3#  pyral.response - defines a class to hold the response info from a Rally REST operation
4#                   with reasonably named accessors and an iterator interface to obtain
5#                   entity instances from the results
7#          dependencies:
8#               intra-package: hydrator.EntityHydrator
12__version__ = (1, 5, 2)
14import sys
15import re
16import json
17import copy
18import time
19from pprint import pprint
21from .hydrate    import EntityHydrator
22from .cargotruck import CargoTruck
24__all__ = ['RallyRESTResponse', 'ErrorResponse', 'RallyResponseError']
28errout = sys.stderr.write
32class RallyResponseError(Exception): pass
34class ErrorResponse(object):
36    SECURITY_ERROR = 'An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext'
37    INVALID_CREDENTIALS = "Error 401 The username or password you entered is incorrect."
39    def __init__(self, status_code, problem):
40        self.status_code = status_code
41        self.headers = {'placeholder' : True}
42        self.content = {'OperationResult' : {'Errors'  : [problem],
43                                             'Warnings': [],
44                                             'Results' : [],
45                                            }
46                       }
48        prob_str = str(problem)
49        if ErrorResponse.SECURITY_ERROR in prob_str:
50            self.content['OperationResult']['Errors'] = [ErrorResponse.SECURITY_ERROR]
52        if ErrorResponse.INVALID_CREDENTIALS in prob_str:
53            self.content['OperationResult']['Errors'] = [ErrorResponse.INVALID_CREDENTIALS]
57class RallyRESTResponse(object):
58    """
59        An instance of this class is used to wrap the response from the Rally REST endpoint.
60        Part of the wrapping includes an iterator based interface to the collection of records
61        returned by the request (for GET).
62    """
64    def __init__(self, session, context, request, response, hydration, limit, **kwargs):
65        """
66            A wrapper for the response received back from the REST API.
67            The response has status_code, headers and content attributes which will be preserved.
68            In addition, we augment with some easy access attributes into the data attribute
69            and provide an iterator protocol to obtain hydrated instances with information
70            contained in the response['QueryResult']['Results'] list.
71        """
72        self.session  = session
73        self.context  = context
74        self.resource = request
75        self.threads  = kwargs['threads'] if 'threads' in kwargs else 0
76        self.debug    = kwargs['debug']   if 'debug'   in kwargs else False
77        self.data     = None
78        request_path_elements = request.split('?')[0].split('/')
80##        print("RRR.init request: =  %s " % request)
81##        print("RRR.init request_path_elements =  %s " % repr(request_path_elements))
83        self.target = request_path_elements[-1]
84        if re.match(r'^\d+$', self.target):
85            self.target = request_path_elements[-2] # this happens on request for RevisionHistory
86            if self.target.lower() == 'revisionhistory':
87                self.target = 'RevisionHistory'
89        self._served  = -1
90        self.errors   = []
91        self.warnings = []
92        self._item_type  = self.target
94##        print("+" * 85)
95##        print("resource: ", self.resource)
96##        print("response is a %s" % type(response))
97##        # with attributes of status_code, content, data
98##        # The content is a string that needs to be turned into a json object
99##        # the json dict should have a key named 'QueryResult' or 'CreateResult' or
100##        # 'DeleteResult' or 'UpdateResult' or 'OperationResult'
102        self.status_code = response.status_code
103        self.headers     = response.headers
105##        print("RallyRESTResponse.status_code is %s" % self.status_code)
106##        print("RallyRESTResponse.headers: %s" % repr(self.headers))
107##        # response has these keys: url, status_code, headers, raw, _content, encoding, reason, elapsed, history, connection
109##        if self.status_code == 405:
110##            print("RallyRESTResponse.status_code is %s" % self.status_code)
111##            print(response.content)
112##            print("x" * 80)
114        if isinstance(response, ErrorResponse):
115            if 'OperationResult' in response.content:
116                if 'Errors' in response.content['OperationResult']:
117                    self.errors = response.content['OperationResult']['Errors']
118            return
120        self._stdFormat  = True
121        try:
122            self.content = response.json()
123        except:
124            problem = "Response for request: {0} either was not JSON content or was an invalidly formed/incomplete JSON structure".format(self.resource)
125            raise RallyResponseError(problem)
127##        print("response content: %s" % self.content)
129        self.request_type, self.data = self._determineRequestResponseType(request)
131##        print("RallyRESTResponse request_type: %s for %s" % (self.request_type, self._item_type))
134        if self.request_type == 'ImpliedQuery':
135            # the request is against a Rally Type name, ie. 'Subscription', 'Workspace', 'UserProfile', etc.
136            # or a Rally "sub-type" like PortfolioItem/Feature
137            # which is context dependent and has a singleton result
138            target = self.target
139            if target.endswith('.x'):
140                target = target[:-2]
142##            print("ImpliedQuery presumed target: |%s|" % target)
143##            print("")
145            if target not in list(self.content.keys()):
146                # check to see if there is a case-insensitive match before upchucking...
147                ckls = [k.lower() for k in list(self.content.keys())]
148                if target.lower() not in ckls:
149                    forensic_info = "%s\n%s\n" % (response.status_code, response.content)
150                    problem = 'missing _Xx_Result specifier for target %s in following:' % target
151                    raise RallyResponseError('%s\n%s' % (problem, forensic_info))
152                else:
153                    matching_item_ix = ckls.index(target.lower())
154                    target = list(self.content.keys())[matching_item_ix]
155                    self.target = target
156            self._stdFormat = False
157            # fudge in the QueryResult.Results.<target> dict keychain
158            self._item_type = target
159            self.data = {'QueryResult': {'Results' : { target: self.content[target] }}}
160            self.data['Errors']   = self.content[target]['Errors']
161            self.data['Warnings'] = self.content[target]['Warnings']
162            del self.content[target]['Errors']    # we just snagged this and repositioned it
163            del self.content[target]['Warnings']  # ditto
164            self.data['PageSize'] = 1
165            self.data['TotalResultCount'] = 1
167        qr = self.data
168        self.errors      =     qr['Errors']
169        self.warnings    =     qr['Warnings']
170        self.startIndex  = int(qr['StartIndex'])       if 'StartIndex'       in qr else 0
171        self.pageSize    = int(qr['PageSize'])         if 'PageSize'         in qr else 0
172        self.resultCount = int(qr['TotalResultCount']) if 'TotalResultCount' in qr else 0
173        self._limit = self.resultCount
174        if limit:
175            self._limit = min(limit, self.resultCount)
176        self._page = []
177        if self.request_type in ['Query', 'ImpliedQuery']:
178            self.first_page = True
179        if self.threads <= 0:  # 0 designates auto-threading, the 2 will be auto-adjusted later
180            self.threads = 2
181        self.max_threads = self.threads if self.threads <= 8 else 4  # readjust to sane if too big
183        if 'Results' in qr:
184            self._page = qr['Results']
185        else:
186            if 'QueryResult' in qr and 'Results' in qr['QueryResult']:
187                self._page = qr['QueryResult']['Results']
189        # if there is anything in self._page (which would be if the request is some kind of a query)
190        # AND the pageSize is less than the resultCount
191        # we look to see if upping the max_threads would be useful, and if so what is the "right" max_threads value
192        # we up max_threads to 2 if  resultCount >  4*pagesize
193        # we up max_threads to 4 if  resultCount > 10*pagesize
194        # we up max_threads to 8 if  resultCount > 20*pagesize
195        if self.threads > 1:   # readjust to accommodate the resultCount
196            self.max_threads = 1
197            reference_population = min(self._limit, self.resultCount)
198            if self._page and self.resultCount > 1000 and self.pageSize < reference_population:
199                pop_thread_limit = [(  1*self.pageSize,  1),
200                                    (  4*self.pageSize,  2),
201                                    ( 10*self.pageSize,  4),
202                                    ( 20*self.pageSize,  8),
203                                    ( 40*self.pageSize, 10),
204                                   ]
205                for page_size_multiple, num_threads in pop_thread_limit:
206                    if reference_population > page_size_multiple:
207                        self.max_threads = num_threads
209##        print("initial page has %d items" % len(self._page))
211        if qr.get('Object', None):
212            self._page = qr['Object']['_ref']
214##        print("%d items in the results starting at index: %d" % (self.resultCount, self.startIndex))
217        # for whatever reason, some queries where a start index is unspecified
218        # result in the start index returned being a 0 or a 1, go figure ...
219        # so we don't adjust the _servable value unless the start index is > 1
220        self._servable = 0
221        if self.resultCount > 0:
222           self._servable = self.resultCount
223           if self.startIndex > 1:
224               self._servable = self.resultCount - self.startIndex + 1
225        self._servable   = min(self._servable, self._limit)
226        self._served     = 0
227        self._curIndex   = 0
228        self.hydrator    = EntityHydrator(context, hydration=hydration)
229        if self.errors:
230            # transform the status code to an error code indicating an Unprocessable Entity if not already an error code
231            self.status_code = 422 if self.status_code == 200 else self.status_code
233##        print("RallyRESTResponse, self.target     : |%s|" % self.target)
234##        print("RallyRESTResponse, self.startIndex : |%s|" % self.startIndex)
235##        print("RallyRESTResponse, self.resultCount: |%s|" % self.resultCount)
236##        print("RallyRESTResponse, self._servable  : |%s|" % self._servable)
237##        print("RallyRESTResponse._page: has %d items" % len(self._page))
238##        print("RallyRESTResponse._page: %s" % self._page)
239##        print("")
242    def _determineRequestResponseType(self, request):
243        if 'OperationResult' in self.content:
244            return 'Operation', self.content['OperationResult']
245        if 'QueryResult' in self.content:
246            return 'Query', self.content['QueryResult']
247        if 'CreateResult' in self.content:
248            return 'Create', self.content['CreateResult']
249        if 'UpdateResult' in self.content:
250            return 'Update', self.content['UpdateResult']
251        if 'DeleteResult' in self.content:
252            return 'Delete', self.content['DeleteResult']
253        if '_CreatedAt' in self.content and self.content['_CreatedAt'] == 'just now':
254            return 'Create', self.content
255        else:
257##            print("????? request type an ImpliedQuery?: %s" % request)
258##            print(self.content)
259##            print("=" * 80)
261            return 'ImpliedQuery', self.content
264    def _item(self):
265        """
266            Special non-public method, meant to only be used from the __getattr__ method
267            where a request has been issued for a specific entity OID.
268            Return the single item or None if the status_code != 200
269        """
270        if self.status_code == 200:
271            return self._page[0]
272        else:
273            return None
275    def __bool__(self):
276        """
277            This is for evaluating any invalid response as False.
278        """
279        if 200 <= self.status_code < 300:
280            return True
281        else:
282            return False
284    def __iter__(self):
285        return self
287    def next(self):
288        return self.__next__()
290    def __next__(self):
291        """
292            Return a hydrated instance from the self.page until the page is exhausted,
293            then issue another session.get(...request...) with startIndex
294            of startIndex + pageSize.  raise the IteratorException when there are no more instances
295            that can be manufactured (self._curIndex > self.resultCount)
296        """
298##        print("RallyRestResponse for %s, _stdFormat?: %s, _servable: %d  _limit: %d  _served: %d " % \
299##              (self.target, self._stdFormat, self._servable, self._limit, self._served))
301        if (self._served >= self._servable) or (self._limit and self._served >= self._limit):
302            raise StopIteration
304        if self._stdFormat:
306##            print("RallyRESTResponse.next, _stdFormat detected")
308            if self._curIndex+1 < len(self._page):  # possible when multi-threads return multiple pages
309                pass
310            elif self.max_threads > 1 and self._curIndex == len(self._page):  # exhausted current "chapter" ?
311                self._page[:]  = self.__retrieveNextPage()
312                self._curIndex = 0
313            elif self.max_threads == 1 and self._curIndex == self.pageSize:   # in single threaded mode, the page is exhausted
314                self._page[:]  = self.__retrieveNextPage()
315                self._curIndex = 0
316            if not self._page:
317                raise StopIteration
318            try:
319                item = self._page[self._curIndex]
320            #except IndexError:
321            #    verbiage = "Unable to access item %d (%d items served so far from a " +\
322            #               "container purported to be %d items in length)"
323            #    problem = verbiage % (self._curIndex+1, self._served, self.resultCount)
324            #    errout("ERROR: %s\n" % problem)
325            #    self._page[:] = self.__retrieveNextPage()
326            #    pprint(self._page[0])
327            #    raise IndexError("RallyRESTResponse._page[%d]" % self._curIndex)
328            except IndexError:
329                item = None
330                if self.target in ['Workspace', 'Workspaces', 'Project', 'Projects']:
331                    try:
332                        self.page[:] = self.__retrieveNextPage()
333                        self._curIndex = 0
334                        item = self.page[self._curIndex]
335                    except:
336                        exception_type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
337                        exc_name = re.search(r'\'exceptions\.(.+)\'', str(exception_type)).group(1)
338                        problem = '%s: %s for response from request to get next data page for %s' % (exc_name, value, self.target)
339                        errout("ERROR: %s\n" % problem)
340                if item is None:
341                    verbiage = "Unable to access item %d (%d items served so far from a " +\
342                               "container purported to be %d items in length)"
343                    problem = verbiage % (self._curIndex+1, self._served, self.resultCount)
344                    errout("ERROR: %s\n" % problem)
345                    raise StopIteration
346        else:  # the Response had a non-std format
348##            blurb = "item from page is a %s, but Response was not in std-format" % self._item_type
349##            print("RallyRESTResponse.next: %s" % blurb)
351            #
352            # have to stuff the item type into the item dict like it is for the _stdFormat responses
353            #
354            item = self._page[self._item_type]
355            item_type_key = '_type'
356            if item_type_key not in item:
357                item[item_type_key] = str(self._item_type)
359        del item['_rallyAPIMajor']
360        del item['_rallyAPIMinor']
362        if self.debug:
363            self.showNextItem(item)
365        entityInstance = self.hydrator.hydrateInstance(item)
366        self._curIndex += 1
367        self._served   += 1
369##        print(" next item served is a %s" % entityInstance._type)
371        return entityInstance
373    def showNextItem(self, item):
374        print(" next item served is a %s" % self._item_type)
375        print("RallyRESTResponse.next, item before call to to hydrator.hydrateInstance")
376        all_item_keys = sorted(item.keys())
377        underscore_prefix_keys = [key for key in all_item_keys if key[0] == u'_']
378        std_underscore_prefix_keys = ['_type', '_ref', '_refObjectUUID', '_CreatedAt', '_objectVersion']
379        for _key in std_underscore_prefix_keys:
380            try:
381                print("    %20.20s: %s" % (_key, item[_key]))
382            except:
383                pass
384        other_prefix_keys = [key for key in underscore_prefix_keys if key not in std_underscore_prefix_keys]
385        for _key in other_prefix_keys:
386            print("    %20.20s: %s" % (_key, item[_key]))
387        print("")
388        regular_keys = [key for key in all_item_keys if key[0] !='_']
389        std_regular_keys = ['ObjectID', 'ObjectUUID', 'CreationDate']
390        for key in std_regular_keys:
391            try:
392                print("    %20.20s: %s" % (key, item[key]))
393            except:
394                pass
395        other_regular_keys = [key for key in regular_keys if key not in std_regular_keys]
396        for key in other_regular_keys:
397            print("    %20.20s: %s" % (key, item[key]))
398        print("+ " * 30)
401    def __retrieveNextPage(self):
402        """
403            If multi-threading is to be used (self.max_threads > 1) then
404            call the method to retrieve multiple pages, otherwise
405            just call the self.session.get method for the next page (after adjusting the self.startIndex)
406        """
407        if self.max_threads > 1:
408            chapter = self.__retrievePages()
409            return chapter
411        self.startIndex += self.pageSize
412        nextPageUrl = re.sub(r'&start=\d+', '&start=%s' % self.startIndex, self.resource)
413        if not nextPageUrl.startswith('http'):
414            nextPageUrl = '%s/%s' % (self.context.serviceURL(), nextPageUrl)
416##        print("")
417##        print("full URL for next page of data:\n    %s" % nextPageUrl)
418##        print("")
420        try:
421            response = self.session.get(nextPageUrl)
422        except Exception as ex:
423            exception_type, value, traceback = sys.exc_info()
424            sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' % (exception_type, value))
425            sys.stderr.write(traceback)
426            sys.exit(9)
427            return []
429        content = response.json()
430        return content['QueryResult']['Results']
432    def __retrievePages(self):
433        """
434            Use self._served, self._servable, self.resource, self.max_threads, self.pageSize
435            and self.startIndex to come up with suitable thread count to grab the
436            next group of pages from Rally.
437            There will be a thread per page still to be retrieved (including the ending partial page)
438            up to self.max_threads.
439            For the number of threads that will actually be used, populate a page_urls list
440            with the url that thread will use to obtain a page worth of data (adjusts the
441            start=<number> in the url).
442            Once the page_urls list is constructed, delegate off to a an instance of a class
443            that will run the threads that obtain the raw response for the pages and put the
444            results into a list corresponding to the pages in ascending order.
445        """
446        items_remaining = self._servable - self._served
447        num_threads = self.max_threads
448        max_chunksize = self.pageSize * num_threads
449        if items_remaining - max_chunksize < 0:
450            full, leftovers = divmod(items_remaining, self.pageSize)
451            num_threads = full + (1 if leftovers else 0)
452        stixes = [i+1 for i in range(num_threads)]
453        page_urls = [re.sub(r'&start=\d+', '&start=%s' % (self.startIndex + (i * self.pageSize)), self.resource)
454                        for i in stixes]
456        success = False
457        exc     = None
458        delays = [0, 2, 5]
459        for delay in delays:
460            time.sleep(delay)
461            cgt = CargoTruck(page_urls, num_threads)
462            try:
463                cgt.load(self.session, 'get', 15)
464                payload = cgt.dump()
465                success = True
466                break
467            except:
468                exc_name, exc_desc = sys.exc_info()[:2]
469                anomaly = "RallyResponse.next.__retrieveNextPage.__retrievePages caught exception " +\
470                          "in threaded request/response activity: %s, %s" % (exc_name, exc_desc)
471                pg1, pg2 = (self.startIndex + self.pageSize), (self.startIndex + (self.pageSize*num_threads))
472                notice = "Retrying the page_urls for the page group startIndexes: %d -> %d" % (pg1, pg2)
473                print(notice)
475        if not success:
476            raise RallyResponseError("Unable to retrieve %d chunks of data" % num_threads)
478        chapter = []
479        for chunk in payload:
480            chapter.extend(chunk.json()['QueryResult']['Results'])
482        self.startIndex += len(chapter)
483        return chapter
486    def __repr__(self):
487        if self.status_code == 200 and self._page:
488            try:
489                entity_type = self._page[0]['_type']
490                return "%s result set, totalResultSetSize: %d, startIndex: %s  pageSize: %s  current Index: %s" % \
491                   (entity_type, self.resultCount, self.startIndex, self.pageSize, self._curIndex)
492            except:
493                info = (self.status_code, self.errors, self.warnings, self._page)
494                return "%s\nErrors: %s\nWarnings: %s\nData: %s\n" % info
495        else:
496            if self.errors:
497                blurb = self.errors[0]
498            elif self.warnings:
499                blurb = self.warnings[0]
500            else:
501                blurb = "%sResult TotalResultCount: %d  Results: %s" % \
502                         (self.request_type, self.resultCount, self.content['QueryResult']['Results'])
503            return "%s %s" % (self.status_code, blurb)