1 /*
2     Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Intel Corporation
4     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6     You may obtain a copy of the License at
8         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14     limitations under the License.
15 */
19 #endif
21 // Our tests usually include the header under test first.  But this test needs
22 // to use the preprocessor to edit the identifier runtime_warning in concurrent_hash_map.h.
23 // Hence we include a few other headers before doing the abusive edit.
24 #include "tbb/tbb_stddef.h" /* Defines runtime_warning */
25 #include "harness_assert.h" /* Prerequisite for defining hooked_warning */
27 // The symbol internal::runtime_warning is normally an entry point into the TBB library.
28 // Here for sake of testing, we define it to be hooked_warning, a routine peculiar to this unit test.
29 #define runtime_warning hooked_warning
31 static bool bad_hashing = false;
33 namespace tbb {
34     namespace internal {
hooked_warning(const char *,...)35         static void hooked_warning( const char* /*format*/, ... ) {
36             ASSERT(bad_hashing, "unexpected runtime_warning: bad hashing");
37         }
38     } // namespace internal
39 } // namespace tbb
40 #define __TBB_EXTRA_DEBUG 1 // enables additional checks
41 #include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"
43 // Restore runtime_warning as an entry point into the TBB library.
44 #undef runtime_warning
46 namespace Jungle {
47     struct Tiger {};
tbb_hasher(const Tiger &)48     size_t tbb_hasher( const Tiger& ) {return 0;}
49 }
51 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER>=1400 || __INTEL_COMPILER
test_ADL()52 void test_ADL() {
53     tbb::tbb_hash_compare<Jungle::Tiger>::hash(Jungle::Tiger()); // Instantiation chain finds tbb_hasher via Argument Dependent Lookup
54 }
55 #endif
57 struct UserDefinedKeyType {
58 };
60 namespace tbb {
61     // Test whether tbb_hash_compare can be partially specialized as stated in Reference manual.
62     template<> struct tbb_hash_compare<UserDefinedKeyType> {
hashtbb::tbb_hash_compare63         size_t hash( UserDefinedKeyType ) const {return 0;}
equaltbb::tbb_hash_compare64         bool equal( UserDefinedKeyType /*x*/, UserDefinedKeyType /*y*/ ) {return true;}
65     };
66 }
68 #include "harness_runtime_loader.h"
70 tbb::concurrent_hash_map<UserDefinedKeyType,int> TestInstantiationWithUserDefinedKeyType;
72 // Test whether a sufficient set of headers were included to instantiate a concurrent_hash_map. OSS Bug #120 (& #130):
73 // http://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/bug_desc.php?id=120
74 tbb::concurrent_hash_map<std::pair<std::pair<int,std::string>,const char*>,int> TestInstantiation;
76 #include "tbb/parallel_for.h"
77 #include "tbb/blocked_range.h"
78 #include "tbb/atomic.h"
79 #include "tbb/tick_count.h"
80 #include "harness.h"
81 #include "harness_allocator.h"
83 class MyException : public std::bad_alloc {
84 public:
what() const85     virtual const char *what() const throw() __TBB_override { return "out of items limit"; }
~MyException()86     virtual ~MyException() throw() {}
87 };
89 /** Has tightly controlled interface so that we can verify
90     that concurrent_hash_map uses only the required interface. */
91 class MyKey {
92 private:
93     void operator=( const MyKey&  );    // Deny access
94     int key;
95     friend class MyHashCompare;
96     friend class YourHashCompare;
97 public:
make(int i)98     static MyKey make( int i ) {
99         MyKey result;
100         result.key = i;
101         return result;
102     }
value_of() const103     int value_of() const {return key;}
104 };
105 //TODO: unify with Harness::Foo ?
106 tbb::atomic<long> MyDataCount;
107 long MyDataCountLimit = 0;
109 class MyData {
110 protected:
111     friend class MyData2;
112     int data;
113     enum state_t {
114         LIVE=0x1234,
115         DEAD=0x5678
116     } my_state;
117     void operator=( const MyData& );    // Deny access
118 public:
MyData(int i=0)119     MyData(int i = 0) {
120         my_state = LIVE;
121         data = i;
122         if(MyDataCountLimit && MyDataCount + 1 >= MyDataCountLimit)
123             __TBB_THROW( MyException() );
124         ++MyDataCount;
125     }
MyData(const MyData & other)126     MyData( const MyData& other ) {
127         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
128         my_state = LIVE;
129         data = other.data;
130         if(MyDataCountLimit && MyDataCount + 1 >= MyDataCountLimit)
131             __TBB_THROW( MyException() );
132         ++MyDataCount;
133     }
~MyData()134     ~MyData() {
135         --MyDataCount;
136         my_state = DEAD;
137     }
make(int i)138     static MyData make( int i ) {
139         MyData result;
140         result.data = i;
141         return result;
142     }
value_of() const143     int value_of() const {
144         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
145         return data;
146     }
set_value(int i)147     void set_value( int i ) {
148         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
149         data = i;
150     }
operator ==(const MyData & other) const151     bool operator==( const MyData& other ) const {
152         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
153         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
154         return data == other.data;
155     }
156 };
158 class MyData2 : public MyData {
159 public:
MyData2()160     MyData2( ) {}
MyData2(const MyData & other)161     MyData2( const MyData& other ) {
162         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
163         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
164         data = other.data;
165     }
operator =(const MyData & other)166     void operator=( const MyData& other ) {
167         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
168         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
169         data = other.data;
170     }
operator =(const MyData2 & other)171     void operator=( const MyData2& other ) {
172         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
173         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
174         data = other.data;
175     }
operator ==(const MyData2 & other) const176     bool operator==( const MyData2& other ) const {
177         ASSERT( other.my_state==LIVE, NULL );
178         ASSERT( my_state==LIVE, NULL );
179         return data == other.data;
180     }
181 };
183 class MyHashCompare {
184 public:
equal(const MyKey & j,const MyKey & k) const185     bool equal( const MyKey& j, const MyKey& k ) const {
186         return j.key==k.key;
187     }
hash(const MyKey & k) const188     unsigned long hash( const MyKey& k ) const {
189         return k.key;
190     }
191 };
193 class YourHashCompare {
194 public:
equal(const MyKey & j,const MyKey & k) const195     bool equal( const MyKey& j, const MyKey& k ) const {
196         return j.key==k.key;
197     }
hash(const MyKey &) const198     unsigned long hash( const MyKey& ) const {
199         return 1;
200     }
201 };
203 typedef local_counting_allocator<std::allocator<MyData> > MyAllocator;
204 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData,MyHashCompare,MyAllocator> MyTable;
205 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,MyHashCompare> MyTable2;
206 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData,YourHashCompare> YourTable;
208 template<typename MyTable>
CheckAllocator(MyTable & table,size_t expected_allocs,size_t expected_frees,bool exact=true)209 inline void CheckAllocator(MyTable &table, size_t expected_allocs, size_t expected_frees, bool exact = true) {
210     size_t items_allocated = table.get_allocator().items_allocated, items_freed = table.get_allocator().items_freed;
211     size_t allocations = table.get_allocator().allocations, frees = table.get_allocator().frees;
212     REMARK("checking allocators: items %u/%u, allocs %u/%u\n",
213             unsigned(items_allocated), unsigned(items_freed), unsigned(allocations), unsigned(frees) );
214     ASSERT( items_allocated == allocations, NULL); ASSERT( items_freed == frees, NULL);
215     if(exact) {
216         ASSERT( allocations == expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( frees == expected_frees, NULL);
217     } else {
218         ASSERT( allocations >= expected_allocs, NULL); ASSERT( frees >= expected_frees, NULL);
219         ASSERT( allocations - frees == expected_allocs - expected_frees, NULL );
220     }
221 }
UseKey(size_t i)223 inline bool UseKey( size_t i ) {
224     return (i&3)!=3;
225 }
227 struct Insert {
applyInsert228     static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
229         if( UseKey(i) ) {
230             if( i&4 ) {
231                 MyTable::accessor a;
232                 table.insert( a, MyKey::make(i) );
233                 if( i&1 )
234                     (*a).second.set_value(i*i);
235                 else
236                     a->second.set_value(i*i);
237             } else
238                 if( i&1 ) {
239                     MyTable::accessor a;
240                     table.insert( a, std::make_pair(MyKey::make(i), MyData(i*i)) );
241                     ASSERT( (*a).second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
242                 } else {
243                     MyTable::const_accessor ca;
244                     table.insert( ca, std::make_pair(MyKey::make(i), MyData(i*i)) );
245                     ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
246                 }
247         }
248     }
249 };
252 #include "test_container_move_support.h"
253 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,Foo,MyHashCompare> DataStateTrackedTable;
255 struct RvalueInsert {
applyRvalueInsert256     static void apply( DataStateTrackedTable& table, int i ) {
257         DataStateTrackedTable::accessor a;
258         ASSERT( (table.insert( a, std::make_pair(MyKey::make(i), Foo(i + 1)))),"already present while should not ?" );
259         ASSERT( (*a).second == i + 1, NULL );
260         ASSERT( (*a).second.state == Harness::StateTrackableBase::MoveInitialized, "");
261     }
262 };
265 struct Emplace {
applyEmplace266     static void apply( DataStateTrackedTable& table, int i ) {
267         DataStateTrackedTable::accessor a;
268         ASSERT( (table.emplace( a, MyKey::make(i), (i + 1))),"already present while should not ?" );
269         ASSERT( (*a).second == i + 1, NULL );
270         ASSERT( (*a).second.state == Harness::StateTrackableBase::DirectInitialized, "");
271     }
272 };
274 #endif // __TBB_CPP11_RVALUE_REF_PRESENT
277 struct InsertInitList {
applyInsertInitList278     static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
279         if ( UseKey( i ) ) {
280             // TODO: investigate why the following sequence causes an additional allocation sometimes:
281             // table.insert( MyTable::value_type( MyKey::make( i ), i*i ) );
282             // table.insert( MyTable::value_type( MyKey::make( i ), i*i+1 ) );
283             std::initializer_list<MyTable::value_type> il = { MyTable::value_type( MyKey::make( i ), i*i )/*, MyTable::value_type( MyKey::make( i ), i*i+1 ) */ };
284             table.insert( il );
285         }
286     }
287 };
290 struct Find {
applyFind291     static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
292         MyTable::accessor a;
293         const MyTable::accessor& ca = a;
294         bool b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) );
295         ASSERT( b==!a.empty(), NULL );
296         if( b ) {
297             if( !UseKey(i) )
298                 REPORT("Line %d: unexpected key %d present\n",__LINE__,i);
299             AssertSameType( &*a, static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
300             ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
301             ASSERT( (*ca).second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
302             if( i&1 )
303                 ca->second.set_value( ~ca->second.value_of() );
304             else
305                 (*ca).second.set_value( ~ca->second.value_of() );
306         } else {
307             if( UseKey(i) )
308                 REPORT("Line %d: key %d missing\n",__LINE__,i);
309         }
310     }
311 };
313 struct FindConst {
applyFindConst314     static void apply( const MyTable& table, int i ) {
315         MyTable::const_accessor a;
316         const MyTable::const_accessor& ca = a;
317         bool b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) );
318         ASSERT( b==(table.count(MyKey::make(i))>0), NULL );
319         ASSERT( b==!a.empty(), NULL );
320         ASSERT( b==UseKey(i), NULL );
321         if( b ) {
322             AssertSameType( &*ca, static_cast<const MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
323             ASSERT( ca->second.value_of()==~(i*i), NULL );
324             ASSERT( (*ca).second.value_of()==~(i*i), NULL );
325         }
326     }
327 };
329 tbb::atomic<int> EraseCount;
331 struct Erase {
applyErase332     static void apply( MyTable& table, int i ) {
333         bool b;
334         if(i&4) {
335             if(i&8) {
336                 MyTable::const_accessor a;
337                 b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && table.erase( a );
338             } else {
339                 MyTable::accessor a;
340                 b = table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && table.erase( a );
341             }
342         } else
343             b = table.erase( MyKey::make(i) );
344         if( b ) ++EraseCount;
345         ASSERT( table.count(MyKey::make(i)) == 0, NULL );
346     }
347 };
349 static const int IE_SIZE = 2;
350 tbb::atomic<YourTable::size_type> InsertEraseCount[IE_SIZE];
352 struct InsertErase  {
applyInsertErase353     static void apply( YourTable& table, int i ) {
354         if ( i%3 ) {
355             int key = i%IE_SIZE;
356             if ( table.insert( std::make_pair(MyKey::make(key), MyData2()) ) )
357                 ++InsertEraseCount[key];
358         } else {
359             int key = i%IE_SIZE;
360             if( i&1 ) {
361                 YourTable::accessor res;
362                 if(table.find( res, MyKey::make(key) ) && table.erase( res ) )
363                     --InsertEraseCount[key];
364             } else {
365                 YourTable::const_accessor res;
366                 if(table.find( res, MyKey::make(key) ) && table.erase( res ) )
367                     --InsertEraseCount[key];
368             }
369         }
370     }
371 };
373 // Test for the deadlock discussed at:
374 // http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/isn/Community/en-US/forums/permalink/30253302/30253302/ShowThread.aspx#30253302
375 struct InnerInsert {
applyInnerInsert376     static void apply( YourTable& table, int i ) {
377         YourTable::accessor a1, a2;
378         if(i&1) __TBB_Yield();
379         table.insert( a1, MyKey::make(1) );
380         __TBB_Yield();
381         table.insert( a2, MyKey::make(1 + (1<<30)) ); // the same chain
382         table.erase( a2 ); // if erase by key it would lead to deadlock for single thread
383     }
384 };
386 #include "harness_barrier.h"
387 // Test for the misuse of constness
388 struct FakeExclusive : NoAssign {
389     Harness::SpinBarrier& barrier;
390     YourTable& table;
FakeExclusiveFakeExclusive391     FakeExclusive(Harness::SpinBarrier& b, YourTable&t) : barrier(b), table(t) {}
operator ()FakeExclusive392     void operator()( int i ) const {
393         if(i) {
394             YourTable::const_accessor real_ca;
395             // const accessor on non-const table acquired as reader (shared)
396             ASSERT( table.find(real_ca,MyKey::make(1)), NULL );
397             barrier.wait(); // item can be erased
398             Harness::Sleep(10); // let it enter the erase
399             real_ca->second.value_of(); // check the state while holding accessor
400         } else {
401             YourTable::accessor fake_ca;
402             const YourTable &const_table = table;
403             // non-const accessor on const table acquired as reader (shared)
404             ASSERT( const_table.find(fake_ca,MyKey::make(1)), NULL );
405             barrier.wait(); // readers acquired
406             // can mistakenly remove the item while other readers still refers to it
407             table.erase( fake_ca );
408         }
409     }
410 };
412 template<typename Op, typename MyTable>
413 class TableOperation: NoAssign {
414     MyTable& my_table;
415 public:
operator ()(const tbb::blocked_range<int> & range) const416     void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range<int>& range ) const {
417         for( int i=range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i )
418             Op::apply(my_table,i);
419     }
TableOperation(MyTable & table)420     TableOperation( MyTable& table ) : my_table(table) {}
421 };
423 template<typename Op, typename TableType>
DoConcurrentOperations(TableType & table,int n,const char * what,int nthread)424 void DoConcurrentOperations( TableType& table, int n, const char* what, int nthread ) {
425     REMARK("testing %s with %d threads\n",what,nthread);
426     tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
427     tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range<int>(0,n,100), TableOperation<Op,TableType>(table) );
428     tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
429     REMARK("time for %s = %g with %d threads\n",what,(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
430 }
432 //! Test traversing the table with an iterator.
TraverseTable(MyTable & table,size_t n,size_t expected_size)433 void TraverseTable( MyTable& table, size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
434     REMARK("testing traversal\n");
435     size_t actual_size = table.size();
436     ASSERT( actual_size==expected_size, NULL );
437     size_t count = 0;
438     bool* array = new bool[n];
439     memset( array, 0, n*sizeof(bool) );
440     const MyTable& const_table = table;
441     MyTable::const_iterator ci = const_table.begin();
442     for( MyTable::iterator i = table.begin(); i!=table.end(); ++i ) {
443         // Check iterator
444         int k = i->first.value_of();
445         ASSERT( UseKey(k), NULL );
446         ASSERT( (*i).first.value_of()==k, NULL );
447         ASSERT( 0<=k && size_t(k)<n, "out of bounds key" );
448         ASSERT( !array[k], "duplicate key" );
449         array[k] = true;
450         ++count;
452         // Check lower/upper bounds
453         std::pair<MyTable::iterator, MyTable::iterator> er = table.equal_range(i->first);
454         std::pair<MyTable::const_iterator, MyTable::const_iterator> cer = const_table.equal_range(i->first);
455         ASSERT(cer.first == er.first && cer.second == er.second, NULL);
456         ASSERT(cer.first == i, NULL);
457         ASSERT(std::distance(cer.first, cer.second) == 1, NULL);
459         // Check const_iterator
460         MyTable::const_iterator cic = ci++;
461         ASSERT( cic->first.value_of()==k, NULL );
462         ASSERT( (*cic).first.value_of()==k, NULL );
463     }
464     ASSERT( ci==const_table.end(), NULL );
465     delete[] array;
466     if( count!=expected_size ) {
467         REPORT("Line %d: count=%ld but should be %ld\n",__LINE__,long(count),long(expected_size));
468     }
469 }
471 typedef tbb::atomic<unsigned char> AtomicByte;
473 template<typename RangeType>
474 struct ParallelTraverseBody: NoAssign {
475     const size_t n;
476     AtomicByte* const array;
ParallelTraverseBodyParallelTraverseBody477     ParallelTraverseBody( AtomicByte array_[], size_t n_ ) :
478         n(n_),
479         array(array_)
480     {}
operator ()ParallelTraverseBody481     void operator()( const RangeType& range ) const {
482         for( typename RangeType::iterator i = range.begin(); i!=range.end(); ++i ) {
483             int k = i->first.value_of();
484             ASSERT( 0<=k && size_t(k)<n, NULL );
485             ++array[k];
486         }
487     }
488 };
Check(AtomicByte array[],size_t n,size_t expected_size)490 void Check( AtomicByte array[], size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
491     if( expected_size )
492         for( size_t k=0; k<n; ++k ) {
493             if( array[k] != int(UseKey(k)) ) {
494                 REPORT("array[%d]=%d != %d=UseKey(%d)\n",
495                        int(k), int(array[k]), int(UseKey(k)), int(k));
496                 ASSERT(false,NULL);
497             }
498         }
499 }
501 //! Test traversing the table with a parallel range
ParallelTraverseTable(MyTable & table,size_t n,size_t expected_size)502 void ParallelTraverseTable( MyTable& table, size_t n, size_t expected_size ) {
503     REMARK("testing parallel traversal\n");
504     ASSERT( table.size()==expected_size, NULL );
505     AtomicByte* array = new AtomicByte[n];
507     memset( static_cast<void*>(array), 0, n*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
508     MyTable::range_type r = table.range(10);
509     tbb::parallel_for( r, ParallelTraverseBody<MyTable::range_type>( array, n ));
510     Check( array, n, expected_size );
512     const MyTable& const_table = table;
513     memset( static_cast<void*>(array), 0, n*sizeof(AtomicByte) );
514     MyTable::const_range_type cr = const_table.range(10);
515     tbb::parallel_for( cr, ParallelTraverseBody<MyTable::const_range_type>( array, n ));
516     Check( array, n, expected_size );
518     delete[] array;
519 }
TestInsertFindErase(int nthread)521 void TestInsertFindErase( int nthread ) {
522     int n=250000;
524     // compute m = number of unique keys
525     int m = 0;
526     for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
527         m += UseKey(i);
529     MyAllocator a; a.items_freed = a.frees = 100;
530     ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, NULL );
531     MyTable table(a);
532     TraverseTable(table,n,0);
533     ParallelTraverseTable(table,n,0);
534     CheckAllocator(table, 0, 100);
536     int expected_allocs = 0, expected_frees = 100;
538     for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i ) {
539         if ( i==0 )
540             DoConcurrentOperations<InsertInitList, MyTable>( table, n, "insert(std::initializer_list)", nthread );
541         else
542 #endif
543             DoConcurrentOperations<Insert, MyTable>( table, n, "insert", nthread );
544         ASSERT( MyDataCount == m, NULL );
545         TraverseTable( table, n, m );
546         ParallelTraverseTable( table, n, m );
547         expected_allocs += m;
548         CheckAllocator( table, expected_allocs, expected_frees );
550         DoConcurrentOperations<Find, MyTable>( table, n, "find", nthread );
551         ASSERT( MyDataCount == m, NULL );
552         CheckAllocator( table, expected_allocs, expected_frees );
554         DoConcurrentOperations<FindConst, MyTable>( table, n, "find(const)", nthread );
555         ASSERT( MyDataCount == m, NULL );
556         CheckAllocator( table, expected_allocs, expected_frees );
558         EraseCount = 0;
559         DoConcurrentOperations<Erase, MyTable>( table, n, "erase", nthread );
560         ASSERT( EraseCount == m, NULL );
561         ASSERT( MyDataCount == 0, NULL );
562         TraverseTable( table, n, 0 );
563         expected_frees += m;
564         CheckAllocator( table, expected_allocs, expected_frees );
566         bad_hashing = true;
567         table.clear();
568         bad_hashing = false;
570     }
571 #endif
573     if(nthread > 1) {
574         YourTable ie_table;
575         for( int i=0; i<IE_SIZE; ++i )
576             InsertEraseCount[i] = 0;
577         DoConcurrentOperations<InsertErase,YourTable>(ie_table,n/2,"insert_erase",nthread);
578         for( int i=0; i<IE_SIZE; ++i )
579             ASSERT( InsertEraseCount[i]==ie_table.count(MyKey::make(i)), NULL );
581         DoConcurrentOperations<InnerInsert,YourTable>(ie_table,2000,"inner insert",nthread);
582         Harness::SpinBarrier barrier(nthread);
583         REMARK("testing erase on fake exclusive accessor\n");
584         NativeParallelFor( nthread, FakeExclusive(barrier, ie_table));
585     }
586 }
588 volatile int Counter;
590 class AddToTable: NoAssign {
591     MyTable& my_table;
592     const int my_nthread;
593     const int my_m;
594 public:
AddToTable(MyTable & table,int nthread,int m)595     AddToTable( MyTable& table, int nthread, int m ) : my_table(table), my_nthread(nthread), my_m(m) {}
operator ()(int) const596     void operator()( int ) const {
597         for( int i=0; i<my_m; ++i ) {
598             // Busy wait to synchronize threads
599             int j = 0;
600             while( Counter<i ) {
601                 if( ++j==1000000 ) {
602                     // If Counter<i after a million iterations, then we almost surely have
603                     // more logical threads than physical threads, and should yield in
604                     // order to let suspended logical threads make progress.
605                     j = 0;
606                     __TBB_Yield();
607                 }
608             }
609             // Now all threads attempt to simultaneously insert a key.
610             int k;
611             {
612                 MyTable::accessor a;
613                 MyKey key = MyKey::make(i);
614                 if( my_table.insert( a, key ) )
615                     a->second.set_value( 1 );
616                 else
617                     a->second.set_value( a->second.value_of()+1 );
618                 k = a->second.value_of();
619             }
620             if( k==my_nthread )
621                 Counter=i+1;
622         }
623     }
624 };
626 class RemoveFromTable: NoAssign {
627     MyTable& my_table;
628     const int my_m;
629 public:
RemoveFromTable(MyTable & table,int m)630     RemoveFromTable( MyTable& table, int m ) : my_table(table), my_m(m) {}
operator ()(int) const631     void operator()(int) const {
632         for( int i=0; i<my_m; ++i ) {
633             bool b;
634             if(i&4) {
635                 if(i&8) {
636                     MyTable::const_accessor a;
637                     b = my_table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && my_table.erase( a );
638                 } else {
639                     MyTable::accessor a;
640                     b = my_table.find( a, MyKey::make(i) ) && my_table.erase( a );
641                 }
642             } else
643                 b = my_table.erase( MyKey::make(i) );
644             if( b ) ++EraseCount;
645         }
646     }
647 };
649 //! Test for memory leak in concurrent_hash_map (TR #153).
TestConcurrency(int nthread)650 void TestConcurrency( int nthread ) {
651     REMARK("testing multiple insertions/deletions of same key with %d threads\n", nthread);
652     {
653         ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, NULL );
654         MyTable table;
655         const int m = 1000;
656         Counter = 0;
657         tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
658         NativeParallelFor( nthread, AddToTable(table,nthread,m) );
659         tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
660         REMARK("time for %u insertions = %g with %d threads\n",unsigned(MyDataCount),(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
661         ASSERT( MyDataCount==m, "memory leak detected" );
663         EraseCount = 0;
664         t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();
665         NativeParallelFor( nthread, RemoveFromTable(table,m) );
666         t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();
667         REMARK("time for %u deletions = %g with %d threads\n",unsigned(EraseCount),(t1-t0).seconds(),nthread);
668         ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "memory leak detected" );
669         ASSERT( EraseCount==m, "return value of erase() is broken" );
671         CheckAllocator(table, m, m, /*exact*/nthread <= 1);
672     }
673     ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "memory leak detected" );
674 }
TestTypes()676 void TestTypes() {
677     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::key_type*>(0), static_cast<MyKey*>(0) );
678     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::mapped_type*>(0), static_cast<MyData*>(0) );
679     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0), static_cast<std::pair<const MyKey,MyData>*>(0) );
680     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::accessor::value_type*>(0), static_cast<MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
681     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::const_accessor::value_type*>(0), static_cast<const MyTable::value_type*>(0) );
682     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::size_type*>(0), static_cast<size_t*>(0) );
683     AssertSameType( static_cast<MyTable::difference_type*>(0), static_cast<ptrdiff_t*>(0) );
684 }
686 template<typename Iterator, typename T>
TestIteratorTraits()687 void TestIteratorTraits() {
688     AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::difference_type*>(0), static_cast<ptrdiff_t*>(0) );
689     AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::value_type*>(0), static_cast<T*>(0) );
690     AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::pointer*>(0), static_cast<T**>(0) );
691     AssertSameType( static_cast<typename Iterator::iterator_category*>(0), static_cast<std::forward_iterator_tag*>(0) );
692     T x;
693     typename Iterator::reference xr = x;
694     typename Iterator::pointer xp = &x;
695     ASSERT( &xr==xp, NULL );
696 }
698 template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2>
TestIteratorAssignment(Iterator2 j)699 void TestIteratorAssignment( Iterator2 j ) {
700     Iterator1 i(j), k;
701     ASSERT( i==j, NULL ); ASSERT( !(i!=j), NULL );
702     k = j;
703     ASSERT( k==j, NULL ); ASSERT( !(k!=j), NULL );
704 }
706 template<typename Range1, typename Range2>
TestRangeAssignment(Range2 r2)707 void TestRangeAssignment( Range2 r2 ) {
708     Range1 r1(r2); r1 = r2;
709 }
710 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 // Test for copy constructor and assignment
712 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
714 template<typename MyTable>
FillTable(MyTable & x,int n)715 static void FillTable( MyTable& x, int n ) {
716     for( int i=1; i<=n; ++i ) {
717         MyKey key( MyKey::make(-i) ); // hash values must not be specified in direct order
718         typename MyTable::accessor a;
719         bool b = x.insert(a,key);
720         ASSERT(b, NULL);
721         a->second.set_value( i*i );
722     }
723 }
725 template<typename MyTable>
CheckTable(const MyTable & x,int n)726 static void CheckTable( const MyTable& x, int n ) {
727     ASSERT( x.size()==size_t(n), "table is different size than expected" );
728     ASSERT( x.empty()==(n==0), NULL );
729     ASSERT( x.size()<=x.max_size(), NULL );
730     for( int i=1; i<=n; ++i ) {
731         MyKey key( MyKey::make(-i) );
732         typename MyTable::const_accessor a;
733         bool b = x.find(a,key);
734         ASSERT( b, NULL );
735         ASSERT( a->second.value_of()==i*i, NULL );
736     }
737     int count = 0;
738     int key_sum = 0;
739     for( typename MyTable::const_iterator i(x.begin()); i!=x.end(); ++i ) {
740         ++count;
741         key_sum += -i->first.value_of();
742     }
743     ASSERT( count==n, NULL );
744     ASSERT( key_sum==n*(n+1)/2, NULL );
745 }
TestCopy()747 static void TestCopy() {
748     REMARK("testing copy\n");
749     MyTable t1;
750     for( int i=0; i<10000; i=(i<100 ? i+1 : i*3) ) {
751         MyDataCount = 0;
753         FillTable(t1,i);
754         // Do not call CheckTable(t1,i) before copying, it enforces rehashing
756         MyTable t2(t1);
757         // Check that copy constructor did not mangle source table.
758         CheckTable(t1,i);
759         swap(t1, t2);
760         CheckTable(t1,i);
761         ASSERT( !(t1 != t2), NULL );
763         // Clear original table
764         t2.clear();
765         swap(t2, t1);
766         CheckTable(t1,0);
768         // Verify that copy of t1 is correct, even after t1 is cleared.
769         CheckTable(t2,i);
770         t2.clear();
771         t1.swap( t2 );
772         CheckTable(t1,0);
773         CheckTable(t2,0);
774         ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "data leak?" );
775     }
776 }
TestAssignment()778 void TestAssignment() {
779     REMARK("testing assignment\n");
780     for( int i=0; i<1000; i=(i<30 ? i+1 : i*5) ) {
781         for( int j=0; j<1000; j=(j<30 ? j+1 : j*7) ) {
782             MyTable t1;
783             MyTable t2;
784             FillTable(t1,i);
785             FillTable(t2,j);
786             ASSERT( (t1 == t2) == (i == j), NULL );
787             CheckTable(t2,j);
789             MyTable& tref = t2=t1;
790             ASSERT( &tref==&t2, NULL );
791             ASSERT( t1 == t2, NULL );
792             CheckTable(t1,i);
793             CheckTable(t2,i);
795             t1.clear();
796             CheckTable(t1,0);
797             CheckTable(t2,i);
798             ASSERT( MyDataCount==i, "data leak?" );
800             t2.clear();
801             CheckTable(t1,0);
802             CheckTable(t2,0);
803             ASSERT( MyDataCount==0, "data leak?" );
804         }
805     }
806 }
TestIteratorsAndRanges()808 void TestIteratorsAndRanges() {
809     REMARK("testing iterators compliance\n");
810     TestIteratorTraits<MyTable::iterator,MyTable::value_type>();
811     TestIteratorTraits<MyTable::const_iterator,const MyTable::value_type>();
813     MyTable v;
814     MyTable const &u = v;
816     TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::const_iterator>( u.begin() );
817     TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::const_iterator>( v.begin() );
818     TestIteratorAssignment<MyTable::iterator>( v.begin() );
819     // doesn't compile as expected: TestIteratorAssignment<typename V::iterator>( u.begin() );
821     // check for non-existing
822     ASSERT(v.equal_range(MyKey::make(-1)) == std::make_pair(v.end(), v.end()), NULL);
823     ASSERT(u.equal_range(MyKey::make(-1)) == std::make_pair(u.end(), u.end()), NULL);
825     REMARK("testing ranges compliance\n");
826     TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::const_range_type>( u.range() );
827     TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::const_range_type>( v.range() );
828     TestRangeAssignment<MyTable::range_type>( v.range() );
829     // doesn't compile as expected: TestRangeAssignment<typename V::range_type>( u.range() );
831     REMARK("testing construction and insertion from iterators range\n");
832     FillTable( v, 1000 );
833     MyTable2 t(v.begin(), v.end());
834     v.rehash();
835     CheckTable(t, 1000);
836     t.insert(v.begin(), v.end()); // do nothing
837     CheckTable(t, 1000);
838     t.clear();
839     t.insert(v.begin(), v.end()); // restore
840     CheckTable(t, 1000);
842     REMARK("testing comparison\n");
843     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,YourHashCompare,MyAllocator> YourTable1;
844     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,YourHashCompare> YourTable2;
845     YourTable1 t1;
846     FillTable( t1, 10 );
847     CheckTable(t1, 10 );
848     YourTable2 t2(t1.begin(), t1.end());
849     MyKey key( MyKey::make(-5) ); MyData2 data;
850     ASSERT(t2.erase(key), NULL);
851     YourTable2::accessor a;
852     ASSERT(t2.insert(a, key), NULL);
853     data.set_value(0);   a->second = data;
854     ASSERT( t1 != t2, NULL);
855     data.set_value(5*5); a->second = data;
856     ASSERT( t1 == t2, NULL);
857 }
TestRehash()859 void TestRehash() {
860     REMARK("testing rehashing\n");
861     MyTable w;
862     w.insert( std::make_pair(MyKey::make(-5), MyData()) );
863     w.rehash(); // without this, assertion will fail
864     MyTable::iterator it = w.begin();
865     int i = 0; // check for non-rehashed buckets
866     for( ; it != w.end(); i++ )
867         w.count( (it++)->first );
868     ASSERT( i == 1, NULL );
869     for( i=0; i<1000; i=(i<29 ? i+1 : i*2) ) {
870         for( int j=max(256+i, i*2); j<10000; j*=3 ) {
871             MyTable v;
872             FillTable( v, i );
873             ASSERT(int(v.size()) == i, NULL);
874             ASSERT(int(v.bucket_count()) <= j, NULL);
875             v.rehash( j );
876             ASSERT(int(v.bucket_count()) >= j, NULL);
877             CheckTable( v, i );
878         }
879     }
880 }
882 template<typename base_alloc_t, typename count_t = tbb::atomic<size_t> >
883 class only_node_counting_allocator : public local_counting_allocator<base_alloc_t, count_t> {
884     typedef local_counting_allocator<base_alloc_t, count_t> base_type;
885 public:
886     template<typename U>
887     struct rebind {
888         typedef only_node_counting_allocator<typename base_alloc_t::template rebind<U>::other,count_t> other;
889     };
only_node_counting_allocator()891     only_node_counting_allocator() : base_type() {}
only_node_counting_allocator(const only_node_counting_allocator & a)892     only_node_counting_allocator(const only_node_counting_allocator& a) : base_type(a) {}
894     template<typename U>
only_node_counting_allocator(const only_node_counting_allocator<U> & a)895     only_node_counting_allocator(const only_node_counting_allocator<U>& a) : base_type(a) {}
allocate(const typename base_type::size_type n)897     typename base_type::pointer allocate(const typename base_type::size_type n) {
898         if ( n > 1) {
899             return base_alloc_t::allocate(n);
900         } else {
901             return base_type::allocate(n);
902         }
903     }
904 };
TestExceptions()907 void TestExceptions() {
908     typedef only_node_counting_allocator<tbb::tbb_allocator<MyData2> > allocator_t;
909     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<MyKey,MyData2,MyHashCompare,allocator_t> ThrowingTable;
910     enum methods {
911         zero_method = 0,
912         ctor_copy, op_assign, op_insert,
913         all_methods
914     };
915     REMARK("testing exception-safety guarantees\n");
916     ThrowingTable src;
917     FillTable( src, 1000 );
918     ASSERT( MyDataCount==1000, NULL );
920     try {
921         for(int t = 0; t < 2; t++) // exception type
922         for(int m = zero_method+1; m < all_methods; m++)
923         {
924             allocator_t a;
925             if(t) MyDataCountLimit = 101;
926             else a.set_limits(101);
927             ThrowingTable victim(a);
928             MyDataCount = 0;
930             try {
931                 switch(m) {
932                 case ctor_copy: {
933                         ThrowingTable acopy(src, a);
934                     } break;
935                 case op_assign: {
936                         victim = src;
937                     } break;
938                 case op_insert: {
940                         // Insertion in cpp11 don't make copy constructions
941                         // during the insertion, so we need to decrement limit
942                         // to throw an exception in the right place and to prevent
943                         // successful insertion of one unexpected item
944                         if (MyDataCountLimit)
945                             --MyDataCountLimit;
946 #endif
947                         FillTable( victim, 1000 );
948                     } break;
949                 default:;
950                 }
951                 ASSERT(false, "should throw an exception");
952             } catch(std::bad_alloc &e) {
953                 MyDataCountLimit = 0;
954                 size_t size = victim.size();
955                 switch(m) {
956                 case op_assign:
957                     ASSERT( MyDataCount==100, "data leak?" );
958                     ASSERT( size>=100, NULL );
959                     CheckAllocator(victim, 100+t, t);
960                     __TBB_fallthrough;
961                 case ctor_copy:
962                     CheckTable(src, 1000);
963                     break;
964                 case op_insert:
965                     ASSERT( size==size_t(100-t), NULL );
966                     ASSERT( MyDataCount==100-t, "data leak?" );
967                     CheckTable(victim, 100-t);
968                     CheckAllocator(victim, 100, t);
969                     break;
971                 default:; // nothing to check here
972                 }
973                 REMARK("Exception %d: %s\t- ok ()\n", m, e.what());
974             }
975             catch ( ... ) {
976                 ASSERT ( __TBB_EXCEPTION_TYPE_INFO_BROKEN, "Unrecognized exception" );
977             }
978         }
979     } catch(...) {
980         ASSERT(false, "unexpected exception");
981     }
982     src.clear(); MyDataCount = 0;
983 }
984 #endif /* TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
988 #include "test_initializer_list.h"
990 struct test_insert {
991     template<typename container_type, typename element_type>
do_testtest_insert992     static void do_test( std::initializer_list<element_type> il, container_type const& expected ) {
993         container_type vd;
994         vd.insert( il );
995         ASSERT( vd == expected, "inserting with an initializer list failed" );
996     }
997 };
TestInitList()999 void TestInitList(){
1000     using namespace initializer_list_support_tests;
1001     REMARK("testing initializer_list methods \n");
1003     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<int,int> ch_map_type;
1004     std::initializer_list<ch_map_type::value_type> pairs_il = {{1,1},{2,2},{3,3},{4,4},{5,5}};
1006     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<ch_map_type, test_insert>( pairs_il );
1007     TestInitListSupportWithoutAssign<ch_map_type, test_insert>( {} );
1008 }
1012 #include "test_range_based_for.h"
TestRangeBasedFor()1014 void TestRangeBasedFor(){
1015     using namespace range_based_for_support_tests;
1017     REMARK("testing range based for loop compatibility \n");
1018     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<int,int> ch_map;
1019     ch_map a_ch_map;
1021     const int sequence_length = 100;
1022     for (int i = 1; i <= sequence_length; ++i){
1023         a_ch_map.insert(ch_map::value_type(i,i));
1024     }
1026     ASSERT( range_based_for_accumulate(a_ch_map, pair_second_summer(), 0) == gauss_summ_of_int_sequence(sequence_length), "incorrect accumulated value generated via range based for ?");
1027 }
1028 #endif //if __TBB_RANGE_BASED_FOR_PRESENT
1030 #include "harness_defs.h"
1032 // The helper to run a test only when a default construction is present.
1033 template <bool default_construction_present> struct do_default_construction_test {
operator ()do_default_construction_test1034     template<typename FuncType> void operator() ( FuncType func ) const { func(); }
1035 };
1036 template <> struct do_default_construction_test<false> {
operator ()do_default_construction_test1037     template<typename FuncType> void operator()( FuncType ) const {}
1038 };
1040 template <typename Table>
1041 class test_insert_by_key : NoAssign {
1042     typedef typename Table::value_type value_type;
1043     Table &my_c;
1044     const value_type &my_value;
1045 public:
test_insert_by_key(Table & c,const value_type & value)1046     test_insert_by_key( Table &c, const value_type &value ) : my_c(c), my_value(value) {}
operator ()() const1047     void operator()() const {
1048         {
1049             typename Table::accessor a;
1050             ASSERT( my_c.insert( a, my_value.first ), NULL );
1051             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(a->first, my_value.first), NULL );
1052             a->second = my_value.second;
1053         } {
1054             typename Table::const_accessor ca;
1055             ASSERT( !my_c.insert( ca, my_value.first ), NULL );
1056             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->first, my_value.first), NULL);
1057             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->second, my_value.second), NULL);
1058         }
1059     }
1060 };
1062 #include <vector>
1063 #include <list>
1064 #include <algorithm>
1066 #include <functional>
1067 #endif
1069 template <typename Table, typename Iterator, typename Range = typename Table::range_type>
1070 class test_range : NoAssign {
1071     typedef typename Table::value_type value_type;
1072     Table &my_c;
1073     const std::list<value_type> &my_lst;
1074     std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> >& my_marks;
1075 public:
test_range(Table & c,const std::list<value_type> & lst,std::vector<tbb::atomic<bool>> & marks)1076     test_range( Table &c, const std::list<value_type> &lst, std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> > &marks ) : my_c(c), my_lst(lst), my_marks(marks) {
1077         std::fill( my_marks.begin(), my_marks.end(), false );
1078     }
operator ()(const Range & r) const1079     void operator()( const Range &r ) const { do_test_range( r.begin(), r.end() ); }
do_test_range(Iterator i,Iterator j) const1080     void do_test_range( Iterator i, Iterator j ) const {
1081         for ( Iterator it = i; it != j; ) {
1082             Iterator it_prev = it++;
1083             typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator it2 = std::search( my_lst.begin(), my_lst.end(), it_prev, it, Harness::IsEqual() );
1084             ASSERT( it2 != my_lst.end(), NULL );
1085             typename std::list<value_type>::difference_type dist = std::distance( my_lst.begin(), it2 );
1086             ASSERT( !my_marks[dist], NULL );
1087             my_marks[dist] = true;
1088         }
1089     }
1090 };
1092 template <bool default_construction_present, typename Table>
1093 class check_value : NoAssign {
1094     typedef typename Table::const_iterator const_iterator;
1095     typedef typename Table::iterator iterator;
1096     typedef typename Table::size_type size_type;
1097     Table &my_c;
1098 public:
check_value(Table & c)1099     check_value( Table &c ) : my_c(c) {}
operator ()(const typename Table::value_type & value)1100     void operator()(const typename Table::value_type &value ) {
1101         const Table &const_c = my_c;
1102         ASSERT( my_c.count( value.first ) == 1, NULL );
1103         { // tests with a const accessor.
1104             typename Table::const_accessor ca;
1105             // find
1106             ASSERT( my_c.find( ca, value.first ), NULL);
1107             ASSERT( !ca.empty() , NULL);
1108             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->first, value.first), NULL );
1109             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->second, value.second), NULL );
1110             // erase
1111             ASSERT( my_c.erase( ca ), NULL );
1112             ASSERT( my_c.count( value.first ) == 0, NULL );
1113             // insert (pair)
1114             ASSERT( my_c.insert( ca, value ), NULL);
1115             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->first, value.first), NULL );
1116             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(ca->second, value.second), NULL );
1117         } { // tests with a non-const accessor.
1118             typename Table::accessor a;
1119             // find
1120             ASSERT( my_c.find( a, value.first ), NULL);
1121             ASSERT( !a.empty() , NULL);
1122             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(a->first, value.first), NULL );
1123             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(a->second, value.second), NULL );
1124             // erase
1125             ASSERT( my_c.erase( a ), NULL );
1126             ASSERT( my_c.count( value.first ) == 0, NULL );
1127             // insert
1128             ASSERT( my_c.insert( a, value ), NULL);
1129             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(a->first, value.first), NULL );
1130             ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()(a->second, value.second), NULL );
1131         }
1132         // erase by key
1133         ASSERT( my_c.erase( value.first ), NULL );
1134         ASSERT( my_c.count( value.first ) == 0, NULL );
1135         do_default_construction_test<default_construction_present>()(test_insert_by_key<Table>( my_c, value ));
1136         // insert by value
1137         ASSERT( my_c.insert( value ) != default_construction_present, NULL );
1138         // equal_range
1139         std::pair<iterator,iterator> r1 = my_c.equal_range( value.first );
1140         iterator r1_first_prev = r1.first++;
1141         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()( *r1_first_prev, value ) && Harness::IsEqual()( r1.first, r1.second ), NULL );
1142         std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> r2 = const_c.equal_range( value.first );
1143         const_iterator r2_first_prev = r2.first++;
1144         ASSERT( Harness::IsEqual()( *r2_first_prev, value ) && Harness::IsEqual()( r2.first, r2.second ), NULL );
1145     }
1146 };
1148 #include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"
1150 template <typename Value, typename U = Value>
1151 struct CompareTables {
1152     template <typename T>
IsEqualCompareTables1153     static bool IsEqual( const T& t1, const T& t2 ) {
1154         return (t1 == t2) && !(t1 != t2);
1155     }
1156 };
1159 template <typename U>
1160 struct CompareTables< std::pair<const std::weak_ptr<U>, std::weak_ptr<U> > > {
1161     template <typename T>
IsEqualCompareTables1162     static bool IsEqual( const T&, const T& ) {
1163         /* do nothing for std::weak_ptr */
1164         return true;
1165     }
1166 };
1167 #endif /* __TBB_CPP11_SMART_POINTERS_PRESENT */
1169 template <bool default_construction_present, typename Table>
Examine(Table c,const std::list<typename Table::value_type> & lst)1170 void Examine( Table c, const std::list<typename Table::value_type> &lst) {
1171     typedef const Table const_table;
1172     typedef typename Table::const_iterator const_iterator;
1173     typedef typename Table::iterator iterator;
1174     typedef typename Table::value_type value_type;
1175     typedef typename Table::size_type size_type;
1177     ASSERT( !c.empty(), NULL );
1178     ASSERT( c.size() == lst.size(), NULL );
1179     ASSERT( c.max_size() >= c.size(), NULL );
1181     const check_value<default_construction_present,Table> cv(c);
1182     std::for_each( lst.begin(), lst.end(), cv );
1184     std::vector< tbb::atomic<bool> > marks( lst.size() );
1186     test_range<Table,iterator>( c, lst, marks ).do_test_range( c.begin(), c.end() );
1187     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
1189     test_range<const_table,const_iterator>( c, lst, marks ).do_test_range( c.begin(), c.end() );
1190     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
1192     tbb::task_scheduler_init init;
1194     typedef typename Table::range_type range_type;
1195     tbb::parallel_for( c.range(), test_range<Table,typename range_type::iterator,range_type>( c, lst, marks ) );
1196     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
1198     const_table const_c = c;
1199     ASSERT( CompareTables<value_type>::IsEqual( c, const_c ), NULL );
1201     typedef typename const_table::const_range_type const_range_type;
1202     tbb::parallel_for( c.range(), test_range<const_table,typename const_range_type::iterator,const_range_type>( const_c, lst, marks ) );
1203     ASSERT( std::find( marks.begin(), marks.end(), false ) == marks.end(), NULL );
1205     const size_type new_bucket_count = 2*c.bucket_count();
1206     c.rehash( new_bucket_count );
1207     ASSERT( c.bucket_count() >= new_bucket_count, NULL );
1209     Table c2;
1210     typename std::list<value_type>::const_iterator begin5 = lst.begin();
1211     std::advance( begin5, 5 );
1212     c2.insert( lst.begin(), begin5 );
1213     std::for_each( lst.begin(), begin5, check_value<default_construction_present, Table>( c2 ) );
1215     c2.swap( c );
1216     ASSERT( CompareTables<value_type>::IsEqual( c2, const_c ), NULL );
1217     ASSERT( c.size() == 5, NULL );
1218     std::for_each( lst.begin(), lst.end(), check_value<default_construction_present,Table>(c2) );
1220     tbb::swap( c, c2 );
1221     ASSERT( CompareTables<value_type>::IsEqual( c, const_c ), NULL );
1222     ASSERT( c2.size() == 5, NULL );
1224     c2.clear();
1225     ASSERT( CompareTables<value_type>::IsEqual( c2, Table() ), NULL );
1227     typename Table::allocator_type a = c.get_allocator();
1228     value_type *ptr = a.allocate(1);
1229     ASSERT( ptr, NULL );
1230     a.deallocate( ptr, 1 );
1231 }
1233 template<typename T>
1234 struct debug_hash_compare : tbb::tbb_hash_compare<T> {};
1236 template <bool default_construction_present, typename Value>
TypeTester(const std::list<Value> & lst)1237 void TypeTester( const std::list<Value> &lst ) {
1238     __TBB_ASSERT( lst.size() >= 5, "Array should have at least 5 elements" );
1239     typedef typename Value::first_type first_type;
1240     typedef typename Value::second_type second_type;
1241     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<first_type,second_type> ch_map;
1242     debug_hash_compare<first_type> compare;
1243     // Construct an empty hash map.
1244     ch_map c1;
1245     c1.insert( lst.begin(), lst.end() );
1246     Examine<default_construction_present>( c1, lst );
1248     // Constructor from initializer_list.
1249     typename std::list<Value>::const_iterator it = lst.begin();
1250     std::initializer_list<Value> il = { *it++, *it++, *it++ };
1251     ch_map c2( il );
1252     c2.insert( it, lst.end() );
1253     Examine<default_construction_present>( c2, lst );
1255     // Constructor from initializer_list and compare object
1256     ch_map c3( il, compare);
1257     c3.insert( it, lst.end() );
1258     Examine<default_construction_present>( c3, lst );
1260     // Constructor from initializer_list, compare object and allocator
1261     ch_map c4( il, compare, typename ch_map::allocator_type());
1262     c4.insert( it, lst.end());
1263     Examine<default_construction_present>( c4, lst );
1264 #endif
1265     // Copying constructor.
1266     ch_map c5(c1);
1267     Examine<default_construction_present>( c5, lst );
1268     // Construct with non-default allocator
1269     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map< first_type,second_type,tbb::tbb_hash_compare<first_type>,debug_allocator<Value> > ch_map_debug_alloc;
1270     ch_map_debug_alloc c6;
1271     c6.insert( lst.begin(), lst.end() );
1272     Examine<default_construction_present>( c6, lst );
1273     // Copying constructor
1274     ch_map_debug_alloc c7(c6);
1275     Examine<default_construction_present>( c7, lst );
1276     // Construction empty table with n preallocated buckets.
1277     ch_map c8( lst.size() );
1278     c8.insert( lst.begin(), lst.end() );
1279     Examine<default_construction_present>( c8, lst );
1280     ch_map_debug_alloc c9( lst.size() );
1281     c9.insert( lst.begin(), lst.end() );
1282     Examine<default_construction_present>( c9, lst );
1283     // Construction with copying iteration range.
1284     ch_map c10( c1.begin(), c1.end() );
1285     Examine<default_construction_present>( c10, lst );
1286     // Construction with copying iteration range and given allocator instance.
1287     debug_allocator<Value> allocator;
1288     ch_map_debug_alloc c11( lst.begin(), lst.end(), allocator );
1289     Examine<default_construction_present>( c11, lst );
1291     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map< first_type,second_type,debug_hash_compare<first_type>,typename ch_map::allocator_type> ch_map_debug_hash;
1293     // Constructor with two iterators and hash_compare
1294     ch_map_debug_hash c12(c1.begin(), c1.end(), compare);
1295     Examine<default_construction_present>( c12, lst );
1297     ch_map_debug_hash c13(c1.begin(), c1.end(), compare, typename ch_map::allocator_type());
1298     Examine<default_construction_present>( c13, lst );
1299 }
1302 namespace tbb {
1303     template<> struct tbb_hash_compare< const std::shared_ptr<int> > {
hashtbb::tbb_hash_compare1304         static size_t hash( const std::shared_ptr<int>& ptr ) { return static_cast<size_t>( *ptr ) * interface5::internal::hash_multiplier; }
equaltbb::tbb_hash_compare1305         static bool equal( const  std::shared_ptr<int>& ptr1, const  std::shared_ptr<int>& ptr2 ) { return ptr1 == ptr2; }
1306     };
1307     template<> struct tbb_hash_compare< const std::weak_ptr<int> > {
hashtbb::tbb_hash_compare1308         static size_t hash( const std::weak_ptr<int>& ptr ) { return static_cast<size_t>( *ptr.lock() ) * interface5::internal::hash_multiplier; }
equaltbb::tbb_hash_compare1309         static bool equal( const std::weak_ptr<int>& ptr1, const  std::weak_ptr<int>& ptr2 ) { return ptr1.lock() == ptr2.lock(); }
1310     };
1311 }
1312 #endif /* __TBB_CPP11_SMART_POINTERS_PRESENT */
TestCPP11Types()1314 void TestCPP11Types() {
1315     const int NUMBER = 10;
1317     typedef std::pair<const int, int> int_int_t;
1318     std::list<int_int_t> arrIntInt;
1319     for ( int i=0; i<NUMBER; ++i ) arrIntInt.push_back( int_int_t(i, NUMBER-i) );
1320     TypeTester</*default_construction_present = */true>( arrIntInt );
1323     typedef std::pair<const std::reference_wrapper<const int>, int> ref_int_t;
1324     std::list<ref_int_t> arrRefInt;
1325     for ( std::list<int_int_t>::iterator it = arrIntInt.begin(); it != arrIntInt.end(); ++it )
1326         arrRefInt.push_back( ref_int_t( it->first, it->second ) );
1327     TypeTester</*default_construction_present = */true>( arrRefInt );
1329     typedef std::pair< const int, std::reference_wrapper<int> > int_ref_t;
1330     std::list<int_ref_t> arrIntRef;
1331     for ( std::list<int_int_t>::iterator it = arrIntInt.begin(); it != arrIntInt.end(); ++it )
1332         arrIntRef.push_back( int_ref_t( it->first, it->second ) );
1333     TypeTester</*default_construction_present = */false>( arrIntRef );
1334 #else
1335     REPORT("Known issue: C++11 reference wrapper tests are skipped.\n");
1338     typedef std::pair< const int, tbb::atomic<int> > int_tbb_t;
1339     std::list<int_tbb_t> arrIntTbb;
1340     for ( int i=0; i<NUMBER; ++i ) {
1341         tbb::atomic<int> b;
1342         b = NUMBER-i;
1343         arrIntTbb.push_back( int_tbb_t(i, b) );
1344     }
1345     TypeTester</*default_construction_present = */true>( arrIntTbb );
1348     typedef std::pair< const std::shared_ptr<int>, std::shared_ptr<int> > shr_shr_t;
1349     std::list<shr_shr_t> arrShrShr;
1350     for ( int i=0; i<NUMBER; ++i ) {
1351         const int NUMBER_minus_i = NUMBER - i;
1352         arrShrShr.push_back( shr_shr_t( std::make_shared<int>(i), std::make_shared<int>(NUMBER_minus_i) ) );
1353     }
1354     TypeTester< /*default_construction_present = */true>( arrShrShr );
1356     typedef std::pair< const std::weak_ptr<int>, std::weak_ptr<int> > wk_wk_t;
1357     std::list< wk_wk_t > arrWkWk;
1358     std::copy( arrShrShr.begin(), arrShrShr.end(), std::back_inserter(arrWkWk) );
1359     TypeTester< /*default_construction_present = */true>( arrWkWk );
1360 #else
1361     REPORT("Known issue: C++11 smart pointer tests are skipped.\n");
1362 #endif /* __TBB_CPP11_SMART_POINTERS_PRESENT */
1363 }
1367 struct hash_map_move_traits : default_container_traits {
1368     enum{ expected_number_of_items_to_allocate_for_steal_move = 0 };
1370     template<typename T>
1371     struct hash_compare {
equalhash_map_move_traits::hash_compare1372         bool equal( const T& lhs, const T& rhs ) const {
1373             return lhs==rhs;
1374         }
hashhash_map_move_traits::hash_compare1375         size_t hash( const T& k ) const {
1376             return tbb::tbb_hasher(k);
1377         }
1378     };
1379     template<typename element_type, typename allocator_type>
1380     struct apply {
1381         typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<element_type, element_type, hash_compare<element_type>, allocator_type > type;
1382     };
1384     typedef FooPairIterator init_iterator_type;
1385     template<typename hash_map_type, typename iterator>
equalhash_map_move_traits1386     static bool equal(hash_map_type const& c, iterator begin, iterator end){
1387         bool equal_sizes = ( static_cast<size_t>(std::distance(begin, end)) == c.size() );
1388         if (!equal_sizes)
1389             return false;
1391         for (iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it ){
1392             if (c.count( (*it).first) == 0){
1393                 return false;
1394             }
1395         }
1396         return true;
1397     }
1398 };
TestMoveSupport()1400 void TestMoveSupport(){
1401     TestMoveConstructor<hash_map_move_traits>();
1402     TestConstructorWithMoveIterators<hash_map_move_traits>();
1403     TestMoveAssignOperator<hash_map_move_traits>();
1405     TestExceptionSafetyGuaranteesMoveConstructorWithUnEqualAllocatorMemoryFailure<hash_map_move_traits>();
1406     TestExceptionSafetyGuaranteesMoveConstructorWithUnEqualAllocatorExceptionInElementCtor<hash_map_move_traits>();
1407 #else
1408     REPORT("Known issue: exception safety tests for C++11 move semantics support are skipped.\n");
1409 #endif //TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS
1410 }
1411 #else
TestMoveSupport()1412 void TestMoveSupport(){
1413     REPORT("Known issue: tests for C++11 move semantics support are skipped.\n");
1414 }
1415 #endif //__TBB_CPP11_RVALUE_REF_PRESENT
1419 template <template <typename...> typename TMap>
TestDeductionGuides()1420 void TestDeductionGuides() {
1421     using Key = int;
1422     using Value = std::string;
1424     using ComplexType = std::pair<Key, Value>;
1425     using ComplexTypeConst = std::pair<const Key, Value>;
1427     using DefaultCompare = tbb::tbb_hash_compare<Key>;
1428     using Compare = debug_hash_compare<Key>;
1429     using DefaultAllocator = tbb::tbb_allocator<ComplexTypeConst>;
1430     using Allocator = std::allocator<ComplexType>;
1432     std::vector<ComplexType> v;
1433     auto l = { ComplexTypeConst(1, "one"), ComplexTypeConst(2, "two") };
1434     Compare compare;
1435     Allocator allocator;
1437     // check TMap(InputIterator, InputIterator)
1438     TMap m1(v.begin(), v.end());
1439     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m1), TMap<Key, Value, DefaultCompare, DefaultAllocator>>::value);
1441     // check TMap(InputIterator, InputIterator, HashCompare)
1442     TMap m2(v.begin(), v.end(), compare);
1443     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m2), TMap<Key, Value, Compare>>::value);
1445     // check TMap(InputIterator, InputIterator, HashCompare, Allocator)
1446     TMap m3(v.begin(), v.end(), compare, allocator);
1447     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m3), TMap<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator>>::value);
1449     // check TMap(InputIterator, InputIterator, Allocator)
1450     TMap m4(v.begin(), v.end(), allocator);
1451     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m4), TMap<Key, Value, DefaultCompare, Allocator>>::value);
1453     // check TMap(std::initializer_list)
1454     TMap m5(l);
1455     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m5), TMap<Key, Value, DefaultCompare, DefaultAllocator>>::value);
1457     // check TMap(std::initializer_list, HashCompare)
1458     TMap m6(l, compare);
1459     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m6), TMap<Key, Value, Compare, DefaultAllocator>>::value);
1461     // check TMap(std::initializer_list, HashCompare, Allocator)
1462     TMap m7(l, compare, allocator);
1463     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m7), TMap<Key, Value, Compare, Allocator>>::value);
1465     // check TMap(std::initializer_list, Allocator)
1466     TMap m8(l, allocator);
1467     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m8), TMap<Key, Value, DefaultCompare, Allocator>>::value);
1469     // check TMap(TMap &)
1470     TMap m9(m1);
1471     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m9), decltype(m1)>::value);
1473     // check TMap(TMap &, Allocator)
1474     TMap m10(m4, allocator);
1475     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m10), decltype(m4)>::value);
1477     // check TMap(TMap &&)
1478     TMap m11(std::move(m1));
1479     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m11), decltype(m1)>::value);
1481     // check TMap(TMap &&, Allocator)
1482     TMap m12(std::move(m4), allocator);
1483     static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(m12), decltype(m4)>::value);
1484 }
1487 template<typename Key>
1488 struct non_default_constructible_hash_compare : tbb::tbb_hash_compare<Key> {
non_default_constructible_hash_comparenon_default_constructible_hash_compare1489     non_default_constructible_hash_compare() {
1490         ASSERT(false, "Hash compare object must not default construct during the construction of hash_map with compare argument");
1491     }
non_default_constructible_hash_comparenon_default_constructible_hash_compare1493     non_default_constructible_hash_compare(int) {}
1494 };
TestHashCompareConstructors()1496 void TestHashCompareConstructors() {
1497     typedef int key_type;
1498     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key_type, key_type, non_default_constructible_hash_compare<key_type> > map_type;
1500     non_default_constructible_hash_compare<key_type> compare(0);
1501     map_type::allocator_type allocator;
1503     map_type map1(compare);
1504     map_type map2(compare, allocator);
1506     map_type map3(1, compare);
1507     map_type map4(1, compare, allocator);
1509     std::vector<map_type::value_type> reference_vector;
1510     map_type map5(reference_vector.begin(), reference_vector.end(), compare);
1511     map_type map6(reference_vector.begin(), reference_vector.end(), compare, allocator);
1514     map_type map7({}, compare);
1515     map_type map8({}, compare, allocator);
1516 #endif
1517 }
1520 #include <scoped_allocator>
1522 struct custom_hash_compare {
1523     template<typename Allocator>
hashcustom_hash_compare1524     static size_t hash(const allocator_aware_data<Allocator>& key) {
1525         return tbb::tbb_hash_compare<int>::hash(key.value());
1526     }
1528     template<typename Allocator>
equalcustom_hash_compare1529     static bool equal(const allocator_aware_data<Allocator>& key1, const allocator_aware_data<Allocator>& key2) {
1530         return tbb::tbb_hash_compare<int>::equal(key1.value(), key2.value());
1531     }
1532 };
TestScopedAllocator()1534 void TestScopedAllocator() {
1535     typedef allocator_aware_data<std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<tbb::tbb_allocator<int>>> allocator_data_type;
1536     typedef std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<tbb::tbb_allocator<allocator_data_type>> allocator_type;
1537     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<allocator_data_type, allocator_data_type,
1538                                      custom_hash_compare, allocator_type> hash_map_type;
1540     allocator_type allocator;
1541     allocator_data_type key1(1, allocator), key2(2, allocator);
1542     allocator_data_type data1(1, allocator), data2(data1, allocator);
1543     hash_map_type map1(allocator), map2(allocator);
1545     hash_map_type::value_type v1(key1, data1), v2(key2, data2);
1547     auto init_list = { v1, v2 };
1549     allocator_data_type::assert_on_constructions = true;
1550     map1.emplace(key1, data1);
1551     map2.emplace(key2, std::move(data2));
1553     map1.clear();
1554     map2.clear();
1556     map1.insert(v1);
1557     map2.insert(std::move(v2));
1559     map1.clear();
1560     map2.clear();
1562     map1.insert(init_list);
1564     map1.clear();
1565     map2.clear();
1567     hash_map_type::accessor a;
1568     map2.insert(a, allocator_data_type(3));
1569     a.release();
1571     map1 = map2;
1572     map2 = std::move(map1);
1574     hash_map_type map3(allocator);
1575     map3.rehash(1000);
1576     map3 = map2;
1577 }
1578 #endif
TestAllocatorTraits()1581 void TestAllocatorTraits() {
1582     using namespace propagating_allocators;
1583     typedef int key;
1584     typedef int mapped;
1585     typedef tbb::tbb_hash_compare<key> compare;
1587     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key, mapped, compare, always_propagating_allocator> always_propagating_map;
1588     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key, mapped, compare, never_propagating_allocator> never_propagating_map;
1589     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key, mapped, compare, pocma_allocator> pocma_map;
1590     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key, mapped, compare, pocca_allocator> pocca_map;
1591     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<key, mapped, compare, pocs_allocator> pocs_map;
1593     test_allocator_traits_support<always_propagating_map>();
1594     test_allocator_traits_support<never_propagating_map>();
1595     test_allocator_traits_support<pocma_map>();
1596     test_allocator_traits_support<pocca_map>();
1597     test_allocator_traits_support<pocs_map>();
1600     test_allocator_traits_with_non_movable_value_type<pocma_map>();
1601 #endif
1602 }
1605 // A test for undocumented member function internal_fast_find
1606 // which is declared protected in concurrent_hash_map for internal TBB use
TestInternalFastFind()1607 void TestInternalFastFind() {
1608     typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map<int, int> basic_chmap_type;
1609     typedef basic_chmap_type::const_pointer const_pointer;
1611     class chmap : public basic_chmap_type {
1612     public:
1613         chmap() : basic_chmap_type() {}
1615         using basic_chmap_type::internal_fast_find;
1616     };
1618     chmap m;
1619     int sz = 100;
1621     for (int i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
1622         m.insert(std::make_pair(i, i * i));
1623     }
1624     ASSERT(m.size() == 100, "Incorrect concurrent_hash_map size");
1626     for (int i = 0; i != sz; ++i) {
1627         const_pointer res = m.internal_fast_find(i);
1628         ASSERT(res != NULL, "Incorrect internal_fast_find return value for existing key");
1629         basic_chmap_type::value_type val = *res;
1630         ASSERT(val.first == i, "Incorrect key in internal_fast_find return value");
1631         ASSERT(val.second == i * i, "Incorrect mapped in internal_fast_find return value");
1632     }
1634     for (int i = sz; i != 2 * sz; ++i) {
1635         const_pointer res = m.internal_fast_find(i);
1636         ASSERT(res == NULL, "Incorrect internal_fast_find return value for not existing key");
1637     }
1638 }
1640 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1641 // Test driver
1642 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
TestMain()1643 int TestMain () {
1644     if( MinThread<0 ) {
1645         REPORT("ERROR: must use at least one thread\n");
1646         exit(1);
1647     }
1648     if( MaxThread<2 ) MaxThread=2;
1650     // Do serial tests
1651     TestTypes();
1652     TestCopy();
1653     TestRehash();
1654     TestAssignment();
1655     TestIteratorsAndRanges();
1657     TestInitList();
1661     TestRangeBasedFor();
1662 #endif //#if __TBB_RANGE_BASED_FOR_PRESENT
1665     TestExceptions();
1666 #endif /* TBB_USE_EXCEPTIONS */
1668     TestMoveSupport();
1669     {
1671         tbb::task_scheduler_init init( 1 );
1672         int n=250000;
1673         {
1674             DataStateTrackedTable table;
1675             DoConcurrentOperations<RvalueInsert, DataStateTrackedTable>( table, n, "rvalue ref insert", 1 );
1676         }
1678         {
1679             DataStateTrackedTable table;
1680             DoConcurrentOperations<Emplace, DataStateTrackedTable>( table, n, "emplace", 1 );
1681         }
1683 #endif // __TBB_CPP11_RVALUE_REF_PRESENT
1684     }
1686     // Do concurrency tests.
1687     for( int nthread=MinThread; nthread<=MaxThread; ++nthread ) {
1688         tbb::task_scheduler_init init( nthread );
1689         TestInsertFindErase( nthread );
1690         TestConcurrency( nthread );
1691     }
1692     // check linking
1693     if(bad_hashing) { //should be false
1694         tbb::internal::runtime_warning("none\nERROR: it must not be executed");
1695     }
1697     TestCPP11Types();
1698     TestHashCompareConstructors();
1701     TestDeductionGuides<tbb::concurrent_hash_map>();
1702 #endif
1704     TestScopedAllocator();
1705 #endif
1708     TestAllocatorTraits();
1709 #endif
1711     TestInternalFastFind();
1712     return Harness::Done;
1713 }