1 #ifndef _BENCHMARK_H_
2 #define _BENCHMARK_H_
4 #include "event_counter.h"
6 /*
7  * Prints the best number of operations per cycle where
8  * test is the function call, answer is the expected answer generated by
9  * test, repeat is the number of times we should repeat and size is the
10  * number of operations represented by test.
11  */
12 #define BEST_TIME(name, test, expected, pre, repeat, size, verbose)            \
13   do {                                                                         \
14     if (verbose)                                                               \
15       std::printf("%-40s\t: ", name);                                          \
16     else                                                                       \
17       std::printf("\"%-40s\"", name);                                          \
18     fflush(NULL);                                                              \
19     event_collector collector;                                                 \
20     event_aggregate aggregate{};                                               \
21     for (decltype(repeat) i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {                            \
22       pre;                                                                     \
23       std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire);                     \
24       collector.start();                                                       \
25       if (test != expected) {                                                  \
26         std::fprintf(stderr, "not expected (%d , %d )", (int)test,             \
27                      (int)expected);                                           \
28         break;                                                                 \
29       }                                                                        \
30       std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);                     \
31       event_count allocate_count = collector.end();                            \
32       aggregate << allocate_count;                                             \
33     }                                                                          \
34     if (collector.has_events()) {                                              \
35       std::printf("%7.3f",                                                     \
36                   aggregate.best.cycles() / static_cast<double>(size));        \
37       if (verbose) {                                                           \
38         std::printf(" cycles/byte ");                                          \
39       }                                                                        \
40       std::printf("\t");                                                       \
41       std::printf("%7.3f",                                                     \
42                   aggregate.best.instructions() / static_cast<double>(size));  \
43       if (verbose) {                                                           \
44         std::printf(" instructions/byte ");                                    \
45       }                                                                        \
46       std::printf("\t");                                                       \
47     }                                                                          \
48     double gb = static_cast<double>(size) / 1000000000.0;                      \
49     std::printf("%7.3f", gb / aggregate.best.elapsed_sec());                   \
50     if (verbose) {                                                             \
51       std::printf(" GB/s ");                                                   \
52     }                                                                          \
53     std::printf("\t"); \
54     std::printf("%7.3f", 1.0 / aggregate.best.elapsed_sec());                  \
55     if (verbose) {                                                             \
56       std::printf(" documents/s ");                                            \
57     }                                                                          \
58     std::printf("\n");                                                         \
59     std::fflush(NULL);                                                         \
60   } while (0)
62 // like BEST_TIME, but no check
63 #define BEST_TIME_NOCHECK(name, test, pre, repeat, size, verbose)              \
64   do {                                                                         \
65     if (verbose)                                                               \
66       std::printf("%-40s\t: ", name);                                          \
67     else                                                                       \
68       std::printf("\"%-40s\"", name);                                          \
69     std::fflush(NULL);                                                         \
70     event_collector collector;                                                 \
71     event_aggregate aggregate{};                                               \
72     for (decltype(repeat) i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {                            \
73       pre;                                                                     \
74       std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_acquire);                     \
75       collector.start();                                                       \
76       test;                                                                    \
77       std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);                     \
78       event_count allocate_count = collector.end();                            \
79       aggregate << allocate_count;                                             \
80     }                                                                          \
81     if (collector.has_events()) {                                              \
82       std::printf("%7.3f",                                                     \
83                   aggregate.best.cycles() / static_cast<double>(size));        \
84       if (verbose) {                                                           \
85         std::printf(" cycles/byte ");                                          \
86       }                                                                        \
87       std::printf("\t");                                                       \
88       std::printf("%7.3f",                                                     \
89                   aggregate.best.instructions() / static_cast<double>(size));  \
90       if (verbose) {                                                           \
91         std::printf(" instructions/byte ");                                    \
92       }                                                                        \
93       std::printf("\t");                                                       \
94     }                                                                          \
95     double gb = static_cast<double>(size) / 1000000000.0;                      \
96     std::printf("%7.3f", gb / aggregate.best.elapsed_sec());                   \
97     if (verbose) {                                                             \
98       std::printf(" GB/s ");                                                   \
99     }                                                                          \
100     std::printf("\t");                                                       \
101     std::printf("%7.3f", 1.0 / aggregate.best.elapsed_sec());                  \
102     if (verbose) {                                                             \
103       std::printf(" documents/s ");                                            \
104     }                                                                          \
105     std::printf("\n");                                                         \
106     std::fflush(NULL);                                                         \
107   } while (0)
109 #endif