2  subunit: A streaming protocol for test results
3  Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net>
5  Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause
6  license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the
7  project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in
8  compliance with one of these two licences.
10  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12  WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See the
13  license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and
14  limitations under that license.
16  See the COPYING file for full details on the licensing of Subunit.
18  subunit reuses iso8601 by Michael Twomey, distributed under an MIT style
19  licence - see python/iso8601/LICENSE for details.
24Subunit is a streaming protocol for test results.
26There are two major revisions of the protocol. Version 1 was trivially human
27readable but had significant defects as far as highly parallel testing was
28concerned - it had no room for doing discovery and execution in parallel,
29required substantial buffering when multiplexing and was fragile - a corrupt
30byte could cause an entire stream to be misparsed. Version 1.1 added
31encapsulation of binary streams which mitigated some of the issues but the
32core remained.
34Version 2 shares many of the good characteristics of Version 1 - it can be
35embedded into a regular text stream (e.g. from a build system) and it still
36models xUnit style test execution. It also fixes many of the issues with
37Version 1 - Version 2 can be multiplexed without excessive buffering (in
38time or space), it has a well defined recovery mechanism for dealing with
39corrupted streams (e.g. where two processes write to the same stream
40concurrently, or where the stream generator suffers a bug).
42More details on both protocol version s can be found in the 'Protocol' section
43of this document.
45Subunit comes with command line filters to process a subunit stream and
46language bindings for python, C, C++ and shell. Bindings are easy to write
47for other languages.
49A number of useful things can be done easily with subunit:
50 * Test aggregation: Tests run separately can be combined and then
51   reported/displayed together. For instance, tests from different languages
52   can be shown as a seamless whole, and tests running on multiple machines
53   can be aggregated into a single stream through a multiplexer.
54 * Test archiving: A test run may be recorded and replayed later.
55 * Test isolation: Tests that may crash or otherwise interact badly with each
56   other can be run seperately and then aggregated, rather than interfering
57   with each other or requiring an adhoc test->runner reporting protocol.
58 * Grid testing: subunit can act as the necessary serialisation and
59   deserialiation to get test runs on distributed machines to be reported in
60   real time.
62Subunit supplies the following filters:
63 * tap2subunit - convert perl's TestAnythingProtocol to subunit.
64 * subunit2csv - convert a subunit stream to csv.
65 * subunit2disk - export a subunit stream to files on disk.
66 * subunit2pyunit - convert a subunit stream to pyunit test results.
67 * subunit2gtk - show a subunit stream in GTK.
68 * subunit2junitxml - convert a subunit stream to JUnit's XML format.
69 * subunit-diff - compare two subunit streams.
70 * subunit-filter - filter out tests from a subunit stream.
71 * subunit-ls - list info about tests present in a subunit stream.
72 * subunit-stats - generate a summary of a subunit stream.
73 * subunit-tags - add or remove tags from a stream.
75Integration with other tools
78Subunit's language bindings act as integration with various test runners like
79'check', 'cppunit', Python's 'unittest'. Beyond that a small amount of glue
80(typically a few lines) will allow Subunit to be used in more sophisticated
86Subunit has excellent Python support: most of the filters and tools are written
87in python and there are facilities for using Subunit to increase test isolation
88seamlessly within a test suite.
90The most common way is to run an existing python test suite and have it output
91subunit via the ``subunit.run`` module::
93  $ python -m subunit.run mypackage.tests.test_suite
95For more information on the Python support Subunit offers , please see
96``pydoc subunit``, or the source in ``python/subunit/``
101Subunit has C bindings to emit the protocol. The 'check' C unit testing project
102has included subunit support in their project for some years now. See
103'c/README' for more details.
108The C library is includable and usable directly from C++. A TestListener for
109CPPUnit is included in the Subunit distribution. See 'c++/README' for details.
114There are two sets of shell tools. There are filters, which accept a subunit
115stream on stdin and output processed data (or a transformed stream) on stdout.
117Then there are unittest facilities similar to those for C : shell bindings
118consisting of simple functions to output protocol elements, and a patch for
119adding subunit output to the 'ShUnit' shell test runner. See 'shell/README' for
122Filter recipes
125To ignore some failing tests whose root cause is already known::
127  subunit-filter --without 'AttributeError.*flavor'
130The xUnit test model
133Subunit implements a slightly modified xUnit test model. The stock standard
134model is that there are tests, which have an id(), can be run, and when run
135start, emit an outcome (like success or failure) and then finish.
137Subunit extends this with the idea of test enumeration (find out about tests
138a runner has without running them), tags (allow users to describe tests in
139ways the test framework doesn't apply any semantic value to), file attachments
140(allow arbitrary data to make analysing a failure easy) and timestamps.
142The protocol
145Version 2, or v2 is new and still under development, but is intended to
146supercede version 1 in the very near future. Subunit's bundled tools accept
147only version 2 and only emit version 2, but the new filters subunit-1to2 and
148subunit-2to1 can be used to interoperate with older third party libraries.
150Version 2
153Version 2 is a binary protocol consisting of independent packets that can be
154embedded in the output from tools like make - as long as each packet has no
155other bytes mixed in with it (which 'make -j N>1' has a tendency of doing).
156Version 2 is currently in draft form, and early adopters should be willing
157to either discard stored results (if protocol changes are made), or bulk
158convert them back to v1 and then to a newer edition of v2.
160The protocol synchronises at the start of the stream, after a packet, or
161after any 0x0A byte. That is, a subunit v2 packet starts after a newline or
162directly after the end of the prior packet.
164Subunit is intended to be transported over a reliable streaming protocol such
165as TCP. As such it does not concern itself with out of order delivery of
166packets. However, because of the possibility of corruption due to either
167bugs in the sender, or due to mixed up data from concurrent writes to the same
168fd when being embedded, subunit strives to recover reasonably gracefully from
169damaged data.
171A key design goal for Subunit version 2 is to allow processing and multiplexing
172without forcing buffering for semantic correctness, as buffering tends to hide
173hung or otherwise misbehaving tests. That said, limited time based buffering
174for network efficiency is a good idea - this is ultimately implementator
175choice. Line buffering is also discouraged for subunit streams, as dropping
176into a debugger or other tool may require interactive traffic even if line
177buffering would not otherwise be a problem.
179In version two there are two conceptual events - a test status event and a file
180attachment event. Events may have timestamps, and the path of multiplexers that
181an event is routed through is recorded to permit sending actions back to the
182source (such as new tests to run or stdin for driving debuggers and other
183interactive input). Test status events are used to enumerate tests, to report
184tests and test helpers as they run. Tests may have tags, used to allow
185tunnelling extra meanings through subunit without requiring parsing of
186arbitrary file attachments. Things that are not standalone tests get marked
187as such by setting the 'Runnable' flag to false. (For instance, individual
188assertions in TAP are not runnable tests, only the top level TAP test script
189is runnable).
191File attachments are used to provide rich detail about the nature of a failure.
192File attachments can also be used to encapsulate stdout and stderr both during
193and outside tests.
195Most numbers are stored in network byte order - Most Significant Byte first
196encoded using a variation of http://www.dlugosz.com/ZIP2/VLI.html. The first
197byte's top 2 high order bits encode the total number of octets in the number.
198This encoding can encode values from 0 to 2**30-1, enough to encode a
199nanosecond. Numbers that are not variable length encoded are still stored in
200MSB order.
203| prefix | octets | max     | max        |
205| 00     |      1 |  2**6-1 |         63 |
207| 01     |      2 | 2**14-1 |      16383 |
209| 10     |      3 | 2**22-1 |    4194303 |
211| 11     |      4 | 2**30-1 | 1073741823 |
214All variable length elements of the packet are stored with a length prefix
215number allowing them to be skipped over for consumers that don't need to
216interpret them.
218UTF-8 strings are with no terminating NUL and should not have any embedded NULs
219(implementations SHOULD validate any such strings that they process and take
220some remedial action (such as discarding the packet as corrupt).
222In short the structure of a packet is:
227In more detail...
229Packets are identified by a single byte signature - 0xB3, which is never legal
230in a UTF-8 stream as the first byte of a character. 0xB3 starts with the first
231bit set and the second not, which is the UTF-8 signature for a continuation
232byte. 0xB3 was chosen as 0x73 ('s' in ASCII') with the top two bits replaced by
233the 1 and 0 for a continuation byte.
235If subunit packets are being embedded in a non-UTF-8 text stream, where 0x73 is
236a legal character, consider either recoding the text to UTF-8, or using
237subunit's 'file' packets to embed the text stream in subunit, rather than the
238other way around.
240Following the signature byte comes a 16-bit flags field, which includes a
2414-bit version field - if the version is not 0x2 then the packet cannot be
242read. It is recommended to signal an error at this point (e.g. by emitting
243a synthetic error packet and returning to the top level loop to look for
244new packets, or exiting with an error). If recovery is desired, treat the
245packet signature as an opaque byte and scan for a new synchronisation point.
246NB: Subunit V1 and V2 packets may legitimately included 0xB3 internally,
247as they are an 8-bit safe container format, so recovery from this situation
248may involve an arbitrary number of false positives until an actual packet
249is encountered : and even then it may still be false, failing after passing
250the version check due to coincidence.
252Flags are stored in network byte order too.
255| High byte               | Low byte               |
257| 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8 | 7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0 |
259| VERSION    |      feature bits                   |
262Valid version values are:
2630x2 - version 2
265Feature bits:
266Bit 11 - mask 0x0800 - Test id present.
267Bit 10 - mask 0x0400 - Routing code present.
268Bit  9 - mask 0x0200 - Timestamp present.
269Bit  8 - mask 0x0100 - Test is 'runnable'.
270Bit  7 - mask 0x0080 - Tags are present.
271Bit  6 - mask 0x0040 - File content is present.
272Bit  5 - mask 0x0020 - File MIME type is present.
273Bit  4 - mask 0x0010 - EOF marker.
274Bit  3 - mask 0x0008 - Must be zero in version 2.
276Test status gets three bits:
277Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 - mask 0x0007 - A test status enum lookup:
278000 - undefined / no test
279001 - Enumeration / existence
280002 - In progress
281003 - Success
282004 - Unexpected Success
283005 - Skipped
284006 - Failed
285007 - Expected failure
287After the flags field is a number field giving the length in bytes for the
288entire packet including the signature and the checksum. This length must
289be less than 4MiB - 4194303 bytes. The encoding can obviously record a larger
290number but one of the goals is to avoid requiring large buffers, or causing
291large latency in the packet forward/processing pipeline. Larger file
292attachments can be communicated in multiple packets, and the overhead in such a
2934MiB packet is approximately 0.2%.
295The rest of the packet is a series of optional features as specified by the set
296feature bits in the flags field. When absent they are entirely absent.
298Forwarding and multiplexing of packets can be done without interpreting the
299remainder of the packet until the routing code and checksum (which are both at
300the end of the packet). Additionally, routers can often avoid copying or moving
301the bulk of the packet, as long as the routing code size increase doesn't force
302the length encoding to take up a new byte (which will only happen to packets
303less than or equal to 16KiB in length) - large packets are very efficient to
306Timestamp when present is a 32 bit unsigned integer for seconds, and a variable
307length number for nanoseconds, representing UTC time since Unix Epoch in
308seconds and nanoseconds.
310Test id when present is a UTF-8 string. The test id should uniquely identify
311runnable tests such that they can be selected individually. For tests and other
312actions which cannot be individually run (such as test
313fixtures/layers/subtests) uniqueness is not required (though being human
314meaningful is highly recommended).
316Tags when present is a length prefixed vector of UTF-8 strings, one per tag.
317There are no restrictions on tag content (other than the restrictions on UTF-8
318strings in subunit in general). Tags have no ordering.
320When a MIME type is present, it defines the MIME type for the file across all
321packets same file (routing code + testid + name uniquely identifies a file,
322reset when EOF is flagged). If a file never has a MIME type set, it should be
323treated as application/octet-stream.
325File content when present is a UTF-8 string for the name followed by the length
326in bytes of the content, and then the content octets.
328If present routing code is a UTF-8 string. The routing code is used to
329determine which test backend a test was running on when doing data analysis,
330and to route stdin to the test process if interaction is required.
332Multiplexers SHOULD add a routing code if none is present, and prefix any
333existing routing code with a routing code ('/' separated) if one is already
334present. For example, a multiplexer might label each stream it is multiplexing
335with a simple ordinal ('0', '1' etc), and given an incoming packet with route
336code '3' from stream '0' would adjust the route code when forwarding the packet
337to be '0/3'.
339Following the end of the packet is a CRC-32 checksum of the contents of the
340packet including the signature.
342Example packets
345Trivial test "foo" enumeration packet, with test id, runnable set,
346status=enumeration. Spaces below are to visually break up signature / flags /
347length / testid / crc32
349b3 2901 0c 03666f6f 08555f1b
352Version 1 (and 1.1)
355Version 1 (and 1.1) are mostly human readable protocols.
357Sample subunit wire contents
360The following::
362  test: test foo works
363  success: test foo works
364  test: tar a file.
365  failure: tar a file. [
366  ..
367   ]..  space is eaten.
368  foo.c:34 WARNING foo is not defined.
369  ]
370  a writeln to stdout
372When run through subunit2pyunit::
374  .F
375  a writeln to stdout
377  ========================
378  FAILURE: tar a file.
379  -------------------
380  ..
381  ]..  space is eaten.
382  foo.c:34 WARNING foo is not defined.
385Subunit v1 protocol description
388This description is being ported to an EBNF style. Currently its only partly in
389that style, but should be fairly clear all the same. When in doubt, refer the
390source (and ideally help fix up the description!). Generally the protocol is
391line orientated and consists of either directives and their parameters, or
392when outside a DETAILS region unexpected lines which are not interpreted by
393the parser - they should be forwarded unaltered::
395    test|testing|test:|testing: test LABEL
396    success|success:|successful|successful: test LABEL
397    success|success:|successful|successful: test LABEL DETAILS
398    failure: test LABEL
399    failure: test LABEL DETAILS
400    error: test LABEL
401    error: test LABEL DETAILS
402    skip[:] test LABEL
403    skip[:] test LABEL DETAILS
404    xfail[:] test LABEL
405    xfail[:] test LABEL DETAILS
406    uxsuccess[:] test LABEL
407    uxsuccess[:] test LABEL DETAILS
408    progress: [+|-]X
409    progress: push
410    progress: pop
411    tags: [-]TAG ...
412    time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSZ
414    LABEL: UTF8*
415    NAME: UTF8*
417    BRACKETED ::= '[' CR UTF8-lines ']' CR
418    MULTIPART ::= '[ multipart' CR PART* ']' CR
420    PART_TYPE ::= Content-Type: type/sub-type(;parameter=value,parameter=value)
423unexpected output on stdout -> stdout.
424exit w/0 or last test completing -> error
426Tags given outside a test are applied to all following tests
427Tags given after a test: line and before the result line for the same test
428apply only to that test, and inherit the current global tags.
429A '-' before a tag is used to remove tags - e.g. to prevent a global tag
430applying to a single test, or to cancel a global tag.
432The progress directive is used to provide progress information about a stream
433so that stream consumer can provide completion estimates, progress bars and so
434on. Stream generators that know how many tests will be present in the stream
435should output "progress: COUNT". Stream filters that add tests should output
436"progress: +COUNT", and those that remove tests should output
437"progress: -COUNT". An absolute count should reset the progress indicators in
438use - it indicates that two separate streams from different generators have
439been trivially concatenated together, and there is no knowledge of how many
440more complete streams are incoming. Smart concatenation could scan each stream
441for their count and sum them, or alternatively translate absolute counts into
442relative counts inline. It is recommended that outputters avoid absolute counts
443unless necessary. The push and pop directives are used to provide local regions
444for progress reporting. This fits with hierarchically operating test
445environments - such as those that organise tests into suites - the top-most
446runner can report on the number of suites, and each suite surround its output
447with a (push, pop) pair. Interpreters should interpret a pop as also advancing
448the progress of the restored level by one step. Encountering progress
449directives between the start and end of a test pair indicates that a previous
450test was interrupted and did not cleanly terminate: it should be implicitly
451closed with an error (the same as when a stream ends with no closing test
452directive for the most recently started test).
454The time directive acts as a clock event - it sets the time for all future
455events. The value should be a valid ISO8601 time.
457The skip, xfail and uxsuccess outcomes are not supported by all testing
458environments. In Python the testttools (https://launchpad.net/testtools)
459library is used to translate these automatically if an older Python version
460that does not support them is in use. See the testtools documentation for the
461translation policy.
463skip is used to indicate a test was discovered but not executed. xfail is used
464to indicate a test that errored in some expected fashion (also know as "TODO"
465tests in some frameworks). uxsuccess is used to indicate and unexpected success
466where a test though to be failing actually passes. It is complementary to
469Hacking on subunit
475* Update versions in configure.ac and python/subunit/__init__.py.
476* Update NEWS.
477* Do a make distcheck, which will update Makefile etc.
478* Do a PyPI release: PYTHONPATH=../../python python ../../setup.py sdist bdist_wheel upload -s
479* Upload the regular one to LP.
480* Push a tagged commit.
481  git push -t origin master:master