1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
14module Stack.Setup
15  ( setupEnv
16  , ensureCompilerAndMsys
17  , ensureDockerStackExe
18  , SetupOpts (..)
19  , defaultSetupInfoYaml
20  , withNewLocalBuildTargets
22  -- * Stack binary download
23  , StackReleaseInfo
24  , getDownloadVersion
25  , stackVersion
26  , preferredPlatforms
27  , downloadStackReleaseInfo
28  , downloadStackExe
29  ) where
31import qualified    Codec.Archive.Tar as Tar
32import              Conduit
33import              Control.Applicative (empty)
34import "cryptonite" Crypto.Hash (SHA1(..), SHA256(..))
35import              Pantry.Internal.AesonExtended
36import qualified    Data.ByteString as S
37import qualified    Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
38import qualified    Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
39import              Data.Conduit.Lazy (lazyConsume)
40import qualified    Data.Conduit.List as CL
41import              Data.Conduit.Process.Typed (createSource)
42import              Data.Conduit.Zlib          (ungzip)
43import              Data.Foldable (maximumBy)
44import qualified    Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
45import              Data.List hiding (concat, elem, maximumBy, any)
46import qualified    Data.Map as Map
47import qualified    Data.Set as Set
48import qualified    Data.Text as T
49import qualified    Data.Text.Encoding as T
50import qualified    Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
51import qualified    Data.Yaml as Yaml
52import              Distribution.System (OS, Arch (..), Platform (..))
53import qualified    Distribution.System as Cabal
54import              Distribution.Text (simpleParse)
55import              Distribution.Types.PackageName (mkPackageName)
56import              Distribution.Version (mkVersion)
57import              Network.HTTP.Client (redirectCount)
58import              Network.HTTP.StackClient (CheckHexDigest (..), HashCheck (..),
59                                              getResponseBody, getResponseStatusCode, httpLbs, httpJSON,
60                                              mkDownloadRequest, parseRequest, parseUrlThrow, setGithubHeaders,
61                                              setHashChecks, setLengthCheck, verifiedDownloadWithProgress, withResponse,
62                                              setRequestMethod)
63import              Network.HTTP.Simple (getResponseHeader)
64import              Path hiding (fileExtension)
65import              Path.CheckInstall (warnInstallSearchPathIssues)
66import              Path.Extended (fileExtension)
67import              Path.Extra (toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
68import              Path.IO hiding (findExecutable, withSystemTempDir)
69import qualified    Pantry
70import qualified    RIO
71import              RIO.List
72import              RIO.PrettyPrint
73import              RIO.Process
74import              Stack.Build.Haddock (shouldHaddockDeps)
75import              Stack.Build.Source (loadSourceMap, hashSourceMapData)
76import              Stack.Build.Target (NeedTargets(..), parseTargets)
77import              Stack.Constants
78import              Stack.Constants.Config (distRelativeDir)
79import              Stack.GhcPkg (createDatabase, getGlobalDB, mkGhcPackagePath, ghcPkgPathEnvVar)
80import              Stack.Prelude hiding (Display (..))
81import              Stack.SourceMap
82import              Stack.Setup.Installed
83import              Stack.Storage.User (loadCompilerPaths, saveCompilerPaths)
84import              Stack.Types.Build
85import              Stack.Types.Compiler
86import              Stack.Types.CompilerBuild
87import              Stack.Types.Config
88import              Stack.Types.Docker
89import              Stack.Types.SourceMap
90import              Stack.Types.Version
91import qualified    System.Directory as D
92import              System.Environment (getExecutablePath, lookupEnv)
93import              System.IO.Error (isPermissionError)
94import              System.FilePath (searchPathSeparator)
95import qualified    System.FilePath as FP
96import              System.Permissions (setFileExecutable)
97import              System.Uname (getRelease)
98import              Data.List.Split (splitOn)
100-- | Default location of the stack-setup.yaml file
101defaultSetupInfoYaml :: String
102defaultSetupInfoYaml =
103    "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fpco/stackage-content/master/stack/stack-setup-2.yaml"
105data SetupOpts = SetupOpts
106    { soptsInstallIfMissing :: !Bool
107    , soptsUseSystem :: !Bool
108    -- ^ Should we use a system compiler installation, if available?
109    , soptsWantedCompiler :: !WantedCompiler
110    , soptsCompilerCheck :: !VersionCheck
111    , soptsStackYaml :: !(Maybe (Path Abs File))
112    -- ^ If we got the desired GHC version from that file
113    , soptsForceReinstall :: !Bool
114    , soptsSanityCheck :: !Bool
115    -- ^ Run a sanity check on the selected GHC
116    , soptsSkipGhcCheck :: !Bool
117    -- ^ Don't check for a compatible GHC version/architecture
118    , soptsSkipMsys :: !Bool
119    -- ^ Do not use a custom msys installation on Windows
120    , soptsResolveMissingGHC :: !(Maybe Text)
121    -- ^ Message shown to user for how to resolve the missing GHC
122    , soptsGHCBindistURL :: !(Maybe String)
123    -- ^ Alternate GHC binary distribution (requires custom GHCVariant)
124    }
125    deriving Show
126data SetupException = UnsupportedSetupCombo OS Arch
127                    | MissingDependencies [String]
128                    | UnknownCompilerVersion (Set.Set Text) WantedCompiler (Set.Set ActualCompiler)
129                    | UnknownOSKey Text
130                    | GHCSanityCheckCompileFailed SomeException (Path Abs File)
131                    | WantedMustBeGHC
132                    | RequireCustomGHCVariant
133                    | ProblemWhileDecompressing (Path Abs File)
134                    | SetupInfoMissingSevenz
135                    | DockerStackExeNotFound Version Text
136                    | UnsupportedSetupConfiguration
137                    | InvalidGhcAt (Path Abs File) SomeException
138    deriving Typeable
139instance Exception SetupException
140instance Show SetupException where
141    show (UnsupportedSetupCombo os arch) = concat
142        [ "I don't know how to install GHC for "
143        , show (os, arch)
144        , ", please install manually"
145        ]
146    show (MissingDependencies tools) =
147        "The following executables are missing and must be installed: " ++
148        intercalate ", " tools
149    show (UnknownCompilerVersion oskeys wanted known) = concat
150        [ "No setup information found for "
151        , T.unpack $ utf8BuilderToText $ RIO.display wanted
152        , " on your platform.\nThis probably means a GHC bindist has not yet been added for OS key '"
153        , T.unpack (T.intercalate "', '" (sort $ Set.toList oskeys))
154        , "'.\nSupported versions: "
155        , T.unpack (T.intercalate ", " (map compilerVersionText (sort $ Set.toList known)))
156        ]
157    show (UnknownOSKey oskey) =
158        "Unable to find installation URLs for OS key: " ++
159        T.unpack oskey
160    show (GHCSanityCheckCompileFailed e ghc) = concat
161        [ "The GHC located at "
162        , toFilePath ghc
163        , " failed to compile a sanity check. Please see:\n\n"
164        , "    http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade/\n\n"
165        , "for more information. Exception was:\n"
166        , show e
167        ]
168    show WantedMustBeGHC =
169        "The wanted compiler must be GHC"
170    show RequireCustomGHCVariant =
171        "A custom --ghc-variant must be specified to use --ghc-bindist"
172    show (ProblemWhileDecompressing archive) =
173        "Problem while decompressing " ++ toFilePath archive
174    show SetupInfoMissingSevenz =
175        "SetupInfo missing Sevenz EXE/DLL"
176    show (DockerStackExeNotFound stackVersion' osKey) = concat
177        [ stackProgName
178        , "-"
179        , versionString stackVersion'
180        , " executable not found for "
181        , T.unpack osKey
182        , "\nUse the '"
183        , T.unpack dockerStackExeArgName
184        , "' option to specify a location"]
185    show UnsupportedSetupConfiguration =
186        "I don't know how to install GHC on your system configuration, please install manually"
187    show (InvalidGhcAt compiler e) =
188        "Found an invalid compiler at " ++ show (toFilePath compiler) ++ ": " ++ displayException e
190-- | Modify the environment variables (like PATH) appropriately, possibly doing installation too
191setupEnv :: NeedTargets
192         -> BuildOptsCLI
193         -> Maybe Text -- ^ Message to give user when necessary GHC is not available
194         -> RIO BuildConfig EnvConfig
195setupEnv needTargets boptsCLI mResolveMissingGHC = do
196    config <- view configL
197    bc <- view buildConfigL
198    let stackYaml = bcStackYaml bc
199    platform <- view platformL
200    wcVersion <- view wantedCompilerVersionL
201    wanted <- view wantedCompilerVersionL
202    actual <- either throwIO pure $ wantedToActual wanted
203    let wc = actual^.whichCompilerL
204    let sopts = SetupOpts
205            { soptsInstallIfMissing = configInstallGHC config
206            , soptsUseSystem = configSystemGHC config
207            , soptsWantedCompiler = wcVersion
208            , soptsCompilerCheck = configCompilerCheck config
209            , soptsStackYaml = Just stackYaml
210            , soptsForceReinstall = False
211            , soptsSanityCheck = False
212            , soptsSkipGhcCheck = configSkipGHCCheck config
213            , soptsSkipMsys = configSkipMsys config
214            , soptsResolveMissingGHC = mResolveMissingGHC
215            , soptsGHCBindistURL = Nothing
216            }
218    (compilerPaths, ghcBin) <- ensureCompilerAndMsys sopts
219    let compilerVer = cpCompilerVersion compilerPaths
221    -- Modify the initial environment to include the GHC path, if a local GHC
222    -- is being used
223    menv0 <- view processContextL
224    env <- either throwM (return . removeHaskellEnvVars)
225               $ augmentPathMap
226                    (map toFilePath $ edBins ghcBin)
227                    (view envVarsL menv0)
228    menv <- mkProcessContext env
230    logDebug "Resolving package entries"
232    (sourceMap, sourceMapHash) <- runWithGHC menv compilerPaths $ do
233      smActual <- actualFromGhc (bcSMWanted bc) compilerVer
234      let actualPkgs = Map.keysSet (smaDeps smActual) <>
235                       Map.keysSet (smaProject smActual)
236          prunedActual = smActual { smaGlobal = pruneGlobals (smaGlobal smActual) actualPkgs }
237          haddockDeps = shouldHaddockDeps (configBuild config)
238      targets <- parseTargets needTargets haddockDeps boptsCLI prunedActual
239      sourceMap <- loadSourceMap targets boptsCLI smActual
240      sourceMapHash <- hashSourceMapData boptsCLI sourceMap
241      pure (sourceMap, sourceMapHash)
243    let envConfig0 = EnvConfig
244            { envConfigBuildConfig = bc
245            , envConfigBuildOptsCLI = boptsCLI
246            , envConfigSourceMap = sourceMap
247            , envConfigSourceMapHash = sourceMapHash
248            , envConfigCompilerPaths = compilerPaths
249            }
251    -- extra installation bin directories
252    mkDirs <- runRIO envConfig0 extraBinDirs
253    let mpath = Map.lookup "PATH" env
254    depsPath <- either throwM return $ augmentPath (toFilePath <$> mkDirs False) mpath
255    localsPath <- either throwM return $ augmentPath (toFilePath <$> mkDirs True) mpath
257    deps <- runRIO envConfig0 packageDatabaseDeps
258    runWithGHC menv compilerPaths $ createDatabase (cpPkg compilerPaths) deps
259    localdb <- runRIO envConfig0 packageDatabaseLocal
260    runWithGHC menv compilerPaths $ createDatabase (cpPkg compilerPaths) localdb
261    extras <- runReaderT packageDatabaseExtra envConfig0
262    let mkGPP locals = mkGhcPackagePath locals localdb deps extras $ cpGlobalDB compilerPaths
264    distDir <- runReaderT distRelativeDir envConfig0 >>= canonicalizePath
266    executablePath <- liftIO getExecutablePath
268    utf8EnvVars <- withProcessContext menv $ getUtf8EnvVars compilerVer
270    mGhcRtsEnvVar <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "GHCRTS"
272    envRef <- liftIO $ newIORef Map.empty
273    let getProcessContext' es = do
274            m <- readIORef envRef
275            case Map.lookup es m of
276                Just eo -> return eo
277                Nothing -> do
278                    eo <- mkProcessContext
279                        $ Map.insert "PATH" (if esIncludeLocals es then localsPath else depsPath)
280                        $ (if esIncludeGhcPackagePath es
281                                then Map.insert (ghcPkgPathEnvVar wc) (mkGPP (esIncludeLocals es))
282                                else id)
284                        $ (if esStackExe es
285                                then Map.insert "STACK_EXE" (T.pack executablePath)
286                                else id)
288                        $ (if esLocaleUtf8 es
289                                then Map.union utf8EnvVars
290                                else id)
292                        $ case (soptsSkipMsys sopts, platform) of
293                            (False, Platform Cabal.I386   Cabal.Windows)
294                                -> Map.insert "MSYSTEM" "MINGW32"
295                            (False, Platform Cabal.X86_64 Cabal.Windows)
296                                -> Map.insert "MSYSTEM" "MINGW64"
297                            _   -> id
299                        -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3444
300                        $ case (esKeepGhcRts es, mGhcRtsEnvVar) of
301                            (True, Just ghcRts) -> Map.insert "GHCRTS" (T.pack ghcRts)
302                            _ -> id
304                        -- For reasoning and duplication, see: https://github.com/fpco/stack/issues/70
305                        $ Map.insert "HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOX" (T.pack $ toFilePathNoTrailingSep deps)
306                        $ Map.insert "HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOXES"
307                            (T.pack $ if esIncludeLocals es
308                                then intercalate [searchPathSeparator]
309                                        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep localdb
310                                        , toFilePathNoTrailingSep deps
311                                        , ""
312                                        ]
313                                else intercalate [searchPathSeparator]
314                                        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep deps
315                                        , ""
316                                        ])
317                        $ Map.insert "HASKELL_DIST_DIR" (T.pack $ toFilePathNoTrailingSep distDir)
319                          -- Make sure that any .ghc.environment files
320                          -- are ignored, since we're settting up our
321                          -- own package databases. See
322                          -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4706
323                        $ (case cpCompilerVersion compilerPaths of
324                             ACGhc version | version >= mkVersion [8, 4, 4] ->
325                               Map.insert "GHC_ENVIRONMENT" "-"
326                             _ -> id)
328                          env
330                    () <- atomicModifyIORef envRef $ \m' ->
331                        (Map.insert es eo m', ())
332                    return eo
334    envOverride <- liftIO $ getProcessContext' minimalEnvSettings
335    return EnvConfig
336        { envConfigBuildConfig = bc
337            { bcConfig = addIncludeLib ghcBin
338                       $ set processContextL envOverride
339                         (view configL bc)
340                { configProcessContextSettings = getProcessContext'
341                }
342            }
343        , envConfigBuildOptsCLI = boptsCLI
344        , envConfigSourceMap = sourceMap
345        , envConfigSourceMapHash = sourceMapHash
346        , envConfigCompilerPaths = compilerPaths
347        }
349-- | A modified env which we know has an installed compiler on the PATH.
350data WithGHC env = WithGHC !CompilerPaths !env
352insideL :: Lens' (WithGHC env) env
353insideL = lens (\(WithGHC _ x) -> x) (\(WithGHC cp _) -> WithGHC cp)
355instance HasLogFunc env => HasLogFunc (WithGHC env) where
356  logFuncL = insideL.logFuncL
357instance HasRunner env => HasRunner (WithGHC env) where
358  runnerL = insideL.runnerL
359instance HasProcessContext env => HasProcessContext (WithGHC env) where
360  processContextL = insideL.processContextL
361instance HasStylesUpdate env => HasStylesUpdate (WithGHC env) where
362  stylesUpdateL = insideL.stylesUpdateL
363instance HasTerm env => HasTerm (WithGHC env) where
364  useColorL = insideL.useColorL
365  termWidthL = insideL.termWidthL
366instance HasPantryConfig env => HasPantryConfig (WithGHC env) where
367  pantryConfigL = insideL.pantryConfigL
368instance HasConfig env => HasPlatform (WithGHC env)
369instance HasConfig env => HasGHCVariant (WithGHC env)
370instance HasConfig env => HasConfig (WithGHC env) where
371  configL = insideL.configL
372instance HasBuildConfig env => HasBuildConfig (WithGHC env) where
373  buildConfigL = insideL.buildConfigL
374instance HasCompiler (WithGHC env) where
375  compilerPathsL = to (\(WithGHC cp _) -> cp)
377-- | Set up a modified environment which includes the modified PATH
378-- that GHC can be found on. This is needed for looking up global
379-- package information and ghc fingerprint (result from 'ghc --info').
380runWithGHC :: HasConfig env => ProcessContext -> CompilerPaths -> RIO (WithGHC env) a -> RIO env a
381runWithGHC pc cp inner = do
382  env <- ask
383  let envg
384        = WithGHC cp $
385          set envOverrideSettingsL (\_ -> return pc) $
386          set processContextL pc env
387  runRIO envg inner
389-- | special helper for GHCJS which needs an updated source map
390-- only project dependencies should get included otherwise source map hash will
391-- get changed and EnvConfig will become inconsistent
392rebuildEnv :: EnvConfig
393    -> NeedTargets
394    -> Bool
395    -> BuildOptsCLI
396    -> RIO env EnvConfig
397rebuildEnv envConfig needTargets haddockDeps boptsCLI = do
398    let bc = envConfigBuildConfig envConfig
399        cp = envConfigCompilerPaths envConfig
400        compilerVer = smCompiler $ envConfigSourceMap envConfig
401    runRIO (WithGHC cp bc) $ do
402        smActual <- actualFromGhc (bcSMWanted bc) compilerVer
403        let actualPkgs = Map.keysSet (smaDeps smActual) <> Map.keysSet (smaProject smActual)
404            prunedActual = smActual {
405              smaGlobal = pruneGlobals (smaGlobal smActual) actualPkgs
406              }
407        targets <- parseTargets needTargets haddockDeps boptsCLI prunedActual
408        sourceMap <- loadSourceMap targets boptsCLI smActual
409        return $
410            envConfig
411            {envConfigSourceMap = sourceMap, envConfigBuildOptsCLI = boptsCLI}
413-- | Some commands (script, ghci and exec) set targets dynamically
414-- see also the note about only local targets for rebuildEnv
415withNewLocalBuildTargets :: HasEnvConfig  env => [Text] -> RIO env a -> RIO env a
416withNewLocalBuildTargets targets f = do
417    envConfig <- view $ envConfigL
418    haddockDeps <- view $ configL.to configBuild.to shouldHaddockDeps
419    let boptsCLI = envConfigBuildOptsCLI envConfig
420    envConfig' <- rebuildEnv envConfig NeedTargets haddockDeps $
421                  boptsCLI {boptsCLITargets = targets}
422    local (set envConfigL envConfig') f
424-- | Add the include and lib paths to the given Config
425addIncludeLib :: ExtraDirs -> Config -> Config
426addIncludeLib (ExtraDirs _bins includes libs) config = config
427    { configExtraIncludeDirs =
428        configExtraIncludeDirs config ++
429        map toFilePathNoTrailingSep includes
430    , configExtraLibDirs =
431        configExtraLibDirs config ++
432        map toFilePathNoTrailingSep libs
433    }
435-- | Ensure both the compiler and the msys toolchain are installed and
436-- provide the PATHs to add if necessary
438  :: (HasBuildConfig env, HasGHCVariant env)
439  => SetupOpts
440  -> RIO env (CompilerPaths, ExtraDirs)
441ensureCompilerAndMsys sopts = do
442  actual <- either throwIO pure $ wantedToActual $ soptsWantedCompiler sopts
443  didWarn <- warnUnsupportedCompiler $ getGhcVersion actual
445  getSetupInfo' <- memoizeRef getSetupInfo
446  (cp, ghcPaths) <- ensureCompiler sopts getSetupInfo'
448  warnUnsupportedCompilerCabal cp didWarn
450  mmsys2Tool <- ensureMsys sopts getSetupInfo'
451  paths <-
452    case mmsys2Tool of
453      Nothing -> pure ghcPaths
454      Just msys2Tool -> do
455        msys2Paths <- extraDirs msys2Tool
456        pure $ ghcPaths <> msys2Paths
457  pure (cp, paths)
459-- | See <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4246>
460warnUnsupportedCompiler :: HasLogFunc env => Version -> RIO env Bool
461warnUnsupportedCompiler ghcVersion = do
462  if
463    | ghcVersion < mkVersion [7, 8] -> do
464        logWarn $
465          "Stack will almost certainly fail with GHC below version 7.8, requested " <>
466          fromString (versionString ghcVersion)
467        logWarn "Valiantly attempting to run anyway, but I know this is doomed"
468        logWarn "For more information, see: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/648"
469        logWarn ""
470        pure True
471    | ghcVersion >= mkVersion [9, 1] -> do
472        logWarn $
473          "Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 9.0, and using " <>
474          fromString (versionString ghcVersion) <>
475          ", this may fail"
476        pure True
477    | otherwise -> do
478        logDebug "Asking for a supported GHC version"
479        pure False
481-- | See <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4246>
483  :: HasLogFunc env
484  => CompilerPaths
485  -> Bool -- ^ already warned about GHC?
486  -> RIO env ()
487warnUnsupportedCompilerCabal cp didWarn = do
488  unless didWarn $ void $ warnUnsupportedCompiler $ getGhcVersion $ cpCompilerVersion cp
489  let cabalVersion = cpCabalVersion cp
491  if
492    | cabalVersion < mkVersion [1, 19, 2] -> do
493        logWarn $ "Stack no longer supports Cabal versions below 1.19.2,"
494        logWarn $ "but version " <> fromString (versionString cabalVersion) <> " was found."
495        logWarn "This invocation will most likely fail."
496        logWarn "To fix this, either use an older version of Stack or a newer resolver"
497        logWarn "Acceptable resolvers: lts-3.0/nightly-2015-05-05 or later"
498    | cabalVersion >= mkVersion [3, 5] ->
499        logWarn $
500          "Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 3.4, but version " <>
501          fromString (versionString cabalVersion) <>
502          " was found, this may fail"
503    | otherwise -> pure ()
505-- | Ensure that the msys toolchain is installed if necessary and
506-- provide the PATHs to add if necessary
508  :: HasBuildConfig env
509  => SetupOpts
510  -> Memoized SetupInfo
511  -> RIO env (Maybe Tool)
512ensureMsys sopts getSetupInfo' = do
513  platform <- view platformL
514  localPrograms <- view $ configL.to configLocalPrograms
515  installed <- listInstalled localPrograms
517  case platform of
518      Platform _ Cabal.Windows | not (soptsSkipMsys sopts) ->
519          case getInstalledTool installed (mkPackageName "msys2") (const True) of
520              Just tool -> return (Just tool)
521              Nothing
522                  | soptsInstallIfMissing sopts -> do
523                      si <- runMemoized getSetupInfo'
524                      osKey <- getOSKey platform
525                      config <- view configL
526                      VersionedDownloadInfo version info <-
527                          case Map.lookup osKey $ siMsys2 si of
528                              Just x -> return x
529                              Nothing -> throwString $ "MSYS2 not found for " ++ T.unpack osKey
530                      let tool = Tool (PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "msys2") version)
531                      Just <$> downloadAndInstallTool (configLocalPrograms config) info tool (installMsys2Windows si)
532                  | otherwise -> do
533                      logWarn "Continuing despite missing tool: msys2"
534                      return Nothing
535      _ -> return Nothing
538  :: HasBuildConfig env
539  => SetupOpts
540  -> Memoized SetupInfo
541  -> [Tool]
542  -> RIO env (Tool, CompilerBuild)
543installGhcBindist sopts getSetupInfo' installed = do
544    Platform expectedArch _ <- view platformL
545    let wanted = soptsWantedCompiler sopts
546        isWanted = isWantedCompiler (soptsCompilerCheck sopts) (soptsWantedCompiler sopts)
547    config <- view configL
548    ghcVariant <- view ghcVariantL
549    wc <- either throwIO (pure . whichCompiler) $ wantedToActual wanted
550    possibleCompilers <-
551            case wc of
552                Ghc -> do
553                    ghcBuilds <- getGhcBuilds
554                    forM ghcBuilds $ \ghcBuild -> do
555                        ghcPkgName <- parsePackageNameThrowing ("ghc" ++ ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant ++ compilerBuildSuffix ghcBuild)
556                        return (getInstalledTool installed ghcPkgName (isWanted . ACGhc), ghcBuild)
557    let existingCompilers = concatMap
558            (\(installedCompiler, compilerBuild) ->
559                case (installedCompiler, soptsForceReinstall sopts) of
560                    (Just tool, False) -> [(tool, compilerBuild)]
561                    _ -> [])
562            possibleCompilers
563    logDebug $
564      "Found already installed GHC builds: " <>
565      mconcat (intersperse ", " (map (fromString . compilerBuildName . snd) existingCompilers))
566    case existingCompilers of
567        (tool, build_):_ -> return (tool, build_)
568        []
569            | soptsInstallIfMissing sopts -> do
570                si <- runMemoized getSetupInfo'
571                downloadAndInstallPossibleCompilers
572                    (map snd possibleCompilers)
573                    si
574                    (soptsWantedCompiler sopts)
575                    (soptsCompilerCheck sopts)
576                    (soptsGHCBindistURL sopts)
577            | otherwise -> do
578                let suggestion = fromMaybe
579                        (mconcat
580                             [ "To install the correct GHC into "
581                             , T.pack (toFilePath (configLocalPrograms config))
582                             , ", try running \"stack setup\" or use the \"--install-ghc\" flag."
583                             , " To use your system GHC installation, run \"stack config set system-ghc --global true\", or use the \"--system-ghc\" flag."
584                             ])
585                        (soptsResolveMissingGHC sopts)
586                throwM $ CompilerVersionMismatch
587                    Nothing -- FIXME ((\(x, y, _) -> (x, y)) <$> msystem)
588                    (soptsWantedCompiler sopts, expectedArch)
589                    ghcVariant
590                    (case possibleCompilers of
591                        [] -> CompilerBuildStandard
592                        (_, compilerBuild):_ -> compilerBuild)
593                    (soptsCompilerCheck sopts)
594                    (soptsStackYaml sopts)
595                    suggestion
597-- | Ensure compiler is installed, without worrying about msys
599  :: forall env. (HasBuildConfig env, HasGHCVariant env)
600  => SetupOpts
601  -> Memoized SetupInfo
602  -> RIO env (CompilerPaths, ExtraDirs)
603ensureCompiler sopts getSetupInfo' = do
604    let wanted = soptsWantedCompiler sopts
605    wc <- either throwIO (pure . whichCompiler) $ wantedToActual wanted
607    Platform expectedArch _ <- view platformL
609    let canUseCompiler cp
610            | soptsSkipGhcCheck sopts = pure cp
611            | not $ isWanted $ cpCompilerVersion cp = throwString "Not the compiler version we want"
612            | cpArch cp /= expectedArch = throwString "Not the architecture we want"
613            | otherwise = pure cp
614        isWanted = isWantedCompiler (soptsCompilerCheck sopts) (soptsWantedCompiler sopts)
616    let checkCompiler :: Path Abs File -> RIO env (Maybe CompilerPaths)
617        checkCompiler compiler = do
618          eres <- tryAny $ pathsFromCompiler wc CompilerBuildStandard False compiler >>= canUseCompiler
619          case eres of
620            Left e -> do
621              logDebug $ "Not using compiler at " <> displayShow (toFilePath compiler) <> ": " <> displayShow e
622              pure Nothing
623            Right cp -> pure $ Just cp
625    mcp <-
626        if soptsUseSystem sopts
627            then do
628                logDebug "Getting system compiler version"
629                runConduit $
630                  sourceSystemCompilers wanted .|
631                  concatMapMC checkCompiler .|
632                  await
633            else return Nothing
634    case mcp of
635      Nothing -> ensureSandboxedCompiler sopts getSetupInfo'
636      Just cp -> do
637        let paths = ExtraDirs { edBins = [parent $ cpCompiler cp], edInclude = [], edLib = [] }
638        pure (cp, paths)
641  :: HasBuildConfig env
642  => SetupOpts
643  -> Memoized SetupInfo
644  -> RIO env (CompilerPaths, ExtraDirs)
645ensureSandboxedCompiler sopts getSetupInfo' = do
646    let wanted = soptsWantedCompiler sopts
647    -- List installed tools
648    config <- view configL
649    let localPrograms = configLocalPrograms config
650    installed <- listInstalled localPrograms
651    logDebug $ "Installed tools: \n - " <> mconcat (intersperse "\n - " (map (fromString . toolString) installed))
652    (compilerTool, compilerBuild) <-
653      case soptsWantedCompiler sopts of
654       -- shall we build GHC from source?
655       WCGhcGit commitId flavour -> buildGhcFromSource getSetupInfo' installed  (configCompilerRepository config) commitId flavour
656       _ -> installGhcBindist sopts getSetupInfo' installed
657    paths <- extraDirs compilerTool
659    wc <- either throwIO (pure . whichCompiler) $ wantedToActual wanted
660    menv0 <- view processContextL
661    m <- either throwM return
662       $ augmentPathMap (toFilePath <$> edBins paths) (view envVarsL menv0)
663    menv <- mkProcessContext (removeHaskellEnvVars m)
665    names <-
666      case wanted of
667        WCGhc version -> pure ["ghc-" ++ versionString version, "ghc"]
668        WCGhcGit{} -> pure ["ghc"]
669        WCGhcjs{} -> throwIO GhcjsNotSupported
671    -- Previously, we used findExecutable to locate these executables. This was
672    -- actually somewhat sloppy, as it could discover executables outside of the
673    -- sandbox. This led to a specific issue on Windows with GHC 9.0.1. See
674    -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/20074. Instead, now, we look
675    -- on the paths specified only.
676    let loop [] = do
677          logError $ "Looked for sandboxed compiler named one of: " <> displayShow names
678          logError $ "Could not find it on the paths " <> displayShow (edBins paths)
679          throwString "Could not find sandboxed compiler"
680        loop (x:xs) = do
681          res <- liftIO $ D.findExecutablesInDirectories (map toFilePath (edBins paths)) x
682          case res of
683            [] -> loop xs
684            compiler:rest -> do
685              unless (null rest) $ do
686                logWarn "Found multiple candidate compilers:"
687                for_ res $ \y -> logWarn $ "- " <> fromString y
688                logWarn $ "This usually indicates a failed installation. Trying anyway with " <> fromString compiler
689              parseAbsFile compiler
690    compiler <- withProcessContext menv $ do
691      compiler <- loop names
693      -- Run this here to ensure that the sanity check uses the modified
694      -- environment, otherwise we may infect GHC_PACKAGE_PATH and break sanity
695      -- checks.
696      when (soptsSanityCheck sopts) $ sanityCheck compiler
698      pure compiler
700    cp <- pathsFromCompiler wc compilerBuild True compiler
701    pure (cp, paths)
704  :: forall env. HasConfig env
705  => WhichCompiler
706  -> CompilerBuild
707  -> Bool
708  -> Path Abs File -- ^ executable filepath
709  -> RIO env CompilerPaths
710pathsFromCompiler wc compilerBuild isSandboxed compiler = withCache $ handleAny onErr $ do
711    let dir = toFilePath $ parent compiler
712        suffixNoVersion
713          | osIsWindows = ".exe"
714          | otherwise = ""
715        msuffixWithVersion = do
716          let prefix =
717                case wc of
718                  Ghc -> "ghc-"
719          fmap ("-" ++) $ stripPrefix prefix $ toFilePath $ filename compiler
720        suffixes = maybe id (:) msuffixWithVersion [suffixNoVersion]
721        findHelper :: (WhichCompiler -> [String]) -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
722        findHelper getNames = do
723          let toTry = [dir ++ name ++ suffix | suffix <- suffixes, name <- getNames wc]
724              loop [] = throwString $ "Could not find any of: " <> show toTry
725              loop (guessedPath':rest) = do
726                guessedPath <- parseAbsFile guessedPath'
727                exists <- doesFileExist guessedPath
728                if exists
729                  then pure guessedPath
730                  else loop rest
731          logDebug $ "Looking for executable(s): " <> displayShow toTry
732          loop toTry
733    pkg <- fmap GhcPkgExe $ findHelper $ \case
734                               Ghc -> ["ghc-pkg"]
736    menv0 <- view processContextL
737    menv <- mkProcessContext (removeHaskellEnvVars (view envVarsL menv0))
739    interpreter <- findHelper $
740                   \case
741                      Ghc -> ["runghc"]
742    haddock <- findHelper $
743               \case
744                  Ghc -> ["haddock", "haddock-ghc"]
745    infobs <- proc (toFilePath compiler) ["--info"]
746            $ fmap (toStrictBytes . fst) . readProcess_
747    infotext <-
748      case decodeUtf8' infobs of
749        Left e -> throwString $ "GHC info is not valid UTF-8: " ++ show e
750        Right info -> pure info
751    infoPairs :: [(String, String)] <-
752      case readMaybe $ T.unpack infotext of
753        Nothing -> throwString "GHC info does not parse as a list of pairs"
754        Just infoPairs -> pure infoPairs
755    let infoMap = Map.fromList infoPairs
757    eglobaldb <- tryAny $
758      case Map.lookup "Global Package DB" infoMap of
759        Nothing -> throwString "Key 'Global Package DB' not found in GHC info"
760        Just db -> parseAbsDir db
762    arch <-
763      case Map.lookup "Target platform" infoMap of
764        Nothing -> throwString "Key 'Target platform' not found in GHC info"
765        Just targetPlatform ->
766          case simpleParse $ takeWhile (/= '-') targetPlatform of
767            Nothing -> throwString $ "Invalid target platform in GHC info: " ++ show targetPlatform
768            Just arch -> pure arch
769    compilerVer <-
770      case wc of
771        Ghc ->
772          case Map.lookup "Project version" infoMap of
773            Nothing -> do
774              logWarn "Key 'Project version' not found in GHC info"
775              getCompilerVersion wc compiler
776            Just versionString' -> ACGhc <$> parseVersionThrowing versionString'
777    globaldb <-
778      case eglobaldb of
779        Left e -> do
780          logWarn "Parsing global DB from GHC info failed"
781          logWarn $ displayShow e
782          logWarn "Asking ghc-pkg directly"
783          withProcessContext menv $ getGlobalDB pkg
784        Right x -> pure x
786    globalDump <- withProcessContext menv $ globalsFromDump pkg
787    cabalPkgVer <-
788      case Map.lookup cabalPackageName globalDump of
789        Nothing -> throwString $ "Cabal library not found in global package database for " ++ toFilePath compiler
790        Just dp -> pure $ pkgVersion $ dpPackageIdent dp
792    return CompilerPaths
793      { cpBuild = compilerBuild
794      , cpArch = arch
795      , cpSandboxed = isSandboxed
796      , cpCompilerVersion = compilerVer
797      , cpCompiler = compiler
798      , cpPkg = pkg
799      , cpInterpreter = interpreter
800      , cpHaddock = haddock
801      , cpCabalVersion = cabalPkgVer
802      , cpGlobalDB = globaldb
803      , cpGhcInfo = infobs
804      , cpGlobalDump = globalDump
805      }
806  where
807    onErr = throwIO . InvalidGhcAt compiler
809    withCache inner = do
810      eres <- tryAny $ loadCompilerPaths compiler compilerBuild isSandboxed
811      mres <-
812        case eres of
813          Left e -> do
814            logWarn $ "Trouble loading CompilerPaths cache: " <> displayShow e
815            pure Nothing
816          Right x -> pure x
817      case mres of
818        Just cp -> cp <$ logDebug "Loaded compiler information from cache"
819        Nothing -> do
820          cp <- inner
821          saveCompilerPaths cp `catchAny` \e ->
822            logWarn ("Unable to save CompilerPaths cache: " <> displayShow e)
823          pure cp
825buildGhcFromSource :: forall env.
826   ( HasTerm env
827   , HasProcessContext env
828   , HasBuildConfig env
829   ) => Memoized SetupInfo -> [Tool] -> CompilerRepository -> Text -> Text
830   -> RIO env (Tool, CompilerBuild)
831buildGhcFromSource getSetupInfo' installed (CompilerRepository url) commitId flavour = do
832   config <- view configL
833   let compilerTool = ToolGhcGit commitId flavour
835   -- detect when the correct GHC is already installed
836   if compilerTool `elem` installed
837     then return (compilerTool,CompilerBuildStandard)
838     else do
839       let repo = Repo
840            { repoCommit = commitId
841            , repoUrl    = url
842            , repoType   = RepoGit
843            , repoSubdir = mempty
844            }
846       -- clone the repository and execute the given commands
847       Pantry.withRepo repo $ do
848         -- withRepo is guaranteed to set workingDirL, so let's get it
849         mcwd <- traverse parseAbsDir =<< view workingDirL
850         let cwd = fromMaybe (error "Invalid working directory") mcwd
852         threads <- view $ configL.to configJobs
853         let
854           hadrianArgs = fmap T.unpack
855               [ "-c"                    -- run ./boot and ./configure
856               , "-j" <> tshow threads   -- parallel build
857               , "--flavour=" <> flavour -- selected flavour
858               , "binary-dist"
859               ]
860           hadrianScripts
861             | osIsWindows = hadrianScriptsWindows
862             | otherwise   = hadrianScriptsPosix
864         foundHadrianPaths <- filterM doesFileExist $ (cwd </>) <$> hadrianScripts
865         hadrianPath <- maybe (throwString "No Hadrian build script found") pure $ listToMaybe foundHadrianPaths
867         logSticky $ "Building GHC from source with `"
868            <> RIO.display flavour
869            <> "` flavour. It can take a long time (more than one hour)..."
871         -- We need to provide an absolute path to the script since
872         -- the process package only sets working directory _after_
873         -- discovering the executable
874         proc (toFilePath hadrianPath) hadrianArgs runProcess_
876         -- find the bindist and install it
877         bindistPath <- parseRelDir "_build/bindist"
878         (_,files) <- listDir (cwd </> bindistPath)
879         let
880           isBindist p = do
881             extension <- fileExtension (filename p)
883             return $ "ghc-" `isPrefixOf` (toFilePath (filename p))
884                         && extension == ".xz"
886         mbindist <- filterM isBindist files
887         case mbindist of
888           [bindist] -> do
889               let bindist' = T.pack (toFilePath bindist)
890                   dlinfo = DownloadInfo
891                             { downloadInfoUrl           = bindist'
892                               -- we can specify a filepath instead of a URL
893                             , downloadInfoContentLength = Nothing
894                             , downloadInfoSha1          = Nothing
895                             , downloadInfoSha256        = Nothing
896                             }
897                   ghcdlinfo = GHCDownloadInfo mempty mempty dlinfo
898                   installer
899                      | osIsWindows = installGHCWindows
900                      | otherwise   = installGHCPosix ghcdlinfo
901               si <- runMemoized getSetupInfo'
902               _ <- downloadAndInstallTool
903                 (configLocalPrograms config)
904                 dlinfo
905                 compilerTool
906                 (installer si)
907               return (compilerTool, CompilerBuildStandard)
908           _ -> do
909              forM_ files (logDebug . fromString . (" - " ++) . toFilePath)
910              error "Can't find hadrian generated bindist"
913-- | Determine which GHC builds to use depending on which shared libraries are available
914-- on the system.
915getGhcBuilds :: HasConfig env => RIO env [CompilerBuild]
916getGhcBuilds = do
918    config <- view configL
919    case configGHCBuild config of
920        Just ghcBuild -> return [ghcBuild]
921        Nothing -> determineGhcBuild
922  where
923    determineGhcBuild = do
924        -- TODO: a more reliable, flexible, and data driven approach would be to actually download small
925        -- "test" executables (from setup-info) that link to the same gmp/tinfo versions
926        -- that GHC does (i.e. built in same environment as the GHC bindist). The algorithm would go
927        -- something like this:
928        --
929        -- check for previous 'uname -a'/`ldconfig -p` plus compiler version/variant in cache
930        -- if cached, then use that as suffix
931        -- otherwise:
932        --     download setup-info
933        --     go through all with right prefix for os/version/variant
934        --     first try "standard" (no extra suffix), then the rest
935        --         download "compatibility check" exe if not already downloaded
936        --         try running it
937        --         if successful, then choose that
938        --             cache compiler suffix with the uname -a and ldconfig -p output hash plus compiler version
939        --
940        -- Of course, could also try to make a static GHC bindist instead of all this rigamarole.
942        platform <- view platformL
943        case platform of
944            Platform _ Cabal.Linux -> do
945                -- Some systems don't have ldconfig in the PATH, so make sure to look in /sbin and /usr/sbin as well
946                let sbinEnv m = Map.insert
947                      "PATH"
948                      ("/sbin:/usr/sbin" <> maybe "" (":" <>) (Map.lookup "PATH" m))
949                      m
950                eldconfigOut
951                  <- withModifyEnvVars sbinEnv
952                   $ proc "ldconfig" ["-p"]
953                   $ tryAny . fmap fst . readProcess_
954                let firstWords = case eldconfigOut of
955                        Right ldconfigOut -> mapMaybe (listToMaybe . T.words) $
956                            T.lines $ T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode
957                                    $ LBS.toStrict ldconfigOut
958                        Left _ -> []
959                    checkLib lib
960                        | libT `elem` firstWords = do
961                            logDebug ("Found shared library " <> libD <> " in 'ldconfig -p' output")
962                            return True
963                        | osIsWindows =
964                            -- Cannot parse /usr/lib on Windows
965                            return False
966                        | otherwise = do
967                        -- This is a workaround for the fact that libtinfo.so.x doesn't appear in
968                        -- the 'ldconfig -p' output on Arch or Slackware even when it exists.
969                        -- There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get the true list of directories
970                        -- to scan for shared libs, but this works for our particular cases.
971                            matches <- filterM (doesFileExist .(</> lib)) usrLibDirs
972                            case matches of
973                                [] -> logDebug ("Did not find shared library " <> libD)
974                                    >> return False
975                                (path:_) -> logDebug ("Found shared library " <> libD
976                                        <> " in " <> fromString (Path.toFilePath path))
977                                    >> return True
978                      where
979                        libT = T.pack (toFilePath lib)
980                        libD = fromString (toFilePath lib)
981                hastinfo5 <- checkLib relFileLibtinfoSo5
982                hastinfo6 <- checkLib relFileLibtinfoSo6
983                hasncurses6 <- checkLib relFileLibncurseswSo6
984                hasgmp5 <- checkLib relFileLibgmpSo10
985                hasgmp4 <- checkLib relFileLibgmpSo3
986                let libComponents = concat
987                        [ [["tinfo6"] | hastinfo6 && hasgmp5]
988                        , [[] | hastinfo5 && hasgmp5]
989                        , [["ncurses6"] | hasncurses6 && hasgmp5 ]
990                        , [["gmp4"] | hasgmp4 ]
991                        ]
992                useBuilds $ map
993                    (\c -> case c of
994                        [] -> CompilerBuildStandard
995                        _ -> CompilerBuildSpecialized (intercalate "-" c))
996                    libComponents
997            Platform _ Cabal.FreeBSD -> do
998                let getMajorVer = readMaybe <=< headMaybe . (splitOn ".")
999                majorVer <- getMajorVer <$> sysRelease
1000                if majorVer >= Just (12 :: Int) then
1001                  useBuilds [CompilerBuildSpecialized "ino64"]
1002                else
1003                  useBuilds [CompilerBuildStandard]
1004            Platform _ Cabal.OpenBSD -> do
1005                releaseStr <- mungeRelease <$> sysRelease
1006                useBuilds [CompilerBuildSpecialized releaseStr]
1007            _ -> useBuilds [CompilerBuildStandard]
1008    useBuilds builds = do
1009        logDebug $
1010          "Potential GHC builds: " <>
1011          mconcat (intersperse ", " (map (fromString . compilerBuildName) builds))
1012        return builds
1014-- | Encode an OpenBSD version (like "6.1") into a valid argument for
1015-- CompilerBuildSpecialized, so "maj6-min1". Later version numbers are prefixed
1016-- with "r".
1017-- The result r must be such that "ghc-" ++ r is a valid package name,
1018-- as recognized by parsePackageNameFromString.
1019mungeRelease :: String -> String
1020mungeRelease = intercalate "-" . prefixMaj . splitOn "."
1021  where
1022    prefixFst pfx k (rev : revs) = (pfx ++ rev) : k revs
1023    prefixFst _ _ [] = []
1024    prefixMaj = prefixFst "maj" prefixMin
1025    prefixMin = prefixFst "min" (map ('r':))
1027sysRelease :: HasLogFunc env => RIO env String
1028sysRelease =
1029  handleIO (\e -> do
1030               logWarn $ "Could not query OS version: " <> displayShow e
1031               return "")
1032  (liftIO getRelease)
1034-- | Ensure Docker container-compatible 'stack' executable is downloaded
1035ensureDockerStackExe :: HasConfig env => Platform -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
1036ensureDockerStackExe containerPlatform = do
1037    config <- view configL
1038    containerPlatformDir <- runReaderT platformOnlyRelDir (containerPlatform,PlatformVariantNone)
1039    let programsPath = configLocalProgramsBase config </> containerPlatformDir
1040        tool = Tool (PackageIdentifier (mkPackageName "stack") stackVersion)
1041    stackExeDir <- installDir programsPath tool
1042    let stackExePath = stackExeDir </> relFileStack
1043    stackExeExists <- doesFileExist stackExePath
1044    unless stackExeExists $ do
1045        logInfo $
1046          "Downloading Docker-compatible " <>
1047          fromString stackProgName <>
1048          " executable"
1049        sri <- downloadStackReleaseInfo Nothing Nothing (Just (versionString stackMinorVersion))
1050        platforms <- runReaderT preferredPlatforms (containerPlatform, PlatformVariantNone)
1051        downloadStackExe platforms sri stackExeDir False (const $ return ())
1052    return stackExePath
1054-- | Get all executables on the path that might match the wanted compiler
1056  :: (HasProcessContext env, HasLogFunc env)
1057  => WantedCompiler
1058  -> ConduitT i (Path Abs File) (RIO env) ()
1059sourceSystemCompilers wanted = do
1060  searchPath <- view exeSearchPathL
1061  names <-
1062    case wanted of
1063      WCGhc version -> pure
1064        [ "ghc-" ++ versionString version
1065        , "ghc"
1066        ]
1067      WCGhcjs{} -> throwIO GhcjsNotSupported
1068      WCGhcGit{} -> pure [] -- only use sandboxed versions
1069  for_ names $ \name -> for_ searchPath $ \dir -> do
1070    fp <- resolveFile' $ addExe $ dir FP.</> name
1071    exists <- doesFileExist fp
1072    when exists $ yield fp
1073  where
1074    addExe
1075      | osIsWindows = (++ ".exe")
1076      | otherwise = id
1078-- | Download the most recent SetupInfo
1079getSetupInfo :: HasConfig env => RIO env SetupInfo
1080getSetupInfo = do
1081    config <- view configL
1082    let inlineSetupInfo = configSetupInfoInline config
1083        locations' = configSetupInfoLocations config
1084        locations = if null locations' then [defaultSetupInfoYaml] else locations'
1086    resolvedSetupInfos <- mapM loadSetupInfo locations
1087    return (inlineSetupInfo <> mconcat resolvedSetupInfos)
1088  where
1089    loadSetupInfo urlOrFile = do
1090      bs <-
1091          case parseUrlThrow urlOrFile of
1092              Just req -> liftM (LBS.toStrict . getResponseBody) $ httpLbs req
1093              Nothing -> liftIO $ S.readFile urlOrFile
1094      WithJSONWarnings si warnings <- either throwM return (Yaml.decodeEither' bs)
1095      when (urlOrFile /= defaultSetupInfoYaml) $
1096          logJSONWarnings urlOrFile warnings
1097      return si
1099getInstalledTool :: [Tool]            -- ^ already installed
1100                 -> PackageName       -- ^ package to find
1101                 -> (Version -> Bool) -- ^ which versions are acceptable
1102                 -> Maybe Tool
1103getInstalledTool installed name goodVersion =
1104    if null available
1105        then Nothing
1106        else Just $ Tool $ maximumBy (comparing pkgVersion) available
1107  where
1108    available = mapMaybe goodPackage installed
1109    goodPackage (Tool pi') =
1110        if pkgName pi' == name &&
1111           goodVersion (pkgVersion pi')
1112            then Just pi'
1113            else Nothing
1114    goodPackage _ = Nothing
1116downloadAndInstallTool :: (HasTerm env, HasBuildConfig env)
1117                       => Path Abs Dir
1118                       -> DownloadInfo
1119                       -> Tool
1120                       -> (Path Abs File -> ArchiveType -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env ())
1121                       -> RIO env Tool
1122downloadAndInstallTool programsDir downloadInfo tool installer = do
1123    ensureDir programsDir
1124    (file, at) <- downloadFromInfo programsDir downloadInfo tool
1125    dir <- installDir programsDir tool
1126    tempDir <- tempInstallDir programsDir tool
1127    liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur tempDir)
1128    ensureDir tempDir
1129    unmarkInstalled programsDir tool
1130    installer file at tempDir dir
1131    markInstalled programsDir tool
1132    liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur tempDir)
1133    return tool
1135downloadAndInstallCompiler :: (HasBuildConfig env, HasGHCVariant env)
1136                           => CompilerBuild
1137                           -> SetupInfo
1138                           -> WantedCompiler
1139                           -> VersionCheck
1140                           -> Maybe String
1141                           -> RIO env Tool
1142downloadAndInstallCompiler ghcBuild si wanted@(WCGhc version) versionCheck mbindistURL = do
1143    ghcVariant <- view ghcVariantL
1144    (selectedVersion, downloadInfo) <- case mbindistURL of
1145        Just bindistURL -> do
1146            case ghcVariant of
1147                GHCCustom _ -> return ()
1148                _ -> throwM RequireCustomGHCVariant
1149            return (version, GHCDownloadInfo mempty mempty DownloadInfo
1150                     { downloadInfoUrl = T.pack bindistURL
1151                     , downloadInfoContentLength = Nothing
1152                     , downloadInfoSha1 = Nothing
1153                     , downloadInfoSha256 = Nothing
1154                     })
1155        _ -> do
1156            ghcKey <- getGhcKey ghcBuild
1157            case Map.lookup ghcKey $ siGHCs si of
1158                Nothing -> throwM $ UnknownOSKey ghcKey
1159                Just pairs_ -> getWantedCompilerInfo ghcKey versionCheck wanted ACGhc pairs_
1160    config <- view configL
1161    let installer =
1162            case configPlatform config of
1163                Platform _ Cabal.Windows -> installGHCWindows
1164                _ -> installGHCPosix downloadInfo
1165    logInfo $
1166        "Preparing to install GHC" <>
1167        (case ghcVariant of
1168            GHCStandard -> ""
1169            v -> " (" <> fromString (ghcVariantName v) <> ")") <>
1170        (case ghcBuild of
1171            CompilerBuildStandard -> ""
1172            b -> " (" <> fromString (compilerBuildName b) <> ")") <>
1173        " to an isolated location."
1174    logInfo "This will not interfere with any system-level installation."
1175    ghcPkgName <- parsePackageNameThrowing ("ghc" ++ ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant ++ compilerBuildSuffix ghcBuild)
1176    let tool = Tool $ PackageIdentifier ghcPkgName selectedVersion
1177    downloadAndInstallTool (configLocalPrograms config) (gdiDownloadInfo downloadInfo) tool (installer si)
1179downloadAndInstallCompiler _ _ WCGhcjs{} _ _ = throwIO GhcjsNotSupported
1181downloadAndInstallCompiler _ _ WCGhcGit{} _ _ =
1182    error "downloadAndInstallCompiler: shouldn't be reached with ghc-git"
1184getWantedCompilerInfo :: (Ord k, MonadThrow m)
1185                      => Text
1186                      -> VersionCheck
1187                      -> WantedCompiler
1188                      -> (k -> ActualCompiler)
1189                      -> Map k a
1190                      -> m (k, a)
1191getWantedCompilerInfo key versionCheck wanted toCV pairs_ =
1192    case mpair of
1193        Just pair -> return pair
1194        Nothing -> throwM $ UnknownCompilerVersion (Set.singleton key) wanted (Set.fromList $ map toCV (Map.keys pairs_))
1195  where
1196    mpair =
1197        listToMaybe $
1198        sortBy (flip (comparing fst)) $
1199        filter (isWantedCompiler versionCheck wanted . toCV . fst) (Map.toList pairs_)
1201-- | Download and install the first available compiler build.
1203    :: (HasGHCVariant env, HasBuildConfig env)
1204    => [CompilerBuild]
1205    -> SetupInfo
1206    -> WantedCompiler
1207    -> VersionCheck
1208    -> Maybe String
1209    -> RIO env (Tool, CompilerBuild)
1210downloadAndInstallPossibleCompilers possibleCompilers si wanted versionCheck mbindistURL =
1211    go possibleCompilers Nothing
1212  where
1213    -- This will stop as soon as one of the builds doesn't throw an @UnknownOSKey@ or
1214    -- @UnknownCompilerVersion@ exception (so it will only try subsequent builds if one is non-existent,
1215    -- not if the download or install fails for some other reason).
1216    -- The @Unknown*@ exceptions thrown by each attempt are combined into a single exception
1217    -- (if only @UnknownOSKey@ is thrown, then the first of those is rethrown, but if any
1218    -- @UnknownCompilerVersion@s are thrown then the attempted OS keys and available versions
1219    -- are unioned).
1220    go [] Nothing = throwM UnsupportedSetupConfiguration
1221    go [] (Just e) = throwM e
1222    go (b:bs) e = do
1223        logDebug $ "Trying to setup GHC build: " <> fromString (compilerBuildName b)
1224        er <- try $ downloadAndInstallCompiler b si wanted versionCheck mbindistURL
1225        case er of
1226            Left e'@(UnknownCompilerVersion ks' w' vs') ->
1227                case e of
1228                    Nothing -> go bs (Just e')
1229                    Just (UnknownOSKey k) ->
1230                        go bs $ Just $ UnknownCompilerVersion (Set.insert k ks') w' vs'
1231                    Just (UnknownCompilerVersion ks _ vs) ->
1232                        go bs $ Just $ UnknownCompilerVersion (Set.union ks' ks) w' (Set.union vs' vs)
1233                    Just x -> throwM x
1234            Left e'@(UnknownOSKey k') ->
1235                case e of
1236                    Nothing -> go bs (Just e')
1237                    Just (UnknownOSKey _) -> go bs e
1238                    Just (UnknownCompilerVersion ks w vs) ->
1239                        go bs $ Just $ UnknownCompilerVersion (Set.insert k' ks) w vs
1240                    Just x -> throwM x
1241            Left e' -> throwM e'
1242            Right r -> return (r, b)
1244getGhcKey :: (MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, HasGHCVariant env, MonadThrow m)
1245          => CompilerBuild -> m Text
1246getGhcKey ghcBuild = do
1247    ghcVariant <- view ghcVariantL
1248    platform <- view platformL
1249    osKey <- getOSKey platform
1250    return $ osKey <> T.pack (ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant) <> T.pack (compilerBuildSuffix ghcBuild)
1252getOSKey :: (MonadThrow m)
1253         => Platform -> m Text
1254getOSKey platform =
1255    case platform of
1256        Platform I386                  Cabal.Linux   -> return "linux32"
1257        Platform X86_64                Cabal.Linux   -> return "linux64"
1258        Platform I386                  Cabal.OSX     -> return "macosx"
1259        Platform X86_64                Cabal.OSX     -> return "macosx"
1260        Platform I386                  Cabal.FreeBSD -> return "freebsd32"
1261        Platform X86_64                Cabal.FreeBSD -> return "freebsd64"
1262        Platform I386                  Cabal.OpenBSD -> return "openbsd32"
1263        Platform X86_64                Cabal.OpenBSD -> return "openbsd64"
1264        Platform I386                  Cabal.Windows -> return "windows32"
1265        Platform X86_64                Cabal.Windows -> return "windows64"
1266        Platform Arm                   Cabal.Linux   -> return "linux-armv7"
1267        Platform AArch64               Cabal.Linux   -> return "linux-aarch64"
1268        Platform Sparc                 Cabal.Linux   -> return "linux-sparc"
1269        Platform AArch64               Cabal.FreeBSD -> return "freebsd-aarch64"
1270        Platform arch os -> throwM $ UnsupportedSetupCombo os arch
1273    :: (HasTerm env, HasBuildConfig env)
1274    => Text -> DownloadInfo -> Path Abs File -> RIO env (Path Abs File)
1275downloadOrUseLocal downloadLabel downloadInfo destination =
1276  case url of
1277    (parseUrlThrow -> Just _) -> do
1278        ensureDir (parent destination)
1279        chattyDownload downloadLabel downloadInfo destination
1280        return destination
1281    (parseAbsFile -> Just path) -> do
1282        warnOnIgnoredChecks
1283        return path
1284    (parseRelFile -> Just path) -> do
1285        warnOnIgnoredChecks
1286        root <- view projectRootL
1287        return (root </> path)
1288    _ ->
1289        throwString $ "Error: `url` must be either an HTTP URL or a file path: " ++ url
1290  where
1291    url = T.unpack $ downloadInfoUrl downloadInfo
1292    warnOnIgnoredChecks = do
1293      let DownloadInfo{downloadInfoContentLength=contentLength, downloadInfoSha1=sha1,
1294                       downloadInfoSha256=sha256} = downloadInfo
1295      when (isJust contentLength) $
1296        logWarn "`content-length` is not checked and should not be specified when `url` is a file path"
1297      when (isJust sha1) $
1298        logWarn "`sha1` is not checked and should not be specified when `url` is a file path"
1299      when (isJust sha256) $
1300        logWarn "`sha256` is not checked and should not be specified when `url` is a file path"
1303    :: (HasTerm env, HasBuildConfig env)
1304    => Path Abs Dir -> DownloadInfo -> Tool -> RIO env (Path Abs File, ArchiveType)
1305downloadFromInfo programsDir downloadInfo tool = do
1306    archiveType <-
1307        case extension of
1308            ".tar.xz" -> return TarXz
1309            ".tar.bz2" -> return TarBz2
1310            ".tar.gz" -> return TarGz
1311            ".7z.exe" -> return SevenZ
1312            _ -> throwString $ "Error: Unknown extension for url: " ++ url
1314    relativeFile <- parseRelFile $ toolString tool ++ extension
1315    let destinationPath = programsDir </> relativeFile
1316    localPath <- downloadOrUseLocal (T.pack (toolString tool)) downloadInfo destinationPath
1317    return (localPath, archiveType)
1319  where
1320    url = T.unpack $ downloadInfoUrl downloadInfo
1321    extension = loop url
1322      where
1323        loop fp
1324            | ext `elem` [".tar", ".bz2", ".xz", ".exe", ".7z", ".gz"] = loop fp' ++ ext
1325            | otherwise = ""
1326          where
1327            (fp', ext) = FP.splitExtension fp
1330data ArchiveType
1331    = TarBz2
1332    | TarXz
1333    | TarGz
1334    | SevenZ
1336installGHCPosix :: HasConfig env
1337                => GHCDownloadInfo
1338                -> SetupInfo
1339                -> Path Abs File
1340                -> ArchiveType
1341                -> Path Abs Dir
1342                -> Path Abs Dir
1343                -> RIO env ()
1344installGHCPosix downloadInfo _ archiveFile archiveType tempDir destDir = do
1345    platform <- view platformL
1346    menv0 <- view processContextL
1347    menv <- mkProcessContext (removeHaskellEnvVars (view envVarsL menv0))
1348    logDebug $ "menv = " <> displayShow (view envVarsL menv)
1349    (zipTool', compOpt) <-
1350        case archiveType of
1351            TarXz -> return ("xz", 'J')
1352            TarBz2 -> return ("bzip2", 'j')
1353            TarGz -> return ("gzip", 'z')
1354            SevenZ -> throwString "Don't know how to deal with .7z files on non-Windows"
1355    -- Slight hack: OpenBSD's tar doesn't support xz.
1356    -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2283#issuecomment-237980986
1357    let tarDep =
1358          case (platform, archiveType) of
1359            (Platform _ Cabal.OpenBSD, TarXz) -> checkDependency "gtar"
1360            _ -> checkDependency "tar"
1361    (zipTool, makeTool, tarTool) <- checkDependencies $ (,,)
1362        <$> checkDependency zipTool'
1363        <*> (checkDependency "gmake" <|> checkDependency "make")
1364        <*> tarDep
1366    logDebug $ "ziptool: " <> fromString zipTool
1367    logDebug $ "make: " <> fromString makeTool
1368    logDebug $ "tar: " <> fromString tarTool
1370    let runStep step wd env cmd args = do
1371          menv' <- modifyEnvVars menv (Map.union env)
1372          let logLines lvl = CB.lines .| CL.mapM_ (lvl . displayBytesUtf8)
1373              logStdout = logLines logDebug
1374              logStderr = logLines logError
1375          void $ withWorkingDir (toFilePath wd) $
1376                withProcessContext menv' $
1377                sinkProcessStderrStdout cmd args logStderr logStdout
1378                `catchAny` \ex -> do
1379                  logError $ displayShow ex
1380                  prettyError $ hang 2 (
1381                      "Error encountered while" <+> step <+> "GHC with"
1382                      <> line <>
1383                      style Shell (fromString (unwords (cmd : args)))
1384                      <> line <>
1385                      -- TODO: Figure out how to insert \ in the appropriate spots
1386                      -- hang 2 (shellColor (fillSep (fromString cmd : map fromString args))) <> line <>
1387                      "run in " <> pretty wd
1388                      )
1389                    <> line <> line <>
1390                    "The following directories may now contain files, but won't be used by stack:"
1391                    <> line <>
1392                    "  -" <+> pretty tempDir
1393                    <> line <>
1394                    "  -" <+> pretty destDir
1395                    <> line <> line <>
1396                    "For more information consider rerunning with --verbose flag"
1397                    <> line
1398                  exitFailure
1400    logSticky $
1401      "Unpacking GHC into " <>
1402      fromString (toFilePath tempDir) <>
1403      " ..."
1404    logDebug $ "Unpacking " <> fromString (toFilePath archiveFile)
1405    runStep "unpacking" tempDir mempty tarTool [compOpt : "xf", toFilePath archiveFile]
1407    dir <- expectSingleUnpackedDir archiveFile tempDir
1409    logSticky "Configuring GHC ..."
1410    runStep "configuring" dir
1411        (gdiConfigureEnv downloadInfo)
1412        (toFilePath $ dir </> relFileConfigure)
1413        (("--prefix=" ++ toFilePath destDir) : map T.unpack (gdiConfigureOpts downloadInfo))
1415    logSticky "Installing GHC ..."
1416    runStep "installing" dir mempty makeTool ["install"]
1418    logStickyDone $ "Installed GHC."
1419    logDebug $ "GHC installed to " <> fromString (toFilePath destDir)
1421-- | Check if given processes appear to be present, throwing an exception if
1422-- missing.
1423checkDependencies :: CheckDependency env a -> RIO env a
1424checkDependencies (CheckDependency f) = f >>= either (throwIO . MissingDependencies) return
1426checkDependency :: HasProcessContext env => String -> CheckDependency env String
1427checkDependency tool = CheckDependency $ do
1428    exists <- doesExecutableExist tool
1429    return $ if exists then Right tool else Left [tool]
1431newtype CheckDependency env a = CheckDependency (RIO env (Either [String] a))
1432    deriving Functor
1433instance Applicative (CheckDependency env) where
1434    pure x = CheckDependency $ return (Right x)
1435    CheckDependency f <*> CheckDependency x = CheckDependency $ do
1436        f' <- f
1437        x' <- x
1438        return $
1439            case (f', x') of
1440                (Left e1, Left e2) -> Left $ e1 ++ e2
1441                (Left e, Right _) -> Left e
1442                (Right _, Left e) -> Left e
1443                (Right f'', Right x'') -> Right $ f'' x''
1444instance Alternative (CheckDependency env) where
1445    empty = CheckDependency $ return $ Left []
1446    CheckDependency x <|> CheckDependency y = CheckDependency $ do
1447        res1 <- x
1448        case res1 of
1449            Left _ -> y
1450            Right x' -> return $ Right x'
1452installGHCWindows :: HasBuildConfig env
1453                  => SetupInfo
1454                  -> Path Abs File
1455                  -> ArchiveType
1456                  -> Path Abs Dir
1457                  -> Path Abs Dir
1458                  -> RIO env ()
1459installGHCWindows si archiveFile archiveType _tempDir destDir = do
1460    withUnpackedTarball7z "GHC" si archiveFile archiveType destDir
1461    logInfo $ "GHC installed to " <> fromString (toFilePath destDir)
1463installMsys2Windows :: HasBuildConfig env
1464                  => SetupInfo
1465                  -> Path Abs File
1466                  -> ArchiveType
1467                  -> Path Abs Dir
1468                  -> Path Abs Dir
1469                  -> RIO env ()
1470installMsys2Windows si archiveFile archiveType _tempDir destDir = do
1471    exists <- liftIO $ D.doesDirectoryExist $ toFilePath destDir
1472    when exists $ liftIO (D.removeDirectoryRecursive $ toFilePath destDir) `catchIO` \e -> do
1473        logError $
1474            "Could not delete existing msys directory: " <>
1475            fromString (toFilePath destDir)
1476        throwM e
1478    withUnpackedTarball7z "MSYS2" si archiveFile archiveType destDir
1481    -- I couldn't find this officially documented anywhere, but you need to run
1482    -- the MSYS shell once in order to initialize some pacman stuff. Once that
1483    -- run happens, you can just run commands as usual.
1484    menv0 <- view processContextL
1485    newEnv0 <- modifyEnvVars menv0 $ Map.insert "MSYSTEM" "MSYS"
1486    newEnv <- either throwM return $ augmentPathMap
1487                  [toFilePath $ destDir </> relDirUsr </> relDirBin]
1488                  (view envVarsL newEnv0)
1489    menv <- mkProcessContext newEnv
1490    withWorkingDir (toFilePath destDir) $ withProcessContext menv
1491      $ proc "sh" ["--login", "-c", "true"] runProcess_
1493    -- No longer installing git, it's unreliable
1494    -- (https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1046) and the
1495    -- MSYS2-installed version has bad CRLF defaults.
1496    --
1497    -- Install git. We could install other useful things in the future too.
1498    -- runCmd (Cmd (Just destDir) "pacman" menv ["-Sy", "--noconfirm", "git"]) Nothing
1500-- | Unpack a compressed tarball using 7zip.  Expects a single directory in
1501-- the unpacked results, which is renamed to the destination directory.
1502withUnpackedTarball7z :: HasBuildConfig env
1503                      => String -- ^ Name of tool, used in error messages
1504                      -> SetupInfo
1505                      -> Path Abs File -- ^ Path to archive file
1506                      -> ArchiveType
1507                      -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ Destination directory.
1508                      -> RIO env ()
1509withUnpackedTarball7z name si archiveFile archiveType destDir = do
1510    suffix <-
1511        case archiveType of
1512            TarXz -> return ".xz"
1513            TarBz2 -> return ".bz2"
1514            TarGz -> return ".gz"
1515            _ -> throwString $ name ++ " must be a tarball file"
1516    tarFile <-
1517        case T.stripSuffix suffix $ T.pack $ toFilePath (filename archiveFile) of
1518            Nothing -> throwString $ "Invalid " ++ name ++ " filename: " ++ show archiveFile
1519            Just x -> parseRelFile $ T.unpack x
1520    run7z <- setup7z si
1521    let tmpName = toFilePathNoTrailingSep (dirname destDir) ++ "-tmp"
1522    ensureDir (parent destDir)
1523    withRunInIO $ \run -> withTempDir (parent destDir) tmpName $ \tmpDir -> run $ do
1524        liftIO $ ignoringAbsence (removeDirRecur destDir)
1525        run7z tmpDir archiveFile
1526        run7z tmpDir (tmpDir </> tarFile)
1527        absSrcDir <- expectSingleUnpackedDir archiveFile tmpDir
1528        renameDir absSrcDir destDir
1530expectSingleUnpackedDir :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Path Abs File -> Path Abs Dir -> m (Path Abs Dir)
1531expectSingleUnpackedDir archiveFile destDir = do
1532    contents <- listDir destDir
1533    case contents of
1534        ([dir], _ ) -> return dir
1535        _ -> throwString $ "Expected a single directory within unpacked " ++ toFilePath archiveFile
1537-- | Download 7z as necessary, and get a function for unpacking things.
1539-- Returned function takes an unpack directory and archive.
1540setup7z :: (HasBuildConfig env, MonadIO m)
1541        => SetupInfo
1542        -> RIO env (Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs File -> m ())
1543setup7z si = do
1544    dir <- view $ configL.to configLocalPrograms
1545    ensureDir dir
1546    let exeDestination = dir </> relFile7zexe
1547        dllDestination = dir </> relFile7zdll
1548    case (siSevenzDll si, siSevenzExe si) of
1549        (Just sevenzDll, Just sevenzExe) -> do
1550            _ <- downloadOrUseLocal "7z.dll" sevenzDll dllDestination
1551            exePath <- downloadOrUseLocal "7z.exe" sevenzExe exeDestination
1552            withRunInIO $ \run -> return $ \outdir archive -> liftIO $ run $ do
1553                let cmd = toFilePath exePath
1554                    args =
1555                        [ "x"
1556                        , "-o" ++ toFilePath outdir
1557                        , "-y"
1558                        , toFilePath archive
1559                        ]
1560                let archiveDisplay = fromString $ FP.takeFileName $ toFilePath archive
1561                    isExtract = FP.takeExtension (toFilePath archive) == ".tar"
1562                logInfo $
1563                  (if isExtract then "Extracting " else "Decompressing ") <>
1564                  archiveDisplay <> "..."
1565                ec <-
1566                  proc cmd args $ \pc ->
1567                  if isExtract
1568                    then withProcessWait (setStdout createSource pc) $ \p -> do
1569                        total <- runConduit
1570                            $ getStdout p
1571                           .| filterCE (== 10) -- newline characters
1572                           .| foldMC
1573                                (\count bs -> do
1574                                    let count' = count + S.length bs
1575                                    logSticky $ "Extracted " <> RIO.display count' <> " files"
1576                                    pure count'
1577                                )
1578                                0
1579                        logStickyDone $
1580                          "Extracted total of " <>
1581                          RIO.display total <>
1582                          " files from " <>
1583                          archiveDisplay
1584                        waitExitCode p
1585                    else runProcess pc
1586                when (ec /= ExitSuccess)
1587                    $ liftIO $ throwM (ProblemWhileDecompressing archive)
1588        _ -> throwM SetupInfoMissingSevenz
1590chattyDownload :: HasTerm env
1591               => Text          -- ^ label
1592               -> DownloadInfo  -- ^ URL, content-length, sha1, and sha256
1593               -> Path Abs File -- ^ destination
1594               -> RIO env ()
1595chattyDownload label downloadInfo path = do
1596    let url = downloadInfoUrl downloadInfo
1597    req <- parseUrlThrow $ T.unpack url
1598    logSticky $
1599      "Preparing to download " <>
1600      RIO.display label <>
1601      " ..."
1602    logDebug $
1603      "Downloading from " <>
1604      RIO.display url <>
1605      " to " <>
1606      fromString (toFilePath path) <>
1607      " ..."
1608    hashChecks <- fmap catMaybes $ forM
1609      [ ("sha1",   HashCheck SHA1,   downloadInfoSha1)
1610      , ("sha256", HashCheck SHA256, downloadInfoSha256)
1611      ]
1612      $ \(name, constr, getter) ->
1613        case getter downloadInfo of
1614          Just bs -> do
1615            logDebug $
1616                "Will check against " <>
1617                name <>
1618                " hash: " <>
1619                displayBytesUtf8 bs
1620            return $ Just $ constr $ CheckHexDigestByteString bs
1621          Nothing -> return Nothing
1622    when (null hashChecks) $ logWarn $
1623        "No sha1 or sha256 found in metadata," <>
1624        " download hash won't be checked."
1625    let dReq = setHashChecks hashChecks $
1626               setLengthCheck mtotalSize $
1627               mkDownloadRequest req
1628    x <- verifiedDownloadWithProgress dReq path label mtotalSize
1629    if x
1630        then logStickyDone ("Downloaded " <> RIO.display label <> ".")
1631        else logStickyDone "Already downloaded."
1632  where
1633    mtotalSize = downloadInfoContentLength downloadInfo
1635-- | Perform a basic sanity check of GHC
1636sanityCheck :: (HasProcessContext env, HasLogFunc env)
1637            => Path Abs File -> RIO env ()
1638sanityCheck ghc = withSystemTempDir "stack-sanity-check" $ \dir -> do
1639    let fp = toFilePath $ dir </> relFileMainHs
1640    liftIO $ S.writeFile fp $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ unlines
1641        [ "import Distribution.Simple" -- ensure Cabal library is present
1642        , "main = putStrLn \"Hello World\""
1643        ]
1644    logDebug $ "Performing a sanity check on: " <> fromString (toFilePath ghc)
1645    eres <- withWorkingDir (toFilePath dir) $ proc (toFilePath ghc)
1646        [ fp
1647        , "-no-user-package-db"
1648        ] $ try . readProcess_
1649    case eres of
1650        Left e -> throwIO $ GHCSanityCheckCompileFailed e ghc
1651        Right _ -> return () -- TODO check that the output of running the command is correct
1653-- Remove potentially confusing environment variables
1654removeHaskellEnvVars :: Map Text Text -> Map Text Text
1655removeHaskellEnvVars =
1656    Map.delete "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" .
1657    Map.delete "GHC_ENVIRONMENT" .
1658    Map.delete "HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOX" .
1659    Map.delete "HASKELL_PACKAGE_SANDBOXES" .
1660    Map.delete "HASKELL_DIST_DIR" .
1661    -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1460
1662    Map.delete "DESTDIR" .
1663    -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3444
1664    Map.delete "GHCRTS"
1666-- | Get map of environment variables to set to change the GHC's encoding to UTF-8
1668    :: (HasProcessContext env, HasPlatform env, HasLogFunc env)
1669    => ActualCompiler
1670    -> RIO env (Map Text Text)
1671getUtf8EnvVars compilerVer =
1672    if getGhcVersion compilerVer >= mkVersion [7, 10, 3]
1673        -- GHC_CHARENC supported by GHC >=7.10.3
1674        then return $ Map.singleton "GHC_CHARENC" "UTF-8"
1675        else legacyLocale
1676  where
1677    legacyLocale = do
1678        menv <- view processContextL
1679        Platform _ os <- view platformL
1680        if os == Cabal.Windows
1681            then
1682                 -- On Windows, locale is controlled by the code page, so we don't set any environment
1683                 -- variables.
1684                 return
1685                     Map.empty
1686            else do
1687                let checkedVars = map checkVar (Map.toList $ view envVarsL menv)
1688                    -- List of environment variables that will need to be updated to set UTF-8 (because
1689                    -- they currently do not specify UTF-8).
1690                    needChangeVars = concatMap fst checkedVars
1691                    -- Set of locale-related environment variables that have already have a value.
1692                    existingVarNames = Set.unions (map snd checkedVars)
1693                    -- True if a locale is already specified by one of the "global" locale variables.
1694                    hasAnyExisting =
1695                        any (`Set.member` existingVarNames) ["LANG", "LANGUAGE", "LC_ALL"]
1696                if null needChangeVars && hasAnyExisting
1697                    then
1698                         -- If no variables need changes and at least one "global" variable is set, no
1699                         -- changes to environment need to be made.
1700                         return
1701                             Map.empty
1702                    else do
1703                        -- Get a list of known locales by running @locale -a@.
1704                        elocales <- tryAny $ fmap fst $ proc "locale" ["-a"] readProcess_
1705                        let
1706                            -- Filter the list to only include locales with UTF-8 encoding.
1707                            utf8Locales =
1708                                case elocales of
1709                                    Left _ -> []
1710                                    Right locales ->
1711                                        filter
1712                                            isUtf8Locale
1713                                            (T.lines $
1714                                             T.decodeUtf8With
1715                                                 T.lenientDecode $
1716                                                 LBS.toStrict locales)
1717                            mfallback = getFallbackLocale utf8Locales
1718                        when
1719                            (isNothing mfallback)
1720                            (logWarn
1721                                 "Warning: unable to set locale to UTF-8 encoding; GHC may fail with 'invalid character'")
1722                        let
1723                            -- Get the new values of variables to adjust.
1724                            changes =
1725                                Map.unions $
1726                                map
1727                                    (adjustedVarValue menv utf8Locales mfallback)
1728                                    needChangeVars
1729                            -- Get the values of variables to add.
1730                            adds
1731                              | hasAnyExisting =
1732                                  -- If we already have a "global" variable, then nothing needs
1733                                  -- to be added.
1734                                  Map.empty
1735                              | otherwise =
1736                                  -- If we don't already have a "global" variable, then set LANG to the
1737                                  -- fallback.
1738                                  case mfallback of
1739                                      Nothing -> Map.empty
1740                                      Just fallback ->
1741                                          Map.singleton "LANG" fallback
1742                        return (Map.union changes adds)
1743    -- Determines whether an environment variable is locale-related and, if so, whether it needs to
1744    -- be adjusted.
1745    checkVar
1746        :: (Text, Text) -> ([Text], Set Text)
1747    checkVar (k,v) =
1748        if k `elem` ["LANG", "LANGUAGE"] || "LC_" `T.isPrefixOf` k
1749            then if isUtf8Locale v
1750                     then ([], Set.singleton k)
1751                     else ([k], Set.singleton k)
1752            else ([], Set.empty)
1753    -- Adjusted value of an existing locale variable.  Looks for valid UTF-8 encodings with
1754    -- same language /and/ territory, then with same language, and finally the first UTF-8 locale
1755    -- returned by @locale -a@.
1756    adjustedVarValue
1757        :: ProcessContext -> [Text] -> Maybe Text -> Text -> Map Text Text
1758    adjustedVarValue menv utf8Locales mfallback k =
1759        case Map.lookup k (view envVarsL menv) of
1760            Nothing -> Map.empty
1761            Just v ->
1762                case concatMap
1763                         (matchingLocales utf8Locales)
1764                         [ T.takeWhile (/= '.') v <> "."
1765                         , T.takeWhile (/= '_') v <> "_"] of
1766                    (v':_) -> Map.singleton k v'
1767                    [] ->
1768                        case mfallback of
1769                            Just fallback -> Map.singleton k fallback
1770                            Nothing -> Map.empty
1771    -- Determine the fallback locale, by looking for any UTF-8 locale prefixed with the list in
1772    -- @fallbackPrefixes@, and if not found, picking the first UTF-8 encoding returned by @locale
1773    -- -a@.
1774    getFallbackLocale
1775        :: [Text] -> Maybe Text
1776    getFallbackLocale utf8Locales =
1777        case concatMap (matchingLocales utf8Locales) fallbackPrefixes of
1778            (v:_) -> Just v
1779            [] ->
1780                case utf8Locales of
1781                    [] -> Nothing
1782                    (v:_) -> Just v
1783    -- Filter the list of locales for any with the given prefixes (case-insitive).
1784    matchingLocales
1785        :: [Text] -> Text -> [Text]
1786    matchingLocales utf8Locales prefix =
1787        filter (\v -> T.toLower prefix `T.isPrefixOf` T.toLower v) utf8Locales
1788    -- Does the locale have one of the encodings in @utf8Suffixes@ (case-insensitive)?
1789    isUtf8Locale locale =
1790      any (\ v -> T.toLower v `T.isSuffixOf` T.toLower locale) utf8Suffixes
1791    -- Prefixes of fallback locales (case-insensitive)
1792    fallbackPrefixes = ["C.", "en_US.", "en_"]
1793    -- Suffixes of UTF-8 locales (case-insensitive)
1794    utf8Suffixes = [".UTF-8", ".utf8"]
1796-- Binary Stack upgrades
1798-- | Information on a binary release of Stack
1799data StackReleaseInfo
1800  = SRIGithub !Value
1801  -- ^ Metadata downloaded from GitHub releases about available binaries.
1802  | SRIHaskellStackOrg !HaskellStackOrg
1803  -- ^ Information on the latest available binary for the current platforms.
1805data HaskellStackOrg = HaskellStackOrg
1806  { hsoUrl :: !Text
1807  , hsoVersion :: !Version
1808  }
1809  deriving Show
1812  :: (HasPlatform env, HasLogFunc env)
1813  => Maybe String -- Github org
1814  -> Maybe String -- Github repo
1815  -> Maybe String -- ^ optional version
1816  -> RIO env StackReleaseInfo
1817downloadStackReleaseInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing = do
1818    platform <- view platformL
1819    -- Fallback list of URLs to try for upgrading.
1820    let urls0 =
1821          case platform of
1822            Platform X86_64 Cabal.Linux ->
1823              [ "https://get.haskellstack.org/upgrade/linux-x86_64-static.tar.gz"
1824              , "https://get.haskellstack.org/upgrade/linux-x86_64.tar.gz"
1825              ]
1826            Platform X86_64 Cabal.OSX ->
1827              [ "https://get.haskellstack.org/upgrade/osx-x86_64.tar.gz"
1828              ]
1829            Platform X86_64 Cabal.Windows ->
1830              [ "https://get.haskellstack.org/upgrade/windows-x86_64.tar.gz"
1831              ]
1832            _ -> []
1833        -- Helper function: extract the version from a GitHub releases URL.
1834    let extractVersion loc = do
1835          version0 <-
1836            case reverse $ splitOn "/" $ T.unpack loc of
1837              _final:version0:_ -> Right version0
1838              _ -> Left $ "Insufficient pieces in location: " ++ show loc
1839          version1 <- maybe (Left "no leading v on version") Right $ stripPrefix "v" version0
1840          maybe (Left $ "Invalid version: " ++ show version1) Right $ parseVersion version1
1842        -- Try out different URLs. If we've exhausted all of them, fall back to GitHub.
1843        loop [] = do
1844          logDebug "Could not get binary from haskellstack.org, trying GitHub"
1845          downloadStackReleaseInfoGithub Nothing Nothing Nothing
1847        -- Try the next URL
1848        loop (url:urls) = do
1849          -- Make a HEAD request without any redirects
1850          req <- setRequestMethod "HEAD" <$> parseRequest (T.unpack url)
1851          res <- httpLbs req { redirectCount = 0 }
1853          -- Look for a redirect. We're looking for a standard GitHub releases
1854          -- URL where we can extract version information from.
1855          case getResponseHeader "location" res of
1856            [] -> logDebug "No location header found, continuing" *> loop urls
1857            -- Exactly one location header.
1858            [locBS] ->
1859              case decodeUtf8' locBS of
1860                Left e -> logDebug ("Invalid UTF8: " <> displayShow (locBS, e)) *> loop urls
1861                Right loc ->
1862                  case extractVersion loc of
1863                    Left s -> logDebug ("No version found: " <> displayShow (url, loc, s)) *> loop (loc:urls)
1864                    -- We found a valid URL, let's use it!
1865                    Right version -> do
1866                      let hso = HaskellStackOrg
1867                                  { hsoUrl = loc
1868                                  , hsoVersion = version
1869                                  }
1870                      logDebug $ "Downloading from haskellstack.org: " <> displayShow hso
1871                      pure $ SRIHaskellStackOrg hso
1872            locs -> logDebug ("Multiple location headers found: " <> displayShow locs) *> loop urls
1873    loop urls0
1874downloadStackReleaseInfo morg mrepo mver = downloadStackReleaseInfoGithub morg mrepo mver
1876-- | Same as above, but always uses Github
1878  :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
1879  => Maybe String -- Github org
1880  -> Maybe String -- Github repo
1881  -> Maybe String -- ^ optional version
1882  -> m StackReleaseInfo
1883downloadStackReleaseInfoGithub morg mrepo mver = liftIO $ do
1884    let org = fromMaybe "commercialhaskell" morg
1885        repo = fromMaybe "stack" mrepo
1886    let url = concat
1887            [ "https://api.github.com/repos/"
1888            , org
1889            , "/"
1890            , repo
1891            , "/releases/"
1892            , case mver of
1893                Nothing -> "latest"
1894                Just ver -> "tags/v" ++ ver
1895            ]
1896    req <- parseRequest url
1897    res <- httpJSON $ setGithubHeaders req
1898    let code = getResponseStatusCode res
1899    if code >= 200 && code < 300
1900        then return $ SRIGithub $ getResponseBody res
1901        else throwString $ "Could not get release information for Stack from: " ++ url
1903preferredPlatforms :: (MonadReader env m, HasPlatform env, MonadThrow m)
1904                   => m [(Bool, String)]
1905preferredPlatforms = do
1906    Platform arch' os' <- view platformL
1907    (isWindows, os) <-
1908      case os' of
1909        Cabal.Linux -> return (False, "linux")
1910        Cabal.Windows -> return (True, "windows")
1911        Cabal.OSX -> return (False, "osx")
1912        Cabal.FreeBSD -> return (False, "freebsd")
1913        _ -> throwM $ stringException $ "Binary upgrade not yet supported on OS: " ++ show os'
1914    arch <-
1915      case arch' of
1916        I386 -> return "i386"
1917        X86_64 -> return "x86_64"
1918        Arm -> return "arm"
1919        _ -> throwM $ stringException $ "Binary upgrade not yet supported on arch: " ++ show arch'
1920    hasgmp4 <- return False -- FIXME import relevant code from Stack.Setup? checkLib $(mkRelFile "libgmp.so.3")
1921    let suffixes
1922          | hasgmp4 = ["-static", "-gmp4", ""]
1923          | otherwise = ["-static", ""]
1924    return $ map (\suffix -> (isWindows, concat [os, "-", arch, suffix])) suffixes
1927    :: HasConfig env
1928    => [(Bool, String)] -- ^ acceptable platforms
1929    -> StackReleaseInfo
1930    -> Path Abs Dir -- ^ destination directory
1931    -> Bool -- ^ perform PATH-aware checking, see #3232
1932    -> (Path Abs File -> IO ()) -- ^ test the temp exe before renaming
1933    -> RIO env ()
1934downloadStackExe platforms0 archiveInfo destDir checkPath testExe = do
1935    (isWindows, archiveURL) <-
1936      let loop [] = throwString $ "Unable to find binary Stack archive for platforms: "
1937                                ++ unwords (map snd platforms0)
1938          loop ((isWindows, p'):ps) = do
1939            let p = T.pack p'
1940            logInfo $ "Querying for archive location for platform: " <> fromString p'
1941            case findArchive archiveInfo p of
1942              Just x -> return (isWindows, x)
1943              Nothing -> loop ps
1944       in loop platforms0
1946    let (destFile, tmpFile)
1947            | isWindows =
1948                ( destDir </> relFileStackDotExe
1949                , destDir </> relFileStackDotTmpDotExe
1950                )
1951            | otherwise =
1952                ( destDir </> relFileStack
1953                , destDir </> relFileStackDotTmp
1954                )
1956    logInfo $ "Downloading from: " <> RIO.display archiveURL
1958    liftIO $ do
1959      case () of
1960        ()
1961          | ".tar.gz" `T.isSuffixOf` archiveURL -> handleTarball tmpFile isWindows archiveURL
1962          | ".zip" `T.isSuffixOf` archiveURL -> error "FIXME: Handle zip files"
1963          | otherwise -> error $ "Unknown archive format for Stack archive: " ++ T.unpack archiveURL
1965    logInfo "Download complete, testing executable"
1967    platform <- view platformL
1969    -- We need to call getExecutablePath before we overwrite the
1970    -- currently running binary: after that, Linux will append
1971    -- (deleted) to the filename.
1972    currExe <- liftIO getExecutablePath
1974    liftIO $ do
1975      setFileExecutable (toFilePath tmpFile)
1977      testExe tmpFile
1979      case platform of
1980          Platform _ Cabal.Windows | FP.equalFilePath (toFilePath destFile) currExe -> do
1981              old <- parseAbsFile (toFilePath destFile ++ ".old")
1982              renameFile destFile old
1983              renameFile tmpFile destFile
1984          _ -> renameFile tmpFile destFile
1986    destDir' <- liftIO . D.canonicalizePath . toFilePath $ destDir
1987    warnInstallSearchPathIssues destDir' ["stack"]
1989    logInfo $ "New stack executable available at " <> fromString (toFilePath destFile)
1991    when checkPath $ performPathChecking destFile currExe
1992      `catchAny` (logError . displayShow)
1993  where
1995    findArchive (SRIGithub val) pattern = do
1996        Object top <- return val
1997        Array assets <- HashMap.lookup "assets" top
1998        getFirst $ fold $ fmap (First . findMatch pattern') assets
1999      where
2000        pattern' = mconcat ["-", pattern, "."]
2002        findMatch pattern'' (Object o) = do
2003            String name <- HashMap.lookup "name" o
2004            guard $ not $ ".asc" `T.isSuffixOf` name
2005            guard $ pattern'' `T.isInfixOf` name
2006            String url <- HashMap.lookup "browser_download_url" o
2007            Just url
2008        findMatch _ _ = Nothing
2009    findArchive (SRIHaskellStackOrg hso) _ = pure $ hsoUrl hso
2011    handleTarball :: Path Abs File -> Bool -> T.Text -> IO ()
2012    handleTarball tmpFile isWindows url = do
2013        req <- fmap setGithubHeaders $ parseUrlThrow $ T.unpack url
2014        withResponse req $ \res -> do
2015            entries <- fmap (Tar.read . LBS.fromChunks)
2016                     $ lazyConsume
2017                     $ getResponseBody res .| ungzip
2018            let loop Tar.Done = error $ concat
2019                    [ "Stack executable "
2020                    , show exeName
2021                    , " not found in archive from "
2022                    , T.unpack url
2023                    ]
2024                loop (Tar.Fail e) = throwM e
2025                loop (Tar.Next e es) =
2026                    case FP.splitPath (Tar.entryPath e) of
2027                        -- Ignore the first component, see: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5288
2028                        [_ignored, name] | name == exeName -> do
2029                            case Tar.entryContent e of
2030                                Tar.NormalFile lbs _ -> do
2031                                  ensureDir destDir
2032                                  LBS.writeFile (toFilePath tmpFile) lbs
2033                                _ -> error $ concat
2034                                    [ "Invalid file type for tar entry named "
2035                                    , Tar.entryPath e
2036                                    , " downloaded from "
2037                                    , T.unpack url
2038                                    ]
2039                        _ -> loop es
2040            loop entries
2041      where
2042        exeName
2043          | isWindows = "stack.exe"
2044          | otherwise = "stack"
2046-- | Ensure that the Stack executable download is in the same location
2047-- as the currently running executable. See:
2048-- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3232
2050    :: HasConfig env
2051    => Path Abs File -- ^ location of the newly downloaded file
2052    -> String -- ^ currently running executable
2053    -> RIO env ()
2054performPathChecking newFile executablePath = do
2055  executablePath' <- parseAbsFile executablePath
2056  unless (toFilePath newFile == executablePath) $ do
2057    logInfo $ "Also copying stack executable to " <> fromString executablePath
2058    tmpFile <- parseAbsFile $ executablePath ++ ".tmp"
2059    eres <- tryIO $ do
2060      liftIO $ copyFile newFile tmpFile
2061      setFileExecutable (toFilePath tmpFile)
2062      liftIO $ renameFile tmpFile executablePath'
2063      logInfo "Stack executable copied successfully!"
2064    case eres of
2065      Right () -> return ()
2066      Left e
2067        | isPermissionError e -> do
2068            logWarn $ "Permission error when trying to copy: " <> displayShow e
2069            logWarn "Should I try to perform the file copy using sudo? This may fail"
2070            toSudo <- promptBool "Try using sudo? (y/n) "
2071            when toSudo $ do
2072              let run cmd args = do
2073                    ec <- proc cmd args runProcess
2074                    when (ec /= ExitSuccess) $ error $ concat
2075                          [ "Process exited with "
2076                          , show ec
2077                          , ": "
2078                          , unwords (cmd:args)
2079                          ]
2080                  commands =
2081                    [ ("sudo",
2082                        [ "cp"
2083                        , toFilePath newFile
2084                        , toFilePath tmpFile
2085                        ])
2086                    , ("sudo",
2087                        [ "mv"
2088                        , toFilePath tmpFile
2089                        , executablePath
2090                        ])
2091                    ]
2092              logInfo "Going to run the following commands:"
2093              logInfo ""
2094              forM_ commands $ \(cmd, args) ->
2095                logInfo $ "-  " <> mconcat (intersperse " " (fromString <$> (cmd:args)))
2096              mapM_ (uncurry run) commands
2097              logInfo ""
2098              logInfo "sudo file copy worked!"
2099        | otherwise -> throwM e
2101getDownloadVersion :: StackReleaseInfo -> Maybe Version
2102getDownloadVersion (SRIGithub val) = do
2103    Object o <- Just val
2104    String rawName <- HashMap.lookup "name" o
2105    -- drop the "v" at the beginning of the name
2106    parseVersion $ T.unpack (T.drop 1 rawName)
2107getDownloadVersion (SRIHaskellStackOrg hso) = Just $ hsoVersion hso