2use strict;
3use warnings;
4use Test::More tests => 415;
5BEGIN { use_ok('li_typemaps') }
8sub batch { my($type, @values) = @_;
9  # this is a little ugly because I'm trying to be clever and save my
10  # wrists from hammering out all these tests.
11  for my $val (@values) {
12    for my $tst (qw(
13      in inr
14      out outr
15      inout inoutr
16    )) {
17      my $func = $tst . '_' . $type;
18      is(eval { li_typemaps->can($func)->($val) }, $val, "$func $val");
19      if($@) {
20        my $err = $@;
21        $err =~ s/^/#\$\@# /mg;
22        print $err;
23      }
24    }
25  }
28batch('bool', '', 1);
29# let's assume we're at least on a 32 bit machine
30batch('int', -0x80000000, -1, 0, 1, 12, 0x7fffffff);
31# long could be bigger, but it's at least this big
32batch('long', -0x80000000, -1, 0, 1, 12, 0x7fffffff);
33batch('short', -0x8000, -1, 0, 1, 12, 0x7fff);
34batch('uint', 0, 1, 12, 0xffffffff);
35batch('ushort', 0, 1, 12, 0xffff);
36batch('ulong', 0, 1, 12, 0xffffffff);
37batch('uchar', 0, 1, 12, 0xff);
38batch('schar', -0x80, 0, 1, 12, 0x7f);
41	use Math::BigInt qw();
42	# the pack dance is to get plain old NVs out of the
43	# Math::BigInt objects.
44	my $inf = unpack 'd', pack 'd', Math::BigInt->new('Inf');
45	my $nan = unpack 'd', pack 'd', Math::BigInt->new('NaN');
46	batch('float',
47	  -(2 - 2 ** -23) * 2 ** 127,
48	  -1, -2 ** -149, 0, 2 ** -149, 1,
49	  (2 - 2 ** -23) * 2 ** 127,
50	  $nan);
51	{ local $TODO = "float typemaps don't pass infinity";
52	  # it seems as though SWIG is unwilling to pass infinity around
53	  # because that value always fails bounds checking.  I think that
54	  # is a bug.
55	  batch('float', $inf);
56	}
57	batch('double',
58	  -(2 - 2 ** -53) ** 1023,
59	  -1, -2 ** -1074, 0, 2 ** 1074,
60	  (2 - 2 ** -53) ** 1023,
61	  $nan, $inf);
63batch('longlong', -1, 0, 1, 12);
64batch('ulonglong', 0, 1, 12);
65SKIP: {
66  use Math::BigInt qw();
67  skip "not a 64bit Perl", 18 unless eval { pack 'q', 1 };
68  my $a = unpack 'q', pack 'q',
69     Math::BigInt->new('-9223372036854775808');
70  my $b = unpack 'q', pack 'q',
71     Math::BigInt->new('9223372036854775807');
72  my $c = unpack 'Q', pack 'Q',
73     Math::BigInt->new('18446744073709551615');
74  batch('longlong', $a, $b);
75  batch('ulonglong', $c);
78my($foo, $int) = li_typemaps::out_foo(10);
79isa_ok($foo, 'li_typemaps::Foo');
80is($foo->{a}, 10);
81is($int, 20);
83my($a, $b) = li_typemaps::inoutr_int2(13, 31);
84is($a, 13);
85is($b, 31);