1 use crate::fixed_point::{Cache, Minimums, RecursiveContext, SolverStuff};
2 use crate::solve::{SolveDatabase, SolveIteration};
3 use crate::UCanonicalGoal;
4 use chalk_ir::{interner::Interner, NoSolution};
5 use chalk_ir::{Canonical, ConstrainedSubst, Goal, InEnvironment, UCanonical};
6 use chalk_ir::{Constraints, Fallible};
7 use chalk_solve::{coinductive_goal::IsCoinductive, RustIrDatabase, Solution};
8 use std::fmt;
10 /// A Solver is the basic context in which you can propose goals for a given
11 /// program. **All questions posed to the solver are in canonical, closed form,
12 /// so that each question is answered with effectively a "clean slate"**. This
13 /// allows for better caching, and simplifies management of the inference
14 /// context.
15 struct Solver<'me, I: Interner> {
16     program: &'me dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
17     context: &'me mut RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>,
18 }
20 pub struct RecursiveSolver<I: Interner> {
21     ctx: Box<RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>>,
22 }
24 impl<I: Interner> RecursiveSolver<I> {
new( overflow_depth: usize, max_size: usize, cache: Option<Cache<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>>, ) -> Self25     pub fn new(
26         overflow_depth: usize,
27         max_size: usize,
28         cache: Option<Cache<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>>,
29     ) -> Self {
30         Self {
31             ctx: Box::new(RecursiveContext::new(overflow_depth, max_size, cache)),
32         }
33     }
34 }
36 impl<I: Interner> fmt::Debug for RecursiveSolver<I> {
fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result37     fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
38         write!(fmt, "RecursiveSolver")
39     }
40 }
42 impl<'me, I: Interner> Solver<'me, I> {
new( context: &'me mut RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>, program: &'me dyn RustIrDatabase<I>, ) -> Self43     pub(crate) fn new(
44         context: &'me mut RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>,
45         program: &'me dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
46     ) -> Self {
47         Self { program, context }
48     }
49 }
51 impl<I: Interner> SolverStuff<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>> for &dyn RustIrDatabase<I> {
is_coinductive_goal(self, goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>) -> bool52     fn is_coinductive_goal(self, goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>) -> bool {
53         goal.is_coinductive(self)
54     }
initial_value( self, goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>, coinductive_goal: bool, ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>>56     fn initial_value(
57         self,
58         goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>,
59         coinductive_goal: bool,
60     ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>> {
61         if coinductive_goal {
62             Ok(Solution::Unique(Canonical {
63                 value: ConstrainedSubst {
64                     subst: goal.trivial_substitution(self.interner()),
65                     constraints: Constraints::empty(self.interner()),
66                 },
67                 binders: goal.canonical.binders.clone(),
68             }))
69         } else {
70             Err(NoSolution)
71         }
72     }
solve_iteration( self, context: &mut RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>, goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>, minimums: &mut Minimums, ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>>74     fn solve_iteration(
75         self,
76         context: &mut RecursiveContext<UCanonicalGoal<I>, Fallible<Solution<I>>>,
77         goal: &UCanonicalGoal<I>,
78         minimums: &mut Minimums,
79     ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>> {
80         Solver::new(context, self).solve_iteration(goal, minimums)
81     }
reached_fixed_point( self, old_answer: &Fallible<Solution<I>>, current_answer: &Fallible<Solution<I>>, ) -> bool83     fn reached_fixed_point(
84         self,
85         old_answer: &Fallible<Solution<I>>,
86         current_answer: &Fallible<Solution<I>>,
87     ) -> bool {
88         // Some of our subgoals depended on us. We need to re-run
89         // with the current answer.
90         old_answer == current_answer || {
91             // Subtle: if our current answer is ambiguous, we can just stop, and
92             // in fact we *must* -- otherwise, we sometimes fail to reach a
93             // fixed point. See `multiple_ambiguous_cycles` for more.
94             match &current_answer {
95                 Ok(s) => s.is_ambig(),
96                 Err(_) => false,
97             }
98         }
99     }
error_value(self) -> Fallible<Solution<I>>101     fn error_value(self) -> Fallible<Solution<I>> {
102         Err(NoSolution)
103     }
104 }
106 impl<'me, I: Interner> SolveDatabase<I> for Solver<'me, I> {
solve_goal( &mut self, goal: UCanonicalGoal<I>, minimums: &mut Minimums, ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>>107     fn solve_goal(
108         &mut self,
109         goal: UCanonicalGoal<I>,
110         minimums: &mut Minimums,
111     ) -> Fallible<Solution<I>> {
112         self.context.solve_goal(&goal, minimums, self.program)
113     }
interner(&self) -> I115     fn interner(&self) -> I {
116         self.program.interner()
117     }
db(&self) -> &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>119     fn db(&self) -> &dyn RustIrDatabase<I> {
120         self.program
121     }
max_size(&self) -> usize123     fn max_size(&self) -> usize {
124         self.context.max_size()
125     }
126 }
128 impl<I: Interner> chalk_solve::Solver<I> for RecursiveSolver<I> {
solve( &mut self, program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>, goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, ) -> Option<chalk_solve::Solution<I>>129     fn solve(
130         &mut self,
131         program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
132         goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
133     ) -> Option<chalk_solve::Solution<I>> {
134         self.ctx.solve_root_goal(goal, program).ok()
135     }
solve_limited( &mut self, program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>, goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, _should_continue: &dyn std::ops::Fn() -> bool, ) -> Option<chalk_solve::Solution<I>>137     fn solve_limited(
138         &mut self,
139         program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
140         goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
141         _should_continue: &dyn std::ops::Fn() -> bool,
142     ) -> Option<chalk_solve::Solution<I>> {
143         // TODO support should_continue in recursive solver
144         self.ctx.solve_root_goal(goal, program).ok()
145     }
solve_multiple( &mut self, _program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>, _goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>, _f: &mut dyn FnMut( chalk_solve::SubstitutionResult<Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>>>, bool, ) -> bool, ) -> bool147     fn solve_multiple(
148         &mut self,
149         _program: &dyn RustIrDatabase<I>,
150         _goal: &UCanonical<InEnvironment<Goal<I>>>,
151         _f: &mut dyn FnMut(
152             chalk_solve::SubstitutionResult<Canonical<ConstrainedSubst<I>>>,
153             bool,
154         ) -> bool,
155     ) -> bool {
156         unimplemented!("Recursive solver doesn't support multiple answers")
157     }
158 }