1# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3# Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
4# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5# Generated file, DO NOT EDIT
6# Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
7# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9from msrest import Serializer, Deserializer
10from ...vss_client import VssClient
11from . import models
14class CloudLoadTestClient(VssClient):
15    """CloudLoadTest
16    :param str base_url: Service URL
17    :param Authentication creds: Authenticated credentials.
18    """
20    def __init__(self, base_url=None, creds=None):
21        super(CloudLoadTestClient, self).__init__(base_url, creds)
22        client_models = {k: v for k, v in models.__dict__.items() if isinstance(v, type)}
23        self._serialize = Serializer(client_models)
24        self._deserialize = Deserializer(client_models)
26    resource_area_identifier = '7ae6d0a6-cda5-44cf-a261-28c392bed25c'
28    def create_agent_group(self, group):
29        """CreateAgentGroup.
30        :param :class:`<AgentGroup> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.AgentGroup>` group: Agent group to be created
31        :rtype: :class:`<AgentGroup> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.AgentGroup>`
32        """
33        content = self._serialize.body(group, 'AgentGroup')
34        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
35                              location_id='ab8d91c1-12d9-4ec5-874d-1ddb23e17720',
36                              version='4.1',
37                              content=content)
38        return self._deserialize('AgentGroup', response)
40    def get_agent_groups(self, agent_group_id=None, machine_setup_input=None, machine_access_data=None, outgoing_request_urls=None, agent_group_name=None):
41        """GetAgentGroups.
42        :param str agent_group_id: The agent group indentifier
43        :param bool machine_setup_input:
44        :param bool machine_access_data:
45        :param bool outgoing_request_urls:
46        :param str agent_group_name: Name of the agent group
47        :rtype: object
48        """
49        route_values = {}
50        if agent_group_id is not None:
51            route_values['agentGroupId'] = self._serialize.url('agent_group_id', agent_group_id, 'str')
52        query_parameters = {}
53        if machine_setup_input is not None:
54            query_parameters['machineSetupInput'] = self._serialize.query('machine_setup_input', machine_setup_input, 'bool')
55        if machine_access_data is not None:
56            query_parameters['machineAccessData'] = self._serialize.query('machine_access_data', machine_access_data, 'bool')
57        if outgoing_request_urls is not None:
58            query_parameters['outgoingRequestUrls'] = self._serialize.query('outgoing_request_urls', outgoing_request_urls, 'bool')
59        if agent_group_name is not None:
60            query_parameters['agentGroupName'] = self._serialize.query('agent_group_name', agent_group_name, 'str')
61        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
62                              location_id='ab8d91c1-12d9-4ec5-874d-1ddb23e17720',
63                              version='4.1',
64                              route_values=route_values,
65                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
66        return self._deserialize('object', response)
68    def delete_static_agent(self, agent_group_id, agent_name):
69        """DeleteStaticAgent.
70        :param str agent_group_id: The agent group identifier
71        :param str agent_name: Name of the static agent
72        :rtype: str
73        """
74        route_values = {}
75        if agent_group_id is not None:
76            route_values['agentGroupId'] = self._serialize.url('agent_group_id', agent_group_id, 'str')
77        query_parameters = {}
78        if agent_name is not None:
79            query_parameters['agentName'] = self._serialize.query('agent_name', agent_name, 'str')
80        response = self._send(http_method='DELETE',
81                              location_id='87e4b63d-7142-4b50-801e-72ba9ff8ee9b',
82                              version='4.1',
83                              route_values=route_values,
84                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
85        return self._deserialize('str', response)
87    def get_static_agents(self, agent_group_id, agent_name=None):
88        """GetStaticAgents.
89        :param str agent_group_id: The agent group identifier
90        :param str agent_name: Name of the static agent
91        :rtype: object
92        """
93        route_values = {}
94        if agent_group_id is not None:
95            route_values['agentGroupId'] = self._serialize.url('agent_group_id', agent_group_id, 'str')
96        query_parameters = {}
97        if agent_name is not None:
98            query_parameters['agentName'] = self._serialize.query('agent_name', agent_name, 'str')
99        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
100                              location_id='87e4b63d-7142-4b50-801e-72ba9ff8ee9b',
101                              version='4.1',
102                              route_values=route_values,
103                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
104        return self._deserialize('object', response)
106    def get_application(self, application_id):
107        """GetApplication.
108        :param str application_id: Filter by APM application identifier.
109        :rtype: :class:`<Application> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.Application>`
110        """
111        route_values = {}
112        if application_id is not None:
113            route_values['applicationId'] = self._serialize.url('application_id', application_id, 'str')
114        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
115                              location_id='2c986dce-8e8d-4142-b541-d016d5aff764',
116                              version='4.1',
117                              route_values=route_values)
118        return self._deserialize('Application', response)
120    def get_applications(self, type=None):
121        """GetApplications.
122        :param str type: Filters the results based on the plugin type.
123        :rtype: [Application]
124        """
125        query_parameters = {}
126        if type is not None:
127            query_parameters['type'] = self._serialize.query('type', type, 'str')
128        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
129                              location_id='2c986dce-8e8d-4142-b541-d016d5aff764',
130                              version='4.1',
131                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
132        return self._deserialize('[Application]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
134    def get_counters(self, test_run_id, group_names, include_summary=None):
135        """GetCounters.
136        :param str test_run_id: The test run identifier
137        :param str group_names: Comma separated names of counter groups, such as 'Application', 'Performance' and 'Throughput'
138        :param bool include_summary:
139        :rtype: [TestRunCounterInstance]
140        """
141        route_values = {}
142        if test_run_id is not None:
143            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
144        query_parameters = {}
145        if group_names is not None:
146            query_parameters['groupNames'] = self._serialize.query('group_names', group_names, 'str')
147        if include_summary is not None:
148            query_parameters['includeSummary'] = self._serialize.query('include_summary', include_summary, 'bool')
149        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
150                              location_id='29265ea4-b5a5-4b2e-b054-47f5f6f00183',
151                              version='4.1',
152                              route_values=route_values,
153                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
154        return self._deserialize('[TestRunCounterInstance]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
156    def get_application_counters(self, application_id=None, plugintype=None):
157        """GetApplicationCounters.
158        :param str application_id: Filter by APM application identifier.
159        :param str plugintype: Currently ApplicationInsights is the only available plugin type.
160        :rtype: [ApplicationCounters]
161        """
162        query_parameters = {}
163        if application_id is not None:
164            query_parameters['applicationId'] = self._serialize.query('application_id', application_id, 'str')
165        if plugintype is not None:
166            query_parameters['plugintype'] = self._serialize.query('plugintype', plugintype, 'str')
167        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
168                              location_id='c1275ce9-6d26-4bc6-926b-b846502e812d',
169                              version='4.1',
170                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
171        return self._deserialize('[ApplicationCounters]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
173    def get_counter_samples(self, counter_sample_query_details, test_run_id):
174        """GetCounterSamples.
175        :param :class:`<VssJsonCollectionWrapper> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.VssJsonCollectionWrapper>` counter_sample_query_details:
176        :param str test_run_id: The test run identifier
177        :rtype: :class:`<CounterSamplesResult> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.CounterSamplesResult>`
178        """
179        route_values = {}
180        if test_run_id is not None:
181            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
182        content = self._serialize.body(counter_sample_query_details, 'VssJsonCollectionWrapper')
183        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
184                              location_id='bad18480-7193-4518-992a-37289c5bb92d',
185                              version='4.1',
186                              route_values=route_values,
187                              content=content)
188        return self._deserialize('CounterSamplesResult', response)
190    def get_load_test_run_errors(self, test_run_id, type=None, sub_type=None, detailed=None):
191        """GetLoadTestRunErrors.
192        :param str test_run_id: The test run identifier
193        :param str type: Filter for the particular type of errors.
194        :param str sub_type: Filter for a particular subtype of errors. You should not provide error subtype without error type.
195        :param bool detailed: To include the details of test errors such as messagetext, request, stacktrace, testcasename, scenarioname, and lasterrordate.
196        :rtype: :class:`<LoadTestErrors> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.LoadTestErrors>`
197        """
198        route_values = {}
199        if test_run_id is not None:
200            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
201        query_parameters = {}
202        if type is not None:
203            query_parameters['type'] = self._serialize.query('type', type, 'str')
204        if sub_type is not None:
205            query_parameters['subType'] = self._serialize.query('sub_type', sub_type, 'str')
206        if detailed is not None:
207            query_parameters['detailed'] = self._serialize.query('detailed', detailed, 'bool')
208        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
209                              location_id='b52025a7-3fb4-4283-8825-7079e75bd402',
210                              version='4.1',
211                              route_values=route_values,
212                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
213        return self._deserialize('LoadTestErrors', response)
215    def get_test_run_messages(self, test_run_id):
216        """GetTestRunMessages.
217        :param str test_run_id: Id of the test run
218        :rtype: [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestRunMessage]
219        """
220        route_values = {}
221        if test_run_id is not None:
222            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
223        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
224                              location_id='2e7ba122-f522-4205-845b-2d270e59850a',
225                              version='4.1',
226                              route_values=route_values)
227        return self._deserialize('[Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestRunMessage]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
229    def get_plugin(self, type):
230        """GetPlugin.
231        :param str type: Currently ApplicationInsights is the only available plugin type.
232        :rtype: :class:`<ApplicationType> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.ApplicationType>`
233        """
234        route_values = {}
235        if type is not None:
236            route_values['type'] = self._serialize.url('type', type, 'str')
237        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
238                              location_id='7dcb0bb2-42d5-4729-9958-c0401d5e7693',
239                              version='4.1',
240                              route_values=route_values)
241        return self._deserialize('ApplicationType', response)
243    def get_plugins(self):
244        """GetPlugins.
245        :rtype: [ApplicationType]
246        """
247        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
248                              location_id='7dcb0bb2-42d5-4729-9958-c0401d5e7693',
249                              version='4.1')
250        return self._deserialize('[ApplicationType]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
252    def get_load_test_result(self, test_run_id):
253        """GetLoadTestResult.
254        :param str test_run_id: The test run identifier
255        :rtype: :class:`<TestResults> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestResults>`
256        """
257        route_values = {}
258        if test_run_id is not None:
259            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
260        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
261                              location_id='5ed69bd8-4557-4cec-9b75-1ad67d0c257b',
262                              version='4.1',
263                              route_values=route_values)
264        return self._deserialize('TestResults', response)
266    def create_test_definition(self, test_definition):
267        """CreateTestDefinition.
268        :param :class:`<TestDefinition> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestDefinition>` test_definition: Test definition to be created
269        :rtype: :class:`<TestDefinition> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestDefinition>`
270        """
271        content = self._serialize.body(test_definition, 'TestDefinition')
272        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
273                              location_id='a8f9b135-f604-41ea-9d74-d9a5fd32fcd8',
274                              version='4.1',
275                              content=content)
276        return self._deserialize('TestDefinition', response)
278    def get_test_definition(self, test_definition_id):
279        """GetTestDefinition.
280        :param str test_definition_id: The test definition identifier
281        :rtype: :class:`<TestDefinition> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestDefinition>`
282        """
283        route_values = {}
284        if test_definition_id is not None:
285            route_values['testDefinitionId'] = self._serialize.url('test_definition_id', test_definition_id, 'str')
286        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
287                              location_id='a8f9b135-f604-41ea-9d74-d9a5fd32fcd8',
288                              version='4.1',
289                              route_values=route_values)
290        return self._deserialize('TestDefinition', response)
292    def get_test_definitions(self, from_date=None, to_date=None, top=None):
293        """GetTestDefinitions.
294        :param str from_date: Date after which test definitions were created
295        :param str to_date: Date before which test definitions were crated
296        :param int top:
297        :rtype: [TestDefinitionBasic]
298        """
299        query_parameters = {}
300        if from_date is not None:
301            query_parameters['fromDate'] = self._serialize.query('from_date', from_date, 'str')
302        if to_date is not None:
303            query_parameters['toDate'] = self._serialize.query('to_date', to_date, 'str')
304        if top is not None:
305            query_parameters['top'] = self._serialize.query('top', top, 'int')
306        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
307                              location_id='a8f9b135-f604-41ea-9d74-d9a5fd32fcd8',
308                              version='4.1',
309                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
310        return self._deserialize('[TestDefinitionBasic]', self._unwrap_collection(response))
312    def update_test_definition(self, test_definition):
313        """UpdateTestDefinition.
314        :param :class:`<TestDefinition> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestDefinition>` test_definition:
315        :rtype: :class:`<TestDefinition> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestDefinition>`
316        """
317        content = self._serialize.body(test_definition, 'TestDefinition')
318        response = self._send(http_method='PUT',
319                              location_id='a8f9b135-f604-41ea-9d74-d9a5fd32fcd8',
320                              version='4.1',
321                              content=content)
322        return self._deserialize('TestDefinition', response)
324    def create_test_drop(self, web_test_drop):
325        """CreateTestDrop.
326        :param :class:`<Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop>` web_test_drop: Test drop to be created
327        :rtype: :class:`<Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop>`
328        """
329        content = self._serialize.body(web_test_drop, 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop')
330        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
331                              location_id='d89d0e08-505c-4357-96f6-9729311ce8ad',
332                              version='4.1',
333                              content=content)
334        return self._deserialize('Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop', response)
336    def get_test_drop(self, test_drop_id):
337        """GetTestDrop.
338        :param str test_drop_id: The test drop identifier
339        :rtype: :class:`<Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop>`
340        """
341        route_values = {}
342        if test_drop_id is not None:
343            route_values['testDropId'] = self._serialize.url('test_drop_id', test_drop_id, 'str')
344        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
345                              location_id='d89d0e08-505c-4357-96f6-9729311ce8ad',
346                              version='4.1',
347                              route_values=route_values)
348        return self._deserialize('Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestService.WebApiModel.TestDrop', response)
350    def create_test_run(self, web_test_run):
351        """CreateTestRun.
352        :param :class:`<TestRun> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestRun>` web_test_run:
353        :rtype: :class:`<TestRun> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestRun>`
354        """
355        content = self._serialize.body(web_test_run, 'TestRun')
356        response = self._send(http_method='POST',
357                              location_id='b41a84ff-ff03-4ac1-b76e-e7ea25c92aba',
358                              version='4.1',
359                              content=content)
360        return self._deserialize('TestRun', response)
362    def get_test_run(self, test_run_id):
363        """GetTestRun.
364        :param str test_run_id: Unique ID of the test run
365        :rtype: :class:`<TestRun> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestRun>`
366        """
367        route_values = {}
368        if test_run_id is not None:
369            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
370        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
371                              location_id='b41a84ff-ff03-4ac1-b76e-e7ea25c92aba',
372                              version='4.1',
373                              route_values=route_values)
374        return self._deserialize('TestRun', response)
376    def get_test_runs(self, name=None, requested_by=None, status=None, run_type=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, detailed=None, top=None, runsourceidentifier=None, retention_state=None):
377        """GetTestRuns.
378        Returns test runs based on the filter specified. Returns all runs of the tenant if there is no filter.
379        :param str name: Name for the test run. Names are not unique. Test runs with same name are assigned sequential rolling numbers.
380        :param str requested_by: Filter by the user who requested the test run. Here requestedBy should be the display name of the user.
381        :param str status: Filter by the test run status.
382        :param str run_type: Valid values include: null, one of TestRunType, or "*"
383        :param str from_date: Filter by the test runs that have been modified after the fromDate timestamp.
384        :param str to_date: Filter by the test runs that have been modified before the toDate timestamp.
385        :param bool detailed: Include the detailed test run attributes.
386        :param int top: The maximum number of test runs to return.
387        :param str runsourceidentifier:
388        :param str retention_state:
389        :rtype: object
390        """
391        query_parameters = {}
392        if name is not None:
393            query_parameters['name'] = self._serialize.query('name', name, 'str')
394        if requested_by is not None:
395            query_parameters['requestedBy'] = self._serialize.query('requested_by', requested_by, 'str')
396        if status is not None:
397            query_parameters['status'] = self._serialize.query('status', status, 'str')
398        if run_type is not None:
399            query_parameters['runType'] = self._serialize.query('run_type', run_type, 'str')
400        if from_date is not None:
401            query_parameters['fromDate'] = self._serialize.query('from_date', from_date, 'str')
402        if to_date is not None:
403            query_parameters['toDate'] = self._serialize.query('to_date', to_date, 'str')
404        if detailed is not None:
405            query_parameters['detailed'] = self._serialize.query('detailed', detailed, 'bool')
406        if top is not None:
407            query_parameters['top'] = self._serialize.query('top', top, 'int')
408        if runsourceidentifier is not None:
409            query_parameters['runsourceidentifier'] = self._serialize.query('runsourceidentifier', runsourceidentifier, 'str')
410        if retention_state is not None:
411            query_parameters['retentionState'] = self._serialize.query('retention_state', retention_state, 'str')
412        response = self._send(http_method='GET',
413                              location_id='b41a84ff-ff03-4ac1-b76e-e7ea25c92aba',
414                              version='4.1',
415                              query_parameters=query_parameters)
416        return self._deserialize('object', response)
418    def update_test_run(self, web_test_run, test_run_id):
419        """UpdateTestRun.
420        :param :class:`<TestRun> <cloud-load-test.v4_1.models.TestRun>` web_test_run:
421        :param str test_run_id:
422        """
423        route_values = {}
424        if test_run_id is not None:
425            route_values['testRunId'] = self._serialize.url('test_run_id', test_run_id, 'str')
426        content = self._serialize.body(web_test_run, 'TestRun')
427        self._send(http_method='PATCH',
428                   location_id='b41a84ff-ff03-4ac1-b76e-e7ea25c92aba',
429                   version='4.1',
430                   route_values=route_values,
431                   content=content)