1mode: bibliography
3# In the spec, the examples are actually in pairs, but if you string them all
4# together, then the Doe is the same all the way through.
5result: |
6  <div class="csl-bib-body">
7    <div class="csl-entry">Doe. 1999.</div>
8    <div class="csl-entry">---. 2000.</div>
9    <div class="csl-entry">---, Johnson &amp; Williams. 2001.</div>
10    <div class="csl-entry">--- &amp; Smith. 2002.</div>
11    <div class="csl-entry">---, Stevens &amp; Miller. 2003.</div>
12    <div class="csl-entry">---, Stevens &amp; Miller. 2004.</div>
13    <div class="csl-entry">---, Williams et al. 2005.</div>
14    <div class="csl-entry">---, Williams et al. 2006.</div>
15  </div>
18  - author:
19      - family: Doe
20        given: John
21    issued:
22      date-parts:
23        - - 1999
24    id: ITEM-1
25    title: Book One
26    type: book
27  - author:
28      - family: Doe
29        given: John
30    issued:
31      date-parts:
32        - - 2000
33    id: ITEM-2
34    title: Book One
35    type: book
36  - author:
37      - family: Doe
38        given: John
39      - family: Johnson
40        given: Moody
41      - family: Williams
42        given: Judith
43    issued:
44      date-parts:
45        - - 2001
46    id: ITEM-3
47    title: Book One
48    type: book
49  - author:
50      - family: Doe
51        given: John
52      - family: Smith
53        given: Ellen
54    issued:
55      date-parts:
56        - - 2002
57    id: ITEM-4
58    title: Book One
59    type: book
60  - author:
61      - family: Doe
62        given: John
63      - family: Stevens
64        given: Moody
65      - family: Miller
66        given: Judith
67    issued:
68      date-parts:
69        - - 2003
70    id: ITEM-5
71    title: Book One
72    type: book
73  - author:
74      - family: Doe
75        given: John
76      - family: Stevens
77        given: Moody
78      - family: Miller
79        given: Judith
80    issued:
81      date-parts:
82        - - 2004
83    id: ITEM-6
84    title: Book One
85    type: book
86  - author:
87      - family: Doe
88        given: John
89      - family: Williams
90        given: Moody
91      - family: Miller
92        given: Judith
93      - family: Wright
94        given: Memelord
95    issued:
96      date-parts:
97        - - 2005
98    id: ITEM-7
99    title: Book One
100    type: book
101  - author:
102      - family: Doe
103        given: John
104      - family: Williams
105        given: Moody
106      - family: Miller
107        given: Judith
108      - family: Wright
109        given: Memelord
110    issued:
111      date-parts:
112        - - 2006
113    id: ITEM-8
114    title: Book One
115    type: book
116csl: |-
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