1 /****************************************************************************
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6 ** This file is part of Qt Creator.
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 #include "projectnodes.h"
30 #include <coreplugin/iversioncontrol.h>
31 #include <coreplugin/vcsmanager.h>
33 #include <utils/algorithm.h>
34 #include <utils/fileutils.h>
36 namespace ProjectExplorer {
38 template<typename Result>
39 QList<FileNode *> scanForFiles(QFutureInterface<Result> &future,
40                                const Utils::FilePath &directory,
41                                const std::function<FileNode *(const Utils::FilePath &)> factory);
45 namespace Internal {
46 template<typename Result>
scanForFilesRecursively(QFutureInterface<Result> & future,double progressStart,double progressRange,const Utils::FilePath & directory,const std::function<FileNode * (const Utils::FilePath &)> factory,QSet<QString> & visited,const QList<Core::IVersionControl * > & versionControls)47 QList<FileNode *> scanForFilesRecursively(
48     QFutureInterface<Result> &future,
49     double progressStart,
50     double progressRange,
51     const Utils::FilePath &directory,
52     const std::function<FileNode *(const Utils::FilePath &)> factory,
53     QSet<QString> &visited,
54     const QList<Core::IVersionControl *> &versionControls)
55 {
56     QList<FileNode *> result;
58     const QDir baseDir = QDir(directory.toString());
60     // Do not follow directory loops:
61     const int visitedCount = visited.count();
62     visited.insert(baseDir.canonicalPath());
63     if (visitedCount == visited.count())
64         return result;
66     const QFileInfoList entries = baseDir.entryInfoList(QStringList(),
67                                                         QDir::AllEntries | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot);
68     double progress = 0;
69     const double progressIncrement = progressRange / static_cast<double>(entries.count());
70     int lastIntProgress = 0;
71     for (const QFileInfo &entry : entries) {
72         if (future.isCanceled())
73             return result;
75         const Utils::FilePath entryName = Utils::FilePath::fromString(entry.absoluteFilePath());
76         if (!Utils::contains(versionControls, [&entryName](const Core::IVersionControl *vc) {
77                 return vc->isVcsFileOrDirectory(entryName);
78             })) {
79             if (entry.isDir())
80                 result.append(scanForFilesRecursively(future,
81                                                       progress,
82                                                       progressIncrement,
83                                                       entryName,
84                                                       factory,
85                                                       visited,
86                                                       versionControls));
87             else if (FileNode *node = factory(entryName))
88                 result.append(node);
89         }
90         progress += progressIncrement;
91         const int intProgress = std::min(static_cast<int>(progressStart + progress),
92                                          future.progressMaximum());
93         if (lastIntProgress < intProgress) {
94             future.setProgressValue(intProgress);
95             lastIntProgress = intProgress;
96         }
97     }
98     future.setProgressValue(
99         std::min(static_cast<int>(progressStart + progressRange), future.progressMaximum()));
100     return result;
101 }
102 } // namespace Internal
104 template<typename Result>
scanForFiles(QFutureInterface<Result> & future,const Utils::FilePath & directory,const std::function<FileNode * (const Utils::FilePath &)> factory)105 QList<FileNode *> scanForFiles(QFutureInterface<Result> &future,
106                                const Utils::FilePath &directory,
107                                const std::function<FileNode *(const Utils::FilePath &)> factory)
108 {
109     QSet<QString> visited;
110     future.setProgressRange(0, 1000000);
111     return Internal::scanForFilesRecursively(future,
112                                              0.0,
113                                              1000000.0,
114                                              directory,
115                                              factory,
116                                              visited,
117                                              Core::VcsManager::versionControls());
118 }
120 } // namespace ProjectExplorer