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Makefile.amH A D14-Sep-20161.2 KiB4534

Makefile.inH A D03-May-202226.2 KiB700604

READMEH A D18-Apr-2016446 97

basher_parmsH A D18-Apr-2016200 1716

rvm_basher.cH A D24-Sep-201672.3 KiB2,0821,716

testrvm.cH A D24-Sep-201621.8 KiB792633

testrvm.hH A D18-Apr-20162.3 KiB9348


1I've modified some of this code to get it to compile on BSD, but
2I have no confidence that the modified code will still run under Mach.
3Some of the changes should be propogated back (namely, bool --> rvm_bool_t)
4but I'm going to let Peter check in his Linux changes instead, which
5may be cleaner.
7(the tests are a mess to begin with, and will require a more concentrated
8clean-up, I beleive, in order to feel confident about them in any sense.)