1package interp
3// This file implements the core interpretation routines, interpreting single
4// functions.
6import (
7	"errors"
8	"strings"
10	"tinygo.org/x/go-llvm"
13type frame struct {
14	*evalPackage
15	fn     llvm.Value
16	locals map[llvm.Value]Value
19// evalBasicBlock evaluates a single basic block, returning the return value (if
20// ending with a ret instruction), a list of outgoing basic blocks (if not
21// ending with a ret instruction), or an error on failure.
22// Most of it works at compile time. Some calls get translated into calls to be
23// executed at runtime: calls to functions with side effects, external calls,
24// and operations on the result of such instructions.
25func (fr *frame) evalBasicBlock(bb, incoming llvm.BasicBlock, indent string) (retval Value, outgoing []llvm.Value, err *Error) {
26	for inst := bb.FirstInstruction(); !inst.IsNil(); inst = llvm.NextInstruction(inst) {
27		if fr.Debug {
28			print(indent)
29			inst.Dump()
30			println()
31		}
32		switch {
33		case !inst.IsABinaryOperator().IsNil():
34			lhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
35			rhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
37			switch inst.InstructionOpcode() {
38			// Standard binary operators
39			case llvm.Add:
40				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateAdd(lhs, rhs, "")}
41			case llvm.FAdd:
42				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFAdd(lhs, rhs, "")}
43			case llvm.Sub:
44				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSub(lhs, rhs, "")}
45			case llvm.FSub:
46				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFSub(lhs, rhs, "")}
47			case llvm.Mul:
48				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateMul(lhs, rhs, "")}
49			case llvm.FMul:
50				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFMul(lhs, rhs, "")}
51			case llvm.UDiv:
52				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateUDiv(lhs, rhs, "")}
53			case llvm.SDiv:
54				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSDiv(lhs, rhs, "")}
55			case llvm.FDiv:
56				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFDiv(lhs, rhs, "")}
57			case llvm.URem:
58				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateURem(lhs, rhs, "")}
59			case llvm.SRem:
60				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSRem(lhs, rhs, "")}
61			case llvm.FRem:
62				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFRem(lhs, rhs, "")}
64			// Logical operators
65			case llvm.Shl:
66				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateShl(lhs, rhs, "")}
67			case llvm.LShr:
68				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateLShr(lhs, rhs, "")}
69			case llvm.AShr:
70				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateAShr(lhs, rhs, "")}
71			case llvm.And:
72				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateAnd(lhs, rhs, "")}
73			case llvm.Or:
74				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateOr(lhs, rhs, "")}
75			case llvm.Xor:
76				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateXor(lhs, rhs, "")}
78			default:
79				return nil, nil, fr.unsupportedInstructionError(inst)
80			}
82		// Memory operators
83		case !inst.IsAAllocaInst().IsNil():
84			allocType := inst.Type().ElementType()
85			alloca := llvm.AddGlobal(fr.Mod, allocType, fr.packagePath+"$alloca")
86			alloca.SetInitializer(llvm.ConstNull(allocType))
87			alloca.SetLinkage(llvm.InternalLinkage)
88			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{
89				Underlying: alloca,
90				Eval:       fr.Eval,
91			}
92		case !inst.IsALoadInst().IsNil():
93			operand := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue)
94			var value llvm.Value
95			if !operand.IsConstant() || inst.IsVolatile() || (!operand.Underlying.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() && operand.Underlying.Opcode() == llvm.BitCast) {
96				value = fr.builder.CreateLoad(operand.Value(), inst.Name())
97			} else {
98				value = operand.Load()
99			}
100			if value.Type() != inst.Type() {
101				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: load: type does not match"))
102			}
103			fr.locals[inst] = fr.getValue(value)
104		case !inst.IsAStoreInst().IsNil():
105			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
106			ptr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1))
107			if inst.IsVolatile() {
108				fr.builder.CreateStore(value.Value(), ptr.Value())
109			} else {
110				ptr.Store(value.Value())
111			}
112		case !inst.IsAGetElementPtrInst().IsNil():
113			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
114			llvmIndices := make([]llvm.Value, inst.OperandsCount()-1)
115			for i := range llvmIndices {
116				llvmIndices[i] = inst.Operand(i + 1)
117			}
118			indices := make([]uint32, len(llvmIndices))
119			for i, llvmIndex := range llvmIndices {
120				operand := fr.getLocal(llvmIndex)
121				if !operand.IsConstant() {
122					// Not a constant operation.
123					// This should be detected by the scanner, but isn't at the
124					// moment.
125					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("todo: non-const gep"))
126				}
127				indices[i] = uint32(operand.Value().ZExtValue())
128			}
129			result, err := value.GetElementPtr(indices)
130			if err != nil {
131				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
132			}
133			if result.Type() != inst.Type() {
134				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: gep: type does not match"))
135			}
136			fr.locals[inst] = result
138		// Cast operators
139		case !inst.IsATruncInst().IsNil():
140			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
141			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateTrunc(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
142		case !inst.IsAZExtInst().IsNil():
143			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
144			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateZExt(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
145		case !inst.IsASExtInst().IsNil():
146			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
147			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSExt(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
148		case !inst.IsAFPToUIInst().IsNil():
149			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
150			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFPToUI(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
151		case !inst.IsAFPToSIInst().IsNil():
152			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
153			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFPToSI(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
154		case !inst.IsAUIToFPInst().IsNil():
155			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
156			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateUIToFP(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
157		case !inst.IsASIToFPInst().IsNil():
158			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
159			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSIToFP(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
160		case !inst.IsAFPTruncInst().IsNil():
161			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
162			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFPTrunc(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
163		case !inst.IsAFPExtInst().IsNil():
164			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
165			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFPExt(value.(*LocalValue).Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
166		case !inst.IsAPtrToIntInst().IsNil():
167			value := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
168			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreatePtrToInt(value.Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
169		case !inst.IsABitCastInst().IsNil() && inst.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.PointerTypeKind:
170			operand := inst.Operand(0)
171			if !operand.IsACallInst().IsNil() {
172				fn := operand.CalledValue()
173				if !fn.IsAFunction().IsNil() && fn.Name() == "runtime.alloc" {
174					continue // special case: bitcast of alloc
175				}
176			}
177			if _, ok := fr.getLocal(operand).(*MapValue); ok {
178				// Special case for runtime.trackPointer calls.
179				// Note: this might not be entirely sound in some rare cases
180				// where the map is stored in a dirty global.
181				uses := getUses(inst)
182				if len(uses) == 1 {
183					use := uses[0]
184					if !use.IsACallInst().IsNil() && !use.CalledValue().IsAFunction().IsNil() && use.CalledValue().Name() == "runtime.trackPointer" {
185						continue
186					}
187				}
188				// It is not possible in Go to bitcast a map value to a pointer.
189				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("unimplemented: bitcast of map"))
190			}
191			value := fr.getLocal(operand).(*LocalValue)
192			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateBitCast(value.Value(), inst.Type(), "")}
194		// Other operators
195		case !inst.IsAICmpInst().IsNil():
196			lhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
197			rhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
198			predicate := inst.IntPredicate()
199			if predicate == llvm.IntEQ {
200				var lhsZero, rhsZero bool
201				var ok1, ok2 bool
202				if lhs.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.PointerTypeKind {
203					// Unfortunately, the const propagation in the IR builder
204					// doesn't handle pointer compares of inttoptr values. So we
205					// implement it manually here.
206					lhsZero, ok1 = isPointerNil(lhs)
207					rhsZero, ok2 = isPointerNil(rhs)
208				}
209				if lhs.Type().TypeKind() == llvm.IntegerTypeKind {
210					lhsZero, ok1 = isZero(lhs)
211					rhsZero, ok2 = isZero(rhs)
212				}
213				if ok1 && ok2 {
214					if lhsZero && rhsZero {
215						// Both are zero, so this icmp is always evaluated to true.
216						fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), 1, false)}
217						continue
218					}
219					if lhsZero != rhsZero {
220						// Only one of them is zero, so this comparison must return false.
221						fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), 0, false)}
222						continue
223					}
224				}
225			}
226			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateICmp(predicate, lhs, rhs, "")}
227		case !inst.IsAFCmpInst().IsNil():
228			lhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
229			rhs := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
230			predicate := inst.FloatPredicate()
231			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateFCmp(predicate, lhs, rhs, "")}
232		case !inst.IsAPHINode().IsNil():
233			for i := 0; i < inst.IncomingCount(); i++ {
234				if inst.IncomingBlock(i) == incoming {
235					fr.locals[inst] = fr.getLocal(inst.IncomingValue(i))
236				}
237			}
238		case !inst.IsACallInst().IsNil():
239			callee := inst.CalledValue()
240			switch {
241			case callee.Name() == "runtime.alloc":
242				// heap allocation
243				users := getUses(inst)
244				var resultInst = inst
245				if len(users) == 1 && !users[0].IsABitCastInst().IsNil() {
246					// happens when allocating something other than i8*
247					resultInst = users[0]
248				}
249				size := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying.ZExtValue()
250				allocType := resultInst.Type().ElementType()
251				typeSize := fr.TargetData.TypeAllocSize(allocType)
252				elementCount := 1
253				if size != typeSize {
254					// allocate an array
255					if size%typeSize != 0 {
256						return nil, nil, fr.unsupportedInstructionError(inst)
257					}
258					elementCount = int(size / typeSize)
259					allocType = llvm.ArrayType(allocType, elementCount)
260				}
261				alloc := llvm.AddGlobal(fr.Mod, allocType, fr.packagePath+"$alloc")
262				alloc.SetInitializer(llvm.ConstNull(allocType))
263				alloc.SetLinkage(llvm.InternalLinkage)
264				result := &LocalValue{
265					Underlying: alloc,
266					Eval:       fr.Eval,
267				}
268				if elementCount == 1 {
269					fr.locals[resultInst] = result
270				} else {
271					result, err := result.GetElementPtr([]uint32{0, 0})
272					if err != nil {
273						return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
274					}
275					fr.locals[resultInst] = result
276				}
277			case callee.Name() == "runtime.hashmapMake":
278				// create a map
279				keySize := inst.Operand(0).ZExtValue()
280				valueSize := inst.Operand(1).ZExtValue()
281				fr.locals[inst] = &MapValue{
282					Eval:      fr.Eval,
283					PkgName:   fr.packagePath,
284					KeySize:   int(keySize),
285					ValueSize: int(valueSize),
286				}
287			case callee.Name() == "runtime.hashmapStringSet":
288				// set a string key in the map
289				keyBuf := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue)
290				keyLen := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).(*LocalValue)
291				valPtr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(3)).(*LocalValue)
292				m, ok := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*MapValue)
293				if !ok || !keyBuf.IsConstant() || !keyLen.IsConstant() || !valPtr.IsConstant() {
294					// The mapassign operation could not be done at compile
295					// time. Do it at runtime instead.
296					m := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).Value()
297					fr.markDirty(m)
298					llvmParams := []llvm.Value{
299						m,                                    // *runtime.hashmap
300						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).Value(), // key.ptr
301						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).Value(), // key.len
302						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(3)).Value(), // value (unsafe.Pointer)
303						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(4)).Value(), // context
304						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(5)).Value(), // parentHandle
305					}
306					fr.builder.CreateCall(callee, llvmParams, "")
307					continue
308				}
309				// "key" is a Go string value, which in the TinyGo calling convention is split up
310				// into separate pointer and length parameters.
311				m.PutString(keyBuf, keyLen, valPtr)
312			case callee.Name() == "runtime.hashmapBinarySet":
313				// set a binary (int etc.) key in the map
314				keyBuf := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue)
315				valPtr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).(*LocalValue)
316				m, ok := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*MapValue)
317				if !ok || !keyBuf.IsConstant() || !valPtr.IsConstant() {
318					// The mapassign operation could not be done at compile
319					// time. Do it at runtime instead.
320					m := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).Value()
321					fr.markDirty(m)
322					llvmParams := []llvm.Value{
323						m,                                    // *runtime.hashmap
324						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).Value(), // key
325						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).Value(), // value
326						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(3)).Value(), // context
327						fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(4)).Value(), // parentHandle
328					}
329					fr.builder.CreateCall(callee, llvmParams, "")
330					continue
331				}
332				m.PutBinary(keyBuf, valPtr)
333			case callee.Name() == "runtime.stringConcat":
334				// adding two strings together
335				buf1Ptr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
336				buf1Len := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1))
337				buf2Ptr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2))
338				buf2Len := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(3))
339				buf1 := getStringBytes(buf1Ptr, buf1Len.Value())
340				buf2 := getStringBytes(buf2Ptr, buf2Len.Value())
341				result := []byte(string(buf1) + string(buf2))
342				vals := make([]llvm.Value, len(result))
343				for i := range vals {
344					vals[i] = llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), uint64(result[i]), false)
345				}
346				globalType := llvm.ArrayType(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), len(result))
347				globalValue := llvm.ConstArray(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), vals)
348				global := llvm.AddGlobal(fr.Mod, globalType, fr.packagePath+"$stringconcat")
349				global.SetInitializer(globalValue)
350				global.SetLinkage(llvm.InternalLinkage)
351				global.SetGlobalConstant(true)
352				global.SetUnnamedAddr(true)
353				stringType := fr.Mod.GetTypeByName("runtime._string")
354				retPtr := llvm.ConstGEP(global, getLLVMIndices(fr.Mod.Context().Int32Type(), []uint32{0, 0}))
355				retLen := llvm.ConstInt(stringType.StructElementTypes()[1], uint64(len(result)), false)
356				ret := llvm.ConstNull(stringType)
357				ret = llvm.ConstInsertValue(ret, retPtr, []uint32{0})
358				ret = llvm.ConstInsertValue(ret, retLen, []uint32{1})
359				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, ret}
360			case callee.Name() == "runtime.sliceCopy":
361				elementSize := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(4)).(*LocalValue).Value().ZExtValue()
362				dstArray := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).stripPointerCasts()
363				srcArray := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).stripPointerCasts()
364				dstLen := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).(*LocalValue)
365				srcLen := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(3)).(*LocalValue)
366				if elementSize != 1 && dstArray.Type().ElementType().TypeKind() == llvm.ArrayTypeKind && srcArray.Type().ElementType().TypeKind() == llvm.ArrayTypeKind {
367					// Slice data pointers are created by adding a global array
368					// and getting the address of the first element using a GEP.
369					// However, before the compiler can pass it to
370					// runtime.sliceCopy, it has to perform a bitcast to a *i8,
371					// to make it a unsafe.Pointer. Now, when the IR builder
372					// sees a bitcast of a GEP with zero indices, it will make
373					// a bitcast of the original array instead of the GEP,
374					// which breaks our assumptions.
375					// Re-add this GEP, in the hope that it it is then of the correct type...
376					dstArrayValue, err := dstArray.GetElementPtr([]uint32{0, 0})
377					if err != nil {
378						return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
379					}
380					dstArray = dstArrayValue.(*LocalValue)
381					srcArrayValue, err := srcArray.GetElementPtr([]uint32{0, 0})
382					if err != nil {
383						return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
384					}
385					srcArray = srcArrayValue.(*LocalValue)
386				}
387				if fr.Eval.TargetData.TypeAllocSize(dstArray.Type().ElementType()) != elementSize {
388					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: slice dst element size does not match pointer type"))
389				}
390				if fr.Eval.TargetData.TypeAllocSize(srcArray.Type().ElementType()) != elementSize {
391					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: slice src element size does not match pointer type"))
392				}
393				if dstArray.Type() != srcArray.Type() {
394					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: slice element types don't match"))
395				}
396				length := dstLen.Value().SExtValue()
397				if srcLength := srcLen.Value().SExtValue(); srcLength < length {
398					length = srcLength
399				}
400				if length < 0 {
401					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: trying to copy a slice with negative length?"))
402				}
403				for i := int64(0); i < length; i++ {
404					var err error
405					// *dst = *src
406					dstArray.Store(srcArray.Load())
407					// dst++
408					dstArrayValue, err := dstArray.GetElementPtr([]uint32{1})
409					if err != nil {
410						return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
411					}
412					dstArray = dstArrayValue.(*LocalValue)
413					// src++
414					srcArrayValue, err := srcArray.GetElementPtr([]uint32{1})
415					if err != nil {
416						return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, err)
417					}
418					srcArray = srcArrayValue.(*LocalValue)
419				}
420			case callee.Name() == "runtime.stringToBytes":
421				// convert a string to a []byte
422				bufPtr := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0))
423				bufLen := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1))
424				result := getStringBytes(bufPtr, bufLen.Value())
425				vals := make([]llvm.Value, len(result))
426				for i := range vals {
427					vals[i] = llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), uint64(result[i]), false)
428				}
429				globalType := llvm.ArrayType(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), len(result))
430				globalValue := llvm.ConstArray(fr.Mod.Context().Int8Type(), vals)
431				global := llvm.AddGlobal(fr.Mod, globalType, fr.packagePath+"$bytes")
432				global.SetInitializer(globalValue)
433				global.SetLinkage(llvm.InternalLinkage)
434				global.SetGlobalConstant(true)
435				global.SetUnnamedAddr(true)
436				sliceType := inst.Type()
437				retPtr := llvm.ConstGEP(global, getLLVMIndices(fr.Mod.Context().Int32Type(), []uint32{0, 0}))
438				retLen := llvm.ConstInt(sliceType.StructElementTypes()[1], uint64(len(result)), false)
439				ret := llvm.ConstNull(sliceType)
440				ret = llvm.ConstInsertValue(ret, retPtr, []uint32{0}) // ptr
441				ret = llvm.ConstInsertValue(ret, retLen, []uint32{1}) // len
442				ret = llvm.ConstInsertValue(ret, retLen, []uint32{2}) // cap
443				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, ret}
444			case callee.Name() == "runtime.typeAssert":
445				actualTypeInt := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
446				assertedType := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
447				if actualTypeInt.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() || actualTypeInt.Opcode() != llvm.PtrToInt {
448					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: expected typecode in runtime.typeAssert to be a ptrtoint"))
449				}
450				actualType := actualTypeInt.Operand(0)
451				if actualType.IsAConstant().IsNil() || assertedType.IsAConstant().IsNil() {
452					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: unimplemented: type assert with non-constant interface value"))
453				}
454				assertOk := uint64(0)
455				if llvm.ConstExtractValue(actualType.Initializer(), []uint32{0}) == assertedType {
456					assertOk = 1
457				}
458				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), assertOk, false)}
459			case callee.Name() == "runtime.interfaceImplements":
460				typecode := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
461				interfaceMethodSet := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
462				if typecode.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() || typecode.Opcode() != llvm.PtrToInt {
463					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: expected typecode to be a ptrtoint"))
464				}
465				typecode = typecode.Operand(0)
466				if interfaceMethodSet.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() || interfaceMethodSet.Opcode() != llvm.GetElementPtr {
467					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: expected method set in runtime.interfaceImplements to be a constant gep"))
468				}
469				interfaceMethodSet = interfaceMethodSet.Operand(0).Initializer()
470				methodSet := llvm.ConstExtractValue(typecode.Initializer(), []uint32{1})
471				if methodSet.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() || methodSet.Opcode() != llvm.GetElementPtr {
472					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: expected method set to be a constant gep"))
473				}
474				methodSet = methodSet.Operand(0).Initializer()
476				// Make a set of all the methods on the concrete type, for
477				// easier checking in the next step.
478				definedMethods := map[string]struct{}{}
479				for i := 0; i < methodSet.Type().ArrayLength(); i++ {
480					methodInfo := llvm.ConstExtractValue(methodSet, []uint32{uint32(i)})
481					name := llvm.ConstExtractValue(methodInfo, []uint32{0}).Name()
482					definedMethods[name] = struct{}{}
483				}
484				// Check whether all interface methods are also in the list
485				// of defined methods calculated above.
486				implements := uint64(1) // i1 true
487				for i := 0; i < interfaceMethodSet.Type().ArrayLength(); i++ {
488					name := llvm.ConstExtractValue(interfaceMethodSet, []uint32{uint32(i)}).Name()
489					if _, ok := definedMethods[name]; !ok {
490						// There is a method on the interface that is not
491						// implemented by the type.
492						implements = 0 // i1 false
493						break
494					}
495				}
496				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), implements, false)}
497			case callee.Name() == "runtime.nanotime":
498				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int64Type(), 0, false)}
499			case callee.Name() == "llvm.dbg.value":
500				// do nothing
501			case strings.HasPrefix(callee.Name(), "llvm.lifetime."):
502				// do nothing
503			case callee.Name() == "runtime.trackPointer":
504				// do nothing
505			case strings.HasPrefix(callee.Name(), "runtime.print") || callee.Name() == "runtime._panic":
506				// This are all print instructions, which necessarily have side
507				// effects but no results.
508				// TODO: print an error when executing runtime._panic (with the
509				// exact error message it would print at runtime).
510				var params []llvm.Value
511				for i := 0; i < inst.OperandsCount()-1; i++ {
512					operand := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(i)).Value()
513					fr.markDirty(operand)
514					params = append(params, operand)
515				}
516				// TODO: accurate debug info, including call chain
517				fr.builder.CreateCall(callee, params, inst.Name())
518			case !callee.IsAFunction().IsNil() && callee.IsDeclaration():
519				// external functions
520				var params []llvm.Value
521				for i := 0; i < inst.OperandsCount()-1; i++ {
522					operand := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(i)).Value()
523					fr.markDirty(operand)
524					params = append(params, operand)
525				}
526				// TODO: accurate debug info, including call chain
527				result := fr.builder.CreateCall(callee, params, inst.Name())
528				if inst.Type().TypeKind() != llvm.VoidTypeKind {
529					fr.markDirty(result)
530					fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, result}
531				}
532			case !callee.IsAFunction().IsNil():
533				// regular function
534				var params []Value
535				dirtyParams := false
536				for i := 0; i < inst.OperandsCount()-1; i++ {
537					local := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(i))
538					if !local.IsConstant() {
539						dirtyParams = true
540					}
541					params = append(params, local)
542				}
543				var ret Value
544				scanResult, err := fr.hasSideEffects(callee)
545				if err != nil {
546					return nil, nil, err
547				}
548				if scanResult.severity == sideEffectLimited || dirtyParams && scanResult.severity != sideEffectAll {
549					// Side effect is bounded. This means the operation invokes
550					// side effects (like calling an external function) but it
551					// is known at compile time which side effects it invokes.
552					// This means the function can be called at runtime and the
553					// affected globals can be marked dirty at compile time.
554					llvmParams := make([]llvm.Value, len(params))
555					for i, param := range params {
556						llvmParams[i] = param.Value()
557					}
558					result := fr.builder.CreateCall(callee, llvmParams, inst.Name())
559					ret = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, result}
560					// mark all mentioned globals as dirty
561					for global := range scanResult.mentionsGlobals {
562						fr.markDirty(global)
563					}
564				} else {
565					// Side effect is one of:
566					//   * None: no side effects, can be fully interpreted at
567					//     compile time.
568					//   * Unbounded: cannot call at runtime so we'll try to
569					//     interpret anyway and hope for the best.
570					ret, err = fr.function(callee, params, indent+"    ")
571					if err != nil {
572						// Record this function call in the backtrace.
573						err.Traceback = append(err.Traceback, ErrorLine{
574							Pos:  getPosition(inst),
575							Inst: inst,
576						})
577						return nil, nil, err
578					}
579				}
580				if inst.Type().TypeKind() != llvm.VoidTypeKind {
581					fr.locals[inst] = ret
582				}
583			default:
584				// function pointers, etc.
585				return nil, nil, fr.unsupportedInstructionError(inst)
586			}
587		case !inst.IsAExtractValueInst().IsNil():
588			agg := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue) // must be constant
589			indices := inst.Indices()
590			if agg.Underlying.IsConstant() {
591				newValue := llvm.ConstExtractValue(agg.Underlying, indices)
592				fr.locals[inst] = fr.getValue(newValue)
593			} else {
594				if len(indices) != 1 {
595					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: cannot handle extractvalue with not exactly 1 index"))
596				}
597				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateExtractValue(agg.Underlying, int(indices[0]), inst.Name())}
598			}
599		case !inst.IsAInsertValueInst().IsNil():
600			agg := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue) // must be constant
601			val := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1))
602			indices := inst.Indices()
603			if agg.IsConstant() && val.IsConstant() {
604				newValue := llvm.ConstInsertValue(agg.Underlying, val.Value(), indices)
605				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, newValue}
606			} else {
607				if len(indices) != 1 {
608					return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: cannot handle insertvalue with not exactly 1 index"))
609				}
610				fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateInsertValue(agg.Underlying, val.Value(), int(indices[0]), inst.Name())}
611			}
612		case !inst.IsASelectInst().IsNil():
613			// var result T
614			// if cond {
615			//   result = x
616			// } else {
617			//   result = y
618			// }
619			// return result
620			cond := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
621			x := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(1)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
622			y := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(2)).(*LocalValue).Underlying
623			fr.locals[inst] = &LocalValue{fr.Eval, fr.builder.CreateSelect(cond, x, y, "")}
625		case !inst.IsAReturnInst().IsNil() && inst.OperandsCount() == 0:
626			return nil, nil, nil // ret void
627		case !inst.IsAReturnInst().IsNil() && inst.OperandsCount() == 1:
628			return fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)), nil, nil
629		case !inst.IsABranchInst().IsNil() && inst.OperandsCount() == 3:
630			// conditional branch (if/then/else)
631			cond := fr.getLocal(inst.Operand(0)).Value()
632			if cond.Type() != fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type() {
633				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("expected an i1 in a branch instruction"))
634			}
635			thenBB := inst.Operand(1)
636			elseBB := inst.Operand(2)
637			if !cond.IsAInstruction().IsNil() {
638				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: branch on a non-constant"))
639			}
640			if !cond.IsAConstantExpr().IsNil() {
641				// This may happen when the instruction builder could not
642				// const-fold some instructions.
643				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("interp: branch on a non-const-propagated constant expression"))
644			}
645			switch cond {
646			case llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), 0, false): // false
647				return nil, []llvm.Value{thenBB}, nil // then
648			case llvm.ConstInt(fr.Mod.Context().Int1Type(), 1, false): // true
649				return nil, []llvm.Value{elseBB}, nil // else
650			default:
651				return nil, nil, fr.errorAt(inst, errors.New("branch was not true or false"))
652			}
653		case !inst.IsABranchInst().IsNil() && inst.OperandsCount() == 1:
654			// unconditional branch (goto)
655			return nil, []llvm.Value{inst.Operand(0)}, nil
656		case !inst.IsAUnreachableInst().IsNil():
657			// Unreachable was reached (e.g. after a call to panic()).
658			// Report this as an error, as it is not supposed to happen.
659			// This is a sentinel error value.
660			return nil, nil, errUnreachable
662		default:
663			return nil, nil, fr.unsupportedInstructionError(inst)
664		}
665	}
667	panic("interp: reached end of basic block without terminator")
670// Get the Value for an operand, which is a constant value of some sort.
671func (fr *frame) getLocal(v llvm.Value) Value {
672	if ret, ok := fr.locals[v]; ok {
673		return ret
674	} else if value := fr.getValue(v); value != nil {
675		return value
676	} else {
677		// This should not happen under normal circumstances.
678		panic("cannot find value")
679	}