1<exarkun> glyph: Maybe someday you'll be able to type as fast as me.
2<glyph> exarkun: at this rate of quest completion I'll never afford the augs
4<therve> Hum, 'module' object has no attribute '__file__'
5<therve> Have a __file__ attribute you stupid module
7<PenguinOfDoom> don't be a hobgoblin, dude
8<itamarst> PenguinOfDoom: consistency is the prismatic dragon of great minds
10<calston> the best documentation I've found is French, my French is a bit rusty
11<calston> "Tunnel TLS créé : À partir de là les messages sont envoyés dans le tunnel TLS c'est également ici que débute le protocole MS-CHAPv2 pour l'échange de l'identité du client"
12<calston> I think that means "Kill all humans"
14<dash> I wish I was thorough and disciplined but I've been making do with brilliant but erratic
16<hawkowl> my coworker was like "So, how should we solve th-" "TWISTED" "-uh
17          okay but I don't know how to us-" "TIME FOR A CRASH COURSE"
18<radix> yessss
20<radix> I wonder what FilePath's behavior on HURD is.
22(01:58:06 PM) <exarkun> PenguinO1Doom: 2000m seems a bit long even for a hippo
23(02:00:12 PM) <PenguinO1Doom> I'm not a hippologist
24(02:21:51 PM) <PenguinO1Doom> maaan, hippos are *awesome*
25(02:21:53 PM) <PenguinO1Doom> I want to be one
26(02:22:34 PM) <exarkun> Did you just spend 20 minutes reading about hippos on wikipedia?
27(02:22:44 PM) <PenguinO1Doom> yes :(