1 /* 2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one 3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file 4 * distributed with this work for additional information 5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file 6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 9 * 10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 11 * 12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 13 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an 14 * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY 15 * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 16 * specific language governing permissions and limitations 17 * under the License. 18 */ 19 20 #if os(OSX) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS) 21 import Darwin 22 #elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(PS4) || os(Android) 23 import Glibc 24 import Dispatch 25 #endif 26 27 import Foundation 28 import CoreFoundation 29 30 public let TSocketServerClientConnectionFinished = "TSocketServerClientConnectionFinished" 31 public let TSocketServerProcessorKey = "TSocketServerProcessor" 32 public let TSocketServerTransportKey = "TSocketServerTransport" 33 34 open class TSocketServer<InProtocol: TProtocol, OutProtocol: TProtocol, Processor: TProcessor> { 35 var socketFileHandle: FileHandle 36 var processingQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "TSocketServer.processing", 37 qos: .background, 38 attributes: .concurrent) 39 let processor: Processor 40 41 public init(port: Int, 42 inProtocol: InProtocol.Type, 43 outProtocol: OutProtocol.Type, 44 processor: Processor) throws { 45 self.processor = processor 46 47 // create a socket 48 var fd: Int32 = -1 49 #if os(Linux) 50 let sock = CFSocketCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, PF_INET, Int32(SOCK_STREAM.rawValue), Int32(IPPROTO_TCP), 0, nil, nil) 51 #else 52 let sock = CFSocketCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, 0, nil, nil) 53 #endif 54 if sock != nil { 55 CFSocketSetSocketFlags(sock, CFSocketGetSocketFlags(sock) & ~CFOptionFlags(kCFSocketCloseOnInvalidate)) 56 57 fd = CFSocketGetNative(sock) 58 var yes = 1 59 setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, UInt32(MemoryLayout<Int>.size)) 60 let inPort = in_port_t(UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: port).bigEndian) 61 #if os(Linux) 62 var addr = sockaddr_in(sin_family: sa_family_t(AF_INET), 63 sin_port: inPort, 64 sin_addr: in_addr(s_addr: in_addr_t(0)), 65 sin_zero: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 66 #else 67 var addr = sockaddr_in(sin_len: UInt8(MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in>.size), 68 sin_family: sa_family_t(AF_INET), 69 sin_port: inPort, 70 sin_addr: in_addr(s_addr: in_addr_t(0)), 71 sin_zero: (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) 72 #endif 73 74 let ptr = withUnsafePointer(to: &addr) { 75 return UnsafePointer<UInt8>(OpaquePointer($0)) 76 } 77 78 let address = Data(bytes: ptr, count: MemoryLayout<sockaddr_in>.size) 79 80 let cfaddr = address.withUnsafeBytes { 81 CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, $0.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self).baseAddress!, address.count, kCFAllocatorNull) 82 } 83 if CFSocketSetAddress(sock, cfaddr) != CFSocketError.success { //kCFSocketSuccess { 84 CFSocketInvalidate(sock) 85 print("TSocketServer: Could not bind to address") 86 throw TTransportError(error: .notOpen, message: "Could not bind to address") 87 } 88 89 } else { 90 print("TSocketServer: No server socket") 91 throw TTransportError(error: .notOpen, message: "Could not create socket") 92 } 93 94 // wrap it in a file handle so we can get messages from it 95 socketFileHandle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: fd, closeOnDealloc: true) 96 97 // throw away our socket 98 CFSocketInvalidate(sock) 99 100 // register for notifications of accepted incoming connections 101 _ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .NSFileHandleConnectionAccepted, 102 object: nil, queue: nil) { 103 [weak self] notification in 104 guard let strongSelf = self else { return } 105 guard let clientSocket = notification.userInfo?[NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem] as? FileHandle else { return } 106 strongSelf.connectionAccepted(clientSocket) 107 } 108 109 // tell socket to listen 110 socketFileHandle.acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify() 111 112 print("TSocketServer: Listening on TCP port \(port)") 113 } 114 115 deinit { 116 NotificationCenter.default.removeObserver(self) 117 } 118 connectionAcceptednull119 func connectionAccepted(_ clientSocket: FileHandle) { 120 // Now that we have a client connected, handle the request on queue 121 processingQueue.async { 122 self.handleClientConnection(clientSocket) 123 } 124 125 // continue accepting connections 126 socketFileHandle.acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify() 127 } 128 createTransportnull129 open func createTransport(fileHandle: FileHandle) -> TTransport { 130 return TFileHandleTransport(fileHandle: fileHandle) 131 } 132 handleClientConnectionnull133 func handleClientConnection(_ clientSocket: FileHandle) { 134 let transport = createTransport(fileHandle: clientSocket) 135 let inProtocol = InProtocol(on: transport) 136 let outProtocol = OutProtocol(on: transport) 137 138 do { 139 while true { 140 try processor.process(on: inProtocol, outProtocol: outProtocol) 141 } 142 } catch let error { 143 print("Error processign request: \(error)") 144 } 145 DispatchQueue.main.async { 146 NotificationCenter.default 147 .post(name: Notification.Name(rawValue: TSocketServerClientConnectionFinished), 148 object: self, 149 userInfo: [TSocketServerProcessorKey: self.processor, 150 TSocketServerTransportKey: transport]) 151 } 152 } 153 } 154 155 public class TFramedSocketServer<InProtocol: TProtocol, OutProtocol: TProtocol, Processor: TProcessor>: TSocketServer<InProtocol, OutProtocol, Processor> { createTransportnull156 open override func createTransport(fileHandle: FileHandle) -> TTransport { 157 return TFramedTransport(transport: super.createTransport(fileHandle: fileHandle)) 158 } 159 } 160