1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2"""Checker of PEP-8 Naming Conventions."""
3import sys
4from collections import deque
5from fnmatch import fnmatch
6from functools import partial
7from itertools import chain
9from flake8 import style_guide
10from flake8_polyfill import options
13    import ast
14    from ast import iter_child_nodes
15except ImportError:
16    from flake8.util import ast, iter_child_nodes
18__version__ = '0.12.1'
20PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[:3]
21PY2 = PYTHON_VERSION[0] == 2
23CLASS_METHODS = frozenset((
24    '__new__',
25    '__init_subclass__',
26    '__class_getitem__',
28METACLASS_BASES = frozenset(('type', 'ABCMeta'))
30# Node types which may contain class methods
31METHOD_CONTAINER_NODES = {ast.If, ast.While, ast.For, ast.With}
32FUNC_NODES = (ast.FunctionDef,)
34if PY2:
35    METHOD_CONTAINER_NODES |= {ast.TryExcept, ast.TryFinally}
39if PYTHON_VERSION > (3, 5):
40    FUNC_NODES += (ast.AsyncFunctionDef,)
41    METHOD_CONTAINER_NODES |= {ast.AsyncWith, ast.AsyncFor}
43if PY2:
44    def _unpack_args(args):
45        ret = []
46        for arg in args:
47            if isinstance(arg, ast.Tuple):
48                ret.extend(_unpack_args(arg.elts))
49            else:
50                ret.append((arg, arg.id))
51        return ret
53    def get_arg_name_tuples(node):
54        return _unpack_args(node.args.args)
55elif PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 8):
56    def get_arg_name_tuples(node):
57        groups = (node.args.args, node.args.kwonlyargs)
58        return [(arg, arg.arg) for args in groups for arg in args]
60    def get_arg_name_tuples(node):
61        groups = (node.args.posonlyargs, node.args.args, node.args.kwonlyargs)
62        return [(arg, arg.arg) for args in groups for arg in args]
65class _ASTCheckMeta(type):
66    def __init__(cls, class_name, bases, namespace):
67        cls.codes = tuple(code for code in namespace if code.startswith('N'))
68        try:
69            cls.all.append(cls())
70        except AttributeError:
71            cls.all = []
74def _err(self, node, code, **kwargs):
75    lineno, col_offset = node.lineno, node.col_offset
76    if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
77        if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 8):
78            lineno += len(node.decorator_list)
79        col_offset += 6
80    elif isinstance(node, FUNC_NODES):
81        if PYTHON_VERSION < (3, 8):
82            lineno += len(node.decorator_list)
83        col_offset += 4
84    code_str = getattr(self, code)
85    if kwargs:
86        code_str = code_str.format(**kwargs)
87    return lineno, col_offset + 1, '%s %s' % (code, code_str), self
90def _ignored(name, ignore):
91    return any(fnmatch(name, i) for i in ignore)
94BaseASTCheck = _ASTCheckMeta('BaseASTCheck', (object,),
95                             {'__doc__': "Base for AST Checks.", 'err': _err})
98class _FunctionType(object):
99    CLASSMETHOD = 'classmethod'
100    STATICMETHOD = 'staticmethod'
101    FUNCTION = 'function'
102    METHOD = 'method'
105_default_ignore_names = [
106        'setUp',
107        'tearDown',
108        'setUpClass',
109        'tearDownClass',
110        'asyncSetUp',
111        'asyncTearDown',
112        'setUpTestData',
113        'failureException',
114        'longMessage',
115        'maxDiff']
116_default_classmethod_decorators = ['classmethod']
117_default_staticmethod_decorators = ['staticmethod']
120def _build_decorator_to_type(classmethod_decorators, staticmethod_decorators):
121    decorator_to_type = {}
122    for decorator in classmethod_decorators:
123        decorator_to_type[decorator] = _FunctionType.CLASSMETHOD
124    for decorator in staticmethod_decorators:
125        decorator_to_type[decorator] = _FunctionType.STATICMETHOD
126    return decorator_to_type
129class NamingChecker(object):
130    """Checker of PEP-8 Naming Conventions."""
131    name = 'naming'
132    version = __version__
133    visitors = BaseASTCheck.all
134    decorator_to_type = _build_decorator_to_type(
135        _default_classmethod_decorators, _default_staticmethod_decorators)
136    ignore_names = frozenset(_default_ignore_names)
138    def __init__(self, tree, filename):
139        self.parents = deque()
140        self._node = tree
142    @classmethod
143    def add_options(cls, parser):
144        options.register(parser, '--ignore-names',
145                         default=_default_ignore_names,
146                         action='store',
147                         type='string',
148                         parse_from_config=True,
149                         comma_separated_list=True,
150                         help='List of names or glob patterns the pep8-naming '
151                              'plugin should ignore. (Defaults to %default)')
153        options.register(parser, '--classmethod-decorators',
154                         default=_default_classmethod_decorators,
155                         action='store',
156                         type='string',
157                         parse_from_config=True,
158                         comma_separated_list=True,
159                         help='List of method decorators pep8-naming plugin '
160                              'should consider classmethods (Defaults to '
161                              '%default)')
163        options.register(parser, '--staticmethod-decorators',
164                         default=_default_staticmethod_decorators,
165                         action='store',
166                         type='string',
167                         parse_from_config=True,
168                         comma_separated_list=True,
169                         help='List of method decorators pep8-naming plugin '
170                              'should consider staticmethods (Defaults to '
171                              '%default)')
172        parser.extend_default_ignore(['N818'])
174    @classmethod
175    def parse_options(cls, options):
176        cls.ignore_names = frozenset(options.ignore_names)
177        cls.decorator_to_type = _build_decorator_to_type(
178            options.classmethod_decorators,
179            options.staticmethod_decorators)
181        # Build a list of node visitors based the error codes that have been
182        # selected in the style guide. Only the checks that have been selected
183        # will be evaluated as a performance optimization.
184        engine = style_guide.DecisionEngine(options)
185        cls.visitors = frozenset(
186            visitor for visitor in BaseASTCheck.all for code in visitor.codes
187            if engine.decision_for(code) is style_guide.Decision.Selected
188        )
190    def run(self):
191        return self.visit_tree(self._node) if self._node else ()
193    def visit_tree(self, node):
194        for error in self.visit_node(node):
195            yield error
196        self.parents.append(node)
197        for child in iter_child_nodes(node):
198            for error in self.visit_tree(child):
199                yield error
200        self.parents.pop()
202    def visit_node(self, node):
203        if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
204            self.tag_class_functions(node)
205        elif isinstance(node, FUNC_NODES):
206            self.find_global_defs(node)
208        method = 'visit_' + node.__class__.__name__.lower()
209        parents = self.parents
210        ignore_names = self.ignore_names
211        for visitor in self.visitors:
212            visitor_method = getattr(visitor, method, None)
213            if visitor_method is None:
214                continue
215            for error in visitor_method(node, parents, ignore_names):
216                yield error
218    def tag_class_functions(self, cls_node):
219        """Tag functions if they are methods, classmethods, staticmethods"""
220        # tries to find all 'old style decorators' like
221        # m = staticmethod(m)
222        late_decoration = {}
223        for node in iter_child_nodes(cls_node):
224            if not (isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and
225                    isinstance(node.value, ast.Call) and
226                    isinstance(node.value.func, ast.Name)):
227                continue
228            func_name = node.value.func.id
229            if func_name not in self.decorator_to_type:
230                continue
231            meth = (len(node.value.args) == 1 and node.value.args[0])
232            if isinstance(meth, ast.Name):
233                late_decoration[meth.id] = self.decorator_to_type[func_name]
235        # If this class inherits from a known metaclass base class, it is
236        # itself a metaclass, and we'll consider all of its methods to be
237        # classmethods.
238        bases = chain(
239            (b.id for b in cls_node.bases if isinstance(b, ast.Name)),
240            (b.attr for b in cls_node.bases if isinstance(b, ast.Attribute)),
241        )
242        ismetaclass = any(name for name in bases if name in METACLASS_BASES)
244        self.set_function_nodes_types(
245            iter_child_nodes(cls_node), ismetaclass, late_decoration)
247    def set_function_nodes_types(self, nodes, ismetaclass, late_decoration):
248        # iterate over all functions and tag them
249        for node in nodes:
250            if type(node) in METHOD_CONTAINER_NODES:
251                self.set_function_nodes_types(
252                    iter_child_nodes(node), ismetaclass, late_decoration)
253            if not isinstance(node, FUNC_NODES):
254                continue
255            node.function_type = _FunctionType.METHOD
256            if node.name in CLASS_METHODS or ismetaclass:
257                node.function_type = _FunctionType.CLASSMETHOD
258            if node.name in late_decoration:
259                node.function_type = late_decoration[node.name]
260            elif node.decorator_list:
261                for d in node.decorator_list:
262                    name = self.find_decorator_name(d)
263                    if name in self.decorator_to_type:
264                        node.function_type = self.decorator_to_type[name]
265                        break
267    @classmethod
268    def find_decorator_name(cls, d):
269        if isinstance(d, ast.Name):
270            return d.id
271        elif isinstance(d, ast.Attribute):
272            return d.attr
273        elif isinstance(d, ast.Call):
274            return cls.find_decorator_name(d.func)
276    @staticmethod
277    def find_global_defs(func_def_node):
278        global_names = set()
279        nodes_to_check = deque(iter_child_nodes(func_def_node))
280        while nodes_to_check:
281            node = nodes_to_check.pop()
282            if isinstance(node, ast.Global):
283                global_names.update(node.names)
285            if not isinstance(node, (ast.ClassDef,) + FUNC_NODES):
286                nodes_to_check.extend(iter_child_nodes(node))
287        func_def_node.global_names = global_names
290class ClassNameCheck(BaseASTCheck):
291    """
292    Almost without exception, class names use the CapWords convention.
294    Classes for internal use have a leading underscore in addition.
295    """
296    N801 = "class name '{name}' should use CapWords convention"
297    N818 = "exception name '{name}' should be named with an Error suffix"
299    @classmethod
300    def get_classdef(cls, name, parents):
301        for parent in parents:
302            for node in parent.body:
303                if isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef) and node.name == name:
304                    return node
306    @classmethod
307    def superclass_names(cls, name, parents, _names=None):
308        names = _names or set()
309        classdef = cls.get_classdef(name, parents)
310        if not classdef:
311            return names
312        for base in classdef.bases:
313            if isinstance(base, ast.Name) and base.id not in names:
314                names.add(base.id)
315                names.update(cls.superclass_names(base.id, parents, names))
316        return names
318    def visit_classdef(self, node, parents, ignore=None):
319        name = node.name
320        if _ignored(name, ignore):
321            return
322        name = name.strip('_')
323        if not name[:1].isupper() or '_' in name:
324            yield self.err(node, 'N801', name=name)
325        superclasses = self.superclass_names(name, parents)
326        if "Exception" in superclasses and not name.endswith("Error"):
327            yield self.err(node, 'N818', name=name)
330class FunctionNameCheck(BaseASTCheck):
331    """
332    Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores
333    as necessary to improve readability.
335    Functions *not* being methods '__' in front and back are not allowed.
337    mixedCase is allowed only in contexts where that's already the
338    prevailing style (e.g. threading.py), to retain backwards compatibility.
339    """
340    N802 = "function name '{name}' should be lowercase"
341    N807 = "function name '{name}' should not start and end with '__'"
343    def visit_functiondef(self, node, parents, ignore=None):
344        function_type = getattr(node, 'function_type', _FunctionType.FUNCTION)
345        name = node.name
346        if _ignored(name, ignore):
347            return
348        if name in ('__dir__', '__getattr__'):
349            return
350        if name.lower() != name:
351            yield self.err(node, 'N802', name=name)
352        if (function_type == _FunctionType.FUNCTION
353                and name[:2] == '__' and name[-2:] == '__'):
354            yield self.err(node, 'N807', name=name)
356    visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
359class FunctionArgNamesCheck(BaseASTCheck):
360    """
361    The argument names of a function should be lowercase, with words separated
362    by underscores.
364    A classmethod should have 'cls' as first argument.
365    A method should have 'self' as first argument.
366    """
367    N803 = "argument name '{name}' should be lowercase"
368    N804 = "first argument of a classmethod should be named 'cls'"
369    N805 = "first argument of a method should be named 'self'"
371    def visit_functiondef(self, node, parents, ignore=None):
373        def arg_name(arg):
374            try:
375                return arg, arg.arg
376            except AttributeError:  # PY2
377                return node, arg
379        for arg, name in arg_name(node.args.vararg), arg_name(node.args.kwarg):
380            if name is None or _ignored(name, ignore):
381                continue
382            if name.lower() != name:
383                yield self.err(arg, 'N803', name=name)
384                return
386        arg_name_tuples = get_arg_name_tuples(node)
387        if not arg_name_tuples:
388            return
389        arg0, name0 = arg_name_tuples[0]
390        function_type = getattr(node, 'function_type', _FunctionType.FUNCTION)
392        if function_type == _FunctionType.METHOD:
393            if name0 != 'self' and not _ignored(name0, ignore):
394                yield self.err(arg0, 'N805')
395        elif function_type == _FunctionType.CLASSMETHOD:
396            if name0 != 'cls' and not _ignored(name0, ignore):
397                yield self.err(arg0, 'N804')
398        for arg, name in arg_name_tuples:
399            if name.lower() != name and not _ignored(name, ignore):
400                yield self.err(arg, 'N803', name=name)
401                return
403    visit_asyncfunctiondef = visit_functiondef
406class ImportAsCheck(BaseASTCheck):
407    """
408    Don't change the naming convention via an import
409    """
410    N811 = "constant '{name}' imported as non constant '{asname}'"
411    N812 = "lowercase '{name}' imported as non lowercase '{asname}'"
412    N813 = "camelcase '{name}' imported as lowercase '{asname}'"
413    N814 = "camelcase '{name}' imported as constant '{asname}'"
414    N817 = "camelcase '{name}' imported as acronym '{asname}'"
416    def visit_importfrom(self, node, parents, ignore=None):
417        for name in node.names:
418            asname = name.asname
419            if not asname:
420                continue
421            original_name = name.name
422            err_kwargs = {'name': original_name, 'asname': asname}
423            if original_name.isupper():
424                if not asname.isupper():
425                    yield self.err(node, 'N811', **err_kwargs)
426            elif original_name.islower():
427                if asname.lower() != asname:
428                    yield self.err(node, 'N812', **err_kwargs)
429            elif asname.islower():
430                yield self.err(node, 'N813', **err_kwargs)
431            elif asname.isupper():
432                if ''.join(filter(str.isupper, original_name)) == asname:
433                    yield self.err(node, 'N817', **err_kwargs)
434                else:
435                    yield self.err(node, 'N814', **err_kwargs)
437    visit_import = visit_importfrom
440class VariablesCheck(BaseASTCheck):
441    """
442    Class attributes and local variables in functions should be lowercase
443    """
444    N806 = "variable '{name}' in function should be lowercase"
445    N815 = "variable '{name}' in class scope should not be mixedCase"
446    N816 = "variable '{name}' in global scope should not be mixedCase"
448    def _find_errors(self, assignment_target, parents, ignore):
449        for parent_func in reversed(parents):
450            if isinstance(parent_func, ast.ClassDef):
451                checker = self.class_variable_check
452                break
453            if isinstance(parent_func, FUNC_NODES):
454                checker = partial(self.function_variable_check, parent_func)
455                break
456        else:
457            checker = self.global_variable_check
458        for name in _extract_names(assignment_target):
459            if _ignored(name, ignore):
460                continue
461            error_code = checker(name)
462            if error_code:
463                yield self.err(assignment_target, error_code, name=name)
465    @staticmethod
466    def is_namedtupe(node_value):
467        if isinstance(node_value, ast.Call):
468            if isinstance(node_value.func, ast.Attribute):
469                if node_value.func.attr == 'namedtuple':
470                    return True
471            elif isinstance(node_value.func, ast.Name):
472                if node_value.func.id == 'namedtuple':
473                    return True
474        return False
476    def visit_assign(self, node, parents, ignore=None):
477        if self.is_namedtupe(node.value):
478            return
479        for target in node.targets:
480            for error in self._find_errors(target, parents, ignore):
481                yield error
483    def visit_namedexpr(self, node, parents, ignore):
484        if self.is_namedtupe(node.value):
485            return
486        for error in self._find_errors(node.target, parents, ignore):
487            yield error
489    visit_annassign = visit_namedexpr
491    def visit_with(self, node, parents, ignore):
492        if PY2:
493            for error in self._find_errors(
494                    node.optional_vars, parents, ignore):
495                yield error
496            return
497        for item in node.items:
498            for error in self._find_errors(
499                    item.optional_vars, parents, ignore):
500                yield error
502    visit_asyncwith = visit_with
504    def visit_for(self, node, parents, ignore):
505        for error in self._find_errors(node.target, parents, ignore):
506            yield error
508    visit_asyncfor = visit_for
510    def visit_excepthandler(self, node, parents, ignore):
511        if node.name:
512            for error in self._find_errors(node, parents, ignore):
513                yield error
515    def visit_generatorexp(self, node, parents, ignore):
516        for gen in node.generators:
517            for error in self._find_errors(gen.target, parents, ignore):
518                yield error
520    visit_listcomp = visit_dictcomp = visit_setcomp = visit_generatorexp
522    @staticmethod
523    def global_variable_check(name):
524        if is_mixed_case(name):
525            return 'N816'
527    @staticmethod
528    def class_variable_check(name):
529        if is_mixed_case(name):
530            return 'N815'
532    @staticmethod
533    def function_variable_check(func, var_name):
534        if var_name in func.global_names:
535            return None
536        if var_name.lower() == var_name:
537            return None
538        return 'N806'
541def _extract_names(assignment_target):
542    """Yield assignment_target ids."""
543    target_type = type(assignment_target)
544    if target_type is ast.Name:
545        yield assignment_target.id
546    elif target_type in (ast.Tuple, ast.List):
547        for element in assignment_target.elts:
548            element_type = type(element)
549            if element_type is ast.Name:
550                yield element.id
551            elif element_type in (ast.Tuple, ast.List):
552                for n in _extract_names(element):
553                    yield n
554            elif not PY2 and element_type is ast.Starred:  # PEP 3132
555                for n in _extract_names(element.value):
556                    yield n
557    elif target_type is ast.ExceptHandler:
558        if PY2:
559            # Python 2 supports unpacking tuple exception values.
560            if isinstance(assignment_target.name, ast.Tuple):
561                for name in assignment_target.name.elts:
562                    yield name.id
563            elif isinstance(assignment_target.name, ast.Attribute):
564                # Python 2 also supports assigning an exception to an attribute
565                # eg. except Exception as obj.attr
566                yield assignment_target.name.attr
567            else:
568                yield assignment_target.name.id
569        else:
570            yield assignment_target.name
573def is_mixed_case(name):
574    return name.lower() != name and name.lstrip('_')[:1].islower()