe_literal(x) for x in gvar.value]
1595            if all(literaled):
1596                typ = types.Tuple(literaled)
1598        self.sentry_modified_builtin(inst, gvar)
1599        # Setting literal_value for globals because they are handled
1600        # like const value in numba
1601        lit = types.maybe_literal(gvar.value)
1602        self.lock_type(target.name, lit or typ, loc=inst.loc)
1603        self.assumed_immutables.add(inst)
1605    def typeof_expr(self, inst, target, expr):
1606        if expr.op == 'call':
1607            if isinstance(expr.func, ir.Intrinsic):
1608                sig = expr.func.type
1609                self.add_type(target.name, sig.return_type, loc=inst.loc)
1610                self.add_calltype(expr, sig)
1611            else:
1612                self.typeof_call(inst, target, expr)
1613        elif expr.op in ('getiter', 'iternext'):
1614            self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.op, expr.value)
1615        elif expr.op == 'exhaust_iter':
1616            constraint = ExhaustIterConstraint(target.name, count=expr.count,
1617                                               iterator=expr.value,
1618                                               loc=expr.loc)
1619            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1620        elif expr.op == 'pair_first':
1621            constraint = PairFirstConstraint(target.name, pair=expr.value,
1622                                             loc=expr.loc)
1623            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1624        elif expr.op == 'pair_second':
1625            constraint = PairSecondConstraint(target.name, pair=expr.value,
1626                                              loc=expr.loc)
1627            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1628        elif expr.op == 'binop':
1629            self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.fn, expr.lhs,
1630                                       expr.rhs)
1631        elif expr.op == 'inplace_binop':
1632            self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.fn,
1633                                       expr.lhs, expr.rhs)
1634        elif expr.op == 'unary':
1635            self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, expr.fn, expr.value)
1636        elif expr.op == 'static_getitem':
1637            constraint = StaticGetItemConstraint(target.name, value=expr.value,
1638                                                 index=expr.index,
1639                                                 index_var=expr.index_var,
1640                                                 loc=expr.loc)
1641            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1642            self.calls.append((inst.value, constraint))
1643        elif expr.op == 'getitem':
1644            self.typeof_intrinsic_call(inst, target, operator.getitem,
1645                                       expr.value, expr.index,)
1646        elif expr.op == 'typed_getitem':
1647            constraint = TypedGetItemConstraint(target.name, value=expr.value,
1648                                                dtype=expr.dtype,
1649                                                index=expr.index,
1650                                                loc=expr.loc)
1651            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1652            self.calls.append((inst.value, constraint))
1654        elif expr.op == 'getattr':
1655            constraint = GetAttrConstraint(target.name, attr=expr.attr,
1656                                           value=expr.value, loc=inst.loc,
1657                                           inst=inst)
1658            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1659        elif expr.op == 'build_tuple':
1660            constraint = BuildTupleConstraint(target.name, items=expr.items,
1661                                              loc=inst.loc)
1662            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1663        elif expr.op == 'build_list':
1664            constraint = BuildListConstraint(target.name, items=expr.items,
1665                                             loc=inst.loc)
1666            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1667        elif expr.op == 'build_set':
1668            constraint = BuildSetConstraint(target.name, items=expr.items,
1669                                            loc=inst.loc)
1670            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1671        elif expr.op == 'build_map':
1672            constraint = BuildMapConstraint(
1673                target.name,
1674                items=expr.items,
1675                special_value=expr.literal_value,
1676                value_indexes=expr.value_indexes,
1677                loc=inst.loc)
1678            self.constraints.append(constraint)
1679        elif expr.op == 'cast':
1680            self.constraints.append(Propagate(dst=target.name,
1681                                              src=expr.value.name,
1682                                              loc=inst.loc))
1683        elif expr.op == 'phi':
1684            for iv in expr.incoming_values:
1685                if iv is not ir.UNDEFINED:
1686                    self.constraints.append(Propagate(dst=target.name,
1687                                                      src=iv.name,
1688                                                      loc=inst.loc))
1689        elif expr.op == 'make_function':
1690            self.lock_type(target.name, types.MakeFunctionLiteral(expr),
1691                           loc=inst.loc, literal_value=expr)
1692        else:
1693            msg = "Unsupported op-code encountered: %s" % expr
1694            raise UnsupportedError(msg, loc=inst.loc)
1696    def typeof_call(self, inst, target, call):
1697        constraint = CallConstraint(target.name, call.func.name, call.args,
1698                                    call.kws, call.vararg, loc=inst.loc)
1699        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1700        self.calls.append((inst.value, constraint))
1702    def typeof_intrinsic_call(self, inst, target, func, *args):
1703        constraint = IntrinsicCallConstraint(target.name, func, args,
1704                                             kws=(), vararg=None, loc=inst.loc)
1705        self.constraints.append(constraint)
1706        self.calls.append((inst.value, constraint))
1709class NullDebug(object):
1711    def propagate_started(self):
1712        pass
1714    def propagate_finished(self):
1715        pass
1717    def unify_finished(self, typdict, retty, fntys):
1718        pass
1721class TypeInferDebug(object):
1723    def __init__(self, typeinfer):
1724        self.typeinfer = typeinfer
1726    def _dump_state(self):
1727        print('---- type variables ----')
1728        pprint([v for k, v in sorted(self.typeinfer.typevars.items())])
1730    def propagate_started(self):
1731        print("propagate".center(80, '-'))
1733    def propagate_finished(self):
1734        self._dump_state()
1736    def unify_finished(self, typdict, retty, fntys):
1737        print("Variable types".center(80, "-"))
1738        pprint(typdict)
1739        print("Return type".center(80, "-"))
1740        pprint(retty)
1741        print("Call types".center(80, "-"))
1742        pprint(fntys)