2  "attributes": {
3    "created": {
4      "description": "First time when the vulnerability was discovered",
5      "disable_correlation": true,
6      "misp-attribute": "datetime",
7      "ui-priority": 0
8    },
9    "credit": {
10      "description": "Who reported/found the vulnerability such as an organisation, person or nickname.",
11      "disable_correlation": true,
12      "misp-attribute": "text",
13      "multiple": true,
14      "ui-priority": 0
15    },
16    "cvss-score": {
17      "description": "Score of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (version 3).",
18      "disable_correlation": true,
19      "misp-attribute": "float",
20      "ui-priority": 1
21    },
22    "cvss-string": {
23      "description": "String of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (version 3).",
24      "disable_correlation": true,
25      "misp-attribute": "text",
26      "ui-priority": 1
27    },
28    "description": {
29      "description": "Description of the vulnerability",
30      "misp-attribute": "text",
31      "ui-priority": 0
32    },
33    "id": {
34      "description": "Vulnerability ID (generally CVE, but not necessarely). The id is not required as the object itself has an UUID and the CVE id can be update or assigned later.",
35      "misp-attribute": "text",
36      "multiple": true,
37      "ui-priority": 0
38    },
39    "modified": {
40      "description": "Last modification date",
41      "disable_correlation": true,
42      "misp-attribute": "datetime",
43      "ui-priority": 0
44    },
45    "published": {
46      "description": "Initial publication date",
47      "disable_correlation": true,
48      "misp-attribute": "datetime",
49      "ui-priority": 0
50    },
51    "references": {
52      "description": "External references",
53      "misp-attribute": "link",
54      "multiple": true,
55      "ui-priority": 0
56    },
57    "state": {
58      "description": "State of the vulnerability. A vulnerability can have multiple states depending of the current actions performed.",
59      "disable_correlation": true,
60      "misp-attribute": "text",
61      "multiple": true,
62      "sane_default": [
63        "Published",
64        "Embargo",
65        "Reviewed",
66        "Vulnerability ID Assigned",
67        "Reported",
68        "Fixed"
69      ],
70      "ui-priority": 0
71    },
72    "summary": {
73      "description": "Summary of the vulnerability",
74      "misp-attribute": "text",
75      "ui-priority": 0
76    },
77    "vulnerable-configuration": {
78      "description": "The vulnerable configuration is described in CPE format",
79      "misp-attribute": "text",
80      "multiple": true,
81      "ui-priority": 0
82    }
83  },
84  "description": "Vulnerability object describing a common vulnerability enumeration which can describe published, unpublished, under review or embargo vulnerability for software, equipments or hardware.",
85  "meta-category": "vulnerability",
86  "name": "vulnerability",
87  "requiredOneOf": [
88    "published",
89    "modified",
90    "references",
91    "vulnerable-configuration",
92    "summary",
93    "description",
94    "id"
95  ],
96  "uuid": "81650945-f186-437b-8945-9f31715d32da",
97  "version": 6