1! There was a bug in which a .cranges data hunk could include a hunk of
2! code in front of it.  The following illustrates a function (start)
3! followed by constants output into .rodata, followed by a function
4! (continue), with a case-table (.L173) in it.  The bug included code from
5! the start of the function (continue) into the case-table range descriptor.
7	.text
8	.mode SHmedia
10	nop
11	.section .rodata
12	.long 0xabcdef01
13	.long 0x12345678
14	.text
16	nop
17	nop
18	nop
19	.align 2
20	.align 2
22	.word 0x0123
23	.word 0x5678
24	.word 0x1234
25	.word 0x5678
26	.word 0x1234
27	.word 0x5678
28	.word 0x1234
29	.word 0xfede
30	nop
31	nop
32	nop
33	nop
34	nop