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.gitignoreH A D11-Feb-202113 21

README.mdH A D11-Feb-20211.2 KiB2722

binding.gypH A D11-Feb-2021334 2019

package-lock.jsonH A D11-Feb-2021645 2019

package.jsonH A D11-Feb-2021385 1817


1# radare2-shell-parser
3This is the parser for radare2 shell language.
4See https://tree-sitter.github.io/tree-sitter/creating-parsers for more info on
5how to create a parser with tree-sitter.
7## Sources
8- grammar.js: defines the basic grammar
9- src/scanner.c: external scanner used to scan some tokens that cannot be parsed
10  with the regular js grammar, as that includes only the context-free part of
11  the language.
12- src/parser.c: this file is auto-generated by tree-sitter based on grammar.js
13- corpus/\*: list of test files used to ensure the grammar works well
15## How to update grammar
16When you update something in grammar.js or src/scanner.c you have to re-generate
17the parser. The process works as follows:
191. Do changes as needed to grammar.js and/or src/scanner.c
202. Install npm dependencies with: `cd shlr/radare2-shell-parser ; npm install`
213. Make sure tree-sitter is in PATH: `export PATH=$PATH:./node_modules/.bin`
224. Re-generate the parser files: `tree-sitter generate`
235. Check tests still pass: `tree-sitter test`. Use `tree-sitter parse
24   ./example-file` if you want to see the syntax tree of a custom input provided
25   in `./example-file`
266. Commit auto-generated files and modified grammar.js and src/scanner.c into git.