1{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2-- | This module implements the algorithms described in RFC 6265 for the Network.HTTP.Conduit library.
3module Network.HTTP.Client.Cookies
4    ( updateCookieJar
5    , receiveSetCookie
6    , generateCookie
7    , insertCheckedCookie
8    , insertCookiesIntoRequest
9    , computeCookieString
10    , evictExpiredCookies
11    , createCookieJar
12    , destroyCookieJar
13    , pathMatches
14    , removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar
15    , domainMatches
16    , isIpAddress
17    , isPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin
18    , defaultPath
19    ) where
21import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
22import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
23import Data.Maybe
24import qualified Data.List as L
25import Data.Time.Clock
26import Data.Time.Calendar
27import Web.Cookie
28import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
29import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
30import qualified Network.PublicSuffixList.Lookup as PSL
31import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8With)
32import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
33import qualified Data.IP as IP
34import Text.Read (readMaybe)
36import Network.HTTP.Client.Types as Req
38slash :: Integral a => a
39slash = 47 -- '/'
41isIpAddress :: BS.ByteString -> Bool
42isIpAddress =
43    go (4 :: Int)
44  where
45    go 0 bs = BS.null bs
46    go rest bs =
47        case S8.readInt x of
48            Just (i, x') | BS.null x' && i >= 0 && i < 256 -> go (rest - 1) y
49            _ -> False
50      where
51        (x, y') = BS.break (== 46) bs -- period
52        y = BS.drop 1 y'
54-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Domain Matching\" detailed
55-- in section 5.1.3
56domainMatches :: BS.ByteString -- ^ Domain to test
57              -> BS.ByteString -- ^ Domain from a cookie
58              -> Bool
59domainMatches string' domainString'
60  | string == domainString = True
61  | BS.length string < BS.length domainString + 1 = False
62  | domainString `BS.isSuffixOf` string && BS.singleton (BS.last difference) == "." && not (isIpAddress string) = True
63  | otherwise = False
64  where difference = BS.take (BS.length string - BS.length domainString) string
65        string = CI.foldCase string'
66        domainString = CI.foldCase domainString'
68-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Paths\" detailed
69-- in section 5.1.4
70defaultPath :: Req.Request   -> BS.ByteString
71defaultPath req
72  | BS.null uri_path = "/"
73  | BS.singleton (BS.head uri_path) /= "/" = "/"
74  | BS.count slash uri_path <= 1 = "/"
75  | otherwise = BS.reverse $ BS.tail $ BS.dropWhile (/= slash) $ BS.reverse uri_path
76  where uri_path = Req.path req
78-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Path-Match\" detailed
79-- in section 5.1.4
80pathMatches :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> Bool
81pathMatches requestPath cookiePath
82  | cookiePath == path' = True
83  | cookiePath `BS.isPrefixOf` path' && BS.singleton (BS.last cookiePath) == "/" = True
84  | cookiePath `BS.isPrefixOf` path' && BS.singleton (BS.head remainder)  == "/" = True
85  | otherwise = False
86  where remainder = BS.drop (BS.length cookiePath) requestPath
87        path' = case S8.uncons requestPath of
88                 Just ('/', _) -> requestPath
89                 _             -> '/' `S8.cons` requestPath
91createCookieJar :: [Cookie] -> CookieJar
92createCookieJar = CJ
94destroyCookieJar :: CookieJar -> [Cookie]
95destroyCookieJar = expose
97insertIntoCookieJar :: Cookie -> CookieJar -> CookieJar
98insertIntoCookieJar cookie cookie_jar' = CJ $ cookie : cookie_jar
99  where cookie_jar = expose cookie_jar'
101removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar :: Cookie -> CookieJar -> (Maybe Cookie, CookieJar)
102removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar' = (mc, CJ lc)
103  where (mc, lc) = removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper cookie (expose cookie_jar')
104        removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper _ [] = (Nothing, [])
105        removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper c (c' : cs)
106          | c `equivCookie` c' = (Just c', cs)
107          | otherwise = (cookie', c' : cookie_jar'')
108          where (cookie', cookie_jar'') = removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper c cs
110-- | Are we configured to reject cookies for domains such as \"com\"?
111rejectPublicSuffixes :: Bool
112rejectPublicSuffixes = True
114isPublicSuffix :: BS.ByteString -> Bool
115isPublicSuffix = PSL.isSuffix . decodeUtf8With lenientDecode
117-- | Algorithm described in \"Secure Contexts\", Section 3.1, \"Is origin potentially trustworthy?\"
119-- Note per RFC6265 section 5.4 user agent is free to define the meaning of "secure" protocol.
121-- See:
122-- https://w3c.github.io/webappsec-secure-contexts/#is-origin-trustworthy
123isPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin :: Bool          -- ^ True if HTTPS
124                               -> BS.ByteString -- ^ Host
125                               -> Bool          -- ^ Whether or not the origin is potentially trustworthy
126isPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin secure host
127  | secure = True             -- step 3
128  | isLoopbackAddr4 = True    -- step 4, part 1
129  | isLoopbackAddr6 = True    -- step 4, part 2
130  | isLoopbackHostname = True -- step 5
131  | otherwise = False
132  where isLoopbackHostname =
133               host == "localhost"
134            || host == "localhost."
135            || BS.isSuffixOf ".localhost" host
136            || BS.isSuffixOf ".localhost." host
137        isLoopbackAddr4 =
138          fmap (take 1 . IP.fromIPv4) (readMaybe (S8.unpack host)) == Just [127]
139        isLoopbackAddr6 =
140          fmap IP.toHostAddress6 maddr6 == Just (0, 0, 0, 1)
141        maddr6 = do
142          (c1, rest1) <- S8.uncons host
143          (rest2, c2) <- S8.unsnoc rest1
144          case [c1, c2] of
145            "[]" -> readMaybe (S8.unpack rest2)
146            _ -> Nothing
148-- | This corresponds to the eviction algorithm described in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
149evictExpiredCookies :: CookieJar  -- ^ Input cookie jar
150                    -> UTCTime    -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
151                    -> CookieJar  -- ^ Filtered cookie jar
152evictExpiredCookies cookie_jar' now = CJ $ filter (\ cookie -> cookie_expiry_time cookie >= now) $ expose cookie_jar'
154-- | This applies the 'computeCookieString' to a given Request
155insertCookiesIntoRequest :: Req.Request                 -- ^ The request to insert into
156                         -> CookieJar                   -- ^ Current cookie jar
157                         -> UTCTime                     -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
158                         -> (Req.Request, CookieJar)    -- ^ (Output request, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))
159insertCookiesIntoRequest request cookie_jar now
160  | BS.null cookie_string = (request, cookie_jar')
161  | otherwise = (request {Req.requestHeaders = cookie_header : purgedHeaders}, cookie_jar')
162  where purgedHeaders = L.deleteBy (\ (a, _) (b, _) -> a == b) (CI.mk $ "Cookie", BS.empty) $ Req.requestHeaders request
163        (cookie_string, cookie_jar') = computeCookieString request cookie_jar now True
164        cookie_header = (CI.mk $ "Cookie", cookie_string)
166-- | This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.4 \"The Cookie Header\"
167computeCookieString :: Req.Request           -- ^ Input request
168                    -> CookieJar             -- ^ Current cookie jar
169                    -> UTCTime               -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
170                    -> Bool                  -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
171                    -> (BS.ByteString, CookieJar)  -- ^ (Contents of a \"Cookie\" header, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))
172computeCookieString request cookie_jar now is_http_api = (output_line, cookie_jar')
173  where matching_cookie cookie = condition1 && condition2 && condition3 && condition4
174          where condition1
175                  | cookie_host_only cookie = CI.foldCase (Req.host request) == CI.foldCase (cookie_domain cookie)
176                  | otherwise = domainMatches (Req.host request) (cookie_domain cookie)
177                condition2 = pathMatches (Req.path request) (cookie_path cookie)
178                condition3
179                  | not (cookie_secure_only cookie) = True
180                  | otherwise = isPotentiallyTrustworthyOrigin (Req.secure request) (Req.host request)
181                condition4
182                  | not (cookie_http_only cookie) = True
183                  | otherwise = is_http_api
184        matching_cookies = filter matching_cookie $ expose cookie_jar
185        output_cookies =  map (\ c -> (cookie_name c, cookie_value c)) $ L.sortBy compareCookies matching_cookies
186        output_line = toByteString $ renderCookies $ output_cookies
187        folding_function cookie_jar'' cookie = case removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar'' of
188          (Just c, cookie_jar''') -> insertIntoCookieJar (c {cookie_last_access_time = now}) cookie_jar'''
189          (Nothing, cookie_jar''') -> cookie_jar'''
190        cookie_jar' = foldl folding_function cookie_jar matching_cookies
192-- | This applies 'receiveSetCookie' to a given Response
193updateCookieJar :: Response a                   -- ^ Response received from server
194                -> Request                      -- ^ Request which generated the response
195                -> UTCTime                      -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
196                -> CookieJar                    -- ^ Current cookie jar
197                -> (CookieJar, Response a)      -- ^ (Updated cookie jar with cookies from the Response, The response stripped of any \"Set-Cookie\" header)
198updateCookieJar response request now cookie_jar = (cookie_jar', response { responseHeaders = other_headers })
199  where (set_cookie_headers, other_headers) = L.partition ((== (CI.mk $ "Set-Cookie")) . fst) $ responseHeaders response
200        set_cookie_data = map snd set_cookie_headers
201        set_cookies = map parseSetCookie set_cookie_data
202        cookie_jar' = foldl (\ cj sc -> receiveSetCookie sc request now True cj) cookie_jar set_cookies
204-- | This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
205-- This function consists of calling 'generateCookie' followed by 'insertCheckedCookie'.
206-- Use this function if you plan to do both in a row.
207-- 'generateCookie' and 'insertCheckedCookie' are only provided for more fine-grained control.
208receiveSetCookie :: SetCookie      -- ^ The 'SetCookie' the cookie jar is receiving
209                 -> Req.Request    -- ^ The request that originated the response that yielded the 'SetCookie'
210                 -> UTCTime        -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
211                 -> Bool           -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
212                 -> CookieJar      -- ^ Input cookie jar to modify
213                 -> CookieJar      -- ^ Updated cookie jar
214receiveSetCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api cookie_jar = case (do
215  cookie <- generateCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api
216  return $ insertCheckedCookie cookie cookie_jar is_http_api) of
217  Just cj -> cj
218  Nothing -> cookie_jar
220-- | Insert a cookie created by generateCookie into the cookie jar (or not if it shouldn't be allowed in)
221insertCheckedCookie :: Cookie    -- ^ The 'SetCookie' the cookie jar is receiving
222                    -> CookieJar -- ^ Input cookie jar to modify
223                    -> Bool      -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
224                    -> CookieJar -- ^ Updated (or not) cookie jar
225insertCheckedCookie c cookie_jar is_http_api = case (do
226  (cookie_jar', cookie') <- existanceTest c cookie_jar
227  return $ insertIntoCookieJar cookie' cookie_jar') of
228  Just cj -> cj
229  Nothing -> cookie_jar
230  where existanceTest cookie cookie_jar' = existanceTestHelper cookie $ removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar'
231        existanceTestHelper new_cookie (Just old_cookie, cookie_jar')
232          | not is_http_api && cookie_http_only old_cookie = Nothing
233          | otherwise = return (cookie_jar', new_cookie {cookie_creation_time = cookie_creation_time old_cookie})
234        existanceTestHelper new_cookie (Nothing, cookie_jar') = return (cookie_jar', new_cookie)
236-- | Turn a SetCookie into a Cookie, if it is valid
237generateCookie :: SetCookie      -- ^ The 'SetCookie' we are encountering
238               -> Req.Request    -- ^ The request that originated the response that yielded the 'SetCookie'
239               -> UTCTime        -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
240               -> Bool           -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
241               -> Maybe Cookie   -- ^ The optional output cookie
242generateCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api = do
243          domain_sanitized <- sanitizeDomain $ step4 (setCookieDomain set_cookie)
244          domain_intermediate <- step5 domain_sanitized
245          (domain_final, host_only') <- step6 domain_intermediate
246          http_only' <- step10
247          return $ Cookie { cookie_name = setCookieName set_cookie
248                          , cookie_value = setCookieValue set_cookie
249                          , cookie_expiry_time = getExpiryTime (setCookieExpires set_cookie) (setCookieMaxAge set_cookie)
250                          , cookie_domain = domain_final
251                          , cookie_path = getPath $ setCookiePath set_cookie
252                          , cookie_creation_time = now
253                          , cookie_last_access_time = now
254                          , cookie_persistent = getPersistent
255                          , cookie_host_only = host_only'
256                          , cookie_secure_only = setCookieSecure set_cookie
257                          , cookie_http_only = http_only'
258                          }
259  where sanitizeDomain domain'
260          | has_a_character && BS.singleton (BS.last domain') == "." = Nothing
261          | has_a_character && BS.singleton (BS.head domain') == "." = Just $ BS.tail domain'
262          | otherwise = Just $ domain'
263          where has_a_character = not (BS.null domain')
264        step4 (Just set_cookie_domain) = set_cookie_domain
265        step4 Nothing = BS.empty
266        step5 domain'
267          | firstCondition && domain' == (Req.host request) = return BS.empty
268          | firstCondition = Nothing
269          | otherwise = return domain'
270          where firstCondition = rejectPublicSuffixes && has_a_character && isPublicSuffix domain'
271                has_a_character = not (BS.null domain')
272        step6 domain'
273          | firstCondition && not (domainMatches (Req.host request) domain') = Nothing
274          | firstCondition = return (domain', False)
275          | otherwise = return (Req.host request, True)
276          where firstCondition = not $ BS.null domain'
277        step10
278          | not is_http_api && setCookieHttpOnly set_cookie = Nothing
279          | otherwise = return $ setCookieHttpOnly set_cookie
280        getExpiryTime :: Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe DiffTime -> UTCTime
281        getExpiryTime _ (Just t) = (fromRational $ toRational t) `addUTCTime` now
282        getExpiryTime (Just t) Nothing = t
283        getExpiryTime Nothing Nothing = UTCTime (365000 `addDays` utctDay now) (secondsToDiffTime 0)
284        getPath (Just p) = p
285        getPath Nothing = defaultPath request
286        getPersistent = isJust (setCookieExpires set_cookie) || isJust (setCookieMaxAge set_cookie)