1import unittest
2from simpleparse.parser import Parser
3from simpleparse.common import strings
4from simpleparse import dispatchprocessor
7parseTests = [
8    # each production should match the whole of all of the first,
9    # and not match any of the second...
10    ("string_triple_single", [
11        """'''this and that'''""",
12        """'''this \\''' '''""",
13        """''''''""",
14        """''''\\''''""",
15    ],[]),
16    ("string_triple_double", [
17        '''"""this and that"""''',
18        '''"""this \\""" """''',
19        '''""""""''',
20        '''""""\\""""''',
21    ],[]),
22    ("string_double_quote", [
23        '"\\p"',
24        '"\\""',
25    ],[]),
26    ("string",[
27        "'this'",
28        '"that"',
29        r'"\b\f\n\r"',
30        r'"\x32\xff\xcf"',
31        r'"\032\033\055\077"',
32        r'"\t\v\\\a\b\f\n\r"',
33        r'"\t"',
34        r'"\v"',
35        r'"\""',
36    ], []),
40class CommonTests(unittest.TestCase):
41    def testBasic( self ):
42        proc = dispatchprocessor.DispatchProcessor()
43        setattr(proc, "string", strings.StringInterpreter())
44        for production, yestable, notable in parseTests:
45            p = Parser( "x := %s"%production, 'x')
46            for data in yestable:
47                if production == 'string':
48                    success, results, next = p.parse( data, processor=proc)
49                else:
50                    success, results, next = p.parse( data)
51                assert success and (next == len(data)), """Did not parse string %s as a %s result=%s"""%( repr(data), production, (success, results, next))
52                assert results, """Didn't get any results for string %s as a %s result=%s"""%( repr(data), production, (success, results, next))
53                if production == 'string':
54                    expected = eval( data, {},{})
55                    assert results[0] == expected, """Got different interpreted value for data %s, we got %s, expected %s"""%( repr(data), repr(results[0]), repr(expected))
56            for data in notable:
57                success, results, next = p.parse( data)
58                assert not success, """Parsed %s of %s as a %s result=%s"""%( repr(data), production, (success, results, next))
62def getSuite():
63    return unittest.makeSuite(CommonTests, 'test')
65if __name__ == "__main__":
66    unittest.main(defaultTest="getSuite")