1# The following comment should be removed at some point in the future.
2# mypy: strict-optional=False
3# mypy: disallow-untyped-defs=False
5from __future__ import absolute_import
7import collections
8import logging
9import os
10import re
12from pipenv.patched.notpip._vendor import six
13from pipenv.patched.notpip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name
14from pipenv.patched.notpip._vendor.pkg_resources import RequirementParseError
16from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.exceptions import BadCommand, InstallationError
17from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.req.constructors import (
18    install_req_from_editable,
19    install_req_from_line,
21from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.req.req_file import COMMENT_RE
22from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.utils.misc import (
23    dist_is_editable,
24    get_installed_distributions,
26from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING
29    from typing import (
30        Iterator, Optional, List, Container, Set, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Union
31    )
32    from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.cache import WheelCache
33    from pipenv.patched.notpip._vendor.pkg_resources import (
34        Distribution, Requirement
35    )
37    RequirementInfo = Tuple[Optional[Union[str, Requirement]], bool, List[str]]
40logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
43def freeze(
44    requirement=None,  # type: Optional[List[str]]
45    find_links=None,  # type: Optional[List[str]]
46    local_only=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
47    user_only=None,  # type: Optional[bool]
48    paths=None,  # type: Optional[List[str]]
49    skip_regex=None,  # type: Optional[str]
50    isolated=False,  # type: bool
51    wheel_cache=None,  # type: Optional[WheelCache]
52    exclude_editable=False,  # type: bool
53    skip=()  # type: Container[str]
55    # type: (...) -> Iterator[str]
56    find_links = find_links or []
57    skip_match = None
59    if skip_regex:
60        skip_match = re.compile(skip_regex).search
62    for link in find_links:
63        yield '-f %s' % link
64    installations = {}  # type: Dict[str, FrozenRequirement]
65    for dist in get_installed_distributions(local_only=local_only,
66                                            skip=(),
67                                            user_only=user_only,
68                                            paths=paths):
69        try:
70            req = FrozenRequirement.from_dist(dist)
71        except RequirementParseError as exc:
72            # We include dist rather than dist.project_name because the
73            # dist string includes more information, like the version and
74            # location. We also include the exception message to aid
75            # troubleshooting.
76            logger.warning(
77                'Could not generate requirement for distribution %r: %s',
78                dist, exc
79            )
80            continue
81        if exclude_editable and req.editable:
82            continue
83        installations[req.canonical_name] = req
85    if requirement:
86        # the options that don't get turned into an InstallRequirement
87        # should only be emitted once, even if the same option is in multiple
88        # requirements files, so we need to keep track of what has been emitted
89        # so that we don't emit it again if it's seen again
90        emitted_options = set()  # type: Set[str]
91        # keep track of which files a requirement is in so that we can
92        # give an accurate warning if a requirement appears multiple times.
93        req_files = collections.defaultdict(list)  # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
94        for req_file_path in requirement:
95            with open(req_file_path) as req_file:
96                for line in req_file:
97                    if (not line.strip() or
98                            line.strip().startswith('#') or
99                            (skip_match and skip_match(line)) or
100                            line.startswith((
101                                '-r', '--requirement',
102                                '-Z', '--always-unzip',
103                                '-f', '--find-links',
104                                '-i', '--index-url',
105                                '--pre',
106                                '--trusted-host',
107                                '--process-dependency-links',
108                                '--extra-index-url'))):
109                        line = line.rstrip()
110                        if line not in emitted_options:
111                            emitted_options.add(line)
112                            yield line
113                        continue
115                    if line.startswith('-e') or line.startswith('--editable'):
116                        if line.startswith('-e'):
117                            line = line[2:].strip()
118                        else:
119                            line = line[len('--editable'):].strip().lstrip('=')
120                        line_req = install_req_from_editable(
121                            line,
122                            isolated=isolated,
123                            wheel_cache=wheel_cache,
124                        )
125                    else:
126                        line_req = install_req_from_line(
127                            COMMENT_RE.sub('', line).strip(),
128                            isolated=isolated,
129                            wheel_cache=wheel_cache,
130                        )
132                    if not line_req.name:
133                        logger.info(
134                            "Skipping line in requirement file [%s] because "
135                            "it's not clear what it would install: %s",
136                            req_file_path, line.strip(),
137                        )
138                        logger.info(
139                            "  (add #egg=PackageName to the URL to avoid"
140                            " this warning)"
141                        )
142                    else:
143                        line_req_canonical_name = canonicalize_name(
144                            line_req.name)
145                        if line_req_canonical_name not in installations:
146                            # either it's not installed, or it is installed
147                            # but has been processed already
148                            if not req_files[line_req.name]:
149                                logger.warning(
150                                    "Requirement file [%s] contains %s, but "
151                                    "package %r is not installed",
152                                    req_file_path,
153                                    COMMENT_RE.sub('', line).strip(),
154                                    line_req.name
155                                )
156                            else:
157                                req_files[line_req.name].append(req_file_path)
158                        else:
159                            yield str(installations[
160                                line_req_canonical_name]).rstrip()
161                            del installations[line_req_canonical_name]
162                            req_files[line_req.name].append(req_file_path)
164        # Warn about requirements that were included multiple times (in a
165        # single requirements file or in different requirements files).
166        for name, files in six.iteritems(req_files):
167            if len(files) > 1:
168                logger.warning("Requirement %s included multiple times [%s]",
169                               name, ', '.join(sorted(set(files))))
171        yield(
172            '## The following requirements were added by '
173            'pip freeze:'
174        )
175    for installation in sorted(
176            installations.values(), key=lambda x: x.name.lower()):
177        if installation.canonical_name not in skip:
178            yield str(installation).rstrip()
181def get_requirement_info(dist):
182    # type: (Distribution) -> RequirementInfo
183    """
184    Compute and return values (req, editable, comments) for use in
185    FrozenRequirement.from_dist().
186    """
187    if not dist_is_editable(dist):
188        return (None, False, [])
190    location = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(dist.location))
192    from pipenv.patched.notpip._internal.vcs import vcs, RemoteNotFoundError
193    vcs_backend = vcs.get_backend_for_dir(location)
195    if vcs_backend is None:
196        req = dist.as_requirement()
197        logger.debug(
198            'No VCS found for editable requirement "%s" in: %r', req,
199            location,
200        )
202            '# Editable install with no version control ({})'.format(req)
203        ]
204        return (location, True, comments)
206    try:
207        req = vcs_backend.get_src_requirement(location, dist.project_name)
208    except RemoteNotFoundError:
209        req = dist.as_requirement()
211            '# Editable {} install with no remote ({})'.format(
212                type(vcs_backend).__name__, req,
213            )
214        ]
215        return (location, True, comments)
217    except BadCommand:
218        logger.warning(
219            'cannot determine version of editable source in %s '
220            '(%s command not found in path)',
221            location,
222            vcs_backend.name,
223        )
224        return (None, True, [])
226    except InstallationError as exc:
227        logger.warning(
228            "Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system %s, "
229            "falling back to uneditable format", exc
230        )
231    else:
232        if req is not None:
233            return (req, True, [])
235    logger.warning(
236        'Could not determine repository location of %s', location
237    )
238    comments = ['## !! Could not determine repository location']
240    return (None, False, comments)
243class FrozenRequirement(object):
244    def __init__(self, name, req, editable, comments=()):
245        # type: (str, Union[str, Requirement], bool, Iterable[str]) -> None
246        self.name = name
247        self.canonical_name = canonicalize_name(name)
248        self.req = req
249        self.editable = editable
250        self.comments = comments
252    @classmethod
253    def from_dist(cls, dist):
254        # type: (Distribution) -> FrozenRequirement
255        req, editable, comments = get_requirement_info(dist)
256        if req is None:
257            req = dist.as_requirement()
259        return cls(dist.project_name, req, editable, comments=comments)
261    def __str__(self):
262        req = self.req
263        if self.editable:
264            req = '-e %s' % req
265        return '\n'.join(list(self.comments) + [str(req)]) + '\n'