1 /*
2     Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation
4     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6     You may obtain a copy of the License at
8         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14     limitations under the License.
15 */
17 /* Some tests in this source file are based on PPL tests provided by Microsoft. */
18 #include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
19 #include "tbb/tick_count.h"
20 #include "harness.h"
21 #include "test_container_move_support.h"
22 // Test that unordered containers do not require keys have default constructors.
24 #include "harness_checktype.h"
26 #include "harness_allocator.h"
28 #if _MSC_VER
29 #pragma warning(disable: 4189) // warning 4189 -- local variable is initialized but not referenced
30 #pragma warning(disable: 4127) // warning 4127 -- while (true) has a constant expression in it
31 #endif
33 // TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign with an empty initializer list causes internal error in Intel Compiler.
36 typedef local_counting_allocator<debug_allocator<std::pair<const int,int>,std::allocator> > MyAllocator;
38 template<typename Table>
39 inline void CheckAllocator(typename Table::allocator_type& a, size_t expected_allocs, size_t expected_frees,
40                            bool exact = true) {
41     if(exact) {
42         ASSERT( a.allocations == expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( a.frees == expected_frees, NULL);
43     } else {
44         ASSERT( a.allocations >= expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( a.frees >= expected_frees, NULL);
45         ASSERT( a.allocations - a.frees == expected_allocs - expected_frees, NULL );
46     }
47 }
49 // Check that only dummy node allocated if table is empty
50 // Specialize this function for custom container, if it node allocation size > 1
51 #define CheckEmptyContainerAllocatorE(t,a,f) CheckEmptyContainerAllocator(t,a,f,true,__LINE__)
52 #define CheckEmptyContainerAllocatorA(t,a,f) CheckEmptyContainerAllocator(t,a,f,false,__LINE__)
53 template<typename MyTable>
54 inline void CheckEmptyContainerAllocator(MyTable &table, size_t expected_allocs, size_t expected_frees, bool exact = true, int line = 0);
56 template<typename T>
57 struct strip_const { typedef T type; };
59 template<typename T>
60 struct strip_const<const T> { typedef T type; };
62 // value generator for map
63 template <typename K, typename V = std::pair<const K, K> >
64 struct ValueFactory {
65     typedef typename strip_const<K>::type Kstrip;
66     static V make(const K &value) { return V(value, value); }
67     static Kstrip key(const V &value) { return value.first; }
68     static Kstrip get(const V &value) { return (Kstrip)value.second; }
69     template< typename U >
70     static U convert(const V &value) { return U(value.second); }
71 };
73 // generator for set
74 template <typename T>
75 struct ValueFactory<T, T> {
76     static T make(const T &value) { return value; }
77     static T key(const T &value) { return value; }
78     static T get(const T &value) { return value; }
79     template< typename U >
80     static U convert(const T &value) { return U(value); }
81 };
83 template <typename T>
84 struct Value : ValueFactory<typename T::key_type, typename T::value_type> {
85     template<typename U>
86     static bool compare( const typename T::iterator& it, U val ) {
87         return (Value::template convert<U>(*it) == val);
88     }
89 };
91 template<Harness::StateTrackableBase::StateValue desired_state, typename T>
92 void check_value_state(/* typename do_check_element_state =*/ tbb::internal::true_type, T const& t, const char* filename, int line )
93 {
94     ASSERT_CUSTOM(is_state_f<desired_state>()(t), "", filename, line);
95 }
97 template<Harness::StateTrackableBase::StateValue desired_state, typename T>
98 void check_value_state(/* typename do_check_element_state =*/ tbb::internal::false_type, T const&, const char* , int ) {/*do nothing*/}
100 #define ASSERT_VALUE_STATE(do_check_element_state,state,value) check_value_state<state>(do_check_element_state,value,__FILE__,__LINE__)
103 template<typename T, typename do_check_element_state, typename V>
104 void test_rvalue_insert(V v1, V v2)
105 {
106     typedef T container_t;
108     container_t cont;
110     std::pair<typename container_t::iterator, bool> ins = cont.insert(Value<container_t>::make(v1));
111     ASSERT(ins.second == true && Value<container_t>::get(*(ins.first)) == v1, "Element 1 has not been inserted properly");
112     ASSERT_VALUE_STATE(do_check_element_state(),Harness::StateTrackableBase::MoveInitialized,*ins.first);
114     typename container_t::iterator it2 = cont.insert(ins.first, Value<container_t>::make(v2));
115     ASSERT(Value<container_t>::get(*(it2)) == v2, "Element 2 has not been inserted properly");
116     ASSERT_VALUE_STATE(do_check_element_state(),Harness::StateTrackableBase::MoveInitialized,*it2);
118 }
120 // The test does not use variadic templates, but emplace() does.
122 namespace emplace_helpers {
123 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t, typename value_t>
124 std::pair<typename container_t::iterator, bool> call_emplace_impl(container_t& c, arg_t&& k, value_t *){
125     // this is a set
126     return c.emplace(std::forward<arg_t>(k));
127 }
129 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t, typename first_t, typename second_t>
130 std::pair<typename container_t::iterator, bool> call_emplace_impl(container_t& c, arg_t&& k, std::pair<first_t, second_t> *){
131     // this is a map
132     return c.emplace(k, std::forward<arg_t>(k));
133 }
135 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t>
136 std::pair<typename container_t::iterator, bool> call_emplace(container_t& c, arg_t&& k){
137     typename container_t::value_type * selector = NULL;
138     return call_emplace_impl(c, std::forward<arg_t>(k), selector);
139 }
141 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t, typename value_t>
142 typename container_t::iterator call_emplace_hint_impl(container_t& c, typename container_t::const_iterator hint, arg_t&& k, value_t *){
143     // this is a set
144     return c.emplace_hint(hint, std::forward<arg_t>(k));
145 }
147 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t, typename first_t, typename second_t>
148 typename container_t::iterator call_emplace_hint_impl(container_t& c, typename container_t::const_iterator hint, arg_t&& k, std::pair<first_t, second_t> *){
149     // this is a map
150     return c.emplace_hint(hint, k, std::forward<arg_t>(k));
151 }
153 template<typename container_t, typename arg_t>
154 typename container_t::iterator call_emplace_hint(container_t& c, typename container_t::const_iterator hint, arg_t&& k){
155     typename container_t::value_type * selector = NULL;
156     return call_emplace_hint_impl(c, hint, std::forward<arg_t>(k), selector);
157 }
158 }
159 template<typename T, typename do_check_element_state, typename V>
160 void test_emplace_insert(V v1, V v2){
161     typedef T container_t;
162     container_t cont;
164     std::pair<typename container_t::iterator, bool> ins = emplace_helpers::call_emplace(cont, v1);
165     ASSERT(ins.second == true && Value<container_t>::compare(ins.first, v1), "Element 1 has not been inserted properly");
166     ASSERT_VALUE_STATE(do_check_element_state(),Harness::StateTrackableBase::DirectInitialized,*ins.first);
168     typename container_t::iterator it2 = emplace_helpers::call_emplace_hint(cont, ins.first, v2);
169     ASSERT(Value<container_t>::compare(it2, v2), "Element 2 has not been inserted properly");
170     ASSERT_VALUE_STATE(do_check_element_state(),Harness::StateTrackableBase::DirectInitialized,*it2);
171 }
173 #endif // __TBB_CPP11_RVALUE_REF_PRESENT
175 template<typename ContainerType, typename Iterator, typename RangeType>
176 std::pair<intptr_t,intptr_t> CheckRecursiveRange(RangeType range) {
177     std::pair<intptr_t,intptr_t> sum(0, 0); // count, sum
178     for( Iterator i = range.begin(), e = range.end(); i != e; ++i ) {
179         ++sum.first; sum.second += Value<ContainerType>::get(*i);
180     }
181     if( range.is_divisible() ) {
182         RangeType range2( range, tbb::split() );
183         std::pair<intptr_t,intptr_t> sum1 = CheckRecursiveRange<ContainerType,Iterator, RangeType>( range );
184         std::pair<intptr_t,intptr_t> sum2 = CheckRecursiveRange<ContainerType,Iterator, RangeType>( range2 );
185         sum1.first += sum2.first; sum1.second += sum2.second;
186         ASSERT( sum == sum1, "Mismatched ranges after division");
187     }
188     return sum;
189 }
191 template <typename Map>
192 void SpecialMapTests( const char *str ){
193     Map cont;
194     const Map &ccont( cont );
196     // mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& k);
197     cont[1] = 2;
199     // bool empty() const;
200     ASSERT( !ccont.empty( ), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element" );
202     // size_type size() const;
203     ASSERT( ccont.size( ) == 1, "Concurrent container size incorrect" );
204     ASSERT( cont[1] == 2, "Concurrent container value incorrect" );
206     // mapped_type& at( const key_type& k );
207     // const mapped_type& at(const key_type& k) const;
208     ASSERT( cont.at( 1 ) == 2, "Concurrent container value incorrect" );
209     ASSERT( ccont.at( 1 ) == 2, "Concurrent container value incorrect" );
211     // iterator find(const key_type& k);
212     typename Map::iterator it = cont.find( 1 );
213     ASSERT( it != cont.end( ) && Value<Map>::get( *(it) ) == 2, "Element with key 1 not properly found" );
214     cont.unsafe_erase( it );
216     it = cont.find( 1 );
217     ASSERT( it == cont.end( ), "Element with key 1 not properly erased" );
218     REMARK( "passed -- specialized %s tests\n", str );
219 }
221 template <typename MultiMap>
222 void CheckMultiMap(MultiMap &m, int *targets, int tcount, int key) {
223     std::vector<bool> vfound(tcount,false);
224     std::pair<typename MultiMap::iterator, typename MultiMap::iterator> range = m.equal_range( key );
225     for(typename MultiMap::iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
226         bool found = false;
227         for( int i = 0; i < tcount; ++i) {
228             if((*it).second == targets[i]) {
229                 if(!vfound[i])  { // we can insert duplicate values
230                     vfound[i] = found = true;
231                     break;
232                 }
233             }
234         }
235         // just in case an extra value in equal_range...
236         ASSERT(found, "extra value from equal range");
237     }
238     for(int i = 0; i < tcount; ++i) ASSERT(vfound[i], "missing value");
239 }
241 template <typename MultiMap>
242 void MultiMapEraseTests(){
243     MultiMap cont1, cont2;
245     typename MultiMap::iterator erased_it;
246     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
247         if ( i != 1 ) {
248             cont1.insert(std::make_pair(1, i));
249             cont2.insert(std::make_pair(1, i));
250         } else {
251             erased_it = cont1.insert(std::make_pair(1, i)).first;
252         }
253     }
255     cont1.unsafe_erase(erased_it);
257     ASSERT(cont1.size() == cont2.size(), "Incorrect count of elements was erased");
258     typename MultiMap::iterator it1 = cont1.begin();
259     typename MultiMap::iterator it2 = cont2.begin();
261     for (typename MultiMap::size_type i = 0; i < cont2.size(); ++i) {
262         ASSERT(*(it1++) == *(it2++), "Multimap repetitive key was not erased properly");
263     }
264 }
266 template <typename MultiMap>
267 void SpecialMultiMapTests( const char *str ){
268     int one_values[] = { 7, 2, 13, 23, 13 };
269     int zero_values[] = { 4, 9, 13, 29, 42, 111};
270     int n_zero_values = sizeof(zero_values) / sizeof(int);
271     int n_one_values = sizeof(one_values) / sizeof(int);
272     MultiMap cont;
273     const MultiMap &ccont( cont );
274     // mapped_type& operator[](const key_type& k);
275     cont.insert( std::make_pair( 1, one_values[0] ) );
277     // bool empty() const;
278     ASSERT( !ccont.empty( ), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element" );
280     // size_type size() const;
281     ASSERT( ccont.size( ) == 1, "Concurrent container size incorrect" );
282     ASSERT( (*(cont.begin( ))).second == one_values[0], "Concurrent container value incorrect" );
283     ASSERT( (*(cont.equal_range( 1 )).first).second == one_values[0], "Improper value from equal_range" );
284     ASSERT( (cont.equal_range( 1 )).second == cont.end( ), "Improper iterator from equal_range" );
286     cont.insert( std::make_pair( 1, one_values[1] ) );
288     // bool empty() const;
289     ASSERT( !ccont.empty( ), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element" );
291     // size_type size() const;
292     ASSERT( ccont.size( ) == 2, "Concurrent container size incorrect" );
293     CheckMultiMap(cont, one_values, 2, 1);
295     // insert the other {1,x} values
296     for( int i = 2; i < n_one_values; ++i ) {
297         cont.insert( std::make_pair( 1, one_values[i] ) );
298     }
300     CheckMultiMap(cont, one_values, n_one_values, 1);
301     ASSERT( (cont.equal_range( 1 )).second == cont.end( ), "Improper iterator from equal_range" );
303     cont.insert( std::make_pair( 0, zero_values[0] ) );
305     // bool empty() const;
306     ASSERT( !ccont.empty( ), "Concurrent container empty after adding an element" );
308     // size_type size() const;
309     ASSERT( ccont.size( ) == (size_t)(n_one_values+1), "Concurrent container size incorrect" );
310     CheckMultiMap(cont, one_values, n_one_values, 1);
311     CheckMultiMap(cont, zero_values, 1, 0);
312     ASSERT( (*(cont.begin( ))).second == zero_values[0], "Concurrent container value incorrect" );
313     // insert the rest of the zero values
314     for( int i = 1; i < n_zero_values; ++i) {
315         cont.insert( std::make_pair( 0, zero_values[i] ) );
316     }
317     CheckMultiMap(cont, one_values, n_one_values, 1);
318     CheckMultiMap(cont, zero_values, n_zero_values, 0);
320     // clear, reinsert interleaved
321     cont.clear();
322     int bigger_num = ( n_one_values > n_zero_values ) ? n_one_values : n_zero_values;
323     for( int i = 0; i < bigger_num; ++i ) {
324         if(i < n_one_values) cont.insert( std::make_pair( 1, one_values[i] ) );
325         if(i < n_zero_values) cont.insert( std::make_pair( 0, zero_values[i] ) );
326     }
327     CheckMultiMap(cont, one_values, n_one_values, 1);
328     CheckMultiMap(cont, zero_values, n_zero_values, 0);
330     MultiMapEraseTests<MultiMap>();
332     REMARK( "passed -- specialized %s tests\n", str );
333 }
335 template <typename T>
336 struct SpecialTests {
337     static void Test(const char *str) {REMARK("skipped -- specialized %s tests\n", str);}
338 };
343 #include "test_range_based_for.h"
345 template <typename Container>
346 void TestRangeBasedFor() {
347     using namespace range_based_for_support_tests;
349     REMARK( "testing range based for loop compatibility \n" );
350     Container cont;
351     const int sequence_length = 100;
352     for ( int i = 1; i <= sequence_length; ++i ) {
353         cont.insert( Value<Container>::make(i) );
354     }
356     ASSERT( range_based_for_accumulate( cont, unified_summer(), 0 ) ==
357             gauss_summ_of_int_sequence( sequence_length ),
358             "incorrect accumulated value generated via range based for ?" );
359 }
360 #endif /* __TBB_RANGE_BASED_FOR_PRESENT */
363 // Required by test_initializer_list.h
364 template<typename container_type>
365 bool equal_containers(container_type const& lhs, container_type const& rhs) {
366         if ( lhs.size() != rhs.size() ) {
367             return false;
368         }
369         return std::equal( lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), Harness::IsEqual() );
370 }
372 #include "test_initializer_list.h"
374 template <typename Table, typename MultiTable>
375 void TestInitList( std::initializer_list<typename Table::value_type> il ) {
376     using namespace initializer_list_support_tests;
377     REMARK("testing initializer_list methods \n");
379     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<Table,test_special_insert>(il);
380     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<MultiTable, test_special_insert>( il );
383     REPORT( "Known issue: TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign with an empty initializer list is skipped.\n");
384 #else
385     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<Table, test_special_insert>( {} );
386     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<MultiTable, test_special_insert>( {} );
387 #endif
388 }
391 template<typename T, typename do_check_element_state>
392 void test_basic_common(const char * str, do_check_element_state)
393 {
394     T cont;
395     const T &ccont(cont);
396     CheckEmptyContainerAllocatorE(cont, 1, 0); // one dummy is always allocated
397     // bool empty() const;
398     ASSERT(ccont.empty(), "Concurrent container is not empty after construction");
400     // size_type size() const;
401     ASSERT(ccont.size() == 0, "Concurrent container is not empty after construction");
403     // size_type max_size() const;
404     ASSERT(ccont.max_size() > 0, "Concurrent container max size is invalid");
406     //iterator begin();
407     //iterator end();
408     ASSERT(cont.begin() == cont.end(), "Concurrent container iterators are invalid after construction");
409     ASSERT(ccont.begin() == ccont.end(), "Concurrent container iterators are invalid after construction");
410     ASSERT(cont.cbegin() == cont.cend(), "Concurrent container iterators are invalid after construction");
412     //std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
413     std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(1));
414     ASSERT(ins.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins.first)) == 1, "Element 1 has not been inserted properly");
417     test_rvalue_insert<T,do_check_element_state>(1,2);
419     test_emplace_insert<T,do_check_element_state>(1,2);
421 #endif // __TBB_CPP11_RVALUE_REF_PRESENT
423     // bool empty() const;
424     ASSERT(!ccont.empty(), "Concurrent container is empty after adding an element");
426     // size_type size() const;
427     ASSERT(ccont.size() == 1, "Concurrent container size is incorrect");
429     std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins2 = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(1));
431     if (T::allow_multimapping)
432     {
433         // std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
434         ASSERT(ins2.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins2.first)) == 1, "Element 1 has not been inserted properly");
436         // size_type size() const;
437         ASSERT(ccont.size() == 2, "Concurrent container size is incorrect");
439         // size_type count(const key_type& k) const;
440         ASSERT(ccont.count(1) == 2, "Concurrent container count(1) is incorrect");
441         // std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
442         std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = cont.equal_range(1);
443         typename T::iterator it = range.first;
444         ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
445         unsigned int count = 0;
446         for (; it != range.second; it++)
447         {
448             count++;
449             ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
450         }
452         ASSERT(count == 2, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
453     }
454     else
455     {
456         // std::pair<iterator, bool> insert(const value_type& obj);
457         ASSERT(ins2.second == false && ins2.first == ins.first, "Element 1 should not be re-inserted");
459         // size_type size() const;
460         ASSERT(ccont.size() == 1, "Concurrent container size is incorrect");
462         // size_type count(const key_type& k) const;
463         ASSERT(ccont.count(1) == 1, "Concurrent container count(1) is incorrect");
465         // std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k) const;
466         // std::pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k);
467         std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = cont.equal_range(1);
468         typename T::iterator it = range.first;
469         ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
470         ASSERT(++it == range.second, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
471     }
473     // const_iterator find(const key_type& k) const;
474     // iterator find(const key_type& k);
475     typename T::iterator it = cont.find(1);
476     ASSERT(it != cont.end() && Value<T>::get(*(it)) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
477     ASSERT(ccont.find(1) == it, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
479     // Will be implemented in unordered containers later
481     //bool contains(const key_type&k) const
482     ASSERT(cont.contains(1), "contains() cannot detect existing element");
483     ASSERT(!cont.contains(0), "contains() detect not existing element");
484 #endif /*__TBB_UNORDERED_TEST*/
486     // iterator insert(const_iterator hint, const value_type& obj);
487     typename T::iterator it2 = cont.insert(ins.first, Value<T>::make(2));
488     ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it2) == 2, "Element 2 has not been inserted properly");
490     // T(const T& _Umap)
491     T newcont = ccont;
492     ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (newcont.size() == 3) : (newcont.size() == 2), "Copy construction has not copied the elements properly");
494     // this functionality not implemented yet
495     // size_type unsafe_erase(const key_type& k);
496     typename T::size_type size = cont.unsafe_erase(1);
497     ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (size == 2) : (size == 1), "Erase has not removed the right number of elements");
499     // iterator unsafe_erase(iterator position);
500     typename T::iterator it4 = cont.unsafe_erase(cont.find(2));
501     ASSERT(it4 == cont.end() && cont.size() == 0, "Erase has not removed the last element properly");
503     // iterator unsafe_erase(const_iterator position);
504     cont.insert(Value<T>::make(3));
505     typename T::iterator it5 = cont.unsafe_erase(cont.cbegin());
506     ASSERT(it5 == cont.end() && cont.size() == 0, "Erase has not removed the last element properly");
508     // template<class InputIterator> void insert(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
509     cont.insert(newcont.begin(), newcont.end());
510     ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (cont.size() == 3) : (cont.size() == 2), "Range insert has not copied the elements properly");
512     // this functionality not implemented yet
513     // iterator unsafe_erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
514     std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range2 = newcont.equal_range(1);
515     newcont.unsafe_erase(range2.first, range2.second);
516     ASSERT(newcont.size() == 1, "Range erase has not erased the elements properly");
518     // void clear();
519     newcont.clear();
520     ASSERT(newcont.begin() == newcont.end() && newcont.size() == 0, "Clear has not cleared the container");
524     REPORT("Known issue: the test for insert with initializer_list is skipped.\n");
525 #else
526     // void insert(const std::initializer_list<value_type> &il);
527     newcont.insert( { Value<T>::make( 1 ), Value<T>::make( 2 ), Value<T>::make( 1 ) } );
528     if (T::allow_multimapping) {
529         ASSERT(newcont.size() == 3, "Concurrent container size is incorrect");
530         ASSERT(newcont.count(1) == 2, "Concurrent container count(1) is incorrect");
531         ASSERT(newcont.count(2) == 1, "Concurrent container count(2) is incorrect");
532         std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = cont.equal_range(1);
533         it = range.first;
534         ASSERT(it != newcont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
535         unsigned int count = 0;
536         for (; it != range.second; it++) {
537             count++;
538             ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
539         }
540         ASSERT(count == 2, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
541         range = newcont.equal_range(2); it = range.first;
542         ASSERT(it != newcont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 2, "Element 2 has not been found properly");
543         count = 0;
544         for (; it != range.second; it++) {
545             count++;
546             ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == 2, "Element 2 has not been found properly");
547         }
548         ASSERT(count == 1, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
549     } else {
550         ASSERT(newcont.size() == 2, "Concurrent container size is incorrect");
551         ASSERT(newcont.count(1) == 1, "Concurrent container count(1) is incorrect");
552         ASSERT(newcont.count(2) == 1, "Concurrent container count(2) is incorrect");
553         std::pair<typename T::iterator, typename T::iterator> range = newcont.equal_range(1);
554         it = range.first;
555         ASSERT(it != newcont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 1, "Element 1 has not been found properly");
556         ASSERT(++it == range.second, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
557         range = newcont.equal_range(2); it = range.first;
558         ASSERT(it != newcont.end() && Value<T>::get(*it) == 2, "Element 2 has not been found properly");
559         ASSERT(++it == range.second, "Range doesn't have the right number of elements");
560     }
564     // T& operator=(const T& _Umap)
565     newcont = ccont;
566     ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (newcont.size() == 3) : (newcont.size() == 2), "Assignment operator has not copied the elements properly");
568     REMARK("passed -- basic %s tests\n", str);
570 #if defined (VERBOSE)
571     REMARK("container dump debug:\n");
572     cont._Dump();
573     REMARK("container dump release:\n");
574     cont.dump();
575     REMARK("\n");
576 #endif
578     cont.clear();
579     CheckEmptyContainerAllocatorA(cont, 1, 0); // one dummy is always allocated
580     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
581     {
582         std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> ins3 = cont.insert(Value<T>::make(i));
583         ASSERT(ins3.second == true && Value<T>::get(*(ins3.first)) == i, "Element 1 has not been inserted properly");
584     }
585     ASSERT(cont.size() == 256, "Wrong number of elements have been inserted");
586     ASSERT((256 == CheckRecursiveRange<T,typename T::iterator>(cont.range()).first), NULL);
587     ASSERT((256 == CheckRecursiveRange<T,typename T::const_iterator>(ccont.range()).first), NULL);
589     // void swap(T&);
590     cont.swap(newcont);
591     ASSERT(newcont.size() == 256, "Wrong number of elements after swap");
592     ASSERT(newcont.count(200) == 1, "Element with key 200 is not present after swap");
593     ASSERT(newcont.count(16) == 1, "Element with key 16 is not present after swap");
594     ASSERT(newcont.count(99) == 1, "Element with key 99 is not present after swap");
595     ASSERT(T::allow_multimapping ? (cont.size() == 3) : (cont.size() == 2), "Assignment operator has not copied the elements properly");
597     // Need to be enabled
598     SpecialTests<T>::Test(str);
599 }
601 template<typename T>
602 void test_basic_common(const char * str){
603     test_basic_common<T>(str, tbb::internal::false_type());
604 }
606 void test_machine() {
607     ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0)==0, NULL );
608     ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(1)==0x80, NULL );
609     ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0xFE)==0x7F, NULL );
610     ASSERT(__TBB_ReverseByte(0xFF)==0xFF, NULL );
611 }
613 template<typename T>
614 class FillTable: NoAssign {
615     T &table;
616     const int items;
617     bool my_asymptotic;
618     typedef std::pair<typename T::iterator, bool> pairIB;
619 public:
620     FillTable(T &t, int i, bool asymptotic) : table(t), items(i), my_asymptotic(asymptotic) {
621         ASSERT( !(items&1) && items > 100, NULL);
622     }
623     void operator()(int threadn) const {
624         if( threadn == 0 ) { // Fill even keys forward (single thread)
625             bool last_inserted = true;
626             for( int i = 0; i < items; i+=2 ) {
627                 pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(my_asymptotic?1:i));
628                 ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == (my_asymptotic?1:i), "Element not properly inserted");
629                 ASSERT( last_inserted || !pib.second, "Previous key was not inserted but this is inserted" );
630                 last_inserted = pib.second;
631             }
632         } else if( threadn == 1 ) { // Fill even keys backward (single thread)
633             bool last_inserted = true;
634             for( int i = items-2; i >= 0; i-=2 ) {
635                 pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(my_asymptotic?1:i));
636                 ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == (my_asymptotic?1:i), "Element not properly inserted");
637                 ASSERT( last_inserted || !pib.second, "Previous key was not inserted but this is inserted" );
638                 last_inserted = pib.second;
639             }
640         } else if( !(threadn&1) ) { // Fill odd keys forward (multiple threads)
641             for( int i = 1; i < items; i+=2 )
643                 if ( i % 32 == 1 && i + 6 < items ) {
644                     if (my_asymptotic) {
645                         table.insert({ Value<T>::make(1), Value<T>::make(1), Value<T>::make(1) });
646                         ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*table.find(1)) == 1, "Element not properly inserted");
647                     }
648                     else {
649                         table.insert({ Value<T>::make(i), Value<T>::make(i + 2), Value<T>::make(i + 4) });
650                         ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*table.find(i)) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
651                         ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*table.find(i + 2)) == i + 2, "Element not properly inserted");
652                         ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*table.find(i + 4)) == i + 4, "Element not properly inserted");
653                     }
654                     i += 4;
655                 } else
656 #endif
657                 {
658                     pairIB pib = table.insert(Value<T>::make(my_asymptotic ? 1 : i));
659                     ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*(pib.first)) == (my_asymptotic ? 1 : i), "Element not properly inserted");
660                 }
661         } else { // Check odd keys backward (multiple threads)
662             if (!my_asymptotic) {
663                 bool last_found = false;
664                 for( int i = items-1; i >= 0; i-=2 ) {
665                     typename T::iterator it = table.find(i);
666                     if( it != table.end() ) { // found
667                         ASSERT(Value<T>::get(*it) == i, "Element not properly inserted");
668                         last_found = true;
669                     } else {
670                         ASSERT( !last_found, "Previous key was found but this is not" );
671                     }
672                 }
673             }
674         }
675     }
676 };
678 typedef tbb::atomic<unsigned char> AtomicByte;
680 template<typename ContainerType, typename RangeType>
681 struct ParallelTraverseBody: NoAssign {
682     const int n;
683     AtomicByte* const array;
684     ParallelTraverseBody( AtomicByte an_array[], int a_n ) :
685         n(a_n), array(an_array)
686     {}
687     void operator()( const RangeType& range ) const {
688         for( typename RangeType::iterator i = range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
689             int k = static_cast<int>(Value<ContainerType>::key(*i));
690             ASSERT( k == Value<ContainerType>::get(*i), NULL );
691             ASSERT( 0<=k && k<n, NULL );
692             array[k]++;
693         }
694     }
695 };
697 // if multimapping, oddCount is the value that each odd-indexed array element should have.
698 // not meaningful for non-multimapped case.
699 void CheckRange( AtomicByte array[], int n, bool allowMultiMapping, int oddCount ) {
700     if(allowMultiMapping) {
701         for( int k = 0; k<n; ++k) {
702             if(k%2) {
703                 if( array[k] != oddCount ) {
704                     REPORT("array[%d]=%d (should be %d)\n", k, int(array[k]), oddCount);
705                     ASSERT(false,NULL);
706                 }
707             }
708             else {
709                 if(array[k] != 2) {
710                     REPORT("array[%d]=%d\n", k, int(array[k]));
711                     ASSERT(false,NULL);
712                 }
713             }
714         }
715     }
716     else {
717         for( int k=0; k<n; ++k ) {
718             if( array[k] != 1 ) {
719                 REPORT("array[%d]=%d\n", k, int(array[k]));
720                 ASSERT(false,NULL);
721             }
722         }
723     }
724 }
726 template<typename T>
727 class CheckTable: NoAssign {
728     T &table;
729 public:
730     CheckTable(T &t) : NoAssign(), table(t) {}
731     void operator()(int i) const {
732         int c = (int)table.count( i );
733         ASSERT( c, "must exist" );
734     }
735 };
737 template<typename T>
738 void test_concurrent_common(const char *tablename, bool asymptotic = false) {
740     int items = 2000;
741 #else
742     int items = 20000;
743 #endif
744     int nItemsInserted = 0;
745     int nThreads = 0;
747     T table(items/1000);
748 #else
749     T table;
750 #endif
751     #if __bgp__
752     nThreads = 6;
753     #else
754     nThreads = 16;
755     #endif
756     if(T::allow_multimapping) {
757         // even passes (threads 0 & 1) put N/2 items each
758         // odd passes  (threads > 1)   put N/2 if thread is odd, else checks if even.
759         items = 4*items / (nThreads + 2);  // approximately same number of items inserted.
760         nItemsInserted = items + (nThreads-2) * items / 4;
761     }
762     else {
763         nItemsInserted = items;
764     }
765     REMARK("%s items == %d\n", tablename, items);
766     tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
767     NativeParallelFor( nThreads, FillTable<T>(table, items, asymptotic) );
768     tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
769     REMARK( "time for filling '%s' by %d items = %g\n", tablename, table.size(), (t1-t0).seconds() );
770     ASSERT( int(table.size()) == nItemsInserted, NULL);
772     if(!asymptotic) {
773         AtomicByte* array = new AtomicByte[items];
774         memset( static_cast<void*>(array), 0, items*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
776         typename T::range_type r = table.range();
777         std::pair<intptr_t,intptr_t> p = CheckRecursiveRange<T,typename T::iterator>(r);
778         ASSERT((nItemsInserted == p.first), NULL);
779         tbb::parallel_for( r, ParallelTraverseBody<T, typename T::const_range_type>( array, items ));
780         CheckRange( array, items, T::allow_multimapping, (nThreads - 1)/2 );
782         const T &const_table = table;
783         memset( static_cast<void*>(array), 0, items*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
784         typename T::const_range_type cr = const_table.range();
785         ASSERT((nItemsInserted == CheckRecursiveRange<T,typename T::const_iterator>(cr).first), NULL);
786         tbb::parallel_for( cr, ParallelTraverseBody<T, typename T::const_range_type>( array, items ));
787         CheckRange( array, items, T::allow_multimapping, (nThreads - 1) / 2 );
788         delete[] array;
790         tbb::parallel_for( 0, items, CheckTable<T>( table ) );
791     }
793     table.clear();
794     CheckEmptyContainerAllocatorA(table, items+1, items); // one dummy is always allocated
796 }
799 #include "test_container_move_support.h"
801 template<typename container_traits>
802 void test_rvalue_ref_support(const char* container_name){
803     TestMoveConstructor<container_traits>();
804     TestMoveAssignOperator<container_traits>();
806     TestExceptionSafetyGuaranteesMoveConstructorWithUnEqualAllocatorMemoryFailure<container_traits>();
807     TestExceptionSafetyGuaranteesMoveConstructorWithUnEqualAllocatorExceptionInElementCtor<container_traits>();
809     REMARK("passed -- %s move support tests\n", container_name);
810 }
813 namespace test_select_size_t_constant{
814     __TBB_STATIC_ASSERT((tbb::internal::select_size_t_constant<1234,1234>::value == 1234),"select_size_t_constant::value is not compile time constant");
815 //    There will be two constant used in the test 32 bit and 64 bit one.
816 //    The 64 bit constant should chosen so that it 32 bit halves adds up to the 32 bit one ( first constant used in the test).
817 //    % ~0U is used to sum up 32bit halves of the 64 constant.  ("% ~0U" essentially adds the 32-bit "digits", like "%9" adds
818 //    the digits (modulo 9) of a number in base 10).
819 //    So iff select_size_t_constant is correct result of the calculation below will be same on both 32bit and 64bit platforms.
820     __TBB_STATIC_ASSERT((tbb::internal::select_size_t_constant<0x12345678U,0x091A2B3C091A2B3CULL>::value % ~0U == 0x12345678U),
821             "select_size_t_constant have chosen the wrong constant");
822 }
825 // For the sake of simplified testing, make unique_ptr implicitly convertible to/from the pointer
826 namespace test {
827     template<typename T>
828     class unique_ptr : public std::unique_ptr<T> {
829     public:
830         typedef typename std::unique_ptr<T>::pointer pointer;
831         unique_ptr( pointer p ) : std::unique_ptr<T>(p) {}
832         operator pointer() const { return this->get(); }
833     };
834 }
837 #include <vector>
838 #include <list>
839 #include <algorithm>
841 template <typename ValueType>
842 class TestRange : NoAssign {
843     const std::list<ValueType> &my_lst;
844     std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> > &my_marks;
845 public:
846     TestRange( const std::list<ValueType> &lst, std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> > &marks ) : my_lst( lst ), my_marks( marks ) {
847         std::fill( my_marks.begin(), my_marks.end(), false );
848     }
849     template <typename Range>
850     void operator()( const Range &r ) const { doTestRange( r.begin(), r.end() ); }
851     template<typename Iterator>
852     void doTestRange( Iterator i, Iterator j ) const {
853         for ( Iterator it = i; it != j; ) {
854             Iterator prev_it = it++;
855             typename std::list<ValueType>::const_iterator it2 = std::search( my_lst.begin(), my_lst.end(), prev_it, it, Harness::IsEqual() );
856             ASSERT( it2 != my_lst.end(), NULL );
857             typename std::list<ValueType>::difference_type dist = std::distance( my_lst.begin( ), it2 );
858             ASSERT( !my_marks[dist], NULL );
859             my_marks[dist] = true;
860         }
861     }
862 };
864 // The helper to call a function only when a doCall == true.
865 template <bool doCall> struct CallIf {
866     template<typename FuncType> void operator() ( FuncType func ) const { func(); }
867 };
868 template <> struct CallIf<false> {
869     template<typename FuncType> void operator()( FuncType ) const {}
870 };
872 template <typename Table>
873 class TestOperatorSquareBrackets : NoAssign {
874     typedef typename Table::value_type ValueType;
875     Table &my_c;
876     const ValueType &my_value;
877 public:
878     TestOperatorSquareBrackets( Table &c, const ValueType &value ) : my_c( c ), my_value( value ) {}
879     void operator()() const {
880         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(my_c[my_value.first], my_value.second), NULL );
881     }
882 };
884 template <bool defCtorPresent, typename Table, typename Value>
885 void TestMapSpecificMethodsImpl(Table &c, const Value &value){
886         CallIf<defCtorPresent>()(TestOperatorSquareBrackets<Table>( c, value ));
887         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(c.at( value.first ), value.second), NULL );
888         const Table &constC = c;
889         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(constC.at( value.first ), value.second), NULL );
890 }
892 // do nothing for common case
893 template <bool defCtorPresent, typename Table, typename Value>
894 void TestMapSpecificMethods( Table&, const Value& ) {}
896 template <bool defCtorPresent, typename Table>
897 class CheckValue : NoAssign {
898     Table &my_c;
899 public:
900     CheckValue( Table &c ) : my_c( c ) {}
901     void operator()( const typename Table::value_type &value ) {
902         typedef typename Table::iterator Iterator;
903         typedef typename Table::const_iterator ConstIterator;
904         const Table &constC = my_c;
905         ASSERT( my_c.count( Value<Table>::key( value ) ) == 1, NULL );
906         // find
907         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*my_c.find( Value<Table>::key( value ) ), value), NULL );
908         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*constC.find( Value<Table>::key( value ) ), value), NULL );
909         // erase
910         ASSERT( my_c.unsafe_erase( Value<Table>::key( value ) ), NULL );
911         ASSERT( my_c.count( Value<Table>::key( value ) ) == 0, NULL );
912         // insert
913         std::pair<Iterator, bool> res = my_c.insert( value );
914         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*res.first, value), NULL );
915         ASSERT( res.second, NULL);
916         // erase
917         Iterator it = res.first;
918         it++;
919         ASSERT( my_c.unsafe_erase( res.first ) == it, NULL );
920         // insert
921         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*my_c.insert( my_c.begin(), value ), value), NULL );
922         // equal_range
923         std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> r1 = my_c.equal_range( Value<Table>::key( value ) );
924         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*r1.first, value) && ++r1.first == r1.second, NULL );
925         std::pair<ConstIterator, ConstIterator> r2 = constC.equal_range( Value<Table>::key( value ) );
926         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(*r2.first, value) && ++r2.first == r2.second, NULL );
928         TestMapSpecificMethods<defCtorPresent>( my_c, value );
929     }
930 };
932 #include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
934 template <bool defCtorPresent, typename Table>
935 void CommonExamine( Table c, const std::list<typename Table::value_type> lst) {
936     typedef typename Table::value_type ValueType;
938     ASSERT( !c.empty() && c.size() == lst.size() && c.max_size() >= c.size(), NULL );
940     std::for_each( lst.begin(), lst.end(), CheckValue<defCtorPresent, Table>( c ) );
942     std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> > marks( lst.size() );
944     TestRange<ValueType>( lst, marks ).doTestRange( c.begin(), c.end() );
945     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
947     TestRange<ValueType>( lst, marks ).doTestRange( c.begin(), c.end() );
948     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
950     const Table constC = c;
951     ASSERT( c.size() == constC.size(), NULL );
953     TestRange<ValueType>( lst, marks ).doTestRange( constC.cbegin(), constC.cend() );
954     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
956     tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
958     tbb::parallel_for( c.range(), TestRange<ValueType>( lst, marks ) );
959     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
961     tbb::parallel_for( constC.range( ), TestRange<ValueType>( lst, marks ) );
962     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
964     Table c2;
965     typename std::list<ValueType>::const_iterator begin5 = lst.begin();
966     std::advance( begin5, 5 );
967     c2.insert( lst.begin(), begin5 );
968     std::for_each( lst.begin(), begin5, CheckValue<defCtorPresent, Table>( c2 ) );
970     c2.swap( c );
971     ASSERT( c2.size() == lst.size(), NULL );
972     ASSERT( c.size() == 5, NULL );
973     std::for_each( lst.begin(), lst.end(), CheckValue<defCtorPresent, Table>( c2 ) );
975     c2.clear();
976     ASSERT( c2.size() == 0, NULL );
978     typename Table::allocator_type a = c.get_allocator();
979     ValueType *ptr = a.allocate( 1 );
980     ASSERT( ptr, NULL );
981     a.deallocate( ptr, 1 );
982 }
984 // overload for set and multiset
985 // second argument is needed just for right deduction
986 template <typename Checker>
987 void TestSetCommonTypes() {
988     Checker CheckTypes;
989     const int NUMBER = 10;
991     std::list<int> arrInt;
992     for ( int i = 0; i<NUMBER; ++i ) arrInt.push_back( i );
993     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrInt );
995     std::list< tbb::atomic<int> > arrTbb(NUMBER);
996     int seq = 0;
997     for ( std::list< tbb::atomic<int> >::iterator it = arrTbb.begin(); it != arrTbb.end(); ++it, ++seq ) *it = seq;
998     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrTbb );
1001     std::list< std::reference_wrapper<int> > arrRef;
1002     for ( std::list<int>::iterator it = arrInt.begin( ); it != arrInt.end( ); ++it )
1003         arrRef.push_back( std::reference_wrapper<int>(*it) );
1004     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */false>( arrRef );
1008     std::list< std::shared_ptr<int> > arrShr;
1009     for ( int i = 0; i<NUMBER; ++i ) arrShr.push_back( std::make_shared<int>( i ) );
1010     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrShr );
1012     std::list< std::weak_ptr<int> > arrWk;
1013     std::copy( arrShr.begin( ), arrShr.end( ), std::back_inserter( arrWk ) );
1014     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrWk );
1015 #else
1016     REPORT( "Known issue: C++11 smart pointer tests are skipped.\n" );
1017 #endif /* __TBB_CPP11_SMART_POINTERS_PRESENT */
1018 }
1020 template <typename Checker>
1021 void TestMapCommonTypes() {
1022     Checker CheckTypes;
1023     const int NUMBER = 10;
1025     std::list< std::pair<const int, int> > arrIntInt;
1026     for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; ++i ) arrIntInt.push_back( std::make_pair( i, NUMBER - i ) );
1027     CheckTypes.template check</*def_ctor_present = */true>( arrIntInt );
1029     std::list< std::pair< const int, tbb::atomic<int> > > arrIntTbb;
1030     for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; ++i ) {
1031         tbb::atomic<int> b;
1032         b = NUMBER - i;
1033         arrIntTbb.push_back( std::make_pair( i, b ) );
1034     }
1035     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrIntTbb );
1038     std::list< std::pair<const std::reference_wrapper<const int>, int> > arrRefInt;
1039     for ( std::list< std::pair<const int, int> >::iterator it = arrIntInt.begin(); it != arrIntInt.end(); ++it )
1040         arrRefInt.push_back( std::make_pair( std::reference_wrapper<const int>( it->first ), it->second ) );
1041     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrRefInt );
1043     std::list< std::pair<const int, std::reference_wrapper<int> > > arrIntRef;
1044     for ( std::list< std::pair<const int, int> >::iterator it = arrIntInt.begin(); it != arrIntInt.end(); ++it ) {
1045         // Using std::make_pair below causes compilation issues with early implementations of std::reference_wrapper.
1046         arrIntRef.push_back( std::pair<const int, std::reference_wrapper<int> >( it->first, std::reference_wrapper<int>( it->second ) ) );
1047     }
1048     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */false>( arrIntRef );
1052     std::list< std::pair< const std::shared_ptr<int>, std::shared_ptr<int> > > arrShrShr;
1053     for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER; ++i ) {
1054         const int NUMBER_minus_i = NUMBER - i;
1055         arrShrShr.push_back( std::make_pair( std::make_shared<int>( i ), std::make_shared<int>( NUMBER_minus_i ) ) );
1056     }
1057     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrShrShr );
1059     std::list< std::pair< const std::weak_ptr<int>, std::weak_ptr<int> > > arrWkWk;
1060     std::copy( arrShrShr.begin(), arrShrShr.end(), std::back_inserter( arrWkWk ) );
1061     CheckTypes.template check</*defCtorPresent = */true>( arrWkWk );
1063 #else
1064     REPORT( "Known issue: C++11 smart pointer tests are skipped.\n" );
1065 #endif /* __TBB_CPP11_SMART_POINTERS_PRESENT */
1066 }
1070 namespace node_handling{
1071     template<typename Handle>
1072     bool compare_handle_getters(
1073         const Handle& node, const std::pair<typename Handle::key_type, typename Handle::mapped_type>& expected
1074     ) {
1075         return node.key() == expected.first && node.mapped() == expected.second;
1076     }
1078     template<typename Handle>
1079     bool compare_handle_getters( const Handle& node, const typename Handle::value_type& value) {
1080         return node.value() == value;
1081     }
1083     template<typename Handle>
1084     void set_node_handle_value(
1085         Handle& node, const std::pair<typename Handle::key_type, typename Handle::mapped_type>& value
1086     ) {
1087         node.key() = value.first;
1088         node.mapped() = value.second;
1089     }
1091     template<typename Handle>
1092     void set_node_handle_value( Handle& node, const typename Handle::value_type& value) {
1093         node.value() = value;
1094     }
1096     template <typename node_type>
1097     void TestTraits() {
1098         ASSERT( !std::is_copy_constructible<node_type>::value,
1099                 "Node handle: Handle is copy constructable" );
1100         ASSERT( !std::is_copy_assignable<node_type>::value,
1101                 "Node handle: Handle is copy assignable" );
1102         ASSERT( std::is_move_constructible<node_type>::value,
1103                 "Node handle: Handle is not move constructable" );
1104         ASSERT( std::is_move_assignable<node_type>::value,
1105                 "Node handle: Handle is not move constructable" );
1106         ASSERT( std::is_default_constructible<node_type>::value,
1107                 "Node handle:  Handle is not default constructable" );
1108         ASSERT( std::is_destructible<node_type>::value,
1109                 "Node handle: Handle is not destructible" );
1110     }
1112     template <typename Table>
1113     void TestHandle( Table test_table ) {
1114         ASSERT( test_table.size()>1, "Node handle: Container must contains 2 or more elements" );
1115         // Initialization
1116         using node_type = typename Table::node_type;
1118         TestTraits<node_type>();
1120         // Default Ctor and empty function
1121         node_type nh;
1122         ASSERT( nh.empty(), "Node handle: Node is not empty after initialization" );
1124         // Move Assign
1125         // key/mapped/value function
1126         auto expected_value = *test_table.begin();
1128         nh = test_table.unsafe_extract(test_table.begin());
1129         ASSERT( !nh.empty(), "Node handle: Node handle is empty after valid move assigning" );
1130         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh,expected_value),
1131                 "Node handle: After valid move assigning "
1132                 "node handle does not contains expected value");
1134         // Move Ctor
1135         // key/mapped/value function
1136         node_type nh2(std::move(nh));
1137         ASSERT( nh.empty(), "Node handle: After valid move construction node handle is empty" );
1138         ASSERT( !nh2.empty(), "Node handle: After valid move construction "
1139                               "argument hode handle was not moved" );
1140         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh2,expected_value),
1141                 "Node handle: After valid move construction "
1142                 "node handle does not contains expected value" );
1144         // Bool conversion
1145         ASSERT( nh2, "Node handle: Wrong not handle bool conversion" );
1147         // Change key/mapped/value of node handle
1148         auto expected_value2 = *test_table.begin();
1149         set_node_handle_value(nh2, expected_value2);
1150         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh2, expected_value2),
1151                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle key/mapped/value changing behavior" );
1153         // Member/non member swap check
1154         node_type empty_node;
1155         // We extract this element for nh2 and nh3 difference
1156         test_table.unsafe_extract(test_table.begin());
1157         auto expected_value3 =  *test_table.begin();
1158         node_type nh3(test_table.unsafe_extract(test_table.begin()));
1160         // Both of node handles are not empty
1161         nh3.swap(nh2);
1162         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh3, expected_value2),
1163                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1164         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh2, expected_value3),
1165                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1167         std::swap(nh2,nh3);
1168         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh3, expected_value3),
1169                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1170         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(nh2, expected_value2),
1171                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1172         ASSERT( !nh2.empty(), "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1173         ASSERT( !nh3.empty(), "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1175         // One of nodes is empty
1176         nh3.swap(empty_node);
1177         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(std::move(empty_node), expected_value3),
1178                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1179         ASSERT( nh3.empty(), "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1181         std::swap(empty_node, nh3);
1182         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(std::move(nh3), expected_value3),
1183                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1184         ASSERT( empty_node.empty(), "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1186         empty_node.swap(nh3);
1187         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(std::move(empty_node), expected_value3),
1188                 "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1189         ASSERT( nh3.empty(), "Node handle: Wrong node handle swap behavior" );
1190     }
1192     template <typename Table>
1193     typename Table::node_type GenerateNodeHandle(const typename Table::value_type& value) {
1194         Table temp_table;
1195         temp_table.insert(value);
1196         return temp_table.unsafe_extract(temp_table.cbegin());
1197     }
1199     template <typename Table>
1200     void IteratorAssertion( const Table& table,
1201                             const typename Table::iterator& result,
1202                             const typename Table::value_type* node_value = nullptr ) {
1203         if (node_value==nullptr) {
1204             ASSERT( result==table.end(), "Insert: Result iterator does not "
1205                                          "contains end pointer after empty node insertion" );
1206         } else {
1207             if (!Table::allow_multimapping) {
1208                 ASSERT( result==table.find(Value<Table>::key( *node_value )) &&
1209                         result != table.end(),
1210                         "Insert: After node insertion result iterator"
1211                         " doesn't contains address to equal element in table" );
1212             } else {
1213                 ASSERT( *result==*node_value, "Insert: Result iterator contains"
1214                                               "wrong content after successful insertion" );
1216                 for (auto it = table.begin(); it != table.end(); ++it) {
1217                     if (it == result) return;
1218                 }
1219                 ASSERT( false, "Insert: After successful insertion result "
1220                                "iterator contains address that is not in the table" );
1221             }
1222         }
1223     }
1224     // overload for multitable or insertion with hint iterator
1225     template <typename Table>
1226     void InsertAssertion( const Table& table,
1227                           const typename Table::iterator& result,
1228                           bool,
1229                           const typename Table::value_type* node_value = nullptr ) {
1230         IteratorAssertion(table, result, node_value);
1231     }
1233     // Not multitable overload
1234     template <typename Table>
1235     void InsertAssertion( const Table& table,
1236                           const std::pair<typename Table::iterator, bool>& result,
1237                           bool second_value,
1238                           const typename Table::value_type* node_value = nullptr ) {
1239         IteratorAssertion(table, result.first, node_value);
1241         ASSERT( result.second == second_value || Table::allow_multimapping,
1242                 "Insert: Returned bool wrong value after node insertion" );
1243     }
1246     // Internal func for testing
1247     // Can't delete ref from "Table" argument because hint must point to element of table
1248     namespace {
1249         template <typename Table, typename... Hint>
1250         void TestInsertOverloads( Table& table_to_insert,
1251                                   const typename Table::value_type &value, const Hint&... hint ) {
1252             // Insert empty element
1253             typename Table::node_type nh;
1255             auto table_size = table_to_insert.size();
1256             auto result = table_to_insert.insert(hint..., std::move(nh));
1257             InsertAssertion(table_to_insert, result, /*second_value*/ false);
1258             ASSERT( table_to_insert.size() == table_size,
1259                     "Insert: After empty node insertion table size changed" );
1261             // Standard insertion
1262             nh = GenerateNodeHandle<Table>(value);
1264             result = table_to_insert.insert(hint..., std::move(nh));
1265             ASSERT( nh.empty(), "Insert: Not empty handle after successful insertion" );
1266             InsertAssertion(table_to_insert, result, /*second_value*/ true, &value);
1268             // Insert existing node
1269             nh = GenerateNodeHandle<Table>(value);
1271             result = table_to_insert.insert(hint..., std::move(nh));
1273             InsertAssertion(table_to_insert, result, /*second_value*/ false, &value);
1275             if (Table::allow_multimapping){
1276                 ASSERT( nh.empty(), "Insert: Failed insertion to multitable" );
1277             } else {
1278                 ASSERT( !nh.empty() , "Insert: Empty handle after failed insertion" );
1279                 ASSERT( compare_handle_getters( std::move(nh), value ),
1280                         "Insert: Existing data does not equal to the one being inserted" );
1281             }
1282         }
1283     }
1285     template <typename Table>
1286     void TestInsert( Table table, const typename Table::value_type & value) {
1287         ASSERT( !table.empty(), "Insert: Map should contains 1 or more elements" );
1288         Table table_backup(table);
1289         TestInsertOverloads(table, value);
1290         TestInsertOverloads(table_backup, value, table_backup.begin());
1291     }
1294     template <typename Table>
1295     void TestExtract( Table table_for_extract, typename Table::key_type new_key ) {
1296         ASSERT( table_for_extract.size()>1, "Extract: Container must contains 2 or more element" );
1297         ASSERT( table_for_extract.find(new_key)==table_for_extract.end(),
1298                 "Extract: Table must not contains new element!");
1300         // Extract new element
1301         auto nh = table_for_extract.unsafe_extract(new_key);
1302         ASSERT( nh.empty(), "Extract: Node handle is not empty after wrong key extraction" );
1304         // Valid key extraction
1305         auto expected_value = *table_for_extract.cbegin();
1306         auto key = Value<Table>::key( expected_value );
1307         auto count = table_for_extract.count(key);
1309         nh = table_for_extract.unsafe_extract(key);
1310         ASSERT( !nh.empty(),
1311                 "Extract: After successful extraction by key node handle is empty" );
1312         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(std::move(nh), expected_value),
1313                 "Extract: After successful extraction by key node handle contains wrong value" );
1314         ASSERT( table_for_extract.count(key) == count - 1,
1315                 "Extract: After successful node extraction by key, table still contains this key" );
1317         // Valid iterator overload
1318         auto expected_value2 = *table_for_extract.cbegin();
1319         auto key2 = Value<Table>::key( expected_value2 );
1320         auto count2 = table_for_extract.count(key2);
1322         nh = table_for_extract.unsafe_extract(table_for_extract.cbegin());
1323         ASSERT( !nh.empty(),
1324                 "Extract: After successful extraction by iterator node handle is empty" );
1325         ASSERT( compare_handle_getters(std::move(nh), expected_value2),
1326                 "Extract: After successful extraction by iterator node handle contains wrong value" );
1327         ASSERT( table_for_extract.count(key2) == count2 - 1,
1328                 "Extract: After successful extraction table also contains this element" );
1329     }
1331     // All test exclude merge
1332     template <typename Table>
1333     void NodeHandlingTests ( const Table& table,
1334                              const typename Table::value_type& new_value) {
1335         TestHandle(table);
1337         TestInsert(table, new_value);
1339         TestExtract(table,  Value<Table>::key( new_value ));
1340     }
1342     template <typename TableType1, typename TableType2>
1343     void TestMerge( TableType1 table1, TableType2&& table2 ) {
1344         using Table2PureType = typename std::decay<TableType2>::type;
1345         // Initialization
1346         TableType1 table1_backup = table1;
1347         // For copying lvalue
1348         Table2PureType table2_backup = table2;
1350         table1.merge(std::forward<TableType2>(table2));
1351         for (auto it: table2) {
1352             ASSERT( table1.find( Value<Table2PureType>::key( it ) ) != table1.end(),
1353                     "Merge: Some key(s) was not merged" );
1354         }
1356         // After the following step table1 will contains only merged elements from table2
1357         for (auto it: table1_backup) {
1358             table1.unsafe_extract(Value<TableType1>::key( it ));
1359         }
1360         // After the following step table2_backup will contains only merged elements from table2
1361          for (auto it: table2) {
1362             table2_backup.unsafe_extract(Value<Table2PureType>::key( it ));
1363         }
1365         ASSERT ( table1.size() == table2_backup.size(), "Merge: Size of tables is not equal" );
1366         for (auto it: table2_backup) {
1367             ASSERT( table1.find( Value<Table2PureType>::key( it ) ) != table1.end(),
1368                     "Merge: Wrong merge behavior" );
1369         }
1370     }
1372     // Testing of rvalue and lvalue overloads
1373     template <typename TableType1, typename TableType2>
1374     void TestMergeOverloads( const TableType1& table1, TableType2 table2 ) {
1375         TableType2 table_backup(table2);
1376         TestMerge(table1, table2);
1377         TestMerge(table1, std::move(table_backup));
1378     }
1380     template <typename Table, typename MultiTable>
1381     void TestMergeTransposition( Table table1, Table table2,
1382                                  MultiTable multitable1, MultiTable multitable2 ) {
1383         Table empty_map;
1384         MultiTable empty_multimap;
1386         // Map transpositions
1387         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(table1, table2);
1388         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(table1, empty_map);
1389         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(empty_map, table2);
1391         // Multimap transpositions
1392         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(multitable1, multitable2);
1393         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(multitable1, empty_multimap);
1394         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(empty_multimap, multitable2);
1396         // Map/Multimap transposition
1397         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(table1, multitable1);
1398         node_handling::TestMergeOverloads(multitable2, table2);
1399     }
1401     template <typename SrcTableType, typename DestTableType>
1402     void AssertionConcurrentMerge ( SrcTableType& start_data, DestTableType& dest_table,
1403                                     std::vector<SrcTableType>& src_tables, std::true_type) {
1404         ASSERT( dest_table.size() == start_data.size() * src_tables.size(),
1405                 "Merge: Incorrect merge for some elements" );
1407         for(auto it: start_data) {
1408             ASSERT( dest_table.count( Value<DestTableType>::key( it ) ) ==
1409                     start_data.count( Value<SrcTableType>::key( it ) ) * src_tables.size(),
1410                                       "Merge: Incorrect merge for some element" );
1411         }
1413         for (size_t i = 0; i < src_tables.size(); i++) {
1414             ASSERT( src_tables[i].empty(), "Merge: Some elements were not merged" );
1415         }
1416     }
1418     template <typename SrcTableType, typename DestTableType>
1419     void AssertionConcurrentMerge ( SrcTableType& start_data, DestTableType& dest_table,
1420                                     std::vector<SrcTableType>& src_tables, std::false_type) {
1421         SrcTableType expected_result;
1422         for (auto table: src_tables)
1423             for (auto it: start_data) {
1424                 // If we cannot find some element in some table, then it has been moved
1425                 if (table.find( Value<SrcTableType>::key( it ) ) == table.end()){
1426                     bool result = expected_result.insert( it ).second;
1427                     ASSERT( result, "Merge: Some element was merged twice or was not "
1428                                     "returned to his owner after unsuccessful merge");
1429                 }
1430             }
1432         ASSERT( expected_result.size() == dest_table.size() && start_data.size() == dest_table.size(),
1433                 "Merge: wrong size of result table");
1434         for (auto it: expected_result) {
1435             if ( dest_table.find( Value<SrcTableType>::key( it ) ) != dest_table.end() &&
1436                  start_data.find( Value<DestTableType>::key( it ) ) != start_data.end() ){
1437                 dest_table.unsafe_extract(Value<SrcTableType>::key( it ));
1438                 start_data.unsafe_extract(Value<DestTableType>::key( it ));
1439             } else {
1440                 ASSERT( false, "Merge: Incorrect merge for some element" );
1441             }
1442         }
1444         ASSERT( dest_table.empty()&&start_data.empty(), "Merge: Some elements were not merged" );
1445     }
1447     template <typename SrcTableType, typename DestTableType>
1448     void TestConcurrentMerge (SrcTableType table_data) {
1449         for (auto num_threads = MinThread + 1; num_threads <= MaxThread; num_threads++){
1450             std::vector<SrcTableType> src_tables;
1451             DestTableType dest_table;
1453             for (auto j = 0; j < num_threads; j++){
1454                 src_tables.push_back(table_data);
1455             }
1457             NativeParallelFor( num_threads, [&](size_t index){ dest_table.merge(src_tables[index]); } );
1459             AssertionConcurrentMerge( table_data, dest_table, src_tables,
1460                                       std::integral_constant<bool, DestTableType::allow_multimapping>{});
1461         }
1462     }
1464     template <typename Table>
1465     void TestNodeHandling(){
1466         Table table;
1468         for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
1469             table.insert(Value<Table>::make(i));
1471         if (Table::allow_multimapping)
1472             table.insert(Value<Table>::make(4));
1474         node_handling::NodeHandlingTests(table, Value<Table>::make(5));
1475     }
1477     template <typename TableType1, typename TableType2>
1478     void TestMerge(int size){
1479         TableType1 table1_1;
1480         TableType1 table1_2;
1481         int i = 1;
1482         for (; i < 5; ++i) {
1483             table1_1.insert(Value<TableType1>::make(i));
1484             table1_2.insert(Value<TableType1>::make(i*i));
1485         }
1486         if (TableType1::allow_multimapping) {
1487             table1_1.insert(Value<TableType1>::make(i));
1488             table1_2.insert(Value<TableType1>::make(i*i));
1489         }
1491         TableType2 table2_1;
1492         TableType2 table2_2;
1493         for (i = 3; i < 7; ++i) {
1494             table1_1.insert(Value<TableType2>::make(i));
1495             table1_2.insert(Value<TableType2>::make(i*i));
1496         }
1497         if (TableType2::allow_multimapping) {
1498             table2_1.insert(Value<TableType2>::make(i));
1499             table2_2.insert(Value<TableType2>::make(i*i));
1500         }
1502         node_handling::TestMergeTransposition(table1_1, table1_2,
1503                                               table2_1, table2_2);
1505         TableType1 table1_3;
1506         for (i = 0; i<size; ++i){
1507             table1_3.insert(Value<TableType1>::make(i));
1508         }
1509         node_handling::TestConcurrentMerge<TableType1, TableType2>(table1_3);
1511         TableType2 table2_3;
1512         for (i = 0; i<size; ++i){
1513             table2_3.insert(Value<TableType2>::make(i));
1514         }
1515         node_handling::TestConcurrentMerge<TableType2, TableType1>(table2_3);
1516 }
1517 }