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28 #include <QDebug>
29 #include "codegenerator.h"
30 using namespace CodeGenerator;
main()32 int main()
33 {
34     // The code generator works on items. Each item has a generate() function:
35     Item item("");
36     qDebug() << item.generate(); // produces "".
38     // There are several Item subclasses. Text items contains a text string which they
39     // reproduce when generate is called:
40     Text text(" Hi there");
41     qDebug() << text.generate(); // produces " Hi there".
43     // Items can be concatenated:
44     Item sentence = text + Text(" Bye there") ;
45     qDebug() << sentence.generate(); // produces "Hi there Bye there".
46     // (Internally, this creates a tree of items, and generate is called recursively
47     // for items that have children.)
49     // Repeater items repeat their content when generate is called:
50     Repeater repeater = text;
51     repeater.setRepeatCount(3);
52     qDebug() << repeater.generate(); // produces "Hi there Hi there Hi there".
54     // Counters evaluate to the current repeat index.
55     Repeater repeater2 = text + Counter();
56     repeater2.setRepeatCount(3);
57     qDebug() << repeater2.generate(); // produces "Hi there0 Hi there1 Hi there2".
59     // Groups provide sub-groups which are repeated according to the current repeat index.
60     // Counters inside Groups evaluate to the local repeat index for the Group.
61     Group arguments("Arg" + Counter()  + " arg" + Counter());
62     Repeater function("void foo(" + arguments + ");\n");
63     function.setRepeatCount(3);
64     qDebug() << function.generate();
66     // Produces:
67     // void foo(Arg1 arg1);
68     // void foo(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2);
69     // void foo(Arg1 arg1, Arg2 arg2, Arg3 arg3);
70 }